Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Lesson learned.

 Lil Za (right) admitted that the drugs found at Bieber’s mansion were his, while the pop star (left) came up clean during the Jan. 14 raid."Justin Beiber's live-in friend Lil Za has been charged with felony possession of Ecstasy and oxycodone, stemming from his January arrest after a police raid at the "Baby" singer's home.

The aspiring rapper, 20, whose real name is Xavier Smith, has also been charged with a felony for breaking a jail phone while in police custody, TMZ reports. If convicted on all counts, Lil Za could face up to nine years in jail.

Los Angeles police served a search warrant at Bieber's mansion on Jan. 14 related to an alleged egg assault on the pop star's neighbor's house.

Lil Za had Ecstasy, which police originally thought to be cocaine, "in plain view" of the deputies that conducted the raid. Police said he admitted that the drugs were his, while Bieber came up clean in the search." [Source]

I bet Lil Za thought that he was living on top of the world. And why wouldn't he? He was best buds with "the Beeb"; living in his mansion, and helping to spend "the Beeb's" f**k you money to his heart's content.

But this clueless Negro forgot one of life's most important lessons: Never do dirt with your white friends. Because, if and when you do, who do you think is going to get the  blame?

Yep, the clueless Negro.

Now folks, please understand, I am not trying to promote racial segregation, as Kat Williams eloquently stated, we all need some white friends. We just have to be careful and not get too comfortable while we live that white life. 

"Meanwhile Bieber appears to be enjoying the Super Bowl festivities in New York despite his own recent run-ins with the law.

The "Boyfriend" singer was seen partying at the Maxim magazine party on Friday night, just hours after being held at New Jersey's Teterboro Airport on suspicion of smoking pot on his private jet."

Oh yes, and looking for a new black friend.


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Field, you need to promote MORE Black and White friendship by encouraging us to trust Whites more, not less. That is the only way we are going to get ahead.

  2. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Field said...
    The "Boyfriend" singer was seen partying at the Maxim magazine party on Friday night, just hours after being held at New Jersey's Teterboro Airport on suspicion of smoking pot on his private jet."
    Oh yes, and looking for a new black friend.
    Indeed partying all good and high on Ecstasy and Oxy! While his friend sits in jail facing time.

    Although this may be a blessing in disguise to wake his azz up to the crude reality now, before it's too late!

    You know Field that if there are no consequences,there is no motivation for change, the bottom line is pain. Hopefully his lawyers can get a probation though his record will be ruined...

    What a creepy little guy that Bieb is. His mother should pull him off the stage and into a rehab NOW. But she's prolly doing drugs too and the money rolling in is too good.

    And this is what American teens idolize...:(

  3. Trollonymous Burgundy10:25 PM

    Poor Beeb. First it was those prostitutes, drugs, drag racing... the way beeb has been recently acting out, there's no surprise some rapper black dude was in the midst. You know that's what the other folks are gonna say, right?

    Anyway Field, I disagree. The black dude knew what he is signing up for. Beeb is a totally dork, he was keeping his black lackey around to "up" his cool factor, take notes, and get some black street cred, not much money needed (except for their drug taking bromance).

    I'll bet the only thing Beeb was obligated to do in return was to introduce the black flunky to some of those white beebettes. That's all it takes, mission accomplished. Never say neveeeer...


  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Field, you and some FN Negroes are totally wrong about Bieb and the brother in jail. They are genuinely good friends. In fact, I will go as far as to say, "they are like brothers."

    Mark my words, Bieber will get Lil Za out of jail and back home with him in no time at all. Remember you heard it from me. They are like family and no one messes with the family without taking on the whole family.

    I swear. Some of you FN Negroes don't know what it is to be the best of friends.

  5. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Field said, "Yep, the clueless Negro."

    every time there is a good relationship between a Black and a White, Field calls the Black "clueless". Field, you have got to stop playing judge because you are 'off' in your racial black and white thinking. I am sure Bill will lock on to your racist statement against your own kind. I mean, Lil is just a teenager and you have no mercy on him.

    Do me a favor. Stop coming down on our folks whenever they have developed a sincere 'beautiful' relationship with the opposite color.

    This goes for you too, Granny. We all know how you feel about Whites. Folks like you black Leftists really embarrass me. That's why I am a black Conservative trying to end racism perpetuated by progressive atheist black dems. This has GOT TO STOP!

  6. GrannyStandingforTruth1:45 AM

    Anonymous 10:43,

    LOL! Let me ask you a question.

    Do you tell those on the right to stop perpetuating racism with their racist statements, actions, and perpetuating stereotypes of BLACK people?

    Or does that just apply to BLACK people?

    Because those on the right are the ones promoting racism every single day. Example, Rush the dope addict, Hal's girlfriend Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Mergyn Kelly, Ann Coulter, Michelle dingbat Bachmann, Sarah clueless Palin, and...

    Because it seems to me that if you were really serious about ending racism, you would work at it on that side first where it happens to be an extreme habit.

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth2:13 AM

    You know, that raid at Beiber's house over a egg assault on a neighbor's house does sound right.

    Since when did police do RAIDS behind egg assaults on a house? The usual procedure would be sending out a policeman, maybe one or two, not a squad of policemen.

    No wonder Beiber is doing crazy stuff. Ecstasy makes them act crazier than a road lizard and sometimes commit dangerous violent acts. That drug is worse than LSD and Sherm.

    What is wrong with keeping a clear head at all times?

  8. Don't worry Granny, our friend will be here soon to tell our friend he is committing hypocrisy and double standards.

  9. Anon@10:43' did u call this a "good relationship"?

    I don't think so.

  10. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Wow this is really pathetic! DMZ and Zimmerman fight???

    How much is in the pot?

  11. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Don't worry Granny, our friend will be here soon to tell our friend he is committing hypocrisy and double standards.

    I don't even need to post for you and PurpleCow to be thinking about me.

    How special.

    Obviously me pointing out your double standards are getting to you.

  12. What if they held a democrat caucus and a fight broke out...

    Meanwhile, there was a very tense night at a caucus site in Minneapolis where DFLer Mohamud Noor is challenging longtime DFL state Rep. Phyllis Kahn.

    With 300 people at the Bryan Coyle Center, a fight broke out and people rushed the stage. After the melee, the Minneapolis police shut down the caucus.


    A rich white woman who has been in politics 42 years and a Somali running for office walk into a community meeting to caucus and a fight breaks out. (You finish the punchline.)

    It appears the democrat party can't even get along with themselves any more.

    It was funny when FN posted about the right-winger that threatened the reporter with violence, even funnier when democrats use violence politically.

    Bring a gun to a knife fight.

  13. Uh oh, Bill's slip is showing. "Democrat" party huh? I knew he was the partisan hack and not the objective observer he claims to be. No wonder all of the hypocrisy and double standards on the right go unnoticed. Oh well, when President Palin wins he says he'll switch teams. Yeah right. Carry on.

  14. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Uh oh, Bill's slip is showing.


    I already explained why I focus on left-wing double standards.

    Call my bluff if you think I'm lying.

    Post a democrat double standard every day and see my reactions.

    I'm predicting that you know the truth and will avoid proving me right.

    Crickets PilotX.

  15. "I'm predicting that you know the truth and will avoid proving me right."

    Yep, truth is you only post about jalf of the truth and leave the rest out there. Mr. Democrat party. We see your slip pal, no need to hide your true colors. Finally out of the closet.

  16. C'mon Billy, you're not smart enough to hide your agenda.

  17. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    C'mon Billy, you're not smart enough to hide your agenda.

    1:33 PM
    Now see? this is the kind of stuff that 'damages' Black and White relationships.

    PilotX along with Granny and Field ought to be trying to respect, get along, and develop a healthy relationship with Bill.

    Instead, some of you so-called progressive folks try to put him down. You lack skills in human relationships. But that has always been your problem and yet you have the nerve to whine and cry, "racism" when it's YOUR FAULT.

    I am so embarrassed at the way some of you act. It's folks like Granny, Field, Pilot and PC that are holding us back. You can't see the forest for the trees. That's why you can't see the double standards you heaping on everyone else, including your own kind.

    Anon 10:43PM

  18. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Yes Pilot, I caught that as well. A wingnut can only hide his true stripes for so long. :)

    BTW, Billy told a big lie yesterday about the ACA and jobs.


  19. Field you are both right and wrong.

    It's ok to do dirt with your white friends long as you are not the only black in the group-and you are not the darkest in the group.

    Dark skinned folks are the easiest to pin stuff on because they're the first ones to be arrested.

    It's important you don't burn all your brothers of another color. They can help you pick up black chicks.

    Black men can get you to the African bush without the long flight or risk of malaria.

    Just sayin'.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth4:40 PM

    @Anonymous 10:43,

    LOL! Jesse Lee, I believe in respect, getting along with others, and developing healthy relationships with whites that desire and return the same courtesy, racist whites excluded. I'm half white myself...biracial.

    What I don't believe in is kissing ass, crawling on my knees, staying on my knees, and jigging to do it like you do. Nor do I believe in inequality or that superiority B.S.

    BTW, you included me and falsely accused me of putting Bill down. Funny, I've never exchanged any comments with Bill or made any about him since he has been commenting on here, except to ask him what instrument did he play, which he never answered. That let's me know you are full of dung and a dung stirrer.

    BTW, if PilotX or Field is on Bill's case, it must be for a good reason.

  21. GrannyStandingforTruth4:44 PM

    @Desert, it's not DMZ, it's DMX. LOL!

    The fight promoter and Zimmerman claim that is for charity, so don't know how much the pot is, but if Zimmerman agreed to do it, it must be some big money involved. I still wish that they would asked Michael Jai White to fight Zimmerman.

  22. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Haha! Thanks Granny! I just know he's not doing it for charity. Gotta be money in it for him or he wouldn't do it!

  23. GrannyStandingforTruth5:28 PM


    Yep! And you know it. Although, DMX is good martial arts fighter, he wants to take it to the extreme. Not saying that Z does not deserve it, but well...that's a little too much what DMX said he'd do, especially since it will be a public viewing audience. It might be some children in the crowd.

  24. Granny, that Killerman fight is a travesty and I will not be supporting it.

  25. Thank you field for standing up to those who want their liter of blood.

    Perhaps your next post will teach AFAM'S violence and blood lust isn't the answer.

    Quote the bible. I'm sure there's something in there that will calm the mobs.

    It worked with those Gawd furring whites back in the day, didn't it?

  26. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Granny, "BTW, if PilotX or Field is on Bill's case, it must be for a good reason."

    4:40 PM
    Now see? That is a prejudiced statement against Bill...You are a racist....

    I don't care how much white blood you claim to have in you. You always side with Pilot and Field as if they were gods.

    You need to stop worshiping Field and PilotX and turn your praying and worshiping to a much higher power.

    Besides not knowing about loving Black and White relationships, you AND Desert know nothing about God.

    Anon10:43p (promoter of 'skillful' Black and White relationships for the preservation of America)...

  27. GrannyStandingforTruth7:34 PM

    Anony 6:16,

    First, I suggest you learn the definition of racist.

    Second, I really don't care what you don't care about.

    Third, what you really mean is that I don't dislike them, or attack them, disrespect, or try to discredit them like you do.

    Fourth, you would be shocked into a stupor if you really knew what all Desert and me know. You wouldn't be able to handle it.

  28. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Granny, "Fourth, you would be shocked into a stupor if you really knew what all Desert and me know. You wouldn't be able to handle it."

    Well, why don't you tell me so I can shocked into a stupor. You see that's what I am talking about. All you Obamaholics claim to know so much but the black community is still screwed up daily killings and daily OOW.

    If you and Desert knew so much, why don't you two fix the problem?

    There's only one way to fix the problem and that is to leave the Dem plantation for higher ground, and higher consciousness of the GOP that's growing with Blacks, which the Republicans welcome.

    Granny, you and Desert need to get a grip on your lives.

  29. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Granny, you and Desert need to get a grip on your lives.
    8:15 PM
    Honey if we didn't have a grip,a great grip, on our lives at this stage of the game...we might as well give it up ;*D

  30. Granny schooling folks. I love it. :)

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Bill or made any about him since he has been commenting on here, except to ask him what instrument did he play, which he never answered.

    Sorry, missed the question.

    Trumpet, now it's a computer and all the musical gear hooked up to it.

  32. My mama told me never to imagine that I could get away with doing the things that my white friends or associates did, because they would get white privilege and I'd get a black jail cell.

  33. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Great post Field. This one went under the radar for me and you hit it right on the head. This poor kid forgot the color of his skin for a few seconds and it could cost him a few years
