Saturday, March 23, 2013

Failing schools and failing parents.

I see you Negroes pitching a hissy fit in places like Chicago and here in Philly over the school board in these cities deciding to close a bunch of public schools.

But my question to you Negroes would be this: Why now? Why are you just now coming to the realization that a proper [public school] education is important and that the school house is the most important part of our community?

A colleague of mine is five months pregnant with her first child, and she is already thinking about her unborn child's future. She was lamenting the lack of quality public schools (K-12) here in Philly in predominantly African American neighborhoods, and the lack of focus and interest that people (even well educated and professional ones) take in making sure that fine schools are available in their neighborhoods.

The black folks who can afford it ship their money -and their children- off to private schools and never look back. The folks who do send their children to the neighborhood schools are not as involved with their children's educational well being as they should be, and they never give the children's school a second thought until something like budget cuts comes along and smacks them in the face. I am not a fan of charter schools, but it's easy to see why the charter school movement is picking up steam across the country.

"Field, even in Chinatown the folks over there are making sure that their children have good neighborhood schools, and meanwhile in upper middle class neighborhoods in the city we are lacking. I am already worried about where my child is going to end up and whether my husband and I will be able to afford it."

I feel your pain my sister. I feel your pain. If your child isn't a genius and fortunate enough to hit the lottery and get into one of our better performing public schools, you are going to have to shell out the big bucks or be the only parent at PTA meetings at one of the lower performing schools. This is the sad reality that we are faced with in black America: Many of us just do not place as much importance as we should in a proper education.

At the end of the day, school closings may or may not save the cities money. I will leave that for others to decide. But the bottom line is that until we start showing more interest in our kid's education this is the type of games that will be played with our children's future. If you don't care about your own child's education, why do you think that some bureaucrat who is paid well over six figures to watch the bottom line will?

"'Every child in every neighborhood in Chicago deserves access to a high-quality education that prepares them to succeed in life, but for too long children in certain parts of Chicago have been cheated out of the resources they need to succeed because they are in underutilized, under-resourced schools,'  Byrd-Bennett said.

'As a former teacher and a principal, I've lived through school closings and I know that this will not be easy, but I also know that in the end this will benefit our children."'

No it won't. Because they will still have the same parents.


  1. GREAT post Field, I see the schools closings issue in a completely different way.

    If parents can't keep thier kids in school, why should the schools stay open?

    Black folks had better wake up to the fact that the ONLY institutions being "built" for "us" are prisons, NOT schools.

  2. Wesley R9:04 PM

    I hear you Field. But in Chicago there's more problems with these school closing then meet the eye. My teenager was watching the news with me when they first reported it and the first thing he said was 'now there's going to be more problems because the kids have to go through other gangs territory to go to school'. He's right as well and I found it funny that a youngster picked up on it that fast.

  3. Closing local schools, consolidating them into fewer facilities for some promised savings, is a pipe-dream and a national problem. They've closed about 1/4 of the gradeschools (guess who's?) in my town this last decade saying that they were underutilized, but then the schools still open are half full of "temporary" buildings because now the schools are so packed. Talk about welfare queens: I smell business consultants on the dole.

    On another note:

    Evidence links Evan Ebel to Colorado prisons chief murder
    Investigators found evidence, including bullet casings, linking former inmate and prison gang member Evan Ebel to a Texas shoot-out and the murder of Colorado prisons chief Tom Clements.


    So yeah, it looks like The Aryan Alliance was sending a "nobody's safe from us" message to me. That indeed is something "real" to worry about.

  4. "So yeah, it looks like The Aryan Alliance was sending a "nobody's safe from us" message to me. That indeed is something "real" to worry about."

    Chickens DO in fact come home to roost!

  5. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Wesley R, " Wesley R said...
    I hear you Field. But in Chicago there's more problems with these school closing then meet the eye. My teenager was watching the news with me when they first reported it and the first thing he said was 'now there's going to be more problems because the kids have to go through other gangs territory to go to school'. He's right as well and I found it funny that a youngster picked up on it that fast."

    9:04 PM
    It's not funny that your teenage son knew about the coming problem and you didn't. This is the theme of this post: Black parents don't know shit about how their children are being educated. It's black PARENTS who are the problem, not the kids.

    Of all the races, the most neglectful parents are Blacks. They just don't give a damn about their children. They won't get up off of their lazy black asses and go to PTA meetings to find out what's happening to their children's education.

    Well, this is the result. Schools will be closing and yes, gangland fights will heat up and more kids will be killed and less will be educated. This is due to shit Negro parents not caring about their kids. So many Negroes are so sickening when it comes to educating their children. There ought to be a law against ignorant ass Negroes having children.

    I am sick of lazy stupid non-supportive black parents abandoning their children's education. Some of you black jackasses should be put in prison because of the lives of children that you ruin!

  6. Chi-Dog9:36 PM

    In Chicago, Rahm Emmanuel is trying to implement the model that has worked in New York and Washington DC.

    Once a city becomes too black, blacks take over politcally and you wind up with Detroit.

    New York was heading down that path, but after the Crown Heights riots, this process was stoppped by the Jewish community, who got rid of Dinkins, supported Giuliani's crime intitiatives, then implemented Bloomberg's resegregation of the schools.

    Mayor Emanuel is a worldly man. He's not some dweeb from Lake Forest. His family likes to emphasize how his mother was a civil rights activist for blacks in the American South, but they don't talk as much about his father. Dr. Benjamin Emanuel is an Israeli and belonged to the right-wing terrorist organization Irgun. Those are the the guys who blew up the British headquarters in the King David Hotel and committed the Deir Yassin massacre of an Arab village that did so much to improve Israel's long-term demographic position by terrifying many Palestinians into fleeing.

    Mayor Emanuel knows the key to keeping his city more like New York and less like Detroit is keeping more white people in the city. To do this, you have to have decent schools where their kids aren't going to be beaten up by black kids.

    I don't see white liberals shedding tears over the continuous whitening of Washington D.C. Deep down, they like the improved safety and the ever-increasing white faces they see on the street(but they would never admit it publicly and in some cases even privately to themselves).

    The same story is seen in the rapidly gentrifying boroughs of New York City and Bloomberg's relentless support for Stop and Frisk.

    In many ways, Republicans are more squishy on these racial issues than white liberals, perhaps because they know they'll be called out on it in a way that white liberals won't. And attacking conservatives on race may alleviate white guilt that these liberals face over their choices, as well as to distract minorities from their own actions and point at those other, scary people. The Bad White People. Not Like Us, you know.

    America may face a gradual Europeanization in urban development. There, the ghettoes are way outside the city core, which makes it easier to isolate and ignore. If you live in the 'burbs, you still have to travel to the inner city all the time and risk crime. If the ghetto is moved way outside the city core, you don't really have to mix that much with those people.

    Plus, you get walking-distance to all the "good immigrants" you like, the successful, funny and charming ones. The ones who can make it to their inner city. And you get all the attractions too, culturally, close to your job and so on. It's easy to see the benefits of this and why white liberals want to move out blacks, improve their neighbourhoods and live the life they want to live. All while blaming the GOP for racism, of course.

    Pretty smart, I have to admit.

    It's even progressing to the point where you could make a formula. All American metropolises are in danger of becoming Detroit. The way to prevent that is:

    1. Elect Jewish mayor.
    2. Bribe Black leadership.
    3. Mayor is seen as White.
    4. Mayor imposes draconian measures.(Stop and Frisk, School closings, etc.)
    5. Upper class neighborhoods of Jews and their White Liberal allies flourish.
    6. Placement testing programs produce minority-free schools for their children.
    7. Cries of racism are deflected toward larger gentile White community.
    8. Profit.

  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Emanuel Disavows 25% of School Kids, Says CTU
    By Mary Ann Ahern
    Tuesday, Feb 28, 2012

    Karen Lewis, the Chicago Teacher's Union President, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel have a testy relationship at best.

    But it wasn't always that way.

    The two leaders met privately last year ahead of Emanuel's inauguration. They went for dinner and to attend a dance - both are fans of the art form - and to develop a working relationship.

    "We were both seeing who the other person was," she said.

    Lewis said she got her answer about Emanuel's character rather quickly.

    "In that conversation, he did say to me that 25 percent of the students in this city are never going to be anything, never going to amount to anything and he was never going to throw money at them."

    She said the comment took her aback, and she looked at him askance...

    I wonder which 25% he was referring to?

  8. The folks who do send their children to the neighborhood schools are not as involved with their children's educational well being as they should be, and they never give the children's school a second thought until something like budget cuts comes along and smacks them in the face.

    Field, that assumption is awfully broad and sounds like something a right-wing conservative would say.

    I get tired of people making blatant assumptions about what black folks "don't do". We don't stand up for each other, we don't protest enough, we don't "stick together" and now it's yet another, "we don't take care of our kids" blame game.

    I'm sure there are plenty of black parents who send their kids to public school who care about their child's education. I know because I am one of them and I'm not the only one.

  9. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Education for some Blacks is a waste of time. It makes sense to close schools because black parents and black kids aren't interested in an education anyway.

    Why not provide more guns so that everyone can protect themselves? In the black community he real power is brute force, fear and corruption anyway. More black kids are on their own more than ever today. Their parents are worthless and useless. iGang-banging, drive-bys, prisons and drugs= the future of our black kids.

    Black parents? There are none. They are nothing more than kids themselves, spawning more kids. Let's face it. Under such conditions, it's every black kid for him/herself.

    We've come a long way since MLK. Unfortunately we have ended up in a place we had not intended to be.

  10. NSangoma10:02 PM


    No it won't. Because they will still have the same parents.

    Well Day-Um!!, field booty is finally seeing deh light(s).

    What kind of school did your parents send your punk Jamaican ssA to field?


  11. Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    GREAT post Field, I see the schools closings issue in a completely different way.

    If parents can't keep thier kids in school, why should the schools stay open?

    Black folks had better wake up to the fact that the ONLY institutions being "built" for "us" are prisons, NOT schools.

    Maybe the white-on-white class/ethnic war is entering a new phase. For decades blacks have been a great tool in bullying and demoralizing non-elite whites. But non-elite whites are pretty thoroughly cowed now, the GOP has been crushed, and blacks are expensive and troublesome clients, so they can be dispensed with.

  12. NSangoma10:08 PM


    Wesley R 9:04 PM

    My teenager was watching the news with me when they first reported it and the first thing he said was 'now there's going to be more problems because the kids have to go through other gangs territory to go to school'.

    other gangs territory ??

    Get him out of his gang, and drive his ssA to and from school.


  13. TDG, it is somewhat of a generalization,but unfortunately not enough of one. Here in Philly the lack of really good neighborhood schools is a real problem .

    I understand that there are good parents out there, but there are not enough of them.

    Education is the only way out for most of the families who are stuck in a cycle of poverty and they are just not taking advantage of it.

  14. And I don't sound like a conservative. They want to get rid of all public schools, I want to save them. I just want them to get better.

  15. Anonymous10:16 PM

    It seems that NY and Chicago have chosen effete-macho Jewish tyrants who have no qualms with hypocrisy. Bloomberg was quite comfortable with banning beer at public concerts, but allowing wine, when the events featured classical music. These guys have enough money to avoid being corrupted by cash, they are more about group interests, not personal gain. I could easily see Bloomberg proposing that all restaurants in NY be kosher. Can't blame a guy for trying.

  16. conservative10:21 PM

    field negro said...
    And I don't sound like a conservative. They want to get rid of all public schools, I want to save them. I just want them to get better.

    Then support vouchers that let parents move their kids form failing schools. This would not only help these kids, but would improve everyone's education by forcing the government monopoly schools to actively compete for students.

    Damn, let's at least give it a try. The status quo ain't cutting it.

  17. Wesley R10:47 PM

    Punk 9:04pm

    Yes I did know. Point is that it's interesting to see that kids have more common sense then politicians. Try to keep up Loon.

  18. chicago10:59 PM

    Wesley R said...
    I hear you Field. But in Chicago there's more problems with these school closing then meet the eye. My teenager was watching the news with me when they first reported it and the first thing he said was 'now there's going to be more problems because the kids have to go through other gangs territory to go to school'. He's right as well and I found it funny that a youngster picked up on it that fast.

    Good point, but not one that the Mayor is going to care about. It's not economical to keep some of these schools in operation; lots of overhead, too few students. It's a logical move. The part where "Caucasians" aren't being killed as they're moved along "gang lines" shows the lunacy of some of these discussions. Moving groups from one school to another causes problems since one gang now gets put into another gang's territory. So now some people expect the Board of Education members to familiarize themselves with what gang is which, determine the gang affiliations of the students, and assign them accordingly. Only about 8% of the students are of the caucasoid variety but this group pays most of the money to fund the school system. They can pay for it but can't use it.

    No matter how much Rahm or anyone else bends over backwards to cater to blacks they'll sooner or later still scream waaysiss. It's a lesson for others, and that is don't even bother to try. In Rahm's case the classist part is probably more accurate; he prefers the 'right' sort of people. A large portion of city employees are black, including teachers, creating a large black middle class due to government employment; they're not leaving.

    It's been government policy to break up the concentrations of lumpen-ghetto types and farm them out to other areas where theoretically they'll become birds of another feather, in the process getting free housing that's better than those who have worked for a living. We know how that's worked out. They don't disappear, they're just pushed onto somebody else. Fears that there'll be a black shortage, that Chicago will become a whitetopia, are groundless.

  19. Ammado11:04 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    "Black folks had better wake up to the fact that the ONLY institutions being "built" for "us" are prisons, NOT schools."

    Clinton really got it started--as well as locking up lots of Negroes.

    Call it the Nixon-China Dynamic. As Nixon said, only he could meet with Mao since he had impeccable anti-communist credentials. If a liberal president met with Mao, there would have been cries of appeasing the commies. Similarly, Reagan proved to be the man to make the deal with Gorby.

    As long as there was a Republican president, not much could be done about locking up blacks and moving out blacks. Or changing welfare. There would have been howls of 'racism'. So, just as it took an anti-communist president to forge ties with a communist nation, it took a liberal president to go hard on negroes(while also making a lot of noise about fighting 'white racism').

    So, yuppies learned something. Their white/Jewish/gay privilege is gonna rise under presidents who speak the language of 'equality'. It may not be good for all whites but it's certainly good for whites/Jews in places in SF and NY.

  20. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Field, "And I don't sound like a conservative. They want to get rid of all public schools, I want to save them. I just want them to get better."

    10:10 PM
    Mr Field, you just said that black parents and their children aren't taking advantage of schooling. So WHY are you trying to save schools that the parents don't give a damn about? That is a waste of money and time.

    Why not meet them on their terms, which is how to protect and defend themselves against others? That is something they can relate to.

  21. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Memphis and Birmingham pretty much are Detroit now.

    The vibrant diversity of Memphis was rubbed into neighboring areas with section eight vouchers. The Memphis City school district recently voted to dissolve itself so that it could glom on to the county school district that served the (mostly white) neighboring cities.

    Birmingham no longer has any major industry or businesses. The only thing in downtown Birmingham anymore is the UAB Hospital, and its staff all get the hell out of town as fast as they can at quitting time. If it were not the state capitol, Montgomery would be the same way.

  22. Odds Bodkin11:13 PM

    "It's easy to see the benefits of this and why white liberals want to move out blacks, improve their neighbourhoods and live the life they want to live. All while blaming the GOP for racism, of course."

    Getting to be racist while calling your opponents racists?


    This is zionist trickery at it's finest.

  23. Kersey11:18 PM

    It's pretty simple:

    There are a few cities the elites want to save in America:

    1. NYC
    2. Chicago
    3. D.C.
    4. Atlanta
    5. San Francisco
    6. Charlotte (perhaps -- huge banking headquarters and great golf)

    The rest is going to hell... quickly.

    Cities that are already Detroit-ed:

    1. Birmingham
    2. Memphis
    3. Philadelphia
    4. St. Louis
    5. Rochester (once of the nicest cities in America)
    6. Dallas
    7. Milwaukee
    8. Orlando (a hell-hole of a city, and as disposable revenue plummets, it will go down quickly.

    Recall, both the Atlanta and Chicago Housing Authority have pretty much destroyed all centralized public housing: Atlanta sent blacks to Clayton and DeKalb County, Chicago's have been sent all over.

  24. Field Negro,

    I know it's a little off subject, but there are some lynchings going on just recently in delaware that could use some investigations. I think they are intentionally being covered up as well. It's seems like black folks are taking a major thumping from all directions

  25. Anonymous11:28 PM

    In Ohio, I think the four largest cities all have black mayors. The elites have all flocked to Columbus as the remaining cities are quietly going the way of Detroit.

    Columbus is preserved because it has a big land area that encompasses a lot of white, suburban areas that could have easily been their own municipalities. The liberal whites in Columbus will vote for a black mayor, but they expect good governance and will not tolerate someone like Coleman Young or Kwame Kilpatrick.

  26. Field Negro,

    There are some lynchings going on recently in delaware that may deserve some investigation. Seems like black folks are getting thumped from all sides

  27. My father knew back in the days when northern desegregation meant busing kids (of course, we couldn't desegregate banking mortgage practices) that cities should have saved the gas money and invested in the facilities, educational equipment and materials of aging urban schools. With excellent urban schools generations of children would have known a rich and progressive learning environment. That would have changed America...and white flight could have be slowed.

  28. As long as public schools are funded by local income taxes, poor people will continue to lose.
    The kids of those with, get more. The kids of those without, get less again.

  29. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Field, "Many of us just do not place as much importance as we should in a proper education."

    Brother Field, why is it that we don't place any importance on education? It's been like this for decades. Is there a reason why? Until we know the reason, I doubt if things will change. It looks to me like we are headed for the junk yard as a people. MLK was wrong about us getting to the promised land. We are headed to hell.

  30. Anonymous12:38 AM

    You don't live in Chicago. You don't know these parents. You weren't there during the teachers strike when a majority of the parents supporting those teachers were black and hispanic and from poor neighborhoods. If you did and you talked to these parents and did your homework and read the reports by WBEZ and Catalyst, you'd know parents in these hoods have been begging for more money and upkeep, but the school board had made a list of "failing" schools years in advance and then refused to maintain those schools. You'd know this is part of a larger pattern of active undermining and withholding services to those communities and silencing of these communities, and pretending these areas are nothing but thugs and layabouts even though all demogrphic data shows that is not, in fact, true. Not that you'd know this from the majority white media white treats the black side of town as invisible or Cheif Keef. Although it tales little reseach to know that even the notorious Fenger had college bound kids. You'd also know about how Chicago's black neighborhoods have higher rates of childhood lead poisoning and are more polluted overall, which may account for a higer rate of birth defects. Ta-Nehisi Coates doesn't live in Chicago, but after reading a recent books he posts about Chicago including one "The Ghetto is Public Policy" which said " the most affecting aspect of the book is the demonstration of the ghetto not as a product of a violent music, super-predators, or declining respect for marriage, but of policy and power. In Chicago, the ghetto was intentional. Black people were pariahs whom no one wanted to live around. The FHA turned that prejudice into full-blown racism by refusing to insure loans taken out by people who live near blacks". And this wasn't just the FHA and it wasn't just back then. CHA housing didn't become terrible just because poor blacks lived there. The city ruined those building with active neglect as aggressive as if they had taken hammers to them. CHA officials and cops would steal from residents and take bribes. I'm not saying black folks don't have agency, choice and responsibility, but in one of the most segregated cities in the US the deck is stacked against them on so many levels. A popular white cop blogger said it would be easier just to kill or jail an entire generation because that's all their good for and the lefty white blogs said nothing. The rigged game is so brazenly racial (and assisted by minority machine pllayers) that it's better not to know. Better to blame the black parents for not doing and caring than confront the raw horror of just how arrogant the oppression has been. Like how most bullets and guns in crime areas were sold by stores in majority white areas, Like how much discrimination in hiring went on in Chicago before and after Harold, creating a desperate underclass that would tend to be violent no matter what color they were. But I get it. Hard to admit O's guy is as bad as the racist Irishman before him, worse because he has no loyalty to the city he's looting. Yeah, it's because the minority's just didn't care hard enough.

  31. Anonymous12:42 AM

    The Jews must keep Blacks and Whites at odds because the two are natural allies against population replacement (mass "immigration").

  32. Makes me think that the pains my peers and I went though being the first crew to start integration was all for naught, Starting my education life I was in segregated schools and we I guess my race has come a full circle insofar as neighborhood schools. The difference is then there were more intact caring families, protective men in the community and both male/female caring Black teachers. To many, these ingredients sound too simplistic and not valid. Man has created these complex dilemma and refuse to honor the past. Blacks are losing the education race in droves thinking money will be the solution, when the solution is in their faces. Safe neighborhoods equates to safe schools. Oh, how I long for the past.

  33. "You don't live in Chicago. You don't know these parents. You weren't there during the teachers strike when a majority of the parents supporting those teachers were black and hispanic and from poor neighborhoods."

    You are making my point for me. Why wait until a "teachers strike" to be involved with the schools in your area?

    You are right, I don't live in Chicago, I live in Philly, and I am quite sure that the dynamics are the same.

    Your comments were insightful, and I appreciate and agree with a lot of what you said. But I have been to some of our failing schools and I have spoken to the kids, and there is a common theme with all these kids who are underperforming and not living up to their potential.

  34. "and there is a common theme with all these kids who are underperforming and not living up to their potential. "

    And Black folks KNOW what it is, Black men missing in the lives of Black children.

    So where you at Black Sage?

    Funny that the Black men conservatives on the national stage ALL seem to be present in their kid's lives, yet a negro like Kweisi Mfume, has got 8 kids and 7 "baby mamas". Jessie fathered a kid out of wedlock, and Jessie "pass the Bugatti" Junior? Ah what da' hell!!!

    Seems to me that Dem Black men could learn a little "penis control" from Rebup Black men. And here's an even better statement, if the homies in da' hood had more conservative values, how many out of wedlock births would there be? How many fatherless homes would there be?

    I've been clear for a VERY long time that living by 'democratic principles" alone has almost destroyed the Black community. Back in the day when most a Black kids were born to two parent homes, history seems to indicate that those families had largely conservative views. You didn't work you didn't eat, real simple principle. You had a baby without being married and you didn't work, neither one of you ate!!

    Put another way, building/maintaining another Black Wall Street could NEVER happen with a group of ONLY democratic Blacks. NEVER!!

  35. Anonymous10:17 AM

    No, can't change the parents. But can change the schools, if they remain Public and folks get involved.

  36. Gracias Field! Nice piece

    They pose a hissy fit now because many parents many are still looking for someone to tell them what to do and how.

    I can remember years ago clearly..when over 1800 parents et/al came to hear Bill Cosby take them to task about their children and their bad parenting skills
    There’s really no other way to put it
    That was after a crowd had already filled a hall in Newark. Springfield, Massachusetts. And yet another in Atlanta.

    Now my question is "AGAIN"?
    What is this, why do parents continue to seek outside saviours when they can see that their children are not performing.

    Some parents are not holding up their end of the deal. Afrikan parents are not parenting! And like Cosby said straighten up and straighten up your child!

    its is not okay today to continue to blast the poverty pimps(GOV) and victim pimps(parents) and do nothing but who blame the children’s plight on racial injustice. Knowledge is power and proper education has to begin at home. .
    . . We don’t need another commission to study the problem. .

    . . What we need now is parents sitting down with children, overseeing homework, sending children off to school in the morning, well fed, rested, and ready to learn.
    And when and if they come home without homework go to the schools vs calling and ask why.

    Get connected and involved to the teachers schoolboard et/al. Communicate and find out what is going on. And if the schools are falling apart find out why, be there! And be in the faces of those whom you turn your children over to daily.

    And if there is something unacceptable take your child out of that school and get busy being the change you want to see.
    This situation is the very reason why extended family is key and why knowledge is power
    I was educated in Europe and Cuba and although there is no comparison parents are still in charge.
    Coming to America did not change anything it made me even more determined


  37. Anon @ 12:38 AM said...
    "Black people were pariahs whom no one wanted to live around. The FHA turned that prejudice into full-blown racism by refusing to insure loans taken out by people who live near blacks"

    Why? Just racism?

    Or do people just rationally not want to live by people who will victimize them through violent crime?

    And wouldn't that affect housing prices?

    Black criminality is real. It is an order of magnitude worse than any other group. This problem must be solved before all else.

  38. Charter schools make somebody money, hello Rahm, and this country has never cared about educating poor folks. Somebody has to fill minimum wage jobs. We just outsource or insource jobs that require better educated kids to China and India.

  39. James, your ignorance is stunning. I bet if your neighbors really knew u they wouldn't want to live around you.

  40. When responding to the schooing crisis as it relates to black children and the missing black parents, Dr. Nuwang said: "and there is a common theme with all these kids who are underperforming and not living up to their potential." And Black folks KNOW what it is, Black men missing in the lives of Black children. So where you at Black Sage?

    Hahahaha, Dr. Nuwang, you are too much. I usually don’t post personal information on any blog, however, allow me to clear my throat and assist the supposed doctor with his misconceptions.

    The weekday mornings when I’m not at work, my wife and I both pile into our minivan and take our kids to school. The weekday mornings that I’m at work, my wife still navigates the morning rush our so that one of us is always with tour kids on the way to school. We do not allow them to ride public transportation nor the provided school buses and always stress to them how important it is to take school as a serious journey.

    Even further, as for you, supposed doctor, I’m not a penis police as it relates to where a man may place it nor am I responsible for the potential end results.

    Granted, I agree with you that a great many black men are in fact absent in the lives of their kids. But please refrain from lumping me in the category with trifing and ignominious black men. Indeed, your post is without a doubt, baseless ad hominem. Furthermore, the phenomenon of the missing male parent isn't akin to black men all by themselves. Are you sure that you’re on the correct path to being a doctor?

    In short, you should cease labeling so-called conservatives as having a monopoly on good parenting skills. Now, I’m also beginning to believe what others have stated here as well: YOU WILL NEVER BE A DOCTOR!

    CHEERS! :)

  41. parvenu4:27 PM

    Field, I have read all of the comments regarding this school issue and no one has pinned down the real nitty gritty, so here it is!

    The bottom line can be quickly reached by answering this one simple question - How many Black parents/Guardians show up in their child's classrooms ON PARENT TEACHERS NIGHT? It sounds simple but it is the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR in determining the distribution of educational resources in every city across America. Except in the south your presence as a parent at your child's school is the best thing you can do for your child's education. The kids of NO-SHOW parents get the bottom of the barrel from everybody starting with the teachers.

    A personal friend of mine was the Principal of Newton South High school in Massachusetts, and he used to relate how without fail a group of Jewish mothers would show up during the day to audit their children's various classes. They would just sit in the back of the classroom while their child's class was in session and quietly take notes. Then later on they would document and address their criticisms to him as principal and if he failed to take action on it in a timely manner they would turn their complaints over to the the school committee at the next school board meeting. Just a footnote to this brief history. During this period Newton South was named the top academic high scool in America.

    There is an old saying, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease". Nuff said....

  42. James4:32 PM

    field negro said...
    James, your ignorance is stunning.

    Right. I just made it up. Me and the Washington Post:

  43. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Wow, great conversations on here ! Dr. Nuwang loved the "prisons not school" comment. Soo true :(

  44. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Racism? threatening? Field's avatar says it all....I have combed the internet and have not found it any where else. Field must have had it specially made.

    WHY did he etch out that avatar when he could have selected a 'friendlier' one which would have made Whites feel safer? I bet even Whitey and Cali Girl have a problem with it. I do, and I am Black.

  45. Anonymous5:46 PM

    dear Field, I sent a comment re: your avatar by mistake. Please delete it. Actually, I didn't even write it. I have a toy white poodle who is very bright and somehow he managed to type out that damn comment. Most amazing to me was 'white' dog knew how to hit the send button!

    I see I am going to have to lock down my keys to keep that little bugger from doing these little devilish things. My goodness, even dogs these days are becoming better educated.

  46. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Anonymous5:33 PM
    "Field's avatar says it all....I have combed the internet and have not found it any where else. Field must have had it specially made.
    That goes to show you the high intelligence level of the African people! .

    Thats right, he made it specially. And anyway why are you searching for it huh?

    I know why, So you can make up an alias and post as him and try to fool us right???


  47. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Black Sack of $hit said...
    In short, you should cease labeling so-called conservatives as having a monopoly on good parenting skills. Now, I’m also beginning to believe what others have stated here as well: YOU WILL NEVER BE A DOCTOR"

    1) I think it's great you pile into a minibus and do for your kids. Whoopee! But I'm talking about stepping up for all those young Black men that don't get to ride a minibus to school.

    2) That pathetic line about not being the penis police of other men is a punk a$$ obfuscation of the fact that you're not man enough to step up other Black men and "check them" in their mucked up and community destroying behavior.

    3)I spoke on Black conservative men, NOT ALL conservative men, so it appears that reading comprehension is TOTALLY lost on you.

    4) As for that last line, if you think a punk a$$ white racist can't take shake me, WTF makes you think that some $hit talking n@gger like you, chirpping off what some idiot wrote on a blog, is going to change the path my life is ALREADY on? Or has that chicken bone throwing religion you practice convinced you that God is NOT in control of ALL things?

    I mean can't you even be original, Stephan?

    And for the record, allow me to define what I think a n@gger is. It's a person of African orgin who in their speech or action, engages in behavior contrary to the progressioon of the Black race.

    So with that definition, you are a SUPER n@gga for co-signing with a white racists in an obviously futile attempt to deviate me from a goal I've been DIRECTLY working on for almost a year now.

    And with that, I'm DONE with you!



  48. cc that racist bankster hobama and his charter school corp casinos

    cc jp morgan and their ebt card casinos etc


  49. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Odds Bodkin said...
    "This is zionist trickery at it's finest."
    Embrolio, I rest my case :)

  50. Anonymous1:24 AM


    As an Educator of more than a decade working within America's Public Schools, it would be indeed easy to lose myself, as well, within the trees, thickets, thorny brush, and the like - and cite the low hanging fruit of abysmal parent participation within their children's academic lives as being the primary culprit. However, the forest of socially engineered destruction in the form of the U.S. Federal Government establishing "drug economies" in every Black inner city, nationwide, during the 60's to destroy the Civil Rights Movement in conjunction with assassinations and the disproportionate conscription of Black Males to Vietnam, as well as LBJ's welfare requirement that mandate the male NOT be in the home as a pre-condition of a woman receiving aide - went a LONG way, in this educator's eyes, to degrade, erode, and obliterate parenting skills within our communities - even though we were already on shaky ground due to chattel enslavement and Jim Crow segregation stripping us of our sovereignty, religion, culture, language(s) and our God/Goddesses/Hidden Creator/Orishas, etc.

    When you wed all of the aforementioned with the Angela Davis truism that, "For so long, we wanted what they had and then when we got it, we realized that it wasn't worth having," - meaning: that public schools have been subverted to primarily "socialize and indoctrinate," rather, than to truly educate - then you have Black males (many of whom's fathers were absent due to incarceration [side note: America's prison rolls have swelled by a STAGGERING 700% since 1970) AND, with they themselves being the end result of out-of-wedlock "misplaced nation-building energy" [read: sex]) fast-tracked to Special Ed. due to "behavioral issues" (unlike, say, Germany's education system that rewards/harnesses aggressive males, etc.), you will begin to understand the the deliberate, willful planned obsolescence of American Public Education as it relates to Blacks. Notice: the Jews don't allow the larger society to "educate" their children, as that's done through their Hebrew Schools.

    If whites (read: mutants) do NOT want it taught within the American Public School system just exactly where they come from and just how they came into being so said mutants can be studied and their behavior mapped and our kids and families can avoid the traps that they have set, then why are we surprised when the schools, in and of themselves, fail to be compelling in and of themselves to the children? Don't you think that Bloom's Taxonomy of Higher Order Thinking Skills would be accessed if our kids were able to then tie in all of what they see in popular culture pertaining to mutants like the X-Men, Spiderman, John Carpenter's "The Thing," "the Invasion of the Body Snatchers," "Blade Runner," etc. Might our kid's intellectual curiosity be stoked beyond belief to truly know JUST HOW the world has unfolded (because they/we are NOT/were NOT taught that now or ever.

    In other words, will those who have NEVER treated you right ACTUALLY TEACH YOU RIGHT so that you can shake off their yoke of subjugation/hegemony?

    The synchronized selective destruction of so-called educational systems has indeed been pre-planned and is definitely apart of these creature's master plan to take their country back. Thus, it would be nice if we, as a collective, channelled LeBron and took our talents, skills, and abilities to various, coordinated Diasporan locales for our health and simply let these mutants kill themselves off as they would surely do as nature intended...

  51. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Divide and conquer; no, "Divide-and-RULE!!!!!"

  52. Field said:

    I know it's a little off subject, but there are some lynchings going on just recently in delaware that could use some investigations. I think they are intentionally being covered up as well. It's seems like black folks are taking a major thumping from all direction.

    Algunos Afrikanos will continue to take a thumping until they decide to stand up and stop trying to get along with the stale and pale and begin to look within.


  53. Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    "So yeah, it looks like The Aryan Alliance was sending a "nobody's safe from us" message to me. That indeed is something "real" to worry about."

    Chickens DO in fact come home to roost!

    Son, didn't Malcolm tell us that? I am g;lad that you are clear Nice posts here Andale!

  54. field negro said...
    James, your ignorance is stunning. I bet if your neighbors really knew u they wouldn't want to live around you.

    This is funny. Soon the James's and a lot of those terrified ghosts who have been conned into white flight will wish they could live anywhere once "THIER" amerikkka gets done with them

  55. Has anyone ever thought about the fact that broken schools in urban comm are falling apart by design? Of course my conscious bredren here have .. Gracias
    Ever think about other alternatives? ..Of course

    I came from a different brand however, my grandchildren were removed from PS when this crap happened in DC and our stellar future Magnac cum laude et/al were forced into trailers.

    That was then this is now but the issue is still the design as well as the parents. Parents who must take a position in order to save our children from the DESIGN"

    Like Field says the blame game is not the answer and those PTB must be tasked
    Its is no longer as simple as looking at the hue of the student its more about the DESIGN" What 25%?

  56. Question to all scribes:

    Why woulds anyone have a problem with Fields avatar?
    Is it just me thinking that someone is seeking attn and validation? Yet because of the fact that FIELD ignores them they revert to an avata. So now its an AVATAR MalcolmX thank you.

    Has anyone seen mine at twitter I invite you
    Especially black women And I welcome all thoughts Gracias

  57. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Dr. Nuwang & Black Sage,

    I do want to sincerely thank you both for providing very insightful comments in the relatively short time that I've started accessing this blog, as I have learned a bit from you both---but they do win when we cannot "agree to disagree" without our meaningful exchanges degenerating into personal attacks. With the regular interlopers from stormfront, redstate, etc., relentlessly providing extreme invective in order to keep us from engaging in meaningful dialog that perhaps MIGHT enable us to unite, it hurts this middle ager's heart to see our exchanges degenerate to where we begin to fight one another.

    “Can two walk walk together, except they be agreed?” [Amos 3:3 KJV].

    As an Afrikan-centered individual who does not draw spiritual sustenance from the Judeo Christian ideal, I nonetheless see the wisdom within the aforementioned rhetorical query. I know that it is difficult, particularly, as it relates to one of our own who has distinguished himself, worldwide, within his profession, yet, politically, he allies himself with many who would have had him, Dr. Carson, tried as an adult when, as a kid, he stabbed a friend (who told him to go to hell) with a knife in the stomach, only to have the blade break on the belt buckle. As a fellow Detroiter, I find it almost impossible to fathom how Carson fails to see how he merely slipped through the cracks (in a great way) in his (adverse) socially engineered fate in a more extreme way than most, such that he's allied himself with the political party most directly responsible for said social engineering (See Also George Bush Sr. using his oil platforms as drug depots during the 60s while within the CIA). Be that as it may, somehow, we must not allow such conundrums - and I put this president in that very same conundrum category, as he has governed as a moderate republican who has done his very best Emperor Nero impression while Negroes suffer - to severe our line of communication because then they will win when our slow deaths begins to actively compete with mutants dying out.

    I, thus, implore you two to dig deep and bury the hatchet, somehow. Can our agreed push toward a healthy, self-determined community supersede our disagreements? Once again, you two have invaluable contributions to make to the collective. Hopefully, we can be made stronger when we realize that unity in the face of disagreement remains of paramount importance. Thanks for you both seriously considering this matter!

  58. Anonymous11:31 AM


    Thank you for acknowledging just how the schools were planned to fail.

    When whites (read: mutants) realized they were directly blamed in the early Freedom Schools for the problems of Negroes as a motivating factor and accurate tool, they had to change the focus of "education." This coincidentally coincided with other larger issues. Somewhere along the way from Horace Mann's Common Schools (as well as the Potato famine in Europe) in the 1850s, to the subsequent HUGE influx of European immigrants via Ellis Island at the turn of the century, there was a (Progressive?) push to socialize and indoctrinate those immigrants (See Also Bowles and Gintis, "Schooling in Capitalist America.") via the education system, which made the focus to educate a secondary goal.

    It is this author's opinion that we must underwrite our own education system, a la the Jews. The problem is that the empire will work to undermine that pretty much the way the feds in Chicago sought to undermine the Black Panthers push for providing children breakfast through Head Start, culminating in the murder of Fred Hampton. After attending undergrad with a Sista who admitted that her father was an FBI informant who received thousands of dollars for assisting in undermining various groups and organizations, which ultimately enabled him to acquire several car dealerships; after listening to a few negroes who were apart of death squads gleefully talk of enjoying mimicking mutants and likewise acquiring a taste for indiscriminate killing, I have determined that Black folk will NEVER be able to live as healthy, self-determined humans in this mutant-ordered and controlled society. I'm leaving and a decade ago considered acquiring a medical degree from Cuba, which I now regret not doing. I wish things looked better for us within this land that remains shackled to the name 'America,' but it is what it is.

    Alas, "The Struggle Continues!"

  59. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Smokin' comments! Anonymous, Parvenu, Matanzas, et al, great minds!

    It occurred to me as I was reading that current culture with all of its sex, violence, killing, speed, false bravado, and schools with the indoctrination equal an obedient and willing killing machine soldier.

    That is until they hit the battlefield and encounter tha harsh reality of war. That it is not a fast paced racing, killing movie with loud heavy metal music, fake blood and guts and the ability to walk away from!

  60. Anonymous12:08 PM

    @ Matanzas: I did see your avatar, I like, very clever :)

    The cover photo, while stark and disturbing is apropriate as an ever reminder. Because while many equate the Africans arrival on these shores to a wave of immigrants, the fact remains that no other immigrants have been subjected and had to endure such brutality.

  61. While I can respect and appreciate your attempt to have "unity" on this blog, the FACT remains that the "Stephens" among us must be exposed. Black men that “attack” Black women through words, music, or worse through actions, are the ultimate traitors. And the biggest irony of all is that he would dare join a racist in futilely trying to kill my goal, a goal that DESPERATELY needs to be addressed in the Black community. And I don’t need to see him or his family to know that there’s an 80% chance that there are ALL overweight, with medical needs that probably aren’t close to being appropriately addressed because many White and Asian doctors don’t give a damn about their big a$$es.

    That said, I am quite comfortable “going for the jugular” when a “Black man” like him steps out of line. And as the daughter of a Marine, wife of a former Naval Officer, it’s an understatement to say that defending myself is par for the course. Or as my homies say, don’t start nuthin’, won’t be nuthin’!!! Now with all due respect, I'd like to move on from this issue.

    As for living indefinitely in America, I have long term plans to practice medicine in the land of my Caribbean ancestors when my training is done. Black Americans having proven time and time again, that “getting over” the long term impact of slavery is impossible. Just ask Black “show your a$$” Sage.

  62. Anonymous2:11 PM


    You said, "It occurred to me as I was reading that current culture with all of its sex, violence, killing, speed, false bravado, and schools with the indoctrination equal an obedient and willing killing machine soldier," and that compelled me to utilize some liberation/victorious consciousness pedagogy gleaned from Paulo Freire's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed." I sought to use some of the things you've cited as an example of "Incidental Learning" to pigeonhole critical information to help spur critical thinking.

    I once turned a map in such a way that the students came in and asked me why I turned the map upside down. I offered the students a HUGE cash incentive if any of them could tell me, could PROVE to me that the map was upside down. Fortunately, it was many years before they could go to on their cell phones. Anyway, they were ultimately shocked to hear that that's in fact how the Australians see the world. Thus, the students learned to question everything. Only when we begin to get our children, our people thinking very critically will we begin to think proactively out-of-the-box to innovatively solve our issues, which are serious.

  63. Fied said:
    And I don't sound like a conservative. They want to get rid of all public schools, I want to save them. I just want them to get better
    Field, .do not worry about how you sound WATCH out for the "TYPOS lmao or you will get blasted hehehe

    Seriously, I am up to the debate today albeit unlike you I want to get rid of all schools that need facelifts and or removal However i am smart enough to realize that removing them is not the end all.

    It will take a concerted effort on behalf of the citizenry of all races to help the children esp "MINE.
    Field as you know this will take some deal making, and I am NOT for deal making and you are my colleague and know why.
    I was a former member of the DC school, board before taking my slave name back (Milagros) So i know the issue well.
    Here I present a few of the ideas from other schools
    District-led, dramatic change efforts in failing schools—including turnarounds and school closures—often face strong resistance from families and communities. Resistance may be based on years of tension and distrust between districts and communities, failed past school improvement efforts, or a lack of understanding about the chasm between a failing school’s performance and what is possible. We asked what districts and community organizations have done to engage families and communities in demanding dramatic change in their schools and how various stakeholders have been involved in establishing shared values and goals for change, choosing from available options, and holding districts accountable for improving outcomes for children. This report and related presentation share lessons learned about the barriers districts and communities across the country have faced in building community demand for dramatic change as well as strategies for overcoming those barriers. The report includes three vignettes about efforts to build community demand for dramatic change in Denver, Philadelphia, and Chicago schools

    Field, this is why i dislike deals I believe in COMM parents educ sin (without)the politrikshuns YES $$$ is important Where and how?

  64. Anonymous said (sic)

    It is this author's opinion that we must underwrite our own education system, a la the Jews. The problem is that the empire will work to undermine that pretty much the way the feds in Chicago sought to undermine the Black Panthers push for providing children breakfast through Head Start, culminating in the murder of Fred Hampton. After attending undergrad with a Sista who admitted that her father was an FBI informant who received thousands of dollars for assisting in undermining various groups and organizations, which ultimately enabled him to acquire several car dealerships; after listening to a few negroes who were apart of death squads gleefully talk of enjoying mimicking mutants and likewise acquiring a taste for indiscriminate killing, I have determined that Black folk will NEVER be able to live as healthy, self-determined humans in this mutant-ordered and controlled society. I'm leaving and a decade ago considered acquiring a medical degree from Cuba, which I now regret not doing. I wish things looked better for us within this land that remains shackled to the name 'America,' but it is what it is.

    My thoughts:

    First Jews like others were slavers and today they continue their own brand of insanity
    Suffice however, even though i dislike much of their modus operandi they do have a better Med system than an educ one (just my thoughts)
    As a cit I spend a few months yr in Cuba ( where there is a will there is a way) During that time i teach as before and at CheGuevara univ
    My thoughts
    Amerikka would do well to adopt the educ processes of my country which teach the truth along with the 3r's from cradle to grad.

    Cuban students are not exposed to fake kindergarten and from the time we are able to walk into classes we are taught the Cuban story NOT his story our story from the onset.

    Most become prof, med doc,/nurses and techs True we do not make the $$$ made in the USA, however we do not have the drama either..And those of us who are educ live well (we have thugs too)
    This makes up for most things

  65. Anonymous said
    I wish things looked better for us within this land that remains shackled to the name 'America,' but it is what it is.

    Alas, "The Struggle Continues!"

    Certainly we all would prefer a changed society but like you said it is what it is and change comes from us So we become that

    La luta continua certainly

  66. Desertflower said...
    @ Matanzas: I did see your avatar, I like, very clever :)

    The cover photo, while stark and disturbing is apropriate as an ever reminder. Because while many equate the Africans arrival on these shores to a wave of immigrants, the fact remains that no other immigrants have been subjected and had to endure such brutality.
    Thank you Field gave me the idea
    I knew you would relate. Also about zionism Worth iggin as my grands say !

  67. Dr Nuwang

    Thank you


    Natukae na ndugu

    Dr Nuwang said:
    As for living indefinitely in America, I have long term plans to practice medicine in the land of my Caribbean ancestors when my training is done. Black Americans having proven time and time again, that “getting over” the long term impact of slavery is impossible. Just ask Black “show your a$$” Sage.

    Nuff said
    Some damage cannot be undone and will never be undone Forgiveness my culo!

    Ps U are welcome in Cuba, I can help

    11th lafia

  68. Anonymous said...
    Education for some Blacks is a waste of time. It makes sense to close schools because black parents and black kids aren't interested in an education anyway.


    So you throw our children in a group, box them up, and label them uninterested failures
    Stereotyped judged discounted and this after how long?
    Hmmmm, a teacher told Malcolm that.
    Now i can agree about the schools but not the children Blame the child allow the school? NAW can't be

    Anonymous. i must tell you that if after a mere few years you feel this way perhaps its time to get a look see in Cuba, or change your profession

    Son "NO" child is disinterested nor shoud he be discounted or thrown away YOU owe him more it is your calling OR is it just a paycheck and a way to strut your stuff?

    There is nothing worse than Afrikans, like you who become holier than thou and toss the children or due to personal frustrations say awe screw them they don't want anything?

    Now, if i am not mistaken you tried to throw down on me about some typos etc and then tried to smoothe it over after i read the riot act
    You claim to know about the design..but how much do you know about remodeling?
    its the educ or the parent who disinterests some children OR perhaps the design?

    Getting to Cuba for you as an educ is easy Do it or go home. How dare you!
    Dr MG Villamil
    Ps I am a SISTAH not a brother

  69. Anonymous8:16 PM


    I totally feel you on the scurrilousness of Zionism, which is was why it was, in a 1975 U.N. Resolution, declared to be racism, despite it being rescinded later due to U.S. pressure.

    U.S. Jews, being duplicitous users and fundamentally indistinguishable from the larger society here, nonetheless, exemplify part of the template for success on these shores. From their schools occurring after regular school to them learning legal training, polemics, finances, and ethics via the Talmud, the Torah, around the dinner table. Joel Kotkin's "Tribes" kind of lays out how various ethnicities have thrived by being very tight, very insular practicing a very high level of endogamy as well as cultural fidelity.

    What we face here on these shores is entirely unprecedented, as we are in uncharted waters. In the annals of history, no other people have had to culturally reconstruct themselves.

    If we aren't exceedingly deliberate about the reconstruction, which requires forsaking much of the larger culture, then, we'd be better off shedding ugly American tendencies and immigrating/melting/acculturating ourselves (replete with language acquisition) to other more hospitable places throughout the Diaspora. I'm leaning heavily towards Bahia, Brazil, myself. I need to learn Portuguese...

    FYI - My love for Cuba for keeping sista Assata safe as well as the love Castro showed us by staying in Harlem when he was last here spoke volumes. Also, I've watched the Buena Vista Social Club a million times. Oh, and how could I forget Che!!!!!

  70. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Dr. Nuwang

    Sounds like an excellent plan! Guess I'm not the only one planning to blow this scene. I'll be living vicariously through your studies. I wish you continued success!

  71. Anonymous9:11 PM

    MatanzasGV2:58 PM
    "Thank you Field gave me the idea"
    That Field is sooooo clever ;)

  72. " Sounds like an excellent plan! Guess I'm not the only one planning to blow this scene. I'll be living vicariously through your studies. I wish you continued success!"

    Thanks for the well wishes, but it doesn't have to be vicarious at all, especially with Caribbean med schools.

    You decide to give it a try, and I'll show you how to make it happen. It's NEVER too late and there are med students in their 60's, so you're NEVER too old either.

  73. Dr. Anon@10:12am,

    good to hear from you again brotha! I'm neither tripping or perturbed by any blogger that attempts to impose their will upon yours truly. Even further, the vast majority of supposed Dr. Nuwang's comments are laced with foul language which furthe diminishes his points. Could it be that he has a small vocabulary?

    In any event, keep in touch my brotha and I appreciate your sincerity as well.


  74. Field,

    I have to ask - are you a parent? Or have you have ever put a child through school? Not college, I mean the every day slog of elementary, middle, high school.

    And if you are, I'm still saying - you're a guy - and even in this day and age of "involved" fathers, it's still mostly women who do this work of educating or children - whether they are parents or teachers.

    Anonymous' comment really struck me because one other person is trying to tell you what I said in greater depth, and it' something that I would think you already know.

    It's always easy to blame black. Always easy to say, they're lazy, don't care, don't wanna learn, ain't gonna learn, they gotta do better.

    But when someone is telling you, of all people, that there is more racism behind this than meets the eye - that the perception of black people "being lazy" and "bad parents" outweighs the reality of parents pushing against all odds - maybe you could give them the gift of your belief.

    Because if you don't believe us, white people and the other powers that be sure as hell won't.

  75. Wake up people, Black, Latino and concerned others..America's public schools are horrendously failing to properly educate its Black, Latino and other inner-city, low income students..Please read the new book"The Unfinished Business of the Civil Rights Movement:Failure of America's Public Schools to Properly Educate its African American Student Populations.."

  76. Wake up people, Black, Latino and concerned others..America's public schools are horrendously failing to properly educate its Black, Latino and other inner-city, low income students..Please read the new book"The Unfinished Business of the Civil Rights Movement:Failure of America's Public Schools to Properly Educate its African American Student Populations.."

  77. Anonymous10:11 AM

    From Nubian to Niggers
    Religious and active-humane (not christianity, they had their own way of life before the jesus crap was shoved down their throats and instilled in their minds, hearts, soul, and spirits) . They were educated, the educators, disciplined, constructive, scientist, civil, the civilizers, respected, respectable, warriors and peacemakers, farmers, royalty or servants or the people of Great Kings and Queens or Emperors and Empresses.

    Still Nubian but prisoner of war - not a slave yet, just because your no longer free but captured doesn't make you a slave yet.

    Here they become Niggers/Slaves because of reprogramming-miseducation and the Wylie Lynch Law.

    Niggers who are educated through misinformation-lack of history, self confidence and the wrong religion (christianity, judaism, and islam)

    Now they are uncaring, uneducated, undisciplined, known by a slang term, selfish, psychologically disturbed, self-righteous, arrogant, destructive, too materialistic, too perverted, too religious and not active, lazy, rude, ghetto, clowns, self-conscious, unscientific, a breed that's soon to die as a whole.

    No one (not god or any spiritual or physical government anywhere or your so-called black leaders) is going to save you but you, nothing (prayer/devoted words/faith/christianity) is going to save you but properly educating yourself and your children, but the fact is Niggers/Slaves/Zombies or what they call themselves Niggas does not like being told what to do and that is a shame all in its self.

    This is what you need


    Verbal Language
    Sign Language
    Martial Arts
    Yoga (5)
    Speed Reading
    Dancing (10)
    Invention (15)
    Fashion Style (20)
    Games (25)
    Hair Styling
    Entertainment (30)
    Cultural History
    Vacation (35)
    Magic Tricks
    Mystery (40)
    Crafts (45)
    Morals (50)

    Get into these or just stay in front of your T.V. or sell weed to your own kind. One is productive/constructive the other is unproductive/destructive. You make the choice.

    Chris Rock was right there are Black/ Nubian people and there are Niggers/Niggas and the niggas has gots to go.

    This is what I believe.

    "Only a fool confuses fate with destiny. Fate is what happens to us, destiny is what we make in spite of our fate."

  78. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Implement Proper vs Eliminate Improper

    1. Education vs Miseducation
    2. Selflessness vs Selfishness
    3. Health vs Unhealthy
    4. Self Discipline vs Undisciplined
    5. Board Games vs Mind Games
    6. Puzzles vs Mind Games
    7. Books vs Television
    8. Bed Time vs Late Nights
    9. Bath vs Body Odor
    10. Self Love vs Self Hate
    11. Way of life vs Christianity/Islam
    12. Good Attitude/Behavior vs Recklessness/Ghetto Attitude
    13. Morality vs Immorality
    14. Good Parenting vs Bad Parenting
    15. Positive Mentality vs Negative Mentality
    16. Exercise vs Laziness
    17. Spirituality vs Materialism
    18. Respect vs Disrespect
    19. Proper Breathing vs Heavy Breathing
    20. World Language vs Ghetto Slang
    21. Social Ethics vs Ghetto Ethics
    22. Positive Music vs Rap (Crap)/Hip hop
    23. Cultural Dance vs Ghetto Dance
    24. Positive Entertainment vs Negative Entertainment
    25. Charity vs Church Tithes
    26. Proper Clothing vs Baggy or Slutty Clothes
    27. Role Models vs Gangsta Rappers
    28. Technology vs All Day Video Games
    29. Civil vs Niggerism
    30. Proper Work Ethics vs Ghetto Work Ethics
    31. Your Royal Roots vs Others Royal Roots

  79. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Be a part of the 1st or the 2nd. Former one is productive/conductive/solution/vital/smart and the latter one is unproductive/destructive/problem/detrimental/dumb your choice but remember the future starts when you want it and need it.

  80. Anonymous10:35 AM

    It's so true you can either be Active American Nubian or a Lazy Nigger/Nigga

  81. Anonymous3:23 PM


    Implement Proper vs Eliminate Improper

    1. Education vs Miseducation
    2. Selflessness vs Selfishness
    3. Health vs Drugs & Alcohol
    4. Self Discipline vs Undisciplined
    5. Board Games/Puzzles vs Mind Games
    6. Your Roots vs Others Roots
    7. Books vs Television
    8. Proper Bed Time vs Late Nights
    9. Clean Bath vs Body Odor
    10. Self Love vs Self Hate
    11. Way of life vs Christianity/Islam
    12. Proper Attitude vs Ghetto Attitude
    13. Morality vs Immorality
    14. Proper Parenting vs Careless Parenting
    15. Positive Mentality vs Negative Mentality
    16. Exercise vs Laziness
    17. Spirituality vs Materialism
    18. Respect vs Disrespect
    19. Proper Breathing vs Heavy Breathing
    20. Verbal/Sign Language vs Ghetto Slang
    21. Social Ethics vs Ghetto Ethics
    22. Positive Music vs Rap (Crap)/Hip hop
    23. Cultural Dance vs Ghetto Dance
    24. Positive Entertainment vs Negative Entertainment
    25. Charity vs Church Tithes
    26. Proper Clothing vs Baggy or Slutty Clothes
    27. Role Models vs Gangsta Rappers
    28. Constructive Work vs All Day Video Games
    29. Civil vs Niggerism
    30. Proper Work Ethics vs Ghetto Work Ethics
    31. Activities vs The Couch
    32. Proper Economics vs Being Broke to Poor
    33. High Credit vs Low Credit
    34. Proper Mentors vs Gang Influence
    35. Your Natural Hair vs Others Natural Hair
    36. Building Functional Families vs Building Dysfunctional Families
    37. Dictionary vs Street Slang
    38. Healthy Food vs "Soul Food"
    39. True Way of Life vs Judaism/Christianity/Islam
    40. Unified Parents vs Dead Beat Parents
    41. Degrees/Certificates/License vs Street Corners Hang Outs
    42. Hard Work vs Hand Outs
    43. Facts vs Myths
    44. Investigation vs Gullibility
    45. Sex Etiquette vs Promiscuity
    46. Leaders By Example vs Followers By Ignorance
    47. Societal Affiliation vs Gang Affiliation
    48. Undeniable Scientific Facts vs Human Religious Myths
    49. Father vs Dead Beat Dad
    50. Mother vs Dead Beat Mom

  82. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Every time you see police brutality and do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time you blame someone in power for your condition and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time a prosperity preacher gets you to invest any of your important bill money to their church mini or mega and you suffer for it in the end and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time your rights are violated and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time a so-called black leader promises you something yet those promises never come to fruition and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time the actions of your community are not put in check and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time your schools shut down and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time you use derogatory words amongst yourself and others call you by the same derogatory words that you call yourself and you do nothing all everyone sees are (Stop using derogatory words amongst yourself in words or action, you wouldn't sound like a hypocrite)


    Every time your child joins a gang and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time Hollywood makes 1-3 black films per year and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time a show or commercial clowns your race and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time drug is being pushed into your neighborhood and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time one of your own is imprisoned and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time you get pulled over for being black and you do nothing all everyone sees are


    Every time some one points out the truth about your nature, attitude, ghetto ways or when a Cheerios commercial about a mix girl with a black father and a white mother is shown is the only time you take action even when your in the wrong.

