If you agree with the following assessment of Rev. Al from Byron Allen, please leave a simple yes or not answer in the comments section regarding the first part of this post. :)
"Byron Allen, the CEO of Entertainment Studios, continued his attacks on Al Sharpton in light of a discrimination lawsuit Allen and other African-American media owners filed against Comcast and Time Warner Cable. The suit alleges that despite calling itself a diverse company, Comcast and TWC only carry one black-owned channel, and that Sharpton is “a sham, undertaken to whitewash Comcast’s discriminatory business practices.”
More specifically, Allen contends that Comcast gave Sharpton a primetime TV show on MSNBC — “despite notoriously low ratings” — in exchange for Sharpton’s public support for Comcast on issues of diversity, an area where Allen says the company severely lacks.
Appearing on Reliable Sources Sunday morning, Allen told Brian Stelter that Sharpton does not speak for him or any black people, saying it is racist to even think that Sharpton is the “go-to person” for African-Americans. He also went after Sony for supposedly believing sitting down with Sharpton “negates” its employees’ racist emails uncovered last December about President Barack Obama.
Allen also alleged that AT&T spent more money on Sharpton’s 60th birthday party than they spent on Ebony Magazine. Companies like Walmart, Chrysler, and McDonalds do not do business with Allen and other African-Americans, he said, because Sharpton is the “least expensive negro” — a claim that Stelter immediately pounced on. But Allen went even further.
According to Allen, companies like Comcast have the following mentality (an assertion that Stelter did not challenge): “don’t do business with real African-American-owned companies, just give him 50,000 and a bucket of chicken and we’re good. We won’t have any problems with real African-American-owned media.” Allen went on to call Sharpton the “shakedown,” while he is the “legitimate entrepreneur” and a victim of Comcast’s “financial genocide.” His criticism, though, was not just reserved for Sharpton.
“President Obama has been bought and paid for. He has taken donations from Comcast. Comcast is his biggest contributor. AT&T is one of his biggest contributors. Listen, Obama, your own FTC is investigating AT&T for throttling. How can you even consider them to buy DirecTV when you’re suing them? Is it because you took donations? Yes, Obama. Don’t even think about letting them merge until they settle this lawsuit and that lawsuit … Obama has to do more.”Allen’s final thought: “Obama, do the right thing.” [Source]
Thanks for your participation and for helping our white friends to understand that Al. Sharpton does not speak for ALL black people.
Finally, I recently received an intriguing e-mail from my friend, Francis Holland. Francis has one of the truly great and curious minds of all the folks in the diaspora.---- He is the person who first coined the phase, color arousal syndrome.
Francis has some ideas about America righting past wrongs and holding folks accountable, which I believe that I should share with you.
Here goes:
"Hi, Wayne,
That got me wondering: Where is OUR statutory proposal that, if passed, would successfully redress our unequal justice complaints?
I'm in Haiti, reading a book on the Haitian revolution and it has inspired me. In the run-up to the revolution, Haitian Creoles were furiously writing proposals and arguments to colonist (slave drivers) and the French government for equal rights for Creoles and even emancipation of slaves. Many of the proposals went nowhere, but they clarified issues and solidified Blacks'determination for fight for what they would not be otherwise given.
It amazes me that one can read these letters and proposals over 200 years later and see how they led to revolution and abolition in Haiti.
Haiiti's no bowl of cherries now, but it was the America's first and only (?) successful revolution against slavery that resulted in Black rule.
Our complaints about the justice system are many, but I think I drafted a proposal that, if passed, would provide a remedy for almost all of our complaints, from police brutality to the Black prison population to biased sentencing and even suspension of Blacks from school.
The act would create a right not to be prosecuted or punished more harshly than a white man would be under similar circumstances, with remedies including habeus, reformation and vacation of sentences, monetary damages...
As drafted, it would even create a plaintiff descendants' right to compensation from the federal and state governments for prosecution and persecution that occurred under slavery and Jim Crow (reparations LOL), although it doesn't say so explicitly.
It might not get passed soon, but there's something to be said for clearly stating what you want.
Thank you Francis. Keep working on that proposal. You have my attention.
"The act would create a right not to be prosecuted or punished more harshly than a white man would be under similar circumstances"
This really made me sad as I read it. 2015 and this and more, much more still happens :(
Walmart, Chrysler, and McDonalds do not do business with Allen and other African-Americans, he said, because Sharpton is the “least expensive negro”
Why is dealing with negroes always "expensive"? Why does the black race always have its hand out?
Now you want to get paid again for debts owed your ancestors. As if the trillions in handouts over the past 50 years wasn't enough.
And that's great example you picked there in Haiti. Once the richest prize in the French empire, half of a Caribbean island that was worth more to Napoleon than the whole Louisiana purchase, now the poorest country in the world outside of Africa.
The slaves rose up and butchered every single white person on the island, then proceeded to run the most productive sugar plantations in the world into the ground. 200 years of being on their own, with no whites to oppress them, and they can't hardly survive even with massive amounts of aid from America.
And back here in the USA, you can't hardly be taught to read for $100k per student and there isn't enough room in the prisons for all Gentle Giants, aspiring rap stars, and future astronauts your community produces.
Blacks get kicked out of schools and locked up in prison because of their own impulsive, amoral, violent and mindless behavior.
And you are so full of a sense of entitlement that you want to get paid for being such fuck ups.
Keep it up, negroes. Keep demanding more and more and more while never moving an inch toward getting your shit together. The day when it all snaps back in your face will just come all that much sooner.
The Field Negro said...
Al. Sharpton does not speak for ALL black people.
How many times has Sharpton met with Obama in the white house?
You can understand the misunderstanding can't you?
After all, how many times did the de facto leader of the rethug party, rush limbaugh, visit the white house and meet with bush and his attorney general?
The next time Byron Allen comes to Cleveland to help out a family I'll let you know. Has he gone anywhere to help a Black family. Right now James O'Keefe is trying to slander the Rev by doctoring a video of a family of the man killed in New York. This is the same guy that tried GOT RID OF ACORN. People also forget that Byron also does some ratchet shows.
Bill said, "After all, how many times did the de facto leader of the rethug party, rush limbaugh, visit the white house and meet with bush and his attorney general?"
Bill, that was different. Obama had to meet with Sharpton because Obama got 98% of the black vote. Now don't get it twisted. Sharpton does not speak for the black community but Obama thinks Al does, just like white folks like you.
So what's a Black President to do?
Personally, I still think Sharpton is the best spokesman for Blacks...You see, white folks respond to Al, they don't respond to other Blacks like the CBC, NAACP, etc.
kid said...
Right now James O'Keefe is trying to slander the Rev
How do you slander a guy who fomented the Crown Heights riot that got a guy killed, incited a mob to burn down a business and kill a couple more people, perpetrated the Tawana Brawley hoax, led a rally in New York last year chanting "kill the police" that resulted in two policemen being murdered, and who owes million and millions in back taxes?
@man said...
I don't know Ask Greta about the elderly black guy who jaw was broke about the Fox invented "knock out" game. Ask Dr. Tiller's family who was killed by a Oreilly fan. Ask Glenn Beck whos record is five policemen shot and three dead. Ask President Dubya, who threw away the papers saying bin Laden was going to attack. Ask the 4,00 troops that killed for the honor of the Bush family in the wrong war. Ask Ronald Reagan who used Ricky "Freeway" Ross to get the world high with a new drug called crack. Al Shasrpton is TRYING to keep Black people from killing white people. Case in point when Glenn Beck had his eff Black people rally in D.C, Al held a counter rally so the brothers wouldn't stomp a mud hole in Glenn Beck's backside.
@ JFC...
We don't want HANDOUTS like white America got from the 30's to the 60's with FREE HOUSES. Then many Blacks who were maids and Butlers couldn't get Social Security like those who worked on farms (white folks). then there's the bill for COINTELPRO, MKULTRA, Iran/Contra (crack), redlining, gerrymandering, voter fraud, voter nullification, only arresting Black drug dealers and not the mostly white ones that aare all over white communities . It's time white peole pay their bill for racism. Don't forget all the other minorities that have been screwed too, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and others.
I was trying to stick to real, actual examples, not made up nonsense.
Don't forget all the other minorities that have been screwed too, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and others
Hey keep us out of this, we don't have any problem with the white man.
I can say this because I am Native American.
@Chief Windbreaker
Ok Uncle Tomahawk. BTW, I probably corresponded with Leonard Peltier than you have. I guess taking your land, enslavement, and biohazards like the blankets that Jeff Amherst gave you isn't going make you stand up for your rights when you can shut up and get a "welfare" check from the Rupubliklan Party to shut you up.
I have NEVER heard of a Black person in ANY position of power that didn't have to constantly "jig" to stay in that position.
And working with these kinds of Negroes is FAR worse than working for 5 klansmen and 50 skinheads.
Does "jig" mean show up to work on time, act in a professional manner, and earn your way by merit?
Just shut the fuck up already Yisheng, you dumb cunt whore
Byron has a point but maybe he should take notes from the Rev. Work together to get shit done.
"Anonymous Bill said...
The Field Negro said...
Al. Sharpton does not speak for ALL black people.
How many times has Sharpton met with Obama in the white house?"
More right-wing BS propaganda.
Giuliani has recently flogged this talking point because he is obsessed with Sharpton, hates black people in general, and looooooves the cops.
Giuliani claimed Sharpton had visited the White House 85 times. So the Washington Post went through the visitors' log to verify this. They found that he'd been there 72 times.
Aha! So Giuliani was almost right!
When you look at the breakdown of Sharpton's visits, he is not some special secret advisor to the president. He's mostly just there for public events as an MSNBC journalist. (Yes, I know it must annoy you that he's employed by a media outlet. But he is.)
According to the records:
"Of those 72 visits, five were one-on-one meetings. One of those meetings was marked as scheduled with the president. There were about 50 meetings that list “POTUS” as the visitee, but some of those “meetings” were largely events ranging from 102 guests to 3,262. The events included a tax bill signing event, Supreme Court reception, Superbowl party, Music of the Civil Rights concert, holiday reception and the official arrival ceremony for Mexican President Felipe Calderon.
To recap, of Sharpton’s 72 meetings:
•One-on-one meetings: 5 (7 percent)
•Meetings with staff members or senior advisers, with more than one guest: 20 (27 percent)
•Events with more than 90 people: 16 (22 percent)
•Miscellaneous meetings or events, ranging from 3 to 700 guests: 31 (43 percent)"
Basically, Sharpton attended a bunch of press conferences and parties. Big fucking deal.
He is not President Obama's bestie. They do not golf every Thursday and discuss how they are going to destroy white people.
You can relax now.
I'm confused as to why Byron Allen is bringing Al Sharpton into his lawsuit against Comcast and Time Warner. Neither of them employ Sharpton, and his idea that they somehow induced MSNBC to hire him in return for ... what, expressing complimentary sentiments about Comcast and Time Warner?
I gotta say, that sounds awfully conspiracy theory-ish. Does he have any proof of this? (My money is on "no.")
On top of that, saying stuff like he is a victim of "financial genocide" is going to get him laughed out of court, assuming his lawsuit had any merit to begin with.
Regardless of whether Allen's lawsuit goes anywhere -- and it probably won't -- he's at least right that these telecom mergers are bad for black people. That's a given, since the mergers are bad for ALL people -- except the people who own stock at these colossal media leviathans.
Al the FBI Pal.
"I'm confused as to why Byron Allen is bringing Al Sharpton into his lawsuit against Comcast and Time Warner. Neither of them employ Sharpton ..."
Okay, I spoke too soon. Comcast does own NBCUniversal (the acquisition happened 4 years ago, and I was unaware of this), so they do own MSNBC.
The fixation with Sharpton is still nuts, though.
"The suit alleges that despite calling itself a diverse company, Comcast and TWC only carry one black-owned channel..."
Are there more black-owned channels that Comcast is turning away? Or is this another case of someone thinking it's a private company's job to create more diversity if they call themselves "diverse"?
If there are black-owned channels out there that Comcast won't carry, then that's F'd up. Comcast has some stupid-ass shit on their channels. I pay $230/month for TV/Internet from these scam artists, and it started out at only $170. They keep adding fucking channels I don't want, and keep upping the price. So, seriously, if there's a channel out there Comcast won't carry, it must suck something fierce.
But that's beside the point. If they're refusing to carry black-owned channels, then sue those bastards.
But if this is another case of someone whining that other people need to do create and host black-owned channels, then grow up.
By the bye: I have quite a few black-specific channels on my cable, though they may all be from the same parent company. I'm not sure on that front.
Not one "black reader" responded yes or no.
Negroes can't follow instructions.
I totally lost any iota of respect that I MIGHT have had for Sharpton, when he claimed, under oath, he had NO PERSONAL PROPERTY. All he had was just gifts.
The sorry-assed bastard should be in prison.
lt. Commander Johnson, would you like to continue our conversation about written languages in West Africa now?
I seem to remember you "couldn't wait" for my response (or "excuses" I think was the phrase you used) to your question, but since I gave you one, your interest has suddenly disappeared.
Was it something I said?
No sir, Mr. Cow.
Show me the proof, please. NOT your conjectures.
P.S. I'm sure you have had enough time to find some idiotic proof...I want to see FACTS.
BTW. God Bless.
BTW...show me some PAPER or STONE where this supposed language was recorded, if you please.
BTW...again! I did not specify "West Africa". For some reason, which I'm sure you will make apparent.....YOU did.
I was referring to the whole damn Sub-Saharan continent. The Semitic-types people on the Med are not in the discussion.
Oh I know that, sub-Saharan African you asked for, sub-Saharan Africa you absolutely got. Which of course is why you dropped the subject so quickly.
Is your short-term memory that poor?
How old are you? Perhaps you should see a neurologist? Alzheimer's Disease can be helped with early intervention.
The Bassa Script
If you were lucky enough to be in what is now known as Liberia in 500 bc, you would have come across the Bassa Scriot.
Here is a photo of the script in use.
What's interesting about Bassa, is that it has been found in Brazil and the West Indies, where transported slaves kept the script alive. The Bassa people referred to their script as 'Vah', which is not to be confused with 'Vai', a different script altogether.
The Vai Script
Here is a photo of the Vai alphabet, it has it's origins in Sierra Leone.
Nsibidi Script
This is a Nigerian pictorial script of the Ejagham people.
Mende Kikakui script
I mentioned this interesting script in our last 'conversation' on the subject (though I may have spelt the name wrong it appears). It was developed in the early 1850's in Southern Sierra Leone. Here's the Wikipedia page on the subject.
The Muslim peoples. of sub-Saharan Africa have used Ajami script for hundreds of years. Here is an interesting article on the subject.
I've got more if you want 'em, including two beautiful chromic scripts where the colour of the ink used changes the meaning of the words. Interesting stuff.
I agree with you PX, but exactly what is Sharpton getting done besides ton of news conferences and media events?
OK. So, Cow.....no answer then?
Now, if you did answer my query previously, I apologize. I must have missed it. Where is it? It damn sure isn't on this thread. If you don't mind copy & paste it here, before I have to have someone give me directions again to my neurologist.
You gotta be shitting me, cow. I am speechless. You call that crap, from a nation of a billion, (those that the lions & crocodiles didn't digest), proof of "intelligence?
OK. Let's compare it to the rest of the known world.....particularly those nasty "cave people", who preferred not to live in grass huts.
I couldn't write a Dr. Seuss book with that crap. Mebbe you could write out a bill of sale for a goat or a wife, but that's about it.
You asked me (on two separate occasions) to submit examples of west African scripts.
I did.
What I love about debating with the Lt. Commander is that every time I set a trap for him, he falls right into it.
Every. Single. Time.
And he thinks he's the master race!
Go figure.
And, I appreciate your responses, though admittedly, I only saw the most recent one.
Which didn't improve your argument, I might add. Hell, they have to sub-title blacks on TV, when they are being interrogated by law enforcement, so you can understand what they are lying about.
I have NEVER claimed to be a part of a "Master Race".
YOU are the one who thinks blacks are superior.
There is NO THING as "race". (genetics not withstanding)
"Uncle Tomahawk". *still laughing*
Bill, did president Obama really threaten to shoot down Israeli jets as all of your friends in the right wing media are reporting?
Just curious.
"Which didn't improve your argument, I might add."
I don't have an argument.
You asked me to provide examples of sub-Saharan African writing. Which I did on two occasions. I don't know why you wanted them, we hadn't been discussing the subject. You on the other hand got very excited, you said you "couldn't wait to hear my excuses" [!]
What excuses? For what? I dunno.
"I have NEVER claimed to be a part of a "Master Race".
YOU are the one who thinks blacks are superior."
I've never said Blacks are superior. I have said that I am superior to you, but that's because you are a total fucking dimwit. The fact that you are melanin-challenged is fuck all to do with it.
"There is NO THING as "race". (genetics not withstanding)"
Yes I understand that, the question is, do you have the intellectual capacity to understand that? I suspect not.
"We now know that the way we talk about race has no scientific validity. There is no genetic basis that corresponds with any particular group of people, no essentialist DNA for black people or white people or anyone. This is not a hippy ideal, it’s a fact. There are genetic characteristics that associate with certain populations, but none of these is exclusive, nor correspond uniquely with any one group that might fit a racial epithet. Regional adaptations are real, but these tend to express difference within so-called races, not between them. Sickle-cell anaemia affects people of all skin colours because it has evolved where malaria is common. Tibetans are genetically adapted to high altitude, rendering Chinese residents of Beijing more similar to Europeans than their superficially similar neighbours. Tay-Sachs disease , once thought to be a “Jewish disease”, is as common in French Canadians and Cajuns. And so it goes on.
We harvest thousands of human genomes every week. Last month, the UK launched the 100,000 Genomes project to identify genetic bases for many diseases, but within that booty we will also find more of the secret history of our species, our DNA mixed and remixed through endless sex and continuous migration. We are too horny and mobile to have stuck to our own kind for very long.
Race doesn’t exist, racism does. But we can now confine it to opinions and not pretend that there might be any scientific validity in bigotry."
Source: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/as-we-harvest-ever-more-human-genomes-one-fact-remains-unshakeable-there-is-no-such-thing-as-race/
Blacks are 1000 times more racist than whites, you fucking hypocrites. Stop blaming us for your problems.
field negro said...
Bill, did president Obama really threaten to shoot down Israeli jets as all of your friends in the right wing media are reporting?
Just curious.
Considering how hateful Obama is of Israel it is easy to see why so many people around the world believe this is true.
The bad optics Obama has created is worse than the truth, or as Obama's pastor said, the chickens have come home to roost.
Just curious...
Do you believe Obamacare is going to save the typical family $2500 like Obama promised?
Is Elizabeth Warren a Cherokee Indian?
Is it okay that convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton took vacations together?
Is Hillary taking all that $$$ from foreign sources a bad optic for Hillary and dumbocrats?
Just curious.
Curious why dumbocrats are so scared to answer questions. :)
Only dumbocrats could think of something this stupid...
Detroit Public School To SUSPEND KIDS If Parents Miss Common Core Test Meeting
There must be a good reason dumbocrats want to suspend kids with crappy parents from school.
Thankfully, these are dumbocrats pushing this agenda so there won't be a "black students matter" protest.
I agree with Mr. Allen, Also you should throw in our friend Rev. Jessie Jackson for shakedown artists. The Rev's do give a voice to some but for the most part they are out for self. Also the right wingnuts that love to complain about he Rev's but when they get into racial trouble they are the first ones calling up the Rev's.... I.E Don Imus....
Dumbocrats are making it clear who they are scared of...
Walker Unfairly Attacked on College Rape - ORIGINAL STORY RETRACTED
Correction: February 19, 2015
Gail Collins’s column on Saturday incorrectly stated that teacher layoffs in Milwaukee in 2010 happened because Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin “cut state aid to education.” The layoffs were made by the city’s school system because of a budget shortfall, before Mr. Walker took office in 2011.
There must be a good reason left-wing sites pushed a fake story when the truth was easily obtained.
Why are blacks all about negativity? You'd think you people would want higher self-esteem. Guess not.
Do you believe Obamacare is going to save the typical family $2500 like Obama promised?
Is Elizabeth Warren a Cherokee Indian?
No idea
Is it okay that convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton took vacations together?
Is Hillary taking all that $$$ from foreign sources a bad optic for Hillary and dumbocrats?
The Purple Cow said...
"Do you believe Obamacare is going to save the typical family $2500 like Obama promised?"
I'll call your bluff.
When does the $2500 savings start for the typical family?
How Much Is Obamacare Raising Your Insurance Rate? Depends on Which State You Live In.
The average increase for Obamacare plans will be 8.2 percent next year in 29 states and the District of Columbia where data about health insurance premiums for 2015
Cost of Coverage Under Affordable Care Act to Increase in 2015
When was the last time we saw insurance premiums experience an annual increase of less than 5 percent? I cannot remember such a time and doubt that you can either.
Obamacare 2015: Higher costs, higher penalties
There must be a good reason you keep defending someone you believe is a conservative.
Batshit crazy, even for you PurpleCow.
Once Obama is out in Jan. 2017, which bandwagon are you going to jump on?
Anonymous SFNorCal said...
Why are blacks all about negativity? You'd think you people would want higher self-esteem. Guess not.
11:08 AM
Oh no. Wanting 'Higher self-esteem' is embeded in White Privilege only. The only way to get high self-esteem and be supported as superior is to be White.
Blacks have been and still are, being beat down by people like you with 'high' self-esteem among your own.
Isn't that why you are here on FN? to show how superior you are to us? Ok, we hear you. So why don't you just go away now?
Don't be a 'dick' looking for higher self-esteem on FN.
"When does the $2500 savings start for the typical family?"
Hopefully very f'n soon. My insurance went up.
The only discernible difference I can glean in prices is that more people can be given healthcare gratis now.
I'm of the firm mind that a cooperative society has in its best interest the obligation to provide healthcare for its citizens. The "right" isn't the issue; that's an arbitrary word that doesn't even really exist. It's about our cooperative nature being essential for the evolution of the good traits we want in humanity. But I'm also of the firm mind that the government of the United States of America is so fucking beyond broken that it is not the authoritative body to institute and regulate such changes.
These assholes can't get together on a budget that makes sense in fucking years, but they're just the people to control healthcare! Yeah... government brown-nosers can suck it. These idiots are horrible politicians, Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, progressive, libertarian -- they're in it for the business, not the service.
Dear Mr Field, I am flabbergasted that not one Negro has answered your question. It's as if they are saying, "Eff you, Field." No wonder we are so far behind. Negroes can't follow instructions, esp PC.
For the life of me, I don't know why you praise PC, the man never follows your posts....NEVER.
And Yisheng just doesn't know what's going on even with all that education she claims to have. The woman can't focus.
And now Obama is caught lying about keystone pipeline.
Obama’s claim that Keystone XL oil ‘bypasses the U.S.’ earns Four Pinocchios
There must be a good reason Obama needs to lie about everything.
And unlike when bush and the dumbocrats lied us into war, there is no bi-partisan lying to help Obama.
"Negroes can't follow instructions, esp PC."
You're right there sunshine, I take 'instructions' from nobody.
[Well except my wife obviously, as any sane man does.]
Byron is of a certain age so he should know a few of the rules. 1. Don't be a crab in a barrel. 2. Don't knock someone's hustle. 3. Don't hate the playa, hate the game. Ha!
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
3. Don't hate the playa, hate the game. Ha!
"Do you believe Obamacare is going to save the typical family $2500 like Obama promised?"
Blogger The Purple Cow said...
"Negroes can't follow instructions, esp PC."
You're right there sunshine, I take 'instructions' from nobody.
[Well except my wife obviously, as any sane man does.]
6:38 PM
Everybody take note. This Negro can't and won't take instructions except from a ww. This is the reason we are so far behind. Nobody can tell a damn fool like PC a damn thing.
field negro said...
"Do you believe Obamacare is going to save the typical family $2500 like Obama promised?"
And when does that $2500 savings start?
"We're" behind because PC listens to his wife? Uh, ok.
StupidFuckerNorCal @11:08AM
Go to hell, you worthless, ignorant White racist HONKY!!
Oh excuse me, that's redundant!
You damned well better listen to white women. All they need to do is tell Johnny Law "He beat me" or "He raped me" and you're as good as fucked.
I don't have an opinion about this particular controversy one way or another, but I have always liked Sharpton. I used to watch that show he did from a barber shop. I can't remember if he was the one on MSNBC who misleadingly edited the George Zimmerman 911 call recording or not, but I did see something I found hard to believe on his MSNBC show once. So I researched it and it turned out it was true. I don't remember what it was. I watched a few minutes of MSNBC today. I saw Bernie Sanders tell Andrea Mitchell that he doesn't know if AIPAC has too much influence on congress or not, and the Iraq War was a blunder. It was done on purpose. Later I saw a guest on Chris Hayes say that Saddem Hussein kicked out the U.N. inspectors. Bush did that. I had enough misinformation for one day so I turned the channel. Most of the lies on MSNBC promote war. Sharpton and Schultz don't cover war and peace issues that much, so they have more truthful information.
So, it turns out this guy is just butthurt because his "black only" channel doesn't command the same value from Comcast as, say, TNT or CBS. Well, isn't he just so cunty.
Talk about vanity. His channel deserves the same deal Comcast is giving channels with hit shows and stars and curb appeal? His generic channel with zero programming no one fucking knows or sets their DVR for is supposed to be considered on the same level of Fox or NBC.
This motherfucker is having delusions of grandeur. He refuses any deal just so he can say Comcast is racist, and the only reason he's fucking with Al is a preemptive strike so he can argue in court just how unfair Comcast is to black people.
Sharpton seems about half legit compared to this fucking guy. He's fucking self-entitlement run a muck. He wants a superstar deal like legitimate channels get with his broke-ass start-up black channel, or else racism is the only reason.
Racism! Not that he doesn't have a hit TV show to speak of, any good reality TV on the horizon, any sports leagues looking to set up contracts, or any big-ticket actors. No, just a fucker with a channel and the right skin color to cry wolf.
White people, you're better off saying no altogether. Even when you say yes you still run the risk of not saying yes hard or emphatically enough. Let's get some WPGTOW.
Sickle Cell is an African disease. Thalassemia is the equivalent among Southern Europeans. They're both adaptations to be more malaria free (weirdly shaped red blood cells), but they are different diseases.
I hate all racist Whites!
Find out more: NAAWP FACEBOOK
Your a lap dog , an apologist for a corporate, institutionalized & structural racism & your a hackling buffoon who've missed the point entirely. In your handkerchief head, bootlicking logic; it's okay for black people to buy cars from Chrysler, phones & services from AT&T , as well as pay bills to Comcast for their cable services yet they have absolutely no economic or financial obligation or accountability towards their African-American customers? You sound like an agent provocateur & have only responded to get a reaction & a rise out of black people.
You sound as if you work at either Sony, AT&T or both.
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