Sunday, July 28, 2013

Passing laws to suppress votes, and a shaky rescue in Florida.

This post won't be long because I am on the road and not in my comfort zone if you will.

Anyway, I was browsing the web this morning, and I saw where Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has declared that her prediction as it relates to the supremes striking down a key enforcement provision of the Voting Rights Act having dire consequences, is turning out to be spot on.

Take, for instance, what is happening in North Carolina. The state's republican lawmakers have lost their minds now that they have taken control, and they are now going to make sure that minorities and poor people have no access to the ballot box. No pesky federal government to watch over how they disenfranchise thousands and thousands of people. I suspect that it won't be long before we go back to the days of having to prove we can read and write or that we own property before we can have the privilege of voting in some states here in America.

Down in Texas (I wish they would just go ahead and secede) they are  doing their  best to suppress votes as well, and the only thing in Texas in more danger than poor people and minorities is a woman's womb.

I was glad to see Eric Holder address this issue at the Urban League get together in Philly. He has vowed that his justice department will be watching these states and will be proactive in coming months. (*Breaking! The Justice Department is asking to reinstate The Voting Rights Act in Texas.)

We will see. I like Holder, the fact that wingnuts hate him so much is reason enough for me to like the guy. All that hateration from the right wing; he must be doing something right.

Finally, this Zimmerman rescue story. I am not big on conspiracy theories, but....

"This was a suspicious story from the beginning.
We have seen news reports of protesters doing thousands of dollars of damage to be wrong. The claims of separate attacks by protesters over the Zimmerman verdict turned out to be false. Now added to the list of  false news reports appears to be the story of George Zimmerman heroically rescuing a family of four from a burning SUV.

The initial report was that George Zimmerman was ‘just coincidentally’ driving by after a car accident occurred, that he leaped out of his vehicle, fire extinguisher in hand, to come to the rescue of the family of four trapped inside as the vehicle caught fire, pulling them to safety. That was followed by the claim that the family he rescued had planned a press event to thank George Zimmerman, but that they canceled due to threats from Trayvon Martin supporters.

It appears they may have canceled the event because they did not want to be part of the fraud of making Zimmerman out to be a hero, when that story was not precisely true.

What did occur was that an accident occurred where a car slid on its side into a median. People at the scene called 911, which went to the Sanford office of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. BEFORE responding to the 911 call, News reports that Seminole Sheriff’s Dept. Officer Patrick Rehder, a self-styled friend and supporter of Zimmerman, contacted Zimmerman by cell phone directing him to go to the accident so as to appear to be a hero.   News also provides a social media screen capture of a curious statement about Rehder taking pleasure when someone gets credit for something they did not do.

Rehder’s name appears on the accident report as the responding officer; social media shows his connection to Zimmerman." [Source]

Wingnut sites, of course, have a different take on things.

I am not sure where this is all going, but it should be interesting to see it all develop.




  1. Anonymous10:17 PM

    That Zimmerman rescue bull&^%@!!! sounded like a conspiracy to me too. He will always have connections. His father (the retired magistrate/judge) has enough connections to make "Georgie" look more righteous than Jesus Christ.
    What's even more funny is that those southern rednecks were stupid enough to think that everyone would believe this bull*&^!!!
    I'm sure that Rush Limbaugh and the rest of his cronies don't believe it either. They're just using it to "race hustle."

  2. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Field, "I like Holder, the fact that wingnuts hate him so much is reason enough for me to like the guy. All that hateration from the right wing; he must be doing something right."

    Is that 'why' you love Obama because the GOP hates him? That's not a very good reason. Look what Obama is doing to us. Look at the accelerated increase of black incarceration in prison.

  3. Anonymous10:40 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Don Lemon came under fire on Saturday when he said that he agreed with Bill O'Reilly's comments about black people.

    O'Reilly recently went on a rant about problems in the black community, which he blamed on "the disintegration of the African-American family," "the drug situation" and the entertainment industry for promoting "gangsta culture." MSNBC's Chris Hayes later slammed the comments as "super racist."

    Lemon, however, seemed to be of a different mind on the matter. After re-playing a clip of O'Reilly's remarks on Saturday, he agreed with the Fox News host, saying, "He’s got a point. In fact, he’s got more than a point…In my estimation, he doesn’t go far enough."

    "Black people, if you really want to fix the problem, here's just five things that you should think about doing," Lemon continued. Those five things, he said, were hiking up their pants, finishing school, not using the n-word, taking care of their communities and not having children out of wedlock."

    I agree with EVERYTHING Don Lemon has said. I was the first to agree with O'Reilly, even though I don't like the SOB. But THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH.

    Here is the video:

    FP and AB, what say you?

    7:05 PM
    I agree with Don Lemon....We really really need to get our house in order. It feels like this is our last chance. All the warning signs have been given to us, and yet no progress and certainly NOT enough attention is being given. In fact, it's as if the black community is ignoring our 'enormous' problem.

  4. Like I keep pointing out: less tha a week prior to his supposed "heroism" Zimmerman was paying his attorney to prove to the world (or @ least 6 members of it) that Zimmerman was too flabby, toneless &/or just too generically wimpy to be expected to defend himself with his hands like an average 20something man. The whole superhero act is just too contradictory to fit the obvious foundation of that narrative.

  5. "Is that 'why' you love Obama because the GOP hates him? "


    Know your friends by their enemies & your enemies by their friends

  6. Wesley R11:00 PM

    The Black Community isn't ignoring the negative issues it faces. People speak on it everyday. There are social issues that are 50 years in the making and it's going to take some tough love to solve them. It might even take another decade to wipe them out once the talking is over. But for now the organizations in the hoods need to focus and get people registered and come up with a game plan to get the vote out next year. The wingnuts have got to go.

  7. I have a suggestion for this Mr. Don Lemon fella. Why don’t you quit allowing yourself to be the poster boy of stupidity? This loud, empty chatter regarding race emanates from two of the most prolific race scoundrels in Amerikka, Fat-ass Limbaug and Bill Jerk-off. By the way, having children out wedlock didn’t murder Trayvon’ the black subculture of gangsterism didn’t profile him; rap music wasn’t a causative factor in Trayvon’s demise either. It was a racist george zimmerman with premeditated intent that murdered a child as if he was a rabid animal.

    Why don’t you do something honorable for a change and highlight a segment on CNN regarding these United States of Empire’s long and bloody history of the continuing subjugataion of black people . Simply put, why don’t you speak the truth for at least for at least a half an hour while on air. Its people like you, who are in a position to tell the entire world the truth of the never ending persecution of blacks in this country. Instead, you place your tail between your legs, mimicked a puppy and turn to being obsequious and yes mam and yes sir to whites like Bill Jerk-off and Rush Limpd*ck.

    If you do decide to have a segment as I’m suggesting here, be sure to speak on the subject of bad laws created by majority white state legislatures. Be certain to inform the world how bad laws, equal bad results and eventually, a state of tyranny simply because of your phenotype.

    Mr. Don Lemon, you shouldn’t be so foolish to allow race hustlers like the two mentioned above to spin the story in the opposite direction of the original intent to have an honest discussion regarding race. And we cannot have an honest discussion in Amerikkka without speaking of racist laws. Isn’t this is what got Trayvon murdered? And the fact that we have a tier of laws for blacks and other minorities and another tier of lawst for whites. How quickly you forget. However, I’m not surprised, because House Negroes like you always obey their slave master and conveniently forget to tell the truth.

  8. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Black Sage, it's Negroes like you that we are in this mess. You can't see the forest for the trees. Hell, Blacks are killing Blacks in record numbers, 72% of our children ARE born out of wedlock, the education of Blacks are at record lows...we have more "illiterates" than any other race...Our education compared to others is pathetic.

    Yet, you attack Don Lemon for TELLING THE TRUTH? Get real, man. We are in big trouble. Shit. We still call each other niggers--a word that dehumanizes us.

    Even an idiot can see that most black families are terribly broken, empty of a father. We have cried that same old song of "look what the white man has done to us, it ain't our fault we are doing this shit to destroy ourselves. It's because of the past."

    Black Sage, when do we start taking responsibility for ourselves, Negro? Don Lemon has it right, and so does O'Reilly whether you like it or not. You are such a little weasel who is unable to handle truth yet you talk about truth? GTHFOH!

  9. If the Black community did all the above....the landowners will still be on top. Having lived thru the times when the majority have given what should have been had at a slow pace. Just in my lifetime from the 50s as I remember them. These are the things that they had dominion over. First was equal op for buying a home thru the federal loan avenue. Then giving ops to shorten wage differences in jobs that historically was not open to Blacks. I am an example of the opening of new military occupational skills in the late 60s. A specialized medical skill 91B2(Flight). Then in the 70s the educational pursuits at white state colleges were allowed (sic)...they wanted dem boys to run dat melon for them. To make a short list shorter in the 90-2000s the white girls were abundantly offered. What has not been available is white wealth. So all this pathology is underpinned by poverty. We can pull up the pants, stop humping, and the rest of the list but until we share in the wealth, poverty will motivate bad behaviors in the pooret race. Save the comments about hard work...the new slaves may benefit from that tip but if hard work was the solution we would not be in dire straits. I have witness my people working "hard" for many decades. And please common sense will allow you to see the white race has given up a lot from his domain....but not the wealth and money. Save your isolated anecdotes for your beliefs. It's funny how the pols always say that "you got to strive for the middle class", when they are stealing wealth. Ask my governor (MacD). I do know that middle class kids have better outcomes....we bail our kids out of trouble instantly and our kids tend not to have to steal or deal for their wants. I am very familiar with that. I do think that a two parent home would lessen the numbers of miseries that we see.

  10. Anon 12:21am said: “We have cried that same old song of "look what the white man has done to us, it ain't our fault we are doing this shit to destroy ourselves. It's because of the past."

    That’s a part of the problem right there, House Negroes like you think the devilry of white folks are over, no, … you silly f*ck. Mass incarceration and extra-judicial killings are human right violations. Things are still being played out by white puppet masters as we speak, nincompoop! The manner in which Trayvon was killed, it’s right in line with what this country termed a “sundown” law. In other words, back in the days, when the street lights come on, that was a signal for blacks to get off of the streets and go home or either get framed for a murder or get yourself killed, just like what happened to Trayvon. Know your history boy, it’s not the past at all! Move on and take your much needed dosage of medication – Black Sage

    Anon 12:21am said: “ Black Sage, when do we start taking responsibility for ourselves, Negro? Don Lemon has it right, and so does O'Reilly whether you like it or not. You are such a little weasel who is unable to handle truth yet you talk about truth?

    Another asinine response, don’t you get it, we are talking of two separate issues. Irresponsibility didn’t kill Trayvon, illiteracy didn’t pull the trigger either, an intentionally bad and racist law invoked by fat-ass zimmerman murdered him and he surely isn’t black, dumb-f*ck! It’s now past your bedtime, go and take your geritol and change your undergarment of Depends. – Black sage

  11. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Like I keep pointing out: less tha a week prior to his supposed "heroism" Zimmerman was paying his attorney to prove to the world (or @ least 6 members of it) that Zimmerman was too flabby, toneless &/or just too generically wimpy to be expected to defend himself with his hands like an average 20something man. The whole superhero act is just too contradictory to fit the obvious foundation of that narrative.

    Disengenious White Liberals; even stupider than the Negroes they just know are inferior to them.

  12. NSangoma4:11 AM


    The overwhelming number of legacy North American Negroes do not view Don Lemon, and nor do they read field booty.

    So why am I posting this comment?

    The new school year commences soon,

    D.C. summer-school enrollment fails to meet target

    The invitation-only policy, part of a broad overhaul of K-8 summer school, was meant to target lagging readers who school officials believed would benefit most from the five-week program. But it left out some of the students who are furthest behind.


    and George Zimmerman is not the problem.



  13. Making it plain

    Aye bendito! Gracias Sun"

    I knew that u were listening
    thanks for posting
    From my hotel room i am posting and i too am out of my comfy zone ( without hubby) albeit just for am moment

    Field reported:

    What did occur was that an accident occurred where a car slid on its side into a median. People at the scene called 911, which went to the Sanford office of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. BEFORE responding to the 911 call, News reports that Seminole Sheriff’s Dept. Officer Patrick Rehder, a self-styled friend and supporter of Zimmerman, contacted Zimmerman by cell phone directing him to go to the accident so as to appear to be a hero. News also provides a social media screen capture of a curious statement about Rehder taking pleasure when someone gets credit for something they did not do.

    Rehder’s name appears on the accident report as the responding officer; social media shows his connection to Zimmerman." [Source]

    Wingnut sites, of course, have a different take on things.

    I am not sure where this is all going, but it should be interesting to see it all develop.

    AFRIKAN ie Milagrosgvillamil Esq said:


    Chess anyone JAJAJAJA lmao

    Ps Hey Wanna be Afrikan How ya like this now???
    They are all up in your doodoo like the little penis's your familiar with

    I just wanted small head to know that i am still here and still calling your ilk out

  14. Making it plain:

    From a place of wonder and smiles
    Field i received this from a colleague of my hus who asked him for insight Hubby in turn passed it to me and i thought of a few scenarios.

    1 Is it possible that the baby was murdered by daddy in an attempt to retaliate against mom for filing a restraining order?

    2 Is it possible that they(parents) planned this together

    3 was the childs death an accident that went bad?

    What ever went down i felt something was amiss from the onset, and i knew that more would be revealed IF a decent Atty (YEMAYA)! would get his arms around this..
    This is the kind of case which does not allow a PD atty to do anything other than plead out. Thus, i am proud ( right now) We have both known recent defeat huh SUN?

    Why is this unraveling We shall see and even though i am far away i will try to stay on it

    Afrikan also wrote:
    Has the truth has been uncovered?
    28 July 2013 at 17:35 Somewhere in the world

    Baby shot dead in stroller; 2 Georgia teens charged with murder

    2 teens arrested in shooting of baby

    Brunswick, Georgia (CNN) -- Two teen boys in this coastal city were charged with murder Friday, accused in the fatal shooting of a 13-month-old boy who was in a stroller being pushed by his mother.
    Aided by a description and a check of school attendance records to determine who was not in classes Thursday, officers searched for the young suspects and took them into custody, police said.
    The mother told reporters the shooting occurred when one youth demanded money.

    Now we see another story or the unmasking of another SUSAN SMITH

    Georgia Investigators Found Gun Powder Residue on Hands of Dead Baby’s Parents

    Georgia investigators have revealed that gunshot residue was found on the hands of the parents of 13-month-old Antonio Santiago, who was fatally shot earlier this year. The disclosure came as the result of a motion filed by the defense attorney for De’Marquise Elkins, 17, who has been charged with murder in the baby’s death.

    Dominique Lang (l) and De’marquise Elkins (r)
    The daughter of Sherry West, Ashley Glassey, was the first person to cast doubt on West’s story.
    Glassey was interviewed by a local NBC affiliate and said that her mother’s version of events had changed since the incident.
    “She changed her story as far as she told me that the baby was shot first and then she told me she was shot first,” Ashley Glassey said.
    The news report included an audio recording Glassey made of her mother shortly after the shooting asking about insurance money.
    “How soon do you think life insurance policy will send me a check?” West reportedly asked her daughter. Glassey also described their discussions by saying her mother was crying one minute and then sounded fine the next.
    Glassey says her mother is a troubled woman with bipolar disorder and schizophrenic tendencies.
    When asked about the residue by local affiliate WPTV, West said the residue must have come from a struggle she had with the teens. She had no idea why the test would come back positive for the child’s father, who could not be reached because he is in jail on an unrelated offense.

    We shall stay on this as well

  15. Hotep my Sun

    When i added this to my blog (Ginsburgs comment) i received a lot of blow hard neg comments from both the ignorant and arrogant plus a few fetchits
    In essence like the soljah i am i brushed them off
    In thinking about her comment i thought> where i have seen lively debate from vwery astute people i am in a postion to block anyone who uses the N word and i do and they DON'T and can't ;))))
    Moving along

    Ginsbergs position is not a great surprise to me albeit a bit late..In defense of her i would like to say " When Afrikans and others who depend on the law need those who make law to speak out is it better late than never?

    As a court officer and jurist i know beyond a reasonable doubt that in amerikkka this is all we have.

    Suffice that, at the same time i am also aware that depending on said LAWS can be hazardous to ones health

  16. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Sometimes the truth is painful. But it's still the truth.The state of Black affairs in this country is DISMALL. As long as the white man can afford to run away and live away from Blacks then the murder and mayhem in or cities will continue. Ain't nobody gonna solve the Black problem but Black people. Blacks are so used to waiting for a handout from the "Great White Hope" to save them from themselves. If you believe that the white man is responsible for all your problems then stop waiting around for him to correct the problems that he bestowed upon you. Until all blacks work towards "self sufficiency" (first by stopping the birth of out of wedlock children by fifty million different daddies, getting an education in order to stop the illiteracy rate, quitting drugs, ending gun violence, and cleaning up their filthy dirty trash ridden neighborhoods) then, and only then will this historical cycle be broken. What happened to F.U.B.U? I GUESS EVERYBODY FORGOT ABOUT THE BRAND NAME AND ITS MEANING.

  17. Making it plain for my Afrikans sistren esp
    i sense a lot of enmity here from euro women against Afrikan desc women and i ask iself, is it jealousy, envy or pure hate?
    i also suggest

    Sistren of Afrikah
    You have the grace to look up and out
    and into your sisters eyes and into your bredrens face and simply say I LOVE YOU

    As an Afrikan born woman who is as tan as the Kalahari and a yellow as the sun" i defy any euro woman /man any attempt to direct my path or the path of my people.
    We am in charge of what we accept believe and allow

    WE" am responsible for bashing and sending all lies against the Afrikan man to the garbage like paper in a shredder

    There is no woman who has not lived our lives or walked in our shoes who can direct us from truth to falsehood

    WE" have a circle of Orishas surrounding us which direct our path esp YEMAYA
    And we must learn to smell eche from miles away

    In my life i have been taught to sense her funk and her destructive aura from centuries past

    So to my sistren my dark lovely creative sistren from Afrika i urge you to be as true Afrikans i urge you to
    develop your Afrikan senses which will enable you to defend against all pretense and pretenders.

    Know that Obatala, created you a little lower than los angeles. And that after long eons of crouching in battered darkness, face forward in ignorance that it is time to arm ourselves for slaughter IE Maya

    It is time and past time to defend Afrikan youth Afrikan men. Do not hide your beauty. Respect it

    Maya Angelou gives great direction in her poetry when she directs us to

    Take yoiur lives and the lives of our blood into the palms of your hands Make it into the shape of your most private need
    Sculpt it into the image of your most private self
    lift up your hearts and know that each new hour holds new chances for a new beginning

    Do NOT ever be wedded to fear brutishness or in my words LIES" envy or jealousy

    Allow no pale woman to direct your path away from the Afrikan man because she is HALT and a thrown away..

    Ask yourself one question Why is the pale woman so angry with the Afrikan male..hmmmm jealousy?

    Getting rid of negative spirits
    Mind and body cleanse
    Cleansing the spirit allows us to defend against all things un natural

    Drinking dandelion root tea on a daily basis is wonderful in a myriad of ways. It tones your liver, which is responsible for your body’s metabolic functions.
    It also provides your body a full array of vitamins and minerals. Three cups of day can have drastically positive effects on your energy level and overall well being, both perfect results from a spring cleansing.

    To be continued

  18. Making it plain

    Preparing for battle We must learn to defend our men Those who are worthy

    Cleansing the spirit and body defending our Afrikan space
    Spirit. This is the most vital area to cleanse and renew in my opinion.

    Without this, it is difficult to experiene the lasting effects of any effort to renew oneself.

    A very simple, yet powerful action to cleanse one’s spirit is lighting a white candle each night. This candle symbolically represents the burning away of any negative energies you may have attracted and/or created during the day and serves to remind you that you can “wipe the slate clean” at any point. It can be a very affirming and healing act.

    Meditation is a well-known and extremely effective way of cleansing and renewing one’s spirit. I’ve found that taking even 5 minutes each morning for meditation has made a huge difference in how I approach each day. I’m filled with much more peace and warm anticipation of what awaits me in a day rather than dreading having to get up at all.

    These renewal methods can be very powerful and help you to make lasting changes in your life. Explore what works for you and remember that taking the time to love, care for, and pamper oneself is the most important commitment you can make!

    Time to do battle for the Afrikan family
    In Milagros Inc 59 we teach all

  19. Making it plain

    Spiritual cleansing Preparation for battle

    The use of herb baths, mineral bath crystals, and floor washes has been a part of Afrikan practice for a very long time. Generally speaking, they combine elements of African religious, and vooduan traditions

    The oldest ritual baths and cleansings known to mankind are those involving pure water (typically running fresh water or sea water) and decoctions made from water to which has been added salt, minerals, herbs, roots, and tree barks.

    Herbal baths are often used when sickness is present, and my TRIBES (the Chokwe) belief in foot track magic causing good or evil to another through their foot track is key.
    IE Be careful who enters your home and space

    for i and our tribe its herb baths which allow us to enter into any battle and succeed

    The oldest tradition concerning the method of preparation is generally to steep the herbs in boiling water, strain the mixture, let the liquid cool, and pour it over the body while standing in a wash tub.
    The common-encountered recommendation to use only rain water, spring water, or ocean water in preparing such a bath is the Villamil way
    When i was struggling to overcome cancer this is how i did it and this was over a decade ago

    Cleanse your space and get ready for more struggle

    To be continued Food and exercise

  20. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Orlando Shaw has 22 children with 14 women. Blacks get angry when Rush and Bill talk and laugh about this. How come Blacks don't get angry at each other over this horrible behavior that produces more babies born out of wedlock and into a life of welfare, neglect, absent fathers, and possible child abuse. And we wonder why the Black family structure remains so messed up. What do Black men and women know about, marriage and taking care of a home and family...look at their role models. Young mothers are teaching their girls to be "trash cans" for sperm and young fathers are teaching their sons that it's okay to deposit their sperm into "trash cans."

  21. NSangoma7:43 AM


    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. 0551 hours; stop it, stop it please !!

    MilagrosGVillamil, if you were to conduct man on the street, woman on the street interviews; asking legacy North American Negroes about their fears for their scion, thier overwhelming response would be:

    NIGGUHS !!


  22. Making it plain

    We are headed to DC/Md for a few days and my SUN" we are looking forward being UMOJA NIZED lol before leaving for the East
    Hubby will be here later.
    We are ready for all of the help we can stand because we will need it...
    From here we head for Toronto before leaving this part of the world

    However my sister Ayo is the best when it comes to health issues and ridding body of neg spirits

    Ps I will return soon a better chess player See ya stay cool:))

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...

    One thing i forgot to share Making it plain

    When one can see by using both eyes and hear via way of both ears who cares what words are used? Words must never have the power to molest or hurt us its like sticks and stones :))) jajajaja and Music

    Ask yourselves Why does what Milagros says bother you so much

    ??? is it guilt frustration jealousy or simply your own stupidity and inability to shake me or cause me to curse yell scream or become angry.?
    Here is what Milagros believes

    Has anyone here ever thought that i smelled your filthy sweat and recognized your dirty language and saw your small body part before you were born?
    Or that i was privy to your shame your fears and your tears

    In the struggle for racial justice, it’ is time pay more attention to the needs of the Afrikan vs the fears of the euro man he is a threat only to himself.

    In the previously euro dominated world, that may seem counterintuitive. However, the racial arena, what do euros really have to be afraid of?

    To be sure race is not the only aspect of life in which people face fear injustice and inequality. Suffice just what is it that euros fear? Could it be themselves?

    I asked this question on my blog and had a one honest great response" he was worried that in a new racial world that he would lose his ability to control his own children and that they would choose an Afrikan( he said black man) to love
    WOW! is this a pebble or a diamond in the rough

    I asked him what if anything he was willing to do about it and if he could/shoulddo anything?

    I await his response ..BTW He was one who used the N word but did not spell it out I warned him and he CORRECTED his language and apologized
    He also stated that intelligent people should not have to use it because it means only that they lack the ability to communicate and get thier points across

    I refuse to allow it because i teach my grandchildren about its history and that it cannot be used in my presence
    I set the example No matter what JayZ says about the word''
    i led my blogger to this
    I am never offended i laugh at anyone who says the word. and if he was not a racist why did he need to say he wasn't? LOL Ally? not he is a fake


    Everyone wants to be a fool

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.


  26. NSangoma said...

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. 0551 hours; stop it, stop it please !!

    Milagros said:
    Carry on your brilliance is mindboggling and instructive to youth

    Thank you
    ps Nothing more will be shared about this from my view as i do not do asinine or ignorant well. There is nothing u can write which i will ever read
    Side eyes>

  27. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Ask yourselves Why does what Milagros says bother you so much

    I can barely understand the illiteracy of your feeble mind.

  28. Anonymous11:54 AM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
    i sense a lot of enmity here from euro women against Afrikan desc women

    Which one of the euro women that post on here? The euro women on here seem very nice.

  29. Only 21% of Americans self-identify as Republicans. The lowest figure since Watergate.

    Just sayin'

  30. Anonymous12:30 PM


    whatta gwon mon???????

    cc that racist bankster hobama/the food stamp prez

    cc jobless/homeless

    cc global pookies

    cc j p morgan/ebt profit owners...


  31. GrannyStandingforTruth4:43 PM

    I cosign with Whitey Conspiracy, Black Sage, and Stillapanther2. Exactly!

    Black Sage, the racist are pulling the distraction tactic games like they did in the past. I've witnessed this over and over since being old enough to read and learning lessons of survival for our people.

    Our people ought to be up on their games of trickery and deception, but unfortunately, some of them don't get it. They still crawl and beg for a few crumbs off the massa's table hoping that they'll gain favor with him. However, they don't realize, recognize, or understand that as far as a racist is concerned when a darkie has served those racist folk's purpose, they too will be discarded and lumped with the rest of us darkies.

    Black folks need to learn how to stand united together and that means from the highest to the lowest, until they do, the racist will always have their foot on our necks and play some of our people like a piano.

    Word for today:
    There is nothing new under the sun.

  32. GrannyStandingforTruth said: "Black folks need to learn how to stand united together and that means from the highest to the lowest, until they do, the racist will always have their foot on our necks and play some of our people like a piano."

    I hear you Granny! :)

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Black Sage said...

    Mass incarceration and extra-judicial killings are human right violations.

    You understate your case. Borders and hunger are human rights violations, lawless killing is a crime against humanity & our mass incarceration system would be a war crime by Nuremberg standards if we were ever invaded & defeated by a justice-seeking power.

  35. Whitey's Conspiracy said: "You understate your case. Borders and hunger are human rights violations, lawless killing is a crime against humanity & our mass incarceration system would be a war crime by Nuremberg standards if we were ever invaded & defeated by a justice-seeking power."

    I agree with you wholeheartedly,however, I was merely attempting to make a quick point to AssAnon up thread.

  36. Anonymous7:22 AM

    There is nada nuevo baja el sol
