Thursday, November 20, 2014

"Searching for something."

So this Myron May dude who shot up his alma mater had some issues.

The fact that his mental issues are being reported is surprising, because Myron May(Picture) was a black man.

Usually when Negroes commit these types of crimes we are told how evil and malevolent they are. The folks in the majority population who commit such crimes are always viewed as "troubled" or suffering from some type of a mental problem.

"...We have not found any info at this time why (he) chose this morning to act (or) why he chose to attack our library,” said Tallahassee Police Michael DeLeo.
But May, a Bible-quoting Christian who had been working as a lawyer in Texas and New Mexico, “was in a state of crisis,” DeLeo said, citing the cell phone, journal and videos they confiscated from May’s car.

“He referred to government targeting,” the police chief said. “He was searching for something.”

Then last month, May was hit with a harassment complaint by former girlfriend Danielle Nixon who told cops the lawyer had recently developed “a severe mental disorder” and believed police were bugging his house and car."

Hmmm, a lawyer with a "mental disorder". So what else is new?

Speaking of mental disorders, folks in law enforcement should really get better training to learn how to deal with individuals who struggle with mental issues.

When you throw in the "color arousal syndrome" you get a recipe for disaster.

"Tanesha Anderson, 37, of Cleveland, Ohio, was pronounced dead Thursday, November 13 after a police takedown maneuver caused her to lose consciousness, reports

“They killed my sister,” said her 40-year-old brother Joell Anderson. “I watched it.”

Anderson, who suffered with schizophrenia, was “disturbing the peace,” according to her family, so they called police. Upon their arrival, she began struggling against police officers who had the family’s permission to take her to St. Vincent Charity Medical Center for evaluation. As Anderson kicked at police officers, one of them allegedly slammed her head against the concrete pavement and put his knee into her back.
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Two male officers escorted Tanesha Anderson, who was prescribed medication for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, to the police cruiser. She sat herself in the backseat but became nervous about the confined space and tried to get out, Anderson said. 
Police struggled to keep her in the car and an officer eventually drew a Taser. Joell Anderson said he begged the officer not to use the weapon on his sister. 
Tanesha Anderson called out for her brother and mother while an officer repeatedly pressed down on her head to get her into the backseat. After several attempts, the officer used a takedown move to force her to the pavement, Joell Anderson said. 
The officer placed his knee on Tanesha Anderson’s back and handcuffed her. She never opened her eyes or spoke another word, her brother said.
This is the second time in recent weeks that a Black woman has been killed by police officers.

As previously reported by NewsOne, two officers with the Ann Arbor Police Department  have been placed on paid administrative leave after they shot 40-year-old Aura Rosser to death while responding to a domestic violence incident on Sunday, November 9.

Officers claim that Rosser was coming at them with a knife so they were forced to use deadly force. Family of the victim, however, don’t believe that’s possible.

“She would have fainted at the sight of the gun being drawn on her,” said Shae Ward, 38, about her sister. “She would have been extremely docile, no aggression whatsoever towards police.” [Source]

We always knew that our men weren't safe from the po po, but now we have to watch out for our women as well.



  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Brother Field, I wonder if there is anything good to report about Blacks and how we are treated?

    This is sickening and depressing. I sometimes wonder if life is worth living for Blacks?

    What do you think? Your many posts leaves me questioning life. I mean, this is not living.

  2. Negro B.S. Detector8:57 PM

    "Usually when Negroes commit these types of crimes we are told how evil and malevolent they are."

    Oh please......

    If anything, "the media" will either ignore, or blame racism, poverty or anything to excuse the evil blacks do.

    See the most recent black mass murderers.

    1. Black Lies9:17 PM

      ^Exactly. Delusional minds these negros have.

  3. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Field, there is a spiritual virus spreading like among our peeps. How I wish there was someone to help us.

  4. Negro fatigue9:18 PM

    Im so sick of hearing about dysfunctional black Americans. Good god get your shit together and act normal.

  5. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Hey look field, Myron looked like a house negro. That means you wouldn't have liked him right?

  6. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Anonymous Negro fatigue said...
    Im so sick of hearing about dysfunctional black Americans. Good god get your shit together and act normal.

    9:18 PM
    What is normal? You, the descendant of evil slave masters? Get real. You have no idea what is normal, you sick freak.

    1. Negro fatigue10:38 PM

      Im Asian. My family didnt own slaves. We work our asses off and suceed. You guys should learn a thing or two.

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Facts don't matter to blacks. Fact is during the peak of slavery in the u.s. only about 1.5% of people actually owned slaves and the 1st person to own a slave outright in the u.s. was a BLACK farmer. Maybe YOU'RE the descendant of an evil African slave master considering that slavery is still widely practiced by blacks in your native land. You seem to have forgotten that it was the white man whom first decreed slavery to be immoral. Collectively blacks have done nothing to further humanity Infact they are a detriment to humanity. You're welcome.

  7. Anonymous10:10 PM

    "Im so sick of hearing about dysfunctional black Americans. Good god get your shit together and act normal."

    You mean like getting a college degree and a good job? Well every blah on this site has done that. Can you say the same?

    1. Negro fatigue10:40 PM

      I graduated from Cal Berkeley with a degree in Economics. I earn $95,000. a year working in silicon valley.

      How about yourself?

  8. Blame Obama10:13 PM

    "We always knew that our men weren't safe from the po po, but now we have to watch out for our women as well."

    It's Obama's fault!

  9. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Terry Turnage is not to blame for all those children 'solely' on his own.

    If bw would just stop engaging in lustful sex, this would not be happening.

  10. folk...everyone talking 'bout being bugged + watched is not trippin'.

    i am a witness:)

    the difference = i won't go to shooting folk nor wildin' out too badly. i will war in the spirit. prayer warrior all day.

    it saddens me that homie in the story didn't get to the part in Scriptures that speaks to winning by His Spirit.

    there is a big sort underway.

    Blessed Black folk that choose to lean on their own understanding rather than His Word = all bad.

    the condition that we are in is very much a spiritual bind.

    Anon 9:00pm- there has already been someone to help US. it is already done. most think the message and goodness belongs to Whites, so they therefore reject the Goodness. while chasing after White folk in the flesh like nobody's business. it is the oddest thing of all times to watch unfold. folk would rather round about worship White folk than Almighty.

    this makes me sad.

    in Messiah's Name i pray He will wake His People/my people.

    the family calling the police on the woman = blank stare. of course we know they should not come kill folk...

    but we should all know by now that they do. some things are on US...plain and simply.

    those pretending like what we see = a Black condition, need to

  11. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Lord have mercy, this video is going to hurt Cosby badly, very badly.

    Lilac, Cosby is dead wrong and his legacy will be tainted with this.

    BTW, he was the last and best model of a wholesome good bm. Now, there are none left.

    So don't try to make excuses for him.

    And guess what? He was broght down by another bm! TNB. We hate each other.

  12. @Anon 10:14pm- of course he did not do it by himself. however...

    he needs to pay up.

    not sure if you are deliberately trying to miss the point.

    homie owns a cash business that allows him a steady supply of fresh young dumb volunteers for his foolishness. he needs to empty the tills paying for all his babies since he has no self control...

    but blame the women.

    then lament about not being treated like men.

    'cause folk DO get to do both...


    you can address BW re: lustful sex when you can point to repeat stories of Black women with 20-30+ babies like this man and his fellow brethren that do this regularly. not 4-5 but 20-30 yo. and said BW need to have allowed themselves permission to not care for which is how homies like Mr. Turdnage get down. Oprah/Iyanla had another sad cat like that on tv not too long ago. they be horrifying me + multiplying...


    and it is menfolk like this that give credence to bm as mindless sexual beasts. but fixate on the women folk. i already said BW in LARGE numbers, would do well to go on a sex strike.

  13. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Its the gift that keeps on giving...

    1. teh stupid10:43 PM

      ^ damnnnn, thats some sick shit! Dude raped her then set her on fire wtff

  14. Anonymous10:38 PM

    FP, please view the video below. What is your take on it? Is this woman being truthful? It doesn't look good for the black icon father and family man.

    BTW, have you seen his wife? She seems a little odd to me.

  15. Anon 10:25pm-

    BCosby is an actor/comedian.

    he is human + not to be idolized which is forbidden.

    folk DO know what we saw on tv were characters, right? aka not Real?

    i don't know who he ticked off...

    but BCosby is simply being exposed for what goes on in h-llyweird without a peep normally. none of this is a newsflash to folk. we are seeing a whale hunt take place. folk are taking him down. while letting others, Black and White, keep it movin'.

    here's what grieves my heart...

    Camille Cosby sitting there smiling through the humiliation.


  16. I've yet to meet a lawyer without a mental disorder. We are by far the most whacked out profession. Some of us just hide it better.

    1. lawyers are liers8:20 AM

      Fucking scumbag lawyers, go kill yourselves!!

  17. Camille Cosby looks medicated to me.

    her smile seems fixed...

    imagine how she must feel. folk think the public is shocked. imagine being MARRIED to homie. and he is still sitting there breathing and talking with no lumps on his head. yep...i think calming meds are in the picture.

    i don't know if these women are telling the Truth or not. some of the stories are too dumb not to be true. lol. think about it. add some age 19 to the mix and yep...

    it is my prayer that all parties will heal and this sad state of affairs will be turned for Good, in Messiah's Name, i pray.

    keep in mind that to get to a certain level in h-llyweird + music industry deals must be made. when folk don't keep up their end...

    getting exposed comes with the take down. what BC is accused of is commonplace actually with men, women and children. womenfolk that act like 'cause they saw someone on tv they know them= asking for a long night of trouble. in BC's case, maybe a couple of long nights. THAT'S what i don't get. no one is going to say that is WW behavior either. like a midnight jog in Central park. some stuff you just know it is a WW when you hear it. how folk go back for a take 2 of sexual assault? 19, so i can't get too incredulous with it.

    oh! as it relates to this post: there is also a MK Ultra religious program...

    those on a tight religious program WILL take it to violence. that's from the Muslim, Christian and all fronts. this is why i don't trust nathan comin' from nowhere Right now. lol. devils know Scripture. this overly cautious approach is causing me to take the long route. but nevertheless.

  18. Here's an example: two friends from law school got married last summer; easily 200 lawyers & judges at the reception when a morbidly obese man's spindly plastic rental chair gives way. Luckily there were normal people to help him up while all 200 of us started talking lawsuits. The event coordinator was sweating kittens.

  19. Anonymous10:57 PM

    FP, "i don't know who he ticked off...

    but BCosby is simply being exposed for what goes on in h-llyweird without a peep normally. none of this is a newsflash to folk. we are seeing a whale hunt take place. folk are taking him down. while letting others, Black and White, keep it movin'."

    I like your insight. Thanks for being on FN. Actually, Field himself should be thanking you but he is not that kind of bm.

    I am becoming quite interested in this Cosby finale. I'm wondering what he is going to do and IF he reveals why he is being attacked by so many women. It's ridiculous.

    I agree that someone powerful does not like Cosby and is orchestrating this dance.

    I really don't think he can survive this attack.

  20. stuff like this:


    solid proof that lucifer/satan + those who serve him are Real.

    fatigued asian person: no one cares.

    ps. one cannot "own" other people. only brutally enslave them. just so you know others know: some asian folk are so racist it is not even funny. so again, no one cares. if the fatigues hits you too hard, you can always high tail it back to where ever. you are welcome for that clue. ever notice in convos re: race/color no one mentions asians? that's cause no one cares.


    snark off.

  21. Anon 10:57 PM-

    BC will survive this. he needs simply to keep his mouth zipped. opening it only to remind folk how old he is..

    the statute of limitations = how he will make it through this. that's IF he can resist the urge to do it again. he would do well to now ACT like he knows he is married. heck, role play with Camille. spike her drinks if that just makes him happier. ugh. poor Camille:(

    BC just will need to suffer for a spell, though menfolk from Rush Limbaugh to Glenn Beck are rallying for him. menfolk can set aside race to unite in support of rape culture. it is mind boggling, really.

  22. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "Usually when Negroes commit these types of crimes we are told how evil and malevolent they are. The folks in the majority population who commit such crimes are always viewed as 'troubled' or suffering from some type of a mental problem."

    Hmmm. I'm not sure this perception is really accurate. As far as I know, at least most of the mainstream media did report accurately on the motives of mentally ill African-American Aaron Alexis, who went on a delusion-inspired rampage and shot 15 random people at the Washington Navy Yard last year. (Although, I can't speak to how this event was reported in the conservative media, which is generally a festival of bigotry.)

    In the cases of the two mentally ill women, I don't know about the second one, but the first one sure sounds fishy. Aside from receiving training on how to interact with individuals with mental problems and improve the chances of provoking an unnecessarily violent altercation, shouldn't an officer also be sufficiently trained in how to subdue and cuff a woman without killing her?

  23. Anonymous11:11 PM

    That should have read "reduce the chances of provoking an unnecessarily violent altercation."

  24. Anonymous11:12 PM

    FP, "i don't know if these women are telling the Truth or not. some of the stories are too dumb not to be true. lol. think about it. add some age 19 to the mix and yep...

    it is my prayer that all parties will heal and this sad state of affairs will be turned for Good, in Messiah's Name, i pray."

    I don't know about the other women but the one in the video looks like a truth teller. She looks like a naive midwestern white girl from a small to medium midwestern suburb who knows nothing.

    She seems still haunted by what happened to her. I suppose rape affects women in different ways. Although there is a host of them that don't like Cosby's game.

    If they were all teenagers when he was around 40yrs old, there is something wrong with him and he deserves what he gets.

  25. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Obama is signing executive order for immigration. Well, everybody is getting what they want except Blacks. But that is to be expected.

    We are always last. Whites and Blacks see to that. I am getting real tired of the suffering Blacks go through.

    The surprising thing is nobody cares what is happening to us. I can't take this shit any more. I'm going to bed.

  26. Anon 11:12pm-

    sexual assault is no joke. i have said before that murder = more humane and just as evil.

    when men are sexually assaulted, they tend to kill themselves more often than not for this reason. it is hard to clear one's memory. and just like a bad car crash, folk don't want to see nor know but they can't stop looking. this is same with horrific total recall and the replay all day that won't let folk get away.

    not to mention the violation. if your house has ever been burglarized, you will know what i mean. then try to wrestle with what it feels like when it is your very being/person.

    i don't know. i was not there. there is a presumption of innocence 'til one is proven guilty. though i will say that conventional wisdom dictates that where there is smoke there is usually fire. there are too many women at this point to try to act like they are all lying.

    peds like 'em young. so his 40 to their barely legal = par for the course. Karl Malone impregnated a 14 y.o. when he was old enough to know better. no one made a peep. see what i mean 'bout folk getting away with it until they mess up with the powers that be?

    BC won't be getting anything other than the pleasure of walking around with folk giving him the stank eye. the charges are not murder. so it is a wrap on legal justice. he will suffer in the court of public opinion, though. so far they are all WW so there is that, too. doesn't do much for debunking racial stereotypes. now...

    let's see if the Hannibal comedian cat blows up.

    to the fatigued asian soul: i apologize for my snark.


    you just got on my nerves with your foolishness. Asians' blues is not like Black folks'. Asian folk haven't undergone the cultural + family dismantle like Blacks, so your ish i chose not to overlook. it would be wiser to remain neutral or kissing up to White folk. maybe then White menfolk will let ya'll keep more of your womenfolk and your culture in tact.

  27. Anonymous12:48 AM

    FP, I doubt there's any need to apologize. In all likelihood, "fatigued Asian" is just a "douchey white person."

    Why the racial sockpuppetry? He's acting out the latest stupid anti-black talking point of the month from from Bilge O'Racist over on Faux News:

    Asian people are doing great in the U.S., so this proves racism is over (yay!), our economic system is perfectly fair, and blacks are just be lazy, criminal losers who should STFU about their hardships!

    By the way, comparing the economic statuses of black and Asian American populations is a ridiculous, apple-to-oranges stunt. Asian immigrants are entering the U.S. under a selective immigration process that admits mainly those already likely to do well economically. We're talking about doctors and engineers, and small business people.

    Unhealthy and disabled Asians exist -- but they aren't coming here. The illiterate, impoverished peasants in Asian rice paddies exist -- but they also aren't coming here. Basically, the U.S. is siphoning off China's middle class. These folks are already halfway to "success" before they even set foot on American soil.

    This demographic cannot be meaningfully compared to either white or black Americans, most of whose ancestors have been here for generations -- the historical circumstances of all of these groups are very different.

    1. Blacks are the real racists8:24 AM

      Some of you blacks hate whitey so much you think anyone that comes on here and says something you dont like is white. the my name

  28. Anon 12:48am- you said a mouthful. i apologized 'cause even if folk deserve a sound whack upside the head, i should not be so quick to administer it. lol.

    no one talks about how these folk clan up and help each other to move up. i have seen it first hand. from asians to greeks to jews. meanwhile Black folk are singing the "diversity" song as we march to our deaths.

    i felt convicted by my saying no one cares. we are all Yah's people. Someone DOES care. this is why i apologized:)

    Yahudah is called to give Him Praise + His Word to ALL nations. even as these same ones come against US.

    Blessings to you!


  29. I wonder if Obama is going to give back his political donations. (hahahaha)

    Shhhhh - Top Obama bundler accused of child rape
    Conservatives complain that President Obama gets a free pass from the media, which acts as a de-facto public-relations shop for the Democrat in the White House. Never has that charge seemed truer than now as an ugly rape scandal unfolds on the West Coast.

    He donates a lot of money to democrats. Democrats are willing to overlook his little kid problem.

  30. Whiny white boys1:50 AM

    White people are so whiny and boring

    1. dumb and lazy black boys8:26 AM

      Then stay in your shit hole ghetto or go back to Africa.

  31. Bill now HOW are you leaving out the GAY part of that story?


    this is for my leetle friend:)

    oh, i see it in the link. but folk 'fraid to call it. chicken hawk on blast. both him and his brawling lover both raped the 15 year old. some call it child molestation others call it chicken hawk. those that call it molestation get hit up with many names. HOMOPHOBE!!! being the all time favorite.

    gay rights champion getting it in. him and his little kept in a condo with a weekly allowance, snooping, finding all the videotaped evidence lover...

    i know, i know:



    folk actually got no clue hets believing these folk give a hot dang 'bout "marriage"...those that do are a very very small % + mainly lesbians. women want to be married. menfolk...not so much. there are not enough that seek to be married to truthfully base a whole movement on, unless the objective is to deceive.

    which i submit to you the whole mess is cloaked in deceit. from bug doctor turned human sexual behavior/aleister the beast crowley disciple kinsey on...


    "Mr. May had a written journal and videos where he expressed fears of being targeted and that he wanted to bring attention to this issue of targeting,"

    i pray that folk won't write all off who try to sound the alarm as "mentally ill"... there is something Real foul happening in america. by the time folk wake up it will be too late, it seems. may, dorner and others ...what was the military brotha's name that said folk where tapping his brain with messages and controlling him? all shot to death. while the masses sleep soundly like they have no idea that mind control/manipulation = Real. folk WILL know before it is all said and done, though.

    may this brotha rip and his family find Peace soon, in Messiah's Name, i pray.

  32. Whiny white boys2:22 AM

    Especially douchebags like QLB, Whops Created SWAG, and all the anonymous pieces of shit that troll on here.

    1. Italians created SWAG8:28 AM

      Forgetaboutit Muli!

  33. Quote:Negro Fatigue

    "I graduated from Cal Berkeley with a degree in Economics. I earn $95,000. a year working in silicon valley."

    Of course you do NF, of course you do. Everybody here believes you.

    That's why you've got fuck all else to do with your sad little life than hang round here insulting black folks.

    1. Negro fatigue8:29 AM

      So by your dont earn a decent living because youre on this blog all the time? I see you comment quite a bit here.

  34. Negro fatigue, so you are bragging about earning $95,000 per year? Ok then.*head up whistles away*

    Anon@9:20, u don't even know what a HN looks like. Dude looked like he had some style. That's FNB

    1. Negro fatigue8:31 AM

      Wasnt bragging. Someone insinuated that I didnt go school or have a good job. Told that person, understand now?

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      I'm the most racist troll here, Negros Fatigue, and I need to let you know that you are making the master race look bad. Every professional that reads your $95k comment will know you are full of shit. You lied about your skill and income level and picked a number that you*think* is high. I wouldn't get out of bed for $95k.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Mental health is a great big concern.
    Def law enforcement should understand how to deal with the mentally ill.

    But public mental health services are almost nil. So these persons are being thrown out into the streets or killed. In this case I imagine he had health insurance but if no one was there to push and prod him to seek help and then oversee that help...

    Mental health is a big problem here also. These patients live on the streets and/or self medicate with drugs. There just are not enough services available.

  36. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Gee Negro fatigue, they usually say you live in a trailor park and married your sister so you got off light! Trolling is fun here, bunch of negroes patting themselves on the back bacause they can type in English like that's a big deal. Some are so delusional they think they are human. BTW I went to UC Berkeley also class of 1974, Civil Engineering

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Anon@9:53, are u a PE? And are u a member of Tau Beta Pi? If u are us po Negroes are not worthy.

    Lord I sure hope u don't work for the same company as my wife. Your racial views are a bit troubling.

    You know, kind of like someone who is not very well educated.

    Just sayin. ;)


  39. The old days before Obama became king.

    “I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself.

    I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself.

    I can’t solve this problem by myself

    “I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books …. Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you.

    Now, what I’ve always said is, as the head of the executive branch, there’s a limit to what I can do.

    I’m not a king. I am the head of the executive branch of government. I’m required to follow the law.

    The problem is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.

    [I]f, in fact, I could solve all these problems without passing laws in Congress, then I would do so.

    Did the king change his mind or did the constitutional scholar finally gave up on following the law?


  40. CNN talking about Obama, the constitutional scholar, doing exactly what he said he couldn't before he decided he was king.

    "what changed?"

  41. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Harry Reid in 1993:

    “If making it easy to be an illegal alien wasn`t enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant? No sane country would do that. Right? Guess again! If you break our laws by entering this country without permission and give birth to a child, we reward that child with US citizenship.”

    Priorities change, I guess.

  42. Lots of UC Berkely grad running around. Well, good to know at leat two of your trolls are educated. An engineer even. Seems white male affirmative action is in full effect in Cali. Ha!


  43. Flashback Friday...

    “I taught Constitutional Law for ten years. I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States of America."

    Just more lies by Obama.

  44. Bullshit detector2:05 PM

    "Gee Negro fatigue, they usually say you live in a trailor park and married your sister so you got off light! Trolling is fun here"

    Because people with engineering degrees are so shallow minded they need to become racist trolls to fill their time. Tell you what so called engineer, pick a screen name, stick with it and hang around and let's see how full of shit you really are. If you're an engineer Bill is the Queen of England.

  45. Faking the funk2:10 PM

    "BTW I went to UC Berkeley also class of 1974, Civil Engineering"

    Yeah right, that's why you're too scared to get a handle. We've had all kinds of trolls claiming to be something they're not. Oh yeah right, you suddenly appear when the fact is pointed out that all of the negroes you have so much disdain for are better educated and make more money than all of the white racist trolls. GTFOH! Out of the blue we have U Cal engineers and economists? You fucking hillbillies are hilarious! I bet you've never left your mother's trailer once except to take your sister/cousin to the prom. Sad!

  46. Bill is a F'n retard2:13 PM

    "Just more lies by Obama."

    Nope, just a man trying to do his job even with the congress doing everything they can to stop him. Remember the 2009 meeting with top Republicans when they promised to do everything in their power to stop anything he would try to do? If the congress won't do anything he has to. It takes two to tango Bill but as usual you're too dumb to understand this.

  47. Bill is a F'n retard2:19 PM

    "During the four hour meeting:
    The senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation.

    These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party's political platform for four long hours. No, these Republican Congressional Policymakers, who were elected to do 'the People's work' were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy."

    Dumbass Bill thinks the President has any choice other than to do things on his own. He can't work with Republicans who don't give a shit about the country only electing more dumbasses so people like Bill can be over represented.

  48. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...
    "stuff like this:


    solid proof that lucifer/satan + those who serve him are Real."

    My dear Sister, it is said, "The greatest trick that Satan has ever pulled on humanity was to convince them that he doesn't exist."

    It seems to me THAT is the big problem: folks don't believe he exists. And if Satan doesn't exist, why believe that GOD exists? Most are caught in this trap set by Satan that folks are blind to.

    I don't know. Satan seems to carry a lot of power down here on earth.

    Have you read the "The Screwtapes Letters" by CS Lewis? Those letters pretty much laid out the subtle sophistication of Satan. Imo, every human should read them. It could save one's spiritual life.

  49. Anonymous2:33 PM

    "Yeah right, that's why you're too scared to get a handle. We've had all kinds of trolls claiming to be something they're not."

    No that's not the reason. It's because I'm smarter than you and I can't afford to ID myself. Get it?

  50. Anonymous2:43 PM

    "It's because I'm smarter than you and I can't afford to ID myself."

    Not in Black Run America; you just can't.

  51. Bill's O obsession continues. Man u are going to.miss him when he is gone. :)

    Careful trolls, don't lie in the fields. These field hands will read u.

  52. Anonymous4:46 PM

    At every single pass -- the economy, Iran, IS, Obamacare, immigration -- Obama and the left are being discredited, and not just slightly discredited, but discredited to a Carter-like degree.

    Possibly discredited for 20 or 30 years.

    Just six years ago, it was the Republicans who were staring down a generation-long exile in minority status. But they have been miraculously saved by Democrat overreach and incompetence.

    Obama/Reid/Pelosi will be worse for the Democratic Party than Bush/Lott/Hastert were for the GOP, and that is saying something.

  53. Lilacpr5:18 PM

    "Pass a bill!" Go ahead pass a bill!" "You don't need me to pass a bill!" (Roar from the crowd)

    Gotta love that guy! "Pass a bill" I love it!

    That's gonna be my signature line from now on! "Pass a bill baby, whatchu waitin for, pass a biiiilll!!! Dagnabit! ;*D!"

  54. Anonymous6:56 PM

    "...President has any choice other than to do things on his own."

    Well, I am pretty sure who the dumbass is: there is this pesky document called the Constitution which limits what "[the] President...[can] do on his own."

  55. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Obama is perfectly in his legal rights as President to do what he did. Some of you racist Whites don't even know the Constitution.

    You are the sick ones who have divorced yourselves from the human race. You did that at the beginning of America.

    You owe a great debt to humanity and you need to pay up.

    1. anon @7:14 is a DUMB FUCK8:54 PM



  56. field negro said...
    Bill's O obsession continues. Man u are going to.miss him when he is gone. :)

    We have entered the era of the kadashian presidents. Presidents who tweet, talk about their followers, take selfies and use the white house as their own concert venue.

    I'm confident there will be another kadashian president in the white house and another one after that. It appears I will have unlimited fun mocking politicians for life. Death, taxes and mocking politicians.

    Unless you change parties, I might have to go find a house negro blog to mock on.

  57. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Meanwhile the Chicago weekend shit show is ON!!!! The score for the month is now 29 and it's better than even money that the bangers will break 40 for December and climb ahead of last years totals. After all, who but a Field Negro can so commonly and easily turn a family barbecue or teen dance into a triple homicide.


  58. Anonymous7:42 PM

    "Obama is perfectly in his legal rights as President to do what he did."

    Ummm, actually he is not. Consider, in past statements -- 22 times -- King Barry I stipulated that he was unable to act unilaterally....and then he did.

    But, then again King Barry I (The Chicago Jesus...the Law Professor and Constitutional scholar) is a proven liar. Maybe he was lying those 22 times.

    Your turn....

  59. "the 1st person to own a slave outright in the u.s. was a BLACK farmer."

    That lie has been debunked more often than "George Bush planned 9/11" and yet, it's amazing how often to returns.

  60. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Ummm, actually he is not. Consider, in past statements -- 22 times -- King Barry I stipulated that he was unable to act unilaterally....and then he did.

    But, then again King Barry I (The Chicago Jesus...the Law Professor and Constitutional scholar) is a proven liar. Maybe he was lying those 22 times.

    As you have acknowledged that Obama was a Law Professor and is a 'Constitutional' scholar.

    Therefore, there should be no argument that he is right.

  61. Anonymous8:05 PM

    "the 1st person to own a slave outright in the u.s. was a BLACK farmer.....That lie has been debunked"

    From US Berkely (

    "John Casor. In 1654, John Casor became the first legal slave in America. Anthony Johnson, previously an African indentured slave, claimed John Casor as his slave. The Northampton County rule against Casor, and declared him propter for life by Anthony Johnson.Since Africans were not English, they were not covered by the English Common Law."

    Please provide a citation as to how and when it was debunked.

    I will wait.


    Citation: A short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage.

  62. Anonymous8:07 PM

    "As you have acknowledged that Obama was a Law Professor and is a 'Constitutional' scholar.

    Therefore, there should be no argument that he is right."

    Actually, I also stipulated that he (King Barry I) was a liar.

    Point. Set. Match.

    Your turn.

  63. Anonymous8:18 PM

    "Actually, I also stipulated that he (King Barry I) was a liar."

    just because you say Obama is a liar does not make it so. you are a racist.

    your lose, game over. better luck next time.

  64. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "..just because you say Obama is a liar does not make it so...."

    Page 1 of 4, right here:

    "you are a racist."

    So the definition of a racist is someone who recognizes a lie.


    Try again.

  65. Anonymous8:38 PM

    "So the definition of a racist is someone who recognizes a lie.


    Nothing curious about it. You ARE. No need to lie about it. America has a lot of racists. So You're in good bad company.

  66. Anonymous8:58 PM

    So, to you, your opinion is fact.

    And, if you held the opinion that the world was flat and the sun rose in the West...then this would be fact?


    And documented proof that King Barry I is a liar is not fact...but is racist.


    Try one more time.

    You have to have something better.


  67. Anonymous9:11 PM

    No need to try to teach you, because you are not teachable. You can't hear or see the wisdom of the lesson I have been handing you...Your mind is closed and biased, typical of a racist.

    Sorry, you flunked the course. Thank God for Obama. He has helped us Hispanics immensely.

    He has a heart, something people like you have historically sorely lacked since the birth of America.

    Native Indians and African Americans can attest to that.

    This conversation is over.


  68. The Purple Cow said...
    That lie has been debunked more often than "George Bush planned 9/11"

    Depends how you define "planned."

  69. Anonymous9:17 PM

    "This conversation is over."


    You have nothing.

    Nothing at all.

    Just an facts?

    Disappointing to me, to say the least.

    Please come back.

    I forgive you.

    You know not what you do not know.

    We can work through this.

    With work, your nothing may become something.

    Not much of something, but something - no matter how little - is better than nothing.

    You have an opportunity to become "un poco."

  70. Anon 2:30 PM-

    it is quite clear in Scriptures that the prince of darkness reigns here on earth. at least for awhile...

    demons are turnt all the way up 'cause they know their time is short. so we are seeing more and more pure uncut devilry.

    folk WILL wake up + get hip though...

    i pray, in Messiah's Name that it is not too late, when that happens.

  71. Hillbilly Bob10:54 PM

    "After all, who but a Field Negro can so commonly and easily turn a family barbecue or teen dance into a triple homicide."

    After all, who but a hillbilly can turn his sister into his baby's mama?
    QLB, shouldn't you be studying for your GED or do you want to pretend to have a degree from UCal like the other hillbilly? You folks are sad.

  72. Bullshit detector10:56 PM

    Notice our "engineer" still hasn't picked a screen name and will soon disappear like all the other supposed educated whites. Ha!

  73. teh stupid10:59 PM

    "the 1st person to own a slave outright in the u.s. was a BLACK farmer"

    And that has what to do with anything?


    There is no fucking school called US Berkeley. Teh stoopid is strong in this one as with most racist trolls. This is probably the same idiot who claimed to be a UC grad. Ha!

    From US Berkely (

  74. I love black people

  75. Anonymous5:22 PM

    It's the bowtie ;*D
