Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One of the real scandals in Washington.

Conservatives are about to find out that it's not only those poor Negroes in urban areas who depend on food stamps.
My experience has taught me that quite a few working head of households, college students, and hardworking families who are trying to make ends meet in America depend on food stamps as well.
Yes, there is fraud, but show me an area of society where there isn't fraud. I guarantee you that if we were to put a microscope to some of these politicians passing these draconian laws against  people they consider powerless we would find that their milk isn't exactly clean, either.
This is one of the real scandals in Washington that no one is talking about.
Speaking of politricksters in Washington, the clowns from both sides of the isle were in full finger- wagging mode today.
Good for Eric Holder for at least wagging back.
These hearings today involved the AP scandal, which, by the way, is the only one of these scandals that I consider serious--- or will even pay attention to.
This IRS "scandal" is a joke. Why? Because as I have been saying for the past few days, there is nothing to see here; been there done that.

This is selective outrage on the part of the clowns in Washington and the corporate media whores who have to drive their ratings.
No wonder O had to talk to the nation this evening to calm their fears. I just wonder where this outraged media was for all those years when Bush was in power and investigating churches, black organizations, and liberal groups. (Just ask Eric Dyson. Bush and his boys went after him five years in a row. FIVE!) I  know that I am starting to sound like a broken record, but I think I will keep playing this tune until you all at least catch the lyrics.
"We'd have every major liberal newspaper in America calling for investigation ending in impeachment. It'd be leading the evening news. We'd have have every group that had liberal or progressive tendencies demanding answers and marching on the White House. And leaders of Congress, Democrats in Congress, demanding to have answers. It'd be a nightmare at the Bush White House had this been done on our watch."
Mr. Rove, with all due respect, it was done on your "watch", and you seem to be sleeping pretty well these days.


  1. Frustrated Negro9:55 PM

    You are really bordering on insanity STEPHEN....

    Seriously...Did you not see Holder repeat OVER , and OVER again he didnt know what the details ,or scope of several investigations were under his watch?
    The man is either in on it; or hes COMPLETELY incompetent.

    Either way wire taps are to be signed off by the Attorney General.

    How can you recuse yourself from an investigation; but be ABSOLUTELY SURE the investigation followed all departmental parameters ,and procedures??

    You cant have it both ways... STEPHEN...

    Man you sure carry those buckets of water Gracefully...LOL

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Field, you should post links that show Obama's deterioration with the American people. WE ALL KNOW that you will defend Obama no matter how wrong he may be. You like lying. It's your MO. You aren't interested in the truth about Obama. As I have mentioned numerous times, you will lie because you can't stand to be wrong. You are so insecure. You are a sick man.

  3. Latreen Dartay10:21 PM

    Bring up Bush, Bush, Bush.

    Feel better now?
    Don't you wish Bush could have had another term so you could keep being anti government; instead you got stuck with Obama and now have to keep talking about the old days.

  4. Do these Repubs ever get tired of making mountains out of molehills? I swear they are looking for their Watergate. Good luck guys, these "scandals" are going to end up just like Fast and Furious. And good luck with that impeachment thing. Maybe Palin van go on Fox and give her two cents.

  5. Anonymous10:43 PM





  6. Anonymous10:47 PM

    PilotX, " PilotX said...
    Do these Repubs ever get tired of making mountains out of molehills? I swear they are looking for their Watergate. Good luck guys, these "scandals" are going to end up just like Fast and Furious. And good luck with that impeachment thing. Maybe Palin van go on Fox and give her two cents."

    10:37 PM
    What will you say when the big "I" comes? THEN...Palin will go FOX and give her 2cents worth of: "I told you so."

  7. Anonymous11:01 PM

    The WH Administration is going down fast:

  8. Food stamps is the best, most effective social service program the government has. Now the recipient is issued a debit card, a great convenience. Pay people a decent wage, they won't need the program.

  9. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Poor Susan Rice, she will be thrown under the bus. In fact, a number of folks will be sacrificed to protect Obama and Hillary. Unfortunately, it won't work. Obama is going down. The GOP will see to it.

    Field, because you have joined the lying ranks supporting this corrupt beige lying President, it would be a good thing if you were thrown under the bus as a token of good will. However, I am sure it will be an honor for you to die for the Master, STEPHEN.

    Your future and FN now hangs on Obama. That's a very tenuous position to have put yourself in. BTW, You know how Leftist Liberal FN fearful Negroes are. They won't try to help save your don't count on any Negroes coming to your rescue. I know, I's a 'B' being a loyal Black for the Master. You are done, STEPHEN.

  10. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Bob@11:23pm, your post is the most sane and remarkable comment made on FN-EVER. Are you sure you are on the right blog? FN is a blog for the insane and self-righteous as well indicated in the post.

  11. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Obama is sinking fast and Field is still in total DENIAL of what's happening. WAKE UP FIELD.

    Depressed Negro

  12. Anonymous1:23 AM

    "It’s been a disastrous week for Obama, with the president lambasted by Republicans and Democrats alike not just for the IRS and AP records scandals themselves but also for appearing passive and reactive in dealing with them.

    Jon Stewart skewered the president’s apparent disengagement. Other critics tossed around words like “Nixonian” about the Justice Department’s secret probe of the AP. And it didn’t help that Attorney General Eric Holder and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney performed badly when grilled by journalists at press conferences, with their responses judged as insufficient if not downright evasive.

    The Republican National Committee capitalized on the administration’s bad week with a new fundraising appeal charging that the president was failing to live up to his promises of government transparency. The RNC video, “Demand Transparency,” tells views to “demand the truth” and “demand accountability.”"--MSNBC

    Brother Field, PilotX, PC--any comments? Like Obama, you all are looking like fools following a lying beige fool. You are all toast. Prepare for the big I-mpeachment. So, how do you losers feel now?

  13. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Lord have mercy:

  14. GrannyStandingforTruth2:16 AM


    I guess the GOP hasn't learned their lesson yet. Oh well, let them do what they do. That beige man is gonna crack their mask again. Nope, on second thought, he is gonna shatter it this time.

    Everytime the GOP accuses others of doing something, their trying to keep folks from looking at what they're doing, which is actually what they're accusing others of doing. GOP = Thugs for Life!

  15. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Pray, Granny. Pray for the soul of Obama for he is sinning greatly. Stay away from him lest you end up in hell with him and Field. Don't do this to yourself.

    I will pray for you.

  16. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Frustrated Negro said, "Man you sure carry those buckets of water Gracefully...LOL"

    9:55 PM
    It's embarrassing. Disgusting. But Field has always been shameless. Must be because he has no moral compass.

  17. Yawning right with u Granny. It must be hard for these wingnuts to work so hard to manufacture a scandal and then.....poof.

    No matter how hard they try to get the half Kenyan out of office, he still just keeps beating them at every turn.

    Did you see the two links they gave above? Fox news and Kirsten Powers. A joke and a bigger joke. Kind of like the clowns who posted them.

  18. Field, do we know yet if the subpoenas for the AP records were signed off by a judge or were they from the DOJ?

    Also could you explain the circumstances in which a prosecutor could ever subpoena someone/something without a judge's approval, if possible?

  19. No wonder your trolls post as anons because they are always wrong. Didn't they assure us of a Romney landslide? The GOP and conservatives are never right about anything, sad thing is they're too dull to even know it.

  20. Maybe Michele Bachmann or Louie Gomert can lead the IRS investigation if they're not too busy scaring dumb people about terror babies or innoculations that make kids retarded. These folks are such jokes. They are as reliable for a laugh as Fox News is for scaring me about the war on Christmas.

  21. Yes Shady,a Fed Judge would have had to have signed off on the subpoenas. Still chilling to me. They are allowed if the DOJ exhausted all other avenues to get the records and if it is for a limited.and narrow reason. This just seemed too broad to me.

    PilotX, know it. That's why they are so.angry and miserable.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth said: “Everytime the GOP accuses others of doing something, their trying to keep folks from looking at what they're doing, which is actually what they're accusing others of doing. GOP = Thugs for Life!

    You nailed it again Granny and therefore, you have my endorsement! :)

  23. ODS is strong in this group.

  24. Lt. Commander Johnson8:34 AM

    Yeah, field....try Obama's trick of deflecting things on food stamps.

    Eric Holder, however, should be trying to find a bus he feels comfortable being thrown under. What an imbecilic clown:

  25. BARBBF9:37 AM

    The real scandal in Washington? There is a man in the White House who did everything he could to stop protection for born alive aborted babies...and he's President:

    What happens to a baby born alive after a failed, Gosnell-style abortion?

    Well, Live Action's 24-week pregnant investigator asked the same question during multiple undercover investigations of partial birth abortion clinics across the United States … and what we found out will shock and sicken you:

    "Flush it." --- abortion clinic, New York City, NY
    "We would not help it." --- abortion clinic, Washington, D.C.
    "They do not resuscitate." ---abortion clinic, Phoenix, AZ

    As you can see for yourself, Gosnell is not alone. He's not an aberration in the Planned Parenthood-dominated abortion empire. His "House of Horrors" isn't an isolated incident.

    We've now proven this as fact: drowning small babies in jars of poison and snipping their spinal cords is standard operating procedure in the bloodthirsty and lucrative abortion industry. Gosnell's "House of Horrors" was only the tip of the iceberg!

    And don't forget: The Washington Post just reported that abortionist Cesare Santangelo, who is caught on camera willing to commit infanticide blocks away from the White House, called our pro-life investigator a terroristo

  26. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Obama is just as complicit in this scandal as Bush was in his scandals. Many Blacks seem to worship him and put him on a pedestal but he does not belong there.

  27. Anonymous10:08 AM

    As a Black person who is also an Independent,I feel it's time for Black people to start holding Obama accountable just as you would any president.

    I believed all along that Obama was targeting high profiled Blacks that didn't support for him.I
    recall a case that happened in Chicago where his goons targeted a NAACP chapter head because he was an Independent that didn't support Obama.

  28. Soapbubble3:07 PM

    Loving that picture of Holder in the article. I bet Issa is still burning up from that confrontation.

  29. Anonymous3:16 PM

    This Issa dude hates the "blackness". Usually when guys are this hateful, they're hating on someone in their family tree. J. Edgar Hoover syndrome. He doesn't appear to be a pedigree snowball. 'Nuff said.

  30. U uppity Negroes always piss off YT. :)

  31. Frustrated Negro4:36 PM

    Im crying Over here... LOL...

    Youve listed Wayne Brady as the "Field Negro " of the day ...

    The closest that man has come to being a Field Negro is IF there was a Time Machine to transport him back to the 1600's as a slave....

    Your seriously losing it...LOL

    Of all the comedic errors youve made this definitely is top class..LOL...

    Gotta share that pic to see the foolishness...

    Wayne Brady
    (House Negro)LOL..

    You really out did yaself with that one...

    But then again you still call yourself a Field Negro with O-Bomber juice drippin off ya chin at every possible juncture... LOL

    You a truely a clown Stephen....

    Carry on...

  32. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Obama is just as complicit in this scandal as Bush was in his scandals. Many Blacks seem to worship him and put him on a pedestal but he does not belong there.

    9:48 AM
    You are exactly right. Blacks have never had it worse than under Obama. That makes the black condition even more poignant.

    Morally blind leftist liberal Negroes like Field, PilotX and Granny will vote for anyone who is Black. It doesn't matter if they are getting ripped off. They just like the 'feeling' of a bm in the WH even though he could be Satan.

  33. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    This Issa dude hates the "blackness". Usually when guys are this hateful, they're hating on someone in their family tree. J. Edgar Hoover syndrome. He doesn't appear to be a pedigree snowball. 'Nuff said.

    3:16 PM
    Well, he's White whether you think so or not. What gives you the authority to determine who's White or not? I mean, you are Black, and that's a long way from knowing what it is to be White. 'Some' of you Leftwing FN Negroes are off-the-chart, when it comes to thinking.

  34. "They just like the 'feeling' of a bm in the WH even though he could be Satan."

    I don't know about you guys but Satan would get my vote over the ass-clowns the GOP has offered up recently. MAYBE I could live with Bob Dole but since then it's been all downhill.
    On another note I wouldn't feel too good if Allen West or Alan Keyes was in the WH so looks like this ignorant post is incorrect as far as I'm concerned.

  35. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Oh Lawd! Rachel Maddow is going after Obama. The shit is really rolling down hill. My Lord, what will Field, PilotX, Granny and all those blind Negro loyalists do now? BTW, Whitey, Cali Girl, and Desert have seen the writing on the wall and have left your ass. Will there be more 'Desert'-ers? I think so. I'm going to enjoy watching you Obamaholics go down the STEPHEN-Dem rabbit hole.:)

  36. Why is this fool calling me an Obamaholic? Does that make it a Romneyholic?

  37. Anonymous10:15 AM


    Son something is funky about this story and like Benghazi, it smacks of a right wing attempt to pull,out a red heron and keep the focus off of what GOV are doing in respective repub states

    I would not doubt if down the road and like Watergate the US people find out that the band of 8 was in this doo doo knee deep

    Pres O, as much as i like him in my OP made a poor choice when he staffed his adm with all of the rejects from the Bush adm.. He may have believed that keeping enemies close was the best thing but like Fidel/Malcolm said YOU CANNOT MAKE BEDFELLOWS WITH YOUR ENEMY

    Its is clear that Pres O is still a huckelbuck, and that he wants to leave a legacy.
    i have no problem with that however, what he would do best at learning and accepting is that white men HATE HIM.
    And that most will do anything, say anything and create anything to debunk and destroy his game plan moving forward.

    I love him for many reasons however i admit that nothing any Afrikan could have done would have helped because he is an AFRIKAN
    He ,concretizes, and typifys the fear white men have in powerful places.
    It has never been about the Presidency so much as it is about WHO is Pres and what RACE the pres is

    Its cold blooded fear that what was done to the Pres Father, (Sr) his questionable white "HO" Afrikan big /little penis hunting mama.

    And HOLD IT! what was/is done and being done to his Afrikans bredren in gen that have set the right racists on fire..
    YES! I said it! Ya'll
    Perhaps they believe that Pres will order all whites into slavery LMAO

    Now for those who take issue with what i say here about his mama, lol, you know me i will say what i want to as long as i am alive and unless and until Chaka comes! Sue me

    ps just be grateful that a few of your little penis'es are not the subject today i may get to that later if you promise to find it!

  38. Keeping it plain The hate that hate

    When i was 15 i went to the District to visit my fam who was then living in Maryland(right down the street from the capitol)
    What i want to share was that i was coming from the bottom, where separate toilets and water faucets were standard. But as a sister of a lighter hue it never applied to me I THOUGHT!

    Suffice that, what i found in DC that year not only shocked my young ignorant psyche, but raised my awareness to what my grandfather Garcia had shared with me in Cuba the year i was sent to amerikkka.

    He told me that in Miami, the white people had established separate toilets etc for Afrikans and that even though i did not look like an Afrikan EG ( Too light to be black, too black to be Cuban/latina? i would be refused entrance to any inside toilet

    What/who exactly is a latina does this fit anyone NO! there is no such person as a latina or a hispanic.

    However, to most people, i was a so called light skinned Cuban but i had learned enough to find out like Garcia had told me, that i would never want to drink from a regular faucet, or use a toilet unless it said was mine.

    .Hmmmm..My colour is not black i am Afrikan and i am not an implant from Cuba via of europe.
    Yes! my grandfather also warned me about nasty white women and using outside toilets etc. We never! used one

    Moving right along
    In the district, like Miami, there were such signs "COLORED ONLY" I thought how cruel and unkind ( deep breathe) even in the seat of GOV..We carried our own water.

    Upon returning to Miami, i shared my 2 week exp with my mother and she told me that white people are afraid, hateful, racist and unjust and that their behaviour was to be expected.
    She told me that hate, murder, rape and mayhem including terrorism were in the DNA of white people, thus any thing they do/say should be considered suspect

    As a maturing woman who later moved to NY, and Boston in later yrs. And after receiving both political and a book knowledge(vs educ)
    i knew that what Malcolm, taught after he left the NOI and started the OAAU would forever be a part of my life/belief and that it was my duty along with my husbands to pass it on.
    Neither of us are Muslims we are mere revolutionary activists who respected the minister

    Falsehood runs from truth WAKE THE FCK UP nothing has changed since 1965

  39. Field

    If you listen to the rattraps on the tube you cannot help but know their age or political knowledge.
    Been nowhere done nothing and like Sara does not read or know their own story The one about umbrellas lmao

    Boy oh Boy some people are so stupid
    Field What is the name of that creature who comes out of the cave once a yr in your state and declares winter over Skunk? rothfl
    Now people READ! and overstand

  40. field negro said...
    Yes Shady,a Fed Judge would have had to have signed off on the subpoenas. Still chilling to me. They are allowed if the DOJ exhausted all other avenues to get the records and if it is for a limited.and narrow reason. This just seemed too broad to me.
    Afrikan said
    Also Field remember that the band of 8 may have decided to go straight to their own JUDGE You know the one in the pocket.
    It is broad FN but we know why

    Now they want to force Pickering into a private meeting..Why is that is it to co opt the man? Get him on their side or offer a deal?
    As you know FN i do not trust anyone esp house negros and pale politrick shuns

    NO! i am not leaving an URL google it
    Benghazi investigator ordered to private meeting
    Rep. Darrell Issa says his House panel still has unanswered questions about the report on the incident

    WASHINGTON — The Republican chairman of a congressional oversight committee yesterday ordered the leader of the investigation into the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack to sit for a private interview next week.

    As Republicans and Democrats wage a political battle over the attack in which four Americans were killed, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., issued a subpoena ordering retired Ambassador Thomas Pickering to appear for a taped deposition on Thursday to answer questions about the Accountability Review Board report he prepared on the incident.

    Pickering and retired Adm. Michael Mullen, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who led the Benghazi review board, on Thursday had offered to testify publicly before the House Oversight Committee.

  41. field negro said...
    U uppity Negroes always piss off YT. :)

    4:00 PM
    Afrikan said
    Don't we now!;)
