Friday, July 26, 2013

The real race hustlers.

Bill O'Reilly is trying to represent our white brothers and sisters in this conversation on race. Billo has been talking tough about race all week and he has been attacking the "black civil rights establishment" for profiting off of racial divisions. (Pot meet kettle) Of course Bill O'Reilly is not alone. His ideological soul mate, Rush Limbaugh, has been throwing in his two cents as well. Still, it's Bill O'Reilly who has been the most passionate about this subject.

"An unusually crazed, agitated O’Reilly declared that the plight of black America “has nothing to do with slavery. It has everything to do with you Hollywood people and you derelict parents… Race hustlers and the grievance industry,” he went on, “have intimidated the so-called ‘conversation,’ turning any valid criticism of African-American culture into charges of racial bias,” leaving African-Americans to “fend for themselves in violent neighborhoods.” I can’t wait to hear the ignorant O’Reilly generalize more about “African American culture.”
But I agree with O’Reilly about “race hustlers and the grievance industry” being the problem here – only we define them differently. Bill-O himself is a consummate race hustler and grievance peddler, pushing the drug of racial grievance to white people, making himself rich by worsening racial tension. He’s second only to Rush Limbaugh in terms of spewing ignorance to a vast, frightened audience.

Yep, that about sums it up.

Anyway Bill, we would love to have this open and honest dialogue on race with you and your peeps, but you have got to stop preaching to us and acting as if you and your ilk have clean hands in this racial conundrum we find ourselves in.
I am starting to think...I take that back' I know that Rush and O'Reilly are the real race hustlers. They have profited and built an entire industry around scaring white folks and playing us against them.

Oh, and Bill, you will have to tell your people to stop killing (and trying to kill) our children.

With the Trayvon Martin verdict fresh in our minds, we have yet another case of "color arousal" causing someone in the majority population to take the life of a young African American male.

"Merritt Landry shot a 14-year-old boy who was standing near his car. He shot the young teen in the head. Merritt Landry has been booked with attempted second degree murder.
This comes less than two weeks after the Trayvon Martin verdict.

“A Marigny homeowner has been booked with attempted second-degree murder after he shot a 14-year-old boy in the head early Friday, police said. The homeowner’s friends and neighbors said the owner believed the teen was an intruder. The teenager remains hospitalized in critical condition, police said.
New Orleans police arrested Merritt Landry, 33, a building inspector for the Historic District Landmarks Commission, after conducting multiple interviews and reviewing crime scene evidence, including a single spent casing at the scene, NOPD spokeswoman Remi Braden said.

Police said the teen was near Landry’s vehicle when he was shot. Landry’s friends said the vehicle was in the driveway behind a gate just a few feet from the house’s backdoor." [Source]

People like Merrit Landry sure make it hard for us to have our kumbaya moment.



  1. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Brother Field, IMO, O'Reilly hit nail on the head about our situation. It's hard hearing this truth from him, but he spoke the truth. Which is something we never hear about our sick condition from Black leaders.

    Last week Marc Morial had to admit the black community had a major problem. The disintegration of the family in the black culture, IS A FACT.

  2. Anonymous12:39 AM

    "New Orleans police arrested Merritt Landry"

    So what's the problem?

  3. Anonymous12:41 AM

    anon12:29am, thanks for that video link. O'Reilly and Morial of the Urban League clearly revealed the deep problems in the black community. It also revealed how the civil rights organization and leadership have been taking us Blacks for a ride. I am no fan of O'Reilly but in this case I am grateful that he said what he said because it was ALL truth.

  4. Anonymous12:45 AM

    "Merritt Landry shot a 14-year-old boy who was standing near his car. He shot the young teen in the head. Merritt Landry has been booked with attempted second degree murder.

    This comes less than two weeks after the Trayvon Martin verdict."

    So what? Landry was arrested and booked on second-degree murder. No one could ask for more than that, unlike the TM case.

    Field, I don't get it. What are you whining about here? The law is working the way it should.

  5. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Field, the 'real' race hustler is YOU.

  6. Wesley R1:05 AM

    The problems that O'Really? touched on has to do with a minority of the African American Community. Malcolm X said when reading the word 'Black' in the dictionary this was written by white folks. And that's the problem. The White Folks try to paint a wide negative brush when it comes to Black Folks. Check out the website You will see what Limpball's punk ass, O'Really's? sexual harrassment ass, and the rest of the right 'establishment' has been selling is bullshit.

  7. Anonymous1:17 AM

    I don't think Field is a race hustler. Not everybody that talks about the subject is hustling.

    Sean Hannity, Rush and Bill O Reilly represent everything that's wrong with the GOP.

    I'm a 44 yr old white guy and I'm constantly amazed at how incredibly racist a lot of people are. They seem incredibly unaware of reality...

  8. Keep your eyes focused on the latest outrage story served up for your distraction, and ignore the dismantling of America that is proceeding apace.

    Like Detroit, America has unfunded liabilities, to the tune of $220 trillion, according to the economist Laurence Kotlikoff. Like Detroit, it’s cosseting the government class and expanding the dependency class, to the point where its bipartisan “immigration reform” actively recruits 50–60 million low-skilled chain migrants. Like Detroit, America’s governing institutions are increasingly the corrupt enforcers of a one-party state — the IRS and Eric Holder’s amusingly misnamed Department of Justice being only the most obvious examples. Like Detroit, America is bifurcating into the class of “community organizers” and the unfortunate denizens of the communities so organized.

  9. NSangoma3:24 AM


    0144 hours field booty
    ??!!; field, you would have shot a Negroe in your yard that time of morning, your punk gawd damn self:
    Charles Hazouri, a friend who owns property near the 700 block of Mandeville Street, where the shooting happened, said his surveillance cameras captured two juveniles riding BMX bikes up and down Mandeville and Dauphine streets around 1:44 a.m. One of the teens was wearing a blue tank top with white stripes; the other was wearing a light-colored T-shirt, Hazouri said.



  10. NSangoma3:36 AM


    field booty, just as The Real McCoys, The Beverly Hillbillies, and The Roseanne Show did not represent majority caucasian culture (hmmm, there was always a male head of household);

    baby-mama Negroes, do not represent majority legacy North American Negroe culture.


  11. ' Anonymous ms said...

    Keep your eyes focused on the latest outrage story served up for your distraction, and ignore the dismantling of America that is proceeding apace.'

    tell it! and then know that it is all written. it will go down either way. folks can refuse to be distracted and pay attention to the signs/symbols OR they can roll over and play dead...playing with silly distracting little topics that make them feel super smart. lol.

    'Genesis 15:13-14- And He (Yah) said unto Abram, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years.

    And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.'

    the american empire is slated for destruction. folks better stop getting played and laid long enough to pay attention and turn their hearts to Him. because they love Him...not only because only He can save them. i love Him. my salvation is a bonus. truly. thanks for showing up awake;)

  12. race hustler and traitor...

    bobblehead treasonous media souled out whore. tell the truth and shame the devil already! there's no coming back from that type of treachery. also note...victimized black boys by other black boys quickly become collateral damage...with racist wfolks in addition to 'black leaders'. i call him a MISleader...

  13. ""New Orleans police arrested Merritt Landry"

    So what's the problem?"

    The problem is that a 14 year-old kid has been shot in the head.

  14. Field Shared:

    Oh, and Bill, you will have to tell your people to stop killing (and trying to kill) our children.

    With the Trayvon Martin verdict fresh in our minds, we have yet another case of "color arousal" causing someone in the majority population to take the life of a young African American male.
    ----Afrikan Said----------------------
    There is nothing to discuss here so why all of the denial and freaking out?
    Now what are you going to do about it? Boots on ground?

    Dominoes or chess anyone?

  15. Thank you PC. It's amazing how the racist mind works.

    But watch, they will be telling us that blacks kill other blacks in 5-4-3-2-.........

  16. Field:

    We are flying to Cuba tommorrow for a few I wanted to leave this which my son sent to me via Email

    In the wake of the killing the Trayvon Martin ... The company Koch which manufactures paper products is paying for Zimmerman's legal fees because they feel he had legal right to bare arms and shoot Trayvon we are asking that people everywhere ban together with us and pass this information on and not purchase any of the following items because your money will be paying for Zimmermans lawyer fees.

    Please do not purchase any of the following items :
    Angel soft toilet paper
    Brawny paper towel
    Dixie plates,bowls napkins cups
    Mardi gras napkins and towels
    Quilted northern toilet paper
    Soft and gentile toilet paper
    Sparkle napkins
    Vanity fair napkins
    Zero napkins

    To conscious Afrikans I don't use any of those items but i will put this on my blog, twitter and facebook and alert my assoc all boocoo of them :0)


  17. Boo hoo a murderer needs help

    Petitioned Koch Industries Inc
    Koch Industries Inc: Stop Paying the defense bills for George Zimmerman

    Karl McKinnie
    Petition by
    Karl McKinnie
    Brooklyn, NY

    This goes beyond racism, I do suggest that it is racist however thinly veiled with the right to bear arms and/or the controversial "Stand your Ground" laws that some states here in the US have. I find it interesting that one their company website you'll see "For many years, we have directly contributed to Urban League affiliates, Andrew Young Foundation, Martin Luther King Center, Latin American Association, 100 Black Men, Morehouse College, United Negro College Fund,"

    But nowhere will you see it mentioned that they are paying for George Zimmermans legal defense or at laeast a part of! Why is that? Shouldn't they be proud of their beliefs unless of course they know their belief is wrong? Let them know that we know they are paying for his legal defense and we will stop buying products made by them which include the following items made through their Georgia Pacific Division: Angel soft toilet paper, Brawny paper towels, Dixie plates, bowls, napkins or cups, Mardi Gras napkins and towels, Quilted Northern toilet paper, Soft and Gentile toilet paper, Sparkle napkins, Vanity Fair napkins, Zero napkins and made through their InVista Division: "Stainmaster" carpet, and "Lycra" fiber...Use or economic power to get our voices heard, and remember to register and get out to vote!

    Koch Industries Inc
    I just signed the following petition addressed to: Koch Industries Inc.

    Stop Paying the defense bills for George Zimmerman

    This goes beyond racism, I do suggest that it is racist however thinly veiled with the right to bear arms and/or the controversial "Stand your Ground" laws that some states here in the US have. I find it interesting that one their company website you'll see "For many years, we have directly contributed to Urban League affiliates, Andrew Young Foundation, Martin Luther King Center, Latin American Association, 100 Black Men, Morehouse College, United Negro College Fund,"

    But nowhere will you see it mentioned that they are paying for George Zimmermans legal defense or at laeast a part of! Why is that? Shouldn't they be proud of their beliefs unless of course they know their belief is wrong? Let them know that we know they are paying for his legal defense and we will stop buying products made by them which include the following items made through their Georgia Pacific Division: Angel soft toilet paper, Brawny paper towels, Dixie plates, bowls, napkins or cups, Mardi Gras napkins and towels, Quilted Northern toilet paper, Soft and Gentile toilet paper, Sparkle napkins, Vanity Fair napkins, Zero napkins and made through their InVista Division: "Stainmaster" carpet, and "Lycra" fiber...Use or economic power to get our voices heard, and remember to register and get out to vote!

    [Your name]

  18. field negro said...
    Thank you PC. It's amazing how the racist mind works.

    But watch, they will be telling us that blacks kill other blacks in 5-4-3-2-.........

    7:07 AM
    Afrikan said(Milagros)
    All day long countdown However the Orisha are still in this pic

  19. Anonymous10:03 AM

    And many Blacks thought racism was over just because we have a Black president. Reality check...folks. Racism towards Blacks will NEVER end. As as long as there are white males, then there wil alwaysl be racism towards Blacks. And as long as Blacks keep ruining their brains by smoking dope, snorting coke, and failing in school, and making a lifetime of receiving government welfare then Blacks in America will continue to remain destroyed.

  20. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The continued destruction and emasculation of the Black man and the family unit was perpetuated with welfare in the 1960's ( the message being "Black men don't need to work to support their kids. Just hit and run.) Then came the drugs with the message being "Permanently damage their brains and the brains of the offspring that they produce while on a high from drugs." Which is probably the reason why there are so many beautiful Black children who are "special ed." Also education remains very unequal in this country. Inferior schools, and class sizes are too large ( some of the parents of 2nd and 3rd graders can't even do the math and writing required of their children). Then came closing schools in urban areas. Now it's the random shootings of Black boys by white men. This is no coincidence. This is all strategic and VERY DELIBERATE.

  21. "Bill O'Reilly is trying to represent our white brothers and sisters in this conversation on race."

    Oh really? Not for me or mine.

  22. In any decent society, Bill O'Reilly would be tried and convicted for the murder of Dr. George Tiller.

    Any and all conversation about O'Reilly should begin and end with him as a man who incited others to murder. If we can convict Charles Manson, then we should convict O'Reilly.

  23. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    ""New Orleans police arrested Merritt Landry"

    So what's the problem?"

    The problem is that a 14 year-old kid has been shot in the head.

    A 14 year old out robbing at almost 2 am - where are his parents?

    What would you do if you saw someone inside your gated locked property who obviously just hopped the fence, knowing that black males 14 or 15-25 years old, a measly 3% of the entire U.S population commit over 50% of the murders in the U.S. hopped a fence, was in your yard at 2 am

    Run/hide? Call the police? That's why black neighborhoods are filled with 14 year old thugs in training.

    Have the parents of the 14 year old been charged for allowing the curfew violation, you know the curfew that was put into place because of black crime and violence?

    Dont hop my fence at 2 am and I won't believe you are out to hurt me and my family.

    Raise your children, better start now.

  24. NSangoma12:25 PM


    Damn, what happened to my comment, field booty?

    NSangoma said...


    Anonymous 1145 hours, legacy North American Negroe parental responsibility!!??; surely you jest!!

    Shirley Anonymous 1145 hours be jesting, right field booty?


    12:20 PM


  25. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Well, Blacks have been killing black kids in the streets for decades to a level it borders on genocide. Yet, NO ONE in the black community says much about it. NO AA has been outraged. In fact, you folks try to keep it a secret by ignoring the killings all about if it might go away.

    Now WHY is that? You are racists in the sense that you go crazy when a White person is involved in an infrequent shooting of a black teen. But you routinely ignore all the 'daily' killings done by Blacks on Blacks on your OWN....

    Of all the races that are poor in spirit, mind and heart, you are the sickest Of course, you can't admit to that, and that will be your downfall..the failure to face the truth.

  26. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Bill O'Reilly is trying to represent our white brothers and sisters in this conversation on race."

    Oh really? Not for me or mine.

    10:25 AM
    From MY perspective as a black man who sees the destruction and lives among the neighborhood shootings everyday, I welcome O'Reilly's comments because they are absolutely right. I hope he will be lit a "pit bull" in this matter and use his media position to "hammer away" at the crisis in the black community and expose those sorry ass so-called civil rights leaders who haven't done a DAMN THING since MLK!

    Blacks need O'Reilly to NOT MINCE WORDS. My Peeps may see you as a racist, but even SATAN can tell the truth, and you are telling the truth. GO O'REILLY, AND DON'T STOP! I appreciate you offering a solution. NO ONE ELSE has a solution so I'm willing to go with yours because this shit in the black community has got to stop.

  27. Anonymous1:54 PM

    ThatDeborahGirl said...
    In any decent society, Bill O'Reilly would be tried and convicted for the murder of Dr. George Tiller.

    Any and all conversation about O'Reilly should begin and end with him as a man who incited others to murder. If we can convict Charles Manson, then we should convict O'Reilly.

    11:14 AM
    Well, if you want to convict O'Reilly, then you should want to convict the CBC. They ARE responsible for years of deaths, thefts and misery in the black community. What about those sorry mofos?

  28. This case doesn’t even come close to the Trayvon Martin case. That was a clear cut situation of outright murder. However, this Merrit Landry fella has quite a different scenario and he may have a leg to stand on by getting either a few years behind bars or perhaps probation.

    However, I would like to know why didn’t Merritt at least contact the local authorities, get a good description and kept this little boy under surveillance until they arrived. Personally, I wouldn’t have approached and shot him unless there was an imminent threat to either me or my family.

    Even further, why would a 14 year-old be hanging out at that time in the morning on someone else’s property and WHERE ARE HIS PARENTS?

    My goodness, ….. some black folks need to do a whole lot better job on handling there business in terms of the upbringing of their children. None of us are perfect parents, however, at some point, we must begin to take responsibility of the kids we brought into this world. DAMN!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Anonymous5:57 PM

    bill and rush should take notes from hobama...

    that blackish racist bankster hobama is the greatest race hustler in the history of the world!!!!!!!

    just ask his homeless jobless black nazis!

  31. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Dear focusedpurpose, thank you so much for information on study materials . I will make good use of them. I will head down to book store to pick up a strong's concordance immediately. BTW, there is a Concordance in the back of KJV. I assume Strong's is superior?

    I have been going for years w/o a name, although I have experimented with different ones over the years. Since Obama became President I have gone 'anonymous'(underground) on FN....too many crazy Obamaholics for me. And, to top it off, they're Black.LOL..

    Besides, Obama probably checks FN to take the pulse of his happy blind supporters. lol Some of those Obamaholics have even called me White because I don't think like them...esp Field and PC. They have accused me of being White so many times I have lost count.. LOL..They remind me of some of the folks in the hood that call out brothers and sisters who think differently as "acting White." That's pathetic and NOT good for those who want to grow in different ways.

    Our community has so much crap to deal with I am wondering: "does anybody know where to start to clean up this mental and emotional mess?"

    Maybe O'Reilly's idea has some merit? I mean, at least he has offered up 'something'. I haven't the foggiest idea what the CBC, NAACP, Urban League, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or any others have to offer. It seems they are working in secret, or maybe in the "dark"?

    PS. I don't think Rev Sharpton reads or studies the Bible anymore. His Bible is "How to make Money"--off of others...Black and White!

  32. control+halt+delete8:34 PM

    "Brillo" Wryly is obviously good at what he does. He channels his inner Robinson Crusoe injecting some truth, some falsehoods and a lot of insincere indignation.

    When challenged to put his platform to use in assisting the remediation of americas homegrown version of "the white man's burden," he did the texas two step around the real issue which is that white america does not have the will to address the problems of all of her citizens.

  33. Anon 8:12pm- you are welcome my friend.

    i understand remaining Anon. those that can't see for looking do tend to be an interesting bunch. almost like they want to make you quaff the BO poison.

    the strong's concordance is thicker than your bible. the one in the back of most bibles are partial at best. strong's has all the hebrew and greek breakdown of words. resurrection, the greek word anastasis, when understood gives so much hope. i did a post about it...i will do take 2 with fewer of my thoughts and greater emphasis on the beauty of the word resurrection.

    many are barely scratching the surface of the reality of the world in which we live. this is why folks keep going in circles...they don't have enough dots to connect for true full circle progress. if one employed a collage analogy...many are too focused on/distracted by the race piece. they don't bother to pan out and see the other pieces that will bring the big picture into better focus for them.

    this beautiful soul does an excellent job of delivering the dots that most folks lack to get a better understanding. in the absence of His strength...most will paralyze into fear. this is a spiritual battle and of-own- strength folks, don't stand a chance.

    if one checks out link and digs deeper into information the brother is righteously shining light on...they would understand why GZ seems to be standing in a charmed place. in Truth, he is not...these satanic 'blessings' are temporal. look into his family and you will see he is just the latest to be souled out. i would NOT want to be him, his wife, cousin, nor neighbor. those that serve evil only have eternal death to look forward to...

    it is pretty rich for folks to call other folks race hustlers...while supporting black/brown people murderer #1 BO. dumb is not supposed to make sense, i suppose.

  34. Billo the clown and Rush are racist a-holes and good for you for callng them out. You are right Bill ignores "white" culture as if they're squeeky clean and commit no crime. We need a new Godwin's law, the first person who mentions Al Sharpton ir Jesse Jacksin automatically losed the debate/argument.
    These types aee so predictable, "where was Jesse and or Al when X or Y happened and why do you need BET"?

  35. Anon 8:12pm- if you understand the larger plan at will see that Oreilly and company have decided that it is black teenaged pregnancy that is responsible for the mayhem in so called black community.

    folks are REALLY going to pretend that it is only the baby girls creating this full grown folks don't oow their way around these days. really? full grown folks are getting married with all these babies being born? not.

    so...if it is the girls...and 'bad parents'- we have already acknowledged that the men don't stay and parent- that leaves bw and bgirls. instead of the 'community' telling the Truth about the 'men'...folks would rather hang the women and girls out to dry like they impregnate themselves. what if...folks instructed malefolk to pull their pants up and keep them up with the same no holds barred ferocity that they come with the close your legs instructions? if Almighty was factored into any of this...there would be no abdicating the role of men to lead and protect. so since He is not in it...i don't feel compelled to play along. nor keep quiet about the mountains of dirty laundry any blind fool can see piled all up stinking to high heaven.

    the same folks that want come hard at others for not acknowledging their racist crap, steadfastly REFUSE to call their mess what it is...then folks are SHOCKED when bfolks are seen as whining hypocrites that think wfolks owe us something.

    i stand for Truth. much of the so called black community wants ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with Truth. they want to feel good and keep sleeping. their responsibilities/duties they are content to leave for someone else to care more than they are willing to care.

    the 14 year old behind someone's gate near their property...not sure what folks are not getting and refusing to teach their children.

    NEWSFLASH- black folks are STILL operating under the curse for disobedience. we have NOT overcome. we are STILL slaves. this wild embody all stereotypes behavior is being used to say...see, take your boot off their necks and this is what you get.

    bm and bbs better hurry up and understand...other men are NOT going to allow you to do to their communities what you have done to your own. the evidence of the rank sinful do what thou wilt free for all is right there, a hot steaming mess; even if the bulk of bfolks want to pretend it is not. or that its presence is not your fault nor responsibility...its those attitudinal evil bw and bgs. the result of 'racism' and slavery. whatever excuse folks got...these folks have fired the warning shot. they will not tolerate it. can anyone blame them?

    i remember when folks taught their children how to protect their lives. menchildren don't listen to women past a certain age-that's what the menfolk are for. our talented 10th posts pics of him taking his time and wisdom to mentor non bbs ...maybe bfolks forgot that charity begins at home?

  36. Anonymous11:22 PM

    FP, "i remember when folks taught their children how to protect their lives. menchildren don't listen to women past a certain age-that's what the menfolk are for. our talented 10th posts pics of him taking his time and wisdom to mentor non bbs ...maybe bfolks forgot that charity begins at home?"

    It's true that boys don't listen to mothers passed a certain age. The mother can bring the son into the world but she can't take him to manhood. With bm abdicating their responsibility as fathers, it's no wonder we, as a race, have a horrible mess that 'everyone' can see. We have made it extremely easy for white and probably brown people to look down on not want to near declare us as inferior. O'Reilly is having a field day. But we made it possible.

  37. if the problem is bw/bgs and bad parenting (solo project most times-even when folks bothered to get married)...sterilizing them would be the only solution.

    i really do believe that there will be vocal bm in support of will solve the whole pesky 'gold digging' problem most have when the silly women come seeking provision for the children they both sinfully made, to in most cases suffer for said sin.

    i say this because somewhere i read as men debated with their 'superior' intellect re: the unfairness of possible law that would only afford women the right abort a 'baby' up to three years.

    these men were not concerned that children could be 'aborted' up to three. they wanted the right to be able to do it.

    if folks don't wake up and stand, when those that must marry their sheep/dogs/dolphins or their toddler wife come out and do the big reveal here in america...

    nigeria is already rolling out toddler wives...which according to their new law is an adult. i wish i was making this up. the pic and the babies' faces (he had an 8 year old wife as well) broke my heart.

    yep...the n-ers of the world, aka women, and especially the doubly blessed black women will have to stand up and shut this down. i am confident that all things work for the good of those that love Him and are called according to his purpose. that is my sincere prayer for our country and world. that the righteous women of Yah will go to Him in prayer and then go to work with the many gifts He has bestowed on us. work for Him, and our interests, the way we work so diligently for others while too few bother to show appreciation nor reciprocity.

    for the brothers/sons that come correct...its all love. the Truth cuts us all at times and refusal to call it hurts us all. injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, truly. our people are dying horrible deaths daily...who has time for pc? i am thankful that Almighty sends kings and princes daily to cross my path, show me love and encourage me to move forward...powerfully. i call the game as He shows me, though it ticks folks off immensely, and most misunderstand.

    it is real love that makes a person tell you the Truth. i love my people and understand what i see happening around me, because He shows me because i ask Him to show me what He knows about situations.

    'evil men understand not judgment; but they that seek Yahweh understand all things.'-Proverbs 28:5

    i should say for the record...there are bw that hate other bw with so such evil force that it boggles the mind. comment too long if i relay real life experiences with the bw that refuse to find Him or clues-much less teach younger sisters. they seem entertained to watch young beautiful women fall...i don't feign bw innocence as folks' have accused. i encounter grew up in two parent home daughters that have daddy issues. some of it is demonic programming via media/entertainment/peer pressure reinforcement and some of it is daddies that live in house but their focus is not the home. can folks tell it? married men get just as much, if not more action, than single men participating in the fornication/adultery free for all. regular joe neighbor does not make the news for his indiscretions. can we talk like grown ups about our issues? ever?

  38. at the end of the day, it is not about color folks. it is about the spirit and who that person serves. color is a mere distraction.

    'there is neither Hebrew nor greek, their is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Yahushua (Yahoshua, Yeshua, 'Jesus') Messiah.

    and if you be Messiah's then are you Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.'-Galatians 3:28-29

    when we understand this and come together on one accord, put our gifts together to build His Kingdom... all belongs to it is written.

    once we ruled...full circle is around the corner for those on the winning team. more wfolks know who we are than bfolks from what i can see. once they know you know...they either go on somewhere, like devils do when you resist them or they show love because that is their true spirit. most wfolks that with the right spirit, seem relieved folks won't be trying to hack them death as revenge or some crazy violent black horror they have scripted in their heads. try the spirit by the spirit folks...color means nothing my people.

    bfolks acting like black skin=friend is messing us up. i wanted to say that a different way...but i hope whoever can hear, gets the point despite all the sugar.

    all white people are not bad. just as all black folks are not good.

    we don't need white people to fix this mess. in all Truth, white folks and others need us. there it is. know yourself, your true history and Him. when more folks turn their hearts to Him and make their behavior look more like His will be a new day. not a moment sooner...He is really patient. i am thankful. He waited for me...i guess i can calm it on down and keep following Him;) this is His show after all.

    Shabbath Shalom.

    blessings all.

  39. "folks are REALLY going to pretend that it is only the baby girls creating this problem..."

    Yep, Cal Thomas repeated this mem in the USA Today where two older white men discussed the prblems in the blah community as if they had a clue. Then again working with white males they do tend to be know it alls even about topics they know nothing about.

  40. Anon 11:22pm-

    in our disobedience to Him---think about; IF bm and bw were acting in obedience to the Word of Almighty- would we see any of this?

    no. our disobedience to Him we strengthen the hand of our enemies. who are our enemies? you shall know them by their fruit. let me say that again. we shall know them by their fruit.

    notice i did not say skin color?

    not in this modern day new slavery. new deal. catch up my people. they know we will put uup with anything as long as the person is black and male. the Blacks are all men. still. in 2013. this is why folks can't see peace prize having murderous bm BO for who he really is...despite his gigantic blood soaked fruit basket.

    worshipping the bm calf has the black nation positioned for a brutal spanking. and we deserve it because He is just+patient and we are consistently stiff-necked in our sinful ways. sometimes, i wonder why He just doesn't poof be gone us. lol. i love Him and am thankful for my Creator on so many levels. the covenant with our forefathers protects those that seek to do what they must to enter in...just as the disobedience of our forefathers curse those that refuse to come in from the storm.

    following Him affords protection. i am a witness to His favor and the fact that when in His safe tower...enemies may approach from one way and He sends them out seven. either way those that belong to Him win and we are all scheduled to die once anyway...

  41. Pilot X, He showed me what's ahead clear as day...and the fact we win.

    predictive programming is attempting to inform the masses with subtle hints via 'entertainment'. think hunger games.

    the black community is bassackwards in the bm calf's about the women...protect those that carry the promise...which is our babies. satan is coming full force for the babies.

    ps...the only thing standing between most homosexual men and heterosexual men is women. men want what they can't have. straight flipped men are the prize. add another level and more bm and men in general...because ALL are getting this devil manhandling right now...will see what's in it for them to check in on the battlefield ready to do spiritual battle. you don't even need guns. fight like men and pray. they have all the guns so they can eliminate themselves. lol. Yah is an AWESOME Mighty One! they stored up all the riches so they can come bring it to all belongs to it is written. if one won't seek it, they can't find it. know the Truth and it shall make you free. truly.

    those that hate wfolks...all bad. hate is not a part of the equation. if you are carrying it, you don't get to stay nor play. the wicked will be plucked from the it is written.

    it is sundown now. i am going to cook now that it is permissible. create a beautiful evening...that's my plan!

    blessings all.

  42. "we don't need white people to fix this mess. in all Truth, white folks and others need us. there it is. know yourself, your true history and Him."

    Well stated sister Focus, beautiful, ..... beautiful!

  43. Yet another great post!!

    BTW, did anyone e,se catch Don Kemon's show today abou what Black folks need to do?nohn really new being said,but I'm so glad SOMEONE is saying it!!!

  44. URGH, I HATE typing on an iPad, LOL!!!

  45. Making it plain:

    Re www google it

    "I think one of the things that most upsets me here is the “well that just the way the law works” argument or hearing that the verdict was in line with the law. It’s sort of a “that’s the way the

    cookie crumbles” response and it entirely ignores the policy and justice problems and implications at play here. To be clear, like most everyone else, I’m not angry because I think it’s going to bring Trayvon Martin back to life. I’m angry because there’s a justice system that somehow says that the killing of an unarmed boy by an armed civilian who defied police orders and pursued him, got in a fight, and then killed him when he was probably losing that fight is ok."

    "Simply saying that the verdict was appropriate given the system doesn’t make it any less a travesty of justice. It’s sort of like saying that the selling of slaves wasn’t unjust until it was illegal. A Justice System that allows this type of verdict is broken and that’s why people are so angry because that doesn’t seem to be changing. Fine, for argument sake, I’ll concede that this verdict was entirely in line with the law. It doesn’t make it less wrong. It was still wrong to sell slaves before the Justice System decided to make it illegal. It was still unjust to deny women equal rights before the Justice System decided it wasn’t anymore. It is still unjust that this kid was killed and saying that the verdict was in line with the law either ignores that purposefully, or is only recognizing 1/10th of the problem."

    —Brian Sims, State Representative, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

    Chess anyone?

  46. Anonymous2:38 AM

    we would love to have this open and honest dialogue on race with you and your peeps

    Bullshit. You don't want an "honest conversation." You want absolution for the outrageous and ongoing self-destruction of tens of millions of black Americans.

  47. Making it plain

    What are you doing?

    Do you have boots on the ground?

    Now, i will not be here, we are about to leave the US and travel overseas (with access to the WWW) However two of our suns are still here

    However, this should not be just another gathering of talkers and ole men/women who want to hold on?
    This is a chance for some serious (possibly) discussions amongst Afrikans first and then maybe? Will that happen?

    My thinking is not like the thinking of others. i am a person who thinks for iself (my spelling) thus am unbent unbowed(borrowed from my mentors) and clear
    And i trust only what has been my experience.
    .Now to some my position may be a bit radical ( we all need advice right) NO!

    There can be NO meaningful discussions about concerns within the Afrikan desc community when run/organized by european people or thier stepin fetchers

    HOLD IT! before your fingers make you write something you will regret and i will not read (just saying)

    Yes! there are good politically astute and courageous euros who will/ are capable of adding suggesting and providing great thoughts to any given situation (esp Jewish bredren) However there are as many Afrkians of the same ilk

    Suffice from my view there are far too many euros who come into the African comm with dread(not hair) and an agenda which only serves in the end to be destructive.

    Sadly, they seem to always push us into a corner of acceptance by breaking off a little this or a little that and then subvert sabotage and or undermind any ideas the comm may have Why is that?
    CONTROL After all we are still slaves(to them) and still need direction

    Those destructive thoughts ideas and actions are why we as a fam have decided to work for self and build fam businesses..We have learned through some hard times that if it is 2 be it is up to WE"

    Moreover who should know better the needs desires and concerns of our communities?

    This is a great OP for conscious young people to come alive and voice thier needs desires and ideas for transition vs change It is okay and proper to network with those who came before them and set the tone However, it is time for a new DEAL which does not depend on handouts

    Natukae Na Ndugu

  48. Dr Nuwang

    URGH, I HATE typing on an iPad

    Afrikan said( MGV Esq)
    Ditto I bought a voice recog prog which enhances the one already installed it has done wonders

  49. Making it plain

    Now this is an idea well worth consideration

    ps if you come here with madness u will be ejected

  50. There is something wrong here

  51. Anonymous3:00 AM

    FP, "worshipping the bm calf has the black nation positioned for a brutal spanking. and we deserve it because He is just+patient and we are consistently stiff-necked in our sinful ways. sometimes, i wonder why He just doesn't poof be gone us. lol. i love Him and am thankful for my Creator on so many levels. the covenant with our forefathers protects those that seek to do what they must to enter in...just as the disobedience of our forefathers curse those that refuse to come in from the storm.

    following Him affords protection. i am a witness to His favor and the fact that when in His safe tower...enemies may approach from one way and He sends them out seven. either way those that belong to Him win and we are all scheduled to die once anyway..."

    12:14 AM
    I feel like we are already in the midst of a butt whipping. Yet, the majority of our people continue to remain Obamaholics. It's amazing! They are crazy. But telling a crazy person they are crazy is a waste of's futile. In all seriousness, do you think we will wake up? I mean, that's a lot of 'waking up'.lol

    Yes, I believe and have felt in my heart following HIM is my shield and protection. The second verse in 91st Psalm..."I will say of the Lord, HE is my refuge and my fortress, in HIM will I trust." I love the entire 91st Psalm.

    Trust. Trust. Trust in HIM. Sometimes I find it easier said than done. I am discovering that there is a big difference in 'believing' in HIM and 'trusting' in HIM. Heck, lots of people 'believe' in GOD, but how many 'rely' and 'trust' in HIM? In American society, Americans try to rely on themselves. Of course, we can see where that has led us....a big pile of doo doo.

    This Path to GOD, requires continuous practice, study, prayer and meditation...and 'still' there is no guarantee. Nevertheless, I know this BO path-that so many Blacks are following- is really bad news. It's a 'dead end', suffering, misery, hell.

    One good thing BO has done for me: By his evil, he has pushed me closer to GOD. The man is a 'snake' of the most poisonous kind.

    FP, I'm being curious.... Why do you use different names for GOD--other than 'GOD'? just want to know if I'm missing something-- which I probably am. lol.. But hey, Rome wasn't built in a day.:))

  52. Making it plain

    A judge's ruling has reopened the evidentiary hearing to determine whether or not death row inmate Rogers LaCaze should get a new trial. The ruling on Thursday followed the Orleans Parish District Attorney's Office's recent disclosure that a witness with new, relevant information came forward for the first time ever the day after a post-conviction evidentiary hearing for LaCaze held between June 17 and June 26, when that person saw news media coverage of the proceedings.

    Presiding Judge Michael Kirby ruled that the new witness' testimony doesn't "wholly refute" LaCaze's arguments for a new trial, though it does cast his claims about things such as police brutality, mental retardation and actual innocence "in a completely different light." Kirby ordered the state and LaCaze's Capital Appeals Project attorneys to arrange mutually available hearing dates and secure a courtroom at Tulane and Broad.

    LaCaze, now 36, and former New Orleans police officer Antoinette Frank, 42, were charged in the shooting deaths of NOPD officer Ronald "Ronnie" Williams II, 25; Cuong Vu, 17; and Ha Vu, 24, during a robbery at Kim Anh restaurant March 4, 1995. Williams, like Frank, provided off-duty security at the restaurant, and the Vu siblings worked there.

    Separate juries in 1995 convicted LaCaze and Frank, and both defendants were sent to death row. LaCaze and his team of attorneys sought post-conviction relief, and there was an evidentiary hearing in which some 30 witnesses testified.

  53. Anonymous3:04 AM

    what ever happened to Desertflower? did she fall off the earth or busy dodging a hurricane?

  54. Hmmm

    Making not plain
    is this just another sick creepy crakka or who is this? A sick euro!

    Sick of these renta racists like oreilly etc thinking that every Afrikan is a burglar or rapist while they overlook thier own creepy crakkas

  55. Making it clear and in your face

    Noone wants to have an honest conversation about anything other than how european creepy crakkas can rid this earth of the Afrikan

    Again all conscious people need to listen to this and READ the facts

    I do not come here for a debate i come to drop science and share You all can debate My only debates are only in a court of law


  56. This was WRONG WRONG WRONG

    Making it [plain

    A Marigny homeowner has been booked with attempted second-degree murder after he shot a 14-year-old boy in the head early Friday, police said. The homeowner's friends and neighbors said the owner believed the teen was an intruder. The teenager remains hospitalized in critical condition, police said.

    New Orleans police arrested Merritt Landry, 33, a building inspector for the Historic District Landmarks Commission, after conducting multiple interviews and reviewing crime scene evidence, including a single spent casing at the scene, NOPD spokeswoman Remi Braden said.

    Police said the teen was near NEAR!!!!!!!!!

    Landry's vehicle when he was shot. Landry's friends said the vehicle was in the driveway behind a gate just a few feet from the house's backdoor.

    Landry's attorneys, Michael Kennedy and Miles Swanson, issued a statement after the arrest saying, "This incident is terrible, and Mr. Landry feels terrible about how things have occurred.

    Nevertheless, we remain convinced our client has done nothing wrong, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and we are sure -- as facts come to light -- it'll become clear that Mr. Landry will be fully exonerated of any wrongdoing." If he did nothing wrong why arrest him?

    "I thought about calling the cops, but the last thing I want to do is racially profile a little kid who's just biking," said the neighbor, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The neighbor and Landry are white; the two teens are black.

    Hazouri said his video, which he gave to NOPD detectives, shows the two teens talking in the middle of Mandeville Street outside of Landry's house. The video then shows the teen in the light-colored T-shirt walk his bike across Mandeville toward Landry's house. Then, the teen walks back out to the middle of the road before climbing over Landry's fence, Hazouri said. The other teen in the tank top stayed on the other side of Mandeville Street, Hazouri said.


    Best of

  57. Spkntruth2 power and making it plain

    Black Sage said...
    "we don't need white people to fix this mess. in all Truth, white folks and others need us. there it is. know yourself, your true history and Him."
    Teach says the Afrikan

    Thank you my thoughts! We do nit need them and know his story

  58. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Wanton women wish Bill O'Reilly would wriggle his long toes inside them.

  59. Making it plain and painful

    Ahat is wrong with this wanna be creepycrakka, Is she mad or just looking old?
    Does this angry wanna be creepy crakka need so much attn that she would beat down a woman who just lost a son?

    Sure she would, the attn has not been on GOP chicken lately, so she chose to say what she said. Moreover, i would bet that crazy euro chicken would never say it to Sybrinas face Really?

    What is it that the GOP wanna be euro chicken wants? A JOB with Billo? Or is there something else bothering her

    OOOOOOH shucks lmao
    Now i over why she is upset She is from Alabama she is a mongrel and married to a cop?
    She lives in DC and he in bama wow!

    Nuff said


  60. Just spknmypeace/piece

    Now how many bios and Universitys has she really grad from?
    Think that her anger stems from that man who chose? )))___

    Crystal Wright is a black conservative woman living in Washington, D.C. Some would say she is a triple minority: woman, black and a Republican living in a Democrat dominated city. She’s contemplating moving back to her home state of Virginia, where her vote would count for something. By day, Crystal is a communications consultant and editor and publisher of the blog Conservative Black Chick. Crystal earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Georgetown University and holds a Masters of Fine Arts in Theatre from Virginia Commonwealth University.

    FACT she is not married wonder why? Lonely frustrated pissed off and dangerous
    She has come to my blog a few times and been blasted..

    Ps May i tell you all that she hates me? I keep winging her and smilin:)))))_ jajajajajaja
    She does not play chess well either She is too angry

  61. "What would you do if you saw someone inside your gated locked property who obviously just hopped the fence, knowing that black males 14 or 15-25 years old, a measly 3% of the entire U.S population commit over 50% of the murders in the U.S. hopped a fence, was in your yard at 2 am"

    So you are saying the correct punishment for trespassing is death? Really? Is that the world you want to live in?

    BTW, if the sight of a skinny 14 year old boy so terrifies white people that they feel it necessary to shoot them on sight, then the current crop of white American males must be the most milquetoast group of needle-dicked, testicle-free, fucking wimps in the history of the planet.

    You guys need a gun to assert your manhood over a little boy, how does that make you feel?

  62. NSangoma7:50 AM


    Rumba, the legacy of Africans in Cuba

    The TANGO, is also a part of the legacy of Africans in Cuba.


  63. Anonymous8:56 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "What would you do if you saw someone inside your gated locked property who obviously just hopped the fence, knowing that black males 14 or 15-25 years old, a measly 3% of the entire U.S population commit over 50% of the murders in the U.S. hopped a fence, was in your yard at 2 am"

    So you are saying the correct punishment for trespassing is death? Really? Is that the world you want to live in?

    BTW, if the sight of a skinny 14 year old boy so terrifies white people that they feel it necessary to shoot them on sight, then the current crop of white American males must be the most milquetoast group of needle-dicked, testicle-free, fucking wimps in the history of the planet.

    You guys need a gun to assert your manhood over a little boy, how does that make you feel?

    Like a smart man that won't be getting jumped, stabbed, shot, made to pay a bunch of medical bills and maybe suffer some needless injury because I am not a savage muhdicker who still thinks proving your manhood is being a tough guy over something he could handle smarter.

    Look at your community, look at mine, who do you think is smarter?

    Is a Death Sentence appropriate? Of course not. That wasn't the point. But living among feral blacks, you don't run out and confront groups to prove your manhood (you sound like a 14 year old yourself) or actually have an IQ that peaked at 14.

    The "kid" sure looked and had a rap sheet of someone much older than 14 years old, not that it matters, he was awaiting trial for his other burglaries.

    Maybe you would have been a real man and tried to duke it out with the 14 year old and his friend, unwisely assuming he didn't have a gun or other weapon and let your wife say how much of a brave muhdicker you were as she paid for your medical bills and/or funeral costs.

    What warped morals you have.

  64. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Black males, thru their rap so-called music, have relentlessly portrayed themselves as thugs, drug dealers and gangstas for the better part of three decades.

    The result is that most people, not just here in the U.S. but around the world, think that's what most black males are especially the younger ones.
    And they act accordingly.

  65. Anon 9:25am said: “Look at your community, look at mine, who do you think is smarter?”

    You’re funny, I highly encourage you to audition to be a professional comedian. It’s not about who’s smarter, nor is it mere happenstance. Certain communities appear to be remnants of a war zone DUE TO DESIGN by those who consider themselves to be the authorities. Typical, shallow thinking of another Flugelrod!

  66. "Like a smart man that won't be getting jumped, stabbed, shot, made to pay a bunch of medical bills and maybe suffer some needless injury because I am not a savage muhdicker who still thinks proving your manhood is being a tough guy over something he could handle smarter."

    Baffling response, completely baffling.

    You think shooting 14 year old kids in the head is a smart response? Really?

    Look at your community, look at mine, who do you think is smarter?

    I don't know what your community is, mine is doing rather well, thank you very much. It's a reasonably prosperous (if slightly dull) part of the world which relies on the production of milk, cheese, yoghurt and Bentley Cars for it's living. How about yours?

    "Is a Death Sentence appropriate? Of course not. That wasn't the point."

    Says who?

    I'm saying it is exactly the fucking point.


    "But living among feral blacks, you don't run out and confront groups to prove your manhood (you sound like a 14 year old yourself) or actually have an IQ that peaked at 14."

    You should, try it sometime. Violent crime rates in America have been falling like a stone since the early 1970's. The chances of you walking into a violent criminal black or white, is incredibly rare. Your paranoia is defeating you. Seek help.


    "The "kid" sure looked and had a rap sheet of someone much older than 14 years old, not that it matters, he was awaiting trial for his other burglaries."

    So fucking what?


    "Maybe you would have been a real man and tried to duke it out with the 14 year old and his friend, unwisely assuming he didn't have a gun or other weapon and let your wife say how much of a brave muhdicker you were as she paid for your medical bills and/or funeral costs. "

    Nope, I would have called the cops and waited. And for the record, we don't have medical bills in this country.


    "What warped morals you have. "

    Oh do fuck off dear boy. YOU are the one advocating the assassination of 14 year old children for the crime of trespass

    If that makes any kind of morale sense to you, then you are one sick, twisted motherfucker.

  67. control+halt+delete2:17 PM

    "People like Merrit Landry sure make it hard for us to have our kumbaya moment."

    I'm still waiting for cong. darrell issa to say that could have been him 35years ago.

  68. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Field: At what point do Black folk change the approach from merely reacting to creatures like Billo and Rush to proactively getting on the same page and articulate an exit strategy to this nightmare called America?

  69. Queen/Pastor FP:


    we outlawed homos have NOTHING to do with the droves of fatherless boys/toxic turbo breeding etc that doom us all


    that colored blackish hobama is the moist evil racist cia bankster prez in world fistory

    cc chiraq/4th reich/fema camps/africom/wwiii/ndaa etc

    your divine wisdom herein has been my chruch today

    thank u!

    have a happy regal sunday!

  70. Anonymous6:01 PM

    AB said to FP:

    "your divine wisdom herein has been my chruch today"

    Ditto! I love her wisdom. It lifts me up, gives me 'hope', and inspires me to push on. Many thanks, are a Godsend.

  71. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Landry is another Hero. A fourteen year old thug was threatening his personal property. He shouldn't have been out at 2am. If his parents cared about him they would have controlled his behavior better.

  72. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Well, Desmond Tutu has spoken his opinion re: homosexuals. Hmmmmm. I wonder what AB and other FN fans have to say about this?

  73. Anonymous7:05 PM

    "Don Lemon came under fire on Saturday when he said that he agreed with Bill O'Reilly's comments about black people.

    O'Reilly recently went on a rant about problems in the black community, which he blamed on "the disintegration of the African-American family," "the drug situation" and the entertainment industry for promoting "gangsta culture." MSNBC's Chris Hayes later slammed the comments as "super racist."

    Lemon, however, seemed to be of a different mind on the matter. After re-playing a clip of O'Reilly's remarks on Saturday, he agreed with the Fox News host, saying, "He’s got a point. In fact, he’s got more than a point…In my estimation, he doesn’t go far enough."

    "Black people, if you really want to fix the problem, here's just five things that you should think about doing," Lemon continued. Those five things, he said, were hiking up their pants, finishing school, not using the n-word, taking care of their communities and not having children out of wedlock."

    I agree with EVERYTHING Don Lemon has said. I was the first to agree with O'Reilly, even though I don't like the SOB. But THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH.

    Here is the video:

    FP and AB, what say you?

  74. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Well, Don Lemon makes a mockery of Mr Field's post, doesn't he? The truth always triumphs, no matter what the title of a post is.

    Sorry Mr Field. Better luck next time. but next time try to align yourself with the truth, if possible.:) I realize it's pretty hard for you to do that, seeing how you are a big-time Obamaholic.

  75. Anonymous7:31 PM

    WASHINGTON (AP) — "Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream."

    I wonder what it will take for Blacks to stop worshiping Obama? Five out of five joblessness and poverty? Will that do it?

  76. 'It's true that boys don't listen to mothers passed a certain age. The mother can bring the son into the world but she can't take him to manhood. With bm abdicating their responsibility as fathers, it's no wonder we, as a race, have a horrible mess that 'everyone' can see. We have made it extremely easy for white and probably brown people to look down on not want to near declare us as inferior. O'Reilly is having a field day. But we made it possible.

    11:22 PM'


    i will never agree with my enemy and what he has to say to me. it is not the words or the Truth of the words that ignite my steadfast refusal, but the spirit of the words and the vibrations. i will stand on Truth any and all day. even a broke clock is right at some point. i been calling it before the devilish defeated clowns came with the next level of their operation defeated.

    the enemy is coming from a different place and space. the vibrations are evil and He has already shown me what lies ahead.

    it would behoove us, His Blessed Black, Chosen, Mighty Ones to turn our attention from the enemy and turn it back to Him. truly what one focuses on expands.

    'if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.'-Nikola Tesla

    truer words have never been spoken.

    these same devils that are in the process of kicking bm while they are down, on their knees, yet too stiff necked to knock it off and humble themselves to Yah and OBEY him...already KNOW the rest of the story in many cases. these are the liars. the others are dumb azz zombies that TRULY believe melanin deficiency is a sensible reason/basis for 'superiority'. just dumb. these are the dupes. they KNOW who we are.

    in any must know two things:

    1) know yourself
    2) know your enemy

    when you know the answers to these never need fear the outcome of any battle. my art of war cliff note...

  77. 'We have made it extremely easy for white and probably brown people to look down on not want to near declare us as inferior. O'Reilly is having a field day. But we made it possible.

    11:22 PM'

    this statement highlights the importance of knowing His Word.

    this is why they played with the Word/Truth, whitened it and made it just a disgusting notion to most bfolks. folks like sinning too. let's just keep it 100 with ourselves. we are not wfolks children. they are ours and need us. we do not need them nor their go stfu lecture. that is truly how i feel about certain folks wasting time deceiving folks. lying by HUGE omission.

    they should go and keep panicking because the lease on our stuff they've been holding is almost up. lol. don't play with me. lol. grrr.

    so rather than put a lot of my thoughts on it...i will instead simply show you the Scripture so you can go reference it for yourself and pray and ask Yah to grant you fuller understanding.

    we are warned for the penalties of disobedience in Deuteronomy 28:15-

    'but it shall come to pass, if thou will not hearken unto the voice of the Sovereign they Almighty, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which i command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:'

    there are many very specific curses. the blessings are also listed. i am focusing on curses for now that one might understand/ have a different powerful perspective on the circus folks see unfolding.

    Deuteronomy 28:23- 'and the heaven that is over your head shall be brass, and the earth that is under you shall be iron.'

    Deuteronomy 28:25-'the Sovereign shall cause you to be smitten before your enemies: you shall go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shall be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth.'

    notice it is Yah that is allowing this to happen. He is causing it as punishment for disobedience. there is NONE superior to the bm/bw. we are the originals...the first. who now have been made last due to disobedience. we WILL be first again. folks better know and act like they know.

    this whole thing is inverted due to our disobedience and negligence to Him. period. full stop. the end. STOP listening to your enemies. please. look/listen to Him in order to know yourself. search the Scriptures. fast. pray. obey when He tells you to move. He will.

    check this out. who are these people? who does this describe? (the jeWish folks at fake/false messiah KNOW it ain't them. trust. dupes and liars, i tell you.)

    Deuteronomy 28:28-29 'the Sovereign shall smite you with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart:

    And you shall grope at noonday, as the blind gropes in darkness, and you shall not prosper in your ways: and you shall be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and NO MAN shall save you.' don't know? this is why looking to men is futile. truly His people perish for lack of Knowledge of Him. folks got degrees all day and won't stop reminding people. lol.

    Messiah already came and walked among men. folks STILL did not act right. we rejected Messiah when He came for us. this leg of the journey is spiritual. even if we saw Him people...we'd act a fool, i feel certain. lol. yet He loves, favors and chose us. i am bound to give Him some praise! halleluYah! i love us, too.

  78. Deuteronomy is quite specific about identifying markers for His people.

    Deuteronomy ALSO has the blessings.

    we must find Him and worship ONLY Him. pray and ask Him to lead and guide direct our paths. we must keep set apart the Sabbath, 7th day. we must keep dietary law for our health and well being. love one another.

    WHY is this so hard for people? THAT is THE answer. WHEN more of us do THIS...He will hear our cries and heal our people.

    folks want to listen to white folks tell the Truth. did a post about it. these white folks' spirit is better...they are NOT coming to kick you as you lay wounded, suffering for your sins.

    stop listening to the devil and listen to Him. go to the 2nd video to see white folks come in the right spirit. oreilly and co. may grab a seat.

    my friend...this is the only the tip of the iceberg...

  79. the white girl, bless her!- she means it when she is breaking down who the Chosen mighty ones are. big hug to her! she is towards the end of the 2nd video in the link:

    right spirit=all love.

  80. Anonymous1:06 AM

    FP-"Messiah already came and walked among men. folks STILL did not act right. we rejected Messiah when He came for us. this leg of the journey is spiritual. even if we saw Him people...we'd act a fool, i feel certain. lol. yet He loves, favors and chose us. i am bound to give Him some praise! halleluYah! i love us, too."

    We must have really acted a sinful fool to the extent we are suffering incalculable pain. If HE loves us STILL, then WHY does HE love us, knowing that we will act a fool like idiots? I mean, what is the point?

    Nevertheless, I will continue on studying. But there ARE moments of doubt. I don't see a whole hell of a lot of good happening in our community.

  81. 'We have made it extremely easy for white and probably brown people to look down on not want to near declare us as inferior.'

    Anon- what we see happening is already is the fall out of our refusal, collectively, to stop serving sin and serve Him.

    Deuteronomy 28:37- 'and you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a by word, among all nations where the Sovereign shall lead you.'

    pretty spot on, huh?

    'I feel like we are already in the midst of a butt whipping. Yet, the majority of our people continue to remain Obamaholics. It's amazing!'

    Anon- yes. we are taking a beating...though clearly not enough of one for more folks to wake up to Truth and look to Him. right now, folks are still groping around in the darkness looking for a MAN to come save them. there will be more lashes for those that don't believe fat meat's greasy. lol. as the elders would say back in the day...for those that love the lies that keep coming non stop, it is written:

    '...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. and for this cause Almighty shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.'-2 Thessalonians 2:10-11

    whatever folks want, He gives it to them. i choose Truth and pray that more will grab onto Him and it.

    i love Psalm 91. the whole passage is highlighted in my bible.

    check out Psalm 27. it makes me cry, it is so beautiful. i pray for the heart of David...that Almighty might show me like favor.

    Psalm 83 gives greater insight as to why other nations steadfastly act like they cannot see what is happening to us...without coming to kick us down some more. which is why i say stop listening to the devil. focus on Him. these dirty devils already know in large numbers. the rest are too ignorant to worry about.

    'Trust. Trust. Trust in HIM. Sometimes I find it easier said than done. I am discovering that there is a big difference in 'believing' in HIM and 'trusting' in HIM. Heck, lots of people 'believe' in GOD, but how many 'rely' and 'trust' in HIM? In American society, Americans try to rely on themselves. Of course, we can see where that has led us....a big pile of doo doo.

    This Path to GOD, requires continuous practice, study, prayer and meditation...and 'still' there is no guarantee. Nevertheless, I know this BO path-that so many Blacks are following- is really bad news. It's a 'dead end', suffering, misery, hell.'

    it is much easier said than done. however, if one will discipline themselves...the rewards are WELL worth the efforts. walking with Him is truly a discipline. if one studies the satanists and luciferians...they are disciplined. especially the luciferians. Yah's people must represent like we know Yah is above ALL.

  82. g-d, l-rd, etc, when one researches the words, leads one back to baal. the enemy is sneaky and tries to make us unwittingly worship the defeated one. so whenever i see the leavening in the bread...i have trained myself to lift it out.

    this blogger was instrumental in helping me to dig deeper:

    sometimes just singing a song will have you doing incantations to summon satan and other demons. 'rain man' is a demon summoned to 'rain' his faux blessings. gives a lot of songs a different meaning, huh?

    Anon, as always, pray and ask Yah to lead you to His Truth. it is amazing how many of His people He has already in position. as soon as more are in position...this is sure to become real interesting. i am excited to be alive at such a pivotal time...

    as we approach the end of the age...more will awaken to the Truth and hidden history. so i am not worried at all about more folks waking up.

    AB, i am a lowly unprofitable servant. so thankful that He chose me to be used for His purpose. i love you sis. thanks for your and Anon's encouraging words...truly ALL praises due to Him...all errors belong to me;)

    Black Sage- i write/speak it as He leads me. the Truth is beautiful...i pray more connect with it asap. much respect.

    blessings all.

  83. 'Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Black males, thru their rap so-called music, have relentlessly portrayed themselves as thugs, drug dealers and gangstas for the better part of three decades.

    The result is that most people, not just here in the U.S. but around the world, think that's what most black males are especially the younger ones.
    And they act accordingly.

    9:25 AM'

    Anon, the c-rap you hear since the mid '90s is all whitened. to be clear...anything good+whitened=corrupted/foul/bad for folks

    kind of like white bread, white rice, white sugar, etc is bad for you. yet fools run through here looking double dumb swearing white is right.

    the original rap and hip hop frightened white folks. as is the Hebrew tradition...we use/used music to communicate and resist oppression. white folks moved in and the nonsense came in and went haywire. i don't excuse the black minstrels by any means. i hope they all choke on their gimmicks and treachery. if dropping traitors were not a violation of His Law...i would PERSONALLY drop ice cube, ice t, dr. dre, and eminem. i have the memory of an elephant and they ALL got it coming. but alas, dropping traitors is NOT permissible. i understand that obedience is worth more than sacrifice. instead of indulging wrath, i will instead pray to Him and for them that offend me to no end...until i mean it. that is what i am called to do. bless 'em Yah. bless the snot out of 'em. lol. grrr.

    hang tight...eminem will be the inventor of rap/hip hop let these lying devils tell it...i see the signs already.

    they re-packaged hip hop. when this happened ever cool Hebrews stepped off or went underground. only trying hard but failing miserably, undercover racists and deadhead negroes partake of such mind numbing, racist, misogynistic, immoral drivel to a whack azz beat. i still mourn hip hop and am with Esthero...i'm so sick and tired of the ish on the radio...

    the yahoos over at stormfront were having a melt down one day about all the 'good' white folks that were being made to act like 'n-ers'. lol. dig pit for others...fall in. as it is written. lol.

    hope that helps you to get your thinking on the right track. the mess you see is devil made, Yah allowed, and white folk executed. know this. we are rapidly approaching a new day. i pray you are on the right team.

    blessings to you.

  84. 'We must have really acted a sinful fool to the extent we are suffering incalculable pain. If HE loves us STILL, then WHY does HE love us, knowing that we will act a fool like idiots? I mean, what is the point? '

    actually Anon, we are suffering for our fathers' sins and our prolonged sin...just as white folks are just beginning to feel the pain of their fathers' sin and suffer for their own. ( i realize there is more than blk and wht. i am focused on duality...the theme that runs through it all on many levels.)

    i don't know why He loves us. i look around and if there was a button to end it all... i would press it some days. i am reminded on those days that His Ways are higher than my ways. His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. this is why He is Almighty Sovereign Creator of all.

    as His soul responsibility is to know His voice and obey Him when He calls me. truly His yoke is easy...burden light.

    'my son, forget not my law; but let your heart keep my commandments: for length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to you. let not mercy and truth forsake you: bind them about your neck; write them upon the table of your heart. so shall you find favor and good understanding in the sight of Yah and man. trust in the Sovereign with all your heart: and lean not unto your own understanding. in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.'-Proverbs 3:1-6

    man...if that don't make your heart leap with joy...folks may consider a transplant;) His Word snaps me right on out of it... consider that studying and learning His Word allows us to shine His Light on others.

    we are Chosen for this purpose. we are the light of the world. all nations will need to come to us. in the interim...we must get our house in order. let them scorn we re-group and give Yah His salute. He got the it is written.

    big hug Anon!

  85. Anonymous10:16 AM

    best book on al s ever

  86. BARBBF3:00 PM

    So this whole conversation about black-on-black crime is just a diabolic attempt to distract you into believing that you cannot request that whites not murder you unless blacks refrain from killings as well. And it speaks to a certain white insidiousness, which implies that whites have a certain permission to k!ll blacks unless and until blacks stop killing each other.

    Either way, such admonishments should be immediately recognized as thinly veiled attempts to send blacks chasing their tails, all the way from Chicago to Baltimore and back. You should also recognize that the folks who castigate blacks for not caring about “black-on-black” crime never even mention such crimes themselves unless they’re using them as a blunt force object to mute black outrage over white injustice. For once, don’t fall for it. Don’t buy into someone else’s framing of an argument, especially when it’s agenda is this transparent.

    Yvette Carnell is a former Capitol Hill and campaign staffer turned writer. She is currently an editor and contributor to Your Black World and Founder of BreakingBrown. You can reach Yvette via Twitter @YvetteDC or on Facebook.

  87. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Racism is an excuse for blacks to be perpertual victims and to never excel in life. Is racism the reason why blacks drop out of school and many never learn to read or write? Is racism the reason why more than 70 percent of blacks are born out of wedlock and many of them join gangs? Is racism the reason why blacks shun education for fear of acting white? Is racism the reason why the majority of blacks are on public assistance? Is racism the reason why blacks are involved in a disproportionate about of crime and end up in prison or dead? Black need to grow up and accept responsibility for their affairs and to stop blaming others for their failures. Racism will never die but it shouldn't prevent you from excelling in life. Institutionalized racism is long over. Get over it and move on.


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  89. Anonymous1:37 PM

    blacks who murder blacks are RUSHED to prisons!

    may that kkkiller gz join them there asap!!!!!!!!!

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