Sunday, January 12, 2014

The cable news scam and some random other thoughts.

In American politics hypocrisy rules the day. Of course we all know that. How you feel about a certain subject depends on which political gang you belong to.

Political trolls come out of the wood work when their party is under attack and they make no bones about their ideological loyalty. "Benghazi!". Scream.Spittle. Drool.

Jeff Zucker, the head man over at CNN, is under attack for telling the truth about Fox News and the fact that they are nothing but a propaganda arm of the republican party. I am not sure I understand why. It's a business model ---and a successful one--- that they (Fox) have adopted and should embrace. My only problem with it is that they pretend to be "fair and balanced" when Stevie Wonder can see that they are not.

Of course MSNBC has a similar business model, but they are the left wing version of FOX. One could argue that they are the propaganda arm of the Democratic party as well. Unlike Fox, however, they seem to embrace the label and the pretense of providing real balanced news coverage is just not there.

Speaking of Zucker, I know that he wants to claim that his network is a right down the middle news organization, but I have to question that. He seems to have a lot of people on his network who can't wait to cash one of those Roger Ailes checks (I see you Don Lemon and Jake Tapper), and when I hear him talk all I hear is jealousy of Fox's ratings.

Oh well, hopefully a day will come when all of these phony cable networks become irrelevant and we the people will get  our news from talking to each other (I love twitter) and going directly to the source.

Finally, just a few random things that I have to vent about before I kick back and enjoy some EPL this Sunday morning:

Vending machines that sell burritos.

Sick sexual deviants among us who need to have their johnsons removed.

Gullible people among us who believe everything that they are told.

Major retail stores that can't protect our information.

People Pimps who abuse our legal system.

Useless and unnecessary apps.

Ignorant rappers who believe that they have to live out the lyrics they spit.

Politicians who think that we are all stupid.

Reality television and the talentless ---and drama filled--- stars it creates.

I could go on but the Man City Newcastle game is getting good.




  1. Good Post!! If we ban corporate sponsorship that would change the news we get from Fox,CNN and MSNBC.


  2. FN said...
    One could argue that they are the propaganda arm of the Democratic party as well. Unlike Fox, however, they seem to embrace the label and the pretense of providing real balanced news coverage is just not there.

    How far left does one have to be to argue that msnbc isn't the propaganda arm of the Obama administration?

    Sick sexual deviants among us who need to have their johnsons removed.

    I'm sure that transgendered people will appreciate another heterosexual man calling them deviants.
    How progressive.

    Major retail stores that can't protect our information.

    Oops. You missed the democrat talking points. Protecting personal information isn't important anymore, 122 democrats voted against protecting private information at the wishes of the Obama administration.

    How sad that republicans had to pass a bill to protect personal information and democrats were against it.

    Keep talking about target, just like they do on msnbc.

  3. "A relative handful. Hitler was a socialist:"

    Oh goody, as long as there are conservative buffoons around who lost the best part of their brains when it rolled down the inside of their mommas thighs as they were born, then I get to post this again.

    Part One: Hitler, Socialists and the “International Jewish Conspiracy”
    After WW1 Hitler was stationed in Munich in Bavaria. At that time Kurt Eisner, leader of the Independent Socialist Party, declared Bavaria to be an independent Socialist Republic. Hitler was appalled; he viewed Socialism as simply part of what he called the ‘International Jewish conspiracy’.
    Of course Hitler was keenly aware that the father of Socialism – Karl Marx – was a Jew. (This may come as a surprise to you, but Adolph was not mad keen on Jews, in fact it’s fair to say, he was a bit of an anti-Semite.) Most of the key figures in German Socialism at that time, such as Eisner, Rosa Luxemburg, Toller and Eugene Levine were Jews. Similarly many of the key figures in the Russian October revolution of 1917 had been Jews, such as Trotsky, Radek, Litvinov, Zinoviev and Joffe. Hitler was further outraged in July of 1918, when the Bolsheviks enacted a law that made all discrimination against Jews illegal.
    When the German government regained control of Bavaria in 1919, many hundreds of Socialists were summarily executed without trial. To prove his loyalty to the German government and his opposition to Socialism, Hitler volunteered to rat on fellow soldiers who he knew to have Socialist views. So impressed were the Army officers with Hitler’s fervor and anti-Socialist beliefs that they recruited him to be a political officer, lecturing German soldiers on the dangers of Socialism, Communism and Bolshevism

  4. Part Two – Nazis and Industry

    In the time leading up to Hitler’s election he sought to exploit the massive social unrest in Germany by promising to strengthen Trade Unions, while simultaneously promising Germany’s capitalists that he would destroy the trade union movement. Hitler made good to his promises to Capitalists. The Nazis abolished trade unions, all collective bargaining, and the right to strike.

    The Nazis enacted the "Charter of Labor" this piece of legislation gave employers total power over their employees. It established a legal position of employer as "leader of the enterprise," The law specifically stated:

    "The leader of the enterprise makes the decisions for the employees and laborers in all matters concerning the enterprise."

    It continued..

    "It’s task is to see that every individual should be able to perform the maximum of work."

    Under the new rules between 1932 and 1936, average wages fell, from 20.4 to 19.5 cents an hour for skilled labor, and from 16.1 to 13 cents an hour for unskilled labor.

    So much for the Socialist tenant of giving workers ‘control of the means of production.’ Remember that V.I. Lenin said the first requirement of a Socialist economy is that the “Commanding Heights” of the economy must be taken into worker control. The Nazis did none of that.

    The very first victims of the Nazis mass killing machines were no less than 400,000 Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists.

  5. Part Three Lebensraum – Nazi Philosophy

    Hitler replaced the key Marxist concept of class conflict and replaced it with ethnic warfare between Aryans on one side and Jews and Gypsies on the other. Within Germany expressions of class-consciousness were specifically banned by law, Germany’s 100 year history of Social Democratic philosophy was ruthlessly supressed.

    The Nazis promoted Völksgemeinschaft, which translates as “folk community.” In this ideology all the economic classes would be united in a struggle to establish a racially pure, Aryan nation, uniquely German in it’s nature and culture. This was in sharp contrast to the prevailing Socialist ideology which was essentially internationalist in nature.
    The Nazis were principally nationalists. They sought to occupy other nations in the quest for Lebensraum - living space – where ethnic Germans would lord over lesser races – untermenschen – in a sort of racist paradise. Again a stark contrast to the prevailing socialist paradigm that postulated in international workers living in a borderless society.

    Finally looking at the key sources of support for the Nazis, these came politically from aging Right Wing nationalists like Luddendorf and Bismarck, and financially from capitalist families such as the Krupps. It’s difficult – if not impossible - to see why these people would support the Nazis if they had a life-long history of opposing leftist ideology, and would be acting against their own financial interests if the Nazis really had been Socialists.

  6. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "Finally, just a few random things that I have to vent about before I kick back and enjoy some EPL this Sunday morning:"

    What is EPL? Sounds foreign.

  7. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Wow, someone is a Hitler history buff. I wonder why?

  8. rashid11:24 AM

    "Jeff Zucker, the head man over at CNN, is under attack for telling the truth about Fox News and the fact that they are nothing but a propaganda arm of the republican party."

    Jeff Zucker, the Jew, speaking for the Jew Media, attacks the one television news source that doesn't completely bow to the Jew agenda.

    If there is one network that stands out among all the others, that is not the one spewing propaganda.

    The dominance of the jewish narrative today is an indication of jewish dominance not only over media, finanace and business, but over the very thoughts of non-jews. Yet the jewish narrative doesn't spring from jewish dominance. Just the opposite. It is only an uncompromising belief in their righteousness, in the moral legitimacy of their cause, through which any people have any prospect of prevailing in the long term.

    Armed with such beliefs the jews have, time and again, cultivated the opposite in their hosts - unawareness and disorganization - and thus prevailed. The very first step to combat jewish parasitism is recognize it as such. Jewish lies are not harmless, but are more properly regarded as the acts of a hostile adversary, an essential element of their stealthy struggle to attain and maintain dominance.

  9. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Fox represents one set of jews, the neocons. The rest of the media represents the main body of jews.

  10. "The dominance of the jewish narrative today..."

    Oh puhr-leaze, this isn;t the old 'international Jewish conspiracy' bollocks again, is it?

    I thought we were done with that nonsense 70 years ago.

  11. Hitler was a right wingnut.

  12. Had the same xenophobic tendencies. Yep.

  13. Anonymous12:24 PM

    "Blogger field negro said...
    Hitler was a right wingnut."

    12:07 PM
    Could you expand on your comment? It just doesn't have much substance to it.

  14. Anonymous12:44 PM

    MSNBC is up front about their political orientation, but that isn't the only thing distinguishing them from the ridiculous Fox News model.

    Fox is true propaganda: About 70% of the time, the "facts" disseminated on the network are very frequently not at all factual. Jon Stewart accurately refers to Fox as "Bullshit Mountain."

    There is absolutely no difference on that channel between news reportage and editorial commentary. Debates are rigged affairs, with Fox's hosts facing off against fake liberal punching bags -- it's like watching a political version of the WWE.

    Also, Fox has a ridiculous tabloid sensibility that treats news like gutter-level entertainment. I'm surprised they don't literally feature dogfighting and naked chicks.

  15. Anonymous1:07 PM

    "Fox is true propaganda: About 70% of the time, the "facts" disseminated on the network are very frequently not at all factual. Jon Stewart accurately refers to Fox as "Bullshit Mountain.""

    Jon Stewart is accurate? PLEASE!

    FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER! That means people 'trust' what FOX says as "True".

    In other words people like you can talk against FOX until you turn 'blue'.
    It won't matter.

    The ratings on FOX continue to grow, leaving ALL the others "eating their dust".

    You FN folks kill me. LOL..Ratings ARE FACTS, yet you folks continue to cry and whine that FOX is just propaganda, while Jon Stewart and other leftwing channels are the 'true' accurate ones despite the FACTS of RATINGS show otherwise.

    The "Bullshit" lies with Jon Stewart, and people like you, who love bullshit.

    Jon Stewart is nothing more than a left-wing comedian whose declining ratings indicate that people are finding him quite boring, like you.

    One other point: MSNBC has had so many problems with "inappropriate" reporting that they have to stay in a "firing reporter" mode. And you watch that crap? GET REAL, MAN.

  16. "FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER! That means people 'trust' what FOX says as "True".

    Only 2 million Americans a day watch FoxNews, which means there are about 358 million Americans who do not.

  17. Anonymous said...
    FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER! That means people 'trust' what FOX says as "True".

    It means faux is the only network that offers a differing view than abc, cbs, nbc, cnn. msnbc, npr, etc.

    Left-leaners have so many options to hear the news they want to hear that viewership gets split between many options.

    If CNN was the only left-leaning news outlet they would lead in ratings.

  18. I agree, it would be refreshing for Fox to come clean. So tired of right wingers claiming Fox is a straight news organization because "they have democrats on". Self delusion isn't a good thing.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Anon@12:44, I thought they did feature "dogfighting and naked chicks".

    Ok, half-naked chicks with their skirts hiked up.

  21. FN-

    your post threw the wrong rapper in the mix this time. i get your point, there are just other better examples.

    the man who makes new school noise for millions was not emulating the agenda of his noise.

    he was in trouble for what appears to be old school parenting + new school family drama.

    sometimes 17 year old manchildren believe that it is appropriate to do whatever, while parents pay for all of whatever. seems rapper daddy man put his foot down.

    back in the day, if dad yolked you up + reminded you that he brought you into life game + reserved the right to take you out the game for treating his word like nothing...did not = terrorist threats.

    you are not going anywhere, sit in room + think about it, did not = holding folks against their will.

    i just wanted to suggest folks not always believe the hype. if not careful, folks will find themselves bashing a BM who is simply do his version to be a present father. i know you would rather give props to present BM fathers when it involves hair combing for their Bl babies. lol. like BW have not already said + moved on- quite a few BM love their Bl babies. it's the Black ones, in large numbers, they clearly can't stand nor stop making. think Tiger Woods. who knew daddy tiger had a grip of Black children?

    the world will treat rapper man's 17 yo son MUCH harsher than he did. i pray this family knows healing and manage to become closer as a result of this hiccup.

    back in the day, children did not call the police on their parents, the way they are being coached/trained to do these days.


    @ Rashid-

    your comment hits much spot on.

    your candor + courage to call it, is refreshing.

    those that wish they were Hebrew, control all of this. if folks would study, they would see their gloating/boastful writings to this effect. their intentions are not Good nor of Yah. nor their behavior in keeping with His Word/Him/ UNIVERSAL LAW. these devils don't intend to recognize Almighty's authority nor power.


  22. 'ole abe finkelstein thinks they are the comeback kids. i know they are defeated, as written.

    finkelstein and i agree where he asserts the jews' l-rd is lucifer/satan + gold. he is not the first to come out and call it. he won't be the last, according to all signs.

    because folks are thinking these imposter white folks are Hebrews, all of this is turned upside down. inverted. perverted. what is Black is white. what is white is Black. these devils ran the slave trade, while pretending they are those people. bold + defeated.

    those that call themselves "Jews" but are not...hate Torah following real Yews. the real ones, that are so quiet right now, are simply being set up as they suck up all benefits of the scam.

    all nations are being set up to fight with one another. while the synagogue of satan set plans to enslave humanity.

    because THIS is what the Chosen Ones of Scriptures are supposed to be doing. NOT.

    the HUGE/little white lie is messing folks ALL the way up. "Christians" are being fleeced...just as America is being fleeced + dismantled from within. all framed by jew/their puppets' man laws with lots of room for mischief/blasphemy against Almighty.

    this is why folks talk about how good with the "law" jews are. yet they don't realize these devils are writing laws that will keep humanity moving in the wrong direction...away from Almighty.

    when these devils hit folks with the sun day laws+ noahide laws- full enforcement- those moving into the new age, according to the rules will be luciferian initiates. there will be no buying/selling without this mandatory bow down. those of US that know the Law, already know how this will go down. even the defeated devil must comply with what is written to some extent. how else would defeated demons pretend to be Almighty Yah?

    the most adamant atheist will cry out to Most High, as more is revealed. in the meantime, all of US, are under attack. physical, mental, spiritual attack and must stay close to Almighty + Stand Strong.

    there is more here:


  23. INH from prior post:

    hi my friend. you are a beautiful soul;)

    ALL praise, glory + honor to Almighty. ONLY He is worthy of such praise.

    it is my blessing + joy to praise His Name + share His Word with fellow seeking souls. this is what i AM called to do and am SO thankful to know Him + my purpose. it is His mercy/grace/wisdom you see. i am nothing without Him.

    much Love to you + big hug!


    @ PC-

    you might want to read the Talmud. unless you just don't read any religious texts, at all, in your quest for "education"...

    hint: goyim= you. they got some other nasty names for Black you + separate nasty names for the paler folks in your family.

    i don't call it a conspiracy.

    i call it a defeated crafty counsel. Psalm 83 style.

    folks that don't know it is real...are beyond clueless.

    ps. hitler was a crypto jew. with additional information, it becomes hard not to see that demonic jews love killing in general. they truly show no love for other jews. take a look at is ra el through alternative sources. they are not just murdering Palestinians nonstop.


    msm = fully owned, operated, heavily manipulated demonic jew drivel from all angles to incite the dumb, soulless, goy to fight one another. while the synagogue of satan set robs everyone while pretending to be victimized + endangered simultaneously.

    because the "jews" enjoy their current imposter status- decent Yews that speak out are few + far between. even when they do speak...they seek to hold on tight to white supremacy. jokers that KNOW Torah + pretend to be the people described = extra.

    this mess will require the strong hand of Almighty in order to get right. i AM so glad that He is not a man, that he should lie. only then would my faith shake. if He were a man. He is not. He does not lie. He will NOT be mocked by wayward creatures. He's got this. His Word/ He/ His People will overcome.

    i AM boldly with Him;)



    Revelation 17:14- These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Sovereign of Sovereigns, and King of Kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

    that's what's written in the political publication, written by Kings, for the benefit of Kings. aka the Bible.

    life is political.

    those that think Him dead, asleep, never existed, etc. can only talk in puppet political circles. which make me tired after awhile as well.

    while the folks running things channel, summon, worship, make non stop human sacrifices to defeated satan ALL day. for all the mammon + stuff in the world...only for a time. as it is written.

  24. Malcolm Little6:13 PM

    Hitler was a field negro.

  25. Anderson Poopshoot6:21 PM

    Perhaps someone could cite some 'propaganda' that Fox News has promulgated?

    I mean, MSNBC and CNN have been caught lying many times as has been well documented. But you democrat slaves just mindlessly repeat the idea that Fox is evil because your democrat masters tell you they are.

    What specifically has Fox been caught lying about?

  26. Why are black people so obsessed with a news channel they don't watch?


    french comedian in trouble for wanting to do a movie about the slave trade.

    french "jews" don't think that is a subject for a movie. not unless king solomon jew spielberg will re-write history to blame the white whipcrackas everybody already know about. while conveniently not mentioning the roll of the "jew"...


    folks around the world are waking up.

    not sure what it will take for some of the folks that frequent this blog to catch a few clues;(

    fox = alphabet equivalent to 666.

    just as that image on the monster drinks = 666 in hebrew.

    folks REALLY want to argue about the talking heads, paid well, to spread as many HUGE/little white lies as possible...

    no wonder the global community thinks US dumb;(

  28. while conveniently not mentioning the roll of the "jew"...


    i meant role, yet how the jews roll is applicable as well;)

  29. Hitler was a rightwinger?

    Love how our leftwing friends like to cherry pick and compare people they disagree with to Hitler.

    YOU stay classy....

  30. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Bill said...
    Anonymous said...
    FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER! That means people 'trust' what FOX says as "True".

    It means faux is the only network that offers a differing view than abc, cbs, nbc, cnn. msnbc, npr, etc.

    Left-leaners have so many options to hear the news they want to hear that viewership gets split between many options.

    If CNN was the only left-leaning news outlet they would lead in ratings.

    1:40 PM
    No, CNN would not lead in ratings. FOX leads ALL COMBINED. Your assumption that no leftists are watching FOX is erroneous. I am surprised that a rational smart man like yourself would think that.

    FOX is #1 because it appeals to many people across many classes and philosophies.

  31. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "FYI: FOX NEWS is the #1 cable network EVER! That means people 'trust' what FOX says as "True".

    Only 2 million Americans a day watch FoxNews, which means there are about 358 million Americans who do not.

    1:21 PM
    2 million Americans/day means there are 2 millions viewers PER DAY, meaning NOT ALL THE SAME VIEWERS ARE WATCHING FOX on the SAME DAY. Get it? At the end of a week 2x7=14million viewers. I could go on, with more 'simple' arithmetic but I assume you have an MBA? Take a look at the front and back of Nielson surveys and you will see FOX on a cumulative basis has more viewers than the competition COMBINED.

  32. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Blogger Republicans:Freeing Slaves From The Democrat Plantation Since 1863 said...
    Why are black people so obsessed with a news channel they don't watch?

    6:32 PM
    Because they DO watch FOX News. There isn't a black person alive who doesn't know and watch Bill O'Reilly.

    I'm not saying Blacks necessarily 'like' Bill but they DO watch him. I worked in the media and I can tell you that O'Reilly is #1 because people who love him watch him, and those who love to 'hate' him watch him. That's how FOX remains #1. They have the love-hate formula for viewership perfected. They will remain #1 for a long long time until someone figures out a better formula to beat them. I can assure you it won't be MSNBC OR CNN. They lack imagination and the ability to tell which way the winds of viewership is going.

    Blacks are distorting the surveys because Blacks DON'T want to admit they are watching FOX. If Blacks start to get honest, the ratings on FOX will go through the roof!

    Even Granny talks about Hannity, O'Reilly, Greta, and all the Blacks on those shows. So yeah, EVERYBODY is watching. Hell, I bet even PC stays up nights watching. And I KNOW PilotX and Field watch FOX.

  33. "FOX is #1 because it appeals to many people across many classes and philosophies."

    WRONG numbnutz, 2 million people per day does not represent "many classes and philosophies".

    Briefly I thought you were the stupidest person on the internet, but then along came....


    "2 million Americans/day means there are 2 millions viewers PER DAY..."

    Errrrrrrr yes, I believe I just said that.

    "... meaning NOT ALL THE SAME VIEWERS ARE WATCHING FOX on the SAME DAY. Get it?"

    Errrrrrrr what???????

    "At the end of a week 2x7=14million viewers. I could go on, with more 'simple' arithmetic but I assume you have an MBA?"

    Yes indeed I have an MBA, are you seriously suggesting that people only watch FoxNews once a week?

    BTW, even if your logic wasn't insane (which it is) 14 million Fox viewers still would leave 289 million Americans that do not watch FoxNews in that week.

    Is that arithmetic 'simple' enough for you?

    " Take a look at the front and back of Nielson surveys and you will see FOX on a cumulative basis has more viewers than the competition COMBINED."


    Are you sure?

    8.5 million viewers per day watch NBC news, 7.5 million viewers per day watch ABC news, 6.1 million watch CBS news...

    I could go on, but maybe my arithmetic isn't simple enough for you?

  34. Anonymous7:42 PM

    PC clamored, "8.5 million viewers per day watch NBC news, 7.5 million viewers per day watch ABC news, 6.1 million watch CBS news..."

    Link please.

  35. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Anyway, here's some great news, which Philly will NEVER be able to claim: The San Francisco 49ers won today. Fans are looking forward to the game in Seattle against the Seahawks.
    Besides kicking the Seahawks' ass, the 49er fans will probably kick some Seattle fans asses to boot. It's going to be a hell of a game.

  36. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I am sorry to inform you that if you don't start paying MORE for our Anon services, we will have to cut you off. We really don't want to do this because we realize how it could adversely affect your blog. People will start leaving because they look forward to what anons have to say.

    Are you aware how much your regular ID residents count on Anons? Ask Bill. Or ask PilotX. Pilot counts on Anons for convos about climate change and racism. YOU yourself need Anons.

    So, come on, SOMETHING.

    Best Regards and Sincerly,
    Anon Inc.

  37. The Purple Cow said...
    8.5 million viewers per day watch NBC news, 7.5 million viewers per day watch ABC news, 6.1 million watch CBS news...

    Again you living in a different country puts you at a disadvantage.

    In America, CBS, NBC and ABC are not considered Cable News although those channels are on most cable lineups.

  38. Anonymous8:28 PM

    "In America, CBS, NBC and ABC are not considered Cable News although those channels are on most cable lineups."

    Just think. PC calls people stupid for his own mistakes. Can someone tell me if this a "projection"?


    fox news all in the mix...

    i don't watch fox news. i don't like bill o. what he does now is no different than what he did while on inside edition. only he was more likeable on inside edition...covering entertainment stories.

    the nonstop lies by omission he seems to love today= not funny to me.

    it is not just bill o. it all of them on tv today. only occasionally does anything real pop out on tv. then they make sure to "produce" away anything real...

  40. "Are you aware how much your regular ID residents count on Anons? Ask Bill. Or ask PilotX. Pilot counts on Anons for convos about climate change and racism. YOU yourself need Anons.

    So, come on, SOMETHING."

    Will you take a check?

  41. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Field, "Will you take a check?"

    Oh, it's the old "the check is in the mail trick, huh? Field you are talking to Anon Inc, baby! We know all about those kinds of check tricks. Hell, we even have a special research department to develop stuff like that. And you want to pull that check stuff over on the master of check fraud? NO-NO, no-no, NO-NO..

    For the first time since the Civil War we are in trouble because free men like you like to take advantage of us. Now, you may not believe us, but it was because of Anon Inc that the Civil War was fought to free Negroes during that time. As a side bar issue, we were the first company to hire Negroes during that time. I bet if you take a few minutes to think about that possibility and you will see what I'm talking about. Today, Anon Inc is black owned with a black CEO and white CEO....we believe in diversifying jobs.

    Field, Anon Inc is a company we are proud of because of its civil rights history going all the way back to the beginning of America...You owe Anon Inc...BIG TIME. So, pay up.

  42. Trollonymous10:50 PM

    Field, do not pay a dime, not one red penny. I am shocked and appalled by this Anon Inc shake down. Do they even pay taxes?

    For what it's worth, I could fill the gap. I have no problems chatting with Republican Bill, Anons with DID, Pilotxbox, mutilated Cows, and even Downhill Steve. And I'll do it for free!

  43. GrannyStandingforTruth2:30 AM

    Anony 7:24, nope. I do not watch Fox We Make It Up News.

    I think the ratings are fudged. Nor do I watch CNN because of a few things I observed about them during the Presidential elections in 2008. Besides which, I believe the spat that CNN has with Fox We Make It Up News is fake, especially since Rupert has ties with CNN as a Board member if I remember correctly.

    Nevertheless, I keep up with what is going on at Fox We Make It Up through shall I say other means. Let's just say I'm good at what I do and leave it at that. :)
