Thursday, December 12, 2013

A reminder from Megyn.

"You know, I've given her her due. Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change," [Megyn]Kelly said. "Jesus was a white man, too. It's like we have, he's a historical figure that's a verifiable fact, as is Santa, I just want kids to know that. How do you revise it in the middle of the legacy in the story and change Santa from white to black?"
Lord have mercy! And Megyn is the "straight" news reporter over at FOX.
Anyway, we knew Santa wasn't black, because all of their [Fox] viewers would have shot his big behind the moment he started crawling down the chimney. Besides, the whole "I saw mama kissing Santa Claus" thing... Not a good look. But Jesus? Come on now, Megyn. Dude was definitely not white. He had a posse for crying out loud.
From what I hear the J man was pretty cool. He used to walk around on earth dropping pearls of wisdom and being the life of every party by turning water into wine and all. Not to mention feeding a whole bunch of people with just a loaf of bread and some fish.
Can you imagine having a friend like that? "Yo dudes, you hungry? Yea, but we only have enough for a two piece order of Popeye's. No problem, I will just turn that bad boy into a family pack."   
And now Megyn Kelly and the folks over at Fox want to claim the J man as their own. Unbelievable! The fat guy in the red suit isn't enough? Personally, I think the J man must have looked more like Bunny Wailer than Brad Pitt, but maybe that's my own cultural and racial bias kicking in.
People like Hadas Gold are trying to get all historical and accurate on Megyn. But it all boils down to Megyn's own prejudices and belief system. A belief system that was ingrained into her at an early age. In truth, Megyn is no different than most other folks in the majority population who believe that Jesus and Santa were created for them and no one else. By making this declaration on Fox, she was just preaching to the faithful.
"I'm a straight news anchor, I'm not one of the opinion hosts.."
So there you have it. What Megyn just declared to the world is not her opinion; it was a fact.
There are a lot of biblical scholars who would disagree with her facts. But hey, Megyn works for Fox news.


  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "Fact," Megyn? It's a fact he bible and santa are both myths. No animals could survive on a boat for so long without eating each other (plus the boat was too tiny to hold all the world's animals). No one can deliver so many presents in one night, and certainly not for free.

  2. Negro b.s. detector7:35 PM

    who knew negroes would be psychologically damaged by a white santa?

    fringe kook aisha harri thinks santa should be a penguin.

    would making santa a penguin help negroes feel better about themselves?

  3. Coatesville Expat7:37 PM

    Really? C'mon Field. The historical Jesus was a caucasian of semitic roots and the historical Nicholas was a caucasian of Greek ethnic roots. If it was anyone other than a Fox employee, we wouldn't even be havin' this discussion. Take a breath dude.

  4. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Field said...
    So there you have it. What Megyn just declared to the world is not her opinion; it was a fact.
    Hahaha! A fact hahahalol! Now that's a dumb blonde if I ever saw one!

    And I know everyone agrees!:D

  5. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Desert, stop calling blondes dumb blondes, when IN FACT they are seen as "good looking sexy women" that EVERYONE wants.

    You know what your problem is? YOU ARE JEALOUS because you can't come close to matching the great looks of Megyn. That is ok sister. Field still loves ya.

  6. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Field, "Anyway, we knew Santa wasn't black, because all of their [Fox] viewers would have shot his big behind the moment he started crawling down the chimney."

    ROFL...Field, you are hilarious.

    On a serious note, both Santa and Jesus would have to match in skin color in America and that would be White. You see, there's a connection between Santa and Jesus. They both have brought gifts to the West. And 'who' do you think rules the West, or for that matter the world?

    Hmmmm. I wonder what FocusesPurpose thinks about Megyn's 'facts?'

  7. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Field, "Megyn is no different than most other folks in the majority population who believe that Jesus and Santa were created for them and no one else. By making this declaration on Fox, she was just preaching to the faithful."

    I hate to admit it, but I agree with you 100%. It's in their white privileged nature to select 'everything' in the favor of Whites and conversely, 'nothing' in favor of Blacks.

  8. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Brother Field, I am Black and a devout Christian. I have never known Jesus to be anything other than White. The same goes for Santa. When I was a kid I used to sit on Santa's lap and he was always White. When I saw Jesus on the cross, he was and still is, White.

    So, what are you trying to say, Field? that Jesus wasn't White? Brother, you are walking a thin line of blasphemy.

  9. NSangoma8:36 PM


    Become Mormons, and get your own planet.

    Mormon Church: Justifications for black priesthood ban rooted in racism

  10. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Good Brotha Field,
    Man, you know ALL these whiteys and conservative blacks think Jesus was white. There is no way they would think nothing else. If people really want to get deep, they should really go over to Egypt/Israel and look at the people who families are from there. And not the ones with European blood lines. Man, they might pass out to see those folks are light brown in complexion.

    But hey, Jesus is their eyes had blue eyes and blond hair!!.. Because that is GOOD!!...LMAO!!..LOL!!


    When is the next time you are in DC?

  11. Anonymous8:51 PM

    The reason Jesus was White was because He was pure as the driven snow. His skin color makes sense when you think about it.

    Blacks shouldn't feel cheated because God the Father is the Father of all of us. But Jesus was God's only begotten Son in whom HE was well-pleased.

    While us Blacks are His children, you can be sure by the way we have been killing each other, God is not pleased with us. So there is no way Jesus could be Black.

  12. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Has anybody seen Focused Purpose? Field, I think you wrote this post for

  13. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I hope Rev Sharpton gets wind of this post. I KNOW he has something to say about this.

  14. I truly pity you pathetic Rethuglicans. If I had Megyn's email address, I'd send her the following memo and attach a few choice words for good measurement as well. For instance, quit advertising your level of ignorance on national and international tell-lie-vision!

    Numbers 12:10 When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease.

    Exodus 4:5-7 “This,” said the LORD, “is so that they may believe that the LORD, the God of their fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has appeared to you.”

    6 Then the LORD said, “Put your hand inside your cloak.” So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, the skin was leprous[a]—it had become as white as snow.

    7 “Now put it back into your cloak,” he said. So Moses put his hand back into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was restored, like the rest of his flesh.

    If HE restored his hands to be in sync with the rest of his flesh, well then, it couldn't have been originally white because HE turned it to white from something other than white. Additionally, from a biblical standpoint, whiteness is associated with being diseased, a disorder or sickness. Moreover, defile means to spoil, impair, poison, taint or tarnish.

    LOL, another bozo Rethug providing me with another moment of hilarity, thanks Megyn! Now, … go and get yourself some intense psychotherapy!

  15. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Seriously... You dare to dignify anything a blonde, no less, pencil-neck "Miz Ann" says?!!
    Truth be told: Myth-creators get to dictate and propagate the myth narrative, irregardless competing truths. If you don't like the terms of the myths, well, create your own myth; pick up your marbles and go someplace else. And, it's embarrassing how we African peoples "drink the kool-aid"; embrace and celebrate the myths of others - namely, Europeans.

  16. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Brother Black Sage, Bill is going to rip you a new one over your foolish comment. It has so many loop holes in it:

    Everyone knows white skin is divine, that White is right and Black means get back.

    White humans have dominion over the earth because it is written that they shall own the earth for a long time to come.

    Brother Sage, think about it: How else can you explain 'why' White domination continues in America?

    How else can you explain that many Blacks accept Whites as their sovereign leaders over Blacks?

    How else can you explain the fear Blacks have when the wm comes around? Think about it, brother.

    Read the history books and learn to 'accept' WHAT IS..."it is what it is" can't change what is. Stop trying to fight what has been ordained to the wm since Adam and Eve.

  17. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Sour grapes FN? Any white woman you don't have is eeeeevil!

  18. Anonymous10:49 PM

    "Everyone knows white skin is divine, that White is right and Black means get back."

    Isn't this the 'society' in which we live? Don't we Blacks experience this truth EVERYDAY? so why are we whining and complaining about the way things are, and will always be?

    We do not have the will nor the courage nor the endurance to change ourselves, let alone the wm.

  19. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Any fool can see that Jesus and Santa are White. No one can argue what is self-evident in the Judeo-Christian religion.

    So why attack Megyn for speaking the truth about the obvious? Just because it is uncomfortable to Field doesn't mean it's not true. Get Real. The Truth is often uncomfortable. Get used to it.

  20. so...

    here's the thing.

    i have no argument with the nice attractive reptilian looking white lady;)

    THIS is what i have been saying ALL along.


    ALL praises due to Almighty!!!

    J-sus is a DELIBERATE perversion.

    it is baal. an idol.

    forbidden to the Hebrews.

    gotta know what is written though. the enemy does. and captain defeated satan/lucifer knows he can only duplicate. never originate. and he has a pretend on tap for folks that want to follow everything + everyone but Him/His Word aka UNIVERSAL LAW.

    here's what's wild about Almighty. His instructions protect, not oppress.

    we are not to lie. not because He wants to take the fun out. He just knows that the problem with lying, is in the end- that practice only deceives the deceiver.

    maybe THIS is why we are admonished in His Word not to do it?

    mental slaves need their history in order to auto correct mental slavery/oppression/repression. not knowing one's true history... results in an imprisoned body. some are well adjusted to oppression. others not so much. there is no actual prison cell necessary for the type of imprisonment i AM describing.

    though prison cells fetch prison planet is just wicked greed according to the Constitution. a right in your face bad joke, if you will. hidden in plain sight.

    bottom line. that's another post,another time.

    free your mind, the rest follows.

    in order to do that, you got to know the Truth. Almighty is the Truth. His Word, even in its tampered with state, still holds Truth. THIS is why taking the texts and persecuting those that won't shut up telling folks about the Good News on tap. they still lose.

    some of US have it written on the tablets of our hearts. take the books and we will still shout it out!!!

    because it is written. so shall it be. just as in the time of Moses;)

    those are our people. we are Shemite. tribe of Yahudah. the Law Givers. the ensign for the it is written.

    if you have His Spirit in you...this is where you dance like our forefather King David danced and give Him some thanks and praise!!!


    worshipping baal/idols anything outside of Him releases the curses of Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26 to the Hebrews. we are now collectively in the curses. don't take my word for it for yourself. KJV. everything else appears to be changing...

    this is why the pagan santa/chr-stmas tree offering/honor of baal, are decorated with chr-stmas baals.

  21. Jesus would have almost have to have been black if he was born in Ameriklan.

  22. Anonymous11:17 PM

    WC how can you go against the God of your people and sleep at night? Don't you know you will end up in hell thinking Jesus might have been Black?

    What is the matter with you? Some Republican like Bill is going to rip you and Black Sage a new one.

  23. i agree with this lady. let her and her gentile white folk keep their idols and strange practices.

    J-sus which they named their slave ships after even.

    Saint Nick aka satan/lucifer.



    keep it all.


    white folk = both the whatever the heck a "semite" is gentile jeWish they were Hebrew ashkenaz white folk and the other european gentile white folk that like to whiten the chit out of everything as well;)

    hope that's clear...

    so folks won't think i AM joking/playing:



    Genesis 10:2-3

    2 The sons of Yapheth; Gomer, and Magog...

    3 The sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz...


    that's UNIVERSAL LAW. only one of the places it is written. there are others.

    for those of US that read...we know these are gentile white folk that ran the slave trade. other gentile white folks and other non whites took crafty counsel against they marveled at + hate US to this day...

    get familiar with Psalm 83:

    all in an effort to rob our birthright and blessings.

    this all neatly hidden in a book.

    we Blessed Black, Shemites, are His Chosen Mighty it is written.



    1 Chronicles 27-28; 34

    27 Abram; the same is Abraham.
    28 The sons of Abraham; Isaac, and Ishmael.
    34 And Abraham begat Isaac. The sons of Isaac; Esau and Yacob.


    THIS is our history.

    history that is actually supported-to this day- by actual places, people, etc.


    so call it a 'fairy tale' or 'myth' while gobbling all the true whitened leprous fairy tales and myths as truth if you want to...strong delusion crew.

    you identify yourself by your foolish words. your love of lies will serve you no good. even as these devils destroy in Egypt and our promise + set apart lands...rewrite american history with irish slaves...He will NOT be mocked. as it is written.

    the miracle that could not be shown in myth, fairytale, lie depiction of our history by those that seek to steal our birthright + souls...synagogue of satan/lucifer bunch they are indeed.

    those that refuse to read the book never knew they missed it. or they made Moses later land invader Arab or even Latino;) :



    Exodus 4:5-7

    5 That they may believe the Sovereign Almighty of their fathers, the Almighty of Abraham, the Almighty of Isaac, and the Almighty of Yacob, hath appeared unto thee,

    6 And the Sovereign said further more unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.

    7 And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and he plucked it out of hhis bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.


    these pale lie loving devils make keep their pagan baal worship in all forms.

    get familiar with the history of "Santa Claus/ St. Nick" here as a place to start:

    then get your shopping done so folks can count their shekels and laugh at the fact that retail was created for the dumb goyim.

    while you are offering gifts to each other as a baal celebration, here's what the folks in the know are doing in his defeated honor:

    22 Summer Solstice: Animal and human sacrifices are made.
    24 Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice.
    25 Yuletide: Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess. The satanist's own birthday is very important. The satanist says: "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one". (LaVey, the satanic bible).

    from satanic/lucerfic calendar written of here:


    merry chr-stmas!!!


    and keep your name calling, too. grinch your all seeing eye, dl satanist flow on about your business, please. thank you.

    that mess makes just as much sense as give thanks to massacre g-d for successful genocide day. like not at all.


    ps. hanukkah/chanukah has nothing to do with the Hebrews either.

    all of that stuff belongs to the gentiles and others that like to act white...while they follow these gentile jeWish they were Hebrew lying folks.

    folks that lie so well, they have managed to be the richest folks on the planet. turn getting cast out of nations for being evil to the host nations' people into Torah religious persecution that they don't even observe nor practice.

    their coming "messiah" will sit in UN chair # 666...

    these devils don't even recognize Revelation it seems. outside of obsessively trying to duplicate it.

    so they don't appear to Understand/know that His people already know:


    Revelation 2:9- I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Hebrews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.


    Revelation 3:9- Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Hebrews, and are not, but do lie: behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.


    judeo anything is sure to be corrupted to the core...

    wake up my people. those that lead US deliberately cause US to err.

    wake up.



    1 Chronicles 16:11-14

    11 Seek the Sovereign and his strength, seek his face continually.

    12 Remember his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth;

    13 O ye seed of Yacob his servant, ye children of Yacob, his chosen ones.

    14 He is the Sovereign our Almighty; his judgments are in all the earth.


    we are the Natural Branch.

    which is why white supremacy/racism is just plain evil + dumb.

    i AM not teaching anti anybody or thing but anti white lie.

    i AM with Him + want what He wants:



    Galatians 3:28-29

    28 There is neither Hebrew nor Grrek, their is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all in in Messiah Yahushua.

    29 And if ye be Messiah's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.


    folks will have to loose white lies.

    come to worship Him in Spirit and Truth...which means it is time to tell the Truth and shame the devil.

    but first you gotta know the be made free.

    it is all hidden in a book.

    wake up His people, my people...

  25. Anonymous11:40 PM

    How is Bill O going to 'rip me a new one'? I'm not a teen aged boy from a third world country! And that's all he likes to 'rip new one's' with.
    Ahhh, you must be thinking you're on your favorite man / boy love forum.
    Silly white boy!!!

  26. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Obviously "Universal Law" is the same as a lot of red tape (i.e. Everything in triplicate)

  27. 10mm AUTO11:44 PM

    "Mormon Church: Justifications for black priesthood ban rooted in racism"

    Good for them! Whites should be able to do somethings without the negro slobbering all over it say, "I'z be doing it Too! You could not built America wif out da black manz."

    Good, Whites have an impenetrable religion like Nation of Islam (I wonder if we will have "Death Angels" too?) and we went to the moon. Soon we will have a White Homeland. Everything is going according to plan.

  28. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Never happen: you guys don't know how to do your own work. And all your women would laugh at you, still.

  29. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Anonymous said...
    That is ok sister. Field still loves ya.
    8:01 PM
    I know it

  30. D'Smelfrious12:07 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Jesus would have almost have to have been black if he was born in Ameriklan.

    A little too revealing of a comment from White Boy, isn't it?

  31. @ Black Sage: White people are not "white as snow".

    You yelp like the dog, when you should howl like the wolf.

  32. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Red Shaman @ Black Sage: White people are not "white as snow".

    You yelp like the dog, when you should howl like the wolf.

    12:12 AM

  33. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Field said...
    There are a lot of biblical scholars who would disagree with her facts. But hey, Megyn works for Fox news.
    Yes, well as you can see, the most holy and high on here, don't actually disagree with her facts :D


  34. i Love you Black Sage.

    Stand Strong. knowing...

    Yah's recruits, answering only His salute- WE WIN!

    as it is written.

    folks accused me of hating BM like this is 2008.

    with focused purpose i AM moving forward...powerfully.

    momma said...

    i needed to do something about His Name. she hated the name J-sus.

    i did not Understand. i called out and asked Him to show me.

    He did.

    i AM with the end.

    those trying to do anything other than accuse and name call can go here:

    for a better Understanding.

    i Love my people.

    i Love our hurting, dispersed, lost nation and want only to see US DO better.

    i Love our sons AND daughters. i gave birth to a son and started out this journey as a daughter, how could i not?

    i Love humanity.


    i been at this for a minute, folks.

    then a bold in my face Psalm 83'er told me i was powerful and would be even more so if i would add His Word to the message.

    i love her to this day..

    so while the world has you thinking it is all about everything BUT His Word...the healing for humanity can only be found in His Word.


    FN last post was a mess, dog.

    you clearly operate from the dog mentality. hence, you felt compelled to twist the chit out of what you could throw silly bishes bones.

    i call GAME and FLAGRANT FOUL on the Field...Negro.


    silly bishes better learn to recognize game, when it is all up their face.

    top dog for united states of satan. mr. player international. mr. lie like no other + look good while doing it BO on that bone post pic was doing this:

    roof, i'm sorry. roof. roof. you know i love you woman. roof. that's why you my wife. roof. roof. i was just trying to take a picture. roof. don't be mad. kisses hand;)

  35. lol. you know. i heard you when you said your wife loves you "unconditionally"...that's what men say that have spent some good quality time on the last nerve;) plus you lunching...

    LOL!!! i promise i don't care at this point. that is your, Mrs, FN's and your lunch dates' personal biz. let's just say, i bet her shoe closet is large;) insult my intelligence with you bullchit post, if you want to...

    MO, was trying to recover + play her political wife role; after getting caught trying to glare BO's out of pocket, at the funeral selfie taking self to death. lol.

    reptilian Bush lady IS care free sitting. she is stretched and sedated in all likelihood and that's why she doesn't look like 'ole looker Babs Bush...yet.

    she does not care what her husband does at this point...i mean she has lived through BW rape allegations/death and some more stuff. she knows who her husband and his daddy is. Babs didn't divorce 'ole Herbert when he was all on tv with a hand full of Teri Hatcher's behind like it belonged to him. not to mention all the boy ped white house tours that folks had to bury...

    smile and shop. smile and shop. smile and shop. bet these ladies have LOTS of shoes...

    i didn't feel like trying to walk through demon vomit on the bish bone, pulled from your rear, wt... dog post last thread.

    i had already written a book the thread before, since folks wanted to go back to 2008 with it;(

    whoever was cap happy, made me laugh for a minute. more from a wow!, it's like THAT? still? then it made me sad;( there is not enough Understanding to hear me.

    i Love my people.

    when i write the UNIVERSAL LAW of Genesis folks NOT Understand that i AM speaking to BM and BW?

    Messiah was Blessed Black, too...

    Stand Up couched, stooped down Lion, tribe of Yahudah! it is time to wake up, Law Givers--from which the sceptre shall not depart. unto US shall the gathering of the people it is written.


    Jeremiah 17:1- The sin of Yahudah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond...


    come on Kings and Queens.

    wake up.

    that's US.

    you rolling with Him, i got your back.

    you messing up...i reserve the right to make sure you hear about it. righteously.

    been doing that since 2008. on line and offline...with focused purpose, as He called me to do.

    i pray Messiah wakes folks up!

  36. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Field said...
    In truth, Megyn is no different than most other folks in the majority population who believe that Jesus and Santa were created for them and no one else. By making this declaration on Fox, she was just preaching to the faithful
    You got that right!

    and just like some folk that preach like they're the only ones that pray and believe! Only THEM! Gods favorites!

    Ahaaaahahahaaa! Favorite People!

  37. Anonymous1:25 AM

    focusedpurpose said...
    i Love you Black Sage.
    12:53 AM
    Love him? Why you wanton slut you!

  38. is this a whiff of chit twist devil that finds Black American er um American history boring?


    "Yes, well as you can see, the most holy and high on here, don't actually disagree with her facts :D"


    i hope not.

    i been really trying not do a Bl post for you.



    you get the picture.

    see, i live in what FN calls the land of the "hybrid people"...

    so, i can tell you from first hand experience that BM trying to flip up the game with their BW optional for Black babies nonsense...produces internal enemies...

    women of color produced "Black" babies sometimes...don't like Black people.

    women of color. that's how quite a few BM frame their love of what Kanye called "mutts" confuse easily, so please know that i AM not making up that term. i have discussed it before here with FN, years ago. kanye was saying this stuff out loud...before he got on and left it all alone for a white girl. lol. like he rapped about...

    elder lady, you'd be best to try to cast your stubborn spell elsewhere;)

    i saw you when you first came at me with the syrupy lie about liking my comments which you called 'church'. remember?

    i don't always tell folks i see them.

    you might want to do your imp buddy Lovefest BEFORE you open up that verbal can of whoop ...


    coming against His Word and healing for folks whose history + story bore you or whatever mad cap disrespect you teehee hee'd onto the thread the last time the can got opened...

    i DO work to respect my elders, as it is written. whether they are respectable or not. many today are not respectable as they don't respect Him/His Word. they are not teaching those younger than they...they are playing in too many numbers to refuse to see and call it.

    i was content to let you ride on the strength of that..but here you go...


    so, here i go:

    heads up!

    ancient stubborn devils need to know when to flee and play elsewhere.

    now merry chr-stmas to you...

    22 Summer Solstice: Animal and human sacrifices are made.
    24 Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice.
    25 Yuletide: Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess. The satanist's own birthday is very important. The satanist says: "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one". (LaVey, the satanic bible).

    you may want to get your own High and Mighty plus a few more clues...

    it is my sincere prayer that Almighty gives you an ear to hear + a Spirit check.

    i pray you feel better and will keep your little hateful,side winder, darts over in PR where they belong;)

    in Messiah's Name, i pray.

    good night all!

  39. Anonymous1:33 AM

    focusedpurpose said...
    FN last post was a mess, dog.
    you clearly operate from the dog mentality. hence, you felt compelled to twist the chit out of what you could throw silly bishes bones.

    i call GAME and FLAGRANT FOUL on the Field...Negro.

    Says Mrs.know it all Gods Favorite Person ;*p

    12:53 AM

  40. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Anonymous said...
    focusedpurpose said...
    FN last post was a mess, dog.
    you clearly operate from the dog mentality. hence, you felt compelled to twist the chit out of what you could throw silly bishes bones.

    i call GAME and FLAGRANT FOUL on the Field...Negro.

    Says Mrs.know it all Gods Favorite Person ;*p
    1:33 AM
    LOLOLOL! God's "Favorite Person" is that who FP is?

    WOW! I'm impressed! Holy chit man!

  41. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Yup! Desert,she is God's Favorite Person in the flesh! The second coming has come! Say no more, and to the Fields blog no less! Lucky man:)

  42. Anonymous1:57 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    FN last post was a mess, dog.

    you clearly operate from the dog mentality. hence, you felt compelled to twist the chit out of what you could throw silly bishes bones.

    i call GAME and FLAGRANT FOUL on the Field...Negro.
    12:53 AM

    Wow Anon! and to call him a "dog" that "operates from the dog mentality" so he could "throw silly bishes bones"

    LOL,What the hell does that mean?

    Then call him "flagrant foul" and then "grrrr" growl at him??? WTF? LOL! Who's the dog then? who's growling? Somebody's got dogs on their mind! and it's not Field!

    Anyway,who understands that crazy wingnut's gobbledygook! Aaahahahahahahaa!

  43. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Hellooooo! Where are you Favorite one? He had to go to bed AHAAhahahah!

    Or,he's sulking in a corner somewhere trying to think of something to say back to me! Aaaaahaahahahaa!

    It's all in love Fave,FAVE? did I just call you FAVE? I know FLAVOR FAVE! Ya like that better than Favorite Person? Yeah, but Flava may not like it, soo....

    Anyhooo, I'm going to bed while you think! AAAhaaaahaahaaa!

    I'll Catch up witchu in the morrow! That's the Queens English for tomorrow! ;*p

    and remember, it is all love. Don't go busting a nut, I mean a vein now...

  44. Ha, that damn Megyn Kelly has nothing on my girl, Desert. Desert has beauty AND brains over her.

    Where did we get some of these self hating Anons?

    Lord have mercy!

    Dear President of Anon Inc. can u please get us some Anons who love themselves a little more?

    Thank you


    Sup B1Bomber?

    I hope to be in DC soon. Thanks for following a brotha.

  45. Green Shaman said….
    @ Black Sage: White people are not "white as snow".

    Of course not, it’s merely a metaphor, …. you idiot!

  46. I feel you FP, keep spitting the TRUTH as it is WRITTEN!

  47. Negro b.s. detector8:40 AM

    while field negro continues his race hustling and hatred of fox news and all things white- he doesn't tell you this was tongue-and-check.

    santa is based on a white person.

    is fields gonna attack all those who believe christ is asian, mexican or black?

  48. "santa is based on a white person."

    Wrong again. Don't you get bored being wrong all the time?

    Sana was based on the Dutch character Sintaklaas, who in turn was based on st. Nicholaas. St. Nicholaas was born in what is now Turkey.

    This is what The Vatican says St. Nicholaas looked like...

    Doesn't look too white to me, in fact, he's darker than me come to think about it.

    Other bits of the Santa myth were borrowed from a variety of pagan mythologies, being pulled through the sky by a team of reindeer was taken from the Norse story of Thor, for instance.

  49. BARBBF9:09 AM

    I needed a laugh this morning. glad to know Mr. FB still has a sense of humor.

    Want another laugh?

    Obama's 10 minute speech cost the US taxpayer $500,000 a minute.....


  50. Anonymous9:34 AM

    "St. Nicholaas"?

  51. ex love back spell +234815542548110:28 AM

    How are you? i just wanted to let you know...that things worked out very well..well i should have told u this..a week ago..but i wanted to email u when i was fully confident that things are workin out... yuangi is back with me..our relationship is just like before the first time we met...
    Ok Dr Obodo
    cell +2348155425481

  52. Breaking news...

    Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

    PolitiFact has chosen the most significant falsehood of the year: President Barack Obama's repeated statement, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it."

    All those right-wing lies and Obama wins the big prize for his repeated lie. Repeated as in told the same lie so many times he actually started to believe it.

    Of course the lies from then right-wingers didn't cause people to lose their insurance or cause them to pay significantly more for less.

  53. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Dr, did u do some work as a sign language interpreter, recently?

    BARBFF, u know what I am laughing at? The Obama Derangement Syndrome. How is this different than any other president?

    Did u not want him to pay respect to Nelson Mandela? I could care less if it was a million a minute.


  54. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Prediction of the year: "Romney by a landslide".

  55. ABC news...

    Since 2011 "virtually every voter subgroup now displays a shift toward a somewhat more negative view of labor unions than they had expressed previously," the survey found.
    The independent Field Poll said that by a narrow margin, more voters said unions do more harm than good, as opposed to those who see organized labor as generally beneficial.

    It's not the private unions, private unions are forced to actually provide a service otherwise the company goes out of business.

    Just the opposite with government unions. Unlike a private business the government just taxes you more for the same crappy service.

  56. For those that are good with the english language, which is correct?

    "give your mom piece of mind"

    "Give your mom peace of mind"

    If you can't decide, do as the Obama administration, write both.

    "Smartest administration ever"
    Chris Matthews

  57. majority population11:40 AM

    " Megyn is no different than most other folks in the majority population who believe that Jesus and Santa were created for them and no one else

    No one believes this.

  58. Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

    PolitiFact has chosen the most significant falsehood of the year: President Barack Obama's repeated statement, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it."

    Funny how liberal bias works.

    The same statement a couple years earlier was deemed the truth by politifact.

    Under Barack Obama's health care proposal, "if you've got a health care plan that you like, you can keep it."
    Obama is accurately describing his health care plan here.

    Liberal bias.

    And when the liberal bias ran head first into reality, politifact finally called it a lie.

  59. Black Sage said...
    Of course not, it’s merely a metaphor, …. you idiot!

    But one that you used to imply that leprosy, which manifests as depigmented skin, was equivalent to the pigmentation of whites.

    You have now stated that misunderstanding this metaphor makes one an idiot. Don't be so hard on yourself.


  60. "The war on Fox is over," said Media Matters Executive Vice President Angelo Carusone. "And it's not just that it's over, but it was very successful. To a large extent, we won."

    They won?

    Fox News dominated the ratings chart once again this month, coming out on top for both primetime and total day for the 143rd consecutive month.

    143rd consecutive month. Democrats sure have a funny concept of "we won." Or as bush would say, "mission accomplished."

  61. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Neither Jesus or santa were black.

    Who do so many blacks pretend they are?

  62. Check this out from Clutch Daily link: Santa was black: Saint Nicholas (Nikolaus, Bishop of Myra)

    Nicholas, was probably born during the third century in the village of Patara, in what is now the southern coast of Turkey. He was born of VERY WEALTHY BLACK ANATOLIANS of the ancient Roman Empire.

    Love this blog!

  63. White Genius said...
    "You have now stated that misunderstanding this metaphor makes one an idiot. Don't be so hard on yourself."

    Black Stage tries to run like the deer, but stumbles like the porcupine.

    Walk slowly through the buffalo's field my son, and watch where you step.


  64. Bill-Oh, you "accidentally" forgot to post the second half of that paragraph you linked to. I'll just mark it in bold so everyone gets the message.

    "Fox News dominated the ratings chart once again this month, coming out on top for both primetime and total day for the 143rd consecutive month. The network saw 2,011,000 total viewers and 348,000 key demo viewers during primetime. Those numbers however are down 21 percent and 41 percent respectively from November 2012.

    Total daily viewing figures for FoxNews is an average of 2.2 million. Which leaves some 315 million Americans who do watch it.

    Increasingly it is only older people who watch FoxNews, Nielsen gives the median age of FoxNews viewers as '65+'.

    So 2.2 million old people watch FoxNews, most of whom will be dead or too demented to find the polling booth by the time the next round of elections comes along.

    Yep, I'd say FauxNews is defeated.

  65. Red Shaman said...

    White Genius said...
    "You have now stated that misunderstanding this metaphor makes one an idiot. Don't be so hard on yourself."


    Black Sage tries to run like the deer, but stumbles like the porcupine.

    Walk slowly through the buffalo's field my son, and watch where you step.

    Black Sage must learn not only to proceed cautiously, but with understanding of where he is heading. Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok.

  66. "Neither Jesus or santa were black."

    The Vatican disagrees with you. Now I'm not a religious man, but I'll take their expertise on these matters over yours any day of the week.

  67. Purple Cow said..
    those numbers however are down 21 percent and 41 percent respectively from November 2012.

    2012 was a Presidential Election year here in America. There is always an upsurge in people watching the news during election years. All media viewership has fallen over the last year, Fox less so than anyone else.

    The point that Fox's share of the people viewing the news has increased is valid.

    Once again, you fail to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the facts around you. You are just a cow.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. BTW, while 'St. Nicolaas' is giving presents to the kids who have been good, his sidekick 'Zwarte Piet' (Black Piet) finds all the naughty children, puts them in a sack, and takes them back to Africa.

    That's how Dutch parents teach their kids to be terrified of black folks.

  70. The Purple Cow said...
    "That's how Dutch parents teach their kids to be terrified of black folks."

    We don't need that here in America, we have real black folks to teach us that.

  71. The Purple Cow said...
    Those numbers however are down 21 percent and 41 percent respectively from November 2012.
    Yep, I'd say FauxNews is defeated.

    143rd consecutive month

    I understand you don't live in America so you might not understand how political ratings work.

    Elections drive ratings. November 2012 if you don't know was an election year here in America.

    Purple Cow, it appears that you also "accidentally" forgot to post the second half of that paragraph I linked to. I'll just mark it in bold so everyone gets the message.
    Not surprisingly, all three networks saw significantly lower numbers as compared to this time last year, when the 2012 presidential election dominated the news cycle.
    It was clearly explained to you why the november 2012 were higher. Quite the different story from what you were trying to imply by the bold.

    143rd consecutive month

    Only the Harlem Globetrotters have a better record.

    PC, since you don't live in America, the Globetrotters are a basketball team that puts on exhibitions against the washington Generals.

  72. "Once again, you fail to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the facts around you."

    My point was (and remains) FoxNews is watched by a tiny number of increasingly ageing viewers, and are thus increasingly politically irrelevant, given the minuscule viewing figures and the growing importance of social media in campaigns.

    The viewing figures for other marginally-less-right-wing cable new networks is completely irrelevant to the point I was making.

    Once again, you fail to demonstrate a deeper understanding of your own fucking country.

  73. "It was clearly explained to you why the november 2012 were higher. Quite the different story from what you were trying to imply by the bold."

    Awwwww Bill-Oh are you all upset that I caught you out in some "creative editing" are we?

    Poor baby.

    See my previous answer. A tiny minority of Americans watch FauxNews, those that do are angry old white people who have always voted republican and always will.

    Faux News does not have the power to materially affect the outcome of elections because all the angry old white people who watch Fox already vote Repug, and there are no longer enough angry old white people to win you an election.

    Let me know what part of this is too complicated for your small brain

  74. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "Once again, you fail to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the facts around you."

    My point was (and remains) FoxNews is watched by a tiny number of increasingly ageing viewers, and are thus increasingly politically irrelevant, given the minuscule viewing figures and the growing importance of social media in campaigns.

    The viewing figures for other marginally-less-right-wing cable new networks is completely irrelevant to the point I was making.

    Once again, you fail to demonstrate a deeper understanding of your own fucking country.

    Your point is completely useless as it comes from an idiot as usual.

    The majority of the nation watches fox and that includes the U.S youth.

    People just don't like the lesbian/race baiting nutjobs and their viewerships are down more than 50% as people of all ages flocked to FOX.

    You are and will always be a minority, even if you married a white woman and have mulatto children.

    The Dutch Santa Claus was White, Jesus was a White Jew, Ruling egyptians weren't black and couldn't fly or were from spaceships.

    But don't worry you still have Afrika, shit huts, Kwanzaa and white nations to thrive in.

  75. The Purple Cow said...
    Awwwww Bill-Oh are you all upset that I caught you out in some "creative editing" are we?

    Is that your response to why you copied/pasted what made your point while intentionally ignoring the truth a few words later?

    Or is it your response to the news cycle in a non-election year?

    I guess it's a UK thing.

  76. @Leprosy White Genius, you Rethuglicans have an affinity for intentionally miquoting or taking things out of context. You Rethugs are kiling me softly, .... through laughter.

    I never utilized the word depigmentation. Allow me to educate you here. Pigmentation gives color yo the skin. The more pigmentation you have, the darker your skin will appear. It's just the opposite effect with less pigmentation. This is why your skin is white.

    On the other hand, leprosy is in fact a type of skin disease that may manifest is skin blotched of different toned and sometimed even lumps and sores on the skin.

    Theses are entirely two different concepts here. But hey, .... thanks for the laugh!

  77. I feel compelled to come to aid of my brother Black Sage, beset upon as he is by Yellow Magi, Red Shaman, and White Genius.

    You are too wise to be fooled by such logical conundrums and factual twists.

    I do not advocate violence to my enemies, but preach peace.

    When they come to believe me, it is then that I attack!

    Peace to you Black Sage.

  78. "Is that your response to why you copied/pasted what made your point while intentionally ignoring the truth a few words later?"

    errrrrrrr, that's what YOU did, not me.

    Are you feeling OK, Bill-Oh?

    Stress getting to you?

  79. Anonymous2:26 PM

    When I was five, I din't care what color Santa was, when I saw him strolling up the aisle of Woolworth's, I ran after him like a track star calling out his name the whole while. Listened to Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" while looking out the window to get a glimpse of his sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer. All the racism crap's taught and I hadn't learned nothing about that in the North East where I was born. I was just my parent's child at the time. Wasn't a nig, jig, minority, King Kong's sister. Just a cute little girl enveloped with melanin in love with Santa Clause. Had the most fabulous of Christmases because I was an only child and had it like that! Those were the days as far as I'm concerned.

    I was born during radio days; didn't have to look at these store front dummies calling themselves journalists all made up to look like circus clowns.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. "The majority of the nation watches fox and that includes the U.S youth. "

    So let me get this straight Cletus...

    You are saying that 2.2 million is a majority of 317 million?

    Is that seriously your position?


    "You are and will always be a minority, even if you married a white woman and have mulatto children."

    Everybody in the world is a minority, Cletus. How many people do you know are as fuck/ugly as you? That puts you in a very small minority.

    Ditto Bill-Oh the male bimbo. Not many of them around.

    Oh and I'm perfectly happy with my "mulatto children" they certainly have many advantages over the likes of you. Besides everybody in the world will be a mulatto one day.


    ""The Dutch Santa Claus was White..."

    He certainly wasn't, see the picture I posted earlier. When it comes to saints the Vatican is the source of quality information,, not a dumb hick from a trailer park such as yourself.

    "Jesus was a White Jew.."

    Nope he was a Palestinian Jew with swarthy skin and black hair who spoke Aramaic. He suffered with chronic asthma, had severe kyphosis and stood less than five feet tall.


    "Ruling egyptians weren't black..."

    Some were, some were not. Google "Black Pharaohs"

  82. GrannyStandingforTruth2:42 PM

    Santa is a lie that people tell their kids every year. In reality, Santa is multi-colors, which covers every single race in the universe that practices it. Santa is also male or female. In some cases Santa can be gay or lesbian since Santa happens to the parents. Now, that's the truth.

    I don't practice the Santa myth, but I do and plan to celebrate the holiday seasons as I've done every single year and celebrate LIFE, humanity, and enjoy family, friends; celebrate the spirit of love, giving, and praying for my fellow human beings' prosperity, health, happiness, and peace. I plan to pray for peace, wisdom for our leaders, and peace in the world, and I pray for my enemies.

  83. GrannyStandingforTruth2:56 PM

    It's amazing what lengths people on the right will go to slander the First Lady and President Obama. Falsely accusing the President and her for a political agenda. Apparently, they choose to ignore what the photographer who took those pictures said:

    I later read on social media that Michelle Obama seemed to be rather peeved on seeing the Danish prime minister take the picture. But photos can lie. In reality, just a few seconds earlier the first lady was herself joking with those around her, Cameron and Schmidt included. Her stern look was captured by chance.

    I took these photos totally spontaneously, without thinking about what impact they might have. At the time, I thought the world leaders were simply acting like human beings, like me and you. I doubt anyone could have remained totally stony faced for the duration of the ceremony, while tens of thousands of people were celebrating in the stadium. For me, the behaviour of these leaders in snapping a selfie seems perfectly natural. I see nothing to complain about, and probably would have done the same in their place.

    But, some folks would rather believe a lie than the truth. Smh!

  84. Anonymous3:15 PM

    megan Kelly is 10 times smarter than the fn and a lot better looking.jesus was white as were the Egyptians because negroes are to stupid to run an empire for 4,000 years.the o0nly people dumber than negroes are Mexican Indians all you have to do is look at the bell curve.i bet miss Kelly did not get any affirmative action just show what a bunch of racist shit heads you negroes are.why don't you say some thing about the 532 dead negroes in Chicago of which the useless cops have solved 129.don't like that one fn well you blather away about gun control if gun control worked Chicago would be mayberry.shit like this is why there was jim crow.

  85. Peace to you as well Indian Guru!

    @Yellow Magi, Red Shaman and so-called White Genius, here are your memos.

    You leprechauns are triplets of deceit. Quacksalvers, peddling not deceptive medicinal products but your average specious Rethuglican arguments that amount to literally nothing more than nonsensical quackery. If either of you are going ti post something, let it be of substance, legitimate, thought provoking, meaningful or atleast verifiable. Currently, your groupuscule of comical posts are thoroughly empty.

    In any event, I implore you to keep up the good work, all of you are certainly going to be celebrity comedians at some point!

  86. FOX gets more viewers because old conservatives have no lives. They sit in front of their televisions all day.

    It's not like they are going to go out and exercise or see a play or anything.

  87. Hmmm,another school shooting in suburban Colorado.....

  88. Anonymous6:07 PM

    field negro said...
    Ha, that damn Megyn Kelly has nothing on my girl, Desert. Desert has beauty AND brains over her.
    4:56 AM
    Such a nice compliment to start the weekend off with!
    Merci Field merci :D

    And the feeling is mutual, You are a handsome,hot,brainy,hot, hot lawyer. (Did I mention you're hot?)

    What a combination, ooh la la! ;*p

    I don't know how you get a days work done at the office! I'm willing to bet you're fighting them off! Right??? Mmhmm! Oh yeah!:D

    But I digress..........;)))

  89. Anonymous6:23 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said..
    It's amazing what lengths people on the right will go to slander the First Lady and President Obama.

    In reality, just a few seconds earlier the first lady was herself joking with those around her, Cameron and Schmidt included. Her stern look was captured by chance.

    I thought the world leaders were simply acting like human beings, like me and you. I doubt anyone could have remained totally stony faced for the duration of the ceremony, while tens of thousands of people were celebrating in the stadium. For me, the behaviour of these leaders in snapping a selfie seems perfectly natural. I see nothing to complain about, and probably would have done the same in their place.

    But, some folks would rather believe a lie than the truth. Smh!
    2:56 PM

    Just as I thought Granny. The mood was one of pleasantries, everyone was chatting it up. I have been to such funerals and there is nothing wrong with it.

    Funerals here are similar. Except when it is the death of a younger person,child, or under tragic circumstances, then somber and sadness do prevail.

    We as peoples coming from a different culture than the somewhat frigid Anglo way, do understand these forms of conducting ourselves. But the Anglo, unless they make a conscious effort and/or live amongst us, will never 'get it'.

    I believe that all of the heads of state were happy to have come and communed together!

    I truly think Mr.Mandela's memorial was his last act of bringing together the different countries in confraternity!

    What a wonderful opportunity, and he was there in spirit to help them along!

    and here they go and soil it with this!!!!

    *shaking head*

  90. Anonymous7:28 PM

    field negro said...

    FOX gets more viewers because old conservatives have no lives. They sit in front of their televisions all day.

    It's not like they are going to go out and exercise or see a play or anything.

    All those Negroes not watching the news in the evening are out exercising or at plays.


    Is that what you call bumpin uglies and robbin somebody in between knockout games and spliffs?

  91. Anonymous7:43 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    i pray you will keep your little hateful,side winder, darts over in PR where they belong;)
    1:25 AM

    Oh gosh! I think those darts I used were the poisoned ones!:D Ahahahahaaaaa!

    Now he's 'Favorite Paralyzed'!


    Sooowwwyyyyyy!....NOT! LOL

  92. "Bumpin ugliest" is what you do with your cousin.

    "spliffs"? Well yeah. And after a good burn of the collie one might want to watch FOX for some laughs.

  93. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Oh gosh! I think those darts I used were the poisoned ones!:D Ahahahahaaaaa!

    Now he's 'Favorite Paralyzed'!
    Sooowwwyyyyyy!....NOT! LOL
    7:43 PM
    Come out,come out,where ever you aaaaarrrre!:)

    Oh Faaaavoriiiite Paraliiiized! Don't you wanna play? I do! Cat and mouse...with you! I'm the cat and you're the mouse lolol!

    Wassamater cat got your tongue? Aaaahaahaaahaahaa

    C'mooon don't be afraid, it's just a little game! I won't scratch...too hard anyway ;*p

    Come on outta your hole in the wall and play with meeee! Pretty please?

  94. field negro said...

    FOX gets more viewers because old conservatives have no lives. They sit in front of their televisions all day.

    That makes sense.


    Someone points out the total left-wing viewers on abc, cbs, nmc, cnn, msnbc, etc.

    Conservatives only have one station, all the rest lean left.

  95. So Bill, are u now admitting that the reason Fox is always number one in viewership is because the other cable networks split the audience and Fox has the benefit of being the only game in town for wingnuts?

    If u are, u are validating PC's argument.

  96. Pravda12:31 PM

    If so, PC's argument is ideology is more important than ratings to the liberals who control the media,

    Conservatives make up more than half the population, yet only a tiny slice of the media refrains from calling them morons and racists.

    There is a huge market out there for media that treats Conservative views with a modicum of respect. There is a huge market for media that doesn't serve as a lapdog for the democrat party. Yet only Fox and talk radio exist to serve this market. These are hugely profitable ventures, but strangely the entrenched media powers seem not to want to compete for it.

    When you are on the side of the government, you can't speak Truth to Power.

  97. Funny, when W was in power I didn't see much "Truth to Power" being spoken to then, either.
