Sunday, March 24, 2013

Cleansing their towns of Negroes, and Pistolvania earns its name.

I watched an excellent documentary today about the way white folks drove blacks out of some Southern towns and stole their land. It is called "Banished" , and it is recommended viewing for anyone who wants to learn more about America's history and the "ethnic cleansing" that took place in some places back in the day.

It's interesting how George H. Bush sent payments and apologies to Japanese Americans who were wrongfully imprisoned in internment camps but the descendants of people who were driven out of towns and had their land stolen from under them get zilch.

Shhh..... we can't have anything reminding us of America's shameful history when it comes to the treatment of black folks.

Anyway, you are about to see why I call my home state Pistolvania. Besides the shootings that takes place all too often in my hometown of Philadelphia, we have folks the rural areas of our state forgetting that they have their guns for hunting animals and not people.

"PETERSBURG, Pa. (AP) — A central Pennsylvania father shot and killed his 2-year-old son and wounded his estranged wife during a custody exchange before killing himself, authorities said.
Police said Kenneth Ayers also shot at his mother during the altercation Saturday morning at her home in a rural area about 20 miles southwest of State College.

Huntingdon County District Attorney George Zanic said Ayers, 52, was subject to a protection from abuse order filed by his wife but was permitted visits with his son, Michael.

Saturday's visit was to happen at his mother's home in Barree Township. But once at the home, Ayers got into an altercation with his estranged wife, Hollie Jo, and shot her in the legs and arm with a .40 caliber handgun before intentionally shooting his son, police said.

Kenneth Ayers placed the child's body in the back of his vehicle but the wounded woman retrieved the body before Ayers shot her again in the face, police said. He also fired at his mother but missed.
"Words can't describe the scene ... heartbreaking," Zanic told The (Altoona) Mirror outside the home.

Kenneth Ayers' body was found several hours later in his parked truck in a wooded area in Warriors Mark Township. Investigators said he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Hollie Jo Ayers was transported to a hospital and expected to survive, according to police."

State police Cpl. Daniel Sneath said investigators are trying to determine what led to the shooting and why Ayers was carrying a gun despite the protection order.

Police will also seek an autopsy to determine whether Kenneth Ayers was under the influence drugs or alcohol. [Source]

Please feel free to insert a cliché here.

Finally, speaking of shootings; it turns out that the daddy of that white supremacist who shot and killed that prison warden in Colorado was friends with the governor of the state.

I guess no matter how hard you try you just can't control who your children chooses to associate with.

Of course we will now here that Evan was a "wonderful and loving" kid, and that the only reason he snapped was because the evil people who run the prisons placed him solitary confinement.

"Attorney Jack Ebel testified before the Colorado Legislature two years ago that solitary confinement in a Colorado prison was destroying the psyche of his son, Evan.

When Jack Ebel's longtime friend, Gov. John Hickenlooper, was interviewing a Missouri corrections official for the top prisons job in Colorado, he mentioned the case as an example of why the prison system needed reform. And once Tom Clements came to Colorado, he eased the use of solitary confinement and tried to make it easier for people housed there to re-enter society.
Now authorities are investigating whether Evan Spencer Ebel, who was paroled in January, is linked to the assassination of Clements, who was shot and killed Tuesday night when he answered the front door of his house in a rural neighborhood. [Source]

I guess Evan wasn't too pleased with the Warden's reforms.





  1. Brandon8:08 PM

    FN, I assume you got my e-mail about the attack on a black man in Waikiki. Do you have any comment on it?

  2. Shhhhhh, why you bringing up old stuff Field? You know HIStory ain't about us. Didn't Jesse Lee teach you anything? Them negroes probably forced them good white folks to take their land, they were scared to death of them darkies.

  3. cc that racist bankster hobama's superior cleansing via gentrification


  4. NSangoma8:53 PM


    Nggier keep on running; and if you can't read this sign, run anyway!


  5. "State police Cpl. Daniel Sneath said investigators are trying to determine what led to the shooting and why Ayers was carrying a gun despite the protection order."

    Oh jaysis. How would a criminal get a gun in America? Think there might be some nexis between guns, bitter disputes & violence? Keep at it, something's bound to turn up

    "Police will also seek an autopsy to determine whether Kenneth Ayers was under the influence drugs or alcohol. [Source]

    Please feel free to insert a cliché here."

    Ok, Here goes: and so ends yet another midlife crisis gone horribly bad. Join us next week for the return of the zombie face-eater.

    "Of course we will now here that Evan was a "wonderful and loving" kid, and that the only reason he snapped was because the evil people who run the prisons placed him solitary confinement."

    Actually, his father is on record as saying that something (was) psychologically wrong with his son, as with so many caught up in our prison-industrial-complex, that oriented him toward criminal and other anti-social behaviors. His public policy argument, seemingly borne out by facts, was that long term isolation only makes such people exponentially more dangerous when they return, as more than 90% of the long term isolated eventually do, to society.

    In California we release people straight from supermax isolation, often after they've served their complete sentence and then their parole locked up in solitary so that no one is even keeping tabs on them once they're released. Think about that: from no human contact straight to unrestrained freedom. It's almost as if someone has an interest in them re-offending and returning to the cage.

  6. The Japanese only got 20K for reparations for the internment camps--would that be an acceptable amount for you for reparations for slavery?

    And Even shot that warden (or whatever he's called,) because he was pissed that the warden was weakening the white supremacist groups in CO prisons. I wonder what they're saying about the killing on Stormfront.

  7. Rasmer10:15 PM

    "it is recommended viewing for anyone who wants to learn more about America's history and the "ethnic cleansing" that took place in some places back in the day."

    How about back in 60's, when my family was ethnically cleansed from East Cleveland by government-sponsored blacks? They and millions of white families across America had to sell their homes for pennies on the dollar and flee the riots and crime the settlers brought with them.

    How the fuck does some Jamaican phony lecture Americans on race? You have no idea what the real history is.

  8. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Field, "It's interesting how George H. Bush sent payments and apologies to Japanese Americans who were wrongfully imprisoned in internment camps but the descendants of people who were driven out of towns and had their land stolen from under them get zilch."

    Field, you are mixing apples and oranges. Japanese-Americans united politically to demand an apology from their country for the wrongs done to them.

    They weren't slaves, they were immigrants who were citizens who were wrongfully jailed. This was so shameful of America that something had to be done.

    With regard to Blacks we were former slaves and therefore considered less than human at the time. Actually, we are still considered less than others. And we still support that by black on black crime, little to NO parenting of our children, out of wedlock children, black on black killings, etc. NONE of this is happening in the Japanese community. In fact, they have risen in stature because of good parenting, higher education, and little crime, if any.

    Japanese help each other to be the best they can be. I'll leave it to you to figure out how Negroes treat each other.

    It's depressing. We really need to listen to voices like Rev Peterson who is successful himself and has media clout. You should join him in lifting us up!

  9. Anonymous1:22 AM

    "Shhh..... we can't have anything reminding us of America's shameful history when it comes to the treatment of black folks."

    Yeah, that is the problem with Negroes. Most don't know shit about history because they aren't interested in educating themselves.

    Field, I am sure you have heard the joke: "If you want to kewhere it is safe, hide it in a book." It's true, isn't it?

  10. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Anonymous Brandon said...

    FN, I assume you got my e-mail about the attack on a black man in Waikiki. Do you have any comment on it?

    Don Ho? Did he know something about Obama's long form?

  11. "How the fuck does some Jamaican phony lecture Americans on race? You have no idea what the real history is."

    I am sure I know quite a bit more than you.

    Besides, I am still pised about all the bauxite you stole from us.

    Thanks Brandon, I will check out that story.

  12. When referring to the ethnic cleansing through “banishing”of blacks people by whites, Rasmer said: “How the fuck does some Jamaican phony lecture Americans on race?

    You’re correct, but from a different angle, Amerikkkans cannot and refuse to be lectured as it relates to race because it’ll be a losing battle. Surely they won’t win because of their collectively, devilish deeds!


    You have no idea what the real history is (when referring to Field Negro).

    Clearly you don’t know jack sh$t about the history of race in this country. Why are you being so selective? Are we supposed to be concerned about the plight of a few white families that were uprooted over millions of blacks that were not only captured, transported across the Atlantic, enslaved, lynched and not only banished in some instances, but loss their life. Think prior to posting……. Whew!

  13. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Sangoma, "Nggier keep on running; and if you can't read this sign, run anyway!"

    Wow. Where in US history did tha above statement come from?

    I bet you made it up to try to make Whites look bad. Well, it's not working.

  14. FIELD this is LaCubanadeMatanza from twitter I am going to send you something as well( a tweet)

    I was a Afrikan studies prof for many yrs before i passed the bar here And in my state there is a city of the same status. Now completely gone

    Chicken do come home Ask the Sandy residents about that town before the hurricane

  15. PilotX said...
    Shhhhhh, why you bringing up old stuff Field? You know HIStory ain't about us. Didn't Jesse Lee teach you anything? Them negroes probably forced them good white folks to take their land, they were scared to death of them darkies.

    His myth is not as great as our history And i hope field keeps talking and you as well..Fact is this is not about GHOSTS
    There is something many do not know about but I do..The beginning of the hurricane and from where they come.Its time for some serious reflection AFRIKANS!

  16. dead-eye1:39 PM

    field, nice anecdotes you got there. A couple of nuts commit murder, which are sad facts that change nothing with respect to the undeniable social pathologies that degrade blacks around the world.

    OVER HALF of all murders in the US are committed by blacks. Moreover, virtually all those murders are committed by young black males -- between the ages of 15 and 30.

    Blacks account for 13% of the population, but commit 51% of the murders. So it doesn't matter how many anecdotes you collect about whites committing murder -- the murder problem is many many times worse among blacks.

    You oughta stop dancing away from the problem and admit it. If the black murder rate dropped as low as the white murder rate, we'd be living in a far better country.

    However, blacks seem uninterested in making a better country. Instead, blacks are determined to demonize whites, perhaps hoping that whites start killing people at the same rate as blacks.

    Do you view the black homicide rate as the "normal" base line for the US? In your view, are whites lagging in this department?

    Of course we know the murder rate in black nations from Haiti to Jamaica to Africa is many, many times worse than the murder rate in the black segment of the US population. So it's not as though you've got an exemplary black nation to hold up as a guide for peace and prosperity.

  17. How about back in 60's, when my family was ethnically cleansed from East Cleveland by government-sponsored blacks? They and millions of white families across America had to sell their homes for pennies on the dollar and flee the riots and crime the settlers brought with them.

    You mean a bunch of dumb ass racists who'd rather sell their houses for pennies on the dollar than live near black people. They deserved everything that happened to them.

  18. Lt. Commander Johnson2:03 PM

    field, being a lawyer, I would think you would NEVER post this about a defendant.

    Sure, he's probably guilty as hell, but that's for a jury to decide. (Remember, OJ was innocent)

    I hope they fry the bastard. BUT. You should't be taking sides.

  19. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Black Sage, "Clearly you don’t know jack sh$t about the history of race in this country. Why are you being so selective? Are we supposed to be concerned about the plight of a few white families that were uprooted over millions of blacks that were not only captured, transported across the Atlantic, enslaved, lynched and not only banished in some instances, but loss their life. Think prior to posting……. Whew!"

    7:43 AM
    You sir, need to learn how to forgive and love. You comment is very unkind, much like this passive-aggressive post is. The past is the's over. Today, we are all equal before the law and God.

  20. A few day back you mention our law maker in Carroll co. Arkansas, He has been up to his old tricks. He wrote a bill and got passed that Arkansas had to have ID to vote.
    I thought Oh heck! but never fear our Governor Beebe VETOED it!
    The reason for the voter ID push we have a lot of people moved in from south of here that speak Spanish!
    We have a Demo Gov now instead of the Huckster. Today he vetoed our paranoid Representative's voter ID law. It seems the repubs, like the King of NW AR that our district sent to the nut house in Little Rock, are always crying for the less government at less cost until it comes to trying to shape things to their own ideals. Then, they want more and more government at greater cost in both $$ and freedoms. King want less government except when he does not. He wants to cut government spending, except when he does not.

  21. "OVER HALF of all murders in the US are committed by blacks. Moreover, virtually all those murders are committed by young black males -- between the ages of 15 and 30."

    Seeing that over half of all murders are unsolved you can't make that comment with any degree of certainty.

  22. Well, I will do my best to check out this documentary Field. And yeah, as a decendant of slaves, I would accept $20K as repirations...its not as much as anyone deserves, but dammit at least its something.

  23. Funny; one might thing that th 50 years of cradle to grave support most of you receive from the state would be reparation enough.


    Did someone try to tell Afrikans that since Tulsa there has been no massacre of Afrikans?
    If they were only Afrikans nothing would have ever come of this had not one woman stood her ground
    Let’s get real here all you citizens of Florida, during the 1930′s, 1940′s, 1950′s and the the 1960′s Marianna Fl was the center and a stronghold for Ku Klux Klan activity, lynching of black males along with unspeakable rape, torture and murder of white and black boys at the Dozier School for Boys was the order of the day. Dozier school guards, administration, and the local Marianna Sheriff were all linked to the violent KKK. Just what do you think happened to the black boys at the Dozier School For Boys in the 1950′s and the 1960′s.

    KKK activism increased as a reaction against the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Among the more notorious murders by Klan members in Florida are the torture and lynching of Claude Neal in Marianna Fl; Marianna Daily Times-Courier, Marianna Fl, October 26, 1934. “Big Preparation Made for Lynching Tonight” of the Negro Claude Neal.

    Dozier School for Boys guard, Troy Elmer Tidwell was 10 years old and living in Marianna Fl when Claude Neal (Mr. Neal appears to have been innocent of any crimes and was hung and mutilated just for being “black”) was lynched in Marianna by the “Lynch Committee of Six,”, “Men, women, and children were numbered in the vast throng that came to witness the lynching.

    It is reported from reliable sources that the little children, some of them mere tots, who lived in the Greenwood neighborhood, waited with sharpened sticks for the return of Neal’s body and that when it rolled in the dust on the road that awful night these little children drove their weapons deep into the flesh of the dead man”. Claude Neal’s body was hung to a tree on the northeast corner of the Marianna courthouse square and left hanging for over 24 hours.

  25. Same line of thought different motive"
    I asked Field to share this and I am glad that he didn't . Thank you Field for giving me back my ball..I need to and must expose this.

    I live in the sunshine state and have practiced law here for a long time as a member of the 11th Circuit
    However, I have never come across or heard of such cruelty.

    And this includes my knowledge of Afrikan freeman, and our peoples expulsion from the so called SUNDOWN towns like Hampton Va, Ashville NC, Evansville Ind Or "leave now or die" Forsyth County Ga.

    This includes several views of men being put to death in Americas death chambers. Where the life and breath of living breathing humans of all races are snuffed out with impunity and exact timing

    This hits home and more so because of my huge extended family and love for children ( we have 5 sons and 3 adopted children from Afrika and Cuba).

    So, here is the URL(2) and a few words from me.

    Today, the PTB are not burning down communities however, we now know that he has once again assisted in the murders, humiliation and death of hundreds, race not being a mitigating factor

    So, what is so new and different from TULSA and ROSEWOOD or any other terror exacted upon we the people of the Americas?
    Nothing but the date


  26. And the band plays on:

    ***Announcement: What Makes Me White? Part Two is now in production.
    What makes me white?

    I have seen no white people EVER have you?

    Is my mottled and varied skin like a flag
    that signals which side I’m on?
    And which side is that?

    So begins What Makes Me White?, a startling new film
    about the role of race in the daily lives of white people.
    Designed as a gentle tool for the classroom, boardroom, and church
    basement, the film avoids blame, guilt, or "political correctnesss."
    Instead, it inspires white people to honest reflection about the invisible
    influence of whiteness on their personalities and their life choices.

    This brave film gets personal in tackling the brutalities, silences,
    and sadnesses that attend becoming white. In doing so, it also
    takes us to the structures of inequality that make people live
    with the inhumanities of whiteness. What Makes Me White?
    is terrific, a knockout.

    David Roediger
    University of Illinois
    Author, The Wages of Whiteness

    The 15-minute DVD takes a uniquely inquiring, often poetic approach
    to an often difficult subject. Starting with her own story of a childhood
    in the suburbs, Emmy Award-winning filmmaker A.M. Sands gradually
    weaves in the stories of other white people. People of color frame
    these stories with eye-opening observations, some of them funny,
    some of them sharp-edged. Together, these narratives create a
    portrait of whiteness as a learned social identity, one that is vividly
    experienced by people of color, but largely unnoticed by whites.

  27. My son sent this to me and I asked him " Do you ever get sick lol

    I watched and still overstand that its up to me'
    When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I went to Cuba In Cuba i was told that i had a tumor and they removed it 14 yrs ago No chemo no radiation and i am well
    I am a survivor because I took my health into my own hands.

    UNNATURAL CAUSES is the acclaimed documentary series broadcast by PBS and now used by thousands of organizations around the country to tackle the root causes of our alarming socio-economic and racial inequities in health.

    The four-hour series crisscrosses the nation uncovering startling new findings that suggest there is much more to our health than bad habits, health care, or unlucky genes. The social circumstances in which we are born, live, and work can actually get under our skin and disrupt our physiology as much as germs and viruses.

    ( more . . . )


    In Sickness and In Wealth (56 min.) How does the distribution of power, wealth and resources shape opportunities for health?

    When the Bough Breaks (29 min.) Can racism become embedded in the body and affect birth outcomes?

    Becoming American (29 min.) Latino immigrants arrive healthy, so why don’t they stay that way?

    Bad Sugar (29 min.) What are the connections between diabetes, oppression, and empowerment in two Native American communities?

    Place Matters (29 min.) Why is your street address such a strong predictor of your health? (This episode is available as a stand-alone DVD with English, Lao, Hmong, Vietnamese, Mandarin and Cantonese audio, as well as English and Mandarin subtitles.)

    Collateral Damage (29 min.) How do Marshall Islanders pay for globalization and U.S. military policy with their health?

    Not Just a Paycheck (30 min.) Why do layoffs take such a huge toll in Michigan but cause hardly a ripple in Sweden?

    The entire Unnatural Causes series is available on DVD in English, with Spanish audio as well as English and Spanish subtitle options. To buy the DVD click here.

    The "Place Matters" episode is available on a stand-alone DVD with English, Lao, Hmong, Vietnamese, Mandarin and Cantonese audio, as well as English and Mandarin subtitles. To buy this DVD click here.

  28. "... white folks drove blacks out of some Southern towns and stole their land..."

    Whose land? It is + was ALL stolen land, uhh! Stolen at the point of a gun from Native Americans... now whites + their formers slaves are both benefiting from a past genocide... regardless of what you did to each other!
