Anyway, as someone else said, I am not sure how scientific it is, but here is what it looks like.
Speaking of polls, it looks like my man Ted Cruz is still the darling of real republican activists in America.
"Though his approval rating may be slipping nationally, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz received an overwhelming nod of confidence from conservative activists on Saturday with a decisive victory in the Values Voter straw poll.
The Texas firebrand received a whopping 42 percent of the vote at the gathering of social conservatives, garnering more than triple the amount of support of second place finisher, conservative activists Dr. Ben Carson, who got 13 percent. Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum came in a close third, also receiving 13 percent of the vote. Sens. Rand Paul and Marco Rubio rounded out the top five, receiving six and five percent of support, respectively.
Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council President that sponsored the summit, said Cruz was 'very grateful to know that there are Americans across the country who are standing with him as he stands for your values in Washington, D.C."' [Source]
Run Ted, run.
I should be careful what I ask for, because given the times that we live in here in America, Ted could actually win. And if he doesn't win at the ballot box, there is no telling what Ted and his values voting friends could do.
One minister is actually calling for the military overthrow of the government. Clearly he preaches mostly from the Old Testament on Sunday mornings.
"No matter how bad things are in Washington, D.C., right now, most people would probably agree that a military takeover of the federal government wouldn't improve the situation.
But not televangelist Rick Joyner.
While on the show "Prophetic Perspective on Current Events" on MorningStar TV on Monday, the notoriously conservative pastor implored God to save America from being wiped out by the nefarious "forces" that are "at work right now to undermine and destroy the republic."
"Raise up those who will save us," Joyner said. "Because the system is so broken... I believe our only hope is military takeover. Martial law."
Joyner seems to genuinely believe the United States is on the brink of annihilation. Earlier in the segment, he warns that the country "may not last through [President Barack] Obama's second term."
Those familiar with Joyner, who is the executive director of MorningStar Ministries, may not be surprised by his remarks. The website for MorningStar Ministries is peppered with references to Armageddon, a topic Joyner frequently returns to in his sermons and during roundtable discussions." [Source]
This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Onward Christian Soldiers."
The minister is calling for "Martial Law." Somehow I don't see Jesus walking around on earth and going along with the "Martial law" program. It's just not his style.
But hey, times have changed since the days of the Roman prefect, Pontius Pilate. These modern day Christians wouldn't recognize the Jewish preacher from Galilee. They have other things on their minds these days. Like holding on to political power and making sure that wealthy people stay wealthy.
Some of these same Christians are going to be declaring, once again, that president Obama is a Muslim because he and the First Lady had the nerve to invite a young Muslim girl to the White House.

"Malala Yousafzai may not have won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, but she enjoyed a private Oval Office audience with President Obama and the first family.
Yousafzai, the 16-year-old Pakistani student who was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen for speaking out in support of the right of girls to go to school, met Friday with Obama and his wife, Michelle. A photograph issued by the White House shows the Obamas' 15-year-old daughter, Malia, also present during the visit.
The Obamas welcomed Yousafzai to the Oval Office "to thank her for her inspiring and passionate work on behalf of girls education in Pakistan," according to a statement issued by the White House.
The statement added, "The United States joins with the Pakistani people and so many around the world to celebrate Malala's courage and her determination to promote the right of all girls to attend school and realize their dreams."
Hateful and ignorant comments in 5...4...3...2....
"Raise up those who will save us," Joyner said. "Because the system is so broken... I believe our only hope is military takeover. Martial law."
The Republic is dead; the Constitution in tatters. We are now a mobocracy of stolen elections and state run media, where the President rules instead of leads, where government forces people to buy products they don't want, confiscates the wealth of political opponents, and spies on its own citizens.
This government is illegitimate, and should be dissolved, preferably by legal political action, but if necessary by force. It is the Democrats who have declared war on the American people, and it is war they shall have.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
You, sir, are a traitor to our dear country. The Founding Fathers would be horrified at your profound ignorance.
Martial law? Wasn't Sheila Jackson Lee just talking about Martial law?
Odd that.
"Hateful and ignorant comments in 5...4...3...2....'
Best leave that to you field negros.
Brother Field, I hate to admit it, but Rev Joyner makes good sense. Now I know you might call me an uncle tom, for speaking the truth, but the truth is the truth. Rev Joyner will be receiving a letter of congratulations from one bm. That bm is me.
I must stand up for what's right, brother Field. Won't you and some of your FN folks join me and Dr Carson in supporting the Good Rev?
"This fake pastor is one of the reasons why churches need to pay taxes. They talk politics and try to get their members to vote a certain way then they are a political arm of a certain party. Same with all of the other churches."
Let the church say amen.
It seems Malala also schooled POTUS on drone strikes and how they inflame terrorism and hurt innocent civilians in her country.
Uh huh. Don't nobody want to hear that, including Barack Obama.
Nice to know the whack-jobs can read and navigate the web. Perhaps they learn how to do real research instead of having vitriol and hate spewed down their throats.
Keep up the good fight Field...
Field, "Some of these same Christians are going to be declaring, once again, that president Obama is a Muslim because he and the First Lady had the nerve to invite a young Muslim girl to the White House."
Yep, you better believe it. What is Obama thinking? Unless he has admiration for Islam? I hate it when a brother does stuff like that.
anon12:16am, what whack-jobs are you talking about?
and what fight are you telling Field to keep up? Please clarify if you can. are you by any chance an FN? HN?
"Brother Field, I hate to admit it, but Rev Joyner makes good sense. Now I know you might call me an uncle tom, for speaking the truth, but the truth is the truth. Rev Joyner will be receiving a letter of congratulations from one bm. That bm is me. "
Oh, give it a rest white boy.
Go to the bathroom, look in the mirror, what do you see?
A morbidly obese single white male in his late forties, with three day growth of beard and bad hair.
When you stop lying and start dealing with what you really are, we will then think about taking you seriously.
Anon@10:58 PM, yes, u are a Tom, :)
Black people must ask of themselves "Why do dogs hate us?":
Clean up your act. Dogs can see your soul. I know this because I am a Native American.
Chief, if u are a Native American Tonto is the Secretary of The Interior.
BTW loof, those dogs are trained. Just like u were in your ignorance.
FN said...
If the shutdown
87% of the government is still functioning at normal levels of waste.
The government employees will receive back pay.
Only "non-essential" services have been shutdown.
Only in government can there be "non-essential" jobs.
Slimdown be more appropriate than shutdown.
ThatDeborahGirl said...
It seems Malala also schooled POTUS on drone strikes and how they inflame terrorism and hurt innocent civilians in her country.
Doing the job the American media won't do to a democrat president.
If only bush was president this would be all the rage in the media.
I wonder what Obama's Muslim Brotherhood allies think about educating girls in the countries Obama has handed to them?
Is this the poll FN was talking about?
Which of these is closer to your own view of President Obama’s actions and positions during the current budget disagreement?
B) He is putting his own political agenda ahead of what's good for the country ..................... 51
51% means it's not just republicans seeing it anymore.
And that's an MSNBC poll...
"Raise up those who will save us," Joyner said. "Because the system is so broken... I believe our only hope is military takeover. Martial law." – Rick Joyner
Another “end of times “trope by another white man just when globally and domestically, the political, social and economic power and influence that Amerikkka once held is slowly beginning to witness its own decline. In their collective minds, if conservatives aren’t in total control of this empire’s daily operation, well … , lets place everyone else under house arrest if they’re not fortunate enough to be a member of the status quo ….. sigh!
I went to law school with a guy very much like Mr. Rafael ("call me Ted") Cruz. Though he was president of both the Federalists & Thomas Mores, no one there was fit to study with his Harvard BA holding self either; in fact he was the sole single in my school's customarily team moot court during second year. Also like "call me Ted" he walked around the campus looking smugly pleased with himself as if someone were walking in front of him with a full length mirror and he was basking in the glow of his own reflection. It's kind of uncanny, I can see his movements & mannerisms in every name-dropping self-congratulatory speech or interview that "call me Ted" does.
Hillary Clinton should be so lucky.
Black Sage-Another “end of times “trope by another white man just when globally and domestically, the political, social and economic power and influence that Amerikkka once held is slowly beginning to witness its own decline. In their collective minds, if conservatives aren’t in total control of this empire’s daily operation, well … , lets place everyone else under house arrest if they’re not fortunate enough to be a member of the status quo ….. sigh!
3:58 PM
Ah come on. He's not the only Rev who is saying that. In fact, there are plenty of BLACK Revs who are saying the same thing. You can't lay this racist talk on Joyner. GET REAL, BS.
In fact, I remember Granny talking Revelations' stuff also. And she sounded like Rev Joyner.
To some extent FP has talked about the end of the world.
Bottom Line: The End is Near, and you had better get out of you Black & White thinking and follow God's Way.
PC @6:29am, you don't know what you are talking about. First, I am not White.
Secondly, You have, over the years, misdiagnosed everybody you have come in contact with. That explains why you see Blacks as White, and Whites as Black. You are one screwed up UK Negro. I mean, you don't know shit.
Do you have a degree? I'll answer that for you: "NO". You probably didn't finish HS.
Anonymous 5:35
Firstly it's TPC to you fat boy, secondly STOP LYING you are white everybody here can see that (especially when you do your best to add a 'blackism' for authenticity - such as "you don't know shit" thirdly I have two university degrees, and fourthly you cannot not finish high school in the UK, it's impossible.
"Slimdown be more appropriate than shutdown."
Just like Faux News told you to call it. The funny part is those who are feeling the pinch of not getting paid and other pain caused by the shutdown only resent conservatives/Republicans more as they belittle their suffering by saying they are not essiential and most of the government is operating. Keep up the good work. 2014 can't come fast enough.
PC, those O levels would kick his ass. :)
Anon@ 5:27pm, I'm begging, ... please get yourself some comrehension skills so that you may quit embarassing yourself, supposed sub-par Professor at sub-par university.
What's the problem, are you bored from being on a quarterly break?
Black Sage said...
"Another “end of times “trope by another white man just when globally and domestically, the political, social and economic power and influence that Amerikkka once held is slowly beginning to witness its own decline. "
That decline is by the design of the Marxist progressive cabal that has siezed control of the government. May they all hang from the highest tree one day soon.
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
Anonymous 5:35
Firstly it's TPC to you fat boy, secondly STOP LYING you are white everybody here can see that (especially when you do your best to add a 'blackism' for authenticity - such as "you don't know shit" thirdly I have two university degrees, and fourthly you cannot not finish high school in the UK, it's impossible.
6:53 PM
You see, you just admitted that Blacks can't finish HS in the UK. It's universal, isn't it? I just saw the movie Captain Phillips and those Somali pirates were some of the dumbest folks on earth. Go see it and you will see how White Americans once again "easily" triumphed over our frightened ignorant peeps, just like here in the US-- and probably in the UK. It's because we have no education...CORRECTION: it's because we have no interest in education. It's a damn shame.
Finally, you just don't know a brother when you see or read one. You are one naive dumb UK Negro. Hell, I bet even Black Sage knows I am a brother and truly admires me as one. You see, I'm in the camp of Shelby Steele and Dr Ben Carson, which is beyond you progressive tomming Negroes on FN.
When are you folks going to get your black asses off the Dem plantation?
When are you going to realize that you are being taken by the left Whites and the CBC?
Let me answer that for you: NEVER! that's because you are empty headed Negroes..
Blogger Black Sage said...
Anon@ 5:27pm, I'm begging, ... please get yourself some comrehension skills so that you may quit embarassing yourself, supposed sub-par Professor at sub-par university.
I teach at a black University. You must hate being Black. Otherwise, you wouldn't call it "sub-par". That is an insult. I swear. You, Field, and that purple UK Negro are sick, self-hating tomming Negroes who want to be White. You must be frustrated as hell.
Sub-par Professor Anon said: “I teach at a black University. You must hate being Black. Otherwise, you wouldn't call it "sub-par". That is an insult. I swear. You, Field, and that purple UK Negro are sick, self-hating tomming Negroes who want to be White.”
Anon 11:01pm, ... You’re so funny. Another hackneyed statement by Mr. sub-par himself. Any university, majority white or black, in a state of desperation that would rush hire someone of your low level caliber of intelligence into a faculty position is in fact SUB-PAR as far as I’m concerned.
Notify me up after you’ve brushed up on your comprehension skills.
PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
Just like Faux News told you to call it.
Actually I grabbed it from palin because I knew it would get your goat.
The funny part is those who are feeling the pinch of not getting paid and other pain caused by the shutdown only resent conservatives/Republicans
Not getting paid? Huh? Government workers will be paid for not working, unions usually call those em[ployer paid vacations. You call it a shutdown.
And besides, government unions already hated republicans. People living off taxpayer money already hated republicans.
The shutdown/sequester/debt ceiling or whatever catastrophe the democrats are pushing this week is just more fear mongering, fear controls people.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
I went to law school with a guy very much like Mr. Rafael ("call me Ted") Cruz.
Wow, what a coincidence.
A lot of people went to school with Barack "Barry Soetoro" Obama.
Funny thing politicians and their names.
Inviting one young Muslin girl to the White House doesn't make up for the 30,000 Muslims killed in Libya by US predatory drones used in support of NATO's invasion.
The Butchering of Gaddafi Is America’s Crime
by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
“Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared like ghoulish despots at a Roman Coliseum, reveling in their Libyan gladiators’ butchery.”
Last week the whole world saw, and every decent soul recoiled, at the true face of NATO’s answer to the Arab Spring. An elderly, helpless prisoner struggled to maintain his dignity in a screaming swirl of savages, one of whom thrusts a knife [4] up his rectum. These are Europe and America’s jihadis in the flesh. In a few minutes of joyously recorded bestiality, the rabid pack undid every carefully packaged image of NATO’s “humanitarian” project in North Africa – a horror and revelation indelibly imprinted on the global consciousness by the brutes’ own cell phones.
Nearly eight months of incessant bombing by the air forces of nations that account for 70 percent of the world’s weapons spending, all culminating in the gang-bang slaughter of Moammar Gaddafi, his son Mutassim and his military chief of staff, outside Sirte. The NATO-armed bands then displayed the battered corpses for days in Misurata – the city that had earlier made good on its vow to “purge Black skin” through the massacre and dispersal of 30,000 darker residents of nearby Tawurgha – before disposing of the bodies in an unknown location.
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