Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Star is not born, and IQ tests needed for gun owners.

Here is a riddle for you: How many house Negroes can you fit into a television studio? If you watched FOX News on Monday night you got your answer.

I don't have a problem with conservative Negroes wanting to express themselves, but you Negroes have got to stop whining about how bad you have it.

If you have a forum on a highly rated cable news program to express yourself and cry about how mean folks are to you, then you might need to step back and reassess things a bit.

Maybe it's your message that needs fine tuning.

"When we look at who is behind this strategy, the liberal Democrats have not changed their M.O,” Parker said amid a discussion among African American conservatives on Fox News’ Hannity.

“This is not a new strategy, they used it during slavery. Remember, every time the word ‘freedom’ was mentioned and African Americans at that time heard about freedom — if you ran away, they would bring you back to that plantation — the overseer — the overseer today is the Congressional Black Caucus, their exclusive job is to keep them on the plantation, keep them uneducated, and keep them unarmed. And this was the same job as the overseer of the slave plantation, which was liberal Democrats.”

They would take that slave, they would strip the skin off of him and make everybody watch,” she added. “And that is what they do to us.”

Star, rhetoric like that is not a good way to win friends and influence people.

"While most of the panelists agreed, Crystal Wright of said it was wrong to portray Democrats as slave-masters and black Democrats as slaves.

She said Republicans should focus on their civil rights victories, noting the party had strongly supported African Americans’ right prior to the political realignment of the Southern states in the mid-20th century..."

Crystal, that's more like it.

Finally, stop me if you have heard this story before.

"A Tennessee deputy's four-year-old nephew shot and killed his wife during a weekend cookout at their home, police said.

Josephine Fanning, 47, and the boy walked into a bedroom where her husband Daniel was showing his personal gun collection to a relative in Lebanon. Unaware that the child entered, the sheriff's deputy left a loaded pistol unattended on the bed.

"Split second, we're talking about seconds for that kid to walk in that room unbeknownst to them, grab that gun and it goes off," said Wilson County Sheriff Robert Bryan." [Source]

I think it's time we expand those background checks for firearms owners and include an intelligence test in there somewhere.


  1. Wesley R9:32 PM

    Klannity had a show about Black Folks when most Black Folks would be watching the NCAA Championship Game.

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    No no no no no! Uh uh!

    Can the four year old speak? Is that what reeeaaly happened? I smell a rat here! Did you see her pic? Have you seen his pic? No. There's a million dollar insurance policy in there somewhere, I'm sure!

  3. “the overseer today is the Congressional Black Caucus, their exclusive job is to keep them on the plantation, keep them uneducated, and keep them unarmed.” – Star Parker (Conservative)

    So-called Black conservatives continue to kill me softly. What in the world is this mere factotum, Star Parker talking about? Seriously, what do these people eat and drink for survival? Whatever it is, keep that crap away from me! Sssshhh, ….. I need some innoculation of some sort right now!

    The RepubMafias haven’t seriously valued black folks as human beings for 150 years. This was the time period when they were referred to as Radical Republicans. They vehemently opposed slavery and hated those rag-tag, thuggish Confederates with a distinct passion.

    Currently, the RepubMafias’ jostling for blacks is out of necessity. Their voting base is in tatters after ObomBer gave them a shellacking last November. The beat down was so obvious, a Fox News commentary shortly after the election stated in essence that whites needed to start procreating more.

    If contemporary RepubMafias want to display that they’re serious about being a spin-off of Radical Republicans and the contemporary plight of black folks, they should AT LEAST do the following:

    *Immediately case their current assault on Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

    *Refrain from suppressing the vote of black folks during times of campaign.

    *Quit the dismantling of Affirmative Action programs.
    Assist in leveling this United Empire of States’ sentencing guidelines (crack vs. cocaine).

    *Pass a federal law banning extrajudicial murdering of blacks.
    Immediately cease adhering to the tenants of the Southern Strategy plan.

    *Rescind the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision.

    *Immediately bring to a halt the faux War on Drug efforts which has resulted in over 2 million blacks in prison for mostly non-violent offenses.

    There is quite a bit more, but what’s listed above, should be enough for an appetizingly, antipasty start!


  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Black gangbangers own guns, care to the see the results from that IQ test?

  5. Notice Star throws i n"liberal" Democrats as the plantation overseers. Like slave masters were liberals. These guys are a joke and they wonder why we don't want to join brainiacs like she and you boy Jesse Lee. Maybe Rand Paul can convince some of those Howard negroes to vote Republican. Good luck. BTW how is Deneen Borelli's outreach going over at Freedom Works or did they just waste more money?

  6. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Field, I appreciate you giving some space in your slanted political post for conservative Blacks. Thank you.

    As you and all Blacks know, Black Conservative are the most educated, most informed, most intelligent and most financially well off in the black community. I know you have to sound off for the liberal Democrats. I understand that. Nevertheless, again, thank you for showing the truth, which is Black Conservatives are the upper 5% of the black race.

    Many thanks.

  7. Brother Field.... I am all for a Black person wanting to be a Democrat or Republican. The issue I have is for them to directly speak harshly about the people that supported them in life and will be with them in the end. Being in the medical field for 40 plus years (combat medic RVN 69-70, nurse and physician assistant)- I can promise Mr.Jesse and other badmouthers of my people that the person that will wipe their butts and feed them more than likely will be us- the lazy, non-working, don't wanna work Blacks. Now before I be put on blast by the nit-pickers; yes, there are white NAs and like us do a job that many will not do. I am retired now and I have seen some mean people that had to depend on people that they had great disdain for. So all those "new" Blacks that the Republican party is putting on their show careful who you talk bad about. They should talk about the positives that that party is doing for them. Like LL, they all need to be vetted and we know Black people will do any thing to be seen in America....not all, but too many.

  8. Brother Field.... I am all for a Black person wanting to be a Democrat or Republican. The issue I have is for them to directly speak harshly about the people that supported them in life and will be with them in the end. Being in the medical field for 40 plus years (combat medic RVN 69-70, nurse and physician assistant)- I can promise Mr.Jesse and other badmouthers of my people that the person that will wipe their butts and feed them more than likely will be us- the lazy, non-working, don't wanna work Blacks. Now before I be put on blast by the nit-pickers; yes, there are white NAs and like us do a job that many will not do. I am retired now and I have seen some mean people that had to depend on people that they had great disdain for. So all those "new" Blacks that the Republican party is putting on their show careful who you talk bad about. They should talk about the positives that that party is doing for them. Like LL, they all need to be vetted and we know Black people will do any thing to be seen in America....not all, but too many.

  9. Anonymous11:21 PM

    "They would take that slave, they would strip the skin off of him and make everybody watch,” she added. “And that is what they do to us.”

    Sounds like she was talking about Field and some of his FN Negroes like PilotX, Desert, Dr Nuwait and some of the rest of you dem plantation Negroes.

    What the matter, Field, can't handle the truth?

  10. Field said,

    "Star, rhetoric like that is not a good way to win friends and influence people."


    Au contraire mon ami. In fact, she is reading from the GOP-KKK's screen-test script for black conservatives on the make (& is there really any other kind of black conservative?) It's required recitation. If they want in to the house, non-conservative black Americans aren't to be portrayed as true individuals (like all white people, even Democrats are) they're child-like "slaves" stuck on the "democrat plantation" and their critics don't honestly disagree with them they're "slave-catchers" treacherous sell-out-their-own turncoats.

    If one prospect isn't willing to say it there are plenty more right behind them already rehearsing their lines.

  11. Anonymous12:29 AM

    And she said that crap within a few hours of RandP going to Howard to find out in his words" an entire race" has turned it's back on his party.......

    She isn't that dense...just picking up a paycheck for soothing white guilt.


  12. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Besides Star, other black Conservatives spoke who made a lot of sense. But you FN Negroes seems to have ignored them. Negroes on FN love to focus on ignorant comments that ironically has proven Star's point about black liberals, slavery and the CBC.

    To this day FN Negroes fail to recognize how they continually are screwed by the CBC that you Negroes keep voting for ad infinitum.

    Star only stated the obvious about the CBC, which every Negro knows in their hearts of hearts is true. Hence, some of you Negro Star criticizers ought to STFU. Some of you FN Negroes keep missing what's happening to you because of your profound denial. Meanwhile, the CBC is ripping you off every which way and laughing all the way to the bank.

    Yep, you FN followers think you are smart, but in reality you are ignoramuses. There is nothing more 'hopeless' than an ignoramus who thinks he/she is smart.

  13. Anonymous5:40 AM

    What did Obama call it? Oh, yeah "plantation politics"

    Field let me ask you a question

    if as you say you are able to dismiss the horribly sordid history of democrats and racism/eugenics/segregation through a simple theory of they apologized and switched parties.

    Have you ever looked up all the Democrats who voted against civil rights? Did they change to republicans as you claim or did they still get voted in and 10-15-20 years later were they still Democrats?

    Check that out - that's history that can't be revised.

  14. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Parker is right, you are the real "House Negro". Conservative blacks who think for themselves are field negros.

  15. LL, it’s best that you stay away from those transvestites boy! Was another attempt for you to stay relevant?? Why haven’t you defended yourself against these sleezy claims? Perhaps there is more than an ounce of truth here, eh! Stupid mutha “F”!

  16. Anonymous8:34 AM

    "A Tennessee deputy's four-year-old nephew shot and killed his wife during a weekend cookout at their home, police said."

    Hm. Seems to me the trouble started when you let the four-year-old get married.



  17. Anonymous9:05 AM

    stupid, violent negroes is what she is talking about.what are you going to do when the welfare checks stop coming?

  18. No black person ever got poor by telling white people what they want to hear. That's the trip Star is on, and while I'm sure it's a good gig for her and her bank manager, she's not doing the people any favours.

  19. Anonymous11:06 AM

    This vibrant urban youth used a blade to get he job done instead:

    Quieter than gun.

  20. Ok that was funny Bozo.
    Good point Whitey. On all these sites about politics there will always be the types that lump us all in one group and proceed to tell us what's in our best interests as if we have no self awareness. For example the poster above who claims conservative blahs are all in the top 5% which is BS. There are too many blah doctors, lawyers, engineers, airline pilots, ect that vote Dem. Another stereotype that wealthy people automatically vote GOP. That may have been the case a few decades ago before the GOP started courting religious nuts and went off the deep end pushing creationism and trying to gut education. Now any person with half a grain of sense dismisses these fools, just ask Bobby Jindal which is the stupid party.

  21. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Look wha the klan done made these po' kids do!

  22. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "No black person ever got poor by telling white people what they want to hear."

    Not quite homeslice, no black ever got poor spouting pseudo-revolutionary tripe and peppering in anti-colonial rhetoric and insinuating raycizzum. That's how blacks get rich. You're welcome son.

  23. I see u Anon@1:18. But what happened to this guy?/

  24. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Purple Cow, "No black person ever got poor by telling white people what they want to hear. That's the trip Star is on, and while I'm sure it's a good gig for her and her bank manager, she's not doing the people any favours."

    10:32 AM
    Tell me, Mr Purple Cow, why is it you missed what the CBC has been saying and doing BEHIND the backs of Blacks for decades?

    Do you lefties know they have been screwing us to make money for themselves by pleasing the white people?

    Star has brought the obvious about the CBC to light. Why do FN Negroes like YOU ignore it? Instead, you plantation house Negroes attack Star's Field Negro behavior for speaking out about those Uncle Tom CBC betrayers? GTFOOH!

    Star is right. You are nothing but slaves overseen by the CBC. And she should get paid for speaking the truth, which is rare in Negro politics. You ought to be praising her, not putting her down.

  25. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Mr Field, as a previous follower of William Buckley, I now frequent FN not because it stimulates my intellect but because it 'doesn't'. I have never understood why your posters never made sense but I DO have compassion for you simply because I believe slavery has genetically impacted Negroes emotionally, spiritually and certainly educationally. Not caring about education in the black community I suspect probably has some genetic ramifications which has been passed down to today's generation. I bet Science will eventually bear this out once we get past political correctness(lies)-- and go with 'just the facts' instead of hiding truths because it may hurt some group's feelings.

    Now I expect some of your FN Negroes to come at me for speaking my mind but I am counting on you to delete those comments. Thank you.

    Truly yours in brotherhood,

    Brotha Brilliant (BB)

  26. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Does anybody know the age of Desert or what month she was born?

    Does anyone know which island is better to live on Jamaica, PR, or VIs? I had originally planned to move to Philly from Detroit but Field eff'd that up for me by calling me White.

  27. Sorry BB@7:56PM, your comments do not match your name.

  28. Wanna bet BB works the fries at BK?

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson10:20 PM

    You stupid "Purple" cow. How do you think you will EVER getbahead by telling those who have the keys to send you up the chain, or to the mailroom? You have to tell them what they want to hear, no matter what stinking color your skin is.

    I'll bet you or that white wife & and little brorats are living off the dole.

    You make me puke.

  30. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Does anybody know the age of Desert or what month she was born?

    Does anyone know which island is better to live on Jamaica, PR, or VIs? I had originally planned to move to Philly from Detroit but Field eff'd that up for me by calling me White.
    No, nobody knows :) But I hear she's old enough ;) I also hear Jamaica is really beautiful!

  31. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Does anybody know the age of Desert or what month she was born?"
    If I tell you,will you send me a gift?

  32. BARBBF10:38 AM

    What we all need to focus on..and be very, very concerned with..Black, White, Red or Yellow:

    Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket

    By Helen Caldicott

    Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket Following Radiological Incidents

    The White House has given final approval for dramatically raising permissible radioactive levels in drinking water and soil following “radiological incidents,” such as nuclear power-plant accidents and dirty bombs. The final version, slated for Federal Register publication as soon as today, is a win for the nuclear industry which seeks what its proponents call a “new normal” for radiation exposure among the U.S population, according Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).
