Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The selfie seen around the world.

Helle Thorning better stop trying to push up on O. If Scarlett Johansson  didn't make him bite, I know she doesn't really think that she has a shot at catching our leader's eye.

Madam Prime Minister you better stop. Do you see that sister sitting there to the right? Well she isn't trying to have that.

I know that you are just pulling a smoke screen with all this selfie stuff, we know what this is really all about..... Let me stop. I kid folks, I kid.

Anyway, what I am not kidding about is the ridiculously misplaced outrage that folks on the right were showing about not only that incident, but about the president shaking the hand of...gasp, Raul Castro.

"During a congressional hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) asked Secretary of State John Kerry pointedly about President Barack Obama’s reportedly spontaneous handshake with Cuban leader Raul Castro. She accused the Cuban dictator of possessing “bloody hands” used to brutally repress his people. Kerry, for his part, agreed that Cuba’s human rights record is problematic.

After asking questions about the proposed Iranian nuclear deal and Iraq, Ros-Lehtinen pivoted to Obama’s handshake with Castro.

“Mr. Secretary, sometimes a handshake is just a handshake, but when the leader of the free world shakes the bloody hand of a ruthless dictator like Raul Castro, it becomes a propaganda coup for the tyrant,” Ros-Lehtinen said.

“Castro uses that hand to sign the orders to repress and jail democracy advocates.” [Source]

Ok, idiots like Rush and Glen Beck I can understand, but this woman is an elected official. Is she really this stupid? Like what was Obama going to do? Ignore the man (a guest of the Mandela family) and create a real international incident? He shook his hand. He didn't sit down for an hour long meeting about how to improve Cuban American relations. Which, to be honest, wouldn't be a bad thing at this time in our history.

This was a memorial service that was celebrating the life of a man who would have had no problem with shaking the hand of a Communist, or of a racist who held him captive for 27 years for that matter.  

So anyway, just to make sure I wasn't missing something, I checked to see if other American presidents had shook hands with other leaders of Communist countries and dictators in the past. And, sure enough, I found quite a few examples. There is Nixon and Mao; there is Reagan and Mobuto; there is Ford and Pinochet...you get the picture.

With all due respect to Ed Shultz; these people really do believe that the President can catch Communism from a handshake.

Finally, I started on a light note, and I would like to end on one. Well actually it's not funny, because a man lost his life for crying out loud.

So the guy who committed suicide after shopping with his girlfriend should have given me a call before he took to such extreme measures.
First, he violated a cardinal rule: Do not go into the store when shopping with your wife or significant other. He should have found a nice spot in that mall to sit and do some people watching and kept his cell phone on.
Honestly, when I look in my wife's --very large--- closet, I don't think of committing suicide, rather, I feel empathy for the poor shoe salesmen around Philadelphia and various other venues who had to put in the work to help her pick just the "perfect" shoe for a particular outfit or handbag.
"A Chinese man reportedly committed suicide in a crowded mall over the weekend after arguing with his girlfriend about her shopping.

According to Chinese media reports, the man jumped to his death Saturday at the Golden Eagle Shopping Complex in the city of Xuzhou after an afternoon of shopping with his girlfriend. It is believed that the man was about 40 years old.

Quoting witnesses of the tragedy, Guangming Online reports that the man had been arguing with his girlfriend before he climbed over a seventh-floor railing and leapt to his death. The couple's fight may have started when the man expressed concerns over his girlfriend's expensive purchases.

Graphic surveillance footage from after the incident shows that the man landed in the mall's atrium, near a number of cosmetics counters. He is believed to have died on impact."

May he rest in peace.

If only crass consumerism had not found its way to his part of the world.


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    "Ok, idiots like Rush and Glen Beck I can understand, but this woman is an elected official. Is she really this stupid?"

    She's from Florida, so not only is she stoopit, the peepuhul hoo put her their are idjits as well.

    Her constituents are the problem. I bet they couldn't even correct my mistakes in the above sentence.

  2. FN-

    BO needs to know when to play and when not to play. selfies = not a good look.

    i REALLY bet MO's last nerve was on steady pluck. her husband takes vacations with mr. love and behaves inappropriately with other women right in her face...but of course, she just has an "attitude".

    shame on you for making me half laugh at the concept of someone hurling themselves out the window over a shopping spree gone wrong. that ain't right.

    while folks are honoring Mandela...maybe they could stand up against the other u.s. of satan supported apartheid, too?

  3. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Mr Field, here is a better photo of how Obama and Helle Thorning began before the selfie was taken. It seems one thing led to another and soon they were taking pictures. Poor Obama forgot all about the funeral.

    Brother Field, I can't say I blame him. Have you ever been to Denmark? There are some bad ass Danish women there! And yes, you better believe when Obama finishes his last term, he will be taking a lot of trips to Denmark.

    My wife is Danish. Unlike PC, who married a garden variety white girl from America, I went for the best. They are all beautiful in Denmark. Keep that in mind, brother Field the next time Mrs Field wants to buy some 'more' shoes.

    Keeping Denmark women in mind could save your life. Check out this snap shot of the President and the Danish Prime Minister...they are having a ball! Sorry to say Michelle looks pissed off.


  4. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Weeeeeelll....I dunno. My thoughts are that yes funerals are somber occasions, and especially that one which was a memorial for such a cherished man.

    But...in a moment of lightness, and to break up the seriousness, I think I can forgive him for impulsively taking that selfie.

    Michelle is more serious and reserved than the POTUS. She is more protocol oriented I think. The POTUS has a happy impulsive side to him and it came out there.

    But if it were a relatives funeral, I would want people to be, if not happy,content.

    Here they play music at funerals. and I mean like Salsa and Merengue music, soooo go figure?

    Maybe funerals are changing. As long as it's done away from the sight of the bereaved ones.

    And another thing is that it all depends.

    If the deceased is a child, a young person,who's time it was not. That's different. I think there's way more sorrow then.

    But, on the other hand, if it's an older person, who's lived his life and is now out of pain, or gone to his eternal rest, then the feeling changes a bit. It should be one of joy. Joy for a life well lived!

    To be clear, I'm not equating Mr. Mandela to any old body. He is an icon of the highest order, and it was a memorial. But to take a pic away from the actual scene, I don't this is so bad.

  5. The look on Michelle's face is absolutely priceless. No issues there...

    You have to admit, it's a classic Obama the Narcissist moment on a day where his speech referenced Mandela 8 times and himself 14 times.

    Helle Thorning is a Danish Social Democrat. I guess they are pieces of shit there too.

  6. " If Scarlett Johansson didn't make him bite, I know she doesn't really think that she has a shot at catching our leader's eye."

    You know he's gay, right?

  7. Anonymous9:16 PM

    "Helle Thorning better stop trying to push up on O. If Scarlett Johansson didn't make him bite, I know she doesn't really think that she has a shot at catching our leader's eye."

    Oh yes she does. In fact, she has a great chance with Obama because Helle Thorning is his type. Scarlett Johansson just wasn't his type.

  8. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Is whomever Field-Homeslice don't like "on the right?"

    Also, where do you see a "right" or for that matter a "left" in current America dawg?

    Holla back yo!

  9. English, please.

    Methinks u have been watching too many old MTV videos of Vanilla Ice.

  10. "She accused the Cuban dictator of possessing “bloody hands” used to brutally repress his people. "

    I don't know how Obama thinks he is going to get that blood off his hands now, although Raoul Castro is probably thinking the same thing.

  11. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I can't wait to hear Desert's opinion about Obama's behavior at the funeral in front of his wife. Those Danish women can make a brother lose his mind. I mean, Obama forgot all about Michelle.


  12. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Well also this is the type woman who views herself as equal to any man. She was merely having a laugh with someone she clicked with! But,if she should want him, she will simply take him. Its up to him whether he reciprocates or not. That's the way women in power are. The Flotus senses this and is rightly upset. But unfortunately these women are very predatory. Think Cleopatra et al.

  13. Anonymous10:29 PM

    BO is a player to the max! Sista Michelle is steaming at the Prez!

    Before and after pictures here:


  14. Hey Field, how come everybody is talking about the handshake and nobody is talking about the text of Obama's address which might as well have been titled Dear Raul.

    In front of the world he proceeds to chastise Raul and others for paying lip service to Mandela's quest for freedom and liberty while not actually allowing dissent in their own countries. I'd say that was pretty damn bodacious.

  15. I haven't shopped with my wife since the great remodel of '96. That was when I figured out that just letting her buy what she wants is a shortcut to her getting what she wants anyway.

    Pretty good speech from the O man today. Lets hope that handshake is a prelude to a sane Cuba policy. The cold war ended 25 years ago. Does anyone other than the sore losers from the Batista overthrow down in Miami still think this international bullying is a good idea? We've got normal relations with Vietnam now; what's the continuing point of this one-sided hostility to Cuba?

  16. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Amen Whiteys Conspiracy!

  17. "The cold war ended 25 years ago"

    Tell that to Eddy Emilio and the thousands of others rotting in Cuban political prisons.


  18. I wonder why so many humans have risked their life to escape cuba and come to America.

    I wonder if the people that were lucky enough to escape cuba see Obama shaking hands with castro much like FN would view black people smiling and shaking hands with david duke.

    One person's oppressor is another person's hero.

  19. Quinnnipiac poll released today:

    President Barack Obama's job approval among American voters drops to a new low, a negative 38 - 57 percent, as the outlook for Democrats running for Congress and the U.S. Senate fades also, according to a national poll released today. He even gets a negative 41 - 49 percent among voters 18 to 29 years old and a lackluster 50 - 43 percent approval among Hispanic voters.

    That's bad. I guess people liked having healthcare. Better tell those Hispanics he'll give them a raise by hiking the minimum wage, or tell loser whites he'll extend their unemployment benefits forever, or New War on Women or something. I wonder if he gets a bounce from glomming on to Mandela's funeral? Did he get a selfie with the corpse?

  20. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Desert, you opinion of women in power is a bit naive. It is clear you have never been in a position of power. You need Jesus and December is a good month for you to repent and stop eating cake!

    There is something wrong with you folks in PR. You need to move to America where you can gain some sense of sanity and health instead of all that dysfunction in PR.

  21. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Bill@11:29pm, your rational and logical comment is insightful and brilliant. Please, don't ever leave FN. We need you here...even Field knows it but sometimes his pride gets in the way and he can't quite say to you what I have said. But again, it' s a progressive liberal black pride thing. It gets in the way at times.

  22. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Anon, no, you are just wrong! Women that enjoy power will stop at nothing! NOTHING I tell you!!! No we dont want to move to America cos we're not wanted there. Why don't you move here?

  23. Another one of those Obama tributes....

    Where Obama is the focus.


    Another Mandela tribute, Obama front and center.


    A white house b-day for a staff member, Obama fron and center.


    Kennedy assassination? Tribute for JFK.
    Obama front and center.


    Biden b-day?
    Obama front and center.


    This might be one of the best tweets.

    You can make it if you try

    If you didn't make, Obama is under the impression you didn't try.

  24. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Anon, no, you are just wrong! Women that enjoy power will stop at nothing! NOTHING I tell you!!! No we dont want to move to America cos we're not wanted there. Why don't you move here?

    11:51 PM
    Well, Hillary Clinton and the one female Supreme Court Justice have been very reasonable and considerate. Here's the thing, Desert: women are naturally nurturing and therefore, there would be no wars, no pollution, everybody would have a chicken in the refrigerator....in other words everybody would be happy and nurtured, including the homeless.

    I don't know where you get the idea that you are not wanted here in America. Our doors are wide open to anybody from PR. Why don't you move to Philly? I own a condo that I will rent to you for a great price. It's right around the corner from city hall where Field works. Just think. You and Field could have lunch every day. Maybe even breakfast...dinner too. Mrs Field wouldn't know the difference. So, what do you say, bonita?

  25. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Anonymous said...
    So, what do you say, bonita?
    12:09 AM
    Oh Gomez/Anon, you know I love it when you talk Spanish! ;p

  26. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    It's right around the corner from city hall where Field works. Just think. You and Field could have lunch every day. Maybe even breakfast...dinner too. Mrs Field wouldn't know the difference. So, what do you say, bonita?
    12:09 AM
    lol! I say don't get you know who started/panties in a bunch!:D

    and I say good night to all. Out all day. Too tired,can't think straight. See youse tomorrow.... ZZZZzzzzzzzz

  27. Anonymous1:05 AM

    "i REALLY bet MO's last nerve was on steady pluck. her husband takes vacations with mr. love and behaves inappropriately with other women right in her face...but of course, she just has an "attitude"."

    So the president of the U.S. was supposed to just ignore the PM just because she's a pretty blonde? And the PM took the picture, not Obama. What was he supposed to do, refuse to be in the photo with the PM? Keep in mind that black South Africans are people who sing, dance and play music at funerals.

    Why do so many black women, including apparently the FLOTUS, want everyone to know how unpleasant they are? Those pictures of her are NOT flattering.

  28. Hey Uncle Ben, in true wingnut fashion,u left out the other polls yesterday.

  29. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Anon1:05am, you are wrong. The FLOTUS is looking her natural self which is perfect for funerals. Do you know what funerals are about? They are somber, about the end of someone's life. I mean, WTF? It's about the loss of life.

    Are you looking forward to death? GET REAL. You are probably scared shitless of it, like most humans are. Nobody knows WHY we must die, we just know it is not something desirable because it takes love ones and people we admire away from us.

    FLOTUS reflects that mood in her demeanor at funerals. Obama is reflecting his admiration for himself based on the beautiful PM from Denmark. He does what she wants. The PM IS THE WORLD LEADER, not Obama. She leads Obama, instead of Obama leading her.

    There is something going on between those two. I mean, you don't see Obama selfing with the head of Germany, or other heads of countries do you?

    In Denmark, AND Sweden, brothers are like putty in the hands of women there. They were the cause of some brothers going AWOL during and after WWII.

    Compare their demeanor against the likes of MO. One loves life, the other is pissed off about life...Which do you prefer? The answer is self-evident.

    I bet Field won't be returning to Jamaica because his plans are in the direction of Denmark. Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the time to write this post.

    You see folks, you have to be able to read between the lines on FN. Field writes so that you MUST read between the lines because of his Jamaican thinking process. I know, it's not easy.

    Even Bill, as brilliant as he is, sometimes has to work overtime to discern what Field is really saying.

    Brothers and sisters, learn to read between the lines it might save you from being misled, like this post about Helle-Thorning and Obama.

  30. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Mr. President, you failed in your MAC abilities (Magnificent Abilities to Communicate) with Prime Minister Thorning. You missed an opportunity to chalk up another notch on your belt by tapping that ass. We'll see you when you get back at the Black House!

  31. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Anon 1:05 AM again,
    Other pictures I've seen (on other blogs) of this incident show the FLOTUS literally glaring while the president and the PM are happily taking pictures. MO knows how to roll her eyes, doesn't she, just like a stupid project bitch.

    1. BW don't take $hit from their men as well as WW do. Just ask your Mammy/Aunt.

  32. Serious question: Can anyone think of a U.S. President that didn't have blood on his hands?

    Just ask the people of the Swat Valley what they think of this President's bloody hands.

  33. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Negro Funeral

    Hitting on women in front of your ugly wife
    Negro Sign language interpreter just making shit up
    President of the U.S shaking hands with communists and Dicatators, allright Castro - whatever, but Phucking Mugabe for crying out loud?

    Idiocracy is here.

  34. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    BW don't take $hit from their men as well as WW do. Just ask your Mammy/Aunt.

    Aint no doubt; that's why 8 out of 10 kids aint got no daddy. They got a manly mom.

  35. it will ALWAYS be a good day to hate HARD on BW. MO's husband is being a clown. she takes the lashing. those spending all day, every day chasing racism + complaining about not being respected as men...won't tap into their protective natures and straighten things out either. won't make a sound. despite being Yah given BM protectors of BW and children.

    BM fail, in any significant numbers, to be offended when folk diss BW. i no longer get annoyed with this. i understand it is indicative of their near complete spiritual brokenness. until more turn their hearts + tune into Almighty Yah...there will be no change. quite a few BM don't treat each other as brothers. nor the women around them as their sisters, wives, mothers. the children, the promise of the future.

    BM, collectively, are out of their Right minds. being the sick spiritually dead head...of course the body (women and children) are in a pitiful condition as well. Man has Dominion. BM, in large numbers, don't get this in their self inflicted spiritually cut off state. (let the deadheads respond...that's not my sister. my sister was born to my mother. that's not my brother... like a real dumb azz. unity will never happen with the current over abundance of these dumb azzes.)

    year after year after century...these same quiet at the wrong times, totally outside of their divine, natural, Yah given dominance/ order BM will STILL not understand why they are not respected as men. despite messengers telling them until they do better by their women...

    folks are throwing backhanded, side ways, straight hate at that woman married to that person that has MAJOR problems with Act Right and Truth...personally and professionally. to think she married down to do it. remember, she put him on.

    i have to say Anon @ 6:35 AM threw the best hate;) it was at least civilized, shrewd + a heads up to the mentally shackled on the slave plantation. folks do understand that's where one finds fn/hn? negro comes from the greek word for dead...for a reason. i say deadhead on purpose;(

    this right here, though:

    "In Denmark, AND Sweden, brothers are like putty in the hands of women there. They were the cause of some brothers going AWOL during and after WWII.

    Compare their demeanor against the likes of MO. One loves life, the other is pissed off about life...Which do you prefer? The answer is self-evident."

    manages to perpetuate the BM loooooove ww mind tuck that is on a loop 24/7. while folks think it a diss to BW...it is REALLY a diss to BM on so many levels. comment too long to break it all down. at any rate,the comment at the same time outs the pathetic state of some BM. so rather than get WM's foot off your neck...folks would rather go get "care free" ww?

    get a "prize" then close your eyes to the pitiful condition of your people world wide?

    because ww's son's boot is on BM's neck globally. she doesn't CARE. mess up and she is FREE to go back to her dominant group with your stuff. ask mr. strahan if they will take more than half;( her folks are running things and will make sure of it.

    but BM are so mentally enslaved they will feel like she deserves more than half of his stuff. i mean all the marketing makes sure to associate ww with all things luxury. lol.

    BW, in large numbers are NOT care free in a man's world, where their men collectively stay losing. in a world of white supremacy + sexism. in a world that has decided we are "strong" so it treats us like men. brutalizes us just as they brutalize BM. historically + today.

    while silly racist ww burn their bras and demand to be treated like men. demand to be "equal" to a man. what does that even mean? of course, the backlash from this craziness hits BW harder.

  36. most folks hating BW would not have the inner Spirit,strength/resilience to walk a full day in the shoes of a BW.

    this statement will sound "crazy" to those folks that consume too much manipulated, racist media and seek to look BW from a negative place. or...they spend entirely too much time with the element of Blacks that is prominently featured in manipulated racist media.

    you know...the type of folk that come in every other color? yet somehow other groups are not judged by them?

    images inform attitudes. BW's and the attitudes coming at her from other regularly scheduled programmed folks. MO's husband gets no respect. what's the likelihood she is getting respect, as the ONLY Black American in the BO/MO union?

    now...the ww on the other hand...the masses have been programmed to on glance declare her "beautiful" simply because for quite a few brain dead slaves "beautiful"= blonde hair/blue eyes/pale skin. that is the definition. lol.

    at the end of the day BO is gay. he doesn't want that pale woman or MO. lol. nor does he care what other folks have to say...it's about him + his next lie...

    ps. for those that are not getting this... here's a tip:

    BO talking= telling a lie.
    BO silent= pondering the next lie.

    BO's funeral behavior was inappropriate+ disrespectful. he should have had the inappropriate disrespectful ww wait until a better moment for the selfie.

    this world is in the pitiful condition it is in today...because Man failed to lead and protect at a pivotal time. the ladyboys/blame shifters will ALWAYS point to the woman. this is why they get no respect...

    ...from men or women of any color.

  37. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Meanwhile, back at da ranch: Queen mega-idiot, Palin, goes to South Korea to attend Mandela's funeral. Yeeech... She gives "christian" a bad name.

  38. Here he comes to save the dayyyy !!!

    Have no Fear...

    "Capt'n Save O-Bomber" is Here!!

    Im gonna post a link to start a donation for a Cape for STEPHEN...

    My fellow black intellectual Robert Pascal opines on the subject most eloquently...

    In the constant con game of American two party politics, the suffering masses are forced to swallow images of the Republicans as reactionary racists and Democrats as the sound defenders of the working class and people of color. The reality is that both parties are completely beholden to the forces of oppression that have ground the working class and people of color to dust for ages in this Country. This tired political charade lets Democrats cast themselves as the safe haven for Black and brown people by doing nothing more than pointing at “those evil Republicans” who want to deport you or send you back to the plantation in shackles."

    Austerity then, is being forced upon poor and working class Americans by a Democratic president, enabled by Democratic and “progressive” forces whose only act is to point to the reactionary racism of Republicans. Democrats then, are able to campaign as progressive and govern as the party of neoliberal austerity...

  39. What, the sign language interpreter at Mandelas funeral was a fraud?


    I don't think bush would have known he was just waving his arms around any better than Obama.

    But people don't expect much out of bush.

    The reality is that both parties are completely beholden to the forces of oppression that have ground the working class and people of color to dust for ages in this Country.

    Please be respectful, the truth is not welcome here.

    Did you not get your Obama talking points in your email this morning? Please check your junk email folder.

    this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal

  41. i just want to say for the record...

    the first baby mama i ever saw, was a ww.

    recall murphy brown/candice bergen?

    THIS is when the phenomena was introduced to the mainstream. when the make up of the household/family began to change.

    i recall vividly mr. potatoe Quayle sounding the alarm about what this type of depiction would do to traditional family values/homes. i guess because i AM not a dem/rep=all the same or a split the vote label wearer...i can hear when whoever makes a sound insightful point.

    having mk'd celebrity puppets model the dysfunctional behavior...other folks emulated. much like the type of shoes, clothes, cars they buy. from the upper to the lower class. all colors. voila! jacked up communities of all colors though folks only want to talk about Black folks. because the Hebrews are hit first and the hardest for our ongoing spiritual disobedience, as it is written.

    folks love stats. take a look at oow, divorce rates, etc across the board. forget about who has more this or that. forget about whose fault it is. forget about who one thinks is "superior" or "inferior". look at the numbers. humanity is in trouble no matter how you slice it. i guess the plan is to keep folks distracted by all + more of what it is best to ignore considering folks get stuck there. only a fool doesn't know the whats and the whys at this point. more importantly, what we see is much like the protocols hoax outlines. focusing on anything but solution+ working together is a waste of short time.

    it should be said that a lot of Black folks don't know how to select mates. this is true for both sides of the gender coin. the hatred that flares from both sides of Black gender coin is also written of in Scriptures. all of this madness is written down. very nicely hidden from the sound bite, feed me feed me info, i don't read, masses;(

    the stuff white folk DO come up with, somehow they don't want to own. while whitening/stealing other folks' creations + claiming it as proof of the "superiority"...dead head Black folks pursue white folks harder than they will consider seeking Almighty. will brag about being putty in the hands of the mothers of their historical enemies, as written of in Scriptures. while emulating ALL the WRONG things that their historical enemies do. any uplifting goes to the families/communities of their historical Psalm 83 enemies. verbally + economically in many instances. is it any wonder that we collectively are, where we are as a nation?

    Black folks will do better when Black folks DO better.

    first stop DO better suggestion:

    Deuteronomy 28
    Leviticus 26

    see what the curses are for the Hebrews and who fits the description.

    i would rather discuss how these devils are still painting stuff white.

    irish folk appear to be how they are about to re-write history and re-cast "slaves".

    while simultaneously, these devils are looting, burning books, virgin testing sexually assaulting women, sodomizing men, destroying proof of Black ancient Egyptians- the whole nine, right now, in the Egyptian lands...folks just aren't talking about it. they own the media after all.

  42. so discussing the national/int'l shameful ww baby BO playing at Black folks' funeral, praying for/shining light on BW haters, and ignoring folks that can't appear to wrap their seasoned brains around the concept of shunning the appearance of evil and other appropriate behaviors...


    you know, if it were not for kind Anon and a few others mixed in with all the snarky Anons + devil imps, i would not think anything i say makes a difference. it seems like folks are just stuck in the matrix;(

    this won't be real until martial law is banging on the front door for quite a few people;( lol. when these bad boys start rolling out their stockpiled weapons and enforcing those quietly passed laws. a solid nazi israeli military trained, po po bang, on the front door will interrupt folks playing divide, distract political games. lol.

    Anon that asked about is.ra.el. hi my friend;)

    i planned to post about it. until that happens, here is a place to start to get familiar:


    the shield of Solomon means something entirely different in the occult/hidden, which is its origin.

    it is fitting that the bloody apartheid state named after ancient african/egyptian pagan g-ds would choose this sign + conduct themselves as they currently are in the set apart lands...

    folks will want to argue if these pagan g-ds are right or wrong. i walk according to Scriptures. that's my free will. what other folks do is indicative of theirs.

    if folks that want to do everything UNLawful would just stop their hyprocisy, i would be appreciative. if they don't, they will be ignored. so it is all Good anyways.

    UNLawful folks want to be brazen, bold, loud, in your face, proud,constant and confident with their anti Yah flow. while demanding that others silently follow Almighty. demanding my silence puts me in disobedience to Him. yep...folks will spend a lot of time on ignore.

    notice Solomon and his strange women/g-ds in the link provided...strange women still ain't working so well for the rest of these ninjas either.

    i really don't know how folks can't tell these are Black folk written of in Scriptures...

    i just heard this brother break this all down in a rap song. still thinking if i should focus more on the message or the liberal mf's homeboy spits in his heated what type of chit is this flow...

    he is giving the knowledge though:


    forgive any typos.

  43. Having troops in Afghanistan is insane, considering that Obama said long ago he is not interested in victory, and that under his demented rules of engagement they are not there to fight but only to be killed.

    Now Obama is spending a billion dollars buying helicopters for the Muslim government of Afghanistan. But rather than put some Americans to work, he bypassed Boeing and gave a no-bid contract to the Russians. Why? To punish Boeing for trying to build a plant in non-union South Carolina.

    It is unfathomable how someone so inimical to the interests of the United States became its leader.


  44. Anonymous12:27 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    "at the end of the day BO is gay. he doesn't want that pale woman or MO. lol."

    And how do you know this? But I understand your (and BW who think like you do) twisted reasoning: if you don't like something a black man does/says, call him "gay". Which is supposed to be the ultimate insult to a black man.

    Black men are catching on to the BW's psychological warfare against the BM. Those black men with the means and/or smarts are no longer checking for BW. They have MOVED ON. And nowhere have black men moved on more than on the west coast. Good for them!

    If you see a youngish (20s and 30s and maybe even 40s) black man with a black woman on the west coast, she's probably his sister or some other female relative. lol

  45. Anonymous12:45 PM

    White men keep a home while putting up their jump-off. (I see u daddy Bush) BM just can't afford it.

    BLACKISCLUELESS is a republicam.


  46. Anonymous1:14 PM

    FP, "manages to perpetuate the BM loooooove ww mind tuck that is on a loop 24/7. while folks think it a diss to BW...it is REALLY a diss to BM on so many levels. comment too long to break it all down. at any rate,the comment at the same time outs the pathetic state of some BM. so rather than get WM's foot off your neck...folks would rather go get "care free" ww?

    get a "prize" then close your eyes to the pitiful condition of your people world wide?

    because ww's son's boot is on BM's neck globally. she doesn't CARE. mess up and she is FREE to go back to her dominant group with your stuff. ask mr. strahan if they will take more than half;( her folks are running things and will make sure of it.

    but BM are so mentally enslaved they will feel like she deserves more than half of his stuff. i mean all the marketing makes sure to associate ww with all things luxury. lol. "

    This is the pitiful truth that keeps popping up in our race. We are against ourselves which looks to me like we hate our color and by extension, we hate each other. Since God is in everyone of us, how do we turn to HIM when we hate who we are? I don't know but know enough about God to know HE knows infinitely more than me. Maybe HE will make all things right in the end?

  47. Anonymous1:15 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    "In Denmark, AND Sweden, brothers are like putty in the hands of women there. They were the cause of some brothers going AWOL during and after WWII."

    FP, why do you care? After all, you belong to/support the "black women's empowerment (BWE)" movement which basically tells black women that black men are mostly "damaged beyond repair (DBR)" and that the solution to this problem is for BW to date/marry white men BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

  48. BLACKISCLUELESS is a republicam.

    Awwww.....I feel a tear swelling up in my eye....

    Now you've really insulted me .....LOL

    Exposing your ignorant foolish diatribes to the zombie masses is almost as entertaining as Shooting Zombies in a Walking Dead game...

    Its fun...but it really gets boring after awhile...

    Seeing that your retort lacks substance...

    I wont keep shooting at the Brain Dead Zombie....

  49. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "BLACKISCLUELESS is a republicam."


    12:45 PM



  50. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Lordie, this bm, ww, bw, wm racial stuff is so confusing I don't know which end is up. It looks to me like we are drawned to each other but afraid to admit it. Yet, everybody can see it!

    We really need to pray for truth and the elimination of our hypocritical bullshit denials.

  51. Anonymous1:40 PM

    We should once again thank Nelson Mandela for exposing more BLACK AND WHITE TRUTH through the 'selfing' of Helle-Thorne, BO, and MO. There is a lot of good stuff there that could free us all, but being the kind of humans we are, we all know it won't happen,,,don't we?

    We really need to pray for our souls to love and to know truth, because right now we haven't a clue to what love and truth are. It feels as though time is of the essence for our survival as a "human race." As AB used to say, "WTFU!"

    AB, where the eff are you?

  52. Hey STEPHEN....

    Wheres your other Lackey at Pilot... ??

    He usually is the one that calls me a White Republican... are you out sourcing your Zombies???

    Man u might as well do another O-bomber protection post...

  53. @FP, keep spreading the WORD, keep speaking the TRUTH because the black man living on the devilry shores of Amerikkka has and is in fact within the midst of a continuing downward spiral towards SPIRITUAL DEATH!

  54. Anonymous2:36 PM





  55. Black Sage said...
    TRUTH because the black man living on the devilry shores of Amerikkka has and is in fact within the midst of a continuing downward spiral towards SPIRITUAL DEATH!

    If ameriKKKa is as bad as you say, why in God's name would you stay here?

  56. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Bill said...

    Black Sage said...
    TRUTH because the black man living on the devilry shores of Amerikkka has and is in fact within the midst of a continuing downward spiral towards SPIRITUAL DEATH!

    If ameriKKKa is as bad as you say, why in God's name would you stay here?

    2:40 PM
    Because he's not a black man. He's a white man POSING as a black man.

    A lot of those on here!

    Who has nothing better to do than be on this blog all the live long day!

  57. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Blogger Black Sage said...
    @FP, keep spreading the WORD, keep speaking the TRUTH because the black man living on the devilry shores of Amerikkka has and is in fact within the midst of a continuing downward spiral towards SPIRITUAL DEATH!

    2:17 PM
    I agree except it seems to me that the American black man experienced a spiritual death decades ago. I hear it in rap, hip hop. None of it is kind, respectful or spiritual. It's demonic. He even disrespects his mother and sisters and the bw in his music and even worse, in real life.

    I fear the bm in America has crossed over to the dark side and cannot get back. It's a shame but it looks that way to me. I hope I am wrong but after 60+ years, the bm keeps heading deeper into the dark aspect of life.

  58. Anonymous3:32 PM

    "I fear the bm in America has crossed over to the dark side and cannot get back. It's a shame but it looks that way to me. I hope I am wrong but after 60+ years, the bm keeps heading deeper into the dark aspect of life."

    Black men are being raised by women who, in many cases, don't know who the fathers of their OOW children are. Black men are being raised by women who, in many cases, are more interested in finding some dick at the club, drinking and drugging than they are in being good mothers to their children. Of course, they will blame black men for all of this.

    Men provide and protect virtuous, nurturing women who also have pleasant personalities. Most black women, these days, have little to none of these qualities. Black women are getting exactly what they deserve from black men. Most black women these days are baby mamas and whores by choice.

    "Wheres your other Lackey at Pilot... ??"
    PilotX got laid off and they took his computer. He is now driving a bus on the south side of Chicago. He can't get on the internet with his flip phone, and besides he can barely get a signal through the bullet proof shield he sits behind.

    In light of this, Field is looking for a new Head Lackey. Please send your applications to the attention of the President of Anon Inc. Candidates must demonstrate a complete lack of statistical, economic or historical knowledge and an ability to disingenuously ignore facts that that might in any way cast aspersions on Barack Obama or the Democratic party or run counter to the Narrative established by MSNBC, Media Matters, ThinkProgress or any of their parrot bloggers like Field. Lack of gainful employment is a plus.

  60. To ...
    "Leave the driving to PilotX ..."

    I tease Field , and Pilot , and they in turn call me a
    "White Republican...."

    Which is fine with me ....


    I don't get down with that blog you linked to ...

    Its not THAT kinda party...

    I'm awoke with complete solidarity... I just tell the truth ...That's the difference....

    Just because I take shots doesn't mean My name doesn't mean anything..

    That blog on the re-direct is MOST Unclean...
    in the words of AB or FP

    MOST Unclean....

    You need a shower after wading through that muck...

    Carry on...

  61. Mario Balotelli great player I suppose, but when he cheats and connives against the team you support like he did tonight, you find your admiration for him diminishing somewhat.

    In fact I found myself wanting someone yo break the cunt's leg.

  62. @Bill O'Reilly Jr. if you weren't so spiritually ignorant, you wouldn't have put forth such an asinine question.

    In any event, I submit to Him. I am who I am because of Him. I exist because of Him and I'm where I'm at due to Him. You see Bill Jr., unlike you, I don't have a choice, therefore, I obey Him!

  63. Anonymous5:46 PM

    mandela was a commie terrorist and murdering scum bag.in S.A. more people have died after apartheid than during apartheid.these S.A.clowns will turn their country into a shit hole like zembobway because negroes can not run a modern civilized country.detroit is a perfect example of tnb that destroyed a city with more on the way.what are you going to do when the money runs out?

  64. These far-right types aren't growing any more braincells are they? They remain as feeble minded as ever.

  65. No PC, they are not. It's quite amusing, actually.

    Sad pathetic souls. :)

  66. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    These far-right types aren't growing any more braincells are they? They remain as feeble minded as ever.

    5:51 PM
    Whites are far better off than Blacks. If we are so feeble minded, what does that make you, a moronic imbecile? You hate each other and you hate being Black. You even kill each other far more than the KKK ever dreamed of.

    BM measure their worth by ww and bw are left pregnant, twisting in the wind, by bm. And you 'dare' try to talk about the intelligence of Whites?

    Heck, you have a black President and he doesn't even want you. Under his administration, Blacks are worse off than any other time in the history of America.

    PC, you and Field need to STFU.

  67. Anonymous7:58 PM

    It is now known that GZ will not be prosecutor because of the lie his girlfriend told about him. He never pointed a rifle or any gun at her.

    I am miffed at why so many people want to convict GZ even though he is innocent of all the stuff thrown at him.

    Why can't people just leave the guy alone?

  68. Anon 12:27-

    you need more information. stat.

    as AB would say...you are late.

    BO is gay. his preference is wm.

    while at wright's church...his bm lovers, conveniently died. it should be noted that rev. wright participated in high profile closeted married homos (think BO) dl dipping at the church. there was even a dating service...

    pale lover sinclair, who wrote a book and described BO's stuff even, has not be offed, yet, to my knowledge.

    you have internet. get to researching...

    those familiar with the chicago gay scene are more than familiar with bath house BO.

    calling someone gay...is not an insult. it is more a declaration of what is. at least when i do it.

    more BW are having no choice but to call things what they are.

    if you are familiar with the concept of predictive programming...please recall the wayans puppets' in living color show.

    remember the black guys dressed up flaming like nobody's business?

    fast forward to 2013. fashion queens are here in the flesh. high heels. faces fully beat. toting handbags + the whole nine. wonder why other men are not being encouraged to parade this way with their own shows to glorify it? other cross dressers show up in shows. show me where wm and other men are parading around cross dressing and doing their best woman impression?

    hold on. magic johnson's big cross dressing son is coming to a screen near you. take a look at who owns it all, then come again. surely you will see it is NOT BW.

    there IS a gay agenda, that most decent gay folks appear oblivious to. folks claiming BW are behind it...need more info + people. stat. BW don't benefit with that program, at.all.

    "Those black men with the means and/or smarts are no longer checking for BW. They have MOVED ON. And nowhere have black men moved on more than on the west coast. Good for them!"


    you might have missed the memo...but the same is true for a great many BW. where the head goes, the body will follow. but when BW venture out, more times than not, it sticks. folks love stats. go take a look.

    in the battle of the sexes- humanity loses. i have stated this pretty consistently.


    "If you see a youngish (20s and 30s and maybe even 40s) black man with a black woman on the west coast, she's probably his sister or some other female relative. lol"

    by the same token...the baddest BW in the game...are NOT with BM in large numbers on the west coast. unlike how BM flow...when non bm come through, their first stop in not in the trash.

    again- Black Folks don't win.

    strange men and women take folk away from where they are supposed to be spiritually- unless they are Galatians 3:28 walking with Almighty.

    any synagogue/temple that allows for converts will render the best looking women of ALL colors. just so you know...

    at the end of the day, it is what it is. i AM not creating what is...i just understand + will call it.

  69. Anonymous9:22 PM

    "by the same token...the baddest BW in the game...are NOT with BM in large numbers on the west coast. unlike how BM flow...when non bm come through, their first stop in not in the trash."

    Just give it time, FP. Btw, tell that nonsense to black woman journalist Debra Dickerson.

  70. forgive any typos. moving a bit too quickly;(

    it is clear that i should say, IF you read my words + hear "hatred" for BM or anyone...you can't hear me.

    Black Sage, one of your comments warmed my heart. THAT'S what time it is now. you get it. we don't have to agree on everything. show respect for Him in all things. confess Him before men. He promised He got your back the rest of the way. it is time to choose sides. there is a master sort underway. i hear rumbles of an impending purge on the way. i AM with Him, so literally i shrug and keep on about His business.


    goats. goat reppers got a roast and/ or pluck from the earth date. that's what's written. that's what is.

    those that got it flipped thinking goat= victory, already know they lie. or are dupes in for a nasty surprise...if they sleep walk too long.

    unfortunately,i cannot give anyone an ear to hear. i do pray that Almighty will touch folks' heart + soul so they seek Him in all of this madness or fun great happy times/she's "crazy". wherever folks are in their journey.

    my record and evolution is pretty clear for anyone interested in doing something besides hurling baseless accusations at me.

    it was this brother, whom i love to this day:


    that sowed seed my heart and ear that Almighty blessed to grow. after doing a great deal of rewind. prayer time...He told me to speak. why do i care?

    because despite what i hear with spiritually sound asleep walkers all around me; deep sleep talking madcap nonstop wt...

    despite what i see and am told i should see by others...

    i believe + obey Him/His Word.

    full stop.

    should i fall, i pray that Almighty Messiah Himself will pray for me and hold me down 'til i can stand again...and i will. always do. He made me that way. i AM thankful and bound to edify His Name.

    that is the portion of my faith.

    His Promise to US:



    Hebrews 11:35- Women received their dead to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection.


    either way...resurrection is on tap. as it is written. so shall it be done. i AM Good.


    devils go bananas when i share;) i AM glad.

    folks are suffering right now for their sins + the sins of others. i would be confused too if i could not see things in this Light or Understanding.




    2 Chronicles 7:14- If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


    if believing Him/His Word makes me "crazy", that will be fine. watching all of this play out, from His Strong safe tower...hidden in plain sight is NO lie. the strong delusion crew stares the Truth of His Word in the face, daily, yet argues + confuse themselves in their arrogance and puffed up knowledge.

    these devils know the Truth but seek to hide it from everyone else.

    will get MAD if you shut 'em down and move them behind you to their proper spot. lol. it is wild. do i need to start saying, get behind me satan? lol. seriously.

  71. frankly, folks are coming at me like this is 2008-2009. we already had this convo here around that those years, too many times. while folks were picking lint out their navels bragging about how safe ww were around them. anybody trying to discuss how UNsafe BW are around bm= fat, hate men, lesbian, lonely, lives on manless planet, an alien, etc. etc. etc.

    it is time to move forward. we got all caps UTS flavored throw back howling going on. lol. that is NOT what time it is.

    come on!!! now. His people, my people.

    do we not know that it is no longer about color/gender for these devils? they worship androgyny. the monarch sex slave, thicke singer is NOT joking about blurred lines. they aren't telling the whole story though. research secret society high level power/magick rituals. let's just say all these het depictions are not quite the Truth.

    this is why folks are being chemically + mentally altered, primed early, flipped out, literally. BO is dead serious about 5 years old. kin.der.gar.ten.





    war. abroad outright yet not declared or discussed.


  72. oh, whoever posted on Afghanistan- recall the BO woman staffer that indicated that there was no way to predict what would happen into BO's presidency? they fired here because she said this instead of reinforcing BO's fat lie campaigning lie that he would end the war.

    some of us are well aware that there is outright global aggression underway. war is a racket + depop op/sacrifice. figure out who profits from it all.

    domestically, war guerilla style using the friendly increasingly militarized police department. and mk'd gzs to track and hunt the strays that always get away. grrr.

    war between the sexes. all colors. Hebrews are first + more advanced, as it is written.

    we are at full fledged SPIRITUAL war. all colors. both genders. everyone.



    that is all that exists. if you are not running in close proximity to the bottom in the grand scheme of things, the white house, which happens to be the top in the US of Satan-you're out. uh, BO has given his favorite person, himself- the right to kill whoever he wants. he likes + is good at it, reportedly;(

    if you can't influence decisions coming out of the white house, then you are not really in this game as a part of the rich.

    everything is next level while folks want to bicker + lie on me like it is '09.

    the fact that there are people STILL riding to die with BO is a prime example of the national arrested development crisis.

    AB has been over here blasting "dl hobama" for longer than a minute. i promise...when i call it, if folks need to fall into the '09 bm hater loop...that will be fine. i promise i don't have the energy AB had to keep telling folks about BO.

    MO throws up a grip of devilish signs. bash her THAT. then get the rest of these "ugly" pale, sign throwing , corrupt to the core, devils too.

    don't bash her when she needed to be commended for not back of the head mushing hobama in all his disrespectful on so many levels teehee'ing at.a.funeral in the giggly out of pocket lady's face. a nice walking over to say something, stumble, fall, nice solid back of head mush could've been flipped into clumsy unfortunate moment, if played well;) either way folks got HATE for MO. OR they could've asked if she was ok?

    folks gotta leverage integration. i picked up quick how ww get down. lol. i am thankful to the ww that was used to teach me...it is better to apologize, than ask permission;) her husband was having a moonstruck/snap out of it moment. she failed to help him in her composure;)


    for real: i don't advocate violence, however i do understand it;(

    i AM thankful most folks not sitting behind a computer are peaceful smiley people. those few that need clues, can hear me when i speak. they go on about their business. fisticuffs is not my thing;) grown intelligent folks reason...

  73. give it time Anon-

    know this.

    i AM called to speak His Word. He is no respecter of persons. neither am i. i AM with Him + wants what He wants.

    because i go to Him/ His Word, pray and ask for Him to show me...

    He sees fit to hip me to applicable to what i see Universal Law + Math.

    i could NOT hate BM if i wanted to...

    trust + believe there are many hot, buttery, color struck, devilish messes running around.

    all colors.

    i AM a reformed Black Nationalist.

    white is right is against ALL that i have ever been taught to believe, think, speak or agree to by my silence. this is why i speak up and have done so since i was a small child in one way or another.

    so the wm= better has not EVER been what time it is for me.

    furthermore, i missed the meeting when the "empowerment" label was selected. i would have lifted my voice against it. i don't know when project that's enough of this devil mess-time to stand up! got slapped with "empowerment" anything.

    um...Yah pleasing femininity IS the ULTIMATE empowerment. it is the strongest card in the deck. yet het women are programmed by gay men to behave like gay men and give all their feminine power away.

    gay mafia wait a minute! lol!

    sex in the city was written by gay men. miley cyrus loves it and a whole LOT of other women will straight face, out loud, identify with Samantha. all colors.

    our virtue protects us.

    those acting outside of His will put themselves at great risk on many levels. both men + women. though the modern "man" seeks to place ALL on the women. those that sin sexually hurt themselves. look around without the BW hate and see all women suffer from this current sex everything. men, too. then know the BW, in large numbers, suffer because the first man in her life oftentimes...

    one cannot claim head status while abdicating head roles. if mama was a bad woman...menfolk should've assessed that long before impregnating her. just as womenfolk need to stop settling for less than men.

    it is not about increasing the pain. it is about getting to healing. folks that love you will tell you the Truth. when one takes a peek at Scriptures...how foolish is it to fight about that which is written?

  74. in our stiff necked, arrogant, rebellious ways...we have called curses to ourselves.

    the Good News:

    just as the curses for disobedience is written.

    so are the blessings. folks can choose be blessed whenever they are ready. gotta die first. not literally;)

    i love this man. while i don't agree with all he says- there is enough Truth to link to it.

    as folks are forgetting even the basic het contract. he is using his gifts to be a blessing.


    it is not about color folks. it is about the Spirit.

    if you can only hear hate from me...there is a brother that broke down the dating scene like economics in his book. i can't remember his name. rather than listen, of course they figured out some names to call him. you folks know a lot. remember the brother who wrote the book a year or so back, encouraging BW to expand their dating pool?

    when more get hip to the concept, they will see why some BW like me simply peeped the game and called it. the oh my g-d, he's white! has never been my message.

    i do advocate BW selecting a mate with this in mind:

    1)does he know, honor, serve Yah?
    2)does he know/consistently do his four man p's?
    (provide, protect, problem solve, produce)

    season list to person taste. what i just wrote are basic non negotiable ingredients;)

    race should not so much be a factor considering all the many ways that BM are depopulating/being depopulated. not unless you just want to take a number and play health russian roulette. all of that is written as well.

    as i indicated back in the day...in this man's world, if the men folk don't care. the women can't afford to...this is a man's world.

    so don't martyr family/love goals.

    keep working for the awakening/arising of our sleeping people wherever your path takes you...

    when C Delores Tucker was standing up and fighting against the beginning of the nasty attacks against BW in white high jacked rap...it was a WM that stood with her. so what, if he had politics with which others disagree. when she needed someone to stand with her...there he was. that counts for something in my book.

    check Unbought and Unbossed- Shirley Chisholm. peep how the Black menfolk treated her run for POTUS. the ww, Steinem as well.

    folks over here pretending that "ugly" devil hillary clinton is nice and feed the "indians" turkey white lady friendly.

    and she IS...as long as you understand there's a massacre attached to her...

    google that woman + watch her laugh about the abominable Libya murderous ugh.

    folks love stats. take a look at them for when BW do venture out. for every wm created Debra Dickerson (who was annoying as all heck, before the bottom fell out. i pray she is able to recover/recovered well.) there are many many many many more left by BM. so big whoop! this is not about battle of the sexes.

    BW are better able to vet wm. ain't nothing natural feeling about trusting them out the gate. they have to earn trust. the ones worth your time come expecting to do just that...as worthwhile BM should. all men mess up. people in fact.

  75. now with BM...BW to our detriment tend to act the EXACT OPPOSITE with males that can't wait to fully exploit this bad tendency in large numbers. create a nation of daughters with daddy issues...in no time you will have folks walking around talking about "pimping" their own daughters, sisters, etc...

    a nation of women/girls that are targeted by outsiders + disappear daily. not a single news story runs...

    sound familiar?

    now there are BW that think white is right. they get on my nerves almost as bad as the BW that deride housewives/women that value family more- while talking incessantly about their degrees/salaries. then there are the BW that LOUDLY proclaim they don't need a man.

    ps. i don't guess ya'll noticed the "hood" women are not having a hard time finding a man.

    these are the ones having too many babies.

    the BW that seem to be on a planet where there is a man shortage are the ones that deride housewives+ talk incessantly about their degrees/salaries, competing with men+ only wanting a BM. these women seem to want the BM with degrees that speak incessantly about their salaries. unfortunately, said men equate success with a ww/non bw.

    that's if folks believe Soledad OBrien. that's how her reports bottom lined for me. she seems to have been swapped for Don Lemon, as the latest favorite pointer outer of what's wrong with Black folks from tv land;)

    hope that helps folks' understanding.

    good night all!

  76. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "as i indicated back in the day...in this man's world, if the men folk don't care. the women can't afford to...this is a man's world."

    FP, you need to stop. The USA is not a third world country where women often have to do as they are told or else.

    Women, especially black women, in the USA are doing just what they want to do. I'm sorry but I have yet to meet an American black woman who can be made, totally against her will, to do anything she doesn't want to do. I have never met a black woman like this.

  77. Anonymous10:15 AM

    "pale lover sinclair, who wrote a book and described BO's stuff even, has not be offed, yet, to my knowledge."

    Focused Purpose, I heard about poor Mr. Sinclair back in, I believe, 2007. This man, for starters is a convicted felon (drug dealer?) so who cares?

    Sinclair being a felon doesn't necessarily make him a liar but it does make him somebody no one takes seriously except apparently you and certain right wingers.

  78. Anonymous2:53 PM

    "um...Yah pleasing femininity IS the ULTIMATE empowerment. it is the strongest card in the deck. yet het women are programmed by gay men to behave like gay men and give all their feminine power away.

    gay mafia wait a minute! lol!

    sex in the city was written by gay men. miley cyrus loves it and a whole LOT of other women will straight face, out loud, identify with Samantha. all colors."

    Focused Purpose, please stop!!!! lol

    So gay men are the reason why women, and particularly black women, are giving up the goodies like nobody's business? Give me a break. Women, and especially black women, are giving up the good-good because they like the you-know-what. lol

    Stop blaming EVERYTHING on LGBT people. It's really is not a good look. And you know what? Sensible, fair minded hets/people think (know?) you are a bigot.

    Het women give up the booty because they want the "D".

    You know I've been thinking about this for a while: many het black women have a hard time getting married because black girl vagina is, all too often, too easy to get. Women, and especially black women, need to learn how to DATE. They might, in the long run, fair better in the marriage game.

  79. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Why are people calling pictures taken of one's self "selfies"? We're dumber than shit already, now we're going around talking like a bunch of toddlers.

  80. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Why are people calling pictures taken of one's self "selfies"? We're dumber than shit already, now we're going around talking like a bunch of toddlers.
    4:02 PM
    Got a better word for it? ;)

  81. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Focused Purpose, I heard about poor Mr. Sinclair back in, I believe, 2007. This man, for starters is a convicted felon (drug dealer?) so who cares?

    Sinclair being a felon doesn't necessarily make him a liar but it does make him somebody no one takes seriously except apparently you and certain right wingers.
    10:15 AM
    "Right winger" being the operative word here!


  82. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Desert Flower, either one is taking a picture of himself or he's not. There's no such thing as a "selfie". That's toddler speak. No more, no less. Selfie sounds like it could be related to Bambi. We're getting beyond stupid as a multi- colored gang of supposedly "human" beings. That's all!!!!!

  83. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Desert Flower, either one is taking a picture of himself or he's not. There's no such thing as a "selfie".
    9:19 AM
    You really are showing your age!!! LOL. Dating yourself :D

    Did you know, are you aware, that dictionaries are being amended to include words that have been created by the electronic age?

    I'm to tired to get u a link, but seek a and ye shall find my friend.

    When you take your phone and snap your foto and upload it,that's a "selfie" baby :D No better and quicker way to describe it !

    I'm old, but I'm not antiquated xD

  84. I just found your blog via another website. I don't know how I could have gone this long and not known this was here.

    I'm in love.
