Wednesday, February 05, 2014

FLOTUS hate.

Tonight my post is going to be a little different. Tonight, in my ongoing effort to expose racism and ignorance in our beautiful country, I am going to simply post a few comments from a seemingly innocent article about the FLOTUS and her love of a particular movie found on the popular Yahoo news website, today.

There were over six thousand comments, so I will just give you a sampling.

"The biggest racists and dividers of this nation reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC"

"Somewhere in Washington DC, a zoo is missing its Gorilla."

"All the things in the world that she could get on tv and talk about and this is the best she can do!!! DaM well cant say that her partner is any better. iv seen a few really fake people in my life but her and her significant other defiantly at the top of my list. its no wander the worlds view on the American people is so OFF!"

"Man, Wayne Brady looks terrible in a dress!"

"You are just a rotten symbol of the degradation of society. That is how you have come to power. You're people have never before been in such disorder. But your control of the media and brainwashing of our children have hidden these truths. You are a hideous disgrace to what was once a proud country."

"Does the first lady enjoy anything that isn"t regarding african-american?She seems a bit racially biased.It's starting to get a little obvious."

"There is a movie I will miss. Ms dictator is flogging the deck."

"Everybody was sicked and tired of this family. They made a mistake to vote them in and now they just go over their heads. She is a disgrace first lady in the white house anyway. She has no manner in public and as a first lady. Look at her arguing and acting like a fool in front of camera for billions to see in Mandela's funeral.....That is enough to just them, what kinds of people they are."

"More race baiting from the bigot. I have an idea, with all this race baiting going on in America how about we separate the White's, African Americans, and Latino's. It seems to me thats what Obama wants. The whites and latino's would survive and the blacks would still be out there looking for a hand out. "

"If the blacks suffer so much in da US, why don't they emigrate to Africa?"

"and it will be the guiding post for my work over the next three years.”
That is assuming she can find time between vacations to perform what she calls 'work'!"

"Moochelle Osluma is a racist cut and dry America...When are other races going to realize it....I did the day she said in campaign in the first term ...America is a mean country lol get it now ! Than they had the nerve to say the black JFK. couple version lol lol lol OMG wake up america and see MOOcchelle for what she is ..let me be clear annnnnnnnnd PERIOD.She's nothin but a loud fowl mouthed black beotch with a self serving agenda..alled all things BLACK PEOPLE...I wonder how many shoes this ugly beotch has in her white house closet to hide her ugly black nasty feet.While us working american's pay for each pair.

And on and on...

Does anyone remember Laura Bush or any of our previous First Ladies getting the business like this from the people?

But this is life in "post racial" America. Unfortunately the Obama family being the First Family of the United States is just too much for certain folks to take.

Thankfully for them, though, they now have message boards where they can go and vent anonymously from the comfort of their bunkers.

But how can we blame them? We actually have congressmen who stand by and listen to their constituents call for the "execution" of our President and not say a word.

Sadly, this is the new normal from the right wing- here in America, and it's not changing anytime soon.


  1. Selective memory much?

    Here in the last few days leftwing haters on twitter have called Laura a douchebag, a c*nt and a b*tch.

    Laura Bush has been photoshopped a witchdoctor, a monkey, and ABC news did their godzilla thing.

    Liberal opinion writers have compared Laura Bush to evil, deranged tv characters.

    More examples of liberal hate.

    And we have had Democrats, Democrat bloggers and Democrat radio host joke about killing Bush. Not a word from Wayne.

    Boo-freakin-hoo Wayne.

    You, like your leftwing friends, have no moral high ground.

    You come off looking and sounding like hypocrite.

    Well, the left is known for their double standards.....

  2. Still more leftwing hate-

    Leftwing hate towards Ann Romney and other GOP women

    ‘I want to murder Ann Romney’; Left hurls misogynist hate, death threats at multiple GOP women; Updated

  3. old white guy8:21 PM

    Our First Lady is terrific and her husband is doing an excellent job in difficult conditions. As a nation, racism is beneath us and I am disappointed we are not doing better.

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    And with all that, Michelle Obama is consistently the most admired woman in the country. God bless her.

  5. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Brother Field, are you sure the comments you posted are rightwing only? You see, when it comes to racism against Blacks, there really isn't much difference between a left-winger and a right-winger. They behave differently, but they think exactly the same about Blacks.

    Why don't you admit the truth about how White America really feels about us? Then there will be no need to do a post like this one ANYMORE!

    Then, we can get on with the IMPORTANT business of developing a caring educated self-esteemed Black community that no longer cries and whines, "look what whitey is saying about us".

    You see, we need to get so 'constructively' busy with ourselves we don't have time to worry and chase racism until we are dizzy with it.

  6. Anonymous8:35 PM

    The internet allows people to be as stupid as they want to be.

    Sadly par for the course, Field.

    In the words of one of my favorite movie actors, "I'm getting to old for this shit."

    Steven D

  7. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Sure they're going to scream out in hate! She's talking about education as an important factor for these and any kids getting ahead!

    These detractors are prolly at best high school grads, if that! :D Bet not one of them is a college grad!!!
    So let's not let any Black kids get ahead either right?

    This movie looks good and I'm going to see it. It looks like a heart wrencher!

    So true what the FLOTUS said, when you work in education and health you see a whole lot of these kjds and their resiliency surprises!

    But yet, the fact remains that a college ed costs a lot of money these days. A lot. Most kids have to take out loans. My own daughter is paying hers back at this very moment! They really should forgive some of those loan amounts.It would help a lot.

    You'd be surprised at how much just a nursing BSN costs these days!!!


  8. We whites have always dehumanized black womanhood proportionate to our covetousness of it. Mrs. Obama stepped right into our stereotypes.

  9. Anonymous9:48 PM

    what dehumanizing thing has been said or done to mrs. obama that hasn't been done to white first ladies?

    take your time. i'll wait for your answer whitey.

  10. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Well, I'm sure Granny has plenty to say about how Whites are mistreating Blacks. As a matter of fact, I bet Field wrote this post especially for her and Desert.

    Anybody for more ONE post for establishing a healthy black community? I mean, all this whining and crying about what Whites are saying about the FLOTUS is a waste of precious human time.

    We are too sensitive and too worried about what Whites think of us. Granny proves that offense Granny, you are alright with me.:) I still think you should change parties and join me on the other side. You will be happier than you could ever imagine.

  11. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Granny, you are alright with me.:) I still think you should change parties and join me on the other side. You will be happier than you could ever imagine.
    10:02 PM
    Granny pay no mind!

    I think that's that old, lecherous Grandpa Woodley trying to seduce you again! ;p

    "happier than you could ever imagine"!!! HAA!

    With an old,wrinkled up fella like you? I highly doubt it Grandpa!

  12. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Desert, "Granny pay no mind!

    I think that's that old, lecherous Grandpa Woodley trying to seduce you again! ;p

    "happier than you could ever imagine"!!! HAA!

    With an old,wrinkled up fella like you? I highly doubt it Grandpa!"

    10:33 PM
    Desert is jeallllous! You are trying to keep Granny from having fun because you don't have anybody.

    Can I get an Amen?

  13. Par for the course. To have a real discussion about race we first need to agree on a definition of racism because whites seem to have a totally different definition than blah folks. Like one of the comments we will get accused of racism if we list movies we like that star folks that look like us but not a peep if white folks do the same. I get it, we are supposed to think and act just like them and if we don't then it's us with the problem. I mean c'mon, how much heartburn do these guys really get if I prefer to watch Martin instead of Seinfeld? Way too much interest in what we do. Oh well, nothing new, we'll take hits for just being ourselves.

  14. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Desert is jeallllous! You are trying to keep Granny from having fun because you don't have anybody.

    Can I get an Amen?
    10:41 PM
    :) No I'm nooooottt!

    I a-m n-o-t j-e-a-l-o-u-s,
    b-e-l-i-e-v-e- m-e!
    What kind of fun could she possibly have with that senior,senile citizen? (never mind, don't tell me)

    See Granny! I knew it was Grandpa Woodley trying to fool you! ahahaha!

    But nooooooooooooooooooo, Granny knows too much, and so do I.. BUUUAAAHAAAHAHAHAHAH!

  15. Pilotx, what are you talking about? Who has accused you of being racist based on your movie list?

    Who is them?

    Who is interest in what you do? Names please.

  16. "Pilotx, what are you talking about? Who has accused you of being racist based on your movie list?"

    You wouldn't get it. "They" know what I'm talking about. Don't play coy.

  17. GrannyStandingforTruth1:11 AM


    Oh Lawd, did I read that right. That those in the GOP party are trying to get you and me to join the party that wants to steal grandma and grandpa's check?

    I'd rather drink a gallon of gasoline and run through fire than to betray my peers.

  18. GrannyStandingforTruth2:15 AM


    So, it looks like they're really talking about a match between DMX and Zimmerman. Zimmerman wants to fight DMX. Out 15,000 applicants, the promoter said he picked DMX.

    The more I think about it DMX has been on crack for some years and lost a lot of weight.

    Okie dokie, so they figure that since DMX is on crack Zimmerman will win. has a petition out to stop the planned event. I'm gonna sign it.

  19. Quote KinkyCom

    "Who is them?

    Who is interest in what you do? Names please."

    Pilot is busy flying just now, I'll answer for him.

    There was Dave, Mike, Steve, Ronnie, Alvin, Alvin's sister June, April, May, Dave (again), Dee, Dozy, Mick, Tich, John, Paul, George, Ringo, Alistair, Joe, K.P., Steven, Stephen, Cletus-the-slack-jawed-yokel, Hughie, Dewie, Louis, Trayvon Martin and John, Grandmaster Flash, Chuck D. Flavo(u)r Flave, Terminator X, Justin, Xavier, Vanilla Ice, Bob, Mad-Donna, Barbera, Jennifer, Boutros-Boutros, Hans, Gerhardt, Adolf, and Benito.

    I think I got most of them, Pilot may come along later with a couple I may have missed.

    Happy now Kinky-Boi?

    Do you feel properly informed?

    Have I made your day?

    Please let me know, I live only to make you happy.

  20. Anonymous4:51 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Oh Lawd, did I read that right. That those in the GOP party are trying to get you and me to join the party that wants to steal grandma and grandpa's check?

    I'd rather drink a gallon of gasoline and run through fire than to betray my peers.

    1:11 AM
    dear Granny, You've got it all wrong. Nobody is trying to steal your check, I want to add to it so you will never have to want for anything again.

    Granny, you need to learn to 'trust' that everything will turn out ok. There are many Blacks in our party who are living the life. You can too. Come on, don't be afraid.

    With you in the party America will become a gentler, kinder country for all. Isn't that what you want?

    No need to go drinking gasoline and setting yourself on fire like some zen monk in Vietnam. What would you tell God who has given you the body you are in?

    As far as running out on your peers, I am not sure who your peers are? Whoever you think are your peers, let me say that they are probably using you. I mean, I wouldn't trust PC or Desert as far as I could throw my kid's Hummer.

    Speaking of Hummers there is one waiting for you once you have crossed over. And there's more where that comes from. "Trust" me. :)

    Desert is jealous of you because our party turned her down. You see, she just isn't our type.

  21. Bubba, Frank, Rush, Mike, Charles, John, Bobby, Sean..........

  22. There were some jokes about Laura Bush being a drunk and every so often the fact she'd killed someone with her car came up, but sheer raw hatred? Never. They did pile on Hillary Clinton pretty good, though. IMHO, the bigots hate Michelle Obama because she combines so many things the paranoid whites are afraid of: she's smart, she's strong, and she and Barack defy every stereotype about African Americans. The right wing bigots hated Hillary Clinton because she was a smart, strong woman (remember how they accused her of having an affair with Vince Foster and then covering it up by having him murdered?) so it's not much of a surprise they'd hate Michelle Obama even more.

  23. Racial paranoia much?

    White people-either real or imaginary-are not out to get you. White people could careless about the movies you watch.

  24. Nan said...
    "but sheer raw hatred? Never."

    Sure nan-nan.....Calling the former first lady a c*nt, b*tch, doormat,whore, cracker and wishing she was dead isn't seer hate. Never.

    When we on the left show hate, disrespect, and racism towards people we disagree with, well it's ok. See, they disagree with us, so it really isn't hate.

    "this is the new normal from the right wing- here in America"

    The new normal for the "right wing" is the old normal for the left.

  25. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I want to add to it so you will never have to want for anything again.
    you need to learn to 'trust' that everything will turn out ok. There are many Blacks in our party who are living the life. You can too. Come on, don't be afraid.

    Isn't that what you want?

    What would you tell God who has given you the body you are in?

    Speaking of Hummers there is one waiting for you once you have crossed over. And there's more where that comes from. "Trust" me. :)

    Desert is jealous of you because our party turned her down. You see, she just isn't our type.
    4:51 AM
    Oh my gosh Granny,listen to that! He's crazy about your body too!

    OMG! That's called having "labia" in Spanish. You know, a good rap! Goodness gracious! Don't fall for it Granny,it's prolly all lies! Although,...the Hummer part sure sounds good....

    Hey Anon,how come I'm "not the type"? What the heck is that all about? and no, I'm not jealous, and no I don't want any Hummer too...well...maybe just a little...:(

  26. Anonymous11:25 AM

    lilacpr said, Hey Anon,how come I'm "not the type"? What the heck is that all about? and no, I'm not jealous, and no I don't want any Hummer too...well...maybe just a little...:(

    10:25 AM
    Well, I can't give you a Hummer, but I have a GEO. You'll look good in it.

    "Jealousy" is a common, but perverse human quality. It's hard to see by the person who has it, but is clearly seen by others.

    The jealous person interferes another person's business as a protector, judge and criticizer. However, they only pretend to be 'looking out' for their friend. Yet in their heart they secretly wonder WHY they aren't the ones getting the attention because they feel THEY are the ones who should have it-- the Hummer, the money, the fine jewelry, the clothes, the fur coats, etc.

    Yep, you are jealous of Granny. If you weren't you wouldn't be in Granny's business telling her what's wrong with everything.

    Think about the GEO. It's a good deal for free.:)

  27. "KinkyCon said...

    Selective memory much?"

    "KinkyCon said...

    Racial paranoia much?"

    Oh Look everybody, Kinky-Boi has finally discovered a 15 year old internet meme.

    Clueless much?

  28. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Jealousy" is a common, but perverse human quality. It's hard to see by the person who has it, but is clearly seen by others.

    The jealous person interferes another person's business as a protector, judge and criticizer. However, they only pretend to be 'looking out' for their friend. Yet in their heart they secretly wonder WHY they aren't the ones getting the attention because they feel THEY are the ones who should have it-- the Hummer, the money, the fine jewelry, the clothes, the fur coats, etc.
    Think about the GEO. It's a good deal for free.:)
    11:25 AM
    Ahahahahaaa! Oh honey! Tell me about it!! Don't I know about it!!! ;*D

    A GEO???? x( even though they're prolly antiques by now! Never mind, no deal!!!!

  29. Anonymous12:00 PM

    dear lilacpr, the GEO is brand new. There is only one left. Better grab it now.

  30. Anonymous12:04 PM

    What happened to Granny? Did she fall off the earth?

    Maybe she is preparing to cross over to the other side of politics where the winners are?

  31. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    dear lilacpr, the GEO is brand new. There is only one left. Better grab it now.
    12:00 PM
    New? oh all right,maybe, but lemme think about it though.Maybe my side will offer me something too to stick around,like a...Jeep Cherokee maybe? 0-0

    And if Granny doesn't take the deal, which I'm pretty sure she won't. Can I have the Hummer then?

    And will you have to go into the voting booth with me to make sure I don't double cross you'se and vote Dem?

    This is tough....but, dayum.. I sure could use a Hummer.........
    Granny It's a HUMMMER! Take it, take iiiiiitttt!

    Imagine me in a Hummer? I'm all psyched up now!!!! :D

  32. Exposing the fallacy of one's(group)paranoia always angrys.

    So much the subject change and attacks begin.

    Granny sometimes standing for truth is right. Mental illness or defect is to blame.

  33. GrannyStandingforTruth1:16 PM

    Anonymous 12:04,

    "What happened to Granny? Did she fall off the earth?"

    "Maybe she is preparing to cross over to the other side of politics where the winners are?"

    Nope! I went to bed. I was tired.

    Now, about that Hummer, I am a very low-key person, and a Hummer is nice, but a little too flashy. Besides which, I wouldn't want to draw attention to myself and invite those with ill intent such as those with criminal tendencies to rob me.

    With the way the world is and the fact that those on the GOP side have turned into folks whose objective is to rob the elderly and poor to build Ryan, Bachmann, and several others in that party own families’ fortunes due to greed.

    It just wouldn’t be a good idea. That would be like accepting a bribe, go against my better judgment, and not be in my best interest.

    To top it off, I am a law-abiding citizen who believes in setting a good example for my grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, younger cousins, and all young people that I meet in my daily life.

    And well…the GOP party is a little too corrupt, scandal ridden, mean-spirited, and allergic to color for my taste. Rush, Sean, Sarah, Michelle, and Ryan are not the type of company I’d like to keep because they set bad examples for our youth.

    I refuse to involve myself with those types of people because Field and Whitey’s Conspiracy are both busy men. Seeing how I have respect for both of them, I wouldn’t want to embarrass them or have them to defend me in a court of law because well…you know that old saying “birds of a feather flock together”, and I am just not that type.

    Bye now, I am signing off.

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth1:42 PM

    I forgot to add, before I go, and GOP officials encouraging folks to assassinate the President of this country and disrespecting him and the First Lady is definitely not by cup of tea.

    I would never participate in that type of behavior no matter who the President is, it is a little low class, ignorant, and blood thirsty to me. It brings back flashbacks of those days when lynch mobs were on the rampage.

    I respect the office of the President because he represents this country in the world. The world is watching and taking note, especially those with a little brown, black, red, and yellow color in their skin.

    It's not a good look. Nor does it make our country look like America the beautiful as some folks like to claim. Nor does it look like the land of liberty and justice for all.

    In fact, it makes our country look rather pathetic and like deceivers, not to be trusted. It's embarrassing!

  35. FN said...
    Does anyone remember Laura Bush or any of our previous First Ladies getting the business like this from the people?


    So easy to google.


  36. Anonymous3:01 PM

  37. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Tonight my post is going to be a little different. Tonight, in my ongoing effort to expose racism and ignorance in our beautiful country. – Fake Field Negro

    So tell me Field, what do you think about Abu Jamal? You haven’t said anything about his case and it involves ignorance and racism from the supposedly highest order in Philly, your corrupt judicial system.

    This brother has wrongfully been in prison for approximately 30 years of his life. And what do you think about your PREZADENT choosing Philadelphia attorney Debe Adegbile to head the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department? I believe that he’s an excellent officer of the court, unlike you. Have you written an amicus brief on brother Jamal’s behalf? Have you spoken up about his civil and human rights being violated? Or are you much like Philly’s current black DA Seth Williams, who seems to believe that the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Jamal’s death penalty sentence was inaccurate? Come on Field, say something smart for once. Perhaps you will continue to do what you always do, … DON’T SAY SHIT! You step-in-fetch, fake ass field negro!

  38. Um Kinky Conman, did you even read Field's post? Re-read it and my comments may make more sense to you. Then again......

  39. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Like one of the comments we will get accused of racism if we list movies we like that star folks that look like us but not a peep if white folks do the same.

    You mean like FN did with "country/western" music?

  40. "

    So easy to google."

    Go ahead Bill-Hoh, amaze us with your Google skills

  41. The Obama administration is considering an extension of the president's decision to let people keep their individual insurance policies even if they are not compliant with the health care overhaul, according to two top industry officials.

    Avalere Health CEO Dan Mendelson said Thursday that the administration may let policyholders keep that coverage for an additional three years,

    Politics... internal polling of democrats say Obamacare is a losing issue for democrats.

    Law of the land be damned.


    When asked how Obama could resolve this crisis, Noonan said that it would be “wise” to partially capitulate to the GOP’s demand to delay the ACA by nearly one year. "

    Here is hoping that Barack Obama is not listening to Peggy Noonan or any other republican right about now.

    There is a reason for that. Their political instincts are just not that good.

    What do you hope Obama does now?

  42. The Purple Cow said...


    So easy to google."

    Go ahead Bill-Hoh, amaze us with your Google skills

    You try first, tell me what search words you used and then I'll help you.

  43. Not really Bill. False equivalence. Point is if a white first lady listed movies starring white people no one would bat an eye but Chelly is accused of racism because some of her favorite flicks have people that look like her in them. DOUBLE. STANDARD/HYPOCRISY. But as I stated par for the course.

  44. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Not really Bill. False equivalence. Point is if a white first lady listed movies starring white people no one would bat an eye

    I disagree.

    You would bat an eye.

    As evidenced that you are pointing something out that has never happened.

  45. No Bill, you go first.

    You're the one that made the initial claim, so it's you that has to back your claim up. That's how this political discourse thing works, you see.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. On a different topic, they say Jay Leno will be leaving his show. Now, the question is, 'Which white man will they choose to replace him?'

    Let's not pretend that anybody but a white man has a chance of getting this job.

  48. The Purple Cow said...

    No Bill, you go first.

    You're the one that made the initial claim, so it's you that has to back your claim up. That's how this political discourse thing works, you see.

    All the times you ignored me asking for you to back something up and you actually wrote this?

    The way you duck and dodge, I will be posting this tidbit of yours to remind you on a daily basis that you live a double standard.

  49. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Blogger Francis L. Holland said...
    On a different topic, they say Jay Leno will be leaving his show. Now, the question is, 'Which white man will they choose to replace him?'

    Let's not pretend that anybody but a white man has a chance of getting this job.

    7:15 PM
    Of course, a white comedian will get that job. There are no Blacks who could fill Leno's spot but there are popular white comedians on tv with big names who can succeed.

    Your forget that this is about ratings and viewership. They want to try to maintain their ratings, not lose it.

    There are no black comedians big enough to fill Leno's spot. But maybe the late late show?

  50. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And with all that, Michelle Obama is consistently the most admired woman in the country. God bless her.

    8:23 PM


    Uummm.... not quite. The reason the Mooch isn't on any more mag covers anymore - even though it stokes her shallow, narcissistic ego - is because any cover with her on it is a money loser.

    If she was the "most admired" they would be flying off the shelf.

    Instead, she has spawned an entire sub-industry of blogs that mock her and her "husband".

  51. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Oh Pleeease! When inj heavens name has Jay Leno been funny? I mean funny,funny,AHAHAHAHAbelly laugh funny?? N-E-V-E-R-!

    Now put on a Chris Rock, a Kat Williams, and you've got pee in your pants funny! Go watch one of Kat's video clips and tell me you didn't scream out with laughter. I know I do! But they want somebody middle of the road, mainstream America, and bland,unfunny!

  52. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Par for the course. To have a real discussion about race we first need to agree on a definition of racism because whites seem to have a totally different definition than blah folks. Like one of the comments we will get accused of racism if we list movies we like that star folks that look like us but not a peep if white folks do the same. I get it, we are supposed to think and act just like them and if we don't then it's us with the problem. I mean c'mon, how much heartburn do these guys really get if I prefer to watch Martin instead of Seinfeld? Way too much interest in what we do. Oh well, nothing new, we'll take hits for just being ourselves.

    10:49 PM


    I don't think you need to do any of the above. If you enjoy watching comedies populated by people who "look like you", then good for you. If that genre can attract enough viewership that it's doesn't need government financial support, then great.

    I don't recall any whites threaten to boycott BET or black comedians because their casts are "diverse" enough.

    The double standard comes in when I'm called a "racist" because I prefer to enjoy shows where the cast members "look like me" and reflect my values and my culture. I don't like having "die-versity" forced upon me, or being told I must watch a show that "represents America". My America is white - and that's how I like it.

    I don't care what you do, or how you like to entertain yourself, or where you live. Just as long as you don't coerce me into accepting you under the rubric of "die-versity", and then also demand I pay for it.

    I cancelled my cable subscription because 7 commercials in a row all had people who didn't "look like me", and my monthly fee is a mandatory subsidy of "die-versity" programming which I find offensive. So .... like many others, we've "tuned out" to the brainwashing and demands of the "die-versity" crowd.

    Do whatever you want - in your own community, on your own dime. And don't hold me to a different standard than you create for yourself.

  53. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Nan said:
    "....IMHO, the bigots hate Michelle Obama because she combines so many things the paranoid whites are afraid of: she's smart, she's strong, and she and Barack defy every stereotype about African Americans. "

    Which is fascinating, and speaks volumes about the real divide in America. Blacks look at Mooch and teh Won and that's what they believe they are looking at - an accomplished, smart power couple, to admire and emulate.

    Others recognize them as the winners of the grievance mongering prize that is destroying this country. You would have to be a true ideologue to think that Michelle Obama is "smart" - just one read of her "capstone paper" at Princeton will put that fallacy to rest.

    And - most people see the Obamas as reinforcing all the stereotypes about black underachievement and riding the skin color grievance machine to dizzy new heights.

    Until those two views are reconciled, not very much more is going to happen in this country.

    If the Obamas had arrived at 1600 based on actual merit, it might be a different story.

  54. Anon at 2237. I wish I was held to the same standard you are held to. Check the theme of the post FLOTUS catching heat for daring to like movies with people of color. If you really don't give a damn about us blah folks why are you on a blog named Field Negro? Thought so. BTW, don't tell me where to do anything and I sure as hell use my own dime.

  55. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Anon canceled his cable subscription because there were 7 commercials in a row with Negroes. It can't be serious.

    Poor thing is probably looking over his Serbian real estate booklet as I write this.

  56. Anonymous2:08 PM

    What happened to the discussion about soul food? Was the school really out of line or the students and their parents hating being Black? It's pretty typical in CA.

    Do we like watermelon or not? Most do. So, what is the problem? Is it that Whites can't talk about watermelon now too? For pete's sake, after a while no one will be able to say anything because we are so overly sensitive, insecure and have such low self-worth.

    Pretty soon we will become known as the whining tragedy race hyper-vigilant about what Whites say about us. Why must we be 'controlled' by what we think Whites think?

    It's sick but goes back to slavery and Jim Crow. Generations later, we are still fighting those white demons, past and present. The karma from slavery, Jim Crow, racism and the denial of it is the immense entanglement between perpetrator and victim. It's like a child who has been molested in her family and cannot forget it years later. But the molester wants to forget it and wants her to forget it, and most of all, to forgive him. It's a hard thing to do when he is in denial the impact he had on the child's soul when he did it.

  57. GrannyStandingforTruth3:22 PM

    Anonymous 2:08,

    You must live in Orange County, CA because I know NO blacks that hate being black. Stop projecting how you feel on other blacks.

  58. Anonymous6:15 PM

    "Anon canceled his cable subscription because there were 7 commercials in a row with Negroes. It can't be serious."

    Now he can't watch Duck Dynasty and Honey Boo Boo. I feel sorry for the guy. ;-(
