Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Double standards?

Oh my! It seems that W had a wondering eye down in South Africa as well, and Laura Bush certainly doesn't look pleased.

According to the New York Daily News it was a long ride home. Poor W, if he thinks that dealing with Osama bin Laden was tough, just wait until Laura cuts off his *&%#@ supply.

But still, there is something deeper going on here. Remember the brouhaha over the looks Michelle Obama gave the president? Well you will get none of that with this former First Lady. You see, in America, black women are viewed differently than white women when it comes to how they comport themselves.   

Michelle was seen as angry. Laura is just being solemn and respecting the occasion. (This is actually what the current First Lady was doing)

I will write here what Roxanne Gray had to say about the subject.

"More than anything, the response to these latest images of Michelle Obama speaks volumes about the expectations placed on black women in the public eye and how a black women’s default emotional state is perceived as angry. The black woman is ever at the ready to aggressively defend her territory. She is making her disapproval known. She never gets to simply be.

Maybe the first lady is irritated with her husband or someone else, maybe she’s indifferent, maybe she’s thinking about the long plane ride home, maybe, just maybe, she’s recalling Nelson Mandela’s life and legacy. We will never know.
Meanwhile, the Internet is speculating about Michelle Obama’s mind-set, her motivations and the state of her marriage because if a married black man, always on the prowl even if he is the commander in chief, is seen smiling next to an attractive white woman, well, that’s curtains for the marriage. The white she-devil strikes again! The first lady can’t win. Last month, Michelle Obama was a “feminist nightmare.” Today she is angry and on the verge of losing her marriage. We can only imagine what tomorrow will bring.

And of course, there is another image that simply isn’t being shared with the same frequency or enthusiasm—one of Michelle Obama sitting with her husband and the Danish prime minister laughing and smiling openly. We are selective in what we choose to see. This image is being ignored because it doesn’t fit the narrative we want. There is also animage, shared by Goldie Taylor, of Laura Bush looking unamused while her husband speaks to a beautiful woman in the row behind them. Is she disapproving? Is she worried about her marriage? Is she “having none of it”? Or is she just sitting?" [Source]

She was just sitting. But then she isn't a black female. She can get away with "just sitting".

Seriously, how many people saw the second picture I have with this post? Michelle Obama looks very comfortable with her man to me.

Finally, it's really a shame that the memorial service of one of the world's great icons is being reduced to talks of a handshake, husbands behaving badly, and a fraudulent sign language interpreter.

Reporters and cable news outlets in this country have done their part to diminish and cheapen the event. But that's alright. We have come to expect this type of behavior from the modern day version of the fourth estate. They just have no clue.  

One day (maybe after this president is gone) they may get back to being real journalists again.

I, for one, will not be holding my breath.    

Pics from The New York Daily News.


  1. NSangoma8:10 PM


    My concern, major players in the Obama administration being on the same airplane:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/bush12n-5-web.jpg


  2. Anonymous8:12 PM

    "Michelle was seen as angry. Laura is just being solemn and respecting the occasion. (This is actually what the current First Lady was doing)"

    Field, when I look at MO and LB, one DOES look angry and the other one doesn't. LB looks like she is just sitting and looking.

    Even YOU must admit that. But I understand that you must write in a way to stir up your FN fans.

  3. negro b.s. detector8:18 PM

    what? no mention of fellow black supremacist ayo kimathi?

    how can we overcome when we don't stand by our fellow black supremacist?

  4. Anonymous8:18 PM

    IMO, bw just aren't as photogenic as ww. They just don't look as peaceful or happy as ww. The camera just isn't very merciful to bw as it is to ww.

  5. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Dear Mr Field, there are no double standards here. If you recall when GWB was in the WH, Laura Bush was looked upon as a kind gentle and sweet woman, very feminine. Southern bells are like that.

    However, it is hard to describe MO. She just isn't that understandable. She seems distant and not very friendly when you look at her face. She is the opposite of LB.

  6. Anonymous negro b.s. detector8:30 PM

    sorry field. you can't compare laura's response to mee-chelle's "ohhh no dat white b*tch ain't takin my man" look.

    not even close.

  7. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Field, this is a bullshit post that only makes MO look even worse. I submit that was your purpose because YOU love ww and will do anything to make them look good and bw look bad.

    You have proven your insensitive attitude toward bw over the years through your posts. I hope there are some bw from those past years who remember and can validate what I'm saying.

    I am surprised that you would post something like this because I have a feeling that this post is going to be a long night and day for you. You should have left well enough alone with the Danish PM. Man, what the hell were you thinking when you wrote this post? Are you trying to redeem yourself with bw? They aren't going to buy this weak-ass post. Hell, you don't even sound sincere in comparing MO and LB.

    You're worse than guilt-ridden white folks about slavery and Jim Crow...Everybody can see through it.

  8. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Why are some folks on FN claiming BO is gay? How can that be? He is the President of the USA and no way would a homosexual man, esp a bm be elected to the highest office in the land. Someone would have spoken out before election time, esp the Clintons as well as the GOP and Tea Party. There is no way BO could have gotten away with this.

    Here's something to think about: BO is attracted to the Danish PM and is willing to show it even in the face of MO.

  9. negro b.s. detector9:03 PM

    of course, field negro and his ilk couldn't wait to get their race hustle on.

    leave it to a rightwing racist site to get the full story.


    when you be hustling- you ain't got time fo no facts.

  10. Classic left-wingnut trick.

    Justify Obama actions by pointing out "bush did it too."

    If the country had voted for McSame that might be a valid point.

    The country voted for change.

    Change meaning not more of the same old.

    But like FN pointed out, it's okay for Obama because "bush did it too."

  11. Anonymous said...
    Someone would have spoken out before election time, esp the Clintons

    They did.

    The clinton campaign also started the birther rumor to discredit Obama.

    Bill made the comment that a few years earlier Obama would have been getting coffee for the clintons.

  12. Anonymous9:47 PM

    FN, give it a rest. WW are seen as benign and BW are seen as bitches unless they are smiling. There is nothing you can do about this because these perceptions/stereotypes (and stereotypes are rooted in reality) began centuries ago during slavery before you or I were born.

    After 5 years as first lady, MO should know better. Often, though, even when a black woman is smiling it looks (and feels) forced.

  13. "One day (maybe after this president is gone) they may get back to being real journalists again."

    Amen brother. Then we might hear something other than "But Bush!", which you even pulled out for Selfiegate.

    Just when you think the cravenness can't get any worse. Pa-thetic.

  14. "Why are some folks on FN claiming BO is gay? How can that be? He is the President of the USA and no way would a homosexual man, esp a bm be elected to the highest office in the land. Someone would have spoken out before election time, esp the Clintons as well as the GOP and Tea Party. There is no way BO could have gotten away with this."

    How did he get away with Tony Rezko buying his house for him?

    Why did no one ask him if what Civil Rights icon Percy Sutton said about the Saudi's paying for him to get into Harvard was true? (Interview from 2008:

    How did he get 3/4 of the way through his first term before he had to show a print out of his birth certificate?

    Why has the press never looked into why no one has ever been found who remembers seeing Obama at Columbia?

    All we know of Obama's past is what he himself put in his biographies.

    The press covers for this guy on everything. I don't know if he was gay or bi or not when he was younger, but I do know the American media would do their best to keep that information under wraps.

  15. Seems others always place their own thoughts and ideas onto us without an understanding of us. This is the very reason the knockout game stuff is spreading so quickly. So many whites hold negative views of blah folks and see things in a color aroused light so in their minds the reverse has got to be true. If a blah assaults a white it can't be a random event it has to be some sort of racial incident because they are projecting their feelings onto us. God forbid we have our own feelings and beliefs. They always know what's best for us, just ask Bill-O the clown.

  16. We strong, Black women not only stand 1000% behind our Strong Black men, we stand WITH OUR First Lady too!

  17. Negro b.s. detector10:39 PM

    blahs are the reason the knockout game "stuff" is spreading so quickly.

    and please..... don't pretenderate if whites were going around the country knocking out blahs you wouldn't be the first person crying RACISM!!!!!

  18. Anonymous10:48 PM

    PilotX, I understand how you feel about how you have been treated by some Whites in Chicago. But you are projecting those feelings onto innocent Whites who have no malice or prejudice in their hearts.

    And Bill O'Reilly is one of those innocent Whites. Oh sure, he works for FOX but that doesn't mean he is against you and all of us. I am Black and I believe in Bill O. As a matter of fact, Bill wants to help underprivileged Blacks to become better parents and to stop OOW children.

    Hell, that's more than you, Field, Granny, Desert, Black Sage and PC combined have done. So how in the world can you say Bill O is against you, when IN REALITY he is 'for' us?

    I swear. Sometimes you and Field embarrass the hell out of me. There ought to be a law against ungrateful Negroes like you.

    I mean, if it wasn't for the wm, you wouldn't be a pilot. If it wasn't for the wm, Field wouldn't be able to blog and use a bullshit name like FIELD NEGRO. If it wasn't for the likes of Bill O the country wouldn't know about the killing of our kids in our community. If it wasn't for Bill O, the opportunity for us to become better parents and stop OOW children being born would not be happening.

    Bill, through the goodness of his heart AND his MONEY is looking out for us. PilotX, your sorry ass should be grateful for Bill O, and our own white Bill on FN and other blessed Republicans like them.

  19. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    We strong, Black women not only stand 1000% behind our Strong Black men, we stand WITH OUR First Lady too!

    10:36 PM
    BW are against bm and the ww are for bm. That selfing picture of O and the PM of Denmark says it all...So you can knock off the bullshit.

  20. Hey Field,
    How about that rich white teenage (16) drunk driver (.24) who killed 4 paralyzed 1 & injured 10 others who got probation because he was a rich kid whose parents never taught him right from wrong? I wonder if having poor black parents who never taught you right from wrong would ever get a young brother probation? Yeah, I know... you've got a bell you're selling if I think so.

  21. black man's kryptonite11:08 PM

    brutha man know da trutha. goheads and speaketh it.

    we broke the chains of the white man.

    we rose up against apartheid here in amerikka.

    one thing we ain't be able to do?

    free ourselves from the vaginahold white women has on us.

    that's right field. white vagina done got another brutha in trouble.

    it is what it is.

    if obama don't watch out white vagina will be the end of his black ass.

    michelle knows this. she, like all black women, have warned us about the evils of white vagina.

    obmama, like the rest of us bruthas, desire the taste of forbidden fruit...

    we needs to read the bible more. didn't work out good for adam. sho as hell ain't working out for us.

    Maybe you can write roxanne gray. ask to explain the power of the white vagina.

    i pray for the o man. i hope they ain't no white woman in the his house gonna lewinsky obama.

  22. Anonymous11:24 PM

    PilotX said...
    So many whites hold negative views of blah folks and see things in a color aroused light so in their minds the reverse has got to be true

    I think holding a negative view of random extreme violence is quite rational.

    And you have no idea what is in other people's minds. Whites in this country have been conditioned to fear being considered 'racist' above all else. They must somehow balance their own experience with being at the receiving end of black violence with the culture's demand they view blacks as sainted victims.

    The anonymity of the internet (such as here) allows people to vent in often racist and emotional ways and state opinions that they never would in real life, because any opinions that buck the dominant narrative are simply not allowed. And I don't mean just racist Stormfront stuff, merely admitting what "bad area" means to everyone else is enough to cost someone their career.

    The "knockout game" has been around since at least 2008. The only reason it made an appearance in the national media is that a member of the wrong demographic got knocked out in New York. The guardians of the Narrative quickly rallied to assure the public that all of these beaten white people did not actually exist.

    Look at the government and the media and the institutions and ask yourself: Just who is the Overdog and who is the Underdog?

  23. GrannyStandingforTruth11:30 PM

    Field, Pilot, Dr. Nuwang,

    Amen! I totally agree.

    Whitey Conspiracy,
    Yep, you know they probably pulled out the good neighbor card.

    Field, did you see where the D.A. dropped the charges against George Zimmerman in this last case. I guess broken furniture and blocking the door, the 9/11 call, and artillery is not enough evidence.

    Welp, I have to give old George some credit (granny-->choking), he sure knows how to get his women to perjure them self. And he has another chick on the side besides Blondie.

    Must be the sex or yodeling in the canyon since he's supposed to broke. Smh!

    I'm out, it's too cold for me.

  24. Zimmerman's girl friend dropped the charges against him and said the police intimidated her into making false statements.

    The Man is really after Zimmerman.

    Trayvon Martin was a vicious kid on the wrong path whose lifestyle featured “suspected involvement with burglary, PCP-like drug cocktails, and/or drug dealing.” He was shot in an act of desperation while in the process of bashing neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman’s brains out against the sidewalk. There is zero evidence that his killing had anything whatsoever to do with race, nor is there any reason to suspect it, given the background of Zimmerman, who had championed a homeless black man and who mentored black youth.

    Turning a violent punk who died while attempting to commit murder into a martyr begs the question: a martyr to what?

  25. Anonymous11:49 PM

    "we needs to read the bible more. didn't work out good for adam. sho as hell ain't working out for us."

    I didn't know Eve was White. Wow! this bm-ww stuff started with the Garden of Eden? Holy shit. No wonder we have this affinity for each other.

    But when did the bw show up and start interfering and causing trouble? And why didn't God provide a man for her? Desert, can you give an answer? Oh wait, you don't know. Well then... Dr Nuwang, can you give a satisfactory answer for that? Oh wait, you're in Med School working on your 9th degree. You don't have time for this mickey mouse shit.

    Well, that's a mystery. At least we know part of it. I now know why I have the urge to move to the Netherlands. They say Copenhagen is the happiest place of earth. That's from a world survey. Lord have mercy. Let me get my passport together, steal some money, and I am out of here!

    Goodbye brother Field. Say hi to the sisters in Philly. They are all YOURS. As for me, I'm out of here. Im moving to Denmark where the Helle-Thornings live. Please, don't tell the brothers about this place.I want to try to handle them ALL all by mysel. Don't ruin it for me.

  26. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Granny said, "Must be the sex or yodeling in the canyon since he's supposed to broke. Smh!"

    What does 'yoldeling in the canyon' mean? Granny, sometimes you speak a foreign language. Is that an east Oakland term?

  27. GrannyStandingforTruth12:03 AM

    Anonymous, if you do not know what it means, then, it means that it was a term used way before your time.
    Nevertheless, I'll give you a hint...oral.

  28. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Anonymous, if you do not know what it means, then, it means that it was a term used way before your time.
    Nevertheless, I'll give you a hint...oral.

    Ewwwww....don't do that to Black wommen they foam and got de aids.

  29. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Granny, "Nevertheless, I'll give you a hint...oral."

    I still don't know what you are talking about but I suppose it's something you said during your time which you can't mention or define today. Oh well, what ever it is, I guess it is out-dated today.

  30. Anonymous12:18 AM


    You gots to stop watching sharpton he dumbing you down.

    Michelle even switched seats with Obama because she was so pissed he was trying to get some of that nice, white and tight pootang.

  31. Anonymous12:18 AM

    after seeing what a natural blonde looks like in Helle Thorning, I will never date a ww who has died her hair blonde. I want an 'authentic' blonde, not a phony one.

    But how do I tell the real authentic blondes from the phony ones? Can you tell just by looking?

    Do I have to have sex with one to find out?

  32. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Granny, "Nevertheless, I'll give you a hint...oral."

    I still don't know what you are talking about but I suppose it's something you said during your time which you can't mention or define today. Oh well, what ever it is, I guess it is out-dated today.

    Once BWummens get old and go through the change, don't be eatin that thing. You come up with a mouthful of granny dust and cobwebs.

  33. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Wow, Obama and Helle Thorning were having such 'innocent' fun and mean-ass MO spoiled it all. What's with her? why must she be a kill-joy? She is taking all the fun out of BO's life. that's not fair. A man ought to be able to play.

  34. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I want an 'authentic' blonde, not a phony one.
    But how do I tell the real authentic blondes from the phony ones? Can you tell just by looking?
    Do I have to have sex with one to find out?
    12:18 AM
    No! All you have to do is ask her some questions. They say blondes are dumb. So if she answers dumb shit, she's a real blonde :)

  35. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Desert, are you saying the PM of Denmark is dumb?

  36. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Desertflower said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I want an 'authentic' blonde, not a phony one.
    But how do I tell the real authentic blondes from the phony ones? Can you tell just by looking?
    Do I have to have sex with one to find out?
    12:18 AM
    No! All you have to do is ask her some questions. They say blondes are dumb. So if she answers dumb shit, she's a real blonde :)

    Now we know Deserts a brunette.

    1. And EVERYONE with half a brain KNOWS that brown and dark haired women are and have been the most beautiful women in the world throughout history!

  37. These trolls are funny. But pictures don't lie.

    This FLOTUS is the best of all the others this country has ever had. Just a simple observation.

    "black man's kryptonite" , speak for for yourself. Though I suspect (in fact I am sure) that u are not black.

  38. WC, I am aware of that story. Oh to have $ in America. :)

  39. Field, I think you're being wildly optimistic if you think journalists are ever going to get back to being journalists. The American talking heads, the members of the chattering class, that get to stand in front of the cameras and bloviate are always going to prefer to speculate about nonsense rather than focus on actual facts or real issues. If you want to see real reporting, watch Al Jazeera or the BBC.

  40. You nailed it Field "We are selective in what we choose to see. This image is being ignored because it doesn’t fit the narrative we want." It's appalling how the media can take a still photo and spin a non existent story out of it.

    This post calls it out. Wonderful articulation.

  41. Quote Dimbulb-Bill

    "Classic left-wingnut trick. Justify Obama actions by pointing out "bush did it too.""

    Except that wasn't what Field was doing. He was simply pointing the different ways the incidents were reported.

    Work on your comprehension skills, Bill. Do better.

  42. The two anecdotes regarding Bush II and Obomber is exactly what’s to be expected within a dichotomous, politically racist and labeling juggernaut society. It gives you a glimpse of what those in power and of the elite truly represent. Furthermore, I sincerely hope that no one in their right mind thought that the playing fields were level in Amerikkka. Well, if you did, I certainly hope that these two incidents gave you a wakeup call. The more things change, the more they remain the same. Damn you Amerikkka!

  43. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Yes PC, I am dissapointed with Bill. Of all the trolls I thought his comprehension skills were best. But it just goes to show you what O derangement syndrome can do to u.


  44. Black Sage said...
    I sincerely hope that no one in their right mind thought that the playing fields were level in Amerikkka.

    You are correct, Obama does not get one tenth the scrutiny that the press gave Bush.

  45. Look up in the sky ...

    Its a bird!!...
    No its a plane!!!..

    Here He comes to Save the day ..

    Have no Fear...
    Capt'n Save O-Bomber is here!!

    Here to convince the masses..
    all is ok ..
    as long as Bush did it first...LOL

    This was REAL WEAK Stephen...

    Real weak....

    Heres some substantive journalism courtesy of Black Agenda Report , and Paul Street ...

    “The corporatist nature of the Affordable Health Care Act was a foregone conclusion.”

    The health “reform” that passed in early 2010 reflected the advice. It could have been called the “All Power to the Six Leading Insurance Companies and Big Pharma Act.” The bill left the private insurance and drug corporations in parasitic, profit-extracting control of the nation’s absurdly expensive health care system, whose costs are pushed up mainly by the insurance syndicates’ giant investment in marketing, tracking, and denial of service. These giant socio-pathological firms were happy to concede on matters like giving up their right to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions as long as the federal government would offer no competing public plans and all Americans would be compelled to purchase private health insurance.

    The corporatist nature of the “Affordable Health Care Act” (AHCA) was a foregone conclusion, thanks to the unelected dictatorship of big capital, which strangles all potentially progressive policy in the corporate-state cradle. Knowing the authoritarian score, Business Week candidly told is affluent readers that “The Health Insurers Have Already Won” in early August of 2009. As the magazine’s health care correspondents Chad Tehrune and Keith Epstein explained:

    “As the health reform fight shifts this month from a vacationing Washington to congressional districts and local airwaves around the country, much more of the battle than most people realize is already over. The likely victors are insurance giants such as UnitedHealth Group, Aetna, and WellPoint. The carriers have succeeded in redefining the terms of the reform debate to such a degree that no matter what specifics emerge in the voluminous bill Congress may send to President Obama this fall, the insurance industry will emerge more profitable. Health reform could come with a $1 trillion price tag over the next decade, and it may complicate matters for some large employers. But insurance CEOs ought to be smiling.”

  46. marilyn10:44 AM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    And EVERYONE with half a brain KNOWS that brown and dark haired women are and have been the most beautiful women in the world throughout history!

    If you aren't blonde, then why are you so dumb?

  47. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Field, never place confidence or trust in the white man's hand and you'll never have to worry about being disappointed!

  48. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Brother Field, take it from me and many other Negroes:

    never put your trust in the Black man's hands and you'll never have to worry about being disappointed!

  49. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    And EVERYONE with half a brain KNOWS that brown and dark haired women are and have been the most beautiful women in the world throughout history!

    10:33 AM
    Well, if you have 'half a brain' maybe that's what you see..."half" of the world.

    But if you have a 'full brain' you see the whole world and see that blondes have it better than any other woman in the world because they are considered the most beautiful in the world!

    Hell, even in the hood, bw are wearing blond wigs and dying their hair blond.

    I bet Dr Nuwang AND Desert have a blonde wig or maybe even dye their hair blonde. You both know it's true. Negroes love being a blonde. Now if you could bleach your skin light enough.....

  50. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Now we know Deserts a brunette.
    2:29 AM
    and don't you EVER forget it!!! ;D

  51. The Purple Cow said...
    Except that wasn't what Field was doing. He was simply pointing the different ways the incidents were reported.

    You sound EXACTLY like all those whiney ass right-wingers that during the bush term kept saying clinton this and clinton that.

    Here's an example for you in the difference in the ways things are reported.

    MSNBC had a running total of dead troops in iraq/afghanistan up until Obama took office. Then MSNBC decided informing the public on troop deaths didn't matter anymore.

    Did you speak out against the different ways troop deaths got reported?

    Where did all the anti-war protestors go? Was it really only about a republuican in the white house? Or is the media not advertising the anti-war protests simply because a democrat is in the white house and it doesn't help Obama to show the truth.

    Did you speak out against the anti-war protests being kept quiet to protect Obama?

    See how easy it is to prove you're a hypocrite?

  52. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Hey Dr.Nuwang! :)

    So what's everybody doing for New Years?

    I will be going to a wild party with my hot in crowd!

    Like I do every year,with champagne and hats and horns and confetti and hot guys and...oh, just everything you can imagine! Just like the ones in the ads and the movies and TV!:)

    Yeah...Mmmhmmm, wild and the dogs,cos I gotta bring the stinky phockers in 'cos of the fireworks, they start trembling :(

    Oh well, maybe next year...

  53. Black Sage said...
    Furthermore, I sincerely hope that no one in their right mind thought that the playing fields were level in Amerikkka.

    True. Not a level playing field.

    Imagine the liberal media if bush would have been palin' around with timmothy mcviegh like Obama did with william ayers.

    Imagine the outrage from the liberal media if bush decided to be the first president not to release his grades, school transcripts and even birth certificate.

    Imagine the outrage from the liberal media if bush increased the killing of civilians with drones.

    Imagine a world where the liberal media doesn't protect democrats. Bush lied us into war, except all the democrats that lied and supported the war got a free pass.

    "Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There's no question about that."

    Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (Democrat, California)
    During an interview on "Meet The Press"
    November 17, 2002

    Why do you think the liberal media (it was reported on faux) didn't keep repeating the word of pelosi? Unless pelosi was telling the truth, then the democrat talking points about bush lied us into war really falls apart.

    I will agree with you, with the liberal media the playing fields are not level.

  54. Quote Dimbulb Bill - the Yokel from the Prairies

    "MSNBC had a running total of dead troops in iraq/afghanistan up until Obama took office. Then MSNBC decided informing the public on troop deaths didn't matter anymore.

    Did you speak out against the different ways troop deaths got reported?"

    Here's the thing bill-oh. How can I expect to comment on a TV show I've never seen, never heard of, and is not actually broadcast in my country?

    When you've worked that one out, let me know.

    See how easy it is to prove you are a total fucking moron?

  55. Anon @11:33, blondes purpotedly have it better due to political and social construct, not due to physical or biological facts. Get your *ish together and cease believing in long held fallacies!

  56. The Purple Cow said...
    Here's the thing bill-oh. How can I expect to comment on a TV show I've never seen, never heard of, and is not actually broadcast in my country?

    Valid point.

    So stop talking about stuff in another country you know nothing about.

  57. The liberal media is working so hard for Obama.

    Not even rush and hanity are blaming Obama for have some crazy guy waving his arms around under the guise of sign language.

    But ABC still needs to protect Obama so the excuses start.

    Of course ABC can't touch the subject of why the secret service allowed a violent schizophrenic so close to Obama. The liberal media is scared that even questions like that hurt Obama.

  58. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Yeah,and blondes have MORE fun too! Allegedly.

    When America idolizes,reveres the likes of Marilyn Monroe, a blond, drug addicted, mentally unstable,jump off. You know things cannot be too good...

  59. black man's kryptonite1:50 PM

    brutha fields, i fear you have been compromised. white womemese have a vagina hold on you.

    and everyone knows white women are the most evil womeneses throughout world history.

    how many bruthas have been killed or locked up because of white vagina.

    let's not ever talk about the fine hair white women have.....

  60. Desertflower said...
    When America idolizes,reveres the likes of Marilyn Monroe, a blond, drug addicted, mentally unstable,jump off. You know things cannot be too good...

    It was the tits.

  61. Anonymous2:58 PM

    "When America idolizes,reveres the likes of Marilyn Monroe, a blond, drug addicted, mentally unstable,jump off. You know things cannot be too good..."

    Excuse me but Marilyn Monroe married two of the most important men of her time. Arthur Miller, the writer, and Joe Demaggio (sp?) the Hall of Fame baseball player.

  62. Anonymous2:58 PM

    "When America idolizes,reveres the likes of Marilyn Monroe, a blond, drug addicted, mentally unstable,jump off. You know things cannot be too good..."

    Excuse me but Marilyn Monroe married two of the most important men of her time. Arthur Miller, the writer, and Joe Demaggio (sp?) the Hall of Fame baseball player.

  63. "Yellow Magi" sounds much wiser than "Black Sage".

  64. parvenu3:07 PM

    Brother Field, It is important to continuously recognize that all of the main stream media is owned by corporate right wing entities who control exactly what the American public hears and sees respective of the "national news" category. To name manes - consider the following Bain Capital, CBS, Comcast, Gannett, News Corp, Time Warner, Tribune Company. Viacom. and Walt Disney. It is ironic that Walt Disney when he was alive was a "publically avowed died in the wool RACIST" Disney made the famous declaration that he would close his Disney studios before he would hire a Negro in any capacity! Disney's response to criticism that no Negroes were ever included in any of his films was to produce his famous "Song of the South" partial animation movie starring an elderly whit bearded Negro dressed in overalls cast in the role of "Uncle Remus". The movie was in state of the art Technicolor and consisted mainly of ole uncle Remus spinning animal folk tales like "Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby". The entire movie was so heavily stereotyped that it was a cinematic slap in the face to every African-American in this country - but Disney was proud and called it "a movie for the ages". Now the enterprise started by this man, Walt Disney, owns one of the largest collection of broadcast media outlets in the U.S.

    This is the reason why the content of the news media available to the public is always bent towards the "conservative" perspective on all national events including anything concerning America's first black president. This is also the reason why President Obama has so much difficulty "getting his message out" to the public. It also explains Obama's drop in the polls. Anyone (even Jesus Christ) would suffer a loss in public confidence if they were subjected to over four years of continuous defamation by all of the mass communication media outlets across the nation.

  65. Anonymous3:30 PM

    That Green Parsley fella seems to always be on his knees servicing Black Sage, giving frontal pleasure. Are you gay?

  66. Excuse me but Marilyn Monroe married two of the most important men of her time. Arthur Miller, the writer, and Joe Demaggio (sp?) the Hall of Fame baseball.

    And she SCREWED BROTHERS, one of whom was the President of the US.

  67. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Anonymous Joe Dimaggio said...
    Desertflower said...
    When America idolizes,reveres the likes of Marilyn Monroe, a blond, drug addicted, mentally unstable,jump off. You know things cannot be too good...

    It was the tits.

    2:58 PM
    It was not only the tits, it was the complete physical package rarely seen: blonde hair, face, lips, voice, bright headlights(breasts), waist, voice, and unbelievable fantastic legs. If the tits didn't get you, those fabulous legs would!

    Helle Thorning attracted Obama in that way. At the sight of her, he lost himself and temporarily forgot about MO AND the funeral...However, MO kindly and gently and smilingly reminded O who he was with and where he was.

    A good-looking blonde can make a man drunker than a drunk.

  68. "A good-looking blonde can make a man drunker than a drunk."

    "Easy pre" always does, LOL!!!

  69. BARBBF4:41 PM

    Obama Mandela Speech Cost $500,000 Per Minute

    Henri Le Riche estimates “Obama’s expected 10-minute speech at Nelson Mandela’s memorial will cost taxpayers at least $500,000 per minute.”

    That’s not counting any cakes and coffee he and his inner circle consume aboard Air Force One during the 18,000-mile round trip to Johannesburg, via Dakar, in Senegal.

    The 28-hour two-way flight will cost $5 million because the four-engined Boeing 747 costs roughly $180,000 an hour to operate, according to a May 2012 report by the Congressional Research Service.

    The cost includes jet fuel and subsequent maintenance of the aircraft’s engines, electronics and hotel-class facilities.

    Obama has been accompanied by the First Lady, Attorney General Eric Holder, national security advisor Susan Rice and confidante Valerie Jarrett.

    In addition to Obama and his entourage aboard Air Force One, the government sent along the presidential security detail – armed guards, bullet-proof limos, and other equipment – on a far less luxurious C-17 cargo lifters based out of Andrews Air Force base. Cost: $23,811 per hour.

    Obama’s trip is not merely ceremonial. The high profile event serves as a spectacular propaganda piece to highlight multiculturalism, the latest political control tool exploited by the establishment.

    Incidentally, the ideological heirs to Mandela’s communism do not support Obama’s presence in South Africa.


    Was it worth it? I don't think so.

  70. Quote Bill-Oh-The-Slack-Jawed-Yokel

    "So stop talking about stuff in another country you know nothing about."

    Do you not see the problem with your logic here, bill-oh?

    You asked me to comment on a TV show I've never heard of, that doesn't mean I don;t know America. My wife is American, My brother lives in East Lansing, my niece lives in D.C. So I spend a lot of time in America, and we have this sophisticated stuff called 'mass media'. T.V. - print media -internet - all kinds of stuff. So I'm qualified to comment on America.

    Besides I never heard you far-Right types refraining from commenting on Europe.

  71. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Green Parsley said...
    3:00 PM
    Wow that is one beautiful parsley plant! You have quite the green thumb!
    Do you have other plants or flowers?

  72. Phunny Phact PC, (according to a statistically meaningless, but probably spot-on Buzzfeed experiment) You Yurpeins (well, Brits) are about as godaufil at 'Merkin geography as we are with yours. We all get England, Spain & Italy, you all get NYC, Texas & California. The Netherlands, Alabama, Switzerland and Minnesota, all migrated wildly across the continents.

  73. The Purple Cow said...
    "So stop talking about stuff in another country you know nothing about."

    Do you not see the problem with your logic here, bill-oh?


    You made a rather clueless comment.

    I replied.

    Then you blamed you living in the UK for not knowing about my answer.

    And to think a few days ago you were the same person that was grilling people where they bought their chuddies or what TWI is.

    Besides I never heard you far-Right types refraining from commenting on Europe.

    Classic leftwing trick saying "they do it too."

  74. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Has anyone noticed that PC hasn't commented on blondes? I wonder why? I bet his wife is a blonde from Minnesota.

    You see, PC is for us black folks except when it comes to women. Isn't that right, brother PC? Explain yourself to FN women.

    AND TO BILL: I bet Bill would get a kick out of your left-winged

  75. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Neither Jesus or santa were black.

    Who do so many blacks pretend they are?

  76. GrannyStandingforTruth2:15 PM

    It's amazing what lengths people on the right will go to slander the First Lady and President Obama. Falsely accusing the President and her for a political agenda. Apparently, they choose to ignore what the photographer who took those pictures said:

    I later read on social media that Michelle Obama seemed to be rather peeved on seeing the Danish prime minister take the picture. But photos can lie. In reality, just a few seconds earlier the first lady was herself joking with those around her, Cameron and Schmidt included. Her stern look was captured by chance.

    I took these photos totally spontaneously, without thinking about what impact they might have. At the time, I thought the world leaders were simply acting like human beings, like me and you. I doubt anyone could have remained totally stony faced for the duration of the ceremony, while tens of thousands of people were celebrating in the stadium. For me, the behaviour of these leaders in snapping a selfie seems perfectly natural. I see nothing to complain about, and probably would have done the same in their place.


  77. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I would not piss on the best part of the terrorist murderer mandela or the genocidel negroes in south comes zem bob way number 2 fn.those negro commies sure know how to run a country not.


    re: Anonymous @3:20 p.m.

    MOTHER F YOU and the diseased bitch you dropped out of!! Racist Caucasian asswipe!

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