Saturday, November 22, 2014

Open thread.

I need your thoughts on this teacher down in Virgina tweeting about the mixed race prom.

I have some, and it might not be what y'all think.




  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Brother Field, I thought it was funny. I mean, we can't attack 'every' mickey mouse statement as racist. For Pete's sake, pretty soon, people will have to remain mute on anything that might be considered racist! This is bullshit.

    Besides, the tweet speaks the TRUTH in a joking way. What! are we as Blacks joining Whites in DENYING the TRUTH?

    Hell it's some black fathers' worst nightmare too.

    After viewing the link, I stand with the Principal that her tweet was a harmless joke.

    That sister claiming she was hurt by the tweet is full of shit. She's hurt because of a lot of reasons but it's not because of that tweet.

    Folks ought to leave that wm alone. I bet the bw are behind all of this.

    Brother Field, you ain't no good...always trying to stir up shit in the community. You are worst than Rev Sharpton and Jesse Jackson combined.

  2. Why are u automatically assuming that I disagree with her comments?

  3. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Wow what a night in Chitown. Three confirmed dead overnight in the weekend shit show. Yet FN's wonder why these kind of tweets exist. Like I've said before an FN can convert a family barbecue ( or even a prom ) into a triple homicide or gang rape in no time flat and do it commonly. Now it's just waiting for expected bongo party regarding Ferguson.


  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Now see, this is what I call "intentional color arousal".

  5. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Brother Field, could you be so kind as to enlarge the photo so we all can see what their faces look like? I can't tell if all those men are black or not.

    Also I would like to see what those ww look like. I hope they aren't ugly. Personally, I think moments like these are a good thing. It's an attack on racism.

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Black men and White women, "tear down this wall!"

  7. Ursula Cusatti10:25 AM

    The school has no black girls?Instead of it being every white girls father's nightmare I think is is more young African American girl's worst nightmare. Black women need to learn to butt out of things that do not elevate them but simply render them invisible. If a black woman published that she is a fool because that picture has nothing to do with her so I do not understand why she cares what is white girl father's worst nightmare. I have never seen girls/women so foolish always meddling into things that have nothing to do with them.

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM

    "Now it's just waiting for expected bongo party regarding Ferguson."

    Of course that's what you're doing QLB because you are uneducated and ignant. Since you don't spend your time productively you have to sit and wait for things to happen. Sad, you could have gotten your GED and wait for your sorority to have a party instead of waiting for bongo parties. And just think, you could have invited blah men to your parties and you wouldn't have to stalk them here. We all know why you're here young lady.

  9. Must say I agree with Bro. Anon's conclusion the tweet is harmless. Point of contention is disparaging FN for what is a brilliant opening to the diverse conversations each of us can be having about race relations. Not all conversations need to result in white guilt/black shame. The Virginia teacher, in stating "a white father's worst nightmare," also ends with a question, so to speak, "Or maybe not?" And this is because the young people posing for the prom picture embody the part of MLK, Jr. speech "I Have A Dream," saying "One day, little black boys and girls will be able to hold hands with little white boys and girls."

  10. Anonymous11:13 AM

    "The Virginia teacher, in stating "a white father's worst nightmare," also ends with a question, so to speak, "Or maybe not?"

    Why even ask that question? Wouldn't his daughter getting involved in an auto accident or something horrific be a father's worst nightmare? Of course not, it could be his little girl dating a big black buck of course. It's 2014 and way too late to try to be too cute by half. Too much Mandingo, Emmitt Till, Birth of a Nation stuff floating around in our collective memories to dismiss this as just a musing. This teacher is unnecessarily injecting his/her racism into the next generation. F&F, if you are that naive maybe you need to look in the mirror.


  11. field negro said...
    Why are u automatically assuming that I disagree with her comments?

    Unlike you and I, the students knew the asst principal.

    From your link...

    Earlier this week, students at Booker T. Washington High School in Norfolk, Virginia, walked out of class to protest a retweet from the high school’s assistant principal, Amy Strickland.

    The students knew the teacher and walked out in protest.

    Why don;t you support the students that knew her?

  12. Anonymous11:31 AM

    So is it more disturbing that some black guys prefer to date white women or some white girls prefer to date black guys?

    Me, out her in Calif, I wonder what the black girls think about this more than what the parents of either might think. Since I rarely ever see a white guy dating a black girl.

  13. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I think her tweet was funny, but also a little unfair.

    It's not the case, even in the South, that every white parent is going to freak out if their daughter brings home a black dude. Racial prejudices are not universal, so there's a big generalization being made there.

    There are almost certainly some black folks who interpreted this joke to mean that white dads should be horrified if their daughters are romantically involved with black guys, because black guys are all criminal lowlifes.

    In any event, I don't think this woman should lose her job over this. It's not that serious. But she might want to think a bit harder before putting stuff out on her Twitter feed.


  14. Are we a nation that tolerates the hypocrisy of a system where workers who pick our fruit and make our beds never have a chance to get right with the law?

    Imagine a white racist saying immigrants pick food and make beds without mentioning immigrants also being doctors and lawyers.


  15. Obama Quietly Broadens Mission In Afghanistan
    President Barack Obama has quietly approved guidelines in recent weeks to allow the Pentagon to target Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, broadening previous plans that had limited the military to counterterrorism missions against al-Qaida after this year, U.S. officials said late Friday.

    Googled, couldn't find a mention of it on abc, cbs, nbc.

    I wonder why no mention.

    Besides it makes Obama, the peace prize winner look bad.

    The #2 job of the media is to make sure you hear what they want you to know, #1 is to hide what they don't want you to know.

  16. Anonymous12:32 PM

    "Imagine a white racist saying immigrants pick food and make beds without mentioning immigrants also being doctors and lawyers."

    Obama said this in a speech specifically addressing illegal immigrants, not immigrants in general.

    Are there illegal immigrant doctors and lawyers? No, there are not. The only job you're going to be able to get as an undocumented resident is a menial job.

  17. why folk coming at BW on the strength of this whole lot of nothing?

    "Me, out here in Calif, I wonder what the black girls think about this more than what the parents of either might think. Since I rarely ever see a white guy dating a black girl.

    11:31 AM"

    now HOW are you even fixing your mouth to tell that bold lie?

    what part of Cali are you in?

    WM have always been trying to get at BW. for the same reason that het men get at women...period. now that folk are no longer considered property, it makes more sense for BW.

    it is pretty common to see BW with non BM, particularly WM in Los Angeles.

    BM pretending like the daughters of their nation are so inferior that no one else could possibly love 'em or find 'em attractive, need to stop. the fact that these fools do this while whining 'bout racism = last nerve plucking business.

    for the soul wanting to know what a BW thinks...

    i think nothing about this pic and other similar topics. i think it is high time BM that really want WW...

    go get 'em.

    go there 1st +while broke. leave the sistas out of it. don't come up with a sista doing the heavy lifting then go in search of WW once you are on...which is so cliche Kanye rapped about it.

    i am sure Camille Cosby and others like her would probably agree with the just go get you a WW since that is what you really want sentiment. if only in private + off the record. me, i gives not one solid dang 'bout being pc.

    if i had to caption that pic it would read:

    all roads lead to beige:)


    but then i went to prom with a white guy so maybe not. i have no beige children + married Black. lol. prom date's parents cooked for us and were as kind as ever. this was in TN, so not sure why folk are all tripped out in 2014, telling lies 'bout how it goes down in liberal azz, land of race mixing all day Cali. shrug. guess folk got jokes.

  18. Anonymous1:01 PM


    "now HOW are you even fixing your mouth to tell that bold lie? "

    I live in Berkeley, Ca. To expand a little, I see a few older couples in the SF Bay Area WM/BF but very few younger couples.

    Calling me a liar without knowing me says more about you than anything in my original comment.


  19. White guy going for cops gun not shot dead?

    Police say Swan put up quite a fight, hitting the officers, and reaching for one of their guns. Then came the arrest.

    Like "they" say, the cops always say the person the cops were forced to beat/kill were going for their guns.

  20. The thing about this tweet is that whether it is offensive or not depends on what is in her heart. If u read the link she says that her own children went to the prom with a Negro and she was just making fun of the other parents who don't share her " post racial" views.

    The flip side, as someone above stated, why even go there and stir ghosts of Mandingo and Emitt Till?

    Ok, at least we are talking about it. Well... at leas the grown folks are.

    Racists like QLB still wants to talk about Chicago murders, and Bill still wants to talk about Obama.


  21. field negro said...
    If u read the link she says that her own children went to the prom with a Negro and she was just making fun of the other parents who don't share her " post racial" views.

    And to think a black man talking about "personal responsibility" or "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" are considered House Negroes.

    It must be hard being a democrat and keeping track of all the double standards.

  22. Wayne Bennett a piece of shit.he's only on this blog because he's a broke ass support master Shit like this makes him feel good about himself because he ain't sucessful. You pussy I've seen it in your face in the hurts you to your soul when someone you cast as a nobody makes more than your to Bit annie pay rate.what kind of empty soul pleasure you get from bringing other people down. is it that you abandoned your Fucked up country and family thats why you get pleasure in destroying happy relationship between children and parents. Yeaaaaaa its about a dollar in family court. Only empty soul people can look at money signs rather than integrity but this still makes you feel that emptiness when you discover. Profit from wickedness is nothingness Stop being a winning ass pussy cause it doesn't work out as planned. you didn't make it as a lawyer so stop taking it out On every body else. You a pussy stop hating on what others accomplished. and maybe your Empty Soul may stop haunting YOU.

    1. Dude, just pay your child support. You knocked that girl up. It's on you: not the rest of us.


  23. "Me, out here in Calif, I wonder what the black girls think about this more than what the parents of either might think. Since I rarely ever see a white guy dating a black girl."

    "I live in Berkeley, Ca. To expand a little, I see a few older couples in the SF Bay Area WM/BF but very few younger couples."

    you mean WM/BW, right? Black Women. menfolk insist on being men- built a whole movement on the notion. foot soldiered by BW, yet Black women are "female". okey doke.

    now look at your statements.

    are you 'bout to pretend with yourself that the younger folk are mixing LESS than the older couples you now cop to seeing?

    then look at what i said:

    "now HOW are you even fixing your mouth to tell that bold lie?

    what part of Cali are you in?"

    i did not call you a liar. i asked how you were fixing your mouth to tell that bold lie.

    the notion that the elders are mixing MORE than the youth= lie no matter how folk cut and paste or word game with themselves.

    folk need to also keep in mind that it is was a BW and a WM that over turned the laws against interracial dating. it was NOT WW and BM tearing down those racial barriers.

    Anon from the Bay area, i did not mean to offend you. nor did i call you a liar. i DID ask how you fixed your mouth to tell that lie. it appears that bold lie telling was not intentional. lol. you're ok. i am ok. it is all Good.

  24. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "The thing about this tweet is that whether it is offensive or not depends on what is in her heart. If u read the link she says that her own children went to the prom with a Negro and she was just making fun of the other parents who don't share her 'post racial' views."

    I agree that intentions definitely do matter when it comes to making jokes and comments about race. The problem here is that people on Twitter don't necessarily know your intentions, and they may interpret your comments in the most negative sense possible.

    This issue comes up often, including with the perennial "why white folks shouldn't use the n-word" discussion.

  25. Legacy2:38 PM

    Well, this just strikes me as typical FN race-baiting to stir up clicks and comments.

    Where to begin?

    Well, at first glance I assumed that the white girls in the photo had to be imported. No decent white families live in Norfolk, and for the few that have money and waterfront property and elect to stay self-contained and quarantined in Norfolk, they send their children to private schools.

    Most middle class whites live in Virginia Beach and commute into Norfolk for work, including the majority of white military families assigned to Norfolk or Portsmouth.

    It appears that my immediate assumption was correct. Looking at the bio for the clearly brain damaged but perky Amy Strickland, she admits that her daughters were part of the Prom Gag/Liberal Preening, and that they go to First Colonial - which is an overwhelming white, middle/upper middle professional class neighborhood with lush funding.

    So Ms. Strickland used her daughters, their pals and these boys as "virtue points" to create some type of pathetic, knee jerk validation to her (gag) "commitment to urban education".

    Thank goodness the NAACP is all over this. They are launching a (predictable) "investigation" because
    according to the article, Booker T is a "fragile" school!!

    I don't doubt it. You click on the homepage for Booker T, and while you're reading their self-congratulatory history as Virginia's first black school, a very WHITE "Booker" looks down on you in Spartan regalia. That was laugh-out loud funny.

    You click on the stats for Booker T, "fragile high school" and you see it is 85% black, 5% white and beyond fubar, rating an "F" rating.

    So the folks at NAACP should be sending Amy Strickland gift cards to thank her for giving them a faux "cause" to latch on to to guilt trip/shakedown the white taxpayers for more "gibmedats" for a dysfunctional school, while nicely deflecting any real examination of the root causes of the "F" rating.

    Nicely played, Progtards.

    Golf clap. ((( )))

  26. Anonymous2:48 PM

    field negro said...

    If u read the link she says that her own children went to the prom with a Negro and she was just making fun of the other parents who don't share her " post racial" views.


    Anecdotally, any white girl I know who has dated/shacked up with a black guy has had serious self-esteem, self-loathing issues and a damaged relationship with her own father, which goes a long way in explaining why she would degrade herself so.

    And it has never ended well. Those that buy in to the Prog meme, if they are lucky enough to escape unbattered and brutalized, usually are stuck with miscegenation niglets that they have to support on their own with no help from their "baby daddy".

    Statistics of what happens to white woman who whore themselves to black men would validate these limited first hand observations.

    Nicole Simpson, Alyssa Oakes, Jessie Davis and her unborn niglet, Lacie Anne Green, Amanda Fallon Perkins.... and the hundreds and hundreds more would agree.

    I think that the parents of these black boys would resent their sons being used as props by grasping liberals to score "points" for being "tolerant" and "post-racial".

  27. I wonder. Who's most offended by this picture? White males or black women?

    Field, have you heard of Franklin Frye?

  28. Anon@2:48, maybe you should look in the mirror to see why your girl left you.

    Hating on the black man because he did the taking won't make u a better person. It could have been anybody. ;)

  29. @KC-

    neither WM nor BW should be offended by this. it has nothing to do with US. it makes more sense to mind our business:) this is why i think nothing with regards to this whole lot of nothing. though to your point, getting US riled up seems to be the point.

    just keep the insults, is all i ask, 'cause i won't play along.

    FN, you may poo poo what Anon 2:48 is saying if you wish. the nastiness makes that reaction knee jerk, however the Truth is...

    WW and others don't fare much better with some BM. THIS is why i suggest all that want one (BM or WW)...

    come and get 'em!

    relationships NOT built on LOVE won't make it. Love knows no color + never ends.

  30. Anonymous4:19 PM

    What all fathers really worry about: their daughter dating any man who beats her. At least that's my biggest worry.

    Steven D

  31. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Field wrote,
    Racists like QLB still wants to talk about Chicago murders, and Bill still wants to talk about Obama.
    Yet Field wants to talk about possible offensive tweets while Black youth kill each other wholesale. Well we know you have your priorities. Funny how that IQ thing keeps popping up.


    PS: I was just wondering what Field's take on the upcoming bongo party in Ferguson is. It should be TNB central.

  32. Anonymous5:20 PM

    If you ask me I think of course it was an insensitive comment.

    She may say she did not mean it that way, and indeed she may not have meant it.

    BUT,in today's racially charged society with so much injustice happening, of course it sounds and looks totally horrible! Of course! She said it,or rather wrote it,and it cannot be taken back.

    So she can stand on her head and apologize, the fact remains the she did not engage the brain gears before she struck the keys!

  33. Anonymous5:31 PM

    "Are there illegal immigrant doctors and lawyers? No, there are not. The only job you're going to be able to get as an undocumented resident is a menial job."

    Leave Bill alone, he's too stoopid to understand what he himself writes. Sad.

    1. Not sure about doctors but In California, bar membership is open to the undocumented and i know at least one such undocumented lawyer covered now by this executive action. I assume there are more too.

    2. Just remembered another attorney friend whose wife & her entire family are undocumented & covered.

  34. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "So the folks at NAACP should be sending Amy Strickland gift cards to thank her for giving them a faux "cause" to latch on to to guilt trip/shakedown the white taxpayers for more "gibmedats" for a dysfunctional school, while nicely deflecting any real examination of the root causes of the "F" rating."

    You would know about gibmedats huh Legacy? Your fat ass wouldn't be able to eat half as well as you do if not for us tax payers footing the bill. You and your fat assed family should thank us. Now tottle on down to the Piggly Wiggly and buy some more sugary drinks and cheap beer for your unemployed husband so you can spit out more mouths to get more assistance.

  35. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "Funny how that IQ thing keeps popping up."

    Yes it is QLB. If your's was higher you might be able to get your GED since we all know you're not educated. Sad. Wasting your life on a web site when you could have a high school equivalence.You could be the first in your family to get a GED. Oh well, we know education isn't important in your trailer park. :-(

  36. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "I live in Berkeley, Ca. To expand a little, I see a few older couples in the SF Bay Area WM/BF but very few younger couples.

    Calling me a liar without knowing me says more about you than anything in my original comment."

    1:01 PM
    Well, Berkeley is a different 'kind' of town with a different 'kind' of plantation environment. It's a place where Whites have no interest in Blacks , but Blacks want to be with Whites.

    The result? Pregnant bw but no white father around. Yet, the bw feels she is better off with a half-white child with no father, and child will never know the father.

    FP, you live in Southern CA. where the environment is completely different.

    I wonder why the bay area is so different? And it's not just the Whites, it's the Blacks too. They actually hate themselves and unconsciously support "White is right".

  37. Anonymous5:37 PM

    FN, here are some candidates for your "House Negro of the Week"....after all, they seen to disagree with the Chicago Jesus:

  38. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Anecdotally, any white girl I know who has dated/shacked up with a black guy has had serious self-esteem, self-loathing issues and a damaged relationship with her own father, which goes a long way in explaining why she would degrade herself so.

    And it has never ended well. Those that buy in to the Prog meme, if they are lucky enough to escape unbattered and brutalized, usually are stuck with miscegenation niglets that they have to support on their own with no help from their "baby daddy".

    Statistics of what happens to white woman who whore themselves to black men would validate these limited first hand observations.

    Legacy, you stunned me with your heart-piercing comment. At first, I hated you, thought of you as racist.

    But thinking more about what you said, you are probably right. I have yet met a ww who was married to bm or dating a bm who didn't have some serious issues with self-esteem and self-worth. She also was not very out-going with other ww.

    On the other side, most brothers want to get away from being Black. It never works. The ww he is involved with reminds him everyday that he is Black without ever mentioning it.

    Bottom line: They both end up feeling somewhat isolated from people, both Black and White. They both don't particularly like themselves and got together in the hopes of feeling better about themselves....Again, it never works. They end up feeling more insecure before dating or God forbid, getting married.

    Ask PC. He knows.

    1. ALL WOMEN (and most men) have self esteem issues. Nature distributes self esteem so irregularly that most people have far too little while some have far too much. Very few get just the right amount, and those few women who do will usually have it beaten out of them by some man in their lives.

    2. As far as inter racial sayings relationship to self esteem, I'd say that white women who date black men and black women who date white men, they have to have it in abundance to put up with all of the crap They get from both black and white people who disapprove of it and them.

    3. Yeah, men are all just dogs on a mission.

  39. lilac pr6:03 PM

    Armchair pchycology, don't you just love it!

  40. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Lilac, 'pchycology' is spelled "p-s-y-c-h-o-l-o-g-y."

    Oh wait, you are talking about "armchair pchycology". Is that some new mental thing in Pr, down in the hood?

  41. Lilac pr6:30 PM

    Yes bitch it is bitch!

    A NEW word I invented while a black studwas fucking me with his super huge dick!

    I couldn't think straight! Can u blame me bitch? :-)

  42. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I don't blame you. I can't afford to blame someone like you. You are doing the best you can.

    BTW, do you eat with the same filthy mouth you talk out of?

  43. @Anon 5:37pm-

    "The result? Pregnant bw but no white father around. Yet, the bw feels she is better off with a half-white child with no father, and child will never know the father."

    she is better off. that 1/2 white child will get better treatment than her whole Black abandoned one. ESPecially from Black folk. if that child is a girl, ESP ESP from Black males.

    such is the sad state of affairs for those with brains mangled by white supremacy. there are men, women and children- all colors - that bear the scars. i pray that all of humanity is healed from white supremacy sooner than later.

    there are many BW that don't know they are to be wives + the prize. daddies peaced out too soon to be bothered to teach 'em. so when they act according to that belief it does not surprise. i just won't spend time denigrating 'em nor silently watching it go down.

    since in the Black community, folk, in large numbers do pump the Black man= the prize nonsense.
    not only is he the prize, but he is worthy of protection like BW/children can't even dream of.

    only we can fix this. you also describe the desire to worship White folk before folk will try to worship Almighty Yah. truly a sad state of affairs...

    i pray for all of Yah's children to pull it on in. color has nothing to do with anything in the grand scheme of things. it is about the Spirit of that soul.

  44. Lilac...



    FN come get her please. KC!


  45. Lilacpr7:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I don't blame you. I can't afford to blame someone like you. You are doing the best you can.

    BTW, do you eat with the same filthy mouth you talk out of?
    6:36 PM

    I most certainly do "eat" with this same mouth! The stud can attest to that ahaha!

    You don't know what you're missing bitch! Ahahaha!

    Or would you prefer I call you the word deputy? ;p hehehe!

  46. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "I most certainly do "eat" with this same mouth! The stud can attest to that ahaha!"

    TNB and thinking.

  47. Anonymous7:31 PM

    FP, "such is the sad state of affairs for those with brains mangled by white supremacy. there are men, women and children- all colors - that bear the scars. i pray that all of humanity is healed from white supremacy sooner than later."

    It is more than sad. It is a soul destroyer. And that is what is seen in Berkeley....Pathetic.

    Nevertheless, you are exactly right. I love you, Sister, but sometimes I hate the truth you deliver. It can be a bruiser.

  48. Legacy8:19 PM

    Anon @ 5:57

    On the other side, most brothers want to get away from being Black. It never works. The ww he is involved with reminds him everyday that he is Black without ever mentioning it.

    I think this is my biggest issue with this whole contretemps.

    The message here is that the black boys only have value if they are seen as "worthy" enough to be "dates" of borrowed white blondes.

    Think about all the layers and layers and layers of negative messaging wrapped up in THAT.

    And this wasn't about Amy being "post-racial", this was Amy revealing just how very racial she is. Hence her need to tweet her "goodness" for the world to know/see.

    And the NAACP? Spare me. They're just looking for some fresh skim off the top.

    So, since this is a "fragile" school, what the hell is the NAACP DOING aside from shaking down the money tree to line their own damn pockets?

    They sure as hell aren't addressing the messaging that (black) boys are only valuable if they can earn a ridiculous income and buy tons of material goods and lead a very superficial, but emotionally unsatisfying life.

    Are they in this "fragile" school, leading from the front, educating/mentoring (black) boys that the true measure of "success" is NOT how much you can "buy", but whether or not you are honorable? Reliable? Steady? That you can be a rock in the storm?

    Or, that if you turn out to be anything less than a multi-million dollar football or basketball player or rap star, you're a "failure" or "less than"?

    Because those issues aren't thrown in the face of just (black) boys.

    It speaks to our values as a community. Our children pick up much more in the subliminal messaging society sends them than the "words" continually babbled at them.

    And the subliminal message of that prom picture, especially in the full context, is disgusting.

    How did super Urban Supporter Amy reconcile that with the "message" she was sending to all the black teen females in that school, who got cast aside when the "exotic" imported blondes from the "right" side of the tracks showed up?

    I actually feel really sorry for the boys in that photo. It seems everyone wants to use black men/boys as props for their own personal cause of the moment.

  49. Legacy8:39 PM

    why you get pleasure in destroying happy relationship between children and parents. Yeaaaaaa its about a dollar in family court.

    Um - excuse me for pointing out the obvious in your delusional screed, but fathers with "integrity" (to use your phrase) pay their child support in full and on time, and some even take on extra work to ensure their kids can still enjoy those "extras" like being on a softball team or the school choir trip.

    Fathers with integrity don't find themselves tangling with Masters of the Court who are only there because deadbeats refuse to do the Right Thing without being coerced too with the full might of the State.

    And a "happy relationship" with your children is part and parcel of them feeling secure and in a financially stable home with a full fridge and electricity that works.

    Why don't you try a novel approach - step up to the plate, go above and beyond what the "State" deems your children need to thrive, and put FN out of work. Now, there's some "revenge" for ya!

    Just a thought.

  50. Anonymous11:14 PM

    "On the other side, most brothers want to get away from being Black. It never works. The ww he is involved with reminds him everyday that he is Black without ever mentioning it."

    Who told you this? Lemme guess, you figured this out all on your own. You should stop trying to speak for others you trifling fat trailer trash hussy. Go back to giving handies to your uncle/daddy and leave the adult negroes alone. No one needs your ignorant psychotic rantings. Don't you have airplanes to buy and Ferraris to race??????? Bwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! On second thought, stick around, we need some comic relief. Maybe you can tell us about your imaginary vacation houses in Oz.
    Damn Field, you really know how to attract some winners.

  51. @Legacy,that was well stated. Like the undertaker, I would love to be put out of business.

    Anon@11:14, some of my trolls are a bit pathetic, but then, that's why they are trolls.

  52. Anonymous10:21 AM

    New Nation News dot com

  53. tribalecho6:31 PM

    Field. Damn you. You sent me to Grio and I ended up reading all the comments on their Cosby story. I got sucked in when some comments reminded me of the Wanda Sykes bit about when her mom would tell her not to do some things because "white people are watching you". God I love her. And then you only Tweet? I just gave in to the Facebook thing a few weeks ago and now I may have to sign up for twitter too. Just because this is my favorite black venue. Damn you Field, My neighbors are probably ready to burn me out because my yard's a mess since I can't get off the damn internets. I fear the twitter. Speaking of Obama. While I'm so disgusted with him I don't even wear my O t-shirts anymore, what with him and Harper making that homophobe Putin look like the adult in the room at the G20 and his failure to do so many things in the two years he had a congressional majority and leaving my healthcare in the hands of Gov. Raw Deal by leaving out "the public option", I think I'll puke if I hear one more pundit on the Sunday Funnies talk about how he "poisoned the well" on the immigration thing. Gimme a break. The Republican filled that well with piss long ago.
    Anyhoo, I came by to ask if you'd ever discussed shopping while black. I'm white but I've lived in a little, predominately black city just south of Atlanta since 1987. City Data says we're 76% black as of 2010, though compared to when I got here the place seems to be crawling with white people. So yesterday I go to Lowes and they have two whole boxes of tulip bulbs. Empty of course. Last month I go to a Kroger I usually don't frequent to get the organic produce in their sale ad. Nope. They tell me, well we don't carry every thing in the ads. What? That was a unique experience where the Kroger cashier and customer service people almost screwed me out of $9, and I'm afraid it was because I was white, and Kroger corporate screwed me 'cause I was shopping black. This has never happened in my own 'hood. Kroger's a bit of a trip away. I mean the way their employees acted. Luckily I forgot the water and when I told the older black cashier they hadn't asked for my card she told me I probably didn't get the sale price. I was talking to a black lady while we were waiting at Jason's and she laughed and said something about don't you know we don't buy organic. We were both waiting for Veggie sands. Nobody gets nuance and buyers are lazy. Years ago I managed a record store in a maybe 65% black area. I got to be a hero because the old manager didn't know shit about black music. Years later when I was working for Cynthia McKinney's '92 campaign across the street, I stopped by my old store. No music for the 30-35% whites in the area. It's like throwing money away, whether it's ignorance or laziness or hubris. I do know you've gotta make waves sometimes to get what your customers need. It just pisses me off that I gotta drive to midtown to get tulip bulbs. Just because I'm black. Or something like it. And who are these bm and ww, or whatever I read up-thread, who ended the law against mixed marriages????? I missed that reference entirely. Oh yeah, the prom tweet. It could be funny, it could be disgusting. Can't tell. I do remember back in the early sixties, my mom who had never said anything racist that I can remember, tore done a poster of a bare chested Jimi Hendrix that I had put on my closet door. It was a fold-out in the newspaper. The Sun Sentinel of all places.

  54. That's more republican brothers in one place since Clarence Thomas's (second) wedding.

  55. tribalecho6:37 PM

    Field. Damn you. You sent me to Grio and I ended up reading all the comments on their Cosby story. I got sucked in when some comments reminded me of the Wanda Sykes bit about when her mom would tell her not to do some things because "white people are watching you". God I love her. And then you only Tweet? I just gave in to the Facebook thing a few weeks ago and now I may have to sign up for twitter too. Just because this is my favorite black venue. Damn you Field, My neighbors are probably ready to burn me out because my yard's a mess since I can't get off the damn internets. I fear the twitter. Speaking of Obama. While I'm so disgusted with him I don't even wear my O t-shirts anymore, what with him and Harper making that homophobe Putin look like the adult in the room at the G20 and his failure to do so many things in the two years he had a congressional majority and leaving my healthcare in the hands of Gov. Raw Deal by leaving out "the public option", I think I'll puke if I hear one more pundit on the Sunday Funnies talk about how he "poisoned the well" on the immigration thing. Gimme a break. The Republican filled that well with piss long ago.
    Anyhoo, I came by to ask if you'd ever discussed shopping while black. I'm white but I've lived in a little, predominately black city just south of Atlanta since 1987. City Data says we're 76% black as of 2010, though compared to when I got here the place seems to be crawling with white people. So yesterday I go to Lowes and they have two whole boxes of tulip bulbs. Empty of course. Last month I go to a Kroger I usually don't frequent to get the organic produce in their sale ad. Nope. They tell me, well we don't carry every thing in the ads. What? That was a unique experience where the Kroger cashier and customer service people almost screwed me out of $9, and I'm afraid it was because I was white, and Kroger corporate screwed me 'cause I was shopping black. This has never happened in my own 'hood. Kroger's a bit of a trip away. I mean the way their employees acted. Luckily I forgot the water and when I told the older black cashier they hadn't asked for my card she told me I probably didn't get the sale price. I was talking to a black lady while we were waiting at Jason's and she laughed and said something about don't you know we don't buy organic. We were both waiting for Veggie sands. Nobody gets nuance and buyers are lazy. Years ago I managed a record store in a maybe 65% black area. I got to be a hero because the old manager didn't know shit about black music. Years later when I was working for Cynthia McKinney's '92 campaign across the street, I stopped by my old store. No music for the 30-35% whites in the area. It's like throwing money away, whether it's ignorance or laziness or hubris. I do know you've gotta make waves sometimes to get what your customers need. It just pisses me off that I gotta drive to midtown to get tulip bulbs. Just because I'm black. Or something like it. And who are these bm and ww, or whatever I read up-thread, who ended the law against mixed marriages????? I missed that reference entirely. Oh yeah, the prom tweet. It could be funny, it could be disgusting. Can't tell. I do remember back in the early sixties, my mom who had never said anything racist that I can remember, tore done a poster of a bare chested Jimi Hendrix that I had put on my closet door. It was a fold-out in the newspaper. The Sun Sentinel of all places.

  56. tribalecho8:46 PM

    Oops. Pardon me. Hey Whitey's Conspiracy, I just went and checked out your old blog. I was gonna comment but don't have any of those creds. About the "take back our country'" thing. I went to the Merle Fest for the first time this year. It has nothing to do with Merle Haggard but he happened to be the headliner. I mainly went to see Tut Taylor and the Carolina Chocolate Drops but stopped by Haggard on my way out. He was ALL about the good ole days and taking back our country and the crowd was eatin' it up. Very disappointed. Sure sounded anti-black Prez to me. Ironically, that's when I saw the only black person I saw there in four days, since I got lost and missed the Drops the first day. I wonder how the crowd responded to them. I hope you remember the post on your blog I wanted to respond to. Field. Sorry for the double post. It didn't go away in the box the first time.

  57. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I think there's a pretty good chance that she's joking about what has become the new normal.

  58. Limpbaugh8:33 PM

    I believe her explanation. There is nothing wrong with talking about racism or its prevalence.
