Thursday, August 18, 2016

The "Trumpbart" movement, and the rise of the alt-right.

Never heard of the alt-right movement? Well now might be a good time to learn who these guys are and what they represent.

It's important now more than ever, because they have taken over the campaign of one Donald trump, a man who just happens to be running to become president of the United States.

I have been reading up on them of late, and they are a scary bunch. (Think of them as the guys who couldn't get dates in high school, and now that they are adults , they will take their revenge on society any way that they can get it.)

We shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but Andrew Breitbart was a real asshole, who surrounded himself with other assholes, and he created a website that catered to assholes.  

And now, one of those assholes, is running things over at camp trump.

 "Here's what you need to know about the Breitbart News chairman who just became Donald Trump's new campaign CEO. On Wednesday, Donald Trump’s campaign announced Breitbart News chairman Stephen Bannon as its new CEO — shocking no one in the conservative world.

Conservatives joked openly for months about “Trumpbart” and the transformation of into, essentially,, but it was still something of a surprise that Trump would so publicly embrace Bannon, a man who helped transform a mainstream conservative website into a cesspool of the alt-right. It also comes as a surprise — or at least it should — that the Republican National Committee appears ready to go along with the Bannon-Breitbart-Trump takeover over the party, even as the Trump campaign’s latest move means RNC Chairman Reince Priebus now sits, effectively, side by side with alt-right Trump fans. 
The takeover, now a virtual fait accompli, represents the dangerous seizure of the conservative movement by the alt-right.
Constitutional conservatives can’t stand the alt-right. Conservatives — real conservatives — believe that only a philosophy of limited government, God-given rights and personal responsibility can save the country. And that creed is not bound to race or ethnicity. Broad swaths of the alt-right, by contrast, believe in a creed-free, race-based nationalism, insisting, among other things, that birth on American soil confers superiority. The alt-right sees limited-government constitutionalism as passé; it holds that only nationalist populism on the basis of shared tribal identity can save the country. It’s a movement shot through with racism and anti-Semitism." [Read more] 

*Pic from


  1. Post Toast9:12 PM

    Andrew Breibart also helped create Huffington Post with his buddy Ariana Huffington.

  2. Anonymous9:30 PM

    "I have been reading up on them of late, and they are a scary bunch. (Think of them as the guys who couldn't get dates in high school, and now that they are adults , they will take their revenge on society any way that they can get it.)"

    If that is who they really were, you wouldn't be afraid of them.

    The "alt right" is what is stepping into the vacuum of a "Conservatism" that failed to conserve anything. The old GOP establishment sold out its base and played the role of a fake opposition to the Democrats. A new generation has grown up that has had the government making war on them their whole lives. They have had it.

    The alt right is a reality based movement that is dedicated to smashing what they see as a corrupt culture based on lies.

    The left killed conservatism. Now you'll have to deal with the alt right.

  3. Anonymous9:52 PM

    The brain damage from Hillary's strokes concerns me.

  4. The brain damage from Hillary supporters concerns me.

  5. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots10:10 PM

    Hillary's got this one in the bag! Trump is basically just a sacrificial lamb at this point, just like McCain was in 2008.

  6. Gary Johnson 2016

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  8. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit10:19 PM

    Andrew Breitbart was human garbage, and his site is garbage too. I actually feel sorry for anyone who likes Breitbart.

  9. The Ministry of Truth10:41 PM

    "Conservatives joked openly for months about 'Trumpbart' and the transformation of into, essentially,, but it was still something of a surprise that Trump would so publicly embrace Bannon, a man who helped transform a mainstream conservative website into a cesspool of the alt-right."

    WTF? Breitbart was never a "mainstream conservative website." It was always a toilet, right from the get-go. It was always the lowest of the low. Long before Trump, it made the writers over at places like the National Review and Weekly Standard look like honest, tasteful intellectuals (they are not, though they pretend to be).

  10. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Awe, did that nasty alt-right done go and scurr po' lil Field?? Ain't that a pity. You have lots in common wit them though Field, you wanna get revenge on society for 9 million years o' slayvreh, and they for not getting dates- relate to them brotha.

  11. Brightballs12:07 AM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "It was always the lowest of the low"

    Says the loser on the bottom.

    And you wouldn't know an intellectual if he pulled out your ass and came in your face.

  12. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Even former breitbart employees have not so good things to say about Bannon. These guys deserve one another.
    On another note I guess that whole having 17 candidates to choose from didn't end up helping in the end. I thought they should have known that from jump. Speaking of which, I guess your buddy is gone for good after chiding us about the whole old white person Democratic candidate thing. You would think they would learn diversity is just window dressing in the gop. On another nother note (ht to Kanye) did we ever find out what happened to Mia Love? She just fell off quicker than Sir Mix-a-lot.


  13. Lance Cockstrong12:29 AM

    Andrew Breibart had a small dick. Stephen Bannon has a small dick. Trump has a small dick to go along with those small hands.

  14. So is that the answer? The rebranding of Republicans fleeing the wreckage of their campaign like German soldiers after the fall of Berlin, stopping just long enough to burn their uniforms on their way out? Neoreactionaries? Really? At least "tea partiers" had amusing costumes. These guys? Crazy uncle Liberty and his all-caps emails about evil gubmint? That's what we get? I guess maybe that's all that's left for them to try: a limp, full on seditionist, play to destroy the government. I guess drowning it in a bathtub didn't actually work out as a governing strategy, so step it up to the next level of nihilism?
    Good luck with that one little boys, you're gonna need it.
    Here's Breitbart himself, and more importantly, someone with military experience reacting to his armed insurrection fantasies with some reality he didn't have the brains to think about:

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. The American Left has painted itself into a difficult position. It has spent decades looking down at lower class whites. Those who were condescended to certainly noticed - for decades. The American Right has done the same. It took those lower class whites for granted while it globalized the economy (with plenty of bipartisan help from Bill Clinton and even Barack Obama). The Republican calculation was that those lower classes were so demonized by the Democrats where else did they have to go for a political party? But now someone comes along and expresses real affection for them and this guy happens to be a master persuader. Oops.

    It occasionally happens that the personalities and skills of individual political actors matter a lot. I think that happens less often than political junkies imagine. For example, Reagan's deregulation really got started under Carter with deregulation of aircraft, trains, and trucks. A Republican or Democrat in the White House was going to sign world trade deals in the 1990s. The Presidents aren't as different as they are made out to be. But Trump is a wild card. He's really moved the Overton Window on a few big issues, especially if he gets elected.

  16. Hillary got into the hyperbaric chamber tonight without ANY fuss. Boy was she tuckered! But she'll be rested and rarin' to go come Monday!

  17. Anonymous1:13 AM

    White Identity is the Future.

    You made it.

    1. "The future"? More like the past present and future.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous1:21 AM

    The alt right is the future.

  19. Anonymous1:27 AM

    You just hate Whites and are angry we're waking up.

    Deal with it, faggot.

  20. Fuck the Mutant white race1:29 AM

    White people are the faggots.

  21. John Rivers1:31 AM

    Usain Bolt! Blacks are so Fast!!

    It's impressive. It's genetic, you know.

    Too bad they're Dumb. That's genetic, too.

  22. Anonymous1:32 AM

    "The alt right is the future."

    Either that or this is:

  23. White men have tiny brains AND tiny penises. No wonder I see so many white women with black men.

  24. Conner3:15 AM

    Trump supporters are stereotyped as uneducated and stupid, but I would say many many Hillary supporters have the same level of intelligence.

  25. Only losers and morons read/like Breitbart.

  26. Anonymous5:44 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Limpbaugh8:45 AM

    At least Trump doesn't have the corporate whore who stole my vote, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, on his campaign staff. Clinton wins the sleaziest campaign staffer contest hands down. I have hunch that Seth Rich might agree with me, if he was alive.

  29. Anonymous10:20 AM

    @Limpbaugh: Yeah, strange how that doesn't get more coverage. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz gets busted in the DNC email leak rigging the primary for Hillary, gets fired, and then is immediately hired by the campaign she got fired for cheating for.

    Funny that.

  30. World of Lies12:04 PM

    So Soros (a Jew) bribes politicians to flood Europe with Muslims. Alt Right warns this is a bad idea. Muslims stab Jews. Alt Right is blamed.

  31. Know what? Honey badger don't give a shit....

  32. Clinton told FBI Colin Powell suggested she use private email: NYT

    There goes progressives. Always blaming the black guy...

    Powell Fires Back to Hillary’s FBI Interview: I Used Secured State Computer to Access Classified Emails

    But this black guy isn't going to be the progressives Lee Majors....

  33. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Colin Powell...TNB.

  34. Trump made a smart move by going to Louisiana to see the flooding. Remember how they crucified W. over Katrina? No interest this time.

    W. was a disaster for any number of reasons, but Katrina was never one of them. But man did he take the blame for the weather on that one.

    The flooding in suburban Baton Rouge is a great example of racial differences in display.

    Obama golfing on Martha's Vinyard through it all generates zero criticism by the MSM. Blacks just aren't held to the same standard anywhere. Even the Presidency.

    The soft bigorty of low expectations.

  35. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Amy Schumer's show just got cancelled.

    That's the first time she made me laugh.

  36. Anonymous2:05 PM

    "Obama golfing on Martha's Vinyard through it all generates zero criticism by the MSM. Blacks just aren't held to the same standard anywhere. Even the Presidency."

    Not really. The governor told him to come in 10-14 days because the security necessary to support a presidential visit would detract from the cleanup/recovery effort. W should not have been criticized as he was for not going to NO but what really got him on trouble was the "heck of a job Brownie" comment. If Barack went he probably would have still been criticized for getting in the way. We get it dude, you don't like the guy because he's a ............



  37. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Right now a lot of Democrats are holding their tongues on how much they hate Hillary because they think she might take power.

    If she loses, we will hear a lot of interesting things.

  38. Most white female comedians are about as funny as a Leslie Jones-exclusive issue of Playboy.

  39. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Trump is acting more Presidential than Obama.

    Go figure.

  40. Ragin' Cajun2:32 PM

    Barack Obama doesn't care about white people.

  41. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Trump is acting more Presidential than Obama.
    How? By posting nekkid pictures of his wife on Twitter? GTFOH!

  42. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Barack Obama doesn't care about white people.
    We're still waiting for him to use his black panther and blm armies to enslave all whites and put them in re-education camps.
    Hey, are you the dumbassed white woman who said Obama was going to use nukes on Charleston? White folks certainly are stoooooopid.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Trump is acting more Presidential than Obama.
    How? By posting nekkid pictures of his wife on Twitter? GTFOH!

    But posting nekkid pictures of your mom isn't? Because that's what Obama did:

  44. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots3:11 PM

    Hillary will be infinitely more Presidential than Trump could ever hope to be! Trump is a joke! His supporters are pathetic! Hillary is a class act and will get the job done!

  45. The Libertarian Party is the ONLY sensible choice this November.

    Gary Johnson 2016

  46. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit3:31 PM

    Trump only went to Louisiana as a publicity stunt. He actually doesn't care at all for those people. He just wants their votes.

  47. Trump is down there unloading supplies and thanking first responders as he tours hard-hit neighborhoods.

    Obama can't be bothered to interrupt his taxpayer-funded vacation - except to send a memo to flood victims warning them not to discriminate. People - black and white - are working together to help their neighbors in need and Obama calls them racist:

    Motherfuck his halfwhite ass.

  48. Lt. Commander Johnson4:20 PM

    It is true.

    She was a white whore.

  49. Truth is stranger than fiction4:26 PM

    "She was a white whore."

    And Frank Marshall Davis took the photos.

    He also is probably Obama's real father. Thus the birth certificate games, the elder Obama's complete disinterest in his son, his grandparents fostering the "mentor role" with Davis, among other things.

  50. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Trump commands, Obama listens:

    Obama announces he will visit Louisiana Tuesday after consultations with governor.

  51. The Ministry of Truth4:31 PM

    I hope Colin Powell goes to jail for telling Hillary to use a private email server.

  52. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Anyone who didn't like Trump's speech needs to get their head checked. Even liberals have to admit it was tremendous.

  53. Anonymous5:42 PM

    The altright is not about low taxes, open borders, fetuses, and bombing people to bring back Jesus. We are not conservatives.

    Unlike conservatives, we don't play to lose.

  54. "Anyone who didn't like Trump's speech needs to get their head checked. Even liberals have to admit it was tremendous."

    It was Yeuuuge!! Just like his hands. Not.

    Let's see if he can stay on script and keep reading from his teleprompter.

    Saw trump and his VP candidate down in Red Stick. I am sure MOST people down there wishes that he would just go away.
    In fact, the Gov. told him not to come for a photo op.

    He didn't bring money or supplies. Just his jet and his ego.

  55. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Trump sucks ass and his supporters are losers and human waste.

  56. Gigolo Gene7:21 PM

    Blacks are the biggest whiners in the country. And I thought gays, Jews, and women were bad.

  57. Arrogant white male7:25 PM

    Blacks are the biggest whiners in the country. And I thought gays, Jews, and women were bad.

    And yet they have nothing on white males. Now THAT'S a whiny bunch if I've ever seen one.

  58. I agree. White men are the biggest whiny bitches ever. There is nothing more pathetic and annoying than frail white male ego and white male insecurity. We have had an overload on that bullshit.

  59. Anonymous10:15 PM

    "There is nothing more pathetic and annoying than frail white male ego and white male insecurity."

    Who is it who demands Affirmative Action?

    Who complains about "white privilege"?

    Who is afraid of white people saying they have interests too?

    You da bitches.

  60. Steroids B' Us10:18 PM

    Jamaicans cheat their way to another gold.

  61. Lance Cockstrong10:18 PM

    White men are insecure because they have tiny dicks. It's that simple.

  62. Obama finally dragging his sorry ass to Louisiana because Trump shamed him into it tells you all you need to know about Obama's 'leadership' abilities.

    Heck of a job, President Brownskin.

  63. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Why, when they redo a movie with a woman or a minority, must they mock the prior race or gender replaced?

    Don't remind them of the better show!

  64. hoxhaist juggalo11:02 PM

    mbuti pygmy
    barack obama
    the alt right
    you have a lifesize body pillow of jeb bush

  65. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  66. Gravy3:31 AM

    My house smells like piss. Was Yisheng here or something?

  67. "My house smells like piss. Was Yisheng here or something?"

    Naw, I think it's that new redneck cologne:

    Yellow Eau de Toilette.:)

  68. What is that hairy thing in that picture? Is it human, Man Kind or Kind of Man?? European hatred's turning them all into talking SKULLS they're always posing with. The entire White Race is turning into the Portrait of Dorian Grey.

  69. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  70. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  71. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  72. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Trump, McConnell, Cheney, Charles Koch, Limbaugh, et al teastablishment have been cucking the cucks for decades. Nothing has changed except that the teastablishment call the cucks by their new name, "alt cucks".
