Monday, July 29, 2013

Don's five point plan.

I need to holla at my boy Don Lemon real quick. The CNN host has been catching some heat from his my people after his recent rant about what is ailing the black community. (Memo to Don: Never start an editorial about black folks by invoking the name of Bill O'Reilly.) 

Don thinks that if we could just get the young bucks to start pulling up their pants and stop dropping the N-word, we would all of a sudden get black unemployment down to 7%, and get the government to start focusing on urban issues. He thinks that implementing his five point plan would get the GOP to start focusing on passing legislation that would address things such as education and fighting crime, instead of how to control a woman's body and defunding "Obamacare".

The thing is, I actually agree with some of the things that Don talked about, (most black folks do) but when he goes on CNN of all places and preaches down to us as if these aren't things we talk about all the time, it's a problem. I am guessing that if Don had made these statements on BET or TV One (sorry Oprah, not OWN; I still don't trust you to keep s*** among us) most black folks would not have a problem, but putting white folks in our business to the delight of clowns on the right and the FOX NEWS crowd is not cool. It's never cool to side with the "professional assassins" of black folks. Besides, I have news for Don: the people he should be trying to reach are not watching his show on CNN. Some of the people that he and the bloviator over at FOX like to bash are the ones that he is going to have to reach out to get the message across to a generation of lost souls. Some young buck in North Philly who dropped out of school in the 10th grade and is slinging dope on the corner is not going to listen to two talking heads who are paid to drive up their ratings on television. One is an egomaniacal racist and the other is a sheltered dude from Baton Rouge who sometimes means well but cares about his television career more than improving the lives of black folks.

"And number one, and probably the most important, just because you can have a baby, it doesn't mean you should. Especially without planning for one or getting married first. More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues. So, please, black folks, as I said if this doesn't apply to you, I'm not talking to you. Pay attention to and think about what has been presented in recent history as acceptable behavior. Pay close attention to the hip-hop and rap culture that many of you embrace. A culture that glorifies everything I just mentioned, thug and reprehensible behavior, a culture that is making a lot of people rich, just not you."

The irony is, of course, that the people Don says that he is "not talking to" are  the only ones who are listening to him, and we all want to know why he chose this particular forum to have his conversation.


  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

    In other news: Aaryn from Big Brother has nominated the two black people in the house to be evicted and it looks like the black girl, Candice, is going home. That Aaryn sure is pretty AND she doesn't bend over backwards for the black man. Love her!!!

    PS: Keep up the good work Field. A laugh as always!

  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I dunno, Mr.Lemon is sounding more and more righty as the days wear on.

    Saw him the other night, tell truth I don't even remember what it was about. With two women, and he was just walking that line and staying on that fence real bad!

    I dunno, maybe they pay better over at Fox? ;)

  3. Anonymous9:09 PM

    "The thing is, I actually agree with some of the things that Don talked about, (most black folks do) but when he goes on CNN of all places and preaches down to us as if these aren't things we talk about all the time, it's a problem."

    Yes, it's a problem but it's NOT Don Lemon's problem, it's a huge Black problem that's been growing and growing and growing over decades. Which NO Black person has solved nor have even attempted to solve. All we have done is kept quiet about it. Now the chickens are coming home to roost and we can't do a damn thing about it except bitch about our "secret" getting out. Ever hear of the saying, "we are as sick as our secrets"? Well, we are sick, VERY SICK and we need all the help we can get...Black or White.

    FN-"I am guessing that if Don had made these statements on BET or TV One (sorry Oprah, not OWN; I still don't trust you to keep s*** among us) most black folks would not have a problem, but putting white folks in our business to the delight of clowns on the right and the FOX NEWS crowd is not cool."

    There you go with that "don't let the wm know we are eff'd up" again. EVERYBODY KNOWS!! FYI, we are killing each other in record numbers! 72% of our children are born out of wedlock! 72%!! Try to get your mind wrapped around that number, Mr. Field. We are out of fucking control! We need help from ALL media outlets to sound the alarm because for decades our own so-called caring people like Sharpton, CBC, NAACP, Urban League and others haven't DONE A DAMN THING ABOUT IT. WHY? Because they haven't the slightest idea what to do.

    So let's keep an open mind TO EVERYONE. Maybe collectively, we can find a solution to end this nightmare we are in.

    I am so glad Don Lemon and O'Reilly have spoken up because no one else has.

  4. Anonymous9:17 PM

    At least Don and O'Reilly have offered solutions. No one else in our community has offered shit. Meanwhile, the stinky shit keeps piling up.

  5. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Desert, "Saw him the other night, tell truth I don't even remember what it was about. With two women, and he was just walking that line and staying on that fence real bad!"

    ????? What fence? Don doesn't sit on the fence. So what are talking about? The black furor over what he has said proves it. Don has NEVER sat on the fence...that's not his nature.

  6. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "At least Don and O'Reilly have offered solutions."
    he problem is huge indeed! and it's good that they are expressing concern over it!

    BUT, their simplistic solutions, such as "keeping your pants up" are definitely not the answer!

  7. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "What fence? Don doesn't sit on the fence. So what are talking about?"
    I wish I could remember what it was about. But, I've been out most of the day and I'm tired and can't really engage the gears of my brain right now! I know I was thinking as I watched that he was kinda on the rightish side and sorta fixing and changing what the two women opined.

    I thought "is he running for office or something :))) When I remember I'll get back to you ;)

  8. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "BUT, their simplistic solutions, such as "keeping your pants up" are definitely not the answer!"

    Well, maybe we ought to ignore that part. Even though they look hiddeous and nasty and repulsive with their asses hanging out, people should be able to look at them with love...HORSESHIT!

    What do YOU have to offer? At least Don has offered a start. NO ONE else has. I welcome BLACK teens pulling up their pants instead of walking around with them around their knees.

  9. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Here's some info for you, Field and the rest of you folks unable to 'hear' the message because of the messenger.

  10. Wesley R10:21 PM

    A couple of things can be done to start the turnaround; First, we need a major jobs program that will get the young men off of the corners and their mommas or girlfriends couches and into apprenticeship programs and placed into jobs rebuilding their cities.

    GOP and FOXNEWS won't support that. They'll just continue to complain about dysfunction in some Black Communities.

    We need new gun laws with a universal background check to find out what Foxnews watcher is selling guns to the gangs in the Inner Cities.

    The NRA wont go along with it so The GOP and FoxNews wont back it either.

    You see where I'm going, there are things that can begin to turn around some of the things in the inner city but the GOP and FoxNews wont go for it so any effort will be blocked in congress.


    According to the US Department of Education. The number of Blacks who earned Associate's Degrees increased 89% from 1999- 2010, There was also a 53% increase in the number of Bachelor's Degrees, 109% increase in Master's Degrees, and 47% increase in Doctoral Degrees.

    Bet you won't hear those stats on Fox News.

  11. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Wesley R said...

    "we need a major jobs program that will get the young men off of the corners and their mommas or girlfriends couches and into apprenticeship programs and placed into jobs rebuilding their cities.

    We need new gun laws with a universal background check

    According to the US Department of Education. The number of Blacks who earned Associate's Degrees increased 89% from 1999- 2010, There was also a 53% increase in the number of Bachelor's Degrees, 109% increase in Master's Degrees, and 47% increase in Doctoral Degrees."
    YAAAY for the graduates!!!

    I agree with that plan!

  12. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Well, maybe we ought to ignore that part. Even though they look hiddeous and nasty and repulsive with their asses hanging out, people should be able to look at them with love...HORSESHIT!

    What do YOU have to offer? At least Don has offered a start. NO ONE else has. I welcome BLACK teens pulling up their pants instead of walking around with them around their knees.
    See,there ya go, chalking it up to a dress style and looks! That's not the way. The way as Wesley R said is with education and jobs.

    That's the only way...

  13. Wesley R10:39 PM

    Steven Colbert said it best last week.

  14. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "You see where I'm going, there are things that can begin to turn around some of the things in the inner city but the GOP and FoxNews wont go for it so any effort will be blocked in congress."

    Yeah, it's hopeless. We might as well forget about doing anything.

    "According to the US Department of Education. The number of Blacks who earned Associate's Degrees increased 89% from 1999- 2010, There was also a 53% increase in the number of Bachelor's Degrees, 109% increase in Master's Degrees, and 47% increase in Doctoral Degrees."

    Well, according to Wesley R, we are doing just fine. All those black on black killings and OOW stats are minuscule compared to the high increase in 'Associate Degrees'. Wow. We're really making great strides(joke)

    Detroit once was a place for jobs but a corrupt black mayor and many others have gutted that city. Now you want more funding for those baby mommas? You claim Fox News and other Reps won't go for funding more? Can you blame them?

    That is throwing good money after bad money. But I am sure our great leader, brother Al Sharpton will figure out something. I mean, he has had decades to figure it out. But the only thing he has figured out has been FOR HIMSELF.

  15. Anonymous10:59 PM

    "That's the only way..."

    Amazing! All of a sudden we have black geniuses who know "the only way". Where have you been all of these decades?

  16. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Wesley R said...
    Steven Colbert said it best last week.
    Brilliant as usual! :)

  17. Anonymous11:13 PM

    The way I'm seeing it, and this is just my uneducated opinion, cos I've not studied political sciences or anything like that.

    But, that there's gonna be a race war? I think it's just a matter of time and the right fuse being lit.

    After that verdict and all of the pent up, suppressed emotions, with everything, as the POTUS said that has been experienced,it's just a matter of the right time and conditions. Hopefully it won't ever happen...

    The right realizes this, and I think may be trying, albeit clumsily and ill informed, to draw attention to it. To maybe try and do something to change and diffuse the direction it's going in.

    My suggestion would be to stop talking crap. STFU and and start talking right! Stop berating an already sore elephant, lest it turn and tramples them! But, that's just me...

    I'm prolly wrong...I usually am...

  18. Wesley R, thanks for those suggestions. Its nice to hear real ideas being put out there instead of sound bites.

  19. Desert, there will never be a race war in America. A class war, however, might just be coming.

  20. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Will the 'class war' that's coming be integrated or segregated? Looks to me it will be all Blacks, seeing how they are the worst off in jobs, education, murders, OOW births, etc.

  21. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Field, Wesley R, Desert and Field the following is fyi. Hope you can "open" your minds to it:

    Anonymous said...
    Racism is an excuse for blacks to be perpertual victims and to never excel in life. Is racism the reason why blacks drop out of school and many never learn to read or write? Is racism the reason why more than 70 percent of blacks are born out of wedlock and many of them join gangs? Is racism the reason why blacks shun education for fear of acting white? Is racism the reason why the majority of blacks are on public assistance? Is racism the reason why blacks are involved in a disproportionate about of crime and end up in prison or dead? Black need to grow up and accept responsibility for their affairs and to stop blaming others for their failures. Racism will never die but it shouldn't prevent you from excelling in life. Institutionalized racism is long over. Get over it and move on.

    Now do you understand what Don Lemon and O'Reilly are trying to move the black community toward? Can you face reality?

  22. Bill O'Reilly is tryiing to move his bank account and his ego forward.

    And please with the victim meme, it's getting old. If black folks saw themselves as victims the riots of the sixties would still be going on.

    Don't worry Anon@11:24 pm, I am pretty sure what side of the class war u will be on. Pssst, here is a hint; being white cant save u.

  23. Anonymous12:51 AM

    field negro said...
    "Desert, there will never be a race war in America. A class war, however, might just be coming."
    You're right Field, LOL! As I said, I'm not educated on these matters :)

    I think that's definitely more exact wording,"class" war.

    Although...when you think about how the classes are divided...?

  24. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Is racism the reason why blacks drop out of school and many never learn to read or write? Is racism the reason why more than 70 percent of blacks are born out of wedlock and many of them join gangs? Is racism the reason why blacks shun education for fear of acting white? Is racism the reason why the majority of blacks are on public assistance? Is racism the reason why blacks are involved in a disproportionate about of crime and end up in prison or dead?

    It sure has a heck of a lot to do with it!

  25. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Don Lemon is very young, and very naieve.

  26. Anonymous1:12 AM

    field negro said...
    "Pssst, here is a hint; being white cant save u."
    Ahahaha! Field you're scaring him! Now he won't be able to sleep thinking on that!!! LOL!

    @Anon:I think he's just kidding Anon! being white CAN save you! Don't worry, be happy!

  27. It is hard to understand racism when one sees it as a whole unit. Its the small bites that gets you. If one believes certain facts one will begin to understand racism and it's effects on a people. First fact is that the white race is trying to hold on to their dominance over all people of the Americus. Who send the negative messages that pervades the mind of our youth? It is no coincidence that the ubiquitous messages is controlled by the winners in America.

    Start with the simple; until the Lions write the stories, the Hunter will be the victor. In other word who controlled the media showing the Black kids what and how to wear their clothes? What they "had to have" are sent in these messages. Poor parents can't keep up with the demands. When the White man goes to war he goes to take things. What do you think most of the killing is centered around?
    But do Don Lemon go on a tirade about predatory lending, red lining, higher interest rates on home loans, governmental fostering single parent households, the NBA and NFL sending a constant stream of ambassadors with million to one rags to riches examples. And yes, we as a people have tried to hold the tide on our miseries, unfortunately the masses don't know we are in a war but need total support for this battle. Sadly, we did not listen 47 years ago. And now, our enemies have us on automatic. America needs an undertow crew of people. How else could they shine with such low talent?

    So Don Lemon and Bill O'Reilly, you are so late. Bill Cosby told us 5-6 years ago. And damn, we (BPP) told us 47. It the small bites of racist intentions that are killing us.StillaPanther2

  28. It can't be had both ways. It can't be "this is ours," "we," "not them," etc, making it to where it's black vs. white, and then wanting to force white folks to throw money down on poor areas.

    I wouldn't if I were a politician. No f'n way. If I'm told I can't have input and what I say or feel isn't important because I'm not part of the "we," then tough luck. If I'm thrown under the bus as a racist just because my opinion differs, then I want nothing to do with the "conversation," or legislation or regulations or funding or anything.

    Want it to be a black-only thing, and a specific kind of "black" at that? Then go at it alone. Don't expect anyone else to care or help.

    It's this weird thing of biting the hand before it feeds.

    Some people, race be damned, have to make up their minds. These issues get too political and too heated when any help should be embraced with open arms if it's really about change and our youth and not just griping and separatism and begging for "separate but equal" status.

    If there's a problem that people need to come together to fix and use the nation's money for, then other people can't be forced out of the conversation simply because of their skin tone, ideology or an opinion that might not be popular in a culture of victimhood.

    You can want it both ways, but you'll never have both ways. But at least there's always something to fall back on for the "reason" it can't work both ways. White racism.

  29. Anonymous5:26 AM

    @Anon 9:09,

    Thank you for your truth.

    Sometimes I think Field and others here aren't interested in getting to the root of any problem if they are proved wrong and look bad. That's why he cares so much about dirty black secrets getting out to "de white folk." They have been out for a long time! Didn't you know? And a black man speaking these truths (Don Lemon and many other so-called "Toms") looks SANE and CONCERNED, not like some kind of ass-kissing traitor, you moronic fools. Black people are naked to whites, just like whites are naked to blacks. The shit is all out there. Not everyone is brainwashed. Stop playing stupid mind-f*ck games. We have thrown so much f*cking money at these problems and they don't go away. Money and jobs is not the answer to our ultimate problem, ask Aaron Hernandez.

  30. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Field, "Don't worry Anon@11:24 pm, I am pretty sure what side of the class war u will be on. Pssst, here is a hint; being white cant save u."

    11:59 PM
    LOL. Who are you trying to kid? In America, the color of your skin is damn near everything. Haven't you hear the American saying, "If you are White, you're right. If you are Brown, stick around. If you are Black, get back"?

    Everyone knows the racial pecking order in America. Field, you are deluded when it comes to race. You should be thankful that Don and O'Reilly is calling us on our shit because it really sucks. We are the worst in so many detrimental and destructive and shameful ways that we are busy trying to hide our faults from public view. But everyone 'sees' it. Stop denying and get on with the business of treating our sickness.

  31. OYE nmy Hijo

    Field commented

    The irony is, of course, that the people Don says that he is "not talking to" are the only ones who are listening to him, and we all want to know why he chose this particular forum to have his conversation.

    Milagros said:

    Its simple for eye
    Look at who he is sitting with and what station he broadcasts from.

    Also to keep it spicy and honest and ME"
    Lemon is a FAGGOT and this leads me to believe that he really does not want youth to pull up their pants..

    Ps The place where we are now in the Diaspora would hang him high Clint style smh

    See ya soon we have full internet access here and i will continue to speak my piece/peace:)))) Jajajajaja while playing dominoes

  32. Becky Lily White7:09 AM

    THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH ... NO MATTER WHO SAYS IT, WHERE IT IS SAID, HOW IT IS SAID, AND WHO IS AROUND WHEN IT IS SAID. YOU F*CKING DROOLING-AT-THE-MOUTH IDIOT. In a particular bible story, it recounts that that the Word of God was spoken through the mouth of a donkey. So call Lemon a jack-ass, but the man is speaking TRUTH. And all you can wonder about, you mind-screwing bitch, is how big his dick is. Get help.

  33. Anonymous9:15 AM

    This is Canada 's Top Ten List of America 's Stupidity.

    10) Only in America ... could politicians talk about
    the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.

    9) Only in America ... could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans ? 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!

    8) Only in America ... could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

    7) Only in America ... can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

    6) Only in America
    ... would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.

    5) Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

    4) Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

    3) Only in America ... could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

    2) Only in America ... could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation
    in recorded history, still spend a trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

    1) Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

  34. Dr Boyce Watkins correctly called DL... " An Angry White Man .. who just so happens to be Black

    Dr. Boyce opines....

    I think I may have Don Lemon figured out. Don is a relatively well-educated, hard-working, law abiding citizen, as well as a proud gay man. He is the darling of the liberal establishment, and realized long ago that he can get rich and famous by proving to white people that he’s “different from those other people,” meaning loud mouth negroes such as myself.

    Don also possesses the arrogance that comes with being a young, light-skinned black man who’s been elevated by the legitimacy granted to leading blacks who are accepted by white American media. CNN, MSNBC and other networks have long been in the business of creating “black thought leaders” by simply giving them a large platform to serve as mouth pieces for an agenda that has typically leaves us at the back of the bus.

  35. Anonymous10:38 AM


    wounds heal best in open air!

    open air has no race!

    don is a hero
    you are a shameless soulless hypocrite fn!!!!!!!

    u r bashing don lemon for daring to talk about black misery?
    u adore hobama who never even mentions black misery?

    u r claiming don's brave honesty is motivated by a tv career?
    u ignore that evil blackish bankster hobama's incessant lies to advance his historically hoaxed presidency?

    who is a more professional assassin of GLOBAL blacks than hobama???

    defunding hobamacare would save millions of blacks JOBS!!!

    what has hobama/hobamacre done for any poor black person????

    cc africom/ndaa/the black misery index/jobless/homeless/hobamacare/wwiii etc

    shame on u fn....shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    kudos to don!!!!
    cc bill cosby!!!

    I have never been angry at Bill Cosby, because he has courageously initiated a belated and necessary public discussion. I respect him for daring to do so. I will never kill any messengers. I will always address their urgent messages. Rather than insult Cosby, talk to a teacher. Or, visit a public school classroom. You will find that Cosby has been far too reticent and kind.
    When rappers tell uncensored truths about ghettos, they call it "our CNN". When Cosby tells glaring truths about toxic parenting, his detractors call it "airing our dirty laundry". Toxic parents and students are destroying academia in America. Our schools are fatally wounded. All wounds heal best in open air!

  36. Anonymous10:42 AM

    i love dbw

    but he is a gay hater

    and he is envious of gays who have earned/demanded action from hobama

    dbw is right about hobama
    dead wrong about don

    what a gd shame!!!!

  37. NSangoma10:43 AM


    4) Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

    Anonymous 0915 hours
    , voting is a constitutionally guaranteed right; driving, cashing a check, and buying alcohol are not.


  38. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Don Lemon is a rock star when it comes to black "exceptionalism". He leads by example and with sincere conviction. Don is proud to be a black gay man......he makes no excuses.
    I cannot imagine the prejudice he had to overcome throughout his life and continues to even from the black community he is stepping up FOR NOT to profit FROM.

    Move over, race baiters and haters it's time for REAL black leadership like Don Lemon.

    Character, morals, responsibility, and work ethic NOT more Federal largess is what will raise black America from the abyss of despair.

  39. Anonymous11:27 AM

    cc dbw:

    kudos to don lemon!!!

    did he lie????

    the truth is its own defense!

    wounds heal best in open air

    truths and open air have no race!!!

    kudos to don!

    Hobama’s illustrative incidents are incessant: Black children in Chicago have been fatal targets for violent armed peers for years. Hobama has not bothered to address or even mention this tragedy, other than to call out one racist editor who shamelessly used a photo of Hobama’s own two unrelated and uniquely safe children in an article about this violence. Clearly, Hobama was solely concerned with the image of his living daughters rather than the insanity of dead children in Chicago.

    Now, Hobama selectively ends his silence about Chicago’s affairs to travel all the way to Denmark and pimp the Olympics. When will adoring black Hobama Nazis awaken to discover that the pending Olympic Games are nothing compared to the perpetual political games that have been played upon them? Hobama has earned a political gold medal for duping the multicolored masses nationwide.

  40. Sorry AB we have to agree to disagree on Don Lemon...

    Pulling your pants up... Effecuates what ??

    Finishing School ... (Usually with a mound of student debt)

    Refraining from using the "N" word...


    These things are symptoms of greater problems ...

    Don wants to clip branches not get to the root...

    I could care less about Don being Gay...

  41. Anonymous11:44 AM

    until blacks learn to honor TRUTH the way they honor oj and hobama
    we will all be doomed

    it is a fact that we have ;lost 2 generations who could not careless about free education and turbo breed like roaches and abandaon womena nd children who have no respect for anyone/any image/anything including themselves

    i will NEVER bash don for telling truths

    as always
    dbw is also telling truths below

    but attacking don lemon for telling his equal truths is wrong!

    why attack anyone who is not lying???

    why slay the messenger????

    kidos to don!!!!


  42. Anonymous11:46 AM


    until blacks learn to honor TRUTH the way they honor oj and hobama
    we will all be doomed

    it is a fact that we have lost 2 generations who could not care less about free education

    they turbo breed like roaches and abandon women and children in droves

    they have no respect for anyone/any image/anything...including themselves

    i will NEVER bash don for telling truths

    as always
    dbw is also telling truths below

    but attacking don lemon for telling his equal truths is wrong!

    why attack anyone who is not lying???

    why slay the messenger????

    kidos to don!!!!


  43. Anonymous11:50 AM

    kudos to don!!!

    education is still free!!!

    illiteracy and criminality are always choices!

    Horrid parenting is Americas most grave crisis and best kept secret. Teachers are being ruthlessly scapegoated for literally everything that is so very wrong in American schools. Toxic parents sabotage education. Toxic students are the undereducated leaders of tomorrow. Someday, every person in America will suffer, directly or indirectly, from the parents and children who exclusively torture teachers today.

    Toxic parenting is universal in America. It knows no boundaries of race or class. Reality television proves that rich white parents are often even more toxic than poor black ones. Toxic parenting entails:

    Parents who begin abusing children chemically in their wombs, with recreational drugs and toxic diets; Parents who poison wombs that leave permanent damage inside children’s brains and nervous systems; Parents who do nothing to give lonely fatherless boys mandatory male role models; Parents who routinely physically and verbally assault teachers, but never spank or reprimand their children; Parents who buy children breasts and noses, rather than teach them to become surgeons; Parents who buy students expensive designer clothes, but never show them how to obtain free library cards; Parents who abuse drugs and dress like whores and thugs, as they actively encourage their children to become consummate mini clones; Parents who never attend a teacher conference, but never miss a field trip or party; Parents who are always on time at hair salons or nightclubs, but never bring children to school on time; Parents who harass or ignore teachers as they coddle or neglect children; Parents who brazenly place schools'/teachers' phone numbers on "call block", so that they are not bothered when their children bother others during school hours; Parents who hijack schools as babysitters, even on days when classes are not in session; Parents who brazenly enroll their children in first grade classes, fully aware that these children have never attended Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten; Parents who never read any books, and never read to their children; Parents who never teach children any moral intelligence, because they are amoral themselves; Parents who never teach children to sit still, behave, listen, and concentrate; Parents who hate children and dare to demand that teachers and other surrogates fully parent their own children; Parents who never teach children to do their homework; Parents who are intellectually incapable of helping children, or seeking tools/tutors to help children, with their homework; Parents who have no concept of proper child nutrition or sleep patterns; Parents who neither do or assign any chores; Parents who are irresponsible and incapable of teaching children to be responsible...

    Students who never behave will never learn. Students who are never taught to revere education at home will never excel in schools. Students who torture teachers will never encourage superior educators to remain in classrooms.

    Academic ability is more important than ever before in our global economy. Children must now compete with global intellectuals. Retirement is a fiscal fantasy in an increasingly technological world, where students must learn many skills for perpetual job changes. Today, an inability to learn is literally suicidal.

    Politicos will only continue to scapegoat and betray teachers. Those acts of cowardice are easier than dealing with the complex socioeconomic realities of toxic parenting. Fatally flawed, racist, and elitist federal educational programs like No Child Left Behind (NCLB) will never repair broken American schools. They only serve to sabotage the minority of students who revere education.

  44. Vote Early, Vote Often11:58 AM

    "NSangoma said...

    4) Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

    Anonymous 0915 hours, voting is a constitutionally guaranteed right; driving, cashing a check, and buying alcohol are not.


    10:43 AM"

    I agree. And, all that proving your identity does, is to insure that you are LEGALLY ENTITLED to exercise those "constitutionally guaranteed rights", you hold so dear.

    Amazing how many dead people seem to vote every election, isn't it?

  45. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Hey 10:43,

    The right to travel is constitutionally protected.......have you been to an airport lately, my brother?

    Just Sayin'

  46. Anonymous12:02 PM

    kudos to don lemon!!!

    illiteracy and criminality are always choices!!!

    Excerpts from Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors by Bill Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint:

    "We remember the injustice of how slavers brought our people to America, but we have forgotten the brilliance of our response - how we sneaked around late at night and taught ourselves to read, taught ourselves secret signals to resist, taught ourselves pride and will and love. We have to draw on that history of persistence.

    [The elites] are buying things for their kids...$500 sneakers...for what?...and won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics!

    The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting.

    One advantage that African-American kids have over most people in the world is the ability to speak English. It's the international language of business. To be a success anywhere on the globe, you have to speak it. But we're letting this advantage slip away too. Many of our kids don't want to speak English. In our day, we used to talk a certain way on the corner, but when we got into the house, we switched to English.We used to blame the kids for talking this way until we heard some of their parents. Some black parents couldn't care less.

    Most black employers we know want to see the entire community prosper. But even they don't want to hire boys who can't dress properly, and who speak as if English were a second language. When we see these boys walking around the neighborhood, we imagine them thirty or forty years down the road wandering around just as aimlessly, and we want to cry.

    A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man. A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior. If you think we're exaggerating, talk to a teacher.

    A working parent can also introduce [children] to a rather simple device that all of us hate but that most of us have learned to live with: an alarm clock. Getting up when you're tired and going to school or work is not something that comes naturally to anyone. It's something that kids have to learn at home.

    There are whole blocks with scarcely a married couple, whole blocks without responsible males to watch out for wayward boys, whole neighborhoods in which little girls and boys come of age without seeing, up close, a committed partnership and perhaps never having attended a wedding.

    Certain people tell us that we are picking on the poor. Many of those who accuse us are scholars and intellectuals, upset that we are not blaming everything on white people as they do. Well, blaming only the system keeps certain black people in the limelight, but it also keeps the black poor wallowing in victimhood."

  47. Anon 5:41am said: “Everyone knows the racial pecking order in America. Field, you are deluded when it comes to race. You should be thankful that Don and O'Reilly is calling us on our shit because it really sucks. We are the worst in so many detrimental and destructive and shameful ways that we are busy trying to hide our faults from public view. But everyone 'sees' it. Stop denying and get on with the business of treating our sickness.”

    I’ll admit that there are some things that we as blacks should be doing to secure our freedom within this empire of ours. On the other hand, we cannot wipe the slate clean as if collective whites never had a hand in our current plight. Lets be real Anon. The jobless rate amongst blacks alone is approximately 20%. This isn’t of their doing. You are truly delusional if you believe that the playing field was once leveled regarding economics, politics and social standing. That has never happened and it probably never will. Certainly, it will take a higher order to correct this sinking ship we refer to as Amerikkka. And if the playing field was leveled at some point within this country’s history’s, please feel free to point out the date and year (I’m waiting).

    Quit allowing the dominant society to steer the conversation as it pertains to race. They will never include themselves as being the culprit in having played a hand in our historical or current situation. Most whites will have you believe that the collective nadir of blacks as a whole is due to our internal thinking and ultimately our external, deviant behavior. This isn’t the case at all. And they will have you believe that the murderous behavior of white men killing black children is externally motivated. Like wearing a hoodie or having their pant sagging or gangsterism body language or some other BS. Nope, it’s just the opposite, it’s something internally malevolent within the soul of whites, white men in particular. This should be our discussion also. Do not llow not the debate to be so heavily one-sided. It must be asked: What is it that makes a supposed man feel good or uplifted by shooting a child? What’s the problem? Amerikkka has a long history of blaming the victim, just as they did with Emmitt Till, Frederick Jermaine Carter (2010), Trayvon Martin (2012), James Anderson (2012) and Rodney King. And of course, this is merely a sample list of victims.


  48. In essence, and to a certain extent, Bill Jerkoff and Rush Limpd*ck are reflecting the inhumane behavior of whites onto blacks through the white frame set. A sagging pant has never murdered anyone. I agree that it is gross looking though and serves no purpose. However, a lot of whites and latinos also mimick this silly behavior as well. There are also a lot of whites and latinos that drop out of high school and have kids out of wedlock as well. Therefore, this isn’t something that’s akin to young black men alone. And you cannot accept the black subculture as being most dominant amongst blacks in terms of bahavior nor the wearing of contemporay attire. Just like it would be foolish for me to attribute the behavior and thinking of merritt landry and george zimmerman that shooting an unarmed teenager is perfectly fine these days amongst the larger community of whites. Although I’ll be justified and will still be within the realm of reason to believe that whites are a sick groupuscule of people, considering what we’ve all seen as of late and due to their overwhelming support that was given to zimerman in the immediate wake of the shooting, trial and verdict and pehaps beyond.

    There should be continuing public outrage and an honest discussion regarding the behavior of white men as it pertains to their gun hugging nature. The propensity and ease for whites to shoot unarmed teenagers should be called into question for public debate. This behavior should certainly be psychoanalyzed as well.

    In summary, a skill & job placement bill that specifically targets young men in poor areas will do a whole lot of good. This will keep them from joining the ranks of the lucrative undeground economy and will make the streets safer. And companies that hire these young men should receive a subsidy for their hiring of individuals most affected as well.


  49. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Anonymous said...
    There are whole blocks with scarcely a married couple, whole blocks without responsible males to watch out for wayward boys, whole neighborhoods in which little girls and boys come of age without seeing, up close, a committed partnership and perhaps never having attended a wedding.
    Have you tried looking in the jails son?

  50. Black Ink12:57 PM

    The Wayne Bennetts of the world are so busy stirring the pot of hate they don't even realize the children are starving.

    If Field Negro behavior is to constantly make excuses by blaming others for our failures and House Negro behavior is to take responsibility for our actions--then point me to the Big House!

    It seems that any black human being in America who dares to take school seriously, pulls his pants up, does not breed with reckless abandon, and has strong moral convictions shall be deemed a sell out just trying to be white.

    Black leadership insists that success should be given to blacks not earned; because if a black actually earns something black culture has been conditioned to label him an outcast with the pejorative label of "Tom"..........that is unless they overtly protest along party lines to assuage the self guilt of earned personal success.

    So as the Democratic party indoctrinates blacks to feel that we are second class citizens and need hand outs to level the playing field; in reality we are relegated to the bench while the rest of America gets to play the game of life.
    The horrific sadness of this pathetic reality is that when any black leader tries to free us from this self imposed bondage--we are programed, like a bucket of crabs, to pull him back into the bottom of of the bucket with the rest of us who dare not dare with conviction.

    I submit that it is well past time for us to take control of our destiny and not be content to do the bidding for the plantation massas of the Democratic party. The real sell outs are---the Jesse Jacksons, Al Sharptons and Wayne Bennetts.

  51. Anonymous12:58 PM

    cc that urine colored pissy racist bankster hobama and his political career

    and his homeless jobless deaf blind amoral nazis

  52. Anon 12:02pm said: "There are whole blocks with scarcely a married couple, whole blocks without responsible males to watch out for wayward boys, whole neighborhoods in which little girls and boys come of age without seeing, up close, a committed partnership and perhaps never having attended a wedding."

    You are so banal, there is such a thing called mass incarceration of blacks you know. Read Michelle Alexandr's book: "The New Jim Crow", perhaps you'll learn a few things, dumbf*ck!

    Hell, they are even sterilizing black women in the prison system out here CalifornIA. Click on the link beolw, IDIOT!

  53. Anonymous1:07 PM

    your banal = my blatant truth




    hobama was

  54. Anonymous1:15 PM

    nothing is more banal than blaming white men
    black male turbo breeders

    cc the banality of the fertile duo listed above/dh and os

    The difference between the empathetic and cerebral Robinson and heartless elitists like Hobama is that Robinson actually cares about blacks in each of the four classes. Clearly, Robinson regards no class as disposable. He refuses to pretend that any of us can ever truly arrive when so many of us are so lost. He understands that we are no more than the sum of our fractured parts. As we dismiss any one class, we all collectively disintegrate further.

    The blackish Hobama has amorally convinced bigots and fools that racism is a relic. He has also brazenly demanded that the poorest blacks magically resolve all of their own problems with no assistance like that he has given to banksters. Hobama’s blatant abuse of blacks has tacitly told the world that black pathology trumps bailouts. Thus, why should he bother to create any policy to assist broke black mongrels who own no banks?

    Robinson is never so brutally callous or selectively sighted as he thoroughly exposes the complexities of multifaceted pathology. He indicts black failures without ignoring the role of white racism and federal genocide that still linger. Robinson brilliantly details the ongoing ills that doom us from Africa to Dixie and New Orleans to DC.

    Robinson reveres and praises those blacks who excel and transcend the hood, without buck dancing on the graves of those they have left behind. He reveres the best of us even as he laments the permanent black underclass that is buried deeper than ever before. He recognizes that denials and divisions ultimately allow each class to be conquered and sabotaged.

    I am 47. But, I spend most of my time in the company of people between the ages of 6 and 25. As a veteran educator of adults and children, I experience a dual surge of panic and pain when I often feel like an alien among them. It is far more than a mere generation gap. It is a haunting and gaping spiritual and ethical cavern that feels like a political and emotional canyon.

    I hear the spiritual detachment I feel in the soulless voices of young “musicians”. Soul music mandates that singers have souls. Too many of our youth have lost their souls or seem to have been born and reared without them.

    It grieves my soul when I see young people of all races and classes who have no respect for anyone, including themselves. I see them everywhere. They are ruining private and public spaces nationwide. They are ruining public education. They are torturing fellow tenants in housing complexes nationwide. They are terrorizing elders in communities globally. They are destroying customer service in all arenas. These rude, loud, inhumane, fertile, turbo breeding, inept, illiterate, abusive “parents” define a generation that only educators and other front line entrenched social workers truly know. The panic and pain we endure is one of passion and proximity. The loss we lament is our collective pride.

    We are all doomed by the rabidly elitist Hobama who continues to starve everyone who is not a bankster. As Hobama freezes the salaries and axes the federal lifelines of the poor, he continues to exclusively serve his beloved banksters and their mega rich elite peers. This legendary presidential sabotage will only produce greater intraracial splintering.

  55. Anonymous1:20 PM

    nothing is more banal than telling poor persons to eat well and lose wt

    when all they can afford is greasy fat salty toxic ramen noodles...

    cc the opulent thick well fed michelle hobama/"let them eat diet cake".....


    The most painful lesson I have learned about your Barack was that even his black spouse was not the sister I presumed. I learned that you were disbarred in the state of Illinois and no one actually knows why. I learned that you dumped patients as a Chicago hospital administrator. No true sista would ever do that. Your Barack is starving people as never before. It is morbidly ironic that you attack obesity while poor people cannot afford real food. Starvation trumps nutritional education always.

    Since 2007, I have suffered ongoing abuse from black racist fools because I dare to look beyond half of your Barack’s skin. Like Tavis Smiley and Dr. Cornel West, I have been brutally libeled and slandered for daring to call out the uniquely unclean political policies of your Barack. Your Barack has deliberately divided this country by race and class more brutally than any president before him.

    Your Barack’s’ regime has been a horridly dirty lie. He and his evil peers have proven to us that Democrats and Republicans are corporate clones. Your dirty Barack has brutally murdered the spirits of millions of Americans who really loved your family once. But, no dirty lies live forever. My spirit is defiantly alive and my hands are politically clean. Sadly, I can say neither for you or your Barack. But, this I will always say: I will never defile my soul or soil my hands by praying one second for you or your Barack!

  56. Anonymous1:42 PM

    cc the het turbo breeders

  57. NSangoma1:50 PM


    Anonymous 1158 hours

    The right to travel is constitutionally protected.......

    Intrastate, interstate, or international?


  58. Anonymous2:27 PM

    If Lemon were giving his 5 point plan to a group of NYC at-risk teens, then there wouldn't be any problem because in NYC, the conditions there aren't the same as those living on the south side of Chicago. Black communities across the United States are not all the same. Some have virtually NOTHING but urban decay and some don't.

  59. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Don Lemon's five point plan is ON POINT, as far as I'm concerned.

    If Mr. Lemon had brought out his five point plan on BET or TV One you (and a lot of other black people) wouldn't even be talking it. DL and his five points were the talk of black talk radio this morning here in my city.

  60. Anonymous3:37 PM

    ReplyAnonymous2:27 PMIf Lemon were giving his 5 point plan to a group of NYC at-risk teens, then there wouldn't be any problem because in NYC, the conditions there aren't the same as those living on the south side of Chicago. Black communities across the United States are not all the same. Some have virtually NOTHING but urban decay and some don't.
    So true

  61. Anonymous3:38 PM

    more proof that big bro hobama is the new hitler!!!!!!!

    cc MK ultra etc

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!

  62. Anonymous3:56 PM

    this is what real black parents create!


    cc don lemon/turbo breeders

  63. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Great comments on a complex subject!

    I've read several comments involving the acquisition of $500 shoes. Just like to add that in many,many households there is not enough to buy a book bag! This is where school desertion and teen pregnancys aboung it becomes a cycle of poverty.

    Maslows Heirarchy of needs must be met one step at a time, starting with the bottom one before any person can call themselves 'realized' or 'self actualized'

    For those not familiar with it:

    Any and all of these can and will be substituted by the human being in their effort to become 'actualized'

    It is a set of primal needs that must be met in one way or the other, by every human.

    A little psychology 101 never hurt anyone, so READ and LEARN! :D

  64. Anonymous4:08 PM

    cc any public school's teachers:

    they see children daily

    who cannot read/behave etc

    but they dress like models and own playstations/tvs etc


  65. Anonymous4:08 PM

    cc any public school's teachers:

    they see children daily

    who cannot read/behave etc

    but they dress like models and own playstations/tvs etc


  66. Anonymous4:12 PM


    many children never see a single book or magazine in their owns

    but ther moms buy designer tvs/steroes and and expensive weaves/liquor/weed/cigarettes erc


    I am a teacher in Florida.

    I am told that every student in my realm must score on or above grade level on the FCAT each year. Never mind their learning discrepancies, their unstable home lives, their prior learning experiences. In the spring, they are all assessed with one measure and if they don’t fit, I have failed. Students walk through my doors reading at a second grade level and by year’s end can independently read and comprehend early 4th grade texts, but this is no matter. One of my students has already missed 30 school days this year, but that is overlooked. If they don’t perform well on this ONE test in early March, their learning gains are irrelevant. They didn’t learn enough. They didn’t grow enough. I failed them. In the three months that remain in the school year after this test, I am expected to begin teaching 5th grade curriculum to my 4th grade students so that they are prepared for next year’s test.

    I am a teacher in Florida.

    I am expected to create a culture of students who will go on to become the leaders of our world. When they exit my classroom, they should be fully equipped to compete academically on a global scale. They must be exposed to different worldviews and diverse perspectives, and yet, most of my students have never left Sanford, Florida. Field trips are now frivolous. I must provide new learning opportunities for them without leaving the four walls of our classroom. So I plan. I generate new ways to expose them to life beyond their neighborhoods through online exploration and digital field trips. I stay up past The Tonight Show to put together a unit that will allow them to experience St. Augustine without getting on a bus. I spend weekends taking pictures and creating a virtual world for them to experience, since the State has determined it is no longer worthwhile for them to explore reality. Yes. My students must be prepared to work within diverse communities, and yet they are not afforded the right to ever experience life beyond their own town.

  67. Anonymous4:18 PM

    many children never see a single book or magazine in their own homes...

  68. Anon 11:584:21 PM

    NSANGOMA@ 1:50:

    The Right To Travel
    As the Supreme Court notes in Saenz v Roe, 98-97 (1999), the Constitution does not contain the word "travel" in any context, let alone an explicit right to travel (except for members of Congress, who are guaranteed the right to travel to and from Congress). The presumed right to travel, however, is firmly established in U.S. law and precedent. In U.S. v Guest, 383 U.S. 745 (1966), the Court noted, "It is a right that has been firmly established and repeatedly recognized." In fact, in Shapiro v Thompson, 394 U.S. 618 (1969), Justice Stewart noted in a concurring opinion that "it is a right broadly assertable against private interference as well as governmental action. Like the right of association, ... it is a virtually unconditional personal right, guaranteed by the Constitution to us all." It is interesting to note that the Articles of Confederation had an explicit right to travel; it is now thought that the right is so fundamental that the Framers may have thought it unnecessary to include it in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
    Thanks to Marko Liias for the idea.

    The Right To Vote
    The Constitution contains many phrases, clauses, and amendments detailing ways people cannot be denied the right to vote. You cannot deny the right to vote because of race or gender. Citizens of Washington DC can vote for President; 18-year-olds can vote; you can vote even if you fail to pay a poll tax. The Constitution also requires that anyone who can vote for the "most numerous branch" of their state legislature can vote for House members and Senate members.
    Note that in all of this, though, the Constitution never explicitly ensures the right to vote, as it does the right to speech, for example. It does require that Representatives be chosen and Senators be elected by "the People," and who comprises "the People" has been expanded by the aforementioned amendments several times. Aside from these requirements, though, the qualifications for voters are left to the states. And as long as the qualifications do not conflict with anything in the Constitution, that right can be withheld. For example, in Texas, persons declared mentally incompetent and felons currently in prison or on probation are denied the right to vote. It is interesting to note that though the 26th Amendment requires that 18-year-olds must be able to vote, states can allow persons younger than 18 to vote, if they chose to.

    I hope this answers your questions.

    Anon 11:58

  69. NSangoma5:30 PM


    Anonymous 1621 hours:

    So you have the implied constitutional right to travel freely to Cuba and North Korea.


  70. Anon 11:585:40 PM


    Just like felons can't vote in Texas; US citizens can't freely travel to Cuba......that is unless you know BHO, Beyonce or her beau!

    What exactly is your point?

  71. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Oh, and let's not forget about the inked-up, pierced-up and grilled- up former NBA player, Dennis Rodman. Remember his visit with the crazy baby prez of N. it seems if you're a well heeled brother or sister there are no travel restrictions to North Korea or Cuba.

    Just Sayin'

  72. Anonymous5:54 PM

    don lemon did not lie!


  73. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Hey NSangoma,

    In 1944 civilian travel to Germany and Japan were also restricted and I heard there was a ban on most civilian travel to Iran during Carter's final 444 days in office.

    Hard to believe that common sense or the public safety should ever be a concern of the Federal government.

    How exactly is requiring a photo ID to vote in any way prejudicial? The folks that allegedly are being discriminated against either do not exist, are dead or for some other reason are not eligible to vote.
    The truly poor need photo IDs for government benefits but not to vote? Brutha puleeeze!.

    If it walks like a duck, quacks and lays duck eggs it sure as hell ain't a qualified registered voter.

  74. Anonymous6:15 PM

    NSangoma 30 July 2013 @ 1730 hrs:

    Roger that.

    Now take off your Girl Scout dress greens, stand down and stop making a fool of yourself.

  75. Somebody, tell me why the Blacks have no national platform to disseminate our existence here in America. BET Black ENTERTAINMENT Television. I guess the JEWS were satisfied with us still entertaining. Who created the Negro in America? A monster has been unleashed in America and you want us now to put it in the cage. I guess that why so many prisons are privatized. We think the Black misery will be solved in our lifetime, it will be a longshot. Until we Blacks have control of our existence, we will be the crop that we originally was brought here to pick. Oh yeah, I know plenty of Blacks that have the command of the English language and are educated and still maintain a sense of being Black and Proud. Our change must come from within using media means that have not a dog in the fight. Look at all the commenters that have their ways of making a change. CONTINUE to carry the message to the needy. StillaPanther2

    Don also possesses the arrogance that comes with being a young, light-skinned black man who’s been elevated by the legitimacy granted to leading blacks who are accepted by white American media.

    Would you be talking about Don's light skin if you weren't darkskinned? Because I seriously doubt you would.

  77. Anonymous3:03 PM

    We do a heap of talking about out of wedlock births. Just remember there are a lot of legitimate married couples that have children where the "fathers"/"mothers" turn out to be the biggest child MOLESTERS on the planet. They're married to the mothers/fathers and creeping into the daughters'/sons' bedrooms when mom's/pop's asleep, working or shopping. Deviance knows no bounds in this here "America". We seriously need a month or a few months/years of STFU for this country. America goes way beyond MENTALLY ILL or INSANITY.
