Monday, February 29, 2016

Hating in America again, and sleeping while black.

Image result for alabama klan  images       The funniest part about the Donald trump David Duke flap is watching folks like Joe Scarborough act as if  him (trump) not quickly disavowing Duke and the Klan will actually hurt him in the South.

Scarborough and his co-host seemed shocked this morning when he talked about trump thinking that disavowing Duke would somehow hurt him among Southern white voters. Not.

He just got the endorsement of Jeff Sessions (Google this man when you get a chance) who is a known segregationist that called the  NAACP a "commie" organization for crying out loud.

Say what you will about trump, he knows where his bread is buttered, and he knows, like the rest of us who observe racial issues in America, that not disavowing Duke and the Klan will actually help him among white voters in the South.

Sorry Joe, this is what your political party has become.

Give credit to Jake Tapper (the man who initially lobbed what he thought was a softball question to trump about Duke, but got the non- answer which is causing this latest media flap) he knows that this will only help trump among GOP voters. The right- wing media is already jumping to trump's defense, and to them this as just another case of liberals going after a good man. Give me a break!

Anyway, trump is now blaming his actions this past Sunday on a bad television earpiece.

"I'm sitting in a house in Florida with a very bad earpiece that they gave me," Trump said on NBC's Today show regarding an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN's State of the Union. "And you can hardly hear what he was saying."

 (Yes, because it's so hard to understand the words Klu lux Klan) 

Maybe Mr. trump didn't want to disavow the Klan because he has deeper ties to that organization than we first thought.

If papa trump was still alive I suspect that he would have been mixing it up in Anaheim, California on Saturday. That is where a bunch of Klansmen and their supporters were mixing it up with some other folks.

I say that because it seems that papa Trump was brawling back in the day with some Klansmen and it got him in a bit of trouble.

"A newly surfaced report from a 1927 edition of the New York Times suggests Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's late father may have had a connection to the Ku Klux Klan.
A man named Fred Trump was among those arrested in a massive brawl between KKK members and police at a 1927 Memorial Day parade in New York City, according to a contemporaneous Times article surfaced Wednesday by the blog Boing Boing.

The Times article listed the arrestee's address as 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica Estates, Queens. Past local news reports noted that the Republican presidential frontrunner's father.....lived at that address. Donald Trump's German immigrant grandfather, who anglicized his own name to Fred Trump, died nine years before the incident occurred.

While six other men arrested in the brawl faced charges, the Times report noted that Fred Trump was discharged. All seven of the men who were arrested were represented by the same team of two lawyers, according to the Times report.

The Times reported that police said the brawl broke out because the Klan reneged on an agreement not to wear any of their symbols to the parade. The Klan members, for their part, accused the police of exceeding their authority in trying to keep them out of the parade, according to the report.
The elder Trump was born in 1905, which would put him in his early '20s when The New York Times covered the brawl. His wife, Mary Anne, didn't give birth to the couple's son Donald until 1946.

Donald Trump's presidential campaign did not immediately return Boing Boing's request for comment. Similarly, the campaign did not immediately return TPM's request for comment.
It's unclear to what extent, if any, Fred Trump was involved with the group, based on the New York Times report. As the incident happened nearly 20 years before Donald Trump was born, it's also unclear whether the real estate mogul knew anything of his father's youthful arrest.

As TPM has reported, many self-styled white nationalists have voiced their support in recents weeks for Donald Trump, particularly his hardline immigration platform. Their support does not make Trump himself a white supremacist. The billionaire's former adviser, Roger Stone, also told TPM in a recent interview that he would disavow the support of white supremacists." [Source]

Of course getting their support does not make trump himself a white supremacist, but not being clear about denouncing them sure makes him look like one. 

Finally, the next time someone tells you that the Black Lives Matter movement is a bunch of crap, tell them about the following story:

"A young black couple who were killed in a police shooting last week were reportedly “unconscious” inside a vehicle when officers first arrived.

Inglewood, California Mayor James Butts Jr. revealed these startling details at a press conference, to NBC Los Angeles. The mayor would not comment on what specific action triggered police to use deadly force.

The victims have been been identified as Kisha Michael, 31, a single mother of three sons, and Marquintan Sandlin, 32, a single father of four daughters.

Butts told NBC Los Angeles the police tried to “rouse” the couple for roughly 45 minutes, something he described as an attempt to ‘de-escalate’ the situation.

Officers first reported that the woman inside the vehicle had a gun in her hand, which caused officers to retreat and then engage the couple with their guns.

“Obviously at some point they were conscious because somebody felt threatened,” Butts said.

Friends and family of the two victims said they didn’t know why either would be in possession of a gun. The specific reason why deadly force was used is still unknown at this time." [Source]

So let me get this straight, they were actually sleeping while officers tried to wake them for 45 minutes and that caused for a "de-escalating " of the situation. 

My lord! What were they doing? Snoring too loud?

Now we can add sleeping while black to the list of practices that have become all too dangerous in our current American police state.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    How about waiting for all the facts before rushing to conclusions for a change? Or don't facts matter?

  2. Trump has the whooteemoo vote ON LOCK!!

    Whoot, Whoot, Whooteeeeemmmmmoooooooooo!!

  3. OPD did this not long ago. They shot someone they found sleeping in his car on a freeway offramp.

    -Doug in Oakland


  4. No doubt dumbocrats are the ruling class in Inglewood.

    Just like rahm got away with his cover up of a police shooting, this won;t be a big deal.

    No white rehugs to blame, please move on.

  5. Big Man10:14 PM

    Field: Do you ever feel ashamed about scaring your dumber cousins with stories about a KKK that doesn't exist?

  6. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I have never heard Trump say a bad thing about Blacks. He is not a racist.

  7. Anonymous10:48 PM

    It doesn't matter. Blacks need to be told who to vote for. This is done by painting the opponent as racist.

  8. cranberry10:58 PM

    Substitute the words "African-American" & "black" with "White" in an hour of NPR broadcasting, and it would would like Stormfront on steroids.

  9. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Fuck Melissa Harris-Perry.

  10. The thing about you blacks is that you have absolutely no concept of things like responsibility and respect. You expect everybody to accommodate you and your feelings, but make absolutely no effort to see things from other people's perspectives. Basically, everything becomes about you. It's always ME ME ME with you people. Seriously, get over yourselves for a change.

  11. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Field, Field, Field ... I keep telling you, but you don't want to listen. We. Hate. You.

    ALL of us. Yes, including those nice white liberals who smile to your face. We're all sick of you. We want you to just disappear. Only difference is, us "Nazi KKK racist David Duke supporters" actually tell you what we think. We're giving you the straight truth (even tho you don't want to hear it).

    Mother Africa is calling you home ... will you heed her call?

  12. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Yisheng is as racist as any Klan member.

  13. Racist white cowards love your blog field


    Roger Stone has quite the history himself. His many racist, sexist and misogynistic comments got him banned from CNN. Birds of a feather. You know the scariest part is this idiot might become our next President.

  15. Why are you quote-filling your own (Field's) text? lol

    And why no post on Chris Rock's Oscar monologue? I actually thought he was rather funny and really spoke some truth. Like, for instance, tipping his hand on what black people really want. To be judged just like their peers? Fuck no! That might lead to no nominations! To be treated just like everyone else? Fuck no! They mind end up sharing a fate with Mel Gibson, Kelsey Grammar and other blacklisted celebs!

    "Opportunities," is what folks want, and that's saying, "Put us into categories and give us chances for being black! Not because we have earned anything, or deserve anything, but opportunities given freely by white people because we're black and want them."

    It sounds good on its face, and as altruistic as white people are, being the only true progressives on Earth, it's liable to happen next year that there's a black person in every major category just for a quota to placate black people. But hopefully these opportunities will be deserved, like Michael B. Jordan in Creed, and not undeserved, like college acceptance.

  16. Anonymous2:41 AM

    I wish I could sniff Melissa Hairless-Perry's panties.

  17. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Ouch, Yisheng. Every time you use the term 'whootemoo' it stabs me like a dagger. I'm really hurt by it. Really, really, really hurt. Devastated. Like crawl-into-bed-and-cry devastated.

    Please stop. I'll do anything. I'll even buy you a tub of that skin-lightening cream you like so much.

  18. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Jeff Sessions is correct about the connection between the NAACP and the Communist Party. We know about the many people with connections to communism and their contributions to the struggle for equal rights in this country and worldwide. Bayard Rustin, who was one of the creators of The March on Washington, was an avowed Communist. Bringing up the connection between communism and civil rights organizations was and continues to be a soft target for people who want to besmirch the civil rights movement and organizations without understanding the complex relationships. Many communists died in the fight for total equality. We have to be honest when looking at this history.


  19. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Read up about the Greensboro massacre in which the kkk and the nazi party killed members of the Communist Party during a rally. All of the killers were acquitted by an all white jury. Which side should a blah person choose in such situations, the klan nazis or the commies?


  20. Anonymous4:51 AM


  21. Anonymous5:16 AM

    @ PX-

    The commie scum shot first. Just like the blacks always do.

  22. The Ministry of Truth6:03 AM

    "Butts told NBC Los Angeles the police tried to 'rouse' the couple for roughly 45 minutes, something he described as an attempt to ‘de-escalate’ the situation."

    Details are extremely sketchy in this case, so it's very hard to know what happened. I'm going to interpret the above statement from Englewood's mayor to mean the couple probably got high in a car together, then passed out and could not be easily woken. How else do you explain their unusual decision to take a "nap" in the car as part of their date, and especially that they couldn't be woken by banging, shouting cops for 45 minutes?

    But how did this turn into a shootout? How did the situation get "escalated" to begin with? Much more information is required.

  23. Limpbaugh7:05 AM

    It was telling how Scarborough suggested lies Trump could tell to explain not denouncing Duke's endorsement. I think Trump would have liked to wait until after the GOP primaries to denounce the endorsement. Racism goes hand in hand with conservatism. I think the media downplays how much of a chance Sanders still has to win, but it does look like our choice might be between a racist idiot and a war mongering corporate tool who will start a war with Iran.

  24. ''that not disavowing Duke and the Klan ''

    Field contunies to lie and lie about Donald J. Trump not disavowing Duke and the klan. Why not? His low information readers don't care long as field reinforces their own racist views.

    Trump has disavowed Duke and the klan 19 times now. So moonbats, how many more times does Donald J. Trump have to disavow Duke and the klan?

  25. Whooteemoos/gookeymoos aka stalkers, are cowards. Cowards like Trump. Trump is orange with small hands.

    Which explains why gookeymoos LOVE Trump.

  26. Last night's Daily Show found footage of Trump from a couple of years ago (?) calling Duke a racist and white supremacist and disavowing him. Period. And Larry Wilmore followed up with Trump saying he has "the world's best memory."

    Case closed.

    I look forward to the Republican Party imploding and making room for a new party. We'll still have the Democratic Party (full of what are in fact liberal Republicans) but Sanders' current following will form its own party, with a name to be decided later. Disaffected Republicans will be de-programmed when billionaires are prevented from fueling the propaganda machines and propping up candidates. Any holdouts can join the Klan.

  27. Just check the morning shows. That's now 23 times Donald J. Trump has disavowed Duke and the klan. Of course field and his ilk will contunie to lie and claim Donald J. Trump hasn't disavowed Duke or the klan.

    Looks like the New York Times is now leaking off the record conversations it had with Donald J. Trump to leftwing websites. That's a big no-no in the journo world. Would The New York Times do that to Hilary or obama? Of course not.

    We see another example of how much the left fears Donald J. Trump. The left/liberalmedia is willing to violate their ethics and standards in order smear and stop Donald J. Trump.

    The old grey lady contunies to die a slow death.

  28. "We see another example of how much the left fears Donald J. Trump."

    You are so fucking clueless, it's incredible. Nothing would make the Dems happier than a Donald Drumpf candidacy.

    There are not enough angry old white men to win you an election anymore.

  29. Anonymous10:17 AM

    PC, I think you will get your wish for a Donald nomination.

    As to "not enough angry old men to win", you conveniently disregard a record number of voters (old and young) who have come out for the first time to support him in the primaries. If voters support Trump in record numbers in the primaries, there is no reason to believe they won't come out to support him in record numbers the general election.

  30. Anonymous10:18 AM

    "There are not enough angry old white men to win you an election anymore."

    Since Purple Cow is invariably wrong, you can take this as a prediction of a Trump victory.

  31. Anonymous10:28 AM

    PilotX said...
    "We know about the many people with connections to communism and their contributions to the struggle for equal rights in this country and worldwide."

    Communists supported civil rights not out of a sense of justice, but as an effort to use blacks as a weapon in destroying the underpinnings of American society - unity, community, patriotism, religion, and family.Fomenting racial acrimony has been one of the more successful attack strategies of the Left.

    Communists have no use for blacks once they have achieved complete contol.

  32. Parents, when giving your 6-year-old the sex talk, don't confuse them by claiming a baby is made only when a man and woman have sex.

  33. The Purple Cow said...
    "We see another example of how much the left fears Donald J. Trump."

    You are so fucking clueless, it's incredible. Nothing would make the Dems happier than a Donald Drumpf candidacy.

    There are not enough angry old white men to win you an election anymore.

    Stereotype much? Hero, that's excitement you see at Donald J. Trump campaign rallies. The only angry people are the leftwingers who try to get their 15 at Trumps' expense. In fact, the only angry people i see are blahs and white liberals. Have you seen Hillary lately?

  34. Your incessant whining will not help you in the long run.

  35. Thank goodness Black History month is finally over, it seemed extra long this year. Now it's March and we get to celebrate Women's History month! Women should celebrate by being cute, staying chaste until marriage, and making the man in their life a sandwich.

  36. The Ministry of Truth12:20 PM

    "As to 'not enough angry old men to win', you conveniently disregard a record number of voters (old and young) who have come out for the first time to support him in the primaries. If voters support Trump in record numbers in the primaries, there is no reason to believe they won't come out to support him in record numbers the general election."

    This is the flawed theory for both the Trump and Sanders campaigns -- that they will win by mobilizing huge numbers of disaffected people who usually don't vote (Sanders calls this his "democratic revolution"). They will offer policies that usually aren't on offer (free college and healthcare, from Sanders; deporting everyone who isn't white, from Trump), and this will cause some huge surge to the polls.

    The theory is twice as flawed for Trump as it is for Sanders. Even if Trump did mobilize more disaffected white voters, the math is just wrong. There aren't enough of them to make a difference. Their "silent majority" is a myth. And Trump's nomination will powerfully mobilize both young whites and NON-white voters just to stop him from getting into office. Few people are are passionately pro-Hillary, but I can guarantee that lots of people are passionately anti-Trump. The Clinton campaign will pop champagne corks at the news of a Trump nomination, because it will guarantee high young and minority voter turnout supporting her.

    It's all going to end in tears for the people who believed in these fantasies.

  37. Anonymous12:29 PM

    A candidate doesn't become president by winning the national popularity contest. If that were the case, Al Gore would have been president, not George W. Bush.

    A candidate becomes president with 270 Electoral College votes or more. And Trump, based on data (not emotion), is within striking distance of that benchmark based on historical data points.

  38. The Ministry of Truth12:51 PM

    "A candidate doesn't become president by winning the national popularity contest. If that were the case, Al Gore would have been president, not George W. Bush."

    That's what you're hanging your hopes on? Some kind of electoral college miracle? Good luck with that.

    Winning the electoral college almost always does require winning the popular vote. Out of 44 presidents, a whopping total of 4 have won the presidency without winning the popular vote: Presidents J.Q. Adams, Hayes, Harrison, and Bush the Lesser.

    And Adams' situation was atypical, in that there were more than two candidates dividing the vote in that election. I don't anticipate a spoiler third-party candidate hopping in this year, but one does, it'll almost certainly be a right-winger taking away Trump votes.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but Dubya's victory (such as it was, being decided on a purely partisan basis by the Supreme Court) was an extreme aberration.

  39. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Unlike you, I'm not at all sure who is going to win this election cycle, MOT.

  40. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Ministry of Truth has his head lodged pretty thoroughly up his own ass.

  41. Lance Cockstrong1:00 PM

    "Hate" is not a strong enough word for how I feel about the white race.

  42. "Communists have no use for blacks once they have achieved complete contol."

    Communism doesn't rely on color differences which is why it is popular among people of color. You seem very color aroused anon and probably why you wouldn't want a true colorblind society.

  43. "The commie scum shot first. Just like the blacks always do."

    I guess that makes both groups smart. No points for second place in a gunfight. I knew the klanners were dumb but damn.

  44. Anonymous3:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    "You seem very color aroused anon"

    Says the most race-obsessed bigot in Chicago.

    Self-awareness is not your strong point.

  45. Jesus Rodriguez3:39 PM

    Lance Cockstrong said...
    "Hate" is not a strong enough word for how I feel about the white race.

    Hate and division have had their run for the past eight years, now it's time to come together and make America great again.

    Viva Trump!

  46. Check it out, 75th anniversary of the Tuskegee Airmen "experiment".

  47. "Says the most race-obsessed bigot in Chicago."

    Ha! Wonder what you have to say about our white racist trolls. Oh that's right, only The Blacks can be bigots. Talk about a lack of self-awareness.

  48. Turpentine3:50 PM

    PilotX said...
    Check it out, 75th anniversary of the Tuskegee Airmen "experiment".

    Ha, more race obsession. I see what you mean anon, dude is clueless.

  49. Anonymous4:20 PM

    The Tuskegee syphilis study has been disavowed by the scientific community for decades. What does that horrific experiment have to do with 2016, Pilot X?

    My people, my extended family, were experimented on by Nazi doctors. They were imprisoned, starved, beaten, shot, gassed, by Germans, Austrians, Pols, and others for being Jews. Their property was stolen and never returned.

    I never hear my family members who lived through this or their descendants, look back. On the contrary.

  50. Quote: The Right Has No Brains

    "Stereotype much?"

    That 'much' thing - Sure sign of the intellectually clueless.


    "Hero, that's excitement you see at Donald J. Trump campaign rallies."

    Does't take much to make 'low information voters' excited now does it?

    Certainly nothing like 'content' or 'policies'.

    As Drumpf told the NYT editorial board, when he sees that he's losing his audience's attention he stops what he is saying and shouts "...and we gonna build a wall" and his useful idiots go apeshit.

    Donald J. Drumpf - the politician who hates his own supporters.


    " In fact, the only angry people i see are blahs and white liberals. Have you seen Hillary lately?"

    So along with terminally fucking stupid you are also blind and deaf.

    You're in a pretty bad place there, dude.

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My people, my extended family, were experimented on by Nazi doctors.

    Which explains why you're such a fkcing dimwit.

    Bet your hair is FAR more nappy than mine is too and that you KILL yourself trying to keep it "straight", LOL!!!

    Geez, a nappy headed retarded racist? We should ALL feel sorry for you, ROTFL!

  52. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Your hateful words speak about you, Yisheng. Not me.

  53. Sheldon4:40 PM

    She is a horrible person, the worst I have ever come across.

  54. Anon 2:45to Yisheng:
    Please stop. I'll do anything. I'll even buy you a tub of that skin-lightening cream you like so much.



  55. The Ministry of Truth5:09 PM

    "The Tuskegee syphilis study has been disavowed by the scientific community for decades. What does that horrific experiment have to do with 2016, Pilot X?"

    Man, I hope you are only trolling. Is the racist stupidity factor that high that you truly believe the Tuskegee Airmen and the Tuskegee syphilis patients were one and the same? You know, sometimes quite different things have similar names.

    In the same vein:

    Actor John Wayne and serial killer John Wayne Gacy ... not the same guy.

    Theologian Martin Luther and civil rights leader Martin Luther King ... not the same guy.

    Rapper Snoop Dogg is not an actual dog. Rapper Dr. Dre is not an actual doctor.

    The Manhattan Project to develop nuclear weapons is not jazz vocal group Manhattan Transfer.

    And Bass Ale beer is not made from fish.

    Just trying to be helpful. :)

  56. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Trump is America's middle finger.

    Bernie is the wrinkled up ball sack when we moon the oligarchy.

  57. Anonymous5:22 PM

    MOT, it was Pilot X who was confused, not me. Take his ignorance up with him.

    PilotX said...
    "Check it out, 75th anniversary of the Tuskegee Airmen "experiment"."

    I rebutted and stated it was the Tuskegee syphilis study.

    "The Tuskegee syphilis study has been disavowed by the scientific community for decades. What does that horrific experiment have to do with 2016, Pilot X?"

  58. Anonymous5:26 PM

    PilotX has syphilis. He got it from Yisheng.

  59. Dr. Alabama5:49 PM

    He said he got from sitting in a cockpit seat after a Tuskegee airman did, but we know it was Yisheng.

  60. Anonymous6:01 PM

    March 22, 2016 will be the 75th Anniversary of the activation of the U.S. Army Air Corps 99th Pursuit Squadron, the first black combat aviation unit comprised of pilots and support personnel trained at Tuskegee Army Air Field and other locations.

    Maybe Pilot x meant the Tuskegee Air Corps 99th Pursuit Squadron "experiment", but it is three weeks from now.

  61. Anonymous6:43 PM

    He's getting his dick roto-rootered, ask him when he comes back.

  62. "Ha, more race obsession. I see what you mean anon, dude is clueless."

    So celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Tuskegee Airmen is race obsession? Really? So I'm supposed to just ignore this significant event in history? Uh, ok. Carry on.

  63. "Man, I hope you are only trolling. Is the racist stupidity factor that high that you truly believe the Tuskegee Airmen and the Tuskegee syphilis patients were one and the same? You know, sometimes quite different things have similar names."

    A bit of both. Why would a white person have any idea that the inclusion of blah women and men into the Army Air Corps was also called the Tuskegee Experiment? One of our trolls even chastises me for acknowledging this historic event. See, it's ok to come here and insult and demean blah people but when we simply take the time to remember significant achievements that go against stereotypes, which the Airmen did, we are "obsessed" with race. Interesting.

  64. Anonymous9:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    "So celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Tuskegee Airmen is race obsession? Really? So I'm supposed to just ignore this significant event in history? Uh, ok. Carry on."

    Right, like you would ever celebrate an event that wasn't exclusively focused on blacks.

    Carry on, numbnuts.

  65. PilotX said...
    So celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Tuskegee Airmen is race obsession? Really? So I'm supposed to just ignore this significant event in history? Uh, ok. Carry on.

    Let me help you out with this PX.

    The half gookeymoo can ONLY relate to historical events around his "heritage" like cross and people burning from his KKK side or his communist Vietnamese side that massacred thousands of civilians during the Vietnam war.

    With that kinda background, what do you expect?

  66. "Right, like you would ever celebrate an event that wasn't exclusively focused on blacks."

    Why should race matter? Seems like you're the one obsessed with race. I was simply celebrating Anerican WWII heroes. Many people I knew, including family members served in the 99th. Funny you find that so distasteful. Sorry if I offended you so.

  67. "Right, like you would ever celebrate an event that wasn't exclusively focused on blacks."

    Do you get upset when others celebrate events that are exclusive of one race or does this just apply to blah folks? I guess the lunar landing should be forgotten because only white men were on that mission? Interesting. You may be onto something, we should only celebrate events that are multi-cultural. I'll go for that of you do.

  68. "With that kinda background, what do you expect?"

    Normally I just ignore the trolls but I'm in a communicative mood. Ha!

  69. Oh these blog is terrible !
    What happend in USA?
    Please explain.
