Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday night open thread.

MORE DISCLAIMERSTell me what's on your mind.

I know what's on mine:


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    The "Afluenza" kid is on the lam!

    And authorities have said he will be "hunted down"

    AHAHAAHAhahahaa! Is he white? Yes. Is he affluent? Yes.

    Ummm, "hunted down" NOT!

    1. The thing is , they just sentenced a young Black Man for the same offense to Life in prison , he had killed some people at South by Southwest in Austin. However they will most likely have to give him the whole nine yards when they catch him to save face.POS shouldn't have been released in the first place.I guess White privilege has its many perks.

    2. The thing is , they just sentenced a young Black Man for the same offense to Life in prison , he had killed some people at South by Southwest in Austin. However they will most likely have to give him the whole nine yards when they catch him to save face.POS shouldn't have been released in the first place.I guess White privilege has its many perks.

  2. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Freddie Gray.

    The six police offers who arrested Gray will be exonerated because they did nothing wrong.

    The first officer's trial ended in a mistrial. Five more to go.

    The black, thug criminals who destroyed the city of Baltimore in the aftermath of Gray's arrest will also get off and the taxpaying citizens will pay for these acts.

    Another black eye for black mayors, IMO.

  3. The Fixer9:06 PM

    Another black eye for white governors, IMO.

    There, fixed it.

  4. Yisheng9:20 PM

    I'm just glad the semester is OVER and I'm looking forward to our 5 state vacay!!

  5. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Money is on my mind, I need some money.

  6. Anonymous9:31 PM

    The homeless. Why can't this country provide for the homeless, the poor and the downtrodden?

  7. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Christianity. Why aren't Christians holding up the moral fiber of America?

  8. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I am not a Christian, are you? Since when do Americans look to any religion as a standard for our moral behavior? Not in my lifetime.

  9. Anonymous10:21 PM

    9:29, 9:31, 9:33, 10:05, Aye, I second those emotions!

    Field you going to Jamaica for Christmas??? I wanna go toooooo!

  10. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Freddie Grays spinal column was already traumatized when he was put in the van. The way his neck muscles had gone into spasm is the bodies last ditch effort to keep the neck straight, and it can be clearly seen in the video. His body moves side to side in one entity, head, neck and body together as one piece. Anyone with any medical knowledge can clearly see this, mkay?

    What they do is they step on either side of the spinal column and apply force to the diaphragm with their boots so the person can't breath, because the diaphragm's up and down movement is what moves the lungs to expand and contract, m'kay? the federals do it here too, I just found out the other day, they did it to a young man. So I was wrong they do it here too!

    In Grays case they applied a little too much force and the vertebrae prolly slipped,displaced and the spine was severed...

    So much for fucking justice huh?

    I wanna go to Jamaica, Jamaica, and do the reggae and eat some black cake, la la la la...

  11. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Wow, lilacpr2000, you are an expert? You remind me of the BLM crowd who continued the lie "Hands up don't shoot".

  12. Lance Cockstrong10:51 PM

    Field, I wonder what your thoughts are on Kathleen Kane?

    For those not acquainted with PA politics, Kathleen Kane (D) was elected PA Attorney General in 2012, accusing former DA Tom Corbett (R - who went on to become Governor in 2011) of stonewalling the investigation of child molestation charges against Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky. That investigation evolved into another one where sexually and racially charged emails were circulated among state officials and judges, forcing the resignation of a Supreme Court Justice. She was then accused of leaking grand jury material to the media, and here law license was suspended (by said Supreme Court). Now both houses of Congress (R) are trying to remove her, and even Gov. Wolf (D - who unseated Corbett in 2014) and other prominent D's have called on her to resign. And now her twin sister who works under her as a prosecutor is accused of trafficking in said emails.

    Field, can you shed any light on this? Can an AG function without a law license? Was the leaked grand jury material not covered by secrecy requirements as Kane says? And what of the grand jury investigation into Kane herself which was itself leaked to the media? Is she a naif in over her head? Or is this just a witch hunt to take down a rising D star? Inquiring minds want to know.

  13. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am not a Christian, are you? Since when do Americans look to any religion as a standard for our moral behavior? Not in my lifetime.

    10:05 PM
    What DO Americans use as a standard for moral behavior? The Kardashians? Field Negro? Please!

  14. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Lilac, have you ever been to Jamaica? Do you know if they require a passport?

  15. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Racism. What's going to happen to the black race?

    Did you know that the rules for entrance to the top Universities in America admits less and less black students?

  16. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Lack of security in our country. The sooner Obama is out the safer our country will become.

  17. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Lilac, have you ever been to Jamaica? Do you know if they require a passport?

    10:58 PM

    They prolly do, and no I've never been, but I'm going with Field, he's taking me in a suitcase, ( me so small :)

  18. Anonymous11:11 PM

    What DO Americans use as a standard for moral behavior? The Kardashians? Field Negro? Please!



    I know right from wrong because my two, married parents, four grandparents, aunts, uncles, extended family taught me by example. I also know what is right and wrong because I feel it, too. I had numerous very good family members in my life.

  19. What's on my mind... gun violence is happening 24/7...the IT "war" b/t Bernie/Hillary/DNC camps...early morning hunger in Syrian refugee camps...O going on sentences pardoned, praise!...cold and hungry and homeless millions need our help and love...there is SO much to do to elevate America to "exceptional." We will kill ill will with kindness but it will take years of resolve. Vote Democrat.

  20. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Matt, are you just fretting? Do you volunteer your time and donate your money to help the "hungry and homeless millions"? We can't save the world but we can do something one on one other than depend on government and "vote democrat".

  21. Anonymous5:56 AM

    "I know right from wrong because my two, married parents, four grandparents, aunts, uncles, extended family taught me by example. I also know what is right and wrong because I feel it, too. I had numerous very good family members in my life."

    11:11 PM
    Wow, a 'perfect' person in America. I wonder why the country has been so screwed up all these years? And, it is getting worse because people don't know right from wrong. Or maybe they decided NOT to do right but to do wrong?

    Either way, this country has a moral problem.

  22. Ah, open thread...

    Any college football fans here? Roll Tide! Hail to the 2015 Heisman Trophy winner, #2, Mr. Derrick Henry (and lol @ his mama, who gave him up, trying to crawl back into his life now, 'cause her baby can ball and is 'bout to be rich!).

    Anybody wanna take Michigan State? I'll give 6 on up to $100 (can't over-extend myself; I got four times that on Bitcoin riding on 'Bama).

    I'll give another 6 for Clemson and 3 for Oklahoma in the NC subsequent.

  23. I don't really follow US college sports, but my brother is a professor at Michigan State and he says they've exceeded expectations but the journey is over.

    Incidentally, did anyone see this?

    Ten minute film on the high school team that never punts.

  24. Sup Lilac? I have a cold drink of sorrel and a black rum cake with your name on it. ;)

    Some of u have some good thoughts. To the Anon above who is scared, i say get a dog.

    I agree with Matt, we have to start somewhere, there is way too much suffering in the world.

  25. Anonymous12:38 PM

    field negro said...

    Sup Lilac? I have a cold drink of sorrel and a black rum cake with your name on it. ;)

    9:59 AM

    x*D Bon apetit! Enjoy ;)


  26. Things are going so bad for the old white dumbocrat party that Bernie sanders needed to sue his own party to get a voter list.

    Accord reached after Sanders sues the DNC over suspended access to critical voter list

    Another late saturday night dumbocrat debate tonight. There must be something the DNC is trying to hide.


  27. Terry Randell Lawson said...
    POS shouldn't have been released in the first place.I guess White privilege has its many perks.

    If the white kid's family was poor, do you believe he would have been let go?

  28. Great open thread so far... And on my mind are the responses to an article appearing in the 12/14/15 edition of NBC News about the Obama Administration meeting with Muslims and Sikhs. A number of commenters conveyed the usual sentiment of how the president only cares about the feelings of muslim communities instead of protecting the US from Islamic terrorism.

    Plus these conversations go on to say President Obama did not extend this same level of concern to the San Bernardino residents and families devastated by terrorist attacks carried out by Islamic extremists.

    Yet major news outlets are reporting today that President and Mrs. Obama flew to San Bernardino to meet privately with the families mourning the loss of loved ones and those who endured injuries.

    Whether mass shootings are orchestrated by religious zealots and other psycho/sociopaths, this president extends genuine compassion to US citizens and global neighbors impacted by senseless violence.

  29. The school system in Virginia shut down over the calligraphy assignment. I get why parents are upset but hold your kids out of school enmass? Interesting. Call the principal and school district and give em hell but send them rug rats to school.


  30. PilotX said...
    I get why parents are upset but hold your kids out of school enmass? Interesting.

    Yet teachers go on strike enmass when they want more $ or benefits.

  31. Anonymous10:51 PM

    PC, if I were a football coach I wouldn't punt either.


  32. Why are people that fight each other in the country "thugs" and people that drop bombs in countries on the heads and bodies of people are not? Why are the people that slaughter in outside countries honorable and people that slaughter the people in home country get life sentences in prison? Why are there so many different ways to murder when all the victims end up dead? Who made white people the saints of the whole damn world? Who tested your sanity, God? He did a fucked up job; missed horribly.
