Thursday, December 07, 2017

America was a "better place" when......

Image result for roy moore images    We all knew that Roy Moore was an "alleged" pedophile, but did you know that he was a virulent racist as well? Of course you did. He is, after all, being supported by our denture wearing orange haired president.

"Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event earlier this year, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another…Our families were strong, our country had a direction." The individual who asked the question was among the few African-Americans in attendance at the rally, according to the Los Angeles Times. In stating this, Moore seemingly implied he'd be able to overlook the enslavement of other human beings as long as families are "united," an interesting perspective from a man accused of repeatedly preying on young girls. 

Moore's remarks were featured in an article from the Times in September, but resurfaced Thursday in a viral tweet from Eric Columbus, a former Obama administration official. "Can't make this up—Roy Moore said in September that the last time America was great was when we had slavery," Columbus tweeted.

Moore's comments at the rally bring to mind President Donald Trump's slogan, "Make America Great Again," which many have interpreted as a rallying cry to incite white nationalists. Trump has controversially endorsed Moore, despite widespread condemnation and the damning allegations the Senate candidate faces. Trump reportedly said "Go get ‘em, Roy!" during a recent phone call with the candidate. 

A recent Big League-Gravis poll gave Moore's Democratic opponent, Doug Jones (who isn't accused of sexually assaulting teenage girls), a slight edge over the Republican. The poll of 1,276 likely voters showed Jones leading Moore 48 percent to 44 percent. The election is on December 12. 

On December 4, Trump tweeted, "Putting Pelosi/Schumer Liberal Puppet Jones into office in Alabama would hurt our great Republican Agenda of low on taxes, tough on crime, strong on military and borders...& so much more. Look at your 401-k’s since Election. Highest Stock Market EVER! Jobs are roaring back!" Indeed, Trump apparently believes a man who was reportedly banned from an Alabama mall for harassing teenage girls would be "tough on crime" and is urging voters to support him. 

Beyond his views on slavery and allegations of sexual misconduct, Moore also has referred to Native Americans as "reds and yellows," has questioned former President Barack Obama's place of birth (following Trump's example) and once suggested Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress. In spite of all this, Moore still seems to have a shot of becoming a United States senator. [Source] 

Dear Negroes of Alabama, I know that white democrats don't have clean hands when it comes to this racism thing, but if you send Roy Moore to Washington by not taking your asses out to vote, you will have to live with the consequences of your inaction for a long time.   


  1. Pale Ape10:31 PM

    Well the Pale Apes here are waiting on"The Happening" while bitching about reverse discrimination. Lots of stooooopid out there and Rudy Ray Moore is their perfect candidate. A toy gun toting Howdy Doody wanna be. Meth and stupidity will kill of trailer trash.

  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    we're also bitching about your low IQs and violent behaviors, lack of future time orientation,lack of impulse control. You know, all the Bell curve stuff that white liberals give you a pass on.If you want to see stupid, Look at recent info on Black students tests results in California, Baltimore, Chicago, D.C., NYC.... I know, I know it's the racist curriculum, it's racist White teachers, It's 4 billion years of slavery, It's the Racist National Hockey League, Blah blah blah Name just one place on Earth you people run the show that is a success story And no The Bud Billiken Parade doesn't count. Name One !

    1. Damn this was fucking it like that, no wonder you commented as anonymous.....Good grief!

  3. Just another White Old Fart11:12 PM

    - Quick! Someone call the waaaambulance for A Ninny Mouse! His stress at being one of the Oppressed White is bursting that aneurysm in his skull!
    - Amazing how fast the whining follows upon the heels of any criticism of any fellow con-perv-ative...

  4. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Wow. Well, at least I give Roy Moore credit for a modicum of honesty. Unlike the rest of his shitty party, he admits he wants to take the country back to (at least) the 19th century.

  5. A Clockwork Watermelon11:21 PM

    Hey White Fart....Black Balls on Chin Much ?

  6. Just another White Old Fart11:23 PM

    Field Negro said...
    "Beyond his views on slavery and allegations of sexual misconduct, Moore also has referred to Native Americans as "reds and yellows," has questioned former President Barack Obama's place of birth (following Trump's example) and once suggested Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress. In spite of all this, Moore still seems to have a shot of becoming a United States senator."

    - What frightens me, Mr. Field, is not o much that he might win 'in spite of' his hateful and deliberate ignorance, but rather, that he might win because of them...

    1. What JAWOF said at 11:23 PM. *nods head*

  7. Just another White Old Fart11:26 PM

    - Look out, cloaca water in his melon is projecting his own fantasies onto others again...
    - Better call TWO waaaahmulances!

  8. A Clockwork Watermelon11:34 PM

    No sane white man wants a repeat of slavery or the never ending costs and problems of the modern day ancestors of said failed economic folly. Slavery was the dumbest move in U.S. History. If only Eli Whitney were born 100 years earlier....Hmmm ?

  9. Anonymous11:58 PM

    What frightens me, Mr. Field, is not o much that he might win 'in spite of' his hateful and deliberate ignorance, but rather, that he might win because of them...

    Exactly.  BFYTW.

    The USA has passed Peak Negro. We. Don't. Care.

  10. Just another White Old Fart12:04 AM

    - Whitney's invention actually led to the *expansion* of slavery.
    - As for current problems, most are actually the direct result of politicians cheaping-out on LBJ's "Great Society" and restricting assistance for married parents in poverty, instead giving assistance preferentially to unmarried parents.
    - The original myopic idea, as I recall it, was to "save money", but the *consequences* was that it cost more money (and caused more social disruption) in the long run by penalizing two-parent families, rewarding having more children out of wedlock, and nearly destroying the Black Family. People had warned about that consequence, but the short-sighted misers won the day.
    - All of the subsequent decades of lost families, and lost potential, merely to save a few bucks in the short term.

  11. Lance Cockstrong12:12 AM

    "slavery was not a good thing but I don't know what's in Roy Moore's head" - CNN House Negro Bruce LeVell

    Butt Trumpet The Uniter will not speak publicly when he attends the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum Saturday ... let's see how that goes

  12. Lt.Commander Johnson12:28 AM

    Uh huh. Another post with using Moore with a stinking starter pistol.

  13. Lt.Commander Johnson12:37 AM

    I would just like to say, a fond farewell to Franken and Conyers.

    Why don't you post about that, field?

  14. Moore? A racist? My stars and garters! I never...

    You know, it's still not his racism or sexual misconduct that should have been the original disqualifying deal breaker, but the shit he pulled long before we ever found out about what a slime-ball and a creep he is.

    He wants to be a US senator and he has been thrown off of the bench twice for his inability to follow the damn law.
    Game fucking over, Roy. Take that goddamn granite monument and stick it in your butt.

    And your fellow imbecilic homophobe inhabiting a government position she should have been ejected from like a spent shell casing for her unconstitutional practice of jebus fueled bigotry on the job, Kim Davis, as county clerk. recently had to file the papers for one of the people she denied a marriage license to so he can run against her in the next election.

    And that is how we win. We run for everything. With progressive women (mostly) candidates. EMILY's list has reported that they have fielded more than 20,000 calls from women who wanted to run for office this year.

    Not with safe, old, white men, but with women who have had quite enough of this bullshit and are ready to do something about the attacks on their children being mounted by the goddamn Republicans right now.

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. A Clockwork Watermelon1:06 AM

    An indecisive Lincoln is why Whitney need to exist 100 years earlier. LBJ is a complete disaster on all fronts for whites and blacks. If the admonitions of Booker T. Washington were followed by both white and black there might have been a chance for racial harmony,but...DuBois and the marxist Jews who started the klan with a tan NAACP silenced Washington's vision and genius and forever led black folks astray.

  16. Anonymous1:11 AM

    As for current problems, most are actually the direct result of politicians cheaping-out on LBJ's "Great Society" and restricting assistance for married parents in poverty, instead giving assistance preferentially to unmarried parents.

    You have to blame FDR for that.  AFDC was a New Deal program, started in 1935.

    The original myopic idea, as I recall it, was to "save money", but the *consequences* was that it cost more money (and caused more social disruption) in the long run by penalizing two-parent families, rewarding having more children out of wedlock, and nearly destroying the Black Family. People had warned about that consequence, but the short-sighted misers won the day.

    The purpose was to give more money to women who'd lost their husbands, either to death or abandonment.  Agreed that absconding black sperm donors should not have able to reward their children thereby.

    All of the subsequent decades of lost families, and lost potential, merely to save a few bucks in the short term.

    This pales in comparison to the refusal to cut off welfare increases for additional children born to unmarried women in fear that "it would increase abortions".  It wasted huge sums and increased crime and urban blight.

    He wants to be a US senator and he has been thrown off of the bench twice for his inability to follow the damn law.

    Well guess what?  He can't do much as 1% of the Senate, except jawbone.  So if you can't stand to hear about your misdeeds, that's the only reason you wouldn't be able to abide him being a Senator.

    And it took John Rust to fully turn Africans into obsolete farm equipment.  Let them go back and chase kudu.

  17. As a US senator he can put a hold on any legislation or appointee being considered, and in the present congress, one Republican senator can swing the outcome of the most controversial bills under consideration, and thus exact outsized concessions in said legislation.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Pale Ape5:23 AM

    The USA has passed Peak Negro. We. Don't. Care.
    The USA has passed Peak pale male Ape. No one gives a fuck.

  19. James is a pale ape pedophile5:29 AM

    So if you can't stand to hear about your misdeeds, that's the only reason you wouldn't be able to abide him being a Senator.
    My misdeeds? I never hit on teenaged girls as a grown assed man. No one wants him because most normal people don't want a fucking pedophile in the goddamn senate. Well except James the pale ape who is also a raging racist goofball pedophile. Introspection is not strong in dumbassed racists.

  20. Normal people7:13 AM

    We don't want a twice fired judge who is banned from malls because he's a pedophile as our senator but it's ok with assholes like James who is also a pedophile. Are all white. snowflake racist assholes pedophiles?

  21. A Clockwork Watermelon8:45 AM

    I would hardly call 20+ Trillion Dollars spent on social programs since 1965 "Cheaping Out" Money can't fix the NAPA's myriad of dysfunctions.

  22. Anonymous9:03 AM

    He who controls the negroe controls the crime.....

  23. Anonymous9:09 AM

    That's no starter pistol. Some negroe trying to rob the good judge is going to find out the hard way. Shines aren't the brightest lot when it comes to technology.

    1. Rudy Ray Moore9:14 AM

      Yeah, he uses the gun to rape little girls. Pale apes like to rape little girls. Honkies like to shoot and rape babies.

  24. Pale Apes are not introspective9:12 AM

    I would hardly call 20+ Trillion Dollars spent on social programs since 1965 "Cheaping Out" Money can't fix the NAPA's myriad of dysfunctions.
    Well,seeing that the majority of that money went to Albino Apes you shouldn't have a problem with it. BTW, how many OD's have happened today inW. Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky? Just ignore your own family and their disfunction you asshole.

  25. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Good read today Field, I'm hoping that minorities show at the voting booth on Tuesday in Alabama but more importantly, I hope that every woman living in the state of Alabama for their own sake and the sake of their daughters future get out and vote in opposition of the alleged pedophile Roy Moore.

    The Repedophile party including their white savior in chief, the self-confessed woman molesting bigoted racist Donald Trump, appears to be all in, and it is going to take every voter in the state who has had it with poor education, poor healthcare, and low to no wages to take control of their future. Roy Moore is just one of many old white racist Neanderthals in the state of Alabama who continues to has use religion to hold political power and what amounts to a slave mentality mindset in the state.

  26. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Negroes are helpless without their white providers. Maybe we should end programs like WIC,EBT,Energy assistance,HUD,school snacks/lunches,SNAP.

    The NAPA could not survive without his pale ale masters providing for him.

  27. Pale apes would die without negroes and they know it9:27 AM

    The NAPA could not survive without his pale ale masters providing for him.
    You can't even stop your mother from ODing on meth so stop worrying about other people and take care of your own dumb asses.

  28. Dark Country9:31 AM

    Maybe we should end programs like WIC,EBT,Energy assistance,HUD,school snacks/lunches,SNAP.
    We should and then a large segment of the pale ape populations of West Virginia, Virginia, Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Kentucky would die off even faster than they are from meth. A few fewer toothless ignorant methheads wouldn't hurt anyone. Well, James and a few of the dumb posters here couldn't get laid from their auntie/mommies anymore but for the rest of society it would be a plus.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Yeah, then Roy Moore with his child molesting ass wouldn't have a chance. Dumb fucking pale apes "but abortion"! Just fucking dumb. Hurry up and OD you worthless ignorant trailer trolls.

  29. A toothless trailer troll9:37 AM

    How much you wanna bet anon 9:16am is on wefare just like the rest of his broke assed methheaded family with their fat uneducated asses. What's wrong Cletus? Jealous of the negro lawyer you could buy and sell your fifth grade education having ass? You trailer trolls are such jealous bitches. Now run along and cash your welfare check for your uncle/daddy.

    1. Brown Amber9:43 AM

      Nah, he's jealous because he caught his piece of ass, er I mean mother watching porn about white women with BBC's. You know that's the number one type of porn white women watch. Don't believe me check their browser histories. White gulls love the BBC. Don't believe it go to and see how much fun they're having. Hey anon, you ever make a woman scream like they do when they're with the brothas? Nope, that's why they prefer little girl so they can impress them with their (size).

  30. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Chicago December 2017 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 6
    Shot & Wounded: 50
    Total Shot: 56
    Total Homicides: 6

  31. Anonymous9:41 AM

    A toothless trailer troll said...
    How much you wanna bet anon 9:16am is on wefare just like the rest of his broke assed methheaded family with their fat uneducated asses. 9:37 AM

    Wrong again, please do not try to be a profiler. Look what happened with your Presidential Election results......

  32. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Chicago December 2017 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 6
    Shot & Wounded: 50
    Total Shot: 56
    Total Homicides: 6


  33. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Yeah, he uses the gun to rape little girls. Pale apes like to rape little girls. Honkies like to shoot and rape babies.
    9:14 AM

    Those are negroes you speak of.Why are black guys so down-lo and eat each others asses and suck the tootsie roll like its no big thang??

  34. Trailer trolls are nasty9:46 AM

    Wrong again, please do not try to be a profiler. Look what happened with your Presidential Election results....
    Nope, dead on. Only toothless ignorant trailer trolls would vote for a child molesting, Howdy Doody dressing, fat inbred as a senator. 100% accurate I'd say.

  35. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Those are negroes you speak of.Why are black guys so down-lo and eat each others asses and suck the tootsie roll like its no big thang??
    Nope, negroes aren't voting for a child molestor to represent them in the senate. That's all trailer troll shit. Now go lick ya auntie/mommy.

  36. Anonymous9:49 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  37. Guiness Stout9:50 AM

    Yup, trailer trolling pale apes elected Dennis Hastert who got his jollies watching teen boys shower. Man, trailer troll pale apes love them some child molestors don't they? Almost as much as they love meth.

  38. James Comey9:52 AM

    Trump will be serving 20!

  39. America was the best when we were led by a two time legally elected African American educated leader named Obama. He was the leader of all of us. Except half the whiteys wanted to burnish their racist resumes and attack the greatest leader of the free world because they are scumbag racists and could hide behind the 1st Amendment to get away with this.

    In the dictatorship these POS desire, Obama would have had them hunted down and publicly shamed because their parents sucked at raising decent, honorable spawn.

    Under whitey's dictatorship there would be no more POC and therefore America would shrivel up and die of thirst and starvation.

  40. Anonymous10:24 AM

    James Comey said...
    Trump will be serving 20!
    9:52 AM

    more alt left delusion!!

  41. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Chicago December 2017 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 6
    Shot & Wounded: 50
    Total Shot: 56
    Total Homicides: 6
    9:39 AM


  42. Anonymous10:29 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    America was the best when we were led by a two time legally elected African American educated leader named Obama. He was the leader of all of us.

    Nigga please....he didn't even have a birth certificate. All his records are sealed for a reason. Biggest coup in US history.

    Alt left commie pinko.

  43. Anonymous10:40 AM

    With about four days to go, it is looking like Moore has regained a slight lead.

    Electing a dude to the Senate who trolls junior high schools for dates is the most Alabama thing ever. Rednecks gonna redneck.😣

  44. Aladamnbama leads the nation in voter purges, disenfranchisements and other typical whitey wingnut illegal activities.

  45. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I never hit on teenaged girls as a grown assed man.

    I believe the legal age for marriage in Alabama at the time was fourteen.  Moore was courting, not dating; he had the approval of the parents to go out with those girls and didn't sleep with any of them.  You're jealous because he was a prime catch, and you aren't.

    No one wants him because most normal people don't want a fucking pedophile in the goddamn senate.

    Sixty percent of black girls are sexually assaulted by age 18, and it isn't white guys doing it:

    For those of you who don't understand big words, an enormous proportion of blacks ARE PEDOPHILES.  You are projecting.

    Pedophilia and the blackmail over it is how the power elites control their puppets in Congress and on the bench.  They're freaked out over Moore because they don't have anything on him.  The yearbook claim has fallen apart, the accuser's own stepson calls her a liar and says he's voting for Moore.

    Moore will win in a walkaway, and you're just going to have to suck it.

    Under whitey's dictatorship there would be no more POC and therefore America would shrivel up and die of thirst and starvation.

    How many of the farmers in Iowa are black?  Insane or trolling?

  46. According to the Code of Alabama, a person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the second degree if the individual, "being 19 years old or older, subjects another person to sexual contact who is less than 16 years old, but more than 12 years old." The crime is a misdemeanor offense and punishable by up to one year in jail. The age of consent in Alabama is and was 16.

    If lying Moore was courting, why not pick the girl up at home instead of around the corner where she claimed her mother could not see him pick her up?

    Strike 1.


    According to the FBI and Bill O'Drippy, 80% of pedophiles are white men.

    Strike 2.

    How many of the farmers in Iowa are black? Insane or trolling?

    Has no relevance. There are plenty of Black farmers, most of whom are discriminated against by white politicians down south.

    Strike 3

  48. Slager actually got 20 years in prison. America looks a little bit better tioday. Obama gave a speech. America is picking up. Go Obama.

  49. A Clockwork Watermelon12:51 PM

    Go Obama.....Yeah back to Kenya and take your tranny with you. Obongo was soooo smart and educated that he let his daughter Malia intern for Harvey Weinstein. You mean all those hollyweird folks he cavorted with never said anything about dirtbag Harvey?

  50. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Alabama: "Check it out: We're gonna elect a man to the Senate who prefers his women not old enough to, in fact, be described as women. We're the redneckiest!"

    Arizona: "Hold our beer. We're gonna elect a man to the Senate who was actually found guilty of being legally racist. We're the redneckiest!"

    Yes, that's right: ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio is suggesting he is going to run for Senate to replace the retiring Jeff Flake (one of the few Republicans to admit the unfitness for public office and general rottenness of Donald Trump).

    I'm just waiting for the CNN to officially announce the arrival of the four horsemen.

  51. Anonymous1:31 PM

    America was a better place when when just Indians occupied North and South america!!

  52. Look how short his gun's barrel is. Does that explain anything about him?

  53. Paradoctor, it sure does. Wingnuts have lowered the bridge between the immense size of their guns and the pathetic little cocktail wienies in their shorts. Like the impeachment bar they lowered to impeach Clinton for fucking a blue dress and then raised it for dumbass dubya where war crimes aren't crime enough to impeach a wingnut.

  54. Anonymous3:00 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Slager actually got 20 years in prison. America looks a little bit better tioday. Obama gave a speech. America is picking up. Go Obama.
    11:54 AM

    Actually America just got a little less safe with the loss of an effective street cop that knew how to handle things.

  55. BO's birth certificate3:00 PM

    Nigga please....he didn't even have a birth certificate. All his records are sealed for a reason. Biggest coup in US history.
    8 years no indictments. This even with a GOP majority in the House for 6 years. Go Obama! (a real website).
    See, snowflakes had to create to convince themselves that he committed crimes when they know he had the only administration in modern history with no indictments or arrests. Bam! Birth certificate my ass.

  56. Slager is going to be butt-raped3:02 PM

    Actually America just got a little less safe with the loss of an effective street cop that knew how to handle things.
    Oh, he'll be handling "things" quite effectively for the next 20 years.

  57. "America was a better place when when just Indians occupied North and South america!!"

    Nobody called them "Indians" until the white man showed up and thought he was in India.

    So all of you Chicago murder stat posters should maybe know that Illinois isn't even in the top 15 states you're most likely to be killed with a gun in.
    The top state is Alaska.
    Why the goddamn Palins are still around is a mystery.

    -Doug in Oakland

  58. James and his pale ape types are weird pedophiles3:06 PM

    I believe the legal age for marriage in Alabama at the time was fourteen. Moore was courting, not dating; he had the approval of the parents to go out with those girls and didn't sleep with any of them. You're jealous because he was a prime catch, and you aren't.
    Translated from trailer troll:

    We like em young down here in the trailerpark. Sheet, by 16 theys done been spoiled. Ya'lls just jealous cause you caint go to the mall and cruise for chicks at 32 without feeling creepy!
    Yeah James, only jealousy of you and Roy Moore keep sane and successful grown assed men from picking up little girls. Of the stupid is sooooooo strong in this one.

  59. Donald Trump3:08 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Chicago December 2017 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 6
    Shot & Wounded: 50
    Total Shot: 56
    Total Homicides: 6
    9:39 AM


  60. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Chiraq is now up to 51 shot and wounded, 57 total.

  61. Pale Ape3:46 PM

    Why do albino apes deify criminals? Officer Slager who is a criminal, Joe Arpio, Roy Moore. Such lack of respect for the law.

  62. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Chiraq is now up to 51 shot and wounded, 57 total.



  63. Anonymous BO's birth certificate said Obama's records are not sealed and this has been refudiated a million times.

  64. Anonymous5:38 PM

    To be such badasses these white boys are easily triggered snowflakes. They can't be both, choose one.

  65. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Anonymous BO's birth certificate said Obama's records are not sealed and this has been refudiated a million times.
    You're dealing with some stupid inbred trailer trolls Mike. Logic, facts and basic common sense missed these assholes loooong ago.

  66. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Things are starting to kick off in the West Bank since Trump said the U.S. would be recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

    We shall see, but ol' ignorant pumpkinhead may have just started the Third Intifada.

  67. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I take that back. The riots happened in Gaza, not the West Bank.

  68. Anonymous7:33 PM

    - I seem to recall Jesus teaching (if I have the quote correct):
    "whosoever harms one of these little ones, it is better for him that a millstone be hanged around his neck and he be drowned in the sea."
    It seems to me that unrepentant attempts to use one's position of power, as well as physical violence, to force others, especially children, into sexual acts, frightening them so badly that it scars them emotionally, would certainly count as HARM.
    - Yet this evil is excused, and euphemized as being "dating" and "harmless flirtation", by loudly self-proclaimed "Christians" who then revile, demean, and even threaten people who oppose that evil yet support someone who is merely Imperfect.
    - The warning regarding "false prophets" seems to apply here as well.
    - It's also in the Bible (which people like Moore claim to "love" and "obey") that governments are permitted by God so that they can establish order, punish evil, and promote justice (referenced passages being Genesis 9:6; 1 Corinthians 14:33; Romans 12:8, but I haven't double-checked). If so, then Moore has also done wrong in that respect.
    - And again, any who dare to actually call this wrongdoing wrong, are the ones who are condemned and damned, while the wrongdoer is praised, and rewarded with loyalty and defense.
    - Interesting...

  69. watch your step11:30 PM

    Slavery gets shit done.

  70. General Sherman1:01 AM

    Slavery gets shit done.
    So does killing confederate assholes.

  71. "Slavery gets shit done."

    Yup. Like the civil war. Too bad we didn't finish the job while we had the chance.

    -Doug in Oakland

  72. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Too bad we didn't finish the job while we had the chance.

    True, true.  Shipping all the ex-slaves to Liberia was the only way to go, and we didn't do it.

    1. General Sherman12:34 PM

      Killing all the traitorous white southern assholes was the only way to go and we didn't do it. Such a shame.

    2. Abraham Lincoln12:35 PM

      Or deport their dumbasses to Iceland.

  73. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Who are we kidding...99.9% of Trump's base (including Blacks For Trump) believe that the Unites States was better off when Blacks were slaves.

    Spewing the racism and hatred against coloreds is always the perfect way to divert attention away from the fact that these tax cuts will screw every middle class American and small business owner.

    While the rich and major corporations pay no taxes....hell they never have to pay any taxes as long as they keep robbing from the poor to keep themselves rich.

    Middle class gets practically NO TAX write offs or deductions while the corporations make BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and keep it all for themselves by not hiring and paying those already hired a bull shit salary ad bull shit benefits (if at all).

    ...And they think it's "those stupid coloreds takin every thing away from them."
