Thursday, August 22, 2013

This victim will be treated like a victim.

It's a real tragedy what happened to that Chris Lane fellow, but as an Australian, why was he even in this country on a  baseball scholarship? Don't they play cricket in Australia? And why was he out jogging by himself? Where was his girlfriend? And how do we know that he was just out jogging and not trying to score some drugs....

If you are reading this and thinking to yourself that Field Negro is out of his mind and how dare he disparage the victim of this tragedy in such a contumelious manner, you probably understand how those of us who wanted George Zimmerman tried and convicted for the murder of Trayvon Martin felt.

Chris Lane, like Trayvon Martin, is dead. Two young men cut down in the prime of their lives. Lane was killed because a bunch of thugs; one black, one Hispanic, and one white (sorry FOX News, one of his killers was white) decided that they were "bored" and it would be cool to just bang a random stranger.
Martin died because some dude decided that he didn't belong in his neighborhood.

The difference is that Chris Lane's killers will never see the light of day ever again, or, if they do, they will be too old to enjoy it. Martin's killer, on the other hand, is a free man who is basking in the glow of his celebrity status among those who believe that he did us all a favor by killing Trayvon Martin.

Martin was portrayed as the bad actor, and every negative thing in his background was highlighted over and over again by the media. His killer's sordid past was kept under wraps, and only those of us who took the time to go outside of the main stream-- news media-- bubble (thank you Mr. Capehart) were able to find out about all the skeletons in George Zimmerman's closet.

I am sure that Chris Lane was a nice guy, and I am just as sure that we will be hearing what a nice guy he was over and over again for the next few days.

That's fine with me. He was the victim here, and he deserves to be treated as such.

I just wish that another young man could have been treated the same way.  


  1. Wesley R9:01 PM

    Right Wing has egg on their face AGAIN, trying to make this a race issue. Starting with Drudge who only had pictures of the two black people involved with this. The Daily Caller used a fake picture of the white guy involved putting up a picture of a random Black person in it's place. Crazy

  2. We are all Chris Lane9:08 PM

    I hope Chris Lane will be treated like a victim. I am sure his death won't be politicized and demagogued by race hustlers and corrupt politicians like Trayvon Martin's was.

    Do you think you might hear 1/1000th as much we have about Trayvon about this victim:

    On Friday, police in Dayton arrested Jean Paul Mpanurwa, 26, after he reportedly attacked a 90-year-old woman last month, while she was walking along a bike path.

    The sexual assault occurred around 9:30 p.m. on July 14.

    She was shoved to the ground and raped.

    The victim then walked home and informed her son of the brutal attack.

    No, because she is white and old and her rapist is a black illegal alien whose deportation Obama has put on hold.

    How about this victim?:

    Police say two teens assaulted 88-year-old Delbert Belton outside the Eagles Lodge in North Spokane Wednesday night around 8pm. Belton was rushed to the hospital where he was placed in the intensive care unit but later died. Police are actively searching for two suspects. They are described to be 16-19 in age, black males & both wearing black clothing, one was wearing a black “Do-Rag” police say.

    Nope, just some old white dude who happened to get caught up in a 'random' attack by a couple of 'youths' who look like the son Obama never had.

  3. Reggin Esaelp9:10 PM

    Wesley R said...
    Right Wing has egg on their face AGAIN, trying to make this a race issue.

    Seriously? The left just spent a year trying to make race an issue in the Trayvon Martin case, even going so far as to invent the term "White Hispanic", and you accuse the right of inflaming race tensions?

  4. Anonymous9:17 PM

    One difference between these two cases is that in the Martin case, the prosecution was never able to prove racial animus on the killer's part. All that we were left with were inferences of same by those eager to see it, which is simply not enough. But in this case we have the tweets of the shooter himself, boasting of his hatred of white people (as reported by the Australian press, linked to below):"It comes as Edwards, who has been charged with first-degree murder, posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

    Edwards posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

    Edwards also weighed when George Zimmerman was acquitted over the death of Trayvon Martin.

    "Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee."

    "Woods" is derogatory slang for white people. The feed also contains tweets glorifying violence, guns and gangs."

    I wonder if Eric Holder will call this a hate crime.

  5. Baby Drake9:18 PM

    "I just wish that another young man could have been treated the same way."

    Well that other young man shouldn't have gotten kicked out school for fighting and robbing houses, he shouldn't have been out in the rain getting some Purple Drank, and he shouldn't have jumped the armed neighborhood watch guy.

    If that other young man had stayed in school, minded his own business, and been out jogging and still got shot, he'd deserve to get treated like Chris Lane.

    Wish in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first.

    Grow up, Field.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. oh my...well if Lane hadn't been out jogging, stayed at his girlfriends house or on campus, he wouldn't have been gunned down by some random juvenile that sounds just as stupid as

    "Well that other young man shouldn't have gotten kicked out school for fighting and robbing houses, he shouldn't have been out in the rain getting some Purple Drank, and he shouldn't have jumped the armed neighborhood watch guy.

    If that other young man had stayed in school, minded his own business, and been out jogging and still got shot, he'd deserve to get treated like Chris Lane."...smh.

  8. Shhhh, Valerie, stop trying to use logic here. They didn't teach logic in troll school.

  9. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Field, you and some of your FN Negroes need to watch and absorbed this vital and important video. I also wish FP would watch it because I would like to hear her view on it, but she hasn't been around lately:

  10. Anonymous10:35 PM

    "The difference is that Chris Lane's killers will never see the light of day ever again, or, if they do, they will be too old to enjoy it. Martin's killer, on the other hand, is a free man who is basking in the glow of his celebrity status among those who believe that he did us all a favor by killing Trayvon Martin."

    Field, I sometimes wonder IF you are 'really' a lawyer. I mean, Zimmerman was tried and found "not guilty". Yet, YOU can't get that verdict through your little legal mind. Come on, tell the truth FOR ONCE; You don't have a law degree, do you? Go ahead, it's ok to admit it. You'll feel much better.

    Brother Field, you and Al Sharpton have got to let this Trayvon Martin thing go. It's over. It was decided in 'a court of law' that the reason Trayvon was shot was because he attacked Zimmerman and he had no choice but to stand his ground and shoot Martin. IMO, Martin should have taken his ass straight home and he wouldn't have faced Zimmerman.

    I just don't understand why you, brother Field, would even try to parallel Chris Lane's death with Trayvon Martin. Chris is White. The laws in America are designed to favor Whites. WHY? Because America is their country. You ought to know that by now...Obama knows it, why don't you?

    Field, Just be grateful you have the privilege to live in America. There are millions of Africans who would love to trade places with you.

  11. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Field, please update your Killadelphia meter. It's off by 6.

  12. Baby Drake10:47 PM

    Valarie Cutthecrap Clark said...
    oh my...well if Lane hadn't been out jogging, stayed at his girlfriends house or on campus, he wouldn't have been gunned down by some random juvenile that sounds just as stupid as

    Negro Logic: Bad behavior is the same as good behavior. Looking for the trouble is the same as minding your own business. Savagely beating a man is the same as exercising.

    You are too fucking dumb to tell the difference.

    People who are too fucking dumb to understand morality have no business living among civilized humans.

    Animals who can't be tamed need to be locked up in cages.

  13. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Something about this case just doesn't add up. Much like the "kidnapped" Andersen case!

    There's more here than is being reported.

  14. Those guys will get the death penalty. Also interesting is the response from Australia where they have strict gun laws and maybe 30 gun homicides per year. Somebody called John Howard a liberal because he called for stricter gun laws in the US. Conservatives don't know what to make of this case but rest assured if not Chris Lane they'll keep looking for their white Trayvon.

  15. Anonymous12:29 AM

    FYI: All three were black. The "white" kid is mixed.

  16. Yeah, it's all Chris Lane all the time now in the Tbagosphere. Today they've been riled @ the former Aussie Deputy PM for daring to suggest that our gun culture is responsible for our Somalia-like shooting death rate (approximately 32x Australia's own rate of shooting deaths) and suggesting that traveling diggers give us a miss until we get our shit together.

  17. Oh no, can't be the easy access to guns. Not even part of the problem.nope.

  18. PilotX said...
    Also interesting is the response from Australia where they have strict gun laws and maybe 30 gun homicides per year. Somebody called John Howard a liberal because he called for stricter gun laws in the US.

    We have strict gun laws for minors, yet that didn't stop these three kids.

  19. tbag burnett1:19 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Today they've been riled @ the former Aussie Deputy PM for daring to suggest that our gun culture is responsible for our Somalia-like shooting death rate (approximately 32x Australia's own rate of shooting deaths

    You know what we and Somalia have that Australia doesn't?

    40 million negroes.

    Thanks for the softball, chump.

  20. Weird standards regarding these situations.

    Maybe the "white" suspect was "white" in the same way that Zimmerman was "Hispanic."

    A Hispanic, considered "white" for PC purposes, so maybe this is a white-black, or whifrican, or just wigger. Perhaps he's actually not white.

    This is the way American media makes my brain work.

  21. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Mr Field, Chris Lane didn't deserve to die at the hands of filthy low-life people like those two violent animals. I bet they even have kids oow. They laughed at killing Chris.

    Those two black boys are evil, they've made a pact with the devil and YOU want to distract from this heinous crime by talking about Trayvon Martin. There is no comparison. George Zimmerman was tried and set free....end of story. What more do you want?

    As anon up-thread posted, I don't think you are a lawyer at all. You are a fake.


  22. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Anybody hanging out with Blacks in OKLAHOMA is not White, he is Black. He might have some white blood in him, but rest assured, he is Black...get real folks...I mean, it's OK-the sister racist state to Texas. That makes it one of the most racist states in America.

  23. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Field talks a good game and calls some Blacks uncle toms and some Whites stormfront, but in the presence of the wm at work, he shakes and trembles. His blog is his outlet. There he can converse with his fellow Blacks who congregate together like puppies in a litter to talk about the wm. They 'feel' strong in finding fault with the wm, but the truth is they themselves are weak men unable to exert any power in the society they live, and deep inside they know it. Their spirit is dying.

    Such is the stressful life of the bm, which he denies to himself over and over again. Yet, the demise of his community continues to spiral downward, amidst his wall of denials. He has yet to develop the courage or the spirit of heart to turn to God and 'do' what's necessary, beginning with facing the truth about himself...who he is, and where he is going.

  24. The only place I am "weak:" is at home, where the real boss takes over. If "God" can get me out of some of the work on my "honey do list" we can talk.

    Sorry Anon@12:29 ain't nothing mixed about that kid.
    But I understand the urge to try and disown one of your own when it destroys the narrative.

  25. control+halt+delete8:22 AM

    " And how do we know that he was just out jogging and not trying to score some drugs...."

    Have they released the toxicology report yet?

    Everyone knows that over 90% of whites who come into black communities are involved in the drug business.

  26. I wanted to point out this recent news to you. This woman is a hero in every sense of the word. She gives me hope for humanity.

  27. Anonymous9:19 AM

    field negro said...

    The only place I am "weak:" is at home, where the real boss takes over. If "God" can get me out of some of the work on my "honey do list" we can talk.

    Sorry Anon@12:29 ain't nothing mixed about that kid.
    But I understand the urge to try and disown one of your own when it destroys the narrative.

    You sure do, it's the whole of your essence, Field versus House Negro. Black versus Uncle Tom.

    Only you disown your own for positive things, self reliance, achievement and not condoning destructive things and so on. Sad isn't it.

  28. Anonymous9:41 AM


    your racism and hypocrisy are glaring

    how do u dare call a biracial teen thug white
    but ONLY refer to that biracial GLOBAL thug prez hobama as black?????

    why do u EVADE the net when it exposes the psycho glovbal cop hobama
    the very same way it exposed that local kkkiller mall kkkop gz???

    i am certain that chris lane's parents are equally heartbroken as trayvon's!!!
    i will not rage at the msm because they are doing more for chris lane
    even as i still mourn what they did NOT do for trayvon

    how dare u bash the msm for finally doing what they should do for all humans slain by all fatal pookies like gz???

    cc the hobama ruled msm about the how they are ruled by hobama nazis
    cc hobama's magical misery tour/perpetually celebutant bs as hedaline "news"
    as america dies by design
    as jobless/homeless/wwiii/ndaa/hobamacare layoffs etc are censored!!!....

    shame on u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Anonymous9:57 AM

    rushing as always1....

    pray for chris lane and his family

    how do some dare call a biracial teen thug white
    but ONLY refer to that biracial GLOBAL thug prez hobama as black?????

    why do racist fools EVADE the net when it exposes the psycho global cop hobama
    the very same way it exposed that local kkkiller mall kkkop gz???

    i am certain that chris lane's parents are equally heartbroken as trayvon's!!!
    i will not rage at the msm because they are doing more for chris lane
    even as i still mourn what they never did for trayvon

    cc hobama's magical misery tour/perpetually celebutant bs as headline "news"
    as america dies by design
    as jobless/homeless/wwiii/ndaa/hobamacare layoffs etc are censored!!!....


  30. BARBBF9:59 AM

    FoxNews played the race card for days..and never apologized for it. Since they had to give up on the murder of Mr. Lane as a racial assault...they have moved on to another murder that they have declared racial. The beating death of an elderly white man by 2 blacks. Still waiting to hear a report on the killing of a black every 38 hours by the police.

  31. Anonymous10:16 AM

    unlike blind racist fools

    i hate these 3 killer teen thugs the very SAME way i hate that unarmed child kkkiller gz and that global child kkkiller hobama

    and i hate that "white" hobama/gwb 3.0
    as much as I hate his white kinder less racist cousin/clone gwb

  32. Anonymous10:16 AM

    field negro said...
    "The only place I am "weak:" is at home, where the real boss takes over.
    6:41 AM"
    Awwwww Field! What a way to start the weekend! and lucky,lucky wife :D

    You just made all of us ladies day hon!

    What woman reading this didn't get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside huh???

    Now that's the way all men should talk!!!

    By the way, HAPPY,HAPPY,ANTICIPATED BIRTHDAY FIELD!!! I remember you said once your birthday is around these days, if I'm not mistaken :)

  33. Anonymous10:23 AM

    brutal fatal pookies do rule the world

  34. Anonymous10:31 AM

    will chris lane get his own episode too?

    cc the reality show prez hobama.

    what a gd shame!

  35. Anonymous11:18 AM

    The teen accused of shooting a toddler between the eyes during a robbery attempt counted down from five before firing, his alleged accomplice testified today after pointing him out as the shooter.

    Dominique Lang testified that he ran into De'Marquise Elkins on the morning of the March 21 slaying. A short while later as the two walked together, they saw Sherry West with a stroller.

    Lang says Elkins walked to West and demanded her purse before pulling out a gun. When West refused to hand the purse over, he hit her in the face with it and threatened her baby.

    'The baby was in the stroller screaming,' Lang said.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  36. Anonymous11:20 AM

    BARBBF said...

    FoxNews played the race card for days..and never apologized for it. Since they had to give up on the murder of Mr. Lane as a racial assault...they have moved on to another murder that they have declared racial. The beating death of an elderly white man by 2 blacks. Still waiting to hear a report on the killing of a black every 38 hours by the police.

    If you can't see the difference, then we understand why your culture is full of savagery and glorification/excuse making for what you should be fixing.

    Tell black youths, no one owes them anything, if you point a gun or attack a cop during a crime or try and run them down with a car or rape old women might not make it and you make it tough for the next black criminal.

  37. I just wish that another young man could have been treated the same way.

    Ain't that America...

    Good read, FN, and I felt your sentiments towards the victim and how sometimes even victims are segregated.

  38. FieldNegro said...
    But I understand the urge to try and disown one of your own when it destroys the narrative.

    As said by someone that calls himself field negro and calls blacks that don't agree with him house negros and uncle toms.

    If FN can't even get along with uppity negros, why does FN think white people should like uppity negros any better than he does.

  39. Anonymous12:23 PM

    i will pray for the martins and the lanes...



  40. Anonymous12:38 PM

    he may have been framed by sherry west

    she may have killed her own baby for insurance money

  41. Anonymous12:39 PM

    he may have been framed by sherry west

    she may have killed her own baby for insurance money

  42. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Chris Lane didn't deserve to die at the hands of filthy low-life people like those two violent animals...

    ...about Trayvon Martin. There is no comparison. George Zimmerman was tried and set free....end of story. What more do you want?
    3:25 AM"
    Mathew 26:52 "For all who draw the sword,will die by the sword"

    Unfortunately, Violence begets violence :(

  43. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Desertflower said...

    Anonymous said...
    "Chris Lane didn't deserve to die at the hands of filthy low-life people like those two violent animals...

    ...about Trayvon Martin. There is no comparison. George Zimmerman was tried and set free....end of story. What more do you want?
    3:25 AM"
    Mathew 26:52 "For all who draw the sword,will die by the sword"

    Unfortunately, Violence begets violence :(

    In other words - don't be a tough guy thug and try and kill a man with a gun; he might try and kill you back.

  44. felt negro2:18 PM

    "she may have killed her own baby for insurance money"

    The baby had life insurance?

    Better check that fact...

  45. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Each year, the United States spends $65,000 per poor family to “fight poverty” – in a country in which the average family income is just under $50,000. Meanwhile, most of that money goes to middle-class and upper-middle-class families, and the current U.S. poverty rate is higher than it was before the government began spending trillions of dollars on anti-poverty programs.

    Everything about the democrat welfare state is a failure.

  46. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "In other words - don't be a tough guy thug and try and kill a man with a gun; he might try and kill you back.
    2:11 PM"
    Exactly. GZ tried to be a tough guy thug,and pulled a gun on TM. TM tried to fight back. Unfortunately in this case scenario, the tough guy thug GZ got what he was after,a kill.

    Violence begets violence! Hatred begets hatred.

    Really too sad!When will it end?


  47. kelven said...
    I wanted to point out this recent news to you. This woman is a hero in every sense of the word. She gives me hope for humanity.

    Yes, the miraculous powers of love and peace can be amazing, can't they. They are the only antidote we have to hatred & violence.

  48. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Yes, the miraculous powers of love and peace can be amazing, can't they. They are the only antidote we have to hatred & violence."
    2:53 PM

  49. The difference between the public reactions to Mr. Martin's and Mr. Lane's murders is the story of our racial history in a nutshell. People (mostly black, but white as well) were worried that Mr. Martin's murderer would never even see the inside of a courtroom, much less a jail because of his victim's race (& resulting broad (white) public approval of his murder & murderer), while the (white) response to Mr. Lane's has been to try to project his murderers' values onto all black people (just as so many white people so enthusiastically adopted Zimmerman's values in Martin's murder.)

    No one has any doubts that young black men who murder whites will end up in prison, and I haven't seen anything but disgust from black people about Lane's murder. So, again we're left with white Americans unable or unwilling to acknowledge black Americans humanity, but no such disability among black Americans toward whites.

  50. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Whiteys Conspiracy said...
    we're left with white Americans unable or unwilling to acknowledge black Americans humanity, but no such disability among black Americans toward whites
    as witness the incredible amount of caring and compassion of Ms. Antoinette Tuff towards a whire man that went in there to kill as many as he could!

  51. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    The difference between the public reactions to Mr. Martin's and Mr. Lane's murders is the story of our racial history in a nutshell.

    No, they reflect the different circumstances of the cases.

    Mr. Lane was minding his own business on a public street, in broad daylight, jogging. He was attacked for no reason; indeed he never even saw his attackers before he was shot. He was enrolled in college and had no criminal history.

    Mr. Martin was skulking around at night and in the rain inside a gated community that had experienced a rash of robberies. He had just purchased two of three ingredients of an illicit drug. He noticed that he was being followed by a neighborhood watch guy, and decided to jump him and give him a savage beating, for fun. When it had gotten to the point he was bashing the neighborhood watch guy's head on the pavement, the victim finally pulled his gun and shot him.

    These are the facts as determined in a court of law.

    There is a world of difference between these two cases, and Americans are right to react to them differently.

    One difference is that Mr. Lane's death won't be used by the government and community activists to incite violence against blacks, as Mr. Martin's death has been used to encourage violence against whites.

    But you know all that Whitey. You are here just drumming up business, like the POS you are.

  52. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Thugs killed him. Thugs just like Thugvon Martin. Martin was a racist. Lane's murder was racist.

  53. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "In other words - don't be a tough guy thug and try and kill a man with a gun; he might try and kill you back.
    2:11 PM"
    Exactly. GZ tried to be a tough guy thug,and pulled a gun on TM. TM tried to fight back. Unfortunately in this case scenario, the tough guy thug GZ got what he was after,a kill.

    Violence begets violence! Hatred begets hatred.

    Really too sad!When will it end?

    Nonsense. Trayvon had the same attitude blacks teach their young. No one has the right to look at you, if they do stomp they ass, so trayvon tried, especially being a criminal thug thrown out of a few schools, only before Trayvon could successfully maim or actually kill him by smashing his head against the sidewalk, zimmerman found his gun.

    If only poor Belton that 89 year old vet bludgeoned to death by the two young trayvon look alikes had a gun, he could have added to the well deserved Darwinism that is absolutely coming.

    The games are over, Whites are waking up and will defend themselves and no amount of racist nonsense is going to change reality.

    It isn't whites wilding all over the country.

  54. "The games are over, Whites are waking up and will defend themselves and no amount of racist nonsense is going to change reality."

    Sounds like what Negroes were saying in places like Mississippi in the fifties and sixties.


  55. Anonymous6:50 PM

    field negro said...

    "The games are over, Whites are waking up and will defend themselves and no amount of racist nonsense is going to change reality."

    Sounds like what Negroes were saying in places like Mississippi in the fifties and sixties.


    Doesn't it. You skipped over the part where I said it isn't Whites wilding all over the country.

    Racial history was awful, only nothing has worked and now Whites are realizing there is no placating or fixing the degradation blacks cause. The more they have the more they kill and take and destroy.

    Look at these "horrible" comments; it's getting ugly. You busy yourself looking for dogwhistles while ignoring the children you raise and culture that has arisen.

    Those very children you didn't raise and protect from disparities have used up every drop of white guilt.

    Eventually someone is going to need to fix the problem.

  56. Speaking of children:

    They don't call this Pistolvania for nothing.

  57. "The more they have the more they kill and take and destroy."

    Ain't that the truth.

  58. Anonymous7:18 PM

    field negro said...

    "The more they have the more they kill and take and destroy."

    Ain't that the truth.

    Then may the better way triumph.

  59. The Trayvon Martin death has reached full retard:

    Our culture is fucked.

    And mother-fuck Hollywood.

  60. - A gated apartment complex at night is not the same as a public park.

    - Banging someone's head on concrete is not the same as jogging away from them.

    - Following someone who matches a suspect description to observe their behavior is not the same as stalking a random person and executing them.

    - Calling 911 and reporting a suspect is not the same as threatening people on FB.

    - Making NO racial remarks even about someone you suspect is not the same as making racial slurs about entire groups then killing one just for kicks.

    Frankly, Field, if you want to discuss the similarities between those two cases, the only commonality is young, violent gang bangers who like posing with guns - and who don't recognize the differences I just listed.

  61. Anonymous10:35 AM


    Well, if they aren't human (but rather a subspecies of human due to color mutation, not Albinism), KNOW they, themselves, are NOT human, then how can members of the parent African human species or Caucasians such as yourself who, despite your collective's shame and inferiority complex surrounding their the mutative process of devolution that brought you all into existence, who fiercely embrace the concept of humanity - truly expectthe majority of ghis subspecies to treat humans accordingly?

  62. Anonymous11:20 AM


    Do you possess the courage to further expound upon the psychopathic racial personality (along with sexism & xenophobia) that is hardwired, biologically determined within your collective that we routinely witness on these pages? While I routinely broach the subject, it appears that most don't want to address the root causes of the aforementioned triumvirate of terror that the esteemed , late Dr. Derrick Bell referred to as being "Permanent (See Also 'The Permanence of Racism')" which remains befuddling. Unfortunately, the information seeking behavior of many on these pages is such that words aren't relevant unless a Caucasian speaks to them. So, do further affirm the notion that you truly embrace the concept of humanity by speaking to this obvious, observable phenomenon.

  63. ditto

    blacks who kill blacks are rushed to prisons

    cc hobama the PIC prez

    gz is a maniac psycho who will kkkill again asap

    may that unarmed child kkkiller gz belatedly join black killers in prison very soon

  64. Anonymous3:29 PM

    racist niggers did thanks to tnb parenting just like the punk tray martin.well now he is a good negro.every time you negroes murder a white man you expose your selves as uncivilized savages.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Anonymous6:41 PM

    you lying bag of dog shit George Zimmerman was the victim of a deadly assault by the negro criminal travon Zimmerman defended him self from the criminal negro,trayvon martin by shooting the criminal dead..ol tray was a product of negro parenting and he was a racist punk who got what he was looking for.

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  68. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Zimmerman was not convicted because there was not enough evidence to convict him. I think he could have used more restraint, but if he was attacked then he had a right (by American law) to defend himself.
    I don't see how you can compare this with 3 thugs randomly shooting some guy. One is self defence, and the other is cold blooded murder, for no reason.
    As far as I can see there is a thug gang culture that is out of control in America. This gang culture has mainly black men, and is without morals or conscience. This culture is destroying America. But maybe I am wrong, I have never been to America, and I certainly never will. It's too dangerous. Nor will I go to any place in Africa. There is a common factor. Large numbers of murderous black people killing without reason or conscience. But it was slavery and those evil white people that made you angry? Slavery was a totally evil and disgusting thing. The racism that followed the emancipation wasn't pretty either. But that was then and now is now. I don't care about the color of a persons skin. If people are kind and friendly that's all that matters to me. All people are created equal. I know there are good black people, but on the internet what I see is uncontrolled black hate.

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