Still, today, I finally felt like he was letting his black side out a little bit and speaking about racism on a more personal level. Some white folks won't like it, but there is nothing they can do about it now. He will be the HNIC for the next three years.
"'Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago,' Obama told White House reporters in a surprise appearance at the daily briefing."
Anyway, If you happen to believe that the police in Sanford, Florida cared about just another another young black man being shot to death, and that the reason they were going to let george zimmerman walk---- without even so much of a trial--- was because of a lack of evidence, consider what is going on down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
"A veteran Baton Rouge police detective who used a racial slur to describe a homicide victim was suspended from duty recently after an internal affairs investigation determined he violated department policy.
The detective, John L. Colter, [*pic] complained at the scene of a fatal shooting in January that, “It’s my wife’s birthday and I am standing here over a dead nigger,” according to records released Tuesday by the Baton Rouge Police Department.
Colter, who is white, made the remarks among a group of officers that included a black detective.
Provisional Police Chief Carl Dabadie, in May, suspended Colter without pay for 20 days as a result of the incident and ordered that he attend a diversity training course.
He added, “This type of unacceptable behavior relegates anyone from the ranks of quintessential professional to that of an insensitive, arrogant and callous egotist that has neither empathy nor feeling towards others.”
Dabadie declined through a spokesman to discuss the case after the records were released Tuesday in response to a Public Records Act request because Colter remained hospitalized with serious injuries sustained in a motorcycle crash last week in Livingston Parish.
The spokesman, Cpl. L’Jean McKneely, said Colter sustained “significant brain injury” but is expected to survive.
Colter’s use of a racial slur came to light in February during former Police Chief Dewayne White’s pre-termination hearing. Without naming Colter, White said he had sought unsuccessfully to transfer the detective shortly after the incident, claiming the case highlighted Mayor-President Kip Holden’s tendency to micromanage him.
“Not only were the officer’s comments and conduct deplorable,” White said during the packed hearing in the Metro Council chambers, “but they could potentially cause to be called into question all of his prior investigations involving African-American victims....”
The spokesman, Cpl. L’Jean McKneely, said Colter sustained “significant brain injury” but is expected to survive.
The incident that led to Colter’s suspension occurred on the morning of Jan. 5, when Colter was called out to investigate the killing of 43-year-old Keith Matthews, a West Feliciana Parish man found fatally shot in a vehicle parked in front of a vacant home on Erie Street.
Officers at the scene recalled Colter taking out his smartphone at some point and appearing to photograph the corpse, suggesting he should send a picture to his wife to account for his middle-of-the-night absence on her birthday.
Colter denied snapping any photographs, telling internal affairs officers later that he had been using the flashlight application on his cellphone to see inside the vehicle where the victim was seated.
But Colter readily admitted using the racial slur, adding he quickly apologized to his fellow officers, who had been huddling in strategy over how to approach the “whodunit, head-scratcher” of a slaying.
Colter told internal affairs officers that the racial epithet was a “slip of the tongue” and that he shouldn’t have said it.
“I meant to say dead Negro,” he explained.
In his interview with internal affairs, Colter apologized if his remarks “came off as racist,” but noted he and other homicide detectives often make “very dark, inappropriate jokes” in coping with the gory scenes they encounter in their work.
“We were kind of making fun of the fact that the guy got shot with his pants down around his ankles basically,” Colter told investigators. “There had been other jokes about that prior to my comment.”
Police have said they believe Matthews was in the company of a prostitute at the time of his death.
Police records revealed conflicting accounts of the immediate reaction to Colter’s use of the racial slur. Dabadie, in the letter of suspension, mentioned that a lieutenant who overheard the remarks admonished Colter and told him he “did not want to hear that again.”
But another detective — whose name, like other police officials other than Colter, was blacked out of the records that were released — told investigators the officers “kind of brushed it off” after Colter apologized “and that was the end of it.”
Colter told officials that he prided himself on professionalism and said that his use of the racial epithet marked “the first time it has come out of my mouth in relation to my police duties” of 25 years.
“Truth be told, I probably shouldn’t have been making that comment to begin with,” he said. “We had been out there for about two hours and it was a bad scene.” [Source]
This story is sad, but what made it even sadder were the actions of the black
"..African-Americans feel the context of the Martin killing is little known or denied, "and that all contributes, I think, to a sense that if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario that, from top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different..."
Mr. President, that "white male teen" would not have been called a "white ass cracka" by the detective investigating his death. I think we can all agree with that statement.
To the extent that his empty words have any meaning whatsoever, they contain three major elements:
1. Things which are true, but so obvious a kindergartener knows them. (We are each shaped by our experiences.)
2. Things which are not obvious, because they are also untrue. (Stand your ground laws give white people the right to shoot black people without cause.)
3. Heroic self-reference. (As did Jesus incarnate God the Father, so I Barack Hussein Obama, in a moment of apotheosis, incarnate the lamb Trayvon Martin.)
What I'm more outraged about is the reflexive need of the left to say all sorts of asinine things, like that Obama's saying things no president has said before, and, Serious You Guys, we're really getting into some next-level ish with this latest edict from DOTUS (the Deity of the United States).
The left is ooohing of course, like Baby Just Said His First Word.
The racial condescension among liberals is staggering.
Obama said, “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.”
Only if he also did Total Absorption and blow and was thinking about doing heroin.
Obama added that he had experienced racial profiling personally: "There are very few African-American men who haven't had the experience of being followed in a department store — that includes me."
During his years with the Choom Gang, I assume. I'm sure they never shoplifted.
Obama also said, “Reasonable doubt was relevant, and they rendered a verdict. Once the jury's spoken, that's how our system works.”
Obama said he was "bouncing around" ideas with his staff on how to respond to the Zimmerman verdict, adding, "I think it is going to be important for us to do some soul searching."
Soul searched, I guess. Mind. Blown.
Pushing against Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, Obama stated, "If Trayvon Martin was of his age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk?" both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different."
That doesn't even make any sense.
"... they could potentially cause to be called into question all of his prior investigations involving African-American victims....”
Not to mention his collars involving AA victims.
Good perspective Field.
Blogger PilotX said...
Good perspective Field.
1:48 AM
You keep repeating yourself to each one of Field's posts. I keep waiting for a criticism, but that hasn't happened.
Field, "He will be the HNIC for the next three years."
Did you have to use such degradation? Aren't we, as a race, trying to get respect and treated as human beings? as first class citizens?
How can we say we want to be treated equally when we trash ourselves? Mr Field, it would have been a lot classier if you had said, "He is the President" instead of HNIC, which is 'a sick display of ignorance.'
Some bm such as yourself still have a ways to 'grow' before recognizing our value and dignity as a race.
Not only are the Wingnuts pissed about The President's remarks, Tavis is pissed as well, but what else can you expect. I'm sure more Negroes on the right and those who want to be loved by massa didn't like Obama's comments as well.
Field, a discrimination suit brought by a Black Surgeon at UCLA won 4.5$ Mil this month. I am surprised that you haven't mentioned it. This black surgeon received unbelievable humiliation because of his color and race not only from his peers, but from interns as well. It was quite oppressive. And this was at UCLA Medical School! Amazing!
Just goes to prove education of a racist doesn't change the person, it only makes an educated racist.
Education doesn't change 'character', that takes something a lot more powerful.,0,2751300.story
Well, Mr. Field, Charles Barkley has been saying for a long time that he want's to be governor of Alabama, so, I think he's decided to be a Republican.
As for the officer in New Orleans; nothing surprises me about police officers. They're just members of a legal gang.
On President Obama; I wasn't impressed. He lost me when he started talking about the Black crime rate. What does that have to do with anything? If a White kid is killed does anyone talk about the White crime rate?
He says all the right things...
I'm definitely not a supporter and I'm usually ready to pounce on Obama, but in certain instances he does the right thing.
I know its mostly to placate but it is nice to see Obama weigh in heavily on the correct side of things.
Good commercial for a 3rd party though
Hotep Field
Making it plain
STILL HERE YA'LL boo hoo ya crying yet?
Field wrote:
Still, today, I finally felt like he was letting his black side out a little bit and speaking about racism on a more personal level. Some white folks won't like it, but there is nothing they can do about it now. He will be the HNIC for the next three years
MilagrosGVillamil said:
Boots on the ground
The TAIC was unable to say what he may have really felt. However, we discussed last night that we will accept what was said and continue to use it to move beyond Trayvon. And to other seemingly forgotten Afrikan youth in our communities who also need a speak up MARCHING!! FORWARD!!
Mi Hijo Field; ( tu eres mas joven que yo) Your younger than i so i call you my son, you know how we flow!
Moving along:
We are over 30 million (not 13%) strong in this plantation and still to date the pale pink man does not get it.
Suspension for 20 day without pay hmmm And an offer to move him to another area in Baton Rouge? OMOrisha! no!
This leads me to think what else was done in the past to other Afrikans under that cavalier detectives watch?
IE the Crakka in charge words:
“Not only were the officer’s comments and conduct deplorable,” White said during the packed hearing in the Metro Council chambers, “but they could potentially cause to be called into question all of his prior investigations involving African-American victims....”
I rest my case
Ps Oh! i meant to say negro" Why not victim? This is the cave mans way of serving and protecting
field booty, both you and the POTUS are pander bears.
Pandering to these igKNANT Negroes.
Bill The homosexual buttlover
Be clear '
Now that you know what music i like tell me how many musicians have you BUTT FUCKED since you stalked my profile ;) Your losing it short stick! getting pissed off makes wrinkles ;)
Show me better MAKE ME STOP speaking my mind
Is that all you have? You have seen nothing yet!
Lets be real clear
I am not trying to em bare ass you i am standing my ground and doing what the law allows SPEAKING MY PEACE/PIECE and challenging the enamorado de chinchar con la culos de los humanos ( the love for sex with a human ass)
Also in my comm because of the prog my hus and fam operate we are exposed to all people. And have done well
Gay Afrikans desc have been visible since i was a child Do i accept that they want to stick thier penis in other males NO! and what bothers me most is the fact that many try to convince EVERYONE to ACCEPT that nasty butt screwing psychotic behavior
I am an atty and i will never raise a hand in court to fight anything ILLEGAL which BEING" a Gay man/woman or butt fucker or crap masher is not..
i submit that Gay people have the right to exist
and again I do not have to like it! So i do what i can to make sure i do not invade their space NOR will i allow anyone gay or other to invade mine or they will feel my wrath
Sex with MEN is what i dislike not you as a person but rather your lifestyle and the guess what else ?" The Trayvon M verdict ... I am over it NEXT!
When people believe in thier cause they continue to spktruth2power Ya ready? I am
You stupid niggers need to go back to Africa! America is a WHITE MAN's country! Get the fuck out, niggers!
-Signed, a white man
After reading this you will know why i dislike your ILK
i have been called to cease and desist by my son LOL ( Out of the mouths of babes)
However, KNOW THIS you senor doodoo masher can talk all the smack you want These are my final words to you
i Queen Field negress will no longer seek out your responses or my name attached to anything you write But you will read this
Are we clear? Good
You and your ilk are not only a grp of DSM psyche cases but a threat to yourself and any dummy who allows you to touch them..
Be clear They did not call HIV/AIDS GRID for nothing in the late 70's and early 80' s!
They did however (NIH et/al) come up, with the green monkey theory in the 80's after AZT failed
How do i know?
I am an Afrikan born in Angola and i lived there amongst my tribe and 20 others through brutal conditions . I spent most of my teen yrs in Cuba (saved by Fidel)
And we can trace our roots back 400 yrs pre slavery all the way to Nigeria And there never was a green monkey that passed anything to anyone from the Kalahari to the Med
Later after getting my med lic/and law degree i traveled with Cuban Drs to Afrika to see for myself
I tell you this to tell you that SIDS?HIV did not come through a monkey rather the feces of MAN
The WHO NIH NCAID NCI etc put the monkey lie out after they infected a few with visna virus Why do you think AIDS is rampart in my mothers land. Rememebr Tuskegee! lies scandals and blame
AIDS started practically simultaneously in the United States, Haiti, Brazil, and Central Africa. (Was the green monkey a jet pilot?) Why predom Afrikan country's hmmm Hold on lova!
When examining of the gene structure of the green monkey cells proves that it is not genetically possible to transfer the AIDS virus from monkeys to man by natural means. So what does the WHO do?
Because of the artificial nature of the AIDS virus it will not easily transfer from man to man until it has become very concentrated in the body fluids through high multiple partner sexual activity between homosexuals. After repeated transfer it can become an natural infection for man HELLO! butt fuckers!!
Coupled with this
Theodore Strecker's research of the literature indicates that the National Cancer Institute in collaboration with the World Health Organization made the AIDS virus in their laboratories at Fort Detrick (now NCI). They combined the deadly retroviruses, bovine leukemia virus and sheep visna virus, and injected them into human tissue cultures.
Do i believe this YES and if you do the research you will find that BUTT beating small capillaries is dangerous
Not only am i am Atty i am a lic forensic scientist who knows as much about ass" science as i do the law And you nor any other butt beater can convince me other wise
So handle ya biz.. I have spoken
You and your sick ilk have caused the death of millions and regardless of the choices people make i will always believe that this is another euro disease that has become a pandemic which comes from the ASS!
Call me ingnorant call me whatever, science proves it
You bit now bite this!
Have you ever read Shiltz book And the band played on?? Now thats MUSIC!
YUP i am agitating again catching flies
Poor little penis's yelling and screaming i wonder what will happen to their children if walmart closes the health clinic?
Making it plain
Hey little penis This is for you whoosey boy
You still won't learn You dock here say you don't read what i put out but you do! i copied it duh!
Right under my post TERROR i am scared!! rothfl sucker!
The real prob is little penis BooHoo cannot get a debate. He/she cannot get me to confront as i do others
He/she has no skills to compete with words and cannot figure out how to confront me? WTF? he is a crakka! the so called SUPREME being duh! rothfllmafine cuban bootay off
I love to win and i use my poor typing skills to state my case and my BIG mouth to do it face to face Gotta have hutzpah!
Duck Milagros he is pointing a 9mm lol
I do not debate people who deny thier roots cave men or other WHY?
If you are too weak or insecure to support your people yet are sill willing come here and pretend to be an African one min and a racist cave man the next, why would i want to mess with you?
People like you are no fun and i am not distracted Perhaps you need another game and stop hatin the playa bait!
Whoosey boy You are a disgrace to your heritage and to humanity what a loss
You have no backbone your not one of Fn people your a fake!
You get no respect Its like a snitch! Whitey Bulger can teach that he is one!
i have whooped your little swhooshey so many times that now the only decsion is to YELL and scream?
Wow i just love this i always knew that i can provoke a nut case now i have provoked the Aholes
'My Work is done for today lol gotcha !!
Another inadequate wanna be debater bites the dust
lookin side ways;) ^.>.^.
See ya Domingo
I printed out the N word gger here today about 8 min ago written by a whooey boy gurl
And just like i knew would happen the cave boy/gurl whoosey removed it ( they will put it back trust me)
My ? is why back off we already know who writes like that. speaks from a forked tongue and who is just a kid seeking to appear older and astute whew poor thing
Is this what happens to fakes losing brain cells?
As i have suggested before i know and you know when your are in a conversation with Fnegros and when we are in convo with cave men Its not hard to decipher it only takes a few lines
When i came here there were almost no people willing to stand up to the stormfront caricatures
And when they did they came like stepin fetchit hat in hand
Now given, sometimes that is okay if that is a persons style but not here
I come with a street sweepa!
ps only 10% of your swimmers have a head and a tail get a dildo and hush
Mil-la-Gross Villain-iiieeey,
Making it more than plain:
Seriously, you sound like a clown. Why don't you shut your anus, it's spilling nasty feces all over the board. Stick a pingote in it, that should do the trick and placate your penis obsession.
Anon@12:00am, I know but one god.
Anon@2:31 am, with all due respect, u are an idiot.
The latest liberal idiocy involves while college kids apologizing for their "white privilege" by declaring "I am not Trayvon Martin". Of course they're more likely to get assaulted going through a black neighborhood, than the Trayvon Martins are going through a white neighborhood, but facts like that stopped mattering years ago.
So let me take my own shot at it.
I am not Trayvon Martin. Not just because if confronted by a local Latino homeowner, I'm not likely to pick up a fight with him and beat him until he shoots me.
I am also not Trayvon Martin because if I were shot and killed by any person, regardless of race, color or creed, you would never hear Obama talking about it because I look nothing like his son.
Lacking the Black Privilege that turns a death into an opportunity for race baiting, I would just be another statistic. There would be no rallies for me and no t-shirts with my name on it. No one would be talking about how they are me or aren't me.
Twenty years ago, a young man who looked very much like me was stabbed to death in Crown Heights by a mob shouting, "Kill the Jew". His name was Yankel Rosenbaum. The man responsible for the race riot he was killed in has a show on MSNBC and is considered Obama's main liaison to the black community.
So I know that if I were killed, the man responsible would probably show up on MSNBC ten years later lecturing on racism and white privilege.
If I were killed, my death would not be a cause, only another urban statistic in cities where crime is disproportionately carried out by the Trayvon Martins of the world, who are turned into martyrs when they are killed, rather than when they do the killing.
I am not Trayvon Martin because my death would not be used to convince bored white kids to pour out their fake guilt in histrionic displays of political correctness.
I am not Trayvon Martin because no one would care what brand of candy I was carrying or what I was wearing or where I was going. I would be another white outline on the sidewalk that the white privilege kids would walk around on the way to another seminar on white privilege.
U are not Trayvon Martin because u won't ever have to worry about being shot to death by a stranger who profiled u. It's really that simple.
field negro said...
U are not Trayvon Martin because u won't ever have to worry about being shot to death by a stranger who profiled u. It's really that simple.
But he will have to worry being shot to death by a stranger who doesn't like white people and wants his money, an occurrence that happens about a thousand times more frequently than your profiling scenario.
You are really that simple.
Now that you know what music i like tell me how many musicians have you BUTT FUCKED since you stalked my profile
So tell me, why do you believe the musical artists you enjoy would let me buttfuck them?
Do i accept that they want to stick thier penis in other males NO!
Of course you don't.
Which explains why you think calling me gay is an insult.
Silly old woman, thinking your old outdated hateful ways are acceptable in todays society.
Sex with MEN is what i dislike not you as a person but rather your lifestyle
Just because I am having fun toying with you about your now admitted homophobia, you are assuming I'm gay. I would ask why but we both know you have no clue about my sexuality and just want to try your best to insult me. Epic fail.
Considering you hate of gay people, let me ask... Did you catch your husband cheating on you with a small dick white man? Is that what is fueling your hate?
Making it clear
This is more important than any one any thing and anybody esp anyone who is an insecure racist
From my Blackberry I bring my sistah
Field said:
U are not Trayvon Martin because u won't ever have to worry about being shot to death by a stranger who profiled u. It's really that simple.
Milagros said
Butt yo creepy crakka little penis may cause you to die from AIDS the same AIDS your creepy crakka ilk brought to the world
For me i hope all of you sick wanna be men in dresses learn to switch off the lights
For now its me my 5 sons 18 grand sons 12 of who are males The Villamil tribe leader and his knowledge of how to be a real man One who has been by my side 35 yrs and counting Still standing feet on ground!
Milagros said
I am not Trayvon either because as ligher hue Afrikan i have had all the priviledges of those european boys who walk talk try to dance and act like
"Butt yo creepy crakka little penis may cause you to die from AIDS the same AIDS your creepy crakka ilk brought to the world"
AIDS came from Africans fucking moneys.
Africans have more AIDS than anyone, because they have more butt sex than anyone.
Most African males swing both ways.
Odds are at least half of your grandsons will taste the penis, maybe a fine large white one like mine. Yum, they will say, please give me more.
Probably some of them will get the AIDS. ):
I hope you show them compassion and do not scold them for being black homos. They can't help themselves.
Shame on you, you useless old woman!
President Obama's speech was very apropos and I think it was necessary and he rose to the occasion.
I don't understand the 'stand your ground' law.
I thought it is the law anyway that when someone is threatened in their home, and their life is in danger they can and should defend themselves.
President Obama's speech was very apropos and I think it was necessary and he rose to the occasion.
I don't understand the 'stand your ground' law.
I thought it is the law anyway that when someone is threatened in their home, and their life is in danger they can and should defend themselves.
This law is not about standing ground as much as it is a way to committ murder and claim fear
I was here when Bush tagged it and Scott and other Gov changed it from 2004 to what it has become today
Google it sis and make your mind up It is made for creepy crakkas who cannotr duke it out or debate but who are willing to sell wolf tickets and run for the gun.
Desertflower said...
I don't understand the 'stand your ground' law.
The 'stand your ground' law had nothing to do with the Zimmerman case, which was a simple self-defense issue.
The liberal media has conflated the two, because it wants to attack 'stand your ground' laws.
MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
Making it plain:
And i said if he is a whoosey seeking an Afrikan ass to stick thier little penis in he should be removed from society and from our children
And that is regardless of hue REGARDLESS if he is my son, or grandsons or anyone in my fam They know how i feel
If he is butt fucking he should be destroyed and removed and without any remorse
How that removal os achieved is not for me to say However we all know that noone is here 4ever
huh? There are plenty of people who simply don't give a dayum@ and i am one
Keep your faggot
Whew its hot in here )))) jajajajaja
Arapaho said...
Desertflower said...
I don't understand the 'stand your ground' law.
The 'stand your ground' law had nothing to do with the Zimmerman case, which was a simple self-defense issue.
The liberal media has conflated the two, because it wants to attack 'stand your ground' laws.
Fine, but what is the difference between the two?
Why have a "stand your ground" law in place, when it's actually not illegal to self defend oneself?
George Zimmerman was lynched by the lying scum who run the media, the “civil rights” racket, and the Executive Branch of the federal government:
If not for the Internet, we would have no truthful source of information in this country, and would have to make do with an endless deluge of outrageous left-wing lies.
THE MEDIA NEEDS TO ATTACK THE SYG LAWS ALL OVER THIS UNITED SNAKES OF AMERIKKA Why because the law is set up to allow racist yahoos and cavemen to murder Afrikan youth and men who they deem dangerous
Yes afrikans are using sat night specials 24/7 but not to stand thier ground rather to make others fall to the ground
As i suggested before do the research and make your decision on what it is and isn't I will add an Url which will explain why Fla is the first state to have SYG laws
I own firearms my husband of 35 yrs + owns firearms and sons own firearms However all of us have knowledge of the laws that govern safe usage and storage and we know how and when to use them
I personally prefer to only carry my weapon in daylight (SWP) because i can take care of myself And if anything happens i do not want it said i did anything in the dark I am TRANSPARENT and in ya face preferring to not hide anything
What you see is what you get i can take as good as i give if not better And am unforgiving and never forget
Desertflower said...
Why have a "stand your ground" law in place, when it's actually not illegal to self defend oneself?
Different jurisdictions have different standards of judging as to when the use of lethal force is justified.
Stand your ground laws clarify situations such as home invasions where the threat of harm or death is so clear that self defense justifications are assumed to be present. That is all.
These is a good examples of people who needed to do better and some who knew better
Two are murder and one should have known better than to walk away and come back
We lost one of our sons to violence and to date i still believe in self protection and fighting back
SYG laws are not cut and dry as they once were In Fla there is no compulsion to retreat once your in a situation you believe you are unable to overcome.
In 2003 if someone entered my home and i confronted him with a gun i was allowed to let him escape me if he/she tried Now its such that noone has a reason to allow anyone to escape its BANG BANG
Also when you follow and confront a stranger at night and your the only one with a gun. What happens when there is no witness after you lost the fight
In Trays case his killer started the fight and ended it? And got away usinf self defense
That was good strategy for Omara when he changed the game from SYG to SD
Arapaho said...
"Desertflower said...
Why have a "stand your ground" law in place, when it's actually not illegal to self defend oneself?
Different jurisdictions have different standards of judging as to when the use of lethal force is justified.
Stand your ground laws clarify situations such as home invasions where the threat of harm or death is so clear that self defense justifications are assumed to be present. That is all.
Thanks But my thoughts are that this "home invasion" threat situation is so self evident that why have a specific law to address it? It just seems to me to be 'redundant' for lack of a better word.
Please know that all jurisdictions base thier laws on FLA SYG do not be fooled
SD however is the law that varies via jurisdiction
home invasions are ALL SYG AND SD
You fear for your safety and the safety of fam and possessions Do what u must just call the police right away and touch nothing
@ Milagros GV:
Thank's for the urls. I've already heard about all those cases though :)
I was preferring to dialogue on it. But thank's!
No prob your welcome However
The dialogue must begin with you and your comm
George Z was lynched? My god you people are victims. He kills an unarmed teen but we're supposed to feel sorry for him? You people are amazing.
Sultan Knish a/k/a "I'm not Trayvon Martin":
It is amazing how when an intellectual conversation is initiated that does not suit the victimhood agenda the messenger is either attacked with petty racist rants or the, "whoa is me everybody's out to get me because I'm black and no white man will ever understand".
Why does Field dwell in self pity and make excuses for cultural failure instead of promoting responsibility for being a human being? This would be a real basic first step and one that Field actually took himself. Is it that perhaps Field feels guilty for his success and this blog is a means to dodge the dreaded labels of, drum roll please---"Uncle Tom" or "House Negro".
Field and his band of "whitey haters" are so angry about the horrible conditions blacks are "forced" to endure in the United begs the question as to throughout the course of human history, what era and venue has been more accommodating to black opportunity than current day America?
just as i was not impressed with BO sharing his nonsensical sentiments about his imaginary son...nor am i impressed with his profiling revelations. blackish men in malaysia, indonesia, kenya and other parts of the world on cia missions are having a different experience than the average Black american.
there is nothing average american about BO. folks usually know much about potus. his history is sealed. he is not even an average president...he is protected even from average scrutiny. college records are even off limits.
BO and all the nothing he eloquently says gets no pass from me. he has no son. the verdict has been rendered and must be accepted. got it. what about since you do, Mr. President, have DAUGHTERS and you realize that racism is not a figment of Black folks' imagination. folks might have to stand up and fight against racist injustice in this racist unjust united states of satan. so...since you feeling all talkative...come talk about Assata Shakur. you have no son, can't change the Martin verdict...but you CAN address the Assata Shakur injustice, you double talking, slave of satan rat bastard manchurian candidate cyborg.
president Lincoln...i mean BO, makes me sick on so many levels. those that lap up the puke he spews remind me of those deadhead Blacks that truly believe Lincoln was a great president/man who 'freed' the slaves 'cause he just knew slavery was wrong. gag. these same folks tend to celebrate the 4th of july like no one's business. when you point out the matters not to this bunch. so i understand and accept that they might not get what i am saying.
BO, your daughters will grow up to look like Assata. you don't need to imagine nor hallucinate to see this. pardon Assata and stop the hunting and lynching party. until you talk about that, just go back to genociding black and brown people in staggering you have BEEN doing. folks we are at war in syria. iraq, that illegal non stop sacrifice to satan just 'spilled over' into syria and now claims 5000 lives a month. the world is NOT inhabited by lesser people.
the Good News: Aug 1619 first Hebrew slaves, Deuteronomy 28:68, arrived in Jamestown.
2019= 400 years
we are in an exciting time. as it is written, so shall it be done. the gates of hell won't prevail against the Word, Way and people of Yah. folks better know this...also His Name needs no translation. it is the same in all tongues. halleluYah. kumbaYah. wake up my people, 'j' is the last letter added to the alphabet. those with fat j's tacked on stuff are johhny come lately to the show. i am speaking of ANCIENT knowledge. side eye at the Rev 2:9 and Rev. 3:9 impostor jews and the sun god folks who refuse to stop worshipping sun on sun day...despite old and new Scriptures speaking to Yah's people keeping the Sabbath (7th day) hallowed.
'Field and his band of "whitey haters" are so angry about the horrible conditions blacks are "forced" to endure in the United begs the question as to throughout the course of human history, what era and venue has been more accommodating to black opportunity than current day America?
3:50 PM'
really? i.can't. no, i.won't. i can see from your comment that you can write. reading can't be too difficult for you. by virtue of your comment, one can see that 'human history' you have read has been whitened leaving you clueless.
start here...kemet. happy googling and cross referencing;)
And there we have it.......intellectual prowess at it's very best.
I'll bet you could draft some "unwhitened" closing arguments for Wayne that would make Eric Holder envious.
We need to print out some of this crazy cat shit for the folks at the court house.
In an effort to better understand black history, please be so kind as to explain the following:
Before the North African Muslims hooked up with the Barbary Pirates to conspire with the tribal leaders of other areas of the African continent to extend the slave trade West........what exactly was home life and opportunity advancement like for the non-royalty class of Africans?
In other words, how was life for the average African before British Colonialism?
Did the Brits colonize all of Africa or just some regions?
If in fact some regions of Africa were not colonized by the West how did the indigenous people of those regions fare with respect to economic growth and quality of life issues compared with Africans subject to British rule?
How are the quality of life issues in Africa today under black African rule?
In 2013, do you you think there is a greater desire for blacks to immigrate to the US or to Africa? Please explain your reasoning.
Thank you in advance for offering your wisdom on these confusing issues.
PilotX said...
George Z was lynched? My god you people are victims. He kills an unarmed teen but we're supposed to feel sorry for him? You people are amazing
Hispanics are amazing. They come here to make a better life for themselves, work hard, obey the law, and you people lynch them for it.
It will be better for everyone when they have displaced you.
"Field and his band of "whitey haters" are so angry about the horrible conditions blacks are "forced" to endure in the United begs the question as to throughout the course of human history, what era and venue has been more accommodating to black opportunity than current day America?"
Akon has called for black Americans to start making an exodus “back to Africa” following the verdict in the Zimmerman trial. Akon, who was born in the United States but primarily grew up in Senegal, declared that black Americans “don’t deserve this treatment” after the jury’s decision.
On his Instagram account, Akon wrote, “Every African-American in the United States need to move their money, family, knowledge back to Africa were [sic] you will be treated like the royalty you are,” saying that the U.S. “is not your country.”
Oddly enough large numbers of African immigrants are moving to the United States. Maybe they’re sick and tired of being treated like royalty.
Maybe that explains why Akon has a 2.5 million dollar mansion in Atlanta, instead of taking all his money back to West Senegal
If George Zimmerman is a "white Hispanic", does that make Obama a "black white"?
goy boy said:
'WHITE MAN's country!' as it relates to usa.
lol. eyes wide shut, huh? you may want to circulate that memo among the zionist jews...they have other plans for the cattle on the usa farm. ps. we are all the same to them. lol. those worshipping, sacrificing humans, molesting children like crazy, and raping the world of her resources as part of their Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 synagogue of satan worship…hate humanity. they just needed the nazi angle to appease the blood lusting goy boys for a time. interestingly enough, those with the blonde hair blue eyed nazi nonsense are ashkenazi. lol. how’s THAT for a hint? don't it make you mad? visited stormfront and had quite the chuckle @ the light of Truth hitting the white is right despite what is written in Scriptures crew. lol. ALL men will be resurrected at the end of the age. all men will come into the Truth. 3/5 of human being. that lie right there…white folks are going to have to give an account for that…you realize that lie accuses Almighty Himself, right? no bueno for your lie loving people…
i would suggest you go back to ______________, but it doesn’t make a difference. the devil has a strangle hold on europe. put europeans together first, in fact. look. see. this matter is world wide, affecting the rich and poor, as it is written.
white folks telling folks to go back places crack me up. wandering onto other folks' land, stealing, killing, raping and pillaging is ALL your people do...whatever found gets whitened and your people become surlier and more 'superior' despite all the wicked doing and lies. i feel sorry for your people actually. full circle is going to hurt. A LOT.
the sins of the father are visited on the children to the 3rd and 4th generation. the Blessed Black crew have been operating under said curse for a minute. there is a 6 year countdown my friend for the dead to be restored to life by the richness of their hidden history being revealed.
wfolks are feeling real scared, racist and violent for reasons that has very little to do with Black folks. yes, there are Blacks that are not waiting for the lease to be up. lol. deal with it and know no amount of lying and acting devilish will change the Word of Almighty. the world won't be destroyed. the wicked will be plucked from it. spewed out. those that lust for blood will have their day...and they will LOSE. know this. it cracks me up that four generations later…the wm will be as those misnamed indians…what the dragon/government has on tap is equivalent to fighting guns with bows and arrows. your little militias won’t mean a thing…go back to Africa. lol. last time i checked there were crazed whites over there, too, acting a racist fool as per usual. do we know Africa was named after a white colonizer? hmmm…folks been playing with Knowledge for a minute now. waking up is going to hurt. lol.
thanks for making me laugh my pale friend. Shabbath Shalom;) no Tall Mud.
we are in an exciting time. for those of us in the is all good, already. in the interim, shining light on darkness is what i am called to do. when the gentiles come with all they have hoarded up to me and others like me...guess what? i will have nothing but love for them.
if you get time...check out what Scriptures say about whiteness. not what white folks say, of course there will be giant white lies all over their words...look at the Scriptures. even with heavy handed masonic hacking and cutting of the Truth, you can still see some of it sticking out. lol. funny that. no matter how hard folks try to bury Truth, it just keeps popping up and out. lol. white is NOT right. it is just white...and oftentimes needs some color and a clue.
Anon, thanks for your kind words. if you printed out some of the nonsense FN writes and distributed it at the courthouse...he would get a raise. folks that think like i do can't stand being in a courthouse for long. the circus and cast of lying characters annoy me. after my contempt of court and fine while on jury duty;)...i am HAVE to be a part of the problem in order to play the game. lol. those that learn it is all a set up too late, usually don't hold their licenses...the Bar makes sure to shame them as well. seen it with my own eyes. it's a dirty game.
ps. there is no politician whose name we know that is NOT in on the game. they are already compromised and controlled by the time we see them. those that refuse to play along, think Cynthia McKinney, Wellstone, etc don't hang out long. dwelling among demons makes folks well...demonic. folks don't change the system from within...they are changed by the system. how many need to fall before folks come to terms with that Truth?
Anon in need of a history lesson or several...we are called to seek Knowledge and Understanding from the cradle to the grave.
i don't sense that is your objective. i generously suggested you start with Kemet-Ancient Egypt. now here you are with some brand new nonsense like it is a newsflash that white folks have wandered around with their mark of Cain skin destroying ancient Black civilizations. i don't have time nor the inclination to play with you. stop asking other people and go sit down, pray and ask that Almighty reveal His Truth, and go seek for yourself. this is the information age oh lazy one. what i have suggested is what all are called to do. trust ones' 'school' nor 'training' revealed Truth to me. just conditioning and mind control which i resisted and cast off as a small child.
i clearly indicated that i.won't. i meant that. you are surly and superior and it pleases me greatly to leave you in the condition i found you. i gave you your much needed clue as a gesture of good will. keep your white lies if you so choose. i respect free will.
white asian- you know good and well the pale among your people look down upon those blessed with richer melanin. no? you know good and well the asians are on a white is right trip like most other people of color on the planet.
just as hispanics know the pale among their folks don't care for those blessed with richer melanin. said another way...white hispanics, which did not just materialize with Martin trial, don't care for black hispanics...much less Black folks. folks acting all incredulous are doing just that...acting.
brand newness abounds. folks that love lies will have find no shortage...
You stupid niggers need to go back to Africa! America is a WHITE MAN's country! Get the fuck out, niggers!
Trayvon Martin was just a criminal nigger who was trying to steal from people's houses and Zimmerman did the right thing by shooting that nigger dead.
-Signed, a white man
lol @ a white man-
what about the man figure out how to stop being israel's little whipped puppy? seems to me ya'll got bigger fish to fry, white man...OR is it less taxing to come to this blog and hurl racist slurs, goy boy? lol. too afraid to turn your attention to the REAL source of human suffering on the planet are you?
ps. europe is white man land. everything else is would do well to learn the Truth. your inheritance are all lies. giant white ones no less,,,
Tio X said...
It will be better for everyone when they have displaced you.
You DO realize that they are displacing you as well, right?
Of course you don't, if you had the ability to reason, you'd find something better to do than spend your time all day on Black political blog.
We can't have it both ways. We get angry when a "creepy ass cracker" calls us "NIGGER" but it's okay when we refer to ourselves as "NIGGERS." No wonder black folks can't get any R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Just like Willie Lynch said when he came from England to the colonies to teach the slave masters how to keep their NIGGERS obedient He said, "...after we enslave their minds, then we won't need to keep them in chains anymore."
Please Google Roderick Scott. Same scenario in reverse--guess what happened to Roderick who was black!
FP, "president Lincoln...i mean BO, makes me sick on so many levels. those that lap up the puke he spews remind me of those deadhead Blacks that truly believe Lincoln was a great president/man who 'freed' the slaves 'cause he just knew slavery was wrong. gag. these same folks tend to celebrate the 4th of july like no one's business. when you point out the matters not to this bunch. so i understand and accept that they might not get what i am saying."
I agree. History written by Whites acknowledge this. The Civil War was fought to save the South and North under the same flag, that's all. The South could have kept their slaves if they had played it right, politically. But they wanted to secede and Lincoln wasn't having that. I am happy they weren't so insightful, but thoroughly defiant. We might still be picking cotton, or picking something.
FP, your writing is beautiful and so are you. You give heavy doses of Truth, and it's what we as AAs need. At least those who have little dust in their eyes. But I've discovered that awareness of the truth must be accompanied with courage and the 'will' to stand for the truth, justice and to be able to do the right thing. Otherwise, it's knowledge that fades away...very maybe in less than a week.
I am approaching my 70s and I am sick of the same ole thing, decade after decade. Humans don't seem to change...only technology.
A White Man=an angry white man, may I suggest you find a therapist and a pyschiatrist? Couple that with T-Groups one to two times a week.
If you can't afford any of the above there are 12-Step groups available for you. You'll feel much better. You might even make some friends there.
FP, "ps. there is no politician whose name we know that is NOT in on the game. they are already compromised and controlled by the time we see them. those that refuse to play along, think Cynthia McKinney, Wellstone, etc don't hang out long. dwelling among demons makes folks well...demonic. folks don't change the system from within...they are changed by the system. how many need to fall before folks come to terms with that Truth?"
5:28 PM
"folks don't change the system from within, they are changed by the system."
So this sounds hopeless as far as "Change" is concerned in America. If that's true, what is there to do? Are you saying the world is the way it should be, and there is nothing in our human powers that can change it for the better? Are our lives being wasted on nothing? That's too scary to think about.
FP, "ps. europe is white man land. everything else is would do well to learn the Truth. your inheritance are all lies. giant white ones no less,,,"
6:27 PM
Wow, you are busy today with the 'painful' truth. What's that saying?... "Sometimes the truth is more shocking, scarier, and uglier than the giant White lie?" LOL
Anonymous said...
You stupid niggers need to go back to Africa! America is a WHITE MAN's country! Get the fuck out, niggers!
Trayvon Martin was just a criminal nigger who was trying to steal from people's houses and Zimmerman did the right thing by shooting that nigger dead.
-Signed, a white man
You are not a white man, no more than Frustrated is a black man.
I have presented this video on FN several times. NO ONE has commented about this truth.
much love to you. thank you for the kind words. all praises are due to Most High. the errors are mine alone.
'So this sounds hopeless as far as "Change" is concerned in America. If that's true, what is there to do? Are you saying the world is the way it should be, and there is nothing in our human powers that can change it for the better? Are our lives being wasted on nothing? That's too scary to think about.
7:22 PM'
for those committed to putting their trust in mere men, walking by sight, believing lies instead of Him...yes, this is all worrisome and hopeless.
for those of us that heard Him clearly when He called for us to come out from among them...things are getting real interesting. none of it shocking because it is all written. the 400 years and end times prophecy are working right together. Almighty will not be mocked. folks can pretend they are the smartest and most clever ever if they want. they deceive only themselves.
this battle is spiritual of the highest order. the Wrath we see lining up around us is ordained and written. Genesis 15:13-14 and Acts 7:6-7 has already explained, in part, how this will go down. look it up. don't take my word for it. find a KJV version...the newer versions are even more chopped up. folks that need to see homosexuality sanctioned in Scriptures...hold on, it's coming. no joke. things are turned all the way up as time is sped up it seems.
folks fighting against what He said are in fact wasting their time.
the paper money that folks line up to sell their souls not real.
the words people speak and laws they pass...are not real. words and laws don't rule the world. signs and symbols do. confucius (sp) told folks already.
much of this non stop crap we see around us is not real. it only has power...because we believe it does. the mind is a powerful machine. freeing one's mind is the only way to be free. more than Blacks need to free their minds.
mr need a history lesson, ancient egypt sheds light on the all seeing masonic eye and many other mysteries. that's why i urged you to start there in your quest to free yourself from your self professed confusion...which Almighty is not the author of, btw.
Anon 7:27-
the Truth is not scary nor ugly to me. the lies are.
this is my truth because i made up my mind long ago to make friends with the Truth. i love Truth and welcome it no matter who is telling it. only fools run from the Truth rather than making friends and getting on the right side of it.
it is my prayer that more will wake up and start telling it.
ps. the civil war had much greater significance than the masses have been led to believe. i likened BO to Lincoln deliberately. pay attention to all the powers Lincoln bestowed upon himself to achieve his ends. history is repeating itself. since folks don't know the true history...they can't recognize the repetition. however, this time around...we are rapidly approaching the 400 year mark.
game change.
pps. grab a copy of the constitution and read for yourself that slavery never ended really. it was abolished EXCEPT where folks are convicted of a crime. look at the prison industrial complex and connect the history repeats, look for modern updates/tweaking. it is no accident that white racist lady justice sees Black folks and deals harshly with them.
america was never intended to be club med for the lost hebrews enslaved here...
I am doing my best to live my life dedicated to the truth. For me, the truth can be discomforting and scary when most of one's life has been living a lie. I can't count the number of times I have been deceived by Blacks and Whites. And even worse, I've often deceived myself.
Reading your comment re:slavery woke me up to 'seeing' the prison system with so many Blacks imprisoned as slaves... not much different before the Civil War. نقل عفش شمال الرياض شركات نقل عفش بخميس مشيط شركة نقل العفش بخميس مشيط شركات نقل اثاث بخميس مشيط افضل شركات نقل اثاث بخميس مشيط شركات نقل اثاث بخميس مشيط نقل عفش جدة نقل عفش من جدة الي الاردن اسعار شركات تنظيف خزانات بجدة نقل عفش من جدة الي مصر نقل عفش من جدة الي لبنان
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