Monday, January 06, 2014

I am having technical difficulties and cannot post tonight. (I think it's the "Polar Vortex")

I will holla at you tomorrow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No post tonight?

    Must be the fault of that impending Race War that Thomas Sowell and Colin whats-his-name keep warning us about.

    Dammit Field, if you had only apologized for slavery this would've never happened.

  4. NSangoma2:20 AM


    Inuit, not Esquimaux; polar vortex breaph.


  5. Brother Field....sorry about the tech diffs. In looking at the weather forecasters reports, I am glad to be on the Peninsula during this latest cold that will be the coldest it has ever been. The first nine years of my life I lived in a housing development named Newsome Park- named after the first Black that was allowed to practice law in Virginia. I remember we had an oil stove that was located in the front room and the rest of the rooms were cold but we had plenty of blankets. Getting up in the mornings were tough but we survived. Miseries like being cold motivated my father to work harder and my mother to continue in course at a time until she received her degree to become an RN during a time when Black RNs were rare. They were encouraged to be aides for the young white girls (RNs).

    I was longwinded to get me to the point where I can speak for the umpteenth time about the new norm of Black males without consistence guidance from fathers. Tonight I saw many examples of Black males acting very child-like and emotionally lacking in interactions with opposing players. Watch the FSU-Auburn game and see the many times the Black male athletes were acting like spoiled kids on the playground. They are on the national stage and displaying conduct detrimental to the team. These are Black boys with no "man-training". Now I am ringing out why I think that there is a lacking of maleness instilled in these boys. BECAUSE when they are doing their negative antic on the field some white man on the sideline is trying to get out on the field to change the behavior. Lastly, the "future" college stars had a show of the top picks of HS athletes. There were about twenty future players and all of them had their mothers (no fathers)and the mothers were gushing with pride when they were talking about "playing" for Coach SoandSo (white coaches) and none of them mentioned they were glad their sons have the opportunity to get educated.

    Now back to my father. He worked as a rigger for 43 years at the Newport News Shipyard as well as his own auto repair shop with Mr Branch of Branch Auto. Having nine of us he loved us... that is what is lacking in todays Black family . My father was home every night to insure his sons developed into men. Our skills were given by someone not looking for us to score a touch-down. My humanity came from me seeing how he dealt with others and his wife- my mother.

  6. GrannyStandingforTruth5:05 AM


    That reminds me of my own dad who worked hard, but spent time with my siblings and I and did things with us. My dad was not a jack of all trades. He was a MASTER of all trades. My dad knew how to get things done and was a perfectionist in whatever he did. He taught my brothers how to do different things that most men should know how to do, but the main thing he taught them was how to be a man.

    The rule at our house was that you had work. My dad would escort you around the house while he pointed to the clock on the wall, the appliances, and television, and he'd tell you that they all work. He would even point at the dog and tell you, "When someone is coming or outside the house, the dog barks...the dog works. Then he'd say, " Everything in my house works. When any of those things stop working..." He'd pause...escort you to the front door, open it, and say, "I throw them out my house because everything in my house works." No buddy, my dad did not play that.

  7. NSangoma6:11 AM


    Father Knows Best ??, are you negroes truly field negro, negroes?


  8. uptownsteve11:26 AM


    Thomas Sowell is a disgusting slave catcher.

  9. Luther11:32 AM

    A Black Panther Forever said...
    "They are on the national stage and displaying conduct detrimental to the team. These are Black boys with no "man-training". Now I am ringing out why I think that there is a lacking of maleness instilled in these boys. BECAUSE when they are doing their negative antic on the field some white man on the sideline is trying to get out on the field to change the behavior."

    I am glad to hear you say that, as I believe only a black man could say that. A white man who called out these antics would be considered racist.

    Which is why I am confused by your comment, these players talk smack and push each other BECAUSE a white man (coach?) is trying to stop them? They are doing it just to piss off whitey, or as some kind of protest of authority?

    I agree with you that college athletics has gone off the deep end. These guys are all there just to get their shot at the pros and the millions of dollars that comes with it. Only a tiny fraction will ever make it, and most of them will never get a useful degree.

    I think college ball should go back to true student athletes. Let the NFL pay for their own minor leagues for those players who don't want to bother with college. At least they'd get paid for all their hard work and injuries.

  10. Plantation Pete11:39 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Thomas Sowell is a disgusting slave catcher.

    Thomas Sowell is a highly educated intelligent man who thinks freely and deeply about a wide range of subjects. He is very respected, even among those who disagree with him. There is nothing 'slave' about him.

    People like you who demand conformity in black thought are the slave catchers.

  11. Thomas Sowell today:

  12. Anonymous12:32 PM

    "Thomas Sowell is a highly educated intelligent man who thinks freely and deeply about a wide range of subjects. He is very respected, even among those who disagree with him. There is nothing 'slave' about him.

    People like you who demand conformity in black thought are the slave catchers."

    11:39 AM
    First, education does not change one's character. For one bm to call another bm a slave catcher has NOTHING to do with his/her education, no matter how highly educated they are. What matters is 'what' drives the person's character.

    Every human, Black or White, is guided by this thing called 'Conscience'. It directs who you are and what you are willing to do, or 'cannot' do-- even if it costs you your life.

    A slave catcher lies in each and everyone of us...Black or White. A black slave catcher can't be a slave catcher without the support of a white slave catcher. They are both of same heart and conscience...which is a very low vibration of conscience. It's very low 'within' them. Their view on life is surrounded by 'what' they think, say, and do.

    However, they seem to run the, they frighten those who are afraid of being caught by a slave catcher. Slave catchers rely on the fear of those who are afraid of being caught.

    The amazing thing about this is those who are afraid of being caught DO NOTHING to stop slave catching.

    FYI: There are MORE 'active' slave catchers in the black race than there are 'inactive' Blacks who fail to 'act' to save our bm and bf, and by extension, the future of our race. It doesn't take a genius to see that we are in a crisis and it certainly doesn't take a genius to see that the 'non-slave catchers' are NOT acting to change that...they seem to talk but not walk their talk.

    It makes me wonder: "Just 'who' are the ones with a conscience with the 'moral and ethical' character strong enough to ACT?

  13. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Here is an interesting video response to the MHP controversy remarks about Mitt Romney's black grandchild. Ann Coulter made some good points:

  14. Ace Freely1:56 PM

    MSNBC hosts seem to have such a problem with behaving decently on the air. This past year alone Martin Bashir and Alec Baldwin lost their jobs after one transgression too many.

    Harris-Perry, Baldwin, Bashir, Schultz, and Hayes are not doing anything differently in front of the camera than they do when in casual conversation among themselves and their liberal friends. The wildly exaggerated caricatures of conservatives they routinely use to describe their political opponents - ascribing evil intent to every action, every utterance - is part of liberal culture. It's a laziness of thought and mind that has become second nature to them. And, secure in their arrogant belief of moral superiority, they fail to see their own racism, their own bigotry, their own hateful, hurtful attitudes unless someone steps out and throws it in their face.

    It makes you think, what are they apologizing for? They're not sorry. This is how they talk. This is what they think.

    To the left conservatives are the evil Other and so the usual bounds of decent behavior simply do not apply to them.

  15. More than Four Years Since The Great Recession Officially (Technically) Ended, The Economy's Still Terrible

    The economy supposedly posted growth of 4.1% last quarter. If that's true, why is the economy still so sickly?

    While there's little sense that the U.S. economy is headed for another downturn, most forecasters expect further improvement in 2014 will be gradual. Unless and until the job market improves substantially, and higher wages drive a convincing pickup in consumer spending and demand, the lingering damage to confidence will likely keep the weakest economic recovery in memory plodding along at a frustratingly slow pace.
    "The economy is continuing to make progress, but it also has much farther to travel before conditions can be judged normal," Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told reporters in his final news conference as head of the 100-year-old institution.
    That sluggish job growth goes a long way to explaining why—for millions of Americans—the Great Recession never ended. While the "official" unemployment rate has fallen steadily since the summer of 2009, the improvement in the data has come largely from the ongoing wave of jobless people who have given up looking for work.

    Many of them—like Mary Villalba, 65, of Centennial, Colo.—fear they may never find a job as good as the one they lost to the recession.

    Omamanomics has failed badly. We should have elected Romney.

  16. @ Anon 12:32pm-

    "bm and bf"

    what does that mean?

    when i write bm= black man

    are your writing bm= black male?

    please clarify. i AM trying to understand something that i see/hear often among our people...

    you make sound points. one cannot oppress other groups without member of the groups targeted for oppression. internal enemies are the deadliest. for Black folks + americans period. notice, it seems, america will be an empty shell before folks wake up to the moral rot/sin that is devouring america from within...

    until more Black folks awake to the fact that we have a bad habit of idolizing our traitors...behavior you note won't be neutralized. there will be no effective, victorious action. the fruit of our labors will continue to be gobbled by our enemies. all in our faces. that's what's written. that's what is. idolatry in ALL forms is in violation of Him/His Word.

    as long as folks are content to talk about how much $/"education" one has as a result of their treason to their people. these same ones will try to convince the masses that Almighty Himself is a figment of their imagination. why? because they are "educated". lol. can read every OTHER book + believe. just not His Word.

    how many times have your heard the well their "educated" + paid, excuse for any 'ole dirty devilish deed?

    Black folks have a REAL bad problem with idol worship.

    seems everything BUT Him/His Word + true knowledge of ourselves in Him is to be revered;(

    "education" that makes folks helpless, useless in bigger humanity project, dumber, paid + very controlled/afraid seems to be the next golden calf. the most "educated" in large #s do the most damage to our people. or they can't be bothered with our people...because it is not quite as lucrative.

    thanks for kicking a dent in yet the latest golden calf.

    follow the majority, stick with the pack, be herded along putting up no resistance...most are going right along. i guess that is why it is written the road to destruction is wide + congested; to paraphrase. when you add these "educators" teaching the babies to bow down at the sound of whistles. yep. it's about to get hectic.

    if you look back through history...those that betrayed our people, wittingly+ unwittingly (nod to MLK. he acknowledged realization fear that he was leading bfolks into burning building. reading that allowed me to stop grimacing at the mention of his name.) were often used, throughout history to present, to promote detrimental programs. the most "educated" + influential folks are well paid for their treasonous services. our people suffer mightily for our continued idol worship...

    when more Black folks line up their lives with Him/His Word...change will come.

    meanwhile back at the ranch, there is more "change" for US coming down the pike that folks will choose to believe in and convince themselves they are "educated" while they gobble lie after lie after lie...

    at least the highly "educated" traitor is Blackish;( related by blood to the white slave catchers you spoke of initially.

    thanks for your comment;)

  17. Everyone, white or black, used to want to be American. Being an American and / or becoming American used to mean proudly joining and becoming a part of a tribe. The best tribe in the world.

    The lefties have made it their mission to eliminate that attitude and put down America and everything American. Everything is America's fault. The population has essentially been brainwashed through the left's control of the institutions that shape public perception - education, the media, and entertainment.

    Now, everyone wants a different tribal affiliation, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Irish, Italian, progressive, Tea Partier; anything but American.

    This of course will mean the dissolution of America, the leftist goal from the beginning.

    When the leftists do achieve their goal, there will quickly be no where for a leftist to hide. So, there's that.

  18. uptownsteve2:50 PM

    Screwedup Negro

    Thomas Sowell is a buckdancing hustler who consorts with white supremacists for God sakes.


    Who exactly are the traitors to the black race in your opinion and who idolizes them?

  19. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "Thomas Sowell is a buckdancing hustler who consorts with white supremacists for God sakes."


  20. "education" that makes folks helpless, useless in bigger humanity project, dumber, paid + very controlled/afraid seems to be the next golden calf. the most "educated" in large #s do the most damage to our people. or they can't be bothered with our people...because it is not quite as lucrative.

    Caught that one..
    I dont usually wade into your convo's but that was a Hot Rock... well put

  21. uptownsteve3:24 PM


    Thomas Sowell on Paul Kersey (white supremacist) "It's easy to dismiss Kersey as a racist but he asks some tough questions we must face honestly."

    Of course Uncle Thomas doesn't say what those questions are.

    BTW Paul Kersey responds:

  22. uptownsteve3:29 PM

    Black Panther fake

    50% of white marriages end in divorce, white out of wedlock births are on the rise and many white boys are growing up in female dominated homes.

    What is the new norm for white males?

    BTW, I come home to my son every night as does all my black male friends and associates.

  23. uptownsteve3:41 PM

    Know your rulers.

    Yeah...right. Before the Civil Rights movement America was one big rainbow coalition singing Kumbaya.

    I wonder if some of you clowns don't do meth before you post.

  24. GrannyStandingforTruth3:58 PM

    Neither Ann Coulter the hatemonger, murder fantasizer, and serial voter fraud suspect or Hannity who specializes in race baiting African Americans and jumps to the defense of any white supremacist in trouble for racist remarks have any room to talk. Hannity should be the last person on earth to say anything about racism, since he gives racism a new name, and breathes racism. His friends are white supremacist and Jesse Lee Peterson (one of the most ignorant ass, hateful, mean-spirited Uncle Tom who gets paid to live on his knees parroting the most vile racist statements) who post on this blog in the comment section (Yes, I see you) and believes that men should beat women, which came out of his own mouth on national TV.

    That incoherent intoxicated or is it coke snorting heffa had the nerve to turn around and make a few racist statements ("the NY apartment and skin color comment)) herself in the same breath. Smh! The only thing Hannity and her were doing was rubbing in Melissa's face how they can make racist remarks and get away with it and not apologize.

    The Fox Nation blog is loaded with racism that sounds more like Stormfront Nation. But then, Stormfront and the Council of Conservative Citizens are one and the same and all the Fox We Make It Up crew are members of those organizations.

  25. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Anonymous uptownsteve said...
    "BTW, I come home to my son every night as does all my black male friends and associates."

    You don't have any friends.

  26. Anonymous4:02 PM

    "The Fox Nation blog is loaded with racism that sounds more like Stormfront Nation."

    Crazy talk. I wish Fox was 'racist'.

    Hannity is not racist at all. Believe me, I'm a racist and I would know.

  27. While Obama's policies are killing the American Dream, Sean Hannity works everyday to help black people get jobs:

    Hannity: "You know, one of the funnier issues by the way, as it relates to this, they sent a ship to save the ship that got stuck in ice. That ship got stuck. Now guess what? Now, the U.S. is sending, of course taxpayers will foot the bill for all of this, so now we're gonna send a heavy ice-breaking ship to free the ships that were supposed to be swimming in all this water because of global warming. And, now, we're gonna have to foot the bill for that, too?"

    Bastardi: "Look, this stuff would be funny if it wasn't killing the 'American Dream' for most people. Man, you know what? You're probably like me. You're from New England, from the northeast, some 58 years old, you know, and you were brought up a certain way. It kills me to see people starving in the streets of our country, unemployed, and yet we're shutting down coal plants and the energy lifeline because of what, a ghost? When we got all these other problems?"

    Hannity: "Joe, that's my topic tomorrow. We started today. The Conservative Solution Caucus 2014 and if we want to solve America's problems and get people back to work and less dependency and increased revenues to the government, we've got all of this energy - shale, oil, natural gas, coal, we've got it all."

    Watch Fox News and learn!

  28. GrannyStandingforTruth4:18 PM

    Melissa apologized, more than I can say for those on Fox We Make It Up News who make derogatory racist statements on a daily basis. So, please do not think that I am about to sit back and let those on the right merciless ride her back. She apologized, Mitt accepted her apology and I think it would be best to leave it alone.

    Believe me, I have a storehouse of evidence against FOX WE MAKE IT UP racist ways that I could bring up and leave no stone unturned.

  29. Melissa Harris Racist4:29 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Melissa apologized, more than I can say for those on Fox We Make It Up News who make derogatory racist statements on a daily basis

    Please go into your " storehouse of evidence" and find just one of those derogatory racist statements they make on a daily basis.

    Just one.

  30. uptownsteve4:39 PM

    It's all right here goober

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth4:57 PM


    Ann Coulter made racist statements in the same segment that she was so-called calling Melissa out.

    Thanks uptownsteve!

    One more thing before I go, I am well aware that Fox We Make It Up News scrubs is transcripts after each segment, which does not matter since folks record their shows and file them away for a later date in case they want to lie and claim the stuff they said was taken out of context or not said.

    Like I said, it's best to let that go and move on.

  32. uptownsteve5:15 PM

    My pleasure Granny

  33. Rape the SEC6:07 PM

    Jameis Winston really had his way with Auburn last night, like a drunk co-ed.

  34. Melissa Harris Racist6:10 PM

    uptownsleve: Media Matters is not a credible organization by any stretch of the imagination. Do you have a real source?

    Granny: What's the matter, did you lose the key to your storehouse of evidence?

  35. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Granny - don't forget to watch Hannity tonight. It will be quite enlightening.

  36. Anonymous6:27 PM

    TO FP:

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...
    @ Anon 12:32pm-

    "bm and bf"

    what does that mean?

    when i write bm= black man

    are your writing bm= black male?

    please clarify. i AM trying to understand something that i see/hear often among our people..."

    Hi Sister FP,
    It crossed my mind when I bm and bf that someone might misunderstand 'bm' to mean black men.

    Then I thought, "well, I used black female so they will know it means black male. So I'm covered."

    Then I thought, "If FP is on FN today, this could be a sticking point."

    Then I thought, "Nah...What are the chances she would see this?"

    And the little voice said, "very little chance." LOL...That's what I get for thinking about what you are doing today and what you WON'T see today....LOL

    Anyway, I usually mean black men when I use bm. However, in this case, I meant black male to match black female. I was trying to be 'broad' to cover everyone.

    Please let me know what your thoughts are about the use of these terms. I'd like to know.:)

    As always, I appreciate and love your insights...Thanks

  37. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Has Bill abandoned us? TWB...Just when I was getting ready to call him "brother" he disappears.

    Bill how could you do this to me?

    I'll never trust another wm as long as I live. Now, I am truly screwed because I have no one to trust.


  39. "FP

    Who exactly are the traitors to the black race in your opinion and who idolizes them?

    2:50 PM"


    hi UTS.

    i asked about you in your absence;) i pray you and fam are well.

    to your question:

    first stop:

    BO/MO combo...then, as time permits... stroll back through history, while questioning everything. seeking additional information because you just want to know the Truth. doing this of your own strength starts to unravel "tradition" + HUGE/little white lies. if you believe, from a spiritual becomes off the charts. truly, we war not against the flesh. this is why focusing on it is a big distraction. lol.

    though the current, hot, heavily manipulated, deceitful mess will keep folks quite busy, if they would just stop, look + think for themselves. question from all angles the "information" they are being presented with nonstop. at some point, it becomes clear that the folks running stuff, don't really like people very much. especially not Black people, anywhere in the world. it's all about mammon + super puffed-upness/arrogance. defiance. destruction. deceit. corruption. suffering.

    in a word= devilish. though folks get mad. lol.

    add some secret society to the mix and it gets bananas. watch the signs with BO/MO.

    that's not a from the "right/wingnut" comment either for those on a tight program. i don't do divide + distract the people political games= humanity loses.

    i AM more inclined to pay attention to the political publication written by Kings for the benefit of Kings aka the Bible, at this point. as soon as more read for themselves + see who these people are...not the whitened version, but what is written. that "change" BO got folks panting for will come. that's what's written. that's what is.

    everything else is but an illusion. time on the clock, that has been sped up even that souls won't be lost. while time is running, for those of US watching + praying...much is being revealed. those that love lies won't see it. Almighty allows folks to have what they want. lol. it's all written. so when i call it the strong delusion crew- that's on purpose. lol!

    others + i understand that no matter who is in office from whichever party...they have all been pre-selected, briefed + understand freestyle is not the business. not to mention in a lot of cases these puppets are also players in the dirty game + compromised. this is before their consciences kick in and they take a stand + pay the consequences. think jfk/mlk/rfk for worse case scenario. spitzer for public thrashing-lesser scenario; all for what folks already knew.

    please know whore-mongering, in every possible way, is not a spitzer specific vice among political players; all colors + genders.

    not only are bm convinced they are supposed to follow one man... paralyzed in fear. thinking of mlk, malcolm x, medger evers, etc. etc. etc. determined to tow the line + get paid.

    so are other folks. michael hastings. aaron schwartz. many others, all colors +genders, with no identifiable names are going down in this spiritual war, as it is written. folks are so bound up in sin/fear...they actually think their silence + cooperation will save them. smh.

    if folks just peeked at the clintons alone, that body count gets bananas. folks think MO is a bossy bw? if they don't think HRC is a special piece of work...there is nothing i can say to help at this point.

    BO has dead bodies as well. before anyone even gets to his administration's drone hobby. how many crimes can folks commit, yet walk around in public like what? or as war criminal Cheney would


  40. ask yourself if the efforts of the folks depicted as "heros/leaders" really were beneficial to Blacks as a whole? or were these people held up as "heros/leaders" while their people suffered collectively as a result of their efforts? while they were worshiped + paid...getting slaves divided + under control. you will cause an uproar if you look at more closely. then reserve the right to call it. what IS the point of political power without economic power? how does that work? yet folks dying personal millionaires + heroes? okey dokey + alrighty then. no wonder his ceremony seemed to be a campy pick up spot. complete with a sign language guy that was not playing hand games next to lying azz BO. lol!

    bfolks, in disobedience, caught all up in the madness as sound asleep, mis-educated, mis-directed, powerless political pawns. despite the book on the whole business being readily available for anyone that would just pick it up. humble themselves. ask Him to reveal what they can handle of what He knows.

    you really don't even have to stop in america with the slave breaking + making. you can see the same all around the world. the tactics don't change. just the people. humanity = greater target. in the meantime getting folks divided + distracted on the strength of color, religion, sexual orientation, economics, etc keeps the masses under control.

    while the defeated ones that appear to be ahead in the game though they are not...heap on the mind control + fear mongering. all the while biting huge chunks out of folks sovereign rights as given by Almighty Himself.

    the world now participates in a massive "civil"/human rights movement. only, just as Malcolm X can't move sleeping people. gotta wake them up, first. americans, all colors, do love to nap;( folks with wake up salts get attacked. lol. like americans are in the good sleep + extra salty when shaken to awaken mode.

    ignorance is not bliss...

    when you see how the genocidal treatment of the indigenous folk in this land of free, home of brave, was replicated/next leveled by nazis in europe. how that same nazi behavior, has dropped paramilitary boot on american soil, already...chickens home to roost. just deep underground for now, while they get things all sewn up for the big debut. but folks are still worshiping at the BO altar. or bickering for the sake of hearing their voices. i think "given to debate" is how it is written...

    but let US focus on US Blessed Black folk;)

    as soon as someone shows up talking about cia operative, fbi snitch, jeWish handled agenda'd puppet, etc. with all in your face info...that is available to anyone if they wanted to seek it out... then the idol worshipers are ready to fight.

    you know folks' got churches, right? while Black folks continue to suffer + worship BO and whatever else they idolize. 'cause that 'ole book is just a book of "fairy tales".

    what we see around US is what is true. walking by sight is precisely what is NOT written...yet, the enemy to our souls is quite good at keeping folks outside of His Word/Power.

    those that dare to walk with Him are slated for persecution. whether folks believe Scriptures or not. noahide laws, which are already in place, ensure this. layer on the bolshevik history...yep, things get bananas. fast.

    i pray more will wake up. soon.


    BIB, time to tell the Truth + shame the devil. that's where we are...right now, my friend.

    all praises due to Almighty;) thanks for your kind words and other comments. i enjoy your voice. i encourage you to keep lifting it;)

  41. uptownsteve8:25 PM


    Thanks for your concern. Everything is fine with me and my family. I just got tired with the direction this blog was going in (no disrespect to Field). After a couple of years I decided to check it back out.

    Anyways, please read this wonderful piece by Kevin Powell about the state of black leadership.

  42. downtownjuan8:35 PM

    Anonymous uptownsteve said...
    I just got tired with the direction this blog was going in (no disrespect to Field). After a couple of years I decided to check it back out.

    Well, it's been real. Come back in another couple of years.

    Adios mother fucker.

  43. @ UTS-

    what you note with white folks is also written. what is done to those perceived as the "least" among US...will also happen to those perceived as the "greatest" among US.

    injustice anywhere = threat to justice everywhere. if mlk had been less handled/controlled...who knows what his contributions might have been?

    all families are now going through what Black folks have been getting for generations. hoax/yet applicable & effective willie lynch slave for everybody! i listened to awakening angry white folks + others discuss. it is plain to see for those that know what to look for...

    klansmen in astonishment declaring we all n-words to 'em, cracked me up to no end. you can visit wherever you can stomach to be on-line.

    Black folks are just much further along in the breakdown. they've been working on US harder + longer due to our Deut. 28/Lev. 26 idolatry/curses for disobedience as Hebrews. at some point, one would think more of US would snap awake. guess we have a high threshold of pain + super stiff necks though.

    at the end of the day fighting about who has what does not = solutions for our people.

    Love/Obey Almighty.
    Love ourselves.

    this is where our people seem rather stuck;(

    that too, is but an illusion. His people will awaken as written. many are. He always maintains a remnant for Himself and some of US already know we win, as written;)

    in the meantime it is about each one teach one + walk with Him according to His Word, despite what you see, hear, or are offered by way of selling yourself. at least that's where i AM;)

    Anon 6:27pm-

    hi there!

    LOL. you crack me up!

    no sticking point, my friend.

    just an observation + follow up question, which you already answered;)

    when speaking to Anons, one is speaking blind, if you will. so the only thing that stands out is spirit for me. there is no tag/history to attach to the thought.

    as i listened to your voice, the use of bm/bf stuck out to me. it did not seem to belong unless bm= black male. this is why i asked.

    i have noticed...with horror, as both genders...refer to bm as men. bwomen= female.

    when i call a man a male...he is NOT acting right. lol. + too old to not be acting closer to right than he is. at that point he becomes a male. this type usually shows up with one "P" which he is quite proud of + can't wait to share with whoever...while demonstrating little/ none of the other manhood P's- P.rovider, P.rotector, P.roblem Solver, P.roducuer.

  44. calling grown bm "boy" has too much historical weight to even go there. even annoying childish bm don't deserve that psychological spanking.

    "son" is a close as i will get for sustained childish behavior in supposed to be grown men.

    on those occasions where convo presents itself; i have noticed a certain mentality accompanies both genders that refer to women as "females" while calling men men.

    these folk- both genders- tend to have little/no love + respect for bw. they refuse to recognize our womanhood even, it seems. the american way + "tradition" upheld on their watch no matter what;(

    while calling bm men even in the face of obvious dumb child sustained misbehavior. they seem to have ripped a page from the white supremacy handbook + refuse to retire the tactics as it relates to bw. at the same time crippling bm rather than helping as designed to do by just telling the Truth...

    it's almost like you need one of these signs when faced with these folk...only...woman version, instead of man;)


    looking back- those signs should have read...we are people.

    bw + children were right there on the front lines. check the footage. braving the police dogs + brutality. bw + children have always been right there getting a special portion of the suffering. so disrespect from my own will flare my nostrils + really set me off. or at least back in the day. now i just call it + stand.

    i AM not sorry for it. nor scared to admit before my spiritual eyes were opened big time...i could see the point of necklacing traitors.

    nowhere in history are traitors worshiped. they are promptly terminated. provider/protectors that will turn on bw/children...yep. folks had best believe He is Real;) there is nothing natural about loving an enemy.

    words are powerful and He shows me how to put them to Good use instead these days.

    while most practice the exact opposite.


  45. i have long wondered why Farrakhan starts with the loving soft voice when addressing bm about their need to get it together. while bassing out/verbal blasting on white folks. why only get real fired up + bassed out with historical enemies...acting like enemies? lol. while writing verbal passes for the providers/protectors that are negligent to Almighty + everybody they worship themselves? while they invert/pervert "do for self" in large numbers?

    trickle down blessings don't just pan out to be hogwash when discussing economics...

    everybody calling it are not haters. i have nothing but Love for His people, my people. special Love for Act Right Kings/Queens. i see them daily;)

    if folks want to focus loud long + hard on the many evident changes in women, bw specifically. that is fine. i don't live in denial. just don't get candy bottomed + soft voiced when it is time to take note of the obvious modifications to modern manhood. bmanhood specifically. we all came through slavery + got feelings... it is that hypocrisy that increases the divide + fans the gender war flames.

    in a gender war, humanity loses.

    while devils have unchecked access to the unfortunate babies caught up in the mix. if folks don't think human experimentation/behavior modification is a part of things...they probably still believe in the easter bunny as well;(

    much Love + big hug Anon;) it is always good to hear your voice.


    @ UTS-

    i will give another ear to Mr. Powell. he and i went a couple of rounds as he complained long, hard + publicly about his mother that managed not to run away from home...seems he as an adult was having public difficulty understanding what she could have meant by "be good" if he could not figure out how difficult it might be to be in a game of survival with a child determined to do his own thing.

    not a good look. particularly with significantly less public time spent trying to figure out how dad could just ghost on the whole episode of him + his childhood. what's that, about?

    let's see his evolution. thanks for the link;)

  46. Anonymous6:59 PM

    The "Polar Vortex" used to be (circa 1970 - 80 - 90) the "Alberta Clipper.

    Nothing new here....except for bu****it Globull Warming stuff.
