Thursday, September 28, 2017

The "unmasking".

Image result for trump image racistThe Field Negro education series continues: 

"Trump's White Supremacist DNA On Display Again

by Neil H. Buchanan

Who could have predicted that an unhinged attack on professional athletes would be Donald Trump's final unmasking as a full-on racist?  After everything that he has done and said -- not merely since he announced his candidacy in 2015 but throughout his life -- Trump finally found a way to remove the last shreds of doubt about his bigotry.

This is a good occasion to revisit a point that I made during last year's election campaign, which is that Trump's supposed devotion to America and our values becomes inoperative when he has a chance to be a white supremacist.  When he has a choice, Trump goes with the racist approach, not the American one.

For those who might have been on vacation (or living under a rock) for the past week, a quick summary of Trump's latest outburst might be helpful.

In a bizarre sequence of events, Trump spent last weekend trying to get back in the good graces of his white supremacist base.  The people who were infuriated by Trump's willingness to work with non-bigots to allow "dreamers" to stay in the country were hopping mad, and Trump needed to exploit a quick-and-easy cultural grievance that combined just the right blend of sophistry and racism.

Looking for nonwhites to vilify, Trump decided to attack African-American sports stars, in particular Colin Kaepernick, an involuntarily unemployed football player who last year began silently protesting America's systemic racism by kneeling during the playing of the national anthem at the beginning of NFL games.

The target was not just Kaepernick and other football players, however, as Trump quickly attacked large numbers of black basketball and baseball players, scolding them for supposedly disrespecting America even though our country had allowed them to become rich.  He might as well have complained that they were being "uppity."

For those who might have missed the point, Trump also made sure to say that these young black men were attacking our "heritage," which is the code word that Trump and other white supremacists use to defend things like Confederate statues and other relics of the Jim Crow era.

And if that was not enough, Trump lauded NASCAR for being pro-American, and he then tried to pull hockey into the mix by inviting the NHL champion Pittsburgh Penguins (whose roster actually happens to be Canadian- and Russian-heavy, but no matter) to the White House.  Even in accepting the invitation, the Penguins tried to make it clear that they are uncomfortable being associated with Trump.

So, we now know that football, basketball, and baseball are un-American, whereas auto racing and hockey are patriotic.  No subtlety there.  Why not just go for every other stereotype, waxing poetic about mayonnaise on white bread, segregated lunch counters, and Pat Boone records?

The final proof that this is all about race, of course, was when Trump tweeted that it is not about race.  Even Trump realized that he had to pretend it was about "respect for America," or his twisted version of it.  As NeverTrump conservative Peter Wehner quickly responded: "Of course it’s about race."

Kaepernick is a particularly helpful test case, because he is not one of the supposed "thugs" that Trump and other racists like to talk about as a way to dismiss African-Americans' complaints about injustice.  Kaepernick has a very public profile as a devout Christian, and he justifies his protest (including the act of kneeling) in the explicitly religious terms that Trump's base typically loves.

Kaepernick is understandably appalled that America treats black lives so cavalierly.  Trump obviously does not care about that at all.  When Kaepernick says, "America is doing something wrong, and we can and should do better," he is in an odd way a more articulate version of Trump, who constantly disparages this country and its institutions while claiming that he alone knows how to do better.

Yet it is Kaepernick, not Trump, who is deemed not to love America.  "America, love it or leave it" evidently applies only to those whose criticisms white people do not want to hear.

It is amazing that Trump's DNA-level racism was still not clear to some people after Charlottesville, and I have no doubt that some people will continue to claim that Trump is doing nothing wrong now.  Yet there is something about Trump's attack on black athletes that has clarified the issue for many people in ways that his defense of some "fine people" marching with neo-Nazis and Klansmen did not.

There are, moreover, other "tells" in Trump's repertoire of racism.  When the surprising Brexit vote hit the news in the Spring of 2016, Trump was pleased.  As I noted in a column at the time, however, there was absolutely no reason for an avowed America Firster to care about that vote at all:
"One group of non-Americans voted to harm themselves, based on unfounded fears about other groups of non-Americans who have moved into a country that is not the United States."
What if we were to put something like the Brexit vote anywhere else, not with white (nominally Christian) distant cousins of people like Trump voting to kick out nonwhite newcomers but with, say, one country in South America splitting along some nonracial dimension?

Would Trump care?  No, but in the UK it was all about white people "taking back their country" from the hordes of illegitimate outsiders.  Just as he does not mind using white Canadian and Russian hockey players as props for his "no black athletes at the White House" reception, Trump shows that skin color matters more to him than nationality.

As I further argued last year, Trump's embrace of Brexit was an especially clarifying moment, because Trump indirectly acknowledged that Brexit would be bad for U.S. workers.  That is, he noted that the British pound would probably weaken, which would be good for tourism to the UK and thus Trump's golf courses.

But that change in exchange rates also necessarily means that American goods will be less competitive, hurting especially the current and former manufacturing workers who have rallied behind Trump.  The expression of racist resentment by whites in Britain was more important to Trump than helping American workers (of all races).

As I was thinking overnight about what I would write in this column, I recalled that I had revisited the Brexit issue in a column last August, where I pointed out that Trump had asked one of Brexit's leaders, Nigel Farage, to speak for him at a rally in Mississippi.  Farage was the perfect white supremacist spokesman, and he was obviously not one who puts America First.

And sure enough, when I opened my news feed this morning, I saw that Farage is now campaigning in Alabama for the crazier Republican in the Senate primary, the ousted Supreme Court justice Roy Moore, who has been embraced by the racist, nativist right.

On the surface, this is a bit of a puzzle, because Trump has formally endorsed Moore's opponent, Luther Strange, who was appointed to the Senate when Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III became Trump's Attorney General.  This would suggest that Trump is backing the candidate who is not a white supremacist (or is at least less of one), but that would be misleading.

Trump blurted out his initial attack on Kaepernick and black athletes, in fact, when Trump was speaking at a rally for Strange.  Trump all but said there that he preferred Moore to Strange, but he was being forced to mouth support for the appointed incumbent.  Given that so many of Trump's core supporters in Alabama are Moore supporters, Trump was doing everything possible to say, "Hey, I'm still one of you.  Let's unite again behind our shared hatred of black people!"

Farage's presence, then, can be seen not as a repudiation of Trump but as a matter of surrogacy.  For complicated reasons, Trump cannot currently admit that he prefers the more extreme of the two candidates, but his British mouthpiece is there to tell everyone what white supremacists on both sides of the Pond know: Moore is Trump's kind of guy.

In the end, this strange interlude will be best remembered for Trump's decision to use race once again to divide the country, elevating what had been a minor issue into a major racial clash.  That so much of the country -- even the morally backward NFL leadership and many team owners -- rejected Trump's provocations is a good thing, of course.

We could, therefore, come out of this with a double win.  Trump has proved once again that he cares more about white supremacy than anything else, convincing ever more people to stop pretending that he is redeemable.  And large numbers of people -- even his friends -- told Trump that he is wrong.  Not a bad week." [Source] 

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous10:57 PM

    What's wrong with Pat Boone?

  2. Us Americans have short attention spans. The runaway slaves have been placed back on the plantation. Like in the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s the master could always depend on the "good" white people to rally and search for and return the master's property. Now back to the mental aspect.... don't we all feel that every job day in America should start with the affirmation of our love and devotion to this country, you do know they stop requiring school kids this great opportunity to express their love and devotion as well.

    Now all you people that have this twisted notion that a draft dodging, scared ass white boy (Tump) can determine who is a patriot and who is not.... you too will be the ones hiding in Canada and evading a needed draft (if you ever fight a country that has no capabilities to repel you). Look at his sons . They already got a deferment and the first bullet or rocket has been seen. Keep up with this nationalist propaganda and Herr Trump will leave your poor ass right here in America. They have money to leave and the Jews ain't going to be the fall guy.

    I thought this was a moment to get off your knees by staying on your knees. Short attention spa n. Move on, there is nothing to see here. Still sports will be the only lovage they have. Wonder whyDonald did not pick on the college footballers who kneel.

  3. "What's wrong with Pat Boone?"

    He covered "Tutti Fruitty" like it was about a flavor of ice cream.

    From Margaret and Helen:

    "You know what’s really dispectful to the American flag? A Confederate flag. #TakeAKnee"

    Of course Fergus is a white supremacist. He's white himself and everything always has to be about him. I don't think he really cares about it, though, past where it can help him politically. All he really cares about is clout, the kind of clout he believes Roy Cohn would worship him for having. His daddy issues are really pathetic, but I guess there's no fool like an old fool.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Storm on the horizon12:18 AM

    Black people have made it clear where they stand.

    Patriotism and respect for the flag are a white thing. Because America is a white country.

    Those like A Black Panther Forever have paid their dues and are owed respect. They are welcome to stand with us. But they will not. In the end, blood rules.

    We all will be held to account.

  5. Anonymous12:33 AM

    All you need to know is that Trump is friends with this clown.

    That makes him irredeemable all by itself.

  6. Anonymous12:49 AM

    POTUS is unpatriotic and disrespectful to our flag, our country, and our veterans.

    POTUS dodged the American draft 5 times,
    POTUS disrespected an American decorated POW war hero battling cancer,
    POTUS refused to denounce Neo-Nazis and KKK who go against what America stands for,
    POTUS does not respect the American first amendment,
    POTUS colluded with Russia (a foreign nation) to throw a United States of America presidential election.

  7. @Anon 12:49

    Every single assertion you have made is demonstrably untrue,

  8. Hey fellow black people, so what's up with the Russian hacking of the election story?


  9. Wictor1:28 AM

    Here's a word that leftists should learn but never will: Overreach.

    When it was just one very pale man kneeling, Americans put up with it.

    So Trump decided that leftists needed to be taught a lesson.

    He goaded the entire NFL into imitating the very pale man.

    So the country said, "Okay. Bye-bye, NFL."

    The kneeling is going to stop.

    Team after team is announcing that they'll all be standing.


    We just had a black president for eight years. He won decisively.

    We're not a racist country.

    Trump just showed leftists what he can do them.





  10. Anonymous1:45 AM

    "Team after team is announcing that they'll all be standing."

    Those are called hockey teams.

  11. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Incidentally, I have recently heard that the NFL players union contract specifies that players cannot be punished for not standing during the national anthem.

    So should an NFL team's management "announce" that their players will be standing, the players themselves are completely free to "announce" that the management can go fuck themselves.

  12. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I bet Doug likes mayonnaise and white bread.

  13. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I stopped watching feetsball years ago. Too much genuflecting over magical negroes with felonies.

  14. Limpbauh9:12 AM

    Trump probably gained support on the Kaepernick issue. Most people probably only have very superficial insight in to what Kapernick is protesting. But standing for the pledge of allegiance was ingrained in us. CNN for them to ignore. They still don't side with Kaepernick. Obama added a weak qualification that he understands that some people think their relatives wcomplained about Kaepernick's pig socks. At first, Democrat politicians effectively agreed with Trump by saying nothing until it became too controversial ere killed unjustly, but he said standing is about respect for the military.

    Being in Illinois, I know that Obama got police interrogations video tapped here, when he was a state senator. But I can't think of policies he had as president that helped black people. Maybe there was a race draft somewhere along the way. Or maybe it is another example of only Nixon can go to China.

    Personally, I don't think we've had a good president since Jimmy Carter, but if Obama is remembered as a respected president that will do more to help black people than possibly anybody has. That creates a psychological barrier that makes people choose not to believe what he did in Libya and Syria. He caused the refugee crisis and Brexit. Not to mention all the deaths and suffering. He wasn't as bloodthirsty as Hillary, but he was in charge.

    I suspect there are sources that exaggerate the negative effects of the refugees in Europe and other sources that cover it up. Both sides do seem to agree that rape and other violent crimes have increased. But it shouldn't be hard to understand how an influx of cheap labor would hurt the working class in the UK. Europe could really be in a situation that some Trump supporters think we are in here. Overthrowing and destroying sovereign countries is what caused the problems.

  15. Limpbaugh9:16 AM

    The sentence about CNN got chopped out. It was supposed to be, CNN complained about Kaepernick wearing pig socks.

  16. Anonymous10:01 AM


  17. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The Negroe Felon League is going to learn a very expensive lesson. When the Yiddish Masters feel the pinch they will get rid of troublesome nigger players and replace them with equally talented black players.


    How different races viewing killing unarmed blacks.

  19. Drumpf is getting thrashed in every poll and yet he claims to be winning. Wingnuts exist in an alternative universe where only whitey is relevant.

    Too fucking bad, soon minorities will be the majority and whitey will reap what he has sown upon the masses of minorities. Kismet is a bitch-bitches.

  20. Except Democrats aren't as fucking vindictive as whitey wingnuts has shown themselves to be. Whitey is still peeved they can't convict squeaky clean HRC of a single crime after thirty years of a ruthless, lying vendetta against her and Bill. Revenge is mine, sayeth the fucked up whitey wingnuts.

  21. mike from iowa said...
    Drumpf is getting thrashed in every poll and yet he claims to be winning.

    After the last election, we all should know how credible polls are.

  22. mike from iowa said...
    "squeaky clean HRC"

    You're too much, man.


  23. Packers and their fans stood with locked arms as a protest of unequal treatment for Blacks. Drumofuck had nada to do with it.

    Overreach is where whitey fucking wingnuts decide to take health insurance away from all but the wealthy so they can take government money and give it t9 the 1%. It has crashed and burned three times in a row. You'd think even stoopid fucking wingnuts could learn about overreach, but it ain't happening as long as stoopid fucking whitey wingnuts are able to steal more elections and stay in power which they have no clue how to use.

  24. Lilacpr1:35 PM

    There are reports that they are selling the diesel to the highest bidder in San Juan, the diesel is not being shipped to the island for the electric company trucks to be able to fix the fallen lines. Also the humanitarian aid has been at port in and has not been allowed in. Without diesel there will be no repairs and no electricity. Fortunate to be in an area with internet but only for today. Will write as soon as I can. Situation bad, no light, phone, water. And everything stuck in San Juan.

  25. Lilacpr2:02 PM

    There are reports that they are selling the diesel to the highest bidder in San Juan, the diesel is not being shipped to the island for the electric company trucks to be able to fix the fallen lines. Also the humanitarian aid has been at port in and has not been allowed in. Without diesel there will be no repairs and no electricity. Fortunate to be in an area with internet but only for today. Will write as soon as I can. Situation bad, no light, phone, water. And everything stuck in San Juan.

  26. More unmasking from the orange fucking moron in chief- WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has been telling associates that his health chief has become a distraction, overshadowing his agenda and undermining his campaign promise to “drain the swamp” of corruption in Washington, according to people familiar with the discussions.

    Drumpf has done nothing to stop the corruption in his administration. He has made it worse. He hired swamp creatures to fill his cabinet. He is the most corrupt, least law abiding varmint ever in the WH and he is too stoopid to know that.

    Zinke has amassed a bill for flying charter instead of commercial. Everyone aound Drumpf, including all family members are corrupt crooks-a million times worse than wingnuts could ever paint HRC.

  27. pterochromics2:09 PM

    @ mike from iowa
    - You nailed it with "vindictive". But beyond that, reacting with anger is the wrong approach. If you bear with me a bit here, I'll explain why.
    - Much is clarified when one reads some good papers and articles regarding Borderline Personality Disorder in particular, but all of the personality disorders as well, especially Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
    - Both the the NIH and the Mayo Clinic have excellent informational articles that are written specifically for non-professionals. 'Psychology Today' also has some recent articles that are very good.
    - Overall, though, the "Cluster B" personality disorders (Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic) seem to be particularly manipulative, and if there is one thing that more people MUST learn for the sake of their own sanity, it is that they must not allow themselves to be pulled into the vortex of increasing erratic emotional excess and instability of Cluster B people.
    - There is an old saying:
    He who angers us, controls us.
    - Cluster B people expend huge amounts of time and energy trying to piss other people off, because when other people "strike back", the Cluster B types take that as "proof" that their paranoid fantasies are "real", but far worse, once they know that they can get other people's emotions all stirred up, they get an ego boost from being able to control those people. An they *will* exert that control, constantly if possible, because nothing makes them feel good about themselves like being able to reduce others to angry *unproductive* emotional wrecks. Cluster B types delight in driving others to anger.
    - But here is the most important point, one I learned from hard experience:
    Reacting to their nonsense with anger HARMS YOU. And that "you" is the "general you", as in, anybody, everybody. Or anyone else who is reacting in that way. Anger consumes your energy, and it creeps into all other aspects of your life.n It eventually infiltrates your relationships, your work, and your creativity and relaxation.
    - For the preservation of your own sanity, you - anyone, everyone - must realize that emotionally, these people are like animals hit by a car and lying on the side of the road - if you've ever tried to help one, you know that they react out of pain and fear, and will claw and bite and fight you because they only know how to react emotionally - they don't realize you're trying to help them.
    - The problem with humans, though, is that even though they are reacting emotionally/irrationally, they still have enough mind to know how to *really* harm anyone whom they imagine *might* be a threat. It's a dangerous cocktail of extreme emotional volatility and the human ability to plan, lay traps, stalk prey, and so on.
    - So, as the other saying goes:
    Please don't feed the trolls.
    When it becomes obvious that someone is absolutely set upon doing nothing other than hating on everyone else, while refusing to learn anything, then really, it's time to cut bait before you not only lose your pole, but end up pulled down into the murky waters.

  28. mike from iowa said...
    "Packers and their fans stood.."

    Packers did, fans didn't.

  29. Anonymous2:23 PM

    "The Negroe Felon League is going to learn a very expensive lesson. When the Yiddish Masters feel the pinch they will get rid of troublesome nigger players and replace them with equally talented black players."

    It looks like, out of the 32 teams, the Falcons, Colts, Dolphins, Vikings, Patriots, Giants, Raiders, Buccaneers, and Redskins have Jewish owners. So that means 72% of NFL teams do NOT have "Yiddish Masters."

    But you know what? A bunch of the NFL's owners, in fact, did donate money to and support the Trump campaign for president.

    They sure won't make that mistake again, after Trump screwed them with his dumb speech, which was meant only to pump up his racist neanderthal supporters. Businessmen tend to not like politicians who screw with their businesses for no good reason.

    Trump is making more and more enemies by the day. He is gaining zero friends. You do the math.

  30. El Bastardo Grande2:42 PM


    You are correct, this is a bullshit controversy for the President to involve himself in (just like it was bullshit for Obama to try to force the Redskins to change their name). Trump is just doing this to distract from the failure of Congress to get anything passed, and from his own betrayal of his base by not rescinding DACA.

    However...politically this is a huge loss for the Democrats, who are now aligned with cop killers and flag burners.

    And in the end, it is the NFL who will kneel to Trump.

  31. pterochromics2:44 PM

    A Black Panther Forever said...
    "Us Americans have short attention spans."

    - All to sadly true. But what makes it truly pathetic is that the lobotomies are self-inflicted; people forget because, like spoiled children, they just do not *want* to put the effort into remembering. After all, remembering the consequences of past bad actions means that one is obligated to change one's behaviors, and that is the last thing which childish, emotionally stunted people want to do. They want the world to change for them, rather than having to put any thought and effort into adapting to the world.

  32. Fortunately for stoopid fucking wingnuts, Obamacare covers repeated concussions.

    How many cop killers play in the NFL? Any idea. Flag burning is protected free speech. Wingnuts don't like it, tough noogies. They don't like the constitution, anyway.

    Drumpf and wingnuts are tearing America apart while ignoring the corruption in the WH. How many in Drumpf's WH are using private servers for government business- besides Mrs and Mrs Ivanka Drumpfuck? Remeber hypocritical wingnuts and their high profile hearings about HRC and her private server?

    Fuck Drumpf and every wingnut out there with swamp infested log.

  33. From pics I saw today, most everybody at Lambeau Field were standing during the national anthem. The protest has nothing to do about blacks resisting arrest by cops. Ot has everything to do with free speech rights.

  34. Drain the Swamp4:02 PM

    Trump's White House is a welcome change from the rampant corruption of the Obama years.

  35. pterochromics said...
    "After all, remembering the consequences of past bad actions means that one is obligated to change one's behaviors, and that is the last thing which childish, emotionally stunted people want to do"

    Which is why nothing ever changes in the ghetto...


  36. pterochromics:
    That's why we have to learn how to resist without taking the bait.
    I don't find it that difficult, but I learned from outlaws whose training was success or prison, and my friends don't usually do jail.
    As for BPD and malignant narcissism, I know a few women who were raised by narcissistic fathers who were trying to get heard for the entire election about it. They kept telling me to take it seriously, that guys like Fergus find ways to win by cheating, and his addiction to adulation was the least of it but gave him away as a narc.
    I just think he's a fucking creep who needs to be gone from government, and as that is inevitable anyway, it just becomes a matter of hurrying the process along whenever possible, and helping to block the damage he is attempting to inflict.
    We seem to be at better than even on both of those scores so far.
    So it's all about ugliness suppression and community support, while assisting in Fergus' self destruction.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Don't ever ask why4:28 PM

    This case is basically Dylann Roof in reverse, but strangely being ignored by the media:

    Antioch Church suspect Emanuel Samson had a note referencing Dylann Roof case

    by The Associated Press, Fox17Nashville, September 29, 2017

    A note found in the car of a man charged with spraying deadly gunfire at a Tennessee church made reference to revenge for a white supremacist’s massacre at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, two years earlier, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press.

    The note could offer a glimpse into Emanuel Kidega Samson’s mindset at the time of Sunday’s shooting and a possible motive for the rampage, which killed a woman and wounded six other people. The Associated Press has not viewed the note, but it was summarized in an investigative report circulating among law enforcement. Two officials read to AP from the note.

    The report said that “in sum and in no way verbatim,” the note referenced revenge or retaliation for Dylann Roof, the white supremacist who killed nine black worshippers at a South Carolina church in 2015 and has since been sentenced to death. It wasn’t clear what precisely Samson is alleged to have written about the Roof shooting, or whether his note contained other important details that might also speak to a motivation or state of mind. [More]

    In Paragraphs One through Three, you are reminded that Dylann Roof was white and that his victims were black. You are not told what color Samson is, or what color his victims are. You will find out his color in Paragraph Seven, but the story never tells you that all seven of his shooting victims were white.

    Here’s Paragraph Six:

    Police have said Samson, masked and wearing a tactical vest, fatally shot a woman who was walking to her vehicle and then entered the rear of Burnette Chapel Church of Christ and shot six other people, walking silently down the aisles with a .40-caliber handgun. The case immediately called to mind the killings at Emanuel AME Church, in Charleston, South Carolina. But unlike that church, which is mostly black, Burnette Chapel in the Nashville neighborhood of Antioch has a diverse congregation with people of various ethnicities, a detail noted in the report. And church members told investigators that Samson had attended services a year or two ago.

    Trigger Warning! Here’s Paragraph Seven—you’re about to learn that the killer is black:

    Samson, who is black, came to the United States from Sudan as a child in 1996 and is a U.S. citizen. Police records say he had expressed suicidal thoughts in June and had a volatile relationship with a woman that twice involved police this year. He made bizarre Facebook posts in the hours before the shooting, including one that read: “Everything you’ve ever doubted or made to be believe as false, is real. & vice versa, B.”

    Maybe he’d been reading the Associated Press. A reminder that the AP has an official policy, which they will defend, of not telling you the race of a criminal. The Associated Press Style Guide is used by almost all papers in the United States.

  38. J. Burton4:47 PM

    Been racking my brains all WEEK and I still can't figure it out... Why didn't that latest church shooting spark a "national conversation"?

  39. mike from iowa said...
    "The protest has nothing to do about blacks resisting arrest by cops"

    What! The entire protest is over the right of black criminals to violently resist arrest without facing any consequences! That's the whole point!

  40. mike from iowa said...
    "How many cop killers play in the NFL?"

    Colin Kaepernick donated $25,000 to group honoring convicted cop-killer:

  41. J Burton- reason is simple. Drumpfucj hijacked the conversation with his fauxknee show of patriotism, which he would not have directed at a whitey unless that whitey was HRC. White supremacists are too stoopid to rule.

  42. Assata Shakur was convicted of aiding and abetting. She was in a car when the officer was killed. The killer died at the scene.

    Shakur had been charged with multiple crimes which were dismissed. Cops apparently wanted to make an example of her. Haven't read about how fucked up her trial was, but I can imagine.

    So what's yer real problem with her. Is it because she is black or the fact Kap donated a small amount of money.

  43. 2. Harper’s testimony and actions are contained in the following documents (admitted into evidence)

    a. The three official investigative reports prepared by Harper, in which he wrote that after he stopped the Pontiac, he ordered Sundiata to the back of the car to show his driver’s license to Trooper Foerster who had arrived at the scene. That Sundiata complied without incident. That as he looked into the inside door of the Pontiac to check the registration, Foerster yelled at him and held up an ammunition clip. He stated that at the same time Assata reached into a red pocketbook, removed a gun from it and fired at him. That he immediately ran to the rear of his car and fired at Assata, who had emerged from the car, and was firing at him from a prostrate position alongside of the Pontiac. And it was at this point that he shot her. (admitted into evidence)

    b. His Grand Jury testimony where he swore under oath to the truth of the statements he had made in his 3 official reports. (admitted into evidence)

    c. Trial transcripts of his testimony at both Sundiata’s and Assata’s trials where he admitted, under cross-examination, that he had lied in all three of his official reports and in his Grand Jury testimony. That the truth was that Foerster had never shown him an ammunition clip; that Foerster had not yelled to him; that he had not seen a gun in Assata’s hand while she was seated in the car; that Assata did not shoot him from the car; and that he had not seen a red pocketbook.

    Looks like a heap of lies by the cop in the trial. Lordy you can say that in lights.

    But we know how it was. A cop was killed and every available black in the vicinity is guilty of the crime. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  44. El Bastardo Grande5:33 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Assata Shakur was convicted of aiding and abetting. She was in a car when the officer was killed.

    Oh is that all? Let's put her on a stamp then!

  45. Hey Bastardo- yer cop buddy tried to frame her. Put him on a stamp and mark it cancelled. Oh, I forgot, Shakur is just a Negro so framing her is okay according to whitey's lights.

    And you haven't told me how many cop killers are in the NFL. I'm guessing none. She was unarmed and the cops shot her,but,again, she is just a Negro.

    More Drumpfuck desertions. Price quit as Health director. He was too fucking grifty for Drumpfuck.

  46. Drain the swamp7:31 PM

    "Price quit as Health director."

    What a refreshing change from the Obama administration, where you could get caught lying to congress, lying to the parents of dead marines, using the IRS to harass political opponents, or selling State Department favors for donations to your private foundation and never have to resign.

    Trump holds people accountable, even for relatively minor infractions.


  47. After racist messages left for Black cadets the Air Force Academy commander gives racists this message. Powerful and timely. Basically if you are a racist and/or harbor racist attitudes "GET OUT"!

  48. Glad to see you're still with us Desert! Hang in there. I'm working to see how I can help.

  49. pterochromics7:55 PM

    " Detroited said...
    "Which is why nothing ever changes in the ghetto..."

    - If you include the "White" ghettos, given the actual definition of the term, that much, at least, you make obvious, harping on the same tiny string constantly and endlessly.

  50. Trump supporters conveniently forget his words "we've done bad things too" referring to America when it was brought to his attention his boyfriend Vladimir Putin wasn't such a choir boy. But I have to give it to the showman for distracting us from Tom Price getting the axe, the Obamacare repeal going down in flames and his bad response to Puerto Rico. Oh yeah, and his deleting his tweets supporting Strange who lost bigly. It's a blessing and a curse to live in interesting times.

  51. pterochromics8:21 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "That's why we have to learn how to resist without taking the bait."

    - Yup. I just feel badly for people who *do* get sucked into it ;)

    "I don't find it that difficult, but I learned from outlaws whose training was success or prison, and my friends don't usually do jail."

    - A lot of people do find it difficult, though, to maintain an even emotional keel in the face of such focused and obsessive efforts to drag the rest of the word down into their muck. The people I worry about are the ones who *don't* have experience with vindictive manipulators, and I fully admit that I feel somewhat compelled to caution those who are sometimes too good for their own good, so to speak. That's all it is ;)

    "As for BPD and malignant narcissism, I know a few women who were raised by narcissistic fathers who were trying to get heard for the entire election about it. They kept telling me to take it seriously, that guys like Fergus find ways to win by cheating, and his addiction to adulation was the least of it but gave him away as a narc."

    - Yup, that's exactly true - people whose only concept of morality is whatever will amuse them at a given moment, yeah, it's exactly true that cheating is one of the "least" offensive things such people are ready, willing, and eager to do. Some have cognitive dissonance; others just don't give a damn about "minor details" such as consistency.
    - The distressing thing was that so many of the people who *should* have been concerned, were instead calling the warnings "paranoia" and turning their focus towards their own versions of political purity tests.

    "I just think he's a fucking creep who needs to be gone from government, and as that is inevitable anyway, it just becomes a matter of hurrying the process along whenever possible, and helping to block the damage he is attempting to inflict.
    We seem to be at better than even on both of those scores so far.
    So it's all about ugliness suppression and community support, while assisting in Fergus' self destruction."

    - He's just one out of so very many. But when the proverbial asylum is being run by the proverbial inmates, it *is* difficult to bring proven facts to bear, and also difficult to maintain one's own emotional health in the face of mass insanity.
    - That's all that I'm personally saying - I'd never suggest that anyone ever stop contesting insanity; I just am concerned about those who might end up with their own mental health damaged...

  52. Amazing video from the Prophets of Rage. Only Tom Morello and Chuck D can put our thoughts into great music.

  53. Oh and BTW why the fuck does an EPA administrator have an 18 person security detail??????????????? Drain the swamp my ass. Hopefully that fool is next. This is truly an episode of the ApprenticešŸ˜–

  54. Anonymous9:16 PM

    "Amazing video from the Prophets of Rage. Only Tom Morello and Chuck D can put our thoughts into great music.

    Video makes it look like Pence is president.

    Of course, if we wait a few minutes, that will probably become true. Trump is such a train wreck, I definitely wouldn't bet on him making it to the next election.

  55. Winning!9:36 PM

    "I definitely wouldn't bet on him making it to the next election."

    I'll take your money.

  56. Cognitive dissonance9:38 PM

    PilotX said...
    After racist messages left for Black cadets the Air Force Academy commander gives racists this message. Powerful and timely. Basically if you are a racist and/or harbor racist attitudes "GET OUT"!

    But blacks are oppressed!

  57. mike from iowa said...
    Assata Shakur was convicted of aiding and abetting. She was in a car when the officer was killed. The killer died at the scene.

    Shakur had been charged with multiple crimes which were dismissed. Cops apparently wanted to make an example of her. Haven't read about how fucked up her trial was, but I can imagine.

    So what's yer real problem with her. Is it because she is black or the fact Kap donated a small amount of money.

    The killer, Shakur, was stopped for a broken talilight. Her criminal pals shot the officer and she executed him while he was on the ground.

    Colin Kaepernick donated $25,000 to a group honoring a cop killer.

  58. pterochromics12:07 AM

    @ Mr. Field:
    You wrote: "Yet it is Kaepernick, not Trump, who is deemed not to love America. "America, love it or leave it" evidently applies only to those whose criticisms white people do not want to hear.

    - There is a funny thing about love, which is that *true* love does all things possible to urge, and help, the Beloved to achieve, to improve, to be the best possible.
    - Trump has never done that for anyone other than himself - that was true 40 years ago, and it's true now. In all the many years I've had the displeasure of learning about his shenanigans, I have never seen any evidence that he has the capacity, either intellectual or emotional, to understand ideals such as "Liberty and Justice for All" are beyond his comprehension.
    - I don't despise him because he's a Republican - I despise that people like him have been deliberately and militantly working, for at least the past 4+ decades, to turn the party of Eisenhower into the very thing against which Eisenhower had fought.

  59. pterochromics12:11 AM

    Correction: WHICH are beyond his comprehension ...

  60. The killer, Shakur, was stopped for a broken talilight. Her criminal pals shot the officer and she executed him while he was on the ground.

    The car was stopped for speeding. According to court docs presented above, the surviving cop claimed Shakur had a gun and then admitted he lied in three separate statements about what transpired.

    Once again, I ask- whick NFL players are cop killers?

    Shakur certainly wouldn't have been the first or last Black to be railroaded by white cops. Her guilty of 1st degree murder charge comes from the New Jersey aiding and abetting statute. Look it up.

  61. Anonymous10:19 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  62. Anonymous10:20 AM

    But blacks are oppressed!
    9:38 PM

    By their own........

  63. "But blacks are oppressed!"

    Huh? What's your point?

  64. pterochromics4:10 PM

    mike from iowa said..
    "Drumpf and wingnuts are tearing America apart [...] "

    - They can only do so if the rest of us allow them to do so.
    - The worst pathology isn't theirs, though - the worst pathology is in the people who harbor, and nurse, mindsets which knowingly enable the hatred and willful ignorance, yet continue to enable it just to spite those whom they deem to be "ideologically impure".

  65. Big Black James Bold, the brotha who knows4:42 PM

    Hey James, check out the hot blonde model that married a Black man. You could NEVER pull anything like this.

    also check out to see what hot white girls who want the anaconda get down. Seeing how cuckish you are you probably have a membership to the site. It's very popular among white women who regularly fantasize about the black snake.

  66. pterochromics7:19 PM

    @ Big Black James Bold

    - LOL!
    - It's difficult to say which gripes their cookies worse, things like your link, or the Black ((and Brown and Yellow and Red and what they probably call "white in name only" LMWAO)) people, even women, horror of horrors!, who are accomplished brilliant professionals, and remain ethical and moral and just plain decent, despite all of the time and energy and money that haters put into trying to prevent exactly that.
    - Even more pathetic is that they continue to delude themselves into believing that continually braying about it makes them appear "smart"...

  67. Tarzan Lord Of The Apes7:54 PM

    You folks won't hesitate to scream :racism"

    Why don't YOU field , initiate a blog experience, as to how the world really is.

    Let's pull our panties down, and see who we REALLY are.

  68. pterochromics8:09 PM

    "Let's pull our panties down, and see who we REALLY are."

    - Just because you enjoy exposing your tidbits in public, it doesn't mean anyone really cares to see them, yuk =:-p
    - And really, in what way does waving one's privates at people "prove who one really is", unless one is "really" just a contemptibly obnoxious attention-craving dolt?

  69. James and Tarzan are kinda dumb9:15 PM

    - Even more pathetic is that they continue to delude themselves into believing that continually braying about it makes them appear "smart"..
    I think one day we may see something halfway "smart" come from James' fingers but I doubt it. At least Tarzan doesn't even pretend to be smart. That's one honest idiot.

  70. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Pure Pravda!!

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