Sunday, January 05, 2014

Real men needed to make boys into men.

I recently read a story about a poor woman from Walker, Louisiana who was murdered by her own son. The details of the case were stomach churning.

The young man was clearly troubled, and somewhere along the way he lost his sense of humanity. And sadly, as is often the case with these types of stories, he had no father in his life.

I picked up on that sad ---and all too familiar--- tidbit towards the end of the story.

"Island, though, had a “really hard life” that included a troubled relationship with his mother, Singh said.

Singh said Island told him that Wooley would not let Island leave his home, though Island did run away one time to a nearby apartment. He said Island told him that at times, Wooley would abuse Island.

But Island also had a tattoo of his mother’s name on his chest, Singh said.
“He never really acted like anything was wrong,” Singh said.

Island had mentioned being from California and said his father would send him money in the mail, Singh said.

“But he (the father) was never really around,” Singh said."

Oh yes, his father sperm donor was never around.

This is a recurring theme. And it is one that I have blogged about in the past.

Our community would be so much better off if the men among us would do a better job of being fathers to their children. Particularly their sons. I know this from my professional experience as both a criminal defense lawyer and a magistrate in the family court system. It is a serious problem.

I got into a discussion on this subject on twitter earlier with some sisters after retweeting an article from Boyce Watkins. He was telling single mothers how to raise a "sorry black man". And, as is to be expected, they pushed back. "Why is it always the poor mothers who get called out?" "Oh yeah, as usual, blame the poor woman." Ok I get it. And what people like Mr. Watkins should get is that without the sperm donor who brought the "sorry black man" here, the job of the "single [black] mother" gets that much harder. And of course the single black mother has to realize that before she becomes a single black mother she has to make better choices when it comes to the men in her life as well.

Watkins opines: "My own mother was a 17-year old single mom until she married my second father three years after I was born.  And it was her commitment to raising me with more discipline than my male friends that guided me away from the same gutters, prison cells,  and rehab clinics that many of them occupy to this day.So, if you want your son to grow up to be a horrible father and husband for somebody else, here are a few things you can do".... Stop!

She should not have to raise her son alone, period. And shame on the next man who is going to cause that single black mother to have to do it.



  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    "This is a recurring theme. And it is one that I have blogged about in the past."

    You blogged 'once' about the looming crises of bm. You should blog numerous times about this sad and scary situation in our community.

    I really don't have much hope that anything will be resolved. This problem continues to get bigger and bigger. And NO ONE seems to care. That includes the black community and our first Black President.

    None of these phonies have done a damn thing: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Dyson, MHP, NAACP, CBC, black politicians, Democrats, black professionals...the list goes on.

    The only one that I know who is 'really' doing something for young black males is Rev Jesse Lee Peterson, a fine man who is 'giving' back to the community.

    1. I believe we should stop waiting on that one Black Messiah to save Black America. There aren't anymore MLK's, Malcolm X's, Garvey's or Elijah Muhammad's.

      We should stop pointing fingers at each other and everyone chip on to do our part in helping Black America get through our issues.

      Through slavery we were bred to be dysfunctional; we need to counteract that with africentric schools with Black, well educated and informed instructors that are willing to help our children succeed in life.

      In the 1920's, Tulsa, Oklahoma had a thriving all Black town where the dollar circulated I think 15X's before it left their community. I don't think it circulates once in our communities now. If we did that in the 20's I know we can do it now.

      Also, there are hundreds of thousands of single Black mothers that are raising there children to be great productive citizens. The same goes for good responsible Black fathers. There are a lot of them out there.

      We should focus on doing our part to help the Black Nation instead of dogging our own selves out because it's doing nothing to help our situation.

      ICE, The Concerned Black Man

  2. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I can't believe Field is honoring Colorado in his sidebar for legalizing pot . How can Field consider the pot heads of Colorado Field Negroes and Honorary Field Negroes of the Day?

    It's crazy! What is our community and country coming to? We are headed toward hell.

  3. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Mr Field, I used to think that you were of 'sound mind' but I was wrong.

    And please, no comments from Field's peanut gallery...keep your comments to yourself.

  4. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Field, here is a classy response by Mitt Romney re: MHP's harsh ignorant show about his grandchild. Why haven't you acknowledged this? Let me guess. You can't give Repubs credit for anything.

  5. Good topic, I see a lot of my lady FB friends posting about bad fathers and I get that but like you said I can't help but wonder about their character judging abilties. Did these guys suddenly become aholes or were there signs. I also notice that if a single mother has a girl she also becomes a single mother at around the same age as her mother.
    BTW, dig the pic of Furious.

  6. Anonymous8:51 PM

    PilotX that pic is from Boys in the Hood. Some of you FN folks don't know nothing.

  7. "Why is it always the poor mothers who get called out?"

    Because only women can get pregnant.

    Women have all the rights regarding reproduction, they should bear the commensurate responsibilities.

    A woman can choose to bear the child of a man who has not agreed to marry her. She can also choose to abort the child of a man who has agreed to marry her. She can change her mind as often as she wants, and the man can watch as his child is aborted or as he is put on the hook for 18 years of child support.

    When she chooses to have sex outside of marriage, chooses to get pregnant, chooses to have a baby she can't support, she consigns her child to a life where he is always behind the eight ball.

    Women make these choices.

    Women need to do better.

    If she weren't shielded from the consequences of these choices by having a legal claim on the resources of the man she did not marry, or by having a the unconditional support of the government and various relief agencies, she might think a little harder about whether or not she should be careful about getting pregnant.

    People make bad choices because they can. Let's stop subsidizing and promoting dysfunction. And let's do it now, before another generation is lost.

  8. Anonymous9:41 PM

    But what if the mother abused the boy? If she did, maybe she got what she deserved.

    My mother, who is now dead, "whupped" me over every infraction up until I was about 9 or 10. There were times when I HATED her.

  9. Anonymous9:47 PM

    "She should not have to raise her son alone, period. And shame on the next man who is going to cause that single black mother to have to do it."

    Then she should not have children out of wedlock. Why is that so complicated?

    QUESTION: If a woman has sex with a sorry man, what does that make her?

  10. Anonymous9:54 PM

    MITT responded in a forgiving loving way because he is a devoted Morman.

    It's too bad we don't have more Mitt Romneys' in our world. It would be so much better.

  11. NSangoma10:40 PM


    Louisiana field, must be whidte racism and Phil Robertsons' fault.


    Eddie Robert Island, 17, ... his mother Tamila Wooley, 34.

    When is the hoody mawch, field?


  12. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I like the way Mitt Romney responded to MHP's apology. He is a just man and would have made an excellent credible President. God bless him.

  13. "Also, there are hundreds of thousands of single Black mothers that are raising there children to be great productive citizens."

    Let's hope some of them are teaching their kids to spell.

  14. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Huh, a magistrate in the family court arena, that’s it? How many appeals have you written at the federal appeals level Field? How many Writs of Certiorari have you written to the U.S. Supreme Court? How many Writs of Mandamus have you written to the U.S. Supreme Court? The answer is NONE to all of the above! You are even dumber than I initially thought. Stupid ass nigger!

  15. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Where is all this Mitt love coming from?
    Ok, we get it, Mitt did the right thing. Like what else was he going to say?

    Anon@8:51 is clearly not black, and he has never seen "Boyz In The Hood. :)


  16. To Concerned Black Man @ 11:10

    Tulsa was the center of the oil boom in 1920. But in 1921 the Tulsa Race Riot took out the whole community of Greenwood, the "Black Wall Street" you're describing as "in the 1920s".

    Study up.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      TO: marykmusic

      I have studied up ma'am, I was making a point. The point was that if Blacks could thrive during that racist era in the early 1920's, we should be able to do that and more in the 2000's.

      I am fully aware of how the envious whites and the Government destroyed that thriving Black community.

      Thank you for your input.

      Respectfully submitted,

      Ice, The Concerned Black Man

  17. Anonymous7:34 AM

    "Also, there are hundreds of thousands of single Black mothers that are raising there children to be great productive citizens."

    Should read "Also, there are hundreds of thousands of single Black mothers WHO are raising THEIR children to be great productive citizens."

    Thank you!

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      TO: Anonymous @ 7:34

      Thank you for pointing that out to me. (Using who instead of that)

      It means that you read my article and this is (1) of the (2) errors you could find.

      This means you read it thoroughly and it should be subliminally planted in your mind. I hope you are as committed to helping Black people and the youth as you are with pointing out minor mistakes that do not amount to anything on a blog.

      Respectfully submitted,

      Ice, The Concerned Black Man

  18. Dear Anonymous 7:34,

    Errr yes, I and already pointed that out at 2:50 a.m. - numbnuts.

  19. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Birth control, sterilization, and abortion would help greatly, plus no freebies just because you had a bastard.

  20. Women are primarily to blame because they have virtually all of the reproductive power as well as a system that encourages and subsidizes their behavior. So yes, it is primarily their fault. Give men and women equal reproductive right(post-conception rights) and shut off the welfare. That'll clear things up real quickly.

  21. uptownsteve9:47 AM

    Just curious. Whose been father all the white school shooters?

  22. I see the misogynists are out in force today.

  23. Both the man and woman are responsible for the creation of a child outside of marriage. Each party made bad decisions.

  24. What is "wrong" about having a child out of marriage?

  25. Anonymous12:45 PM

    For me the question is: How do we get this important information out and in a way that is absorbed, to those that can most benefit from it?

    Dr. Watkins article is a scathing and perhaps somewhat exaggerated indictment of families, that I cringed as I read it.

    What mother would praise a son for "being a playa",and impregnating a fourth or whatever number he used, baby momma?
    Or does he know someone that does that?

    However I can understand to a degree his frustration. I really can. In the face of a monumental problem that is endemic in the Black as well as the White community.

    But as I read his article I asked myself, just who exactly is he writing too? Who reads that paper? Who reads this blog for that matter?

    You, me? Certainly I dare say that not one of us is raising children, and that if we are, we are most certainly concerned enough to do it in a different way than the one Dr. Watkins describes.

    So the question for me remains, how do we get this important message out to those that can most benefit from it.

    What can be done to get the message out to the communities that will benefit from it.

    Because can we sit around in the comfort of our homes, having cheese and wine, or sipping afternoon tea, or Starbucks coffee,or whatever your libation of choice is, and discuss this problem ad nauseum.
    And write columns about it that possibly only we,in our own circles will read, and go "tsk,tsk,tsk"

    But until something is actually 'done', 'physically done' I guarantee it will only get worse.

    Happy Three Kings Day everyone! May your most intimate wish be granted by the Three Magi!

  26. The Purple Cow said...
    What is "wrong" about having a child out of marriage?

    Nothing, as long as the person that does so can provide for that child both materially and parentally.

    Having a child that you need government support to raise and that you are not able and/or committed enough to handle is wrong. You will likely create great hardships for yourself and are at risk for producing a child who will also suffer hardships and may become a burden on society.

    If it is just your own life you want to mess up, have at it. However, as we are a society who will fund wayward people and pick up the tab for uncared for children, you are in large part externalizing the cost of your choices onto people who for the most part have lived much more responsibly.

    Having to pay for other people's poor choices is bad enough, but much worse is how this facilitates and promotes single parenthood for poor women, which is recipe for dysfunctional childhoods.

    Dysfunctional children often grow up to be dysfunctional adults who create dysfunctional societies. Not good. Let's stop.

  27. That didn't take long. Why is it we can't talk about bad behavior/irresponsibility on the part of some in the black community without someone saying “white people do it, too!!!!”?

    Do asians say “white people do it, too!!!!”?

    Do hispanics say “white people do it, too!!!!”?

    Do whites say “black people do it, too!!!!”?


    So why do blacks feel the need to compare themselves to whites?

  28. The Purple Cow said...
    "Also, there are hundreds of thousands of single Black mothers that are raising there children to be great productive citizens."

    Let's hope some of them are teaching their kids to spell.

    Government schools.

    uptownsteve said...
    Just curious. Whose been father all the white school shooters?

  29. uptownsteve1:05 PM

    Republican Goober

    Why do you racist clowns love to stigmatize black people with shit that everyone does?

    Does it make you feel superior while pumping up the tires on your house?

  30. Double standard?

    Let's see if Evander Holyfield gets the same treatment from left-wingnuts as the duck dynasty guy got.

    Double standard?

  31. uptownsteve1:20 PM

    What happened to Duck Dynasty guy?

    Does Evander Holyfield have a cable show?

    You goobers sure are dumb.

  32. CBS report on a business giving their employees more $ than the business spent on healthcare per employee last year.

    Even with more money they don't have enough for Obamacare.

  33. It is not any one thing that causes dysfunction or misguidance for youngsters. Single mothers with no lead male have managed to raise quality kids, just as two parent households have managed to raise non-quality kids. In my most humble opinion, we need to as a people get back to community thinking-- this to me would make the most difference for our youth. When they realize they are "Protected" and "Cared For" by a "COMMUNITY". So that any adult face they come upon that looks like theirs-- they know they can count on that person no matter what...

  34. uptownsteve said...

    What happened to Duck Dynasty guy?

    Does Evander Holyfield have a cable show?

    You goobers sure are dumb.

    Being called dumb by someone that doesn't know what happened to the duck dynasty guy is priceless.

    No clue what teev show Holyfield is on either?

    Should you be commenting on stuff you know nothing about?

    Should you be calling people dumb that know stuff you don't?

  35. uptownsteve1:35 PM

    What happened to Duck Dynasty guy?

    How come a Georgetown Professor can call for Obama's assassination on Fox TV and there is no outcry?

  36. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Re "single mothers": Can we all agree that when a (black or white) cognitively-challenged, semi-literate woman-child fornicates with an equally cognitively-challenged, semi-literate man-child, the results cost us, the taxpayer? And, some of us are getting pretty pissed off. Now...
    Regarding the Oakland, CA mother, Nailah Winkfield: Classic example of the aforementioned "cognitively-challenged, semi-literate". If we really look all around us, we will see thousands of these examples; evidenced by that peculiar "cabbage-patch-doll", bloated, overly corn-fed appearance. This woman-child parent and her child, Jahi McMath, probably consumed unhealthy, cheap processed food. You have seen them in the KFCs and McDs of Oakland and elsewhere. And now, there are "knee-grows" in Oakland who have the "chutspa"; the nerve to want to sue Children's Hospital. Gimme a break!
    Dems and (yeech)"liberals"; soft-core racists are no better than their hard-core racist repugnican counterparts for continuing and vigorous support of this "victim" madness.
    It is too late to stop; several generations are lost and doomed.

  37. Zenith Rising said...
    When they realize they are "Protected" and "Cared For" by a "COMMUNITY".

    "Community" care is what we have now. Look around.

    Many single mothers can do a fine job raising children, but it is clear that on average, kids from one-parent homes do much worse than those who have both a mother and a father in the house.

    What we need is more two parent households. We can help that by stopping the promotion of one parent households.

  38. "forgive but don't forget, girl, keep ya head up...

    you know what makes me unhappy? when brothas make babies and leave a young mother to be a pappy.

    and since we all came from a woman got our name from a woman
    and our game from a woman

    i wonder why we take from our women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women?

    i think it's time to kill for our women.

    time to heal our women, be real to our women.

    and if we don't, we'll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, that make the babies...

    so will the real men get up?

    i know you're fed up ladies...

    but keep ya head up."

    -Tupac Shakur


    Q: are folks really pretending that quite a few bm abandon only their sons in droves?

    not the daughters/future first teachers/mothers of the nation?

    what typically happens to UNprotected women + children? ESPECIALLY in Black environments?

    but hey...keep blaming the women that are dumb enough to want to be in the same zip code with ya, much less the same bed.

    i pray more BW wake up, stat.

    that more will go ahead and agree that the bm's seed = no value. quite a few bm will spill it anywhere and truly lack the spiritual depths/ability to care, at this point in history.

    this is where i cue the beckys, what are you women,mei lings, lolitas, hateful homos queens, etc. come through and collect all of these "new school bm". please + thank you;)

    folks will notice the same behavior/fall out wherever these "men" go. everyone doing target practice on bm are not racists. other men just don't want their daughters, sisters, mothers, etc being disrespected/used/raped/played with/abused.

    at some point, even the dumbest will need to acknowledge that there is a major problem with the head of the Black nation.


    until more men connect with Almighty and follow Him...nothing will change.

    silly women will still follow deadhead "men" that will lead them into a ditch. then these same "men" denigrate the women for being silly enough to follow them into said ditch.

    there is already "equality" with reproductive rights. menfolk already know that they are in charge when they have their pants up, on, closed for business.

    AFTER that point...power has been relinquished.

    just as women relinquish their power by yielding sex prior to marriage.

    men create oow, as they control marriage.

    i pray our people will wake up and realize, there has ALREADY been one Black Messiah, Yahushua Messiah.

    we are the messiahs folks are waiting for. learn the Law. live the Law. teach the Law. unto a certain nation will the other nations gather...if ones reads, they should already know.

    even as we stand naked, ridiculed, and hated before all the world as BW. i still believe His Word/Him over all that i see.

    we will see our sons awakened from their it is written.

  39. What uptownsteve? Can't answer my question?


  40. Has Social Security Redistributed to Whites from People of Color.
    whites have clearly received a disproportionate share of benefits relative to the taxes that they pay in at a point in time. Their benefit-to-tax ratio has been higher than that of blacks, Hispanics, and other ethnic groups for as long as the system has existed, while projections continue that trend at least for decades to come.

    Now I see why the democrats are against changing social security.

    Yet another democrat program that benefits whites at the expense of minorities.
    Some things never change.

  41. GrannyStandingforTruth3:30 PM

    Anonymous 8:15 = I know who you are. Yep, I see you.

  42. Uh oh, Granny is doing her voodoo thing again....

  43. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "This is a recurring theme. And it is one that I've blogged about in the past." - Field

    Really Field? And each and every time you've blogged about it, you've failed to take into considetation or mention mass incarceration as being at leadt a portion of the problem. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of black males are unjustly locked up on BS charges. Even further, you are a part of the problem. Black men like you who are in a position of authority don't say SHIT when you should be speaking LOUD and CLEARLY in opposition. Take your BS some place else Field!

  44. GrannyStandingforTruth3:56 PM

    Anonymous 6:36:

    Why the hell do you come here since you think Field is a "stupid nigger"? It seems to me if you're so superior in intelligence that you would want to hang out with intellectuals instead of reading and hanging out with those you consider inferior. That would make more logical good sense, but then, you seem to be lacking in that area as well as in manners.

    As a matter of fact, what have you contributed to our Country that makes you so great and above everyone else posting on here? Do you defecate? Do you bleed red? Do you eat food? Do you have any bones, muscles, fiber, etc., in your body? Do you sleep? Did you come out of a woman's womb?

    Please do tell us what makes you so special from other human beings?

  45. Trollonymous3:56 PM

    I am so glad FP came around. Well said!!

    I hope Pilotx reads it, prints it and sticks it above his TV as he pilot his way through xbox while playing against that (ADD) angry, damaged and delusional non-Yoda black dude.

  46. GrannyStandingforTruth4:00 PM

    @Baron Samedi,

    Hush, before I stick a pin in your doll. *wink* :)

    Have a nice day!

  47. My lips are sealed.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  48. "Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of black males are unjustly locked up on BS charge"

    Everyone in jail is innocent. Just ask us.

  49. GrannyStandingforTruth4:55 PM

    Granny---->hanging up her "Do Not Disturb" sign, going back to her corner, and sleep. Bye bye.

  50. I know how to wake you with a smile on your face, Granny.

  51. Im gonna give Field BIG PROPS!!!

    For placing Colorado on the Field Negro of the day ...

    Good Job Field.....

    FINALLY something I can commend you on....

    O-Bomber could get back in the peoples good graces by rescheduling Cannabis at the end of his term...

    Cannabis related stocks are doing pretty good right now...

    I'll keep my fingers crossed ....

  52. Anonymous6:54 PM

    "My mother, who is now dead, "whupped" me over every infraction up until I was about 9 or 10. There were times when I HATED her."

    Beating a child with belts, switches, ironing cords, etc., is a hateful act. It is abuse, in all cases.

    When you do HATEFUL things (like beat children), you deserve to be hated. Period.

  53. "Being called dumb by someone that doesn't know what happened to the duck dynasty guy is priceless."


  54. "Everyone in jail is innocent. Just ask us."

    About one person in nine in prison is innocent according to academic research, that figure holds more-or-less true for most of the western world's legal systems.

    That aside, many hundreds of thousands of good people are in prison as a result of your idiotic, meaningless and manifestly failed "war on drugs". Which of course is actually a war on poor people.

  55. Anonymous7:47 PM

    "this is where i cue the beckys, what are you women,mei lings, lolitas, hateful homos queens, etc. come through and collect all of these "new school bm". please + thank you;)"

    Is referring to white women as BECKY being "hateful"?

    Is referring to Asian women as MEI LING being "hateful"?

    Is referring to gay men as HATEFUL HOMO QUEENS being "hateful"?

    Finally, was referring to AB as 'Lady Bug' being "hateful"?

    Just thought I'd ask.

    BTW, there are white guys married to women who like having sex with men. This is a FACT. Just thought I'd pass that along. lol

    Not all (or even most) "down-low" men are black as some silly, straight black women seem to think. lol

  56. Worst of the Worst8:32 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "That aside, many hundreds of thousands of good people are in prison as a result of your idiotic, meaningless and manifestly failed "war on drugs". Which of course is actually a war on poor people."

    No, it's a war on drugs. The only positive is that it allows for many violent perps to be locked up when a drug conviction is all that is possible.

    But, that being said, it is my personal belief that only crimes of violence should be punished by imprisonment.

    All property crimes should be punished with fines. If you can't pay, your wages are garnished until you do. Fines go up exponentially for repeat offenders. Don't lock up burglars and junkies with rapists and murderers.

    Drug use by competent adults should be legal.

  57. @ Trollonymous-

    much love to you!


    Anon 7:47pm-

    you ask:

    Is referring to white women as BECKY being "hateful"?

    Is referring to Asian women as MEI LING being "hateful"?

    Is referring to gay men as HATEFUL HOMO QUEENS being "hateful"? "


    not at all.

    you know precisely who i AM speaking of by the names selected. that was my purpose.

    those women that see how quite a few bm treat bw, truly in their heads think they will fair better due to paler skin. i urge all that hold such foolish notions to come get some. they richly earn all extracted resources.

    now consider what BW are called on the regular to the sound of crickets and see clearly that i AM being far from hateful.

    i notice what really offends is all caps;) is not hateful to call hateful homo queens what they are.

    i AM careful to specify precisely the segment of homo population i AM addressing.

    these wayward creatures tend to have an unnatural hatred toward bw and children. yet they wander into social service professions so they may emulate/hate up close + personal.

    so does the "new school bm" that i would like hateful homo queens to come collect. it is plainly written in english. i promise i meant it. as many as you devilish jokers can flip. flip 'em on up and out of the paths of uprotected bw/bg. they are doing what they wilt anyways...ya both hate bw + children. folks can do what they wilt without ever needing be concerned with making babies;) it's all UNlawful anyways...

    even as i ask those inclined to please + thank you come through; i still believe that more will awake. until they is best maintained by those unprotected women/children that want a better go of things.

    as for AB...i think considering all the names i was called, Lady Bug, was kindda sweet+fitting;) at the end of the day...i got love for AB. she doesn't need you to speak for her, btw. our fallout was not over homosexuality- which is what your mentals seem snatched over. our fallout was a matter of respect. you can paint it with the gay mafia brush of make believe if you feel so inclined.

    gay mafia folks don't let a little thing like Truth stop their agenda. otherwise they would stop pretending & cop to the fact that Mathew Shepard was murdered by one of the hateful homos the gay mafia likes to pretend does not exist. even mentioning violent hateful homos unleashes homo murder on the streets...let the gay mafia tell it.

    free will.

    ps. yes, we know wm are closeted homos. peds. serial killers. rapists. racists. etc. all nicely drummed into bw's heads on the regular. as such bw are NOT wandering around wm and others acting like they are among kin/friend/black skin.



    hope that helps your understanding Anon...though i suspect that is not what you seek.

  58. Trollonymous8:48 PM

    "BTW, there are white guys married to women who like having sex with men... lol"

    Are you saying that white men like having sex with men, or their wives like having sex with men??? I'm confused... What are you saying, I want to understand. And stop all that yelling and laughing, it echos under my bridge.

    I'm a troll and FP has never been hateful towards me, much less to Becky, Mei Ling, Lolita or Lady Bugs. So leave her alone!

  59. ps. hateful homo queens are usually somewhere trying to convince het women that all the mens are dl...

    just waiting to bust out the closet.


    in tights...

  60. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "these wayward creatures tend to have an unnatural hatred toward bw and children. yet they wander into social service professions so they may emulate/hate up close + personal."

    Nobody is hating anybody. At least I'm not. I received excellent evaluations from my white (except one) supervisors. My last supervisor, a white man (since you're so impressed with white men), gave me the best reviews I ever received working at that agency.

    Occasionally, I see people I worked with. They all tell me how "helpful" I was. I did my job and did it very well.

  61. i don't believe you Anon 9:59pm.

    not unless you were working for quiet klansmen.

    if you are the haterific Anon from before...i will need to see some receipts.


    ps. i AM not impressed with men of any color round about now. this is a man's world. it is a hot mess at the hands of men- all colors.

    folks may act like the ww's baby BO did all this by his lonesome if they just love fat lies. i AM focused without apology on Black folks. love begins at home. then travels abroad...

    the stereotypes that seem to be on a loop in our culture re: wm were highlighted with a purpose as well. maybe i needed to put it in quotes so you could understand?

    bw, in large numbers, discount what is said about bm as racism or hatred. in large numbers they rationalize whatever madness they tolerate. they can never seem to recognize white supremacy. hatred. belly warmer/let me practice on bw mentality'd bm they can't seem to spot...3, 4 kids into the experience. it may surprise folks to learn, but the ones that are hated on the hardest by some bm, ride the hardest for bm. it is the darndest thing, i have ever seen.

    yet, these same bw will apply what is said about wm much more readily. literally. lol. will quote it like it is a script or something...

    i think this is why when bw/wm do get is usually based on more solid stuff than bw/bm and bm/ww. bw vet wm better than most would think to vet bm. that is my greater point.

    please rest assured i AM aware all that folks readily attach to wm comes in all colors.

    you are hating on me Anon. while trying hard not to understand what i AM saying. though i don't have a problem saying precisely what i mean to say.

    you look for hatred from me, where there is none.

    i don't hate anyone. that requires a great deal more energy than i AM prepared to devote to UNLawful activity at this point in my journey.

    not to mention hatred harms the hater first + worse...

    than anything the hater can hope for the hated. we navigate a double up back atcha type of Universe;)

    please don't confuse my refusal to be silenced with hatred.

  62. Trollonymous10:56 PM

    Anon 9:59, with the hate and ignorance you display about black peeps on this blog... I am not surprised that you got pat on the back from you white masters, um... supervisors.

    Did they really use that word "helpful"? LOL. Did you take them up the elevators, open the doors and bring them their cheese bagels?

  63. @ Trollonymous-

    now see...



  64. The Purple Cow said...

    "Being called dumb by someone that doesn't know what happened to the duck dynasty guy is priceless."


    No need to yell.

    Why are you assuming I think it's important?

    Do you know about the duck dynasty guy?

    Why is it important enough for you to know about him?

  65. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Bill, you really nailed PC. He deserved it.

  66. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "i don't believe you Anon 9:59pm.

    not unless you were working for quiet klansmen."

    My supervisors were not klansmen/women. Well, at least not to my knowledge. lol I would imagine that if they were klansmen I would not have been employed there. Hey, I took my job seriously and my reviews reflected that.

  67. Anonymous5:30 PM

    But, this is one story. And it's only a recurring one because we have been conditioned to keep repeating it. There are ALSO many good decent black men and young boys that have been raised by their single BLACK mother. I think we need to examine why we need to keep saying this stuff...and what's it really gonna change? It's too many issues, and pointing isolated cases and making it the " face" of our people is just stupid to me. No, I'm not gonna read the whole thing...cause the only solution you as a man probably offered is that Black women should no longer give birth to black children. right? Wake Up!
