Monday, March 25, 2013

When ignorance meets fame, and are there strange fruits to be found in Delaware?

It's time to attack black.

The last time I called out a rapper and put him in the house for some ignorant s*** he did, I got a couple of nasty e-mails from some clown who claimed to be in his crew telling me that I better "protect my neck."

Well I am still here, and if you want to get at me I am not hard to find. I will be that bald headed black dude on my courthouse grind every day getting all kinds of love from the sartorial connoisseurs.

So anyway, the latest rapper on my radar is the ignorant Negro who dropped the following lyrics:

Put molly all in her champagne, she aint even know it. I took her home and I enjoyed that, she aint even know it.

So we are encouraging date rape in rap songs, now? This is even more troubling because this particular rapper happens to be one of the most popular in the rap game right now. Rick Ross is large in more ways than one, but Rick Ross has to understand that with fame comes responsibility, and there are just certain things that you should not brag about: Raping your date comes to mind.

Sorry Mr. Maybach man, I have to co-sign with the editorial from Urban Daily.

"The timing of this lyric couldn’t be worse as women in Delhi fight to protect their womanhood from rape and young boys in America are being sent to jail because they think it’s ok to have sex with women who are too drunk or high to give consent.

No. No. No. This is not cool, swag or “bawse.” I don’t care how many vaginal assaults a drugged-out actress asks for on Twitter, it is not acceptable to preach the practice of drugging women to have sex with them “without them even knowing.” If she didn’t know she didn’t give consent. And if she didn’t give consent she was raped. You’re out here telling your fans that it’s cool to rape women and YOU don’t even know it."

I hope he doesn't know it. Sadly, though, I think he does.

Finally, somebody posted a comment after one of my previous posts (I wish I could remember who it is to give them proper credit) about alleged lynchings that took place in the state of Delaware which is just a hop, skip and jump down I-95 from the kid. If true, it is an extremely troubling development. So obviously, me being the racism chaser than I am, I decided to look into it.

I am sad to report that the person who left the comment wasn't just blowing smoke. There is something to the story and it should be looked into by a responsible and trustworthy law enforcement organization.

I know it's the VP's state, (some are already claiming a liberal cover-up) but Eric Holder might want to put some boots on the ground there just to see what's up. Let the chips fall where they may. If the VP is embarrassed because some people in his state feel like getting their KKK on, well then so be it.


  1. Field, we won't have to deal with this overweight negro rapper too much longer.

    He'll be dead from a major myocardial infarction in 2 years tops!

  2. Wesley R10:48 PM

    Rock Ross and his Bama flunkies represent bogus rap not Hip Hop. Here's Hip Hop referring to your other story " Beware of the hand when it's coming from the left I ain't trippin' just watch your step, Can't Truss It" Public Enemy '91

  3. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Rick Ross, a.k.a. Officer Ricky, a college-educated former P.O., absolutely knows better. Well, once the heat gets on him, he'll wish he didn't utter such a line that pays homage to mimicked mutant behavior. Date rape is the mutant thing, but more and more, many lost souls are starting to embrace the larger culture in all of it sexist, misogynist infamy and opprobrious behavior. I guess if you view yourself as a fat disgusting slug, then perhaps you feel you have to resort to that. We used to be above wanton, depraved mutant behavior, but the longer we stay on these shores with these creatures, the more craven and less than human we become.

    Seriously, LeBron's move to Miami is a metaphor for what Negroes should do in terms of taking our unique talents, skills, and abilities on a Garvey-esque pilgrimage to more hospitable Diasporan climes. There are expat communities in Ghana and Brazil, so I'm told---and, with the rise of China's influence in Africa, choosing Africa (a friend has been in Azania (read: South Africa) since we graduated near a quarter century ago. Here, we top the Misery Index and if we all left, it would be a thrill watching the larger society kvetch and moan about there being no more humans to entertain them. "Are you not entertained!!!!!" Eh, no.

  4. Brother Field....I used to thimk badly of the foolishness of my people until I came to the conclusion that a hell of a lot of them have never been exposed to what is right. Now before I hear a lot about judging people....yes I am. I had the misfortune to experiencing how they live...The misfortune was that I used "something" to make it though the war. Every so often in my life I have used this something to get by. I am sorry that this behavior allowed me to live "greasy" when I had to be in the hood. Too many kids, young men and women go through life with no strong foundations to allow them to make good choices and to recognize what is good or bad. An example is the buying of "boosted" goods. This is seen as just "getting over". Even at my worse I had a moral compass to know what was right and what was wrong. I wish all kids could have a life beginning that I had. My family was not rich, with striving educationally and crime free, I can tell you I never fell too far from the tree. This rapper may not see his actions as bad or harmful...I only feel sorry for the kids and adults that form their morals from sad people like this rapper. And no....I may not have his fame or money...but I bet that the people that I have influence will not be a menace to their societies.

  5. Rappers spewing lyrics like this is the main reason why I do not listen to rap anymore. The state of rap these days is really in a sad state. How I long for the rap era when Digable Planets and Public Enemy ruled the air waves. To me, rap has been transmorgrified for the worst into wannabe pimps and wannabe gangsters.

  6. Anonymous3:05 AM

    "I am sad to report that the person who left the comment wasn't just blowing smoke. There is something to the story and it should be looked into by a responsible and trustworthy law enforcement organization."

    What trustworthy law enforcement?

    The Attorney General of Delaware refused to investigate. The local law enforcement agency did nothing and the Professor was arrested and lost his job.

    So I ask you again, what trustworthy law enforcement? Why don't you lend a hand? You talk a lot, but like most Negroes you just talk a lot. But I understand. If you were to try, you would lose your job just like the Professor did.

  7. Anonymous3:19 AM

    "I know it's the VP's state, (some are already claiming a liberal cover-up) but Eric Holder might want to put some boots on the ground there just to see what's up. Let the chips fall where they may. If the VP is embarrassed because some people in his state feel like getting their KKK on, well then so be it."

    Eric Holder? If he hasn't done anything yet, he won't. And neither will the President or the VP. Hell, they haven't responded to 'anything' to meet the needs of the black community. And you think someone in the Democratic Party is going to do anything about a lynching?

    This lack of response by Democrats proves what I have saying all along: "when it comes to Blacks, neither party gives a damn."

  8. Ahhh yes, " Digable Planets". Whatever happened to those guys?

    Wesley R, that was classic. And you are soooooo right. :)

    A Black Panther..., part of the problem is that way too many people (especially young ones) "form their morals" around clowns like this.

  9. He is not good enough for a myacardial attack and if he has one let him have it quickly before he is arrested for RAPE . Not on my dime

  10. Wesley R said...
    Rock Ross and his Bama flunkies represent bogus rap not Hip Hop. Here's Hip Hop referring to your other story " Beware of the hand when it's coming from the left I ain't trippin' just watch your step, Can't Truss It" Public Enemy '91

    Wesley Good post Thanks

  11. Eric Holder might want to put some boots on the ground there just to see what’s up. – Field Negro

    Sorry brotha FN, Halfrican Hobama and that so-calledd top law enforcement official Eric Holder aren’t going to intervene in any thing that’s embossed with the adjective BLACK. Why? Well, if you think about it, even though they both hold substantial public offices, at the same time they’re also both being held hostage by Amerikkka’s history as it relates to race. Both of these people are legacy chasers to the utmost for a very good reason, an existential reason I may add. That’s right, sociopathic behavior taken to the extreme for an exact purpose. Even further, another way to look at it is that their collective behavior while in their lofty government positions is in fact an example of Stockholm syndrome. Make no mistake about it, both of these guys are frozen by fear that if they did attempt to do something noble regarding race in this hell hole of country, they both will meet their doom. And that’s an unquestionable forethought.

    Check this out, in February of 2009, Eric Holder uttered the following words: "Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot in things racial, we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder said at the Justice Department in Washington, D.C.

    Mr. Holder hasn’t mentioned any thing else about race since these comments that brought the wrath from the RepubMafia and other so-called conservatives types.

    Therefore, don’t expect neither one of them to put people on the ground wearing boots, or any other type of sapatos!

  12. Anonymous said...
    We used to be above wanton, depraved mutant behavior, but the longer we stay on these shores with these creatures, the more craven and less than human we become.

    Tell us Anonymous when has man or WE ever been above the flesh or as you call it wanton depraved behaviour.?
    Its obvious that you have not been around long enough to quantify that comment. Or you simply like to read your own stuff and hear yourself talk
    OR" my brother you are in competition with a few people here who out debate you?
    Brother, please take your personal self out of the equation and find your calling, as debate is not one of them

    ps Excuse the grammar ;)

  13. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I think the bigger issue is rappers are smaller part of a BIGGER issue in this case...'drug pusher parole officer ricky.

    First, how do we teach our youth about Immortal Technique, Jasiri X, Lupe, Dead Prez, Paris, Akrobatik, Talib, NYOIl...How can we make inteligent(???), thoughtful and reflective music cool to young people.

    The likes ross will so gone like the collective efforts against the Vanilla Ices of the world.

  14. Not long ago, a man at a bar brought me an open beer to my table. He didn't have it sent to me, he brought it over himself, already open, and sat watching me while I didn't drink it. A few people laughed at me because I refused to drink it because it hadn't been opened in front of me.

    "What, you ain't never had a man buy you a drink before?"

    Because it's always ok to laugh at a woman for being cautious and taking care of herself.

  15. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Have to say, Field that after looking at those lynching links something smells, and it ain't coming the trashcan one of the young men who was hanged with his own belts allegedly stood upon.

    That said, it doesn't sound like the media (local or national) or the "authorities" have any interest in investigating these suspicious deaths. Expect more "suicides."

    Steven D

    Ps. To the poster who claimed Field isn't doing anything, he works in Philadelphia, PA, as an attorney, not Dover, DE.

  16. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Anonymous ThatDeborahGirl said...

    Not long ago, a man at a bar brought me an open beer to my table. He didn't have it sent to me, he brought it over himself, already open, and sat watching me while I didn't drink it. A few people laughed at me because I refused to drink it because it hadn't been opened in front of me.

    "What, you ain't never had a man buy you a drink before?"

    Because it's always ok to laugh at a woman for being cautious and taking care of herself.

    And somewhere somehow someway someone thought this random memory was relevant.

  17. I thought my comment was pretty much on topic. I recommend improving your reading comprehension and contextual inferences

    Everything shouldn't have to be spelled out for you, but the upshot was - support women's choices and feelings - believe them when they feel creeped out by unwanted attention from men - don't pressure, ridicule or bully women into accepting things (attention, gifts, etc) from men they don't know in the effort to help them "catch a man".

    I thought that was pretty obvious from what I said but hey, I guess it was too subtle for lesser minds.

  18. ThatDeborahGirl said...
    I thought my comment was pretty much on topic. I recommend improving your reading comprehension and contextual inferences.

    My sistah;

    Often times comments from our bredren are as such due to many reasons in this season. Bear with me now

    1. Lets consider my first thought and name it King "GUILT"

    2 Lets consider mixing King guilt" with the missing and supporting "Queen" stability

    3. Lets consider the comment as coming from one who has neither sister(s), daughters, wives female co workers or others of the gentler sex. And or those for whom he believes he has no responsibility and call it ..The blame game

    Before I move on, please accept my simple Gracias" for your insight, strong mother wit and common sense in the days of the date raper RICK ROSSES

    Last, there are people here who are simply seeking attn for a lack of cojones.
    Some indirectly, and directly disrespect women even senors like myself, and seem to be oblivious of the fact that we are the first teachers.

    I am a chess player not the best ( best at dominoes)but pretty good. And I know that when you lose your QUEEN LOL need i say more?

    Anyone who believes the rape myth that women are responsible for rape if they have been drinking can do real harm to women who have been raped. RICK ROSS the raper is one more reinforcement of a myth that is already way too prevalant.
    Those of us who think that rapists are to blame for rape will continue to believe that, no matter what the ROSSES of the world or those without cojones tell us.
    But for people who are unsure, this is just another reinforcement of an awful, dangerous mindset

    People who support this music will be EDUCATORS " friends, family members, sexual partners, doctors, and attys of women who have been raped. But, worse, women who have been raped will watch these videos, and see, yet again, that it's their fault.

    You did well sistah!

    Obviously my voice is very small, compared to the moguls who spin this BS But, I will say (again and again and again) no matter where she is, what she's taking, what she's wearing, who she's with, no woman is responsible for being raped. Rapists are always responsible for raping. And those ignorant men who believe that the survivor is at fault, will need cojones to forge enough courage to stand up against sand defend women "MAN UP" Rape is not a TORT

    Ps My family All errors are mine get over it

  19. The Rick Ross's are not our respsonsibility our women/children are

    And unless and until Afrikan men seriously join the effort like white males do in their own to stem the tide against violence in OUR communities
    The same goes for RAPE Conscious men of all races are making effort to stem this tide of violence on all levels But where are the Afrikan men?

    Rapists are not born, they are made. And the culture which creates them also creates us. The question of why some men rape is connected to the question of why sexual violence is tolerated. This connection exists at a double intersection: Between attitudes and actions, between violence and notions of masculinity. We are all connected to these intersections because this is where some men and boys have grown up

    As an educator i know some things however, i do not know how to stop the violence against women Moreover, if Afrikan men would join us we can help end violence against women one day at a time


    Do you know that you shouldn't walk home alone at night, or on unlit streets? That when walking home, you should have your house key between your fingers to poke a potential attacker in the eyes or throat?

    How about that if you don't want to be raped, you need to be sure your skirt is somebody's idea of the right length, that you don’t sway your hips when you walk, that you shouldn't be alone with new dates especially not alone in large groups of men that you shouldn't say aloud that you enjoy sex where men can hear you, shouldn't drink not because you'll get liver damage or become an alcoholic, but because it'll result in you being raped?

    Do you know that the police tell you that if someone tries to force you to have sex, that you should not fight back, but should probably just try to be nice to them? How about that if you say yes to one kind of sex, you’d best be prepared to have every other kind of sex your partner wants, and that if you want to avoid being raped, you’d best say no to ANY kind of sex, even the sex you DO want?
    Now, one can disagree if they chose but this is NOT debateable


    Does anyone think he was listening to RICK THE RAPIST ROSS?
    Ave Maria Conjo!

    This is my state

  21. Anonymous4:23 AM


    You said, "Tell us Anonymous when has man or WE ever been above the flesh or as you call it wanton depraved behaviour.?
    Its obvious that you have not been around long enough to quantify that comment."

    With all due respect, my near half a century living on these shores coupled with my experiences, formal study and knowledge of my cohort as well as my father, uncles, ancestors and so on informs my understanding that as Black men on these shores, many of whom WALKED this ENTIRE land, shortly after slavery ended, to find their families who were sold off during slavery - we are witnessing a regression toward depraved behavior that we most certainly were above not so long ago. Integration on these shores, coupled with the U.S. Government establishing drug economies (to go with CoIntelPro, assassinations, and disproportionate conscription to 'Nam) in urban centers to destroy the Civil Rights (and Hippie) Movement went a long way toward eroding our moral fabric. Thus, I'm afraid that your vantage point simply doesn't arm you with the proper knowledge to understand, here, in America the regression of which I speak. Perhaps Cuba, from whence you hail, is different. Your ignorance of the mettle of many of us men here on these shores is coming through loud and clear.

    "When has man or WE ever been above the flesh?"

    Once again, you're essentially saying, as a historical constant, that all/many/most men will succumb to the "flesh" by resorting to drugging women, which is patently absurd and problematic, as it speaks to some unresolved issue you appear to be communicating that you have towards men. In all seriousness, I apologize for whomever took advantage of, hurt or violated you. This is the subtext of what you've communicated and if it's inaccurate, blame your abject failure at syntax.

    One day, you should stop and take a minute to contemplate the arrogated gall and embarrassing, unmitigated audacity that you parade by persisting to ask people to excuse your grammatical shortcomings while accusing me of writing just because "I like to read my own stuff." Actually, I write to educate (as an educator of over a decade of teaching experience) and to actually practice persuasive writing. The thing is - after having professors such as Ali A. Marui, Omari Kikole and reading Edwidge Danticat, Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe (R.I.P.), Ngugi and others throughout the Diaspora for whom English was/is not their first language, there simply is NO EXCUSE for your grammar to remain so appallingly poor, considering Cuba's proximity and your age. It would be insulting if it wasn't so inept, I'm sorry. I mean, you're like the person who constantly asks people to excuse the mess in their home, but then wants to tell people they're an interior designer (work within the law-suggesting you do some sort of legal writing)! What a hoot! No way I'd attempt to write in Spanish, Portuguese, or Mandarin and attempt to censure someone, no less, unless I sufficiently woodshedded my writing to where I wasn't burdening strangers with trying to understand me. I dare say that I'd feel like a panhandler constantly begging people to excuse something that's really inexcusable, considering-especially-the way we were denied here for so long the ability to learn to read and write. Therefore, you really ought to do some very serious soul-searching as to the character or, in this case, the lack thereof, that you project about yourself because it is not good and is, in fact, shameful.

  22. Spotted your write – ups, it’s cool. Very beneficial and interesting there are some ideas I haven’t heard before. Thanks for sharing.

