Thursday, July 25, 2013

"Maddy" has regrets and a big lie down in Georgia.

So this Juror-B29 lady felt that George Zimmerman was guilty but the law just wasn't there to convict him. She also had some very strong words for Mr. Zimmerman:

  “George Zimmerman got away with murder,” Maddy, who declined to give her last name, said in an interview with ABC’s Robin Roberts on "Good Morning America," “but you can't get away from God. And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with."

Yes, he did, but you helped to set him free. If you felt that strongly about his guilt you should have stood your ground. (Pun intended) A hung jury would have given the state an opportunity to try Mr. Zimmerman again.

"It's hard for me to sleep, it's hard for me to eat because I feel I was forcefully included in Trayvon Martin's death. And as I carry him on my back, I'm hurting as much Trayvon's Martin's mother because there's no way that any mother should feel that pain..."

Boricua, we are all hurting because of you.

Finally, remember the story in Georgia where two "violent and malevolent" black males shot a 13 month old infant in the face while he was in his stroller? Well, as it turns out, this story might not be going according to the racist right wing script.

"During the height of the George Zimmerman trial, when media attention was focused heavily on Stand Your Ground Laws and the question of whether or not a white man would be found not guilty of killing an unarmed African-American teenager, the shooting death of 13 month old Georgia infant Antonio Santigio, also made national media headlines. After the mother, Sherry West, told police that her baby was killed by two black teenagers, the right-wing went crazy with this story. Meme’s about the killing could be found on every social media web-site, public page and in every group where the Trayvon Martin story was discussed. Most of these meme’s showed photos of the infant side by side with one of two accused African-American teenagers.

For months, right wingers have levelled accusations of reverse racism against the President, the DOJ and even the media. There have been outcries of disparity against white people because no prominent politicians spoke out about the case, no protests were held, it was not declared a hate crime, the teens weren’t sent to Gitmo to face terrorism charges and especially because the two were not immediately sentenced to execution. To Republicans and racists, the case appeared to be anecdotal proof of everything they believe about black people; that they are scary, they are dangerous -they are baby murdering monsters. The case was repeatedly cited to “prove” that people like George Zimmerman have every right to gun them down black kids, like Trayvon Martin, at will.

In spite of the social media “outrage” and the right-wing media narrative, however, the Baby Santiago case only illustrates just how prevalent racism really is in the United States. Just days after Sherry West told police her 13 month old was shot and killed by two black teens, West’s 21 year old daughter went to police to tell them that she suspected her mother may have killed her infant brother. Ashley Glassey told CBS News in March, that her mother has serious mental health issues. These include a diagnosis of bi-polar with accompanying schizophrenic tendencies. West also talked with the media about how she was removed from her mother’s care at the age of 8, because of abuse and neglect in the home. Immediately after the shooting, Glassey said West began asking questions about how long it would take her to collect the insurance money. West’s daughter also told both media and police that her mother made conflicting statements to her, regarding the child’s death - including different stories about who was shot first. West’s inconsistencies and suspicious behavior caused her own daughter to tell police and reporters that she suspected her mother was not telling the truth about how the infant was killed. CBS News reported several days later that police had not followed up with Glassey, nor had they taken her statement. A follow-up call by the press to the police, was never returned.

On July 16th further evidence was released to the public that implicates the parents involvement in the child’s death. Police tests immediately following the shooting revealed gun powder on the hands of both Sherry West and the baby’s father, Louis Santiago. Santiago claimed that he was nowhere near the scene of the shooting. This evidence too, was withheld for months, until the defense attorney in the case demanded that it be released in mid July.

When we look at the Zimmerman case and the Baby Santiago case side by side, what we see is how racism plays out in the United States. When a white man openly admitted to shooting and killing an unarmed black teenager, the public immediately jumped to his defense. On the other hand, when two black teenagers were accused of shooting and killing a white child, the public immediately cried out for their executions. Zimmerman was guilty, the two teens may very well be innocent, but public perceptions about these two cases shows that what matters most is the skin color of the accused killers." [Source]

Sherry West, meet Susan Smith.



  1. There's a long tradition in this country of scapegoating stereotypes by attaching those stereotypes to innocent people. In the old days, those teenagers would have never made it to jail and the truth would have been more or less buried forever. Now, however the jails and courtroom are integral to the scapegoating.

  2. Juror B-29 is half-Hispanic and half-black, by the way, or as the New York Times calls it, "Black Hispanic." She now says Zimmerman got away with murder, even though no crime was proven:

    “You can’t put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty,” said the woman who was identified only as Juror B29 during the trial. “But we had to grab our hearts and put it aside and look at the evidence.”

    I am confused about how this woman can say that the law and evidence say Zimmerman is innocent, and yet, "in her heart," she still thinks he's a murderer, and that, you know, should be the real take-away here.

    At some point, if we're to have this "Honest National Discussion of Race," we're going to have to ask who exactly is thinking primarily in terms of Racial Solidarity and Skin Allegiance. Because it's pretty damn remarkable that this woman is telling us that the law and evidence said that Zimmerman is innocent, and yet still feels the need for demonstrating her Racial Loyalty by proclaiming him a murderer anyway.

  3. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Record unemployment means nothing, when the President speaks candidly about the George Zimmerman verdict.

    The "We Shall Overcome" mindset trumps all.

  4. NSangoma10:13 PM


    field booty, school will commence again in a couple of weeks.

    Africans, Asians, Carib Negroes, Oceanic Negroes, and caucasoids will be kicking all kinds of GPA, SAT, and ACT ass; whilst your North American Negroes, field, continue to cry punk cry-baby racism shit.


  5. Anonymous10:34 PM

    “George Zimmerman got away with murder,” Maddy, who declined to give her last name, said in an interview with ABC’s Robin Roberts on "Good Morning America," “but you can't get away from God. And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with."

    Well, if George Zimmerman is an atheist like PilotX, then there is no God to answer to. He has a clear conscience, because like PilotX, there is no God. It's all about reason and the law is reason and it said, "George is innocent." And that is Justice in Florida.

  6. Has everyone heard how "not prejudiced" Paula Deen paid the woman who ran QC in her professional kitchens, (Sous Chef, essentially) and called her "soul sister" under $10 an hour until a couple of years back when the same white manager who filed suit against Bubba's Oysterhouse told her that they were paying her less than the kitchen-help? Now she makes 71K a year, and they helped her fix the rotting floor in her trailer.

    It's a true Southern Gothic story from Savannah, Dixie's Gomorra.

  7. Wesley R10:51 PM

    That is crazy.

    Field have you ever seen this website:

    If you haven't it will give you the ammunition to shoot down any wingnut anti-black rant

  8. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Well well. here's a sister who has sunk to the lowest level possible. Weak, very weak, but common among Blacks.

    Now that the Black Puerto Rican Sister has freed the white boy, now she is feeling guilty about Trayvon, the black boy...She now realizes God might not be pleased with her decision. Too late.

    Now where is FP and AB when you need them? Good work, brother Field. You laid this one out so subtly that no has noticed. This post is a stoke of genius.

  9. Anonymous11:00 PM

    O'Reilly continues to make sense and make headway into the black community without much resistance:

  10. Yep, Black Ink and other racist types used the baby Antonio story as proof of the media ignoring blah on white crime. Maybe the media is smart enough to know BS when they smell it unlike your trolls. Unskewed news?

    Anyhoo did you check out your boy Holder there in Philly throwing it down? I'm starting to like that guy.

  11. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Does anyone have a comment about the 'success' of this ambitious young black man who will have his own reality show? This guy is a real entrepreneur.

    Surely you FN Negroes can see the greatness in this man? And at such a young age!

  12. Anonymous11:11 PM

    PilotX use of the 'blah' word is just as offensive as the N-word.

  13. Anonymous11:24 PM

    O'Reilly is working overtime on us. And he is spot on. Even the brother in this video had to admit it. Field, I thought you and other FN folks would like to know:

  14. Anonymous12:16 AM

    I have news for fat Maddy! She's the one gonna have to answer to God. and somebody should tell her, often!

    I think Disneyland has sucked the brains out of the people of Florida!

    How dare this ho come out to talk this crap! I mean, how dare she? Is she angling for a book deal also? Do the networks pay for these interviews?

    No wonder O'Mara said "I got the jury that I wanted" no wonder!

    Six stupid,crazy,craven, shameless, ignorant Godless, ho's!

    Jesus Christ I can't get over how they dare go on TV to say these things!

    She cant' sleep? well she looks plenty rested to me. Can't eat? I don't think sooo,as fat as she is.

  15. Anonymous12:18 AM

    unemployment is down to 7.6% from a record high of 10.3% 18 months ago.

  16. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Does anyone have a comment about the 'success' of this ambitious young black man who will have his own reality show? This guy is a real entrepreneur.
    That's good! he should have his own show too!

    I think that if the Duggars who have 20 kids and counting,have a show,and they MUST be receiving government aid right, Cos otherwise how in h***? He can too!

    and I have NEVER seen Mr. Duggar leave for work,or come back home from work!

    His job is prayer and making babies:)

  17. Anonymous12:24 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Zimmerman is not White i just wanted to point out the obvious. Why he HAS to be made white is curious though...why is he forced to be white when he is clearly not...yet Obama is black when he is as white as Zimmerman is ? Why are half white half hispanics always hispanic, but not in this case ?

  19. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Because the media has the Narrative that always takes precedence over facts. "Black" is always Good, and "white" is always bad.

    They are always searching for the Great White Defendant in order to further the Narrative. In this case, a half Peruvian with substantial black ancestry had to be made white, even if doing it needed a hyphenated "Hispanic" attached to it.

    You never hear Obama called a Black-White do you? No, he is a liberal, so he is "Good", aka "Black".

  20. Wow, the white victim cheese and whine show is on full display. I just can't understand why whites stay in such an unfair country that oppresses them so badly. My god, next thing you know they'll be forced to ride in the back of the bus or something. I never knew how hard they have it.

  21. Anonymous3:50 AM

    NSangoma said, "Africans, Asians, Carib Negroes, Oceanic Negroes, and caucasoids will be kicking all kinds of GPA, SAT, and ACT ass; whilst your North American Negroes, field, continue to cry punk cry-baby racism shit."

    Well, AAs aren't as smart and confident as the Blacks you have listed. You see, we arel in schools with teachers who are AA and therefore, don't teach much. And more importantly, we live in neighborhoods that are war-zones. We spend our young lives just trying to stay alive. MOST of us don't make it past 25 years of age.

    Undiagnosed PTSD is quite common among AAs. You see? Of course not.

  22. Anonymous3:52 AM

    PilotX, judging your comments one can assume you hate Whites. What's it like in your job to always have Whites watching you in such a confined area such as a cockpit? You must always be on hyper-alert. That's very stressful. You must be a neurotic mess by now.

  23. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Maddy has deep fears of Whites. Now she is angry and disgusted with herself. She let her fear of those Whites bully her into "doing the wrong thing" against her will...She is outraged at them but also having a hard time living with herself. And she should, if she believes in GOD. She has done a terrible sin against GOD, humanity and herself. She lost the battle and got swept up by the evil ones.

  24. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Well, well well. They are giving Zimmerman's defense attorney, O'Mara an award for his outstanding performance in the Zimmerman trial. The award will be given by an all-White Republican group in Florida, for Whites.

    Hey, maybe Maddy will be invited?

  25. Anonymous4:33 AM

  26. NSangoma5:43 AM


    Anonymous 0350 hours, while you and your boi field keep on making excuses for these IgKnant legacy North American Negroes; the world and progress, passes them on by.

    FotherMuck Trayvon and his purple drank.


  27. Poor Maddy. She is a classic HN.

  28. Poor Maddy. She is a classic HN.

  29. “But you can't get away from God. And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with." – Juror-B29

    I hope she knows that she’ll be second in line because He’ll have some questions for her as well, you chunky idiot. Furthermore, the problem with this case was not only did it have bad and racist jurors, it was a racist, “stand your ground” law to begin with. There are those who say this case wasn’t about standing your ground, but yet, it had all the trappings of just such a case. This is what gave fat-ass george zimmerman the impetus to follow this child in the first instance.

    Hell, bad laws are precursors for bad results, it has never failed. These are what “creepy crackas” do in the legislature all across Amerikkka. Therefore, don’t be so foolishly surprised folks!

  30. I'm alwayss amazed by jurors (in famous cases) who go on tv to "splain themselves". They must want in on that 15 minutes of fame. I'd be keeping my name and face out of the public eye after a controversial decision such as this. This moment in the sun prolongs the agony and emphasizes a real lack of understanding on the part of the jurors. I cannot still believe the trial went forward with only 6 jurors.

  31. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Black men are 6% of the U.S. population but commit almost 1/2 of the murders.

    A large number of black males are criminals. In Michelle Alexander's book "The New Jim Crow" she says that 55% (!!!) of black men in Chicago are felons(see hard cover copy, page 184). People see black men and boys as criminals because so many of them ARE criminals thanks to this baby mama/baby daddy culture black people are currently caught up in.

    That FACT that so many black men are felons makes it easy for society to profile ALL black men (and teenage boys) as criminals. And it's not just white people who are profiling black males. Law abiding black people are also doing it.

    Because so many black males are on the wrong side of the law (or have been) and apparently think being a "thug" is a badge of masculine honor, many people (and not just white people) can easily believe that 2 black male teenagers could shoot that little boy as if it was nothing.

    Question: How can 55% of black men in one American city be felons????

  32. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Something I thought about -- this lady has no friends now. I've perused other websites and the pro Zimmerman folks are calling her everything but a child of God for her decision to come out and apologize for her decision to acquit. So that side is no longer on her side. I doubt very seriously that she'll be well received at the Puerto Rican Day parade or the family reunion either.

  33. Anonymous9:29 AM

    kudos & dittos fn!

    she is a fatally BELATED shero!
    no one/nothing could EVER have made me change my vote on that jury...NEVER!!!

    this is all more proof that racism is no relic

    all sane persons of all races know that gz is a kkkiller

    cc susan smith & that racist bankster hobama/the PIC prez/mumia/assata etc

  34. Anonymous9:49 AM

    all sane persons of all races know that gz hunted, stalked, chased, and shot trayvon like a deer!!!

    that is why gz previously called 911 about 46 other black male human deer before the night that he cocked his gun before leaving his auto to chase trayvon around a total of 3 streets like a deer....

    even michael savage knows so

    rip tm
    we got next



  35. control+halt+delete10:26 AM

    "Question: How can 55% of black men in one American city be felons????"

    8:14 AM

    I would suggest you read Michelle Alexander's book "The New Jim Crow"

  36. Black Ink10:30 AM

    Anon 8:14,

    Sadly, your comment is on the money.

    The issue is whether we as a people are willing to face the problem and attack it at it's core or be content to make excuses and be bullied by political correctness thus allowing victimhood and white guilt to relegate far too many of our black brothers and sisters to the decay of the government plantation.

    A real FIELD NEGRO, if you will, would not promote mob behavior and government enslavement but rather lead his brothers and sisters to the prosperity that independence, liberty and freedom provide.

    Black America deserves better.

  37. Black Ink10:40 AM


    You are so correct that things often are not as they appear.....but that cuts both ways.

    If it turns out that a pair of teens were falsely accused of a crime because of their race; the false accuser should have severe criminal and civil sanctions imposed.

    What say you about the 36 year old red headed ruddy faced white man who was beaten and left to die on a 5 lane highway by 4 teenage boys? If it is proven in a court of law that those 4 teenagers were all black would there be any racial over tones that offend you?
    If that criminal activity is dismissed as simply a crime of opportunity without regard to racial hatred where is the objectivity?

    Racism and inter-racial violence is horrific; regardless as to what color the predator or prey happen to be

  38. A few points:

    Criminality is not endemic to black people. Let's not forget that this nation was built on theft and murder. White people may not be policed, arrested and prosecuted at the same rates as black people, but that doesn't make them innocent. The disparity in how we are treated is criminal in itself. White people most assuredly benefit from the crimes of the past and the present even if they are not directly involved.

    As far as the Trayvon Martin case, the prosecution was trash. The outcome makes sense given that they[police and the prosecution] were never interested in doing their job in the first place. The way they handled this case from start to finish was criminal. I don't know how anyone could have any confidence in the legal system in Sanford. And when you realize that their legal system isn't atypical in this country, you begin to understand why so many people have so little faith in the justice system entirely. You also begin to understand why so many people are skeptical of the crime stats and those who cite them. There's an obtuseness to people who cite the stats but don't take the time to put them into any context.

    Given everything that was wrong with the way they handled this case, I don't see anything wrong with what the juror said. You can believe someone did something, but find that the evidence (as presented) isn't enough to determine guilt. It happens. What if they charged him with murder 1? Would you be upset with the jurors for finding him innocent? Or would you say, "George Zimmerman may be a racist p.o.s., and his negligence resulted in Trayvon's death, but I can't say that what he did was a cold-blooded, premeditated act of murder. Therefore I have to find him innocent of that charge." You can come to the correct decision and still feel bad about it. Now slide the scale down now. Given the charges and what I would say is the intentional incompetence of the police and prosecution, her statement is one of the few things that make sense. The problem isn't with the's with how the jury is selected. It's with how the evidence was (or was not) collected. It's with how the evidence was presented. The problem is that we're focusing on one tiny part at the very end of the process instead of the entire process which was flawed from the very beginning.

  39. Anonymous11:17 AM


    maddy has to answer to god for being a coward

    she is better than that kkkiller gz's MORE racist kkkin/brother

    unlike maddy
    he has no clue about his fatal karma
    he does not know that his callous racist rage is also an eternal carrier of trayvon's shed blood

    how stupid does that even bastard feel for slandering trayvon and elkins now???

    just like maddy's confessed legal/moral burden

    rip tm
    we love u
    your memory will never die
    and all who slew/slay you will pay


  40. Control+halt+delete, I am quite sure that Anon@8:14am has never read a book in his/her life. But nice try.

  41. Anonymous11:19 AM

    how stupid does that evil bastard kkkin of the kkkiller gz feel now???

  42. Anonymous11:36 AM

    FN@ 11:19,

    Your comment's integrity is on par with that of the Sanford prosecution team........well that's actually giving you too much credit.
    Watching you in trial would be a hoot!

  43. Anonymous11:54 AM

    that kkkiller gz is an amoral child rapist/mall cop wannabee/child killler etc!!!

    karma is real and no lies live forever

  44. "PilotX, judging your comments one can assume you hate Whites. What's it like in your job to always have Whites watching you in such a confined area such as a cockpit?"

    The only cockpit PilotX has been in is the steam room at the East Bank Club in Chicago.

  45. Anon 10:57pm- i don't own the puerto rican bw's choice to side with acquittal/collapse under pressure. most folks, all colors, don't know Yah personally and their true power in Him. much less the fact that He+ they=majority and will stand on the strength of this conviction without regard for others' thoughts/actions. it is not easy to stand up and be the lone voice committed to Truth. i am inclined to give this juror the same nod for her humanity as i give to TM, when his actions greatly contributed to his demise if one believes the official version. i do not. not a popular point for black folks to acknowledge...however it is the Truth. recall, Sean Bell had a whole family at home while he was up in the strip club having a traditional bachelor party. say what? man go home to your family and stop tricking and fighting. Oscar Grant knew he had a small child BEFORE he was being a nuisance and fighting in public. no? forget that...that's talk racism. feels more comfortable, i guess. definitely more profitable for some...

    i have said from the beginning this whole TM circus (think bread and circus) was a set up/psych op/ritual masonic sacrifice/harnessing of negative energy deliberately created used to distract and divide. this latest 'revelation' in no way changes my belief, in light of all the other information the MSM won't touch at all or dig deeper on. you think society has changed for the worst without the assistance of the MSM? in today's world...folks fold quick. make a stand and folks run the risk of being Michael Hastings'd. plus there is the whole mammon worshiping mammonite factor. we are warned. no one can serve two...we must love Him only. i do hate when mammonites assume because they are whores/slaves with a price, everyone else is.

    serving Yah does not = poverty. serving Yah = abundantly blessed with no thorns attached and peace that surpasses all understanding.

    i heard of special visits to the jurors mentioned briefly. before it disappeared from the news permanently. the Truth sticks out in bits and pieces. it becomes a sifting/sorting time consuming project...which is why most folks don't bother getting acquainted with the Truth, much less making friends. telling the Truth and calling things what they are...forget about it.

    the MSM is owned by folks that care nothing for the Truth and work actively to conceal it. the sooner folks get that on every level, the better.

    we could focus on juror's bwness, but that is to play according to the predictive programming narrative. one has to consent to becoming a manipulated programmed new age mind controlled slave. i refuse...steadfastly, and pray without ceasing, as i work out my salvation with fear and trembling. we are at spiritual war here. there is a battle for souls underway whether folks want to believe or not. i dug deep enough on this to know that the last many false flags and psych ops are designed to distract/divide us from focusing/finding Truth.

  46. James Kroh12:19 PM

    field negro said...
    Control+halt+delete, I am quite sure that Anon@8:14am has never read a book in his/her life. But nice try

    The new Jim Crow is D'Corntavious Pigeon.

    Segregation is now on black people's terms.

    How's that working out for y'all? Nostalgic yet?

  47. Anonymous12:21 PM

    NSangoma said, "Anonymous 0350 hours, while you and your boi field keep on making excuses for these IgKnant legacy North American Negroes; the world and progress, passes them on by.

    FotherMuck Trayvon and his purple drank."


    5:43 AM
    Yeah, you sound like you are a Negro in progress. Your English, profanity and thought patterns are 'exactly' those of North American Negroes...ONLY WORSE!

    So much for your African Oceanic intelligence=Zero LOL...If you have children, they are in bad shape and don't stand a chance in the world and progress that you perceive. May God help you and your children because it is going to take a "miracle" for them to survive.

    Good luck, you *brilliant Island Negro*....can't wait to hear MORE of your garbage. LOL...You are an African who can't speak English very well, aren't you? Sorry about that.

  48. Anonymous12:23 PM

    James Kroh said...
    field negro said...
    Control+halt+delete, I am quite sure that Anon@8:14am has never read a book in his/her life. But nice try

    The new Jim Crow is D'Corntavious Pigeon.

    Segregation is now on black people's terms.

    How's that working out for y'all? Nostalgic yet?

    12:19 PM
    Well, it's not working out too well. But it's 'better' than before.

  49. from the other post by way of clarification. lol. throw out what seems obvious at this point and the conversation gets shut down. quick. complete with crickets and tumbleweeds. we kindda want to talk about it, but not really. to be fair, i started to roll out thoughts that required more time than i could allot to the project. Yah sent me to go and witness to sisters/brothers that blessed me to the core.

    so by way of clarification...the comedian Eddie Griffin indicated that ww are the black man's kryptonite. yet, i would go one better and say paler flesh in general is the bm's krytonite. not sure why. folks will say white supremacy. i am not so sure. that Truth in the form of a joke has never been funny to me. as a bw who loves her people with all that i makes me sad to my soul to recognize and accept. yet, it feels like betrayal on some level. i guess its the way some go about demonstrating they hold this pale/white is right belief. folks won't tell it, but quite a few ww and bm REALLY hate bw. you usually can't beat this type of ww off of a bm. this type of bm seems to rather see a dead bw than a ww with a headache.

    on, yet another level of this 'accepted' hatred of bw are the eldridge cleavers of the world. he practiced rape on bw in the hood. that he might rape white women with excellence. when he felt apologetic, he apologized to ww. he went to jail for rape...of ww. to this day...Black Panthers and fiery mouth'd at others bfolks still act like they don't know...much less call it and shut it down.

    there are different levels of evil at work in the black community and folks are content to ignore bm can feel protected. this is why folks immediately say non blacks are 'racist' when they indicate they are fearful of violent behavior from blacks. bm DO murder and rape like crazy nowadays. during slave days they raped bw as well, just not in full overload as now. folks just won't tell it. there was not protection for bw and we have always needed it from some bm. just as black women require protection now and there is not nearly what is needed. folks preaching to keep sitting in the evil mess waiting...are not your friends nor suitable allies. more bw better act like they know.

    bm are straight 'acting white', serial killing (Sowell guy was quietly released to get back to serial killing bw)...mostly all done to bw and children. then it spills over to others. bw, the Eves, we always get it first and the worst.

    it is my observation that bm are bw's kryptonite. the 'black love' bill of goods/trickbag in Truth, looks more like this- bm love bm and protect them at all costs. bw love bm and protect them at all costs. rarely does reciprocity play a factor in 'black love'.

    add, the non stop mind bending conditioning that is done in the black community...wm specifically and other non bm only want bw for sex. this mind bend starts early. many bw believe this and hold fast to the notion. so this creates a situation where bw are not vetting bm properly and many don't feel comfortable in settings where there are not predominately bm. add the centuries of deliberate outside dysfunctional manipulation and internal dysfunctional refusal to let sinful immoral behavior go and one gets the GIANT mess one currently sees. do what thou will is not good for humanity. it is demonic/satanic by nature. both bm AND bw have bought into this nonsense.

  50. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Black Yoda,

    Your assessment of the Trayvon Martin case whereby the prosecution's poor performance contributed to the acquittal of George Zimmerman is spot on.

    What is your opinion of Darden and Clark's prosecution of OJ Simpson and his ultimate acquittal?

  51. Anonymous12:38 PM


    Making it plain from PHILLY" with love
    Hanging with Sybrina
    my hubby left a number HOLLA

    Emory Professor Creates ‘Fearless Dialogues’ Program To Support Black Men
    Dr. Gregory Ellison’s (pictured), a 36-year-old assistant professor of theology at Emory University, efforts to engage and enlighten young Black men are noteworthy considering the herculean task ahead of him: Dr. Ellison has launched a new program entitled the “Fearless Dialogues Community Empowerment Tour,” which looks to work with youth leaders in the African-American community and and a team of expert consultants from the areas of education, law, healthcare, science, and technology, and the arts in order to implement strategies to give Black youth and men their voice and render them visible.
    SEE ALSO: Jr. Track Team Needs Help Raising Money For Travel Expenses
    The Grio reported on Dr. Ellison’s program, which kicked off July 20th at the Georgia university. “Fearless Dialogues” features spoken word, live music, and Dr. Ellison reading from his book, “Cut Dead but Still Alive: Caring For African-American Young Men,” a book he said took him seven years to complete.
    The book also serves as a backdrop for a group session for the tour, which groups attendees in separate conversations that are related to themes in “Cut Dead.” The book focuses on the actual stories and development of six young men Dr. Ellison mentored during his years as a counselor.
    “The crux of my work is serving those who are invisible and giving a voice to the muted,” he told the Grio. Dr. Ellison’s passion is evident, considering he grew up in the Atlanta Public School system. What he witnessed then and what he’s encountered since becoming a professor serves as the spark that keeps him going.
    “The aim is to have candid conversations about how we can see, hear, and change the way we interact with young African-American males in our communities,” he says about the tour and his book.

    Ps how does one became a Field negress?

  52. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Making it plain

    And they asked why Al and Jesse were not there? They did not have to be anywhere they knew this was a lie
    Most consciuos Afrikan desc knew this all along Now what?

    Bottom line there was a lot that threy needed to know about Afrikans had they known they would not have blamed Afrikans IE Susan smith

    They missed the lecture smh!

    On July 16th further evidence was released to the public that implicates the parents involvement in the child’s death. Police tests immediately following the shooting revealed gun powder on the hands of both Sherry West and the baby’s father, Louis Santiago. Santiago claimed that he was nowhere near the scene of the shooting. This evidence too, was withheld for months, until the defense attorney in the case demanded that it be released in mid July.

    When we look at the Zimmerman case and the Baby Santiago case side by side, what we see is how racism plays out in the United States.

    When a white man openly admitted to shooting and killing an unarmed black teenager, the public immediately jumped to his defense. On the other hand, when two black teenagers were accused of shooting and killing a white child, the public immediately cried out for their executions. Zimmerman was guilty, the two teens may very well be innocent, but public perceptions about these two cases shows that what matters most is the skin color of the accused killers."

    Chess anyone?

  53. Reuben the Cuban12:53 PM

    "Chess anyone?"

    Women can't play chess. Just sayin'.

  54. Anonymous12:54 PM

    cc drone man/child killer/global gz/big bro/PIC prez hobama...

    cc nsa/ndaa/africom/martial law/assata etc


    When the president told the nation, last week, that “African-American young men are disproportionately involved in the criminal justice system,” he was attempting to frame white fears of Blacks as somehow practical and commonsensical, rather than racist. (Obama denied that racism is “endemic” to the U.S. in his Philadelphia speech on race, in March, 2008.) In the real world of pervasively racist America, Blacks are hyper-surveilled from damn near cradle to the grave, both within and outside their communities. “Involvement” in the criminal justice system is all but inevitable.

    Hyper-surveillance places the assumption of guilt on the peoples and communities that are targeted – which, in the U.S., means all Black people (even Barack Obama – “until I was a senator,” he said). Hyper-surveillance – its justification and practice – stripped Trayvon Martin of the presumption of innocence, marking him with a fatal presumption of guilt. Two-thirds [17] of whites still believe his death was justified, despite the clear facts of his innocence. That’s why his death is ordinary – because ordinary white people routinely condone such killings.

    His cop-out – that most laws are made at the state level – belies the fact that Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are champions of mass incarceration, insulating the federal prison system from austerity, even as he slashes Medicare and Medicaid budgets and the sacred cows of defense and Homeland Security. While state prison populations have declined, overall, mainly due to budget pressures, the federal prison system “continues to grow by about 3 percent a year,” according to Mother Jones [19]. For this administration, mass incarceration is top priority.

    Obama is, of course, well aware of Kelly’s huge contributions to the cause of racial and ethnic hyper-surveillance, and has given his wholehearted endorsement. The First Black President encourages the killing of more Trayvons throughout the “Homeland,” just as he orders so-called “signature” mass murder-by-drone of males of a certain age in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia (along with whatever women and children may be within the missile’s kill zone).

  55. Anon@11:36, you sound like a bitter ADA whose ass I have kicked. That, BTW, is a long list.

  56. parvenu1:06 PM

    Field, I am drawing on my sometimes unreliable memory but I have the general details clear. A number of years ago in Boston the news media was rocked with breaking reports that a husband and wife were shot in their car by a black man during a botched holdup attempt. The wife who was in the last term of her pregnancy was killed and the husband suffered a flesh wound to his arm. The husband gave a description of the black assailant as being of moderate build and wearing a blue or dark colored exercise/running suit and sneakers.

    Needless to say the Boston police issued a dragnet covering virtually every black neighborhood in Boston for the black man as described by the wounded husband.
    Weeks went by and all of white Boston was tense as the police dragnet produced no results.

    Meanwhile some other leads began to surface that slowly started to attract the police department's attention. One such lead was that the owner of a large Fur company reported that a pistol that he kept in the office of his business was missing. In the process of looking into the business owner's report the police discovered that the wounded husband in their other murder investigation was an employee at the same Fur company. Soon after connecting the dots, the police broke the case and arrested the husband for the murder of his wife and shooting himself to give the appearance of an outside shooter. They subsequently found the pistol in the river and successfully convicted the husband. This was another example of public automatic acceptance of guilt for any black man. In this case the husband was not suffering from any mental illness, but was driven by the possibility of collecting on a million dollar life insurance policy that he had taken out on his wife months before the shooting. Also the husband also knew that he could get away with it by simply blaming "a black man" for the crime, and he was right. Except for someone in the police department (accidently) putting the reported missing gun together with the ongoing murder investigation the husband would have been a free millionaire.

  57. meanwhile, for whatever the reason folks are not putting together the fact that 70-80% oow birthrate CLEARLY indicates that bm now treat bw as 'belly warmers' and 'bed wenches'. acting white...executing the genocidal white supremacy agenda. yet NO ONE will CALL IT. i knew i was done with Farrakhan and his race pot stirring (think mediawhore reverend hotcomb bobblehead Al Sharpton and messy Jesse complete with outside baby) when he with his usual fiery way laid out the white supremacy agenda. when he got to the part where he needed to address menfolk for their kill each other/everyone else out of control ways/sexual immorality...and to address the wicked treachery to bw...he got all soft voiced and final solution for bw was to 'wait' bm are 'coming home'. that's not love. these folks don't give a damn about bw. they might like THEIR daughters and close family relatives ...but e'erbody's open season ALL day and these molestors start on the girls when they are very young. being closely related is no protection sometimes. let's tell the Truth and shame the devil. shall we? and it is not just the NOI and muslims. though they can hide behind 'religion'. the Xtians, do the dang most and remind you that their g-d knows their heart. heathens that know no g-d and see no desire to get's to be expected, i guess.

    Malcolm X telling this very truth about folks in high places in the organization and other absolute refusal to be censored from speaking the on black crime of the worst kind. NOI murdered Malcolm X. Hulon Mitchell, Jr., the con man, that decided he was 'g-d' in '70's after changing his name for the 3rd or 4th time...came out of the NOI. he came running out after stealing $ and claims of child molestion. NOI came after him for their $. don’t think he ever served time for molesting little children…that i am pretty sure were not white. bm protect other bm...unless their murdering or robbing them. bro code-head to bed...there appears to be little middle ground. or more accurately not enough to warrant serious investment of precious time at this point.

    bw in staggering numbers refuse to properly vet (try the spirit by the spirit as it is written in Scriptures) bm for whatever the reason. i won't pretend to understand it. until more figure things out...i advocate avoidance. don't even put yourself in the situation. kind of like if you know you have a problem with drugs or alcohol. put bm and the average well conditioned/programmed for self defeating/destructive behavior bw together and there is bound to be some sexual immorality, violence and pregnancies that she will be heavy lift solo. for which she will be scorned. terminate pregnancy, more scorn. since it is the bw’s fault and responsibility no matter what…just opt out of the foolishness. let the decent ones come out and show they are prepared to work for your attention, time and love consistently...just as bw must be willing to give but not just away to any 'ole smooth talker black like you taker. come on now.

    i suggest more bw START convos (despite the conditioning to steer clear) with prospective mates that factor on Yah, values, etc. the stuff that will hold folks down. who cares in the big picture what color he is or what kind of car he drives? bm lead the way on interracial dating. folks get mad when it is suggest that due to the internal and external depopulation efforts that bw look out or die out. these are not friends and i care not for offending my enemy.

  58. scripting/programming is turning humanity into materialistic, whore/subhumans. not just the women. more bw must recognize and flip the script. we have the most to gain by doing so...if it is in my best interest...i don't care if my doing it is unfair.

    morality is the work of women. we have always been the ones to shut it down. there have always been women of there are just many more of them. same is true for men of iniquity...they have more folks to play with and defile today due to breakdown of family.

    separating oneself...set apart...obeying His program and agenda for us as His daughters...taking a stand for Him...putting some dang clothes on. just refuse to follow trends that result in one being in whore uniform. short shorts/skirts, high heels, red lips, grips of cleavage, (all that in one outfit. not joking;( i see it REGULARLY on women of all ages) and leggings sans tunic. wtheck!, ugh and eww...STOP THE MADNESS ALREADY.

    bw seem better able at vetting other men. we tend to be more suspicious of other men and less trusting right off the bat. we have had it drilled in our heads that they only want us for sex. plus the lie that hetero men of paler hues don't find beautiful black women, the daughters of Yah, the Eves attractive.

    i would suggest that bw seek Him first and let Him add everything else. we must get ourselves together. it would be better to avoid bm altogether in an effort to do that. we are not getting along well nor working together. look. see. bw are left holding the bag solo in far too many numbers for folks to paralyze into silent fear at the suggestion that folks just leave it all alone. if you are not currently in the mess...don't go get in it. if you are a bit stuck...resolve to come out.

  59. Digging my man Holder going after these fools trying to steal voting rights. They don't even try to hide the fact this is what they're doing. I can see how they can let the voter ID stuff fly but cutting early voting and going after the college vote? Cmon ya'll, at least pretend you're doing this to stop vote fraud like ya said. It's almost as if they're asking to get put back on the watch list.

  60. Anonymous1:22 PM


    I am going to take the defense this time and throw my support behind Maddy

    We (Akinyele and i ) have shared this with Sybrina and fam and even though we share a common loss noone was in that room.. Now my sistah must rely on her faith
    The fam is devastated and feels betrayed and i say its not over

    In my early days of defense of the wrongfully accused i always wondered why the men took pleas or refused to go along and choose to struggle? I came to overstand over time why? I had to learn what FEAR does and how it is both a place of safety as well as one of self consolation IE

    OH well i did that and got away now i must pay back' So i'll just take my penalty and move on at leaast i'll be alive or have a chance to one day be free..

    Irrational? To some it is however SUN we are not in her shoes.
    i say this because even i who professes to be a Fieldnegress i have had occassion to often ask myself "WHAT MUST I DO.
    .Yes i have come out standing all of the time however in retrospect i am not Maddy

    When i take a case and try to pry open the guts i know that i will be up against time, dead witnesses, pros misconduct, loss of memory age etc and all i can do is tred on
    remembering that i am ME"

    Field i feel you SUN and i know the law as well as you do.
    However, my brother if it is true that fam members, Frank Taffe and noone knows who else were in that room we cannot be sure that her life/safety were not threatened

    On the other side were the jury instructions clear was she beat up and beat down?

    1 Was there racsim in that room, against my Borinquen sistah,

    2 what were the condition in that room,

    3 What were some of the things going thru her mind And Yes counselor
    4 Why didn;t she askfor clarification or did she depend on creepy folks??
    Last, it is easy to sit outside the law and its biases and judge but this is a spirit that tells me that she tried. And for her lack of stamina and knowldge she lost:(

    I know that Trays killer murdered him. And where you have not duly buried her
    I rest my case;) what happened in that room

  61. Anonymous1:34 PM

    George Zimmerman, who is a non-white Hispanic man shot and killed Trayvon...if anything we should all hope that Latino & Black ppl stand together and NOT kill each other like the Latino Zimmerman did to Trayvon.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.


  63. I still blame the prosecution team for not giving B-29 the ammo that she needed in that jury-room, and that was the theory of "imperfect self defense" where the very unreasonableness of Zimmerman's fear for his life would have been the determinative issue instead of his right to vigilante stalk an innocent unarmed teenager. Perhaps by also pointing out that the dead child's body was found more than 10 feet away from the sidewalk GZ claimed that his head was being bashed against. Of course, after the prosecution put Zimmerman's defensive statements into evidence and excused him from having to testify to do so, it was already the defense' case to lose. This is the most incompetent high profile prosecution I've ever seen, and I live in California: home to the incompetent high profile prosecution. They may be great at their regular job of convicting black kids wholesale, but they weren't shit at getting justice for one.


  64. the violence rates indicate that bw in large numbers feel they must literally knock sense into the 'brothas' they can't work with nor be without. bm that can't afford to date interracially (can we just call it, already?) clearly think the bw they use and play with never intending to marry anyone in most instances, needs to have sense knocked into her. folks love statistics...pull 'em out.

    if this was the behavior of two people in a room...any sane mediator would suggest some time apart. this is what i suggest for bm and women that are single. we are not getting along nor working well together. keeping close company results in babies that are born to be sacrificed to the beast under those cursed circumstances.

    we understand the whys of the problem. rather than wasting time fighting and blame would do well to recognize the game and steer clear. this role reversal has bw acting like men. men don't even have to chase women. the women fight one another viciously and give chase. the balance is off in the black community...way off. bw will need to restore balance through their submission to Him and His Word. there is no other way.

    bw are the Eves, the mothers of all. what we feed, lives. refuse to feed...dies. the black community as it is...cries out for BW, collectively, to stand up, turn to Him, and pray with one voice, for the strength of Yah to help us be women of virtue and shut this mess down. kill the noise. one woman making up her mind at a time.

    it has been done before in other parts of the world. we can and must do it here. now. those of us that do play chess and understand the pieces on the board and the power each holds understands the power of the Queen, Reuben the Cuban. your sexism is rank and grossly misguided. for we women to lose in the big picture, off the chess board, means He loses and it is already written we win. this little ditty here

    might help to better explain what i mean.

    Afrikan...yes. now consider this as well...they splice and dice with great license all the way around. devils have all bases covered. they pay VERY close attention to details. the hidden also withhold Truth about what a great many bm are up to nowadays from the general public. i kick the bm golden calf because as a Black woman it hurts my interests for it to remain hidden and unchecked. congo is here. white folks and others calling it are not being racist...all the time.

    wonder why folks won't talk about this case?

    might it be because the perpetrators were four black marines and the victims a wm and a bw?

    (there is a cost associated with attempting to get away too my sisters. but remember, we were never meant to survive this life.)

    speaking of victims that should garner sympathy. married couple, minding their business.

    Gina goes in on rape poster-boy Genarlow Wilson, too. bfolk pawns on cue protested when he got spanked for his inappropriate criminal behavior with the white girl. (speaking of crying on cue pawns.) folks just politely erased the intoxicated black girl videotaped being assaulted by Wilson and buddies. 'running trains' i said. avoid the situation. the real black men will distinguish themselves by their sustained efforts. they are not sitting back like girls waiting to be pursued. bw returning to femininity, virtue and Yah is the only way...

    leave the bw kryptonite alone ladies...the balance is off. way off. time to shut it down.

  65. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...

    "Anon 10:57pm- i don't own the puerto rican bw's choice to side with acquittal/collapse under pressure. most folks, all colors, don't know Yah personally and their true power in Him. much less the fact that He+ they=majority and will stand on the strength of this conviction without regard for others' thoughts/actions. it is not easy to stand up and be the lone voice committed to Truth. i am inclined to give this juror the same nod for her humanity as i give to TM, when his actions greatly contributed to his demise if one believes the official version. i do not. not a popular point for black folks to acknowledge...however it is the Truth. recall, Sean Bell had a whole family at home while he was up in the strip club having a traditional bachelor party. say what? man go home to your family and stop tricking and fighting. Oscar Grant knew he had a small child BEFORE he was being a nuisance and fighting in public. no? forget that...that's talk racism. feels more comfortable, i guess. definitely more profitable for some..."

    FP! Thanks for your comment. I look forward to what you have to say because it has great depth, insight and wisdom that is hard to see and difficult to understand with the ordinary human mind. But you demonstrate with your words-that can come only from direct experience-- knowledge which goes through and beyond that cyclical human pattern of thought that tends to go round and round, and round...'hopelessly'(there I go again) going around in circles. I am so sick of going in circles.

    I long to get beyond this 'collective' limited-small mindset. For me, however, it's not easy to do it. It IS 'hard' work! By that I mean that my 'wanting to', and 'knowing how' are quite different qualities, but very necessary companions of spiritual practice. Without both, I have found that 'separately' they are practically useless.

    I am unclear, or maybe I misunderstand what you mean when you say, 'to study the Scriptures and you will see'. Sometimes, and that 'sometimes' can be 'often'.... I 'don't see'. I pray that I am not a spiritual idiot (like the anti-God/anti-HP PilotX). If so, I'm in worse shape because I do not claim to be an atheist....I am digressing.

    Anyway, I keep pushing on toward the 'Mark', and 'hope' and 'pray' I am headed in the right direction. IMHO, I don't see any other solution.

    I want to say more re: your comment, and I probably will, re: Trayvon, Zimmerman, Maddy and racism. But maybe I won't. I've heard myself say it over and over again that I get tired of going in circles. I'm sure there is nothing new in the world for you either. lol...Nevertheless, I think we must communicate, and try to make sense of it.

    For me, however, there is much to digest in what you have to say. Yet, I haven't been able to eat it all in one sitting.... It's like trying to eat an elephant...LOL.

    Have a great day. You are beautiful. And thanks. I am grateful to you.

  66. if you want to know of all the unreported crimes by bm against non blacks...go where non blacks are on and off line. listen. be slow to anger. look for Truth. notice also that they are gearing up to protect their families and children. bw...that's the type of husband you wait for. the rest of these jokers turn away from them. let the silly women have them and suffer for their sins. heaven and hell exist right here on earth.

    we are all in this together and must in greater number wake up to the non stop games being played with our minds, perceptions and even time.

    only what we do for Him will stand anyway...might as well use our gifts to build up humanity, not tear it down.

    i pray for this juror to find peace and Him if she doesn't already know Him; as i do for all involved with this case. we don't know what type of manipulation was at play.

    that is also my sincere prayer for the many other cases and people that are not chosen to be exploited to create further racial tensions in this already racially divided country. if the powers that be can incite us to depopulate ourselves via race will be less work for them. devils tend to be lethargic. and they can move forward with the advancement of their centuries long plot to destroy mankind...which they know already they lose. jokers just want to see how many dupes they can take along for the ride into the bottomless pit.

  67. "Question: How can 55% of black men in one American city be felons????"
    In my opinion as a daily courtroom observer, I see proportionately far more young minority (esp black) men coming into the system, along with a higher proportion of those overcharged resulting in substantially more felony convictions. What I observe that lead me to this opinion are:

    1. Stop n Frisk / DWB is a national problem. There would be a lot more young white & asian felons if they were as frequently stopped & searched on the street. And,

    2. The tendency for white defendants make bail and hire private counsel who get them into diversion programs or misdemeanor probation, and black defendants to sit in jail, rely on public defenders, and accept a felony plea for the similar charges just to get back to their lives (offered by prosecutors who thus game their stats).

  68. And also WC add in the fact that many of these scared young teens have no idea of how the just-us system works. It's a matter of class as well as race as most well off kids know their rights enough to shut up until mom and/or dad get there and in many cases the moms and/or dads are just as clueless. If my kid ever gets arrested for whatever they know to not say anything and cool their heels until mom and pops with lawyer in tow get there no matter what. You aint gonna talk your way out of whatever it is you're accused of doing. The Central Park five proved this.

  69. Anonymous2:17 PM

    FP-"add, the non stop mind bending conditioning that is done in the black community...wm specifically and other non bm only want bw for sex. this mind bend starts early. many bw believe this and hold fast to the notion. so this creates a situation where bw are not vetting bm properly and many don't feel comfortable in settings where there are not predominately bm. add the centuries of deliberate outside dysfunctional manipulation and internal dysfunctional refusal to let sinful immoral behavior go and one gets the GIANT mess one currently sees. do what thou will is not good for humanity. it is demonic/satanic by nature. both bm AND bw have bought into this nonsense."

    Hmmmmm. Morality vs. Immorality DOES enter into the equation of life doesn't it? The scary thing is that in America, most of us don't know the difference. We have thrown them both out of our lives.

    Today, we go on "how we feel". If it feels good, it's the right thing to do. If it 'doesn't' feel good, don't do it. Hmmmm. The human ego says we are on the right road to salvation. The still small voice says we are headed for hell. Hmmmmm....choices, choices.

  70. Anon 1:47pm-

    i love you from my soul.

    i have to run now in order to remain on schedule for Sabbath, but i will come back and share what Yah leads me to share. you describe spiritual warfare quite well.

    keep seeking Him. i love your spirit and you bless me by demonstrating you have an ear to hear. i am stubborn by nature. when i turned to Him, He showed me how he REALLY does turn what the enemy meant to destroy us with to our good. i am a witness.

    so i stubbornly speak what He commands...even when it appears before me that no one is listening. bump what i see because i know it is written that His Word cannot/will not return to Him void. He can't lie. good enough. let's go. honoring me in heaven if i honor him on earth seems like THE only deal that matters.

    gotta know what He you recognize when it is not His voice. no matter how close to His voice it sounds. your enemy knows you and Him...and he works over time to kill, steal and destroy. the enemy is fearful and rightfully so when he knows you know and move in Love, Truth, and His Power. folks just have to know and act like they know;)

    wise men learn more from a warning, than fools do for one hundred lashes. wisdom is the beginning of the fear of the Most High your creator. going in circles is all one can do when needing to fine tune their discerning ear. that can only come from His Knowledge which one must seek like mammonites seek mammon. it is ALL about that paper for them...damn how many people have to die. look. see.

    He delights in blowing your mind. each question begets another level of understanding. we receive not because we ask not. truly.

    i will come back. big hug to you. i met a brother yesterday that has your energy. i pray and ask Yah to send them and give me His Words. distinguish them so that i know. brother yesterday came running out of the barber shop i walked by...listening to redemption song i was, enjoying the sunshine;) he apologized for approaching so quickly and interrupting my flow. i acknowledged his being a gentleman and how refreshing that was. asked him if he knew who he was at some point? he was clearly startled. asked what i meant. i shared Deuteronomy 28 with him.

    (i have done this before to those running all up on me, violating personal space, to have them screech halt, sharp left turn...out! lol. good. recognize. bye devil.)

    this brother and i hugged at end of perverted disrespect. all love. every thought has a vibration. spirits are visible if you know what to look for. sincerity is audible when you know how to listen for is deception for that matter. the keys to it all may be found in Scripture and by building a relationship with Him. attempting to of own strength the project can only result in defeat.

    create a beautiful day...that's my plan;) i will come back later when my work is done and i may spend more time.

  71. Anonymous2:28 PM

    This is anon 8:14 am:

    I most certainly DID read Michelle Alexander's book, "The New Jim Crow".

    In fact, I've read it SEVERAL times. It's just that I believe that people are responsible for what they do.

    The "system" did not force these black men and teenage boys to break the law. Nobody held a gun on them and made them sell drugs or whatever it was they did. They had a choice to do good or do bad and they chose the bad. I don't feel sorry for black men and boys who break the law AT ALL.

  72. oh!Anon 1:47pm-

    consider this math:

    right+best for you= 'hard'

    wrong+ kills your soul=easy

    narrow 'hard' path=life
    wide 'easy' path=death

    simply stated what's best for you will tend to be the hardest thing to do;) you gotta really want it.

    ciao for now!

  73. Bobby Rush2:34 PM

    PilotX said...
    Digging my man Holder going after these fools trying to steal voting rights. They don't even try to hide the fact this is what they're doing. I can see how they can let the voter ID stuff fly but cutting early voting and going after the college vote? Cmon ya'll, at least pretend you're doing this to stop vote fraud like ya said. It's almost as if they're asking to get put back on the watch list.

    Democrats loves they's fraud, don't they?

    It's the only reason Obambo is president.

  74. Kunte2:37 PM

    "In my opinion as a daily courtroom observer, I see proportionately far more young minority (esp black) men coming into the system, along with a higher proportion of those overcharged resulting in substantially more felony convictions"

    Study after study has shown arrest rates track criminality rates. There is no discrimination: blacks are in the system more because they commit more crimes.

    Stop making excuses. It's the first step toward addressing any problem.

  75. Anonymous3:14 PM

    anon 1334:

    how do you figure it is NOT the german/nazi half of gz that slew trayvon???

    how do black hobama nazi fools forget that racist bankster hobama is half white too???

  76. Anonymous3:23 PM


    the martins' lawyers were horridly iniept!!!

    gz is a cold blooded lying kkkiller,

    this was an easy slam dunk case!


  77. Anonymous3:24 PM

    the martins' lawyers were horridly inept!!!

    just disgraceful overall!

  78. Anon 11:363:36 PM

    "field negro said...
    Anon@11:36, you sound like a bitter ADA whose ass I have kicked. That, BTW, is a long list.

    1:04 PM"

    Where I'm from we refer to folks like you as, "All hat and no cattle" abstract reference to big talkers who don't fare well in the arena.

    Rock star trial attorneys don't need to boast......their court room prowess speaks for itself.

    What i have noticed in your "rebuttals" on this blog is that you are quick to throw out petty insults and generic racist barbs all the while avoiding the merits of the issue raised.
    Further, you blatantly avoid engaging commenters who present opposing meritorious impressions in a well written logical and professional manner.
    You are so focused on one dimensional race baiting that you lose all respect from an intellectual viewpoint.

    I've never practiced criminal law in Philadelphia but am not intimidated by your unfounded grandiosity......and we both know that's a fact, my brother.

  79. Anonymous4:41 PM

    that amoral banksterhobama/gwb 3.0

    is a bold brazen lying endlessly scandulous wretch!!!!!

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!

    cc his next scandal...

  80. Anonymous4:58 PM

    3 sane wm heroes on trayvon and that kkkiller gz

    see and hear much more racist sanity from all 3 online asap


  81. Anonymous5:07 PM

    more from the pre-op transsexual hobama gurl cm

  82. control+halt+delete5:14 PM

    "The "system" did not force these black men and teenage boys to break the law"

    C'mon homie, you gotta come stronger than that. What do you know about the system. Wait! What have you read and therefore think you know about the system?

    It must be difficult being white. Why do you act like whites don't commit any crime? How many times has a black man violated you? Do you live in an urban area? What are you so afraid of?

    So no the system doesn't force you to break the law, everybody knows the system enforces the law.

    And I submit that the system is heavily weighted on one side and that's not how we did it in rehearsal.

  83. Anonymous5:14 PM

    more proof that msnbc = hobama tv

    cc hobama's wh staff's sexist wage gaps


  84. Anonymous5:18 PM

    for your files fn


  85. control+halt+delete5:41 PM

    " I don't feel sorry for black men and boys who break the law AT ALL."

    Anon, do you mind if I...?

    How about:

    I don't feel sorry for any man who breaks the law?

  86. Jay-Zimmerman5:42 PM

    cc hobama's wh staff's sexist wage gaps

    Men are just worth more.

  87. "Where I'm from we refer to folks like you as, "All hat and no cattle" abstract reference to big talkers who don't fare well in the arena."

    Where are you from?

    I bet your "arena" is not that big.;)

  88. Oh, and you are not my brother.

  89. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...
    oh!Anon 1:47pm-

    consider this math:

    right+best for you= 'hard'

    wrong+ kills your soul=easy

    narrow 'hard' path=life
    wide 'easy' path=death

    simply stated what's best for you will tend to be the hardest thing to do;) you gotta really want it.

    ciao for now!

    2:33 PM
    My dear FP, thank you so much for your encouraging comments. And the helpful equations of reality/truth that followed are great! I will remember them and strive to repeat them daily. Those formulas make it simple for my mind to remember. Thank you.

  90. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Mr.Crump just said something really heartwrenching. That Trayvon Martin went to his grave not knowing who this creepy man was and what he wanted with him!

  91. PilotX said...
    And also WC add in the fact that many of these scared young teens have no idea of how the just-us system works. It's a matter of class as well as race as most well off kids know their rights enough to shut up until mom and/or dad get there and in many cases the moms and/or dads are just as clueless. If my kid ever gets arrested for whatever they know to not say anything and cool their heels until mom and pops with lawyer in tow get there no matter what. You aint gonna talk your way out of whatever it is you're accused of doing. The Central Park five proved this.

    In America, race pretty much is our class system, but yes, your eco-ed "class" within your "race" is a co-determinative factor in what we ever-so-cautiously call our criminal justice system.

    I wouldn't be so sure about your kids' ability to withstand police intimidation though. I raised a couple myself with that weekly admonition, but when my skinny son was picked up for for questioning on something at 18, he went 1-1 up against a 250lb juice-head cop 2x his age who gave not a fuck about Miranda & broke him in about a minute. Ultimately, he was never charged, but it could have just as easily gone the other way; probably would have if he'd been someone else.

  92. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Field asked, "Where are you from?

    I bet your "arena" is not that big.;)"

    6:28 PM
    Louisiana, where it's a big plus to be White.

  93. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Maddy reminds me of the typical FN Negro who talks a big game among Blacks, but becomes a mouse in the face of Whites. That strain of cowardice is the reason we kill each other but remain docile to Whites. It's disgusting.

  94. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Mr.Crump just said something really heartwrenching. That Trayvon Martin went to his grave not knowing who this creepy man was and what he wanted with him!

    8:16 PM
    Heart wrenching it is. Unfortunately, Trayvon was Black, and it is very common in America to not care about Black kids. That is not just the attitude of Whites, it is shamefully the heartless attitude of Blacks.

    Don't expect ANYTHING to come of this. We've been 'there' many times before. A lot of talk that faded into the night.

  95. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Roderick Scott of Greece, NY State, USA shot and killed 17 year old Christopher Cervini. He thought he saw Christopher and his friends breaking into a neighbours car. He claims he only shot Christopher, because the much skinnier, younger man "ran at" him. Cristopher's friends disputed that. Scott suffered no injuries at all.

    Roderick Scott was acquitted.

    ^^That was another inter-racial killing. It happened in 2009.

    Why wasn't it all over the media? Why didn't President Obama give a moving speech about it?
    Why were there no protest marches?
    No cop cars smashed and no fires set after the verdict?

    Can you guess?

  96. Maddy couldve kept this info to herself...

    A coward dies a thousand deaths...

    A soldier dies only once...

    Zimmerman ,and Maddy have to re-live their cowardice perpetually...

    stand for something...dammm

    We still have Dred Scott on the books ,and stupid ass people are talking about ...
    "We have to Respect the Law"

    If you have the opportunity to throw a Monkey Wrench into a unjust all means do so...

    by our Presidents standards..
    Nat Turner would still be a criminal....same as Harriet Tubman right on down to Asatta Shakur...

    Oh BTW... That lady killed her kids No doubt...

  97. "Why wasn't it all over the media? Why didn't President Obama give a moving speech about it?
    Why were there no protest marches?
    No cop cars smashed and no fires set after the verdict?

    Can you guess?"

    He had a good lawyer?

    I bet Scott was arrested after the shooting.

  98. Anonymous12:01 AM

    BIB, "Oh BTW... That lady killed her kids No doubt."

    Nope. Only Blacks ill their children on a 'regular' basis. do that. Whites don't do that on a regular basis...very seldom do they kill their children.

    Let's face the truth. You folks need to look at the wm to escape your sorry condition as a community where killing is a daily routine matter. You can't own up to your OWN atrocities and injustices.... Cowards...Maddy is just mirroring your weaknesses and cowardice as a poor excuse for humans.

    You folks need to man up and DO something to develop courage and integrity and brains. But you won't. You'll sit around and cry and whine about what the wm is doing to you and you can't do anything about it because you are so powerless. What a joke.

  99. Anonymous12:29 AM

    @Anon 11:11,

    Very interesting. Of course, mention of this or any comparison will be carefully avoided by our liberal media. What a hypocritical farce this Zimmerman trial has been. Smh.

  100. from previous thread:

    'BTW, black men have this "attraction" (prefer light skin over dark skin in women) in common with ALL other races/groups of men on the planet. If black women cannot be expected to stop their attraction to thugs/dope boys (according to FP) then don't expect black men, especially those with options, to go after anything other than lighter skinned/non-black/white women.

    7:18 AM-Thurs. 7/25/13'

    Anon- we have a point of agreement. finally.

    it is clear for those of us that look. see clearly. call what we see, what it is, that your above assertion is the Truth. i agree this is the mindset of many...though few will cop to it aloud. this is why i watch BEHAVIOR. i love the Truth and have made friends with her, so all is well. thanks for being real enough to just say it.

    please know that the bm that have chosen to believe the white lie and all other non bm that fall into the love and belief of lies...simply agree that the wm's seed is most desirable and superior. the bm that thinks like your comment, agrees wholeheartedly that his black seed, undiluted, is inferior. no black little girl deserves a father that thinks that way. i pray that as long as you hold this mindset, you also embrace the depopulation agenda and refuse to have children. it is best that way...i have met TOO many blexicans, blapinese, blveitnamese, caublinasians, and other assorted hybrid black men babies that HATE black folks... raised/taught by non's a mess. but kind of funny if one can see the flip. bm create their own enemies that hate them...think BO.

    it is a declaration of total broken, white supremacy mission complete, acceptance of slave mind shackles. it is also a ploy to ensure that through the transfer of wealth (which is done by the women) they (wm) will retain their dominant power status. bm don't care. i cannot afford to care. this is a man's world and we ALL have gender equity...we just need to know how to use it. i can see and work the flip ALL day+ teach other women/girls how to do it in His Power. all good.

    on wed. 7/24/13 Milagros G. Villamil Esq indicated folks 'owe' bm respect...

    WRONG. that right there has bm and the black nation on FAIL. NO ONE IS OWED ANYTHING. ALL must be EARNED. there's a concept! THAT is the missing link for quite a few.

    respect is to be earned. in the absence of right behavior...there will be no respect. even small children are known by what they do. how much more grown azz men. cut it out...or not. i am NOT buying that line of thought. folks don't owe you anything just because you are here. i pray folks are NOT teaching this madness to their children.

  101. those bm like Anon TRULY believe pale= better. as a result they take all kind of liberties with bw in their honorary klansman role. Anon appears to be reliving his rejection by the bgirl he felt entitled to...who chose the drug dealer. shrug. rejection is a part of the mating dance. toughen up strong bm. you would not last a week as a visibly, no questions bw. know this.

    interesting that so many conquered colored mind controlled male slaves want to claim white=feminine. while the white MAN powerfully, dominantly, oppresses the world majority men of color. how in the world do colored conquered totally broken mind controlled slaves fix their mouths to say white=feminine? just fumbling and stumbling around in the darkness...looking a hot ignorant mess in the process. why do folks love lies?

    the spirit of Yah and critical thinking breaks the efforts to game every time. those bw that think they 'owe' folks respect are on a straight backwards hustle. reciprocity will be too much of a stretch for them. i no longer devote too much time to the fully, woefully male identified committed mules. they are free to heavy lift, ride AND die to their heart's desire. in fact, they serve a good purpose for those that will need interference run in order to plan their work and work their plan of escape.

    the respect owers should maintain their male identified front line positions. while the respect is earned crew practices avoidance, courage to stand/ plain talk the Truth when need be, and stealth to execute exit plans guided by Him.

    when conquered colored men of the world that erroneously believe white is right and in women uber feminine...look up and find their thinking helpers with non racist decent sons of Yah wm, then what?. i suppose the conquered colored slaves have grown accustomed to wm coming in and claiming their most valuable assets. as long as they have their pale consolation ww prize they are content to maintain their slave status? become well adjusted to oppression?

    i don't know. and really can't focus too much time nor concern on it at this point. i am content to leave the messy man situation to the menfolk of Yah. in the grand scheme of things, folks holding onto lies and misinformation are mere distractions. i choose not to allow myself to become distracted. what we focus on expands...i will focus on Him.

    Anon 6:23 from thurs.- i come hard because much is at stake whether folks know it or not. i am more interested to help the next bw/girl than i am to spare your feelings. reciprocity. you care not for my feelings as a woman...the softer of the sexes. more slave conditioning.

    know this...i pray that you will be able to find the Truth, Light and Way...that is my sincere prayer for you and your house. Yah wants that none of us be lost. as such, that is my desire as well. i want what He wants.

    blessings to you.

  102. Anon 1:47pm said:

    'I am unclear, or maybe I misunderstand what you mean when you say, 'to study the Scriptures and you will see'.'

    Anon, it is written-

    'study to show yourself approved unto Yah, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."-2nd Timothy 2:15

    we are to live by every word that proceeds out of His mouth. not on belly bread alone. i have asked that Yah make His Word chocolate flavor since FN mentioned it;)

    men that live in the flesh work diligently to have big muscles. they follow strict diets and discipline themselves to maintain their physical flesh temples. those walking in the flesh only, see, big strong men.

    for those of us third eye WIDE open because He opened it, set apart, spirit led...these same men are spiritual weaklings. they neglect their spiritual man to the point of starvation. this is why they fall like dominoes at the first hint of a call to make a spiritual stand and go to battle in this spiritual war.

    please know and understand...there is a hidden hand working mightily against all. it is demonically spiritual in nature and KNOWS the Truth of who we are. our disobedience and subsequent bad behavior strengthens our enemy in this battle.

    looking to Yah and His Word about who He created us to us all the Power+Victory, that He might get the glory. after all, the enemy is accusing Him of being a liar. if what Yah says is Truth, the enemy calls a lie...yeah, i don't want to be no where near homes when he gets his just desserts. when you know pick up quick that He is NOT to be trifled with.

    more Word study/eating will show you just how complete this universal Truth is...but you got to want it enough in this world of seek Him first. above all.

  103. Anon, my friend, i am only addressing you. this way i won't have to scroll through so many comments to find times, ok? why do you post as Anon? don't you want a name?

    i have learned recently that in order to come before Him prepared to get to the meat of His Word, it is good to have a KJV (spliced, diced, masonicly edited as it is) which has the most traces of Truth. the newer versions are still changing Scriptures. namely the 400 hundred years of servitude identifying trace to alert as to who His Chosen Mighty Ones are...folks are ready to do away with Chosen people, before they acknowledge who we's all good. we must get to know first. He will reveal to others...later.

    study materials:

    KJV bible older version-new is not improved. know this. my KJV is from 1986.

    please find a 1611 KJV to cross reference your newer one.

    get a strong's concordance. this will afford you a greater understanding of what you are reading. every LETTER in hebrew holds deeper meaning. it is so beautiful and quenches one's soul. seriously. it makes me cry it is so beautiful to my soul. btw...look around. see. call it what it is as it is written in Genesis 2:19. if it is in your heart to cry. let it out. crying cleanses the soul and one can get real dirty in this life on earth. men cry. men are human.

    Proverbs is the book of Wisdom...the beginning of Wisdom is the fear of Almighty Yah. those that don't know Him and listen for His Voice are fools, as it is written. those that pretend He does not words. outside of they lack Wisdom. can't get Wisdom unless you go to Him for it. all fruits of the spirit are all gifts from Him. there is another that comes bearing close replicas...fools stay...fooled. you need Him to discern between the two. it is written that there is a deception in the works where even the elect may be and search the Scriptures. pray without ceasing. watch the signs. be alert. work diligently to be ready. it is a lie that folks are 'saved' just because they say so...while they do what they wilt as the whole of their law. that is devilish. Yahushua Himself, Anointed Messiah, (folks call Him 'Jesus') said that He came to fulfill the Law and the prophets...He did not come to make up new religions or to do away with the Law of prophecy or OT. NT is the fulfillment of the prophecy. gives you a lot of dictionaries at once. reference new and old dictionaries. the words change meanings. the 1848 dictionary on onelook is a fav of mine. folks been playing with words for a minute you will find. i, personally, remember when 'ain't' was not in the dictionary. folks used to make me stop saying it because it was not a word if not in dictionary. lol. gives you an online KJV with concordance. paper is good to have in home library. what is on line is not always accurate. keep in mind that online, you don't know who has placed the information. there are many DISinformation agents.

    my brain is a bit tired. i hope that this information helps.

    much love and may His blessings be yours in abundance.

  104. rest will elude me if i fail to ask:

    Afrikan 12:46pm- since you are boots on the ground with there a way of finding out if she is an eastern star?

    also, i understand that rev. hot comb bobblehead sharpton, messy jesse out baby jackson, and angela davis were unable to obtain permits to hear the 'lecture' as you call it.

    it appears that only the black community does not recognize the wolves in sheep's clothing.

    so that people are really clear on sharpton, please take a peek. he is usually fanning race war flames and little else. oh...he does get paid handsomely as well for playing all sides...justice is NOT the aim.

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. Field:

    Thank you my "Sun" by another mother "u are loved and respected by myself and other conscious souls There are no haters in this family

    Natukae na ndugu (spirits enjoin us)

    Yes, i see that you play chess as well;)

  107. SenoritaBonita11:26 AM

    there was no white furor when a black man went to prison for shooting a white teenager?

  108. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Dear focusedpurpose, thank you so much for information on study materials . I will make good use of them. I will head down to book store to pick up a strong's concordance immediately. BTW, there is a Concordance in the back of KJV. I assume Strong's is superior?

    I have been going for years w/o a name, although I have experimented with different ones over the years. Since Obama became President I have gone 'anonymous'(underground) on FN....too many crazy Obamaholics for me. And, to top it off, they're Black.LOL..

    Besides, Obama probably checks FN to take the pulse of his happy blind supporters. lol Some of those Obamaholics have even called me White because I don't think like them...esp Field and PC. They have accused me of being White so many times I have lost count.. LOL..They remind me of some of the folks in the hood that call out brothers and sisters who think differently as "acting White." That's pathetic and NOT good for those who want to grow in different ways.

    Our community has so much crap to deal with I am wondering: "does anybody know where to start to clean up this mental and emotional mess?"

    Maybe O'Reilly's idea has some merit? I mean, at least he has offered up 'something'. I haven't the foggiest idea what the CBC, NAACP, Urban League, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or any others have to offer. It seems they are working in secret, or maybe in the "dark"?

    PS. I don't think Rev Sharpton reads or studies the Bible anymore. His Bible is "How to make Money"--off of others...Black and White! lol
