Friday, December 08, 2017

The pig factor.

Image result for moore and trump imagesBREAKING!

Former Fox News anchor Juliet Huddy said President Donald Trump tried to kiss her in an elevator around the time he married First Lady Melania.

Huddy, who allegedly received a settlement after she made a complaint against disgraced anchor Bill O’Reilly, described how the mogul leaned in to kiss her after he took her to lunch at Trump Tower in 2005.

The TV newswoman, who now hosts a radio show on WABC Radio, revealed on “Mornin!!! with Bill Schulz” on, that she had rebuffed the now-president in the Trump Tower elevator. And Trump later appeared on her Fox News chat show, and joked to the audience, “I hit on her but she blew me off.”

Huddy said of Trump, “He took me for lunch at Trump Tower, just us two. He said goodbye to me in an elevator while his security guy was there, rather than kiss me on the cheek he leaned in to kiss me on the lips. I wasn’t offended, I was kind of like, ‘Oh my god’.” She said she want to meet a friend and Trump then invited them both back to see “The Apprentice” set, “And everything was copacetic after that.”

But she added, “I was surprised that he went for the lips. But I didn’t feel threatened … he took me out to lunch to talk about maybe me doing something with ‘The Apprentice.’ He used to watch ‘Fox & Friends,’ the show I was hosting on the weekend. Whatever, everything was fine. It was a weird moment. He never tried anything after that, and I was never alone with him.”

But she said Trump later joked about his clumsy pass at her when appearing on her Fox News morning talk show a few years later. Huddy explained, “Trump was a guest and he came on stage, He said, to the audience and producers, not on camera, ‘I tried hitting on her but she blew me off.’ He was laughing. At the time I was not offended by it, I thought he was a single man and leaned in for a kiss… maybe he thought, ‘She’s been out to lunch with me and maybe she is interested

“Now I have matured I think I would say, ‘Woah, no’, but at the time I was younger and I was a little shocked. I thought maybe he didn’t mean to do it, but I was kind of making excuses. The elevator incident and the lunch was 2005 or 2006,” she added. Trump married Melania in January 2005
Huddy made the comment after discussing Trump’s slurs, said by the White House to be caused by dry mouth. When asked by fellow guest, writer Samantha Judge, “Do you remember his lips being dry?” Huddy responded, “I don’t remember. No.'”

She continued talking about Trump’s reaction to the allegations against Bill O’Reilly, “I’ve seen him [Trump] many times over the years and he’s always been nice….When all the stuff came out about Bill O’Reilly, Donald Trump was one of the people who said, ‘I don’t believe this happened and I don’t believe he did it’… I was actually very disappointed in Trump, I thought, ‘You know what, f–k you.’ He [Trump] has met me a bunch of times and he knows I am not [a liar]”

A rep for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment. [Source]

Let me respond for that rep:

“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything," he said in the 2005 conversation. "Grab 'em by the pussy." 

Or, just try to kiss them on the lips without their consent on an elevator. 

Pic from


  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Total bullshit.

  2. Limpbaugh10:05 PM

    House is still ignoring the genocide and slavery of blacks in Libya.

  3. Ahahahaaa! "Or, just try to kiss them on the lips without their consent on an elevator."

    Oh gross, a la mala,(by force) x*D without even an inkling,or suggestion by a look, comment or gesture that it would be welcome! Lawdy momma,what a guy!!!

    Wonder what all sorts of things he's doing now? that he's president??? :D ;D :D

    We have to wait for the book after he's been long out of office lolol!

  4. Sane American11:33 PM

    "Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress"

    Of course they shouldn't.

  5. Wayne B.11:37 PM

    Ghetto Trump: "I'm finna' stomp this lil Kung Pao mufucka, he keep tryin' me..."

    Ghetto Kim Jung: "Nah, nah! We cool maaan. I jus' playin', Playa! We cool, right?"

  6. Real American1:06 AM

    Muslims already serve in congress while assholes like 11:33 PM serve fries at Mickey D's.

  7. Robert Mueller1:07 AM

    No worries, trump will be in jail soon. Don't drop the soap bro.

  8. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Or, just try to kiss them on the lips without their consent on an elevator.

    From the quote:

    "I wasn’t offended, I was kind of like, ‘Oh my god’.”

    Niggas can't even understand what they read.  They have no business in Western civilization.

    Especially Feeled and anyone who takes him SRSLY.

  9. Fergus is a slime ball? Really? Women are shocked and grossed out when he tries to molest them out of some twisted feeling of entitlement as a rich white guy? Who could have ever guessed?
    Well, now that he's pissed off the women who voted for him and threatened their children's health, they are having the last laugh by running for office by the thousands.
    Now watch one of them grab that fat, white, pussy and throw him out of office...

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. This could explain why Drumpfuck the dumbfuck won't talk about California fires-

    People can't write off losses under this new wealth transfer to the top.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  11. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Niggas can't even understand what they read. They have no business in Western civilization.
    And we have president toddler cheeto because of trailer trolling pale apes with no teeth and jump when you say Jeeezus. Thanks goofy trailer trolls.

  12. Damn dirty pale apes10:31 AM

    “Now I have matured I think I would say, ‘Woah, no’, but at the time I was younger and I was a little shocked. I thought maybe he didn’t mean to do it, but I was kind of making excuses. The elevator incident and the lunch was 2005 or 2006,” she added. Trump married Melania in January 2005"

    Stupid pale apes can't bother to read an entire article. Such lazy and not so bright behavior is apparent in their behavior and lack of intelligent responses. No wonder a fellow not so bright Jeezus freak who got fired from his job twice and molests children and wears holloween costumes during speeches is going to the senate. Dumb fat ass trailer trash.

  13. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Fake News-swilling liberals have no idea what is going on in the real world. That's why they keep losing.


  14. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Chicago December 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 8
    Shot & Wounded: 57
    Total Shot: 65
    Total Homicides: 8

  15. A Clockwork Watermelon1:06 PM

    Ballou High in SE D.C. is your future African'ts in America, Look at test scores of your children all over the country, You have no future, your children are illiterate, going to prison or dead over a pair of Air(head)Jordans. Automation will assist in speeding up your decline as well. When The EBT, and the rest of the freebies that sustain the FSA(free shit army) are finally and rightfully abolished you all will be done. 2018 the year of Trump style welfare reform, look out Kangz and Queenz you all may have to show some of that Wakanda brain power and initiative i've been hearing about. Lmao

  16. Stoopid Anymoose - we know the only way yer party of crooks and pedos can win is by cheating on a massive scale. Then you not only lie about yer cheating, you accuse the other side of being just as bad or worse by playing by the rules.

    Yer day is coming and when Dems get control of everything, wingnuts will be classified as deplorable vermin and removed from America post haste. No place on earth needs more stinking scumbags and ratty cockroaches. Too bad. Go back to yer mother ship.

  17. Anonymous1:59 PM

    we know the only way yer party of crooks and pedos can win is by cheating on a massive scale.

    Always Projecting.  New Hampshire went blue on the basis of several thousand "new residents" who, oddly enough, never got NH driver's licenses.  Chimpcongo has been cheating the rest of Illinois for a century.  And cheating lying dindu sailor disrupts the ship with a hate hoax:

    He should be court-martialled for that.  Will he?  Not in today's PC military.

    Yer day is coming and when Dems get control of everything, wingnuts will be classified as deplorable vermin and removed from America post haste.

    We already know you don't give a damn when innocent white people get murdered, especially by blacks.  We just wish you'd volunteer to be next instead of hiding out in "hideously white" rural Iowa.

  18. A Clockwork Watermelon2:02 PM

    Oh, I forgot....Cory Booker from No work N.J. is going to save the day,or perhaps Kamala Harris, Obama with breasts, will lead the black balls on chin party? Rules...? ask Bernie Sanders about rules. Uranium One investigation when thoroughly completed will destroy the Dem Party. As for cleaning out worthless GOP scum, i am all for it. The uniparty serves no interests of mine.

  19. Last I checked, we've been winning elections lately. Perhaps Fergus isn't a political genius after all.

    And what's up with Republicans' crush on Putin, anyway? Roy Moore said that Putin is more akin to him than he knew, and boy was that a mouthful.

    And speaking of mouthfuls, what was Fergus sucking the other day that made him unable to pronounce his esses? Andy Borowitz said that the batteries in Putin's remote were low...

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. The Majority3:12 PM

    Dems haven't won shit. The losing has just begun.

  21. Da Goyim Know3:14 PM

    Cretin from Iowa said...
    Yer day is coming and when Dems get control of everything, wingnuts will be classified as deplorable vermin and removed from America post haste

    Too late. The Left got impatient and pushed it too far too fast. We're onto the Plan now. You will not replace us.

  22. Pale ape3:32 PM

    We already know you don't give a damn when innocent white people get murdered, especially by blacks.
    Fake news. We also know YOU don't give a fuck about your own because the vast vast vast vast majority of whites are killed by fellow whites. White babies are raped, white babies are gunned down and ripped apart by crazy white guys and you don't utter a fucking peep. You don't give a fuck about white people you just need a scapegoat for your worthless life. Smelly ass albino ape.

  23. GOP=pedophile3:33 PM

    We're onto the Plan now. You will not replace us.
    Too late, you're being replaced left and right because you like to molest little kids.

  24. Anonymous3:40 PM

  25. Robert Mueller3:56 PM

    Holy shit these wingnuts are fantasizing about locking up Hillary. That didn't go well for Michael Flynn so be careful.

  26. teh stupid3:58 PM

    Uranium One investigation when thoroughly completed will destroy the Dem Party.
    The stoooooooooopid in this one is soooooo strong.

  27. Vdare4:06 PM

    When The EBT, and the rest of the freebies that sustain the FSA(free shit army) are finally and rightfully abolished you all will be done
    That would decimate the pale ape families in Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, West Virginia, ect. Millions of pale apes are on government assistance but I guess the same "news" sources that are informing you about Hillary being locked up for 20 years, Uranium One and fake voters in New Hampshire keep your away from reality.
    Jeezus these albino ape trailer dwellers are fucking stupid!

  28. A Clockwork Watermelon4:21 PM

    As goes the Flynn investigation the DOJ is connecting the dots, the illegal fisa spying on the Trump campaign with the FBI involvement, the fake dossier about Trump in Russian Hotels etc. etc. Waiting in the wings is the complicity of Obama, Hillary and various others and Govt. agencies that turned a blind eye to Uranium One. Your trust in the MSM is your Achilles heel. It will take time for certain, and as always the MSM will lie to you about it, but rest assured it will come to fruition. Or, did you believe The "Idiot Box" when it told you Hillary in a landslide in 2016? The true stats are that the vast majority on AFDC are Hispanics and Blacks but i don't expect you to do any of the research,does not fit your narrative. Happy Kwanzaa !!!!

  29. Pale apes are kida dumb4:28 PM

    I had another pale ape go on and on about New Hampshire voting irregularity. Of course his "friend" was an official of some sort. Dumb assed trailer dwellers have no connection to reality. To vote ANYWHERE you have to first register, no one can just show up by the busload and cast votes but Uranium One believers who think Hillary is going to jail aren't too bright.

  30. A Clockwok Moron4:31 PM

    Your trust in the MSM is your Achilles heel.
    Is that so? Why don't you tell us what sources we should trust. Now be specific and no generic "alternate" sources. What sources do you use? (don't pussy out like always)

  31. A Clockwork Watermelon4:54 PM

    More than glad too.....Committee on Foreign investment in The US (CFIUS) Read their report. #2 New York times article on Illegal shipment for export sent to Canada.#3 The Hill has a great outline of it going back to 2009 #4 again New York times on Donations from Ian telfer mininng investor 2.35 million to clinton foundation and also had contacts with Canadian Frank Giustra a mining financier who gave heavily to the foundation as well. Many tentacles too many to list all here. But if you sincerely spend the time you will see how corrupt it was.

  32. A Clockwork Watermelon4:56 PM

    While i am no fan of the Times, occasionally they do some work of value.

  33. A Clockwork Watermelon5:02 PM

    As a general rule, i tend to follow foreign business news outlets, they tend not to lie because they cater to the elites around the World who want to fuck everybody. And they usually hit it right on US domestic issues. Best to consume a cornucopia of sources an ideas if time allows and try to come to a rational real world conclusion. Hope this helps.

  34. A clockwork imbecile5:09 PM

    Guessing reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. I said "specific" sources not generic foreign news outlets. Name them.

  35. Pales apes are kinda dull5:12 PM

    The true stats are that the vast majority on AFDC are Hispanics and Blacks but i don't expect you to do any of the research,does not fit your narrative. Happy Kwanzaa !!!!
    Again proving reading comprehension isn't strong among pale apes. Question, are there millions of whites on public assistance?

  36. News you can use5:20 PM

  37. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Uranium One is a distraction. Robert Mueller is more concerned about criminality in the trump administration. Uranium One is the latest Benghazi which means nothing will come of it. Now trump on the other hand already has four indictments against his administration while after 8 years Obama had 0. Suck on that!

  38. A Clockwork Watermelon5:38 PM

    You want me to read to you too? Specifics were asked for Uranium one, they were given. Don't revert to the gene code of laziness, research some foreign business sites, make up your own mind. I ain't your tutor Spoonie Damn !!!! Robert Mueller at the end of all this will waste taxpayers money and come up with Zero. Sure there a millions of whites on AFDC, their total number pales in comparison to hispanics and blacks, throw in % of race on AFDC and the numbers compared to whites are staggering. I'm done teaching all get enough free shit off of white folks.

  39. Just another not so bright albino ape5:44 PM

    You just can't make this shit up. Asshole tells us we can't trust the main stream media but then goes on to list MSM sources to the story he thinks he has some special insight into. Holy fuck, do these morons realize just how stupid they are?

  40. A Clockwork Methadone5:49 PM

    Specifics were asked for Uranium one, they were given.
    Fuck you are stupid, I asked for specific news sources you use. I also noted you would try to weasel your way out of answering the question, which you did. I asked for specific sources that you use. Why pussy out? Which foreign business sites do you use?
    Yeah right, your fat dumb trailer dwelling ass uses foreign business sites. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Your dumb ass can't even name one. Now go back to your trailer park and collect your welfare loser.

  41. Albino Apes don't read too well5:52 PM

    Is that so? Why don't you tell us what sources we should trust. Now be specific and no generic "alternate" sources. What sources do you use? (don't pussy out like always)

    READ WHAT I ASKED! Is there ANYTHING about Uranium One? Man, can you even read?

  42. A business genius he is not6:41 PM

    Does dumb ass even know AFDC ended in 1996. Maybe he needs to research some of those foreign business news sites a bit closer.

  43. Fucking Baldingo is posting as Anymoose now.

    Uranium 1 is dead and buried. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are drowning and willing to grasp any tidbit that might save face for their pathetic attempts to railroad WJC and HRC.

    Guistra sold his share of U1 and donated 140 million bucks years before HRC ever dreamed of being SOS. It is so over, losers. Buh bye stoopid fucking wingnuts. Your reservations back to the tree you fell out of are running out. Hurry, hurry before it is too late and you become circus monkeys.

  44. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Last I checked, we've been winning elections lately.

    Letting felons and illegal aliens vote will do that.  It won't make you legit.

    We also know YOU don't give a fuck about your own because the vast vast vast vast majority of whites are killed by fellow whites.

    White people get away from black people when they're allowed to.  Tell me, how do white people get away from white people?

    In an all-white country, 100% of all murders would be white-on-white.  There would also be far less murder than if any blacks were allowed in.  According to the NYPD, white people were barely 5% of crime suspects but 15.5% of the victims.  Blacks were 65.1% and 41.2% respectively.  It's no wonder that New Yorkers want immigrants... to chase out the blacks.

    White babies are raped, white babies are gunned down and ripped apart by crazy white guys and you don't utter a fucking peep.

    When white babies are raped, we don't talk; we throw the rapists in jail (where they often get killed).  Who's reporting the rapes of 60% of black girls before age 18?  Not black people.  Black people protest because "there are too many black men in prison", even if they have raped girls like this black who pleaded guilty to raping a 7-yr-old girl.  I'm sure he's one of the "too many black men in prison" to his whole neighborhood.

    You don't give a fuck about white people you just need a scapegoat for your worthless life. Smelly ass albino ape.

    I have to live with my people, because they're MY people.  I want to be rid of yours.  If you can't live without us, that's an even better reason for us to rid ourselves of you By Any Means Necessary.

    To vote ANYWHERE you have to first register, no one can just show up by the busload and cast votes

    New Hampshire allows same-day registration.  There were more same-day registrations which never turned into NH driver's licenses than Hillary's margin.  Obviously it's time to end same-day registration and force universal voter ID.

    1. James is a dumb pale ape7:16 PM

      Seeing that to register to vote you have to prove your residence it doesn't matter if you have a driver's license or not. Not everyone who registers to vote necessarily wants to get a driver's license but I guess that idea never crosses the mind of genius IQ racists.
      As far as whites who want to get away from us negroes there's always Iceland. Then again the non racists who want to be around us, like your mom who wants the BBC they have the choice. You do you dumbass, if you want to be in an all white country then move your ass to an all white country. Bye bitch, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

  45. James is kind of an idiot7:40 PM

    James is kind of an idiot.

  46. A stopped clock don't work8:31 PM

    Bitch ass Clockwork can't even name ONE foreign business news site. He knows damn well he goes to stupid right winged sites like brightfart to read the latest Hillary Clinton conspiracies. He expected us to believe his dumb ass actually read a foreign news source. He is as dumb as James. Yeah, superior race my ass.

  47. A Clockwork Watermelon8:59 PM

    Here i'll give you a great place to look at Uranium One info, although it does not include the Podesta e-mails where he sold out America for 35 million. Ready Kangz? Original info published 1/27/17 also....why don't you all look into the wikileaks e-mail info? easy research. Now remember Kangz this issue goes way back, as i said earlier lots of tentacles before i was rudely chastised. Mueller is not worried about it because he is part of it. The flynn shit and mueller shit is cover, remember...Mueller was part of this shit going back to the Coup in the Ukraine, yall remember the the leaked phone call between ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt and asst sec. of state Victoria Nuland ? more tentacles of the shit. Breitbart, no Hannity that kind of shit. London financial times. Russia Today is good as well. This issue covers many years and many people as you would know if you took the time to research into it.

  48. A Clockwork Watermelon9:06 PM

    Manafort is knee deep in the shit too, although it is long before he entered Trump's circle. Manafort made a ton of money as a go between for folks. As I said earlier in the day, Scum whether left or right need cleaning out, Uniparty does not serve my interests or America. So it's not so easy of just a man Divested his money before Hillary became SOS......

  49. A Clockwork Watermelon9:11 PM has some good shit at times, not always.

  50. A Clockwork Watermelon9:25 PM

    So AFDC or TANF ??? WTF it's all the same free army shit under a different acronym. plus SSI for the work aversed, and food stamps you can sell on the corner, section 8pe vouchers to live, at least until you go to Negro University for 5-15 years. So there is all kinds of free shit and free services for you Kangz and Queenz to partake of. And yessssss, lots of white folks get em too, just not 85% of Black families* on some form of it like yall. *Center for strategic immigration 2012

  51. There is no, as in nada, zero, zip, zilch, there there on U One. HRC had zero,zip, zilch, nada to do with the sale of a small % of our uranium to Russia. Do you understand that? She had nothing to do with it. She did not sign off on it. She had no control over the sale. She could not okay it. She is a non-entity except wingnuts and their fucking 30 years of lies about the Clintons being crooks. If they are such crooks, show me one time where they were indicted, tried and convicted. Better yet, show me one time HRC ever was tried in a court of law.

    It is way past time to put your HRC/crook faantasies to bed and grow up and get a life.

  52. "You will not replace us."

    What delusional state makes you believe you need replacing?

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. And do you understand that none of that uranium is allowed to be exported?

    -Doug in Oakland

  54. A Clockwork Watermelon10:43 PM

    She was part of the cabinet members on the CFIUS you dumbass that voted for it. Quit posturing like you Know something and do some research. She like others never indicted due to the Uniparty. Quit sucking her dick and read some history.

  55. A Clockwork Watermelon10:45 PM

    She alone did not approve it....A whole bunch of crooked muthafuckers helped cover it up, including Obama and Holder.

  56. A Clockwork Watermelon10:48 PM

    She and her Rapist husband made a shitload of money off of U1 as well as Podesta, manafort, and a whole bunch more.

  57. A Clockwork Watermelon10:53 PM

    Damn why you so damned and determined to defend this bitch? You live on the DNC Plantation Negro?

  58. A clock that doesn't work11:36 PM

    Here i'll give you a great place to look at Uranium One info
    uh, no sane individual gives a shit about Uranium One. There is no secret cabal and Hillary and Barack are not going to jail.

    And yessssss, lots of white folks get em too,
    No shit, you and your family are on welfare.

  59. A stopped clock11:38 PM

    Damn why you so damned and determined to defend this bitch? You live on the DNC Plantation Negro?
    Why do you defend child molestors like Roy Moore? You stuck in the GOP trailer park?

  60. Lt.Commander Johnson11:47 PM

    Because. He can't defend Bill Clinton sliding his pecker down Lewinsky's throat in the Oral Office.

    Where was field, then?

    1. Lt. Commander is a Pussy12:16 AM

      We know where you weren't pussy. That would be the military bitch.


  62. A Clockwork Watermelon2:38 AM

    Never typed Roy Moore's name on here till now, never said i defended Roy Moore, never broached the subject on here. Assume much?

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Whatever dumbass.

  63. Anonymous7:39 AM

    What delusional state makes you believe you need replacing?

    (((Scumbags))) like Noel Ignatieff and Barbara Lerner-Spectre saying so?

    Note that we are icy, willing to wait.  We will slaughter them when the time is nigh.  ALL of them.

    How many of you are THEM?  GTFO the USA right NOW.

    1. James Bitch12:28 PM

      YOU leave asshole. You won't do a damned thing because you are a keyboard warrior and a bitch. How about this punk, I'll give you a month to act out your fantasies of cleansing and if you haven't done it by then shut your bitch ass mouth.

  64. Lewinski was 21 and well above the age of consent, you stoopid fucking wingnuts. Oral sex is not a crime. Oral sex between 2 consenting adults is not a crime. The crime is you stoopid fucking wingnuts calling Clintons crooks when you have zero evidence that would stand up in a court of law- unless it was a wingnut kangaroo court and even then wingnuts are too stoopid to understand nuances like consensual sex is legal between consenting adults- married or not.

  65. Here's a problem you can help solve- Trash-Can's Keystone 1 pipeline ruptured in South Dakota-again. They claim it was a small leak, but lost 5500 barrels of oil in the 15 minutes they claim it took to see the problem and shut the emergency valves.

    K1 was built to haul dilbit-diluted bitumen- tarsands shit from Canada to Texas to be refined and sold overseas on the open market. It is not for use in America as wingnut pols keep saying. Dilbit is sludge, It has to be infused with a cocktail of industry secret chemicals and heated up to even flow. The stuff does not float on water like crude oil. It sinks and sticks to rocks and other surfaces like glue and is next to impossible to ever clean up. Michigan is still trying to clean up one of their rivers.

    Any way, since dilbit is not considered crude oil, it is not taxed at 9 cents per barrel for the liability cleanup fund to pay for the cleanup. That means if the government can't or won't force Trash- Can to pay to clean this stuff up, the taxpayers get fucked again. Trash Can claims this latest spill is not dilbit but regular crude oil they are supposed to pay Uncle Sam 9 cents a barrel. Will they pay it? Will fucking thug wingnuts make them pay? I'm betting they won't even bother to investigate as taxes like cleanup funds hurt Trash-Cans bottom line and that in turn hurts the chances for wingnuts to get election funding.

    Let yer congressvarmints know yer on to their games. Make them do something to earn $174,000 plus benefits for about 2 months work each calendar year.

  66. Just another White Old Fart1:01 PM

    A ninny mouse ("Baldingo" in disguise) said...

    White people get away from black people when they're allowed to. [...]

    Pale ape said... "You don't give a fuck about white people you just need a scapegoat[...]

    I have to live with my people, because they're MY people.

    - Lies.
    - First, you do not speak for all "white people".
    - Second, you do not consider "all white people" to be YOUR people. According to your own posts over time, you'd just as soon throw most white people into the ovens right along with what you have also called "the muds", i.e the 'mud people' - terms whose usage in and of itself says everything.
    - In fact, the only white people who are "your people" are your fellow adherents of Goebbels and believers in "The Final Solution".
    - Interesting that such a small minority of the population continually shrieks that the country is THEIRS and everyone else "must" get the bleep out. These are the same losers who claim that it's everyone else who is delusional, and it's everyone else is "preventing" them from being rich and powerful, and it's everyone else who is is a vast conspiracy of hatred against them.

  67. James Bitch is a smelly pale ape1:37 PM

    - Interesting that such a small minority of the population continually shrieks that the country is THEIRS and everyone else "must" get the bleep out
    Yeah, it would be so much more efficient for them to leave. They're too dumb to realize that they can just move to the middle of Montana and be all alone. Then again a one way trip to Greenland wouldn't make me too upset either.

  68. Anonymous Just another White Old Fart said..

    Glad you are aboard the ship. It is listing heavily to the hater's side.

  69. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Seeing that to register to vote you have to prove your residence

    With same-day registration, nothing is or can be "proven".  As we can see from the failure of "declarations of residency" to turn into vehicle registrations, those "proofs" were lies.

    As far as whites who want to get away from us negroes there's always Iceland.

    Iceland supports maybe 300,000 people.  It's interesting to see these assclowns wanting to reduce wipeepo from ~1 billion to a third of a million and claim they don't want #WhiteGenocide.  That's the kind of thing that takes whites from #broke to #woke, and you sure as fuck won't like us when we're #woke.  When the Saxon begins to hate, it's too late for you.

    it would be so much more efficient for them to leave.

    So why is the (((JewSA))) taxing wipeepo who want to "just leave"?

    1. James is a pale ape11:54 AM

      Here's an idea, if you hate the USA so much why don't you leave? Until then stop paying taxes. Problem solved.
      Genius boy pedophile James thinks there's an army of New Yorkers throwing New Hampshire elections. Oh teh stupid is strong in the Saxon crowd. Can you inagine a whole nation of mouth breathing trailer parkers inbreeding all day long? We already have this failed experiment of white paradise, it's called West Virginia. Move there James, I swear no mud people will visit your big headed ass.

  70. Jared Kushner12:54 PM

    Happy Hanukkah (((James)))!

  71. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Only white women can put a stop to the sexual deviant nature of rich and powerful white men that dominate the world of sexually predatory behavior.

    However, this will be next to impossible when 75% of all white women are raised by their culture to believe that they must use their bodies and their children's bodies as sexual objects to get ahead while only the other 25% of white women believe the opposite.

    Some of the shit being said to make excuses for these predators is f*&^%! ridiculous.
    I have yet to hear many of them say that as adult human beings that these pigs are solely
    responsible for their actions. And as adults they are expected to control their perversions and not use them to take advantage of women, boys, girls or other helpless victims. After all, Isn't that what we call being "civilized?! These sexual predators behave like UNCIVILIZED SAVAGES!

    In order to change the "atmosphere" it needs to be 100% of women everywhere working to put a stop to this. But they won't as I'll bet that 75% of the white female voters in Roy's state will eagerly vote him into office even if it means voting against their own best interest...

    Because after all, "The Good Ole Boys" told them to do so.

  72. Anonymous10:24 AM

    if you hate the USA so much why don't you leave?

    I love the USA and want to make it better.  Without muds it would be just about perfect.  Cities that are civilized instead of war zones, public schools that don't need metal detectors to avoid becoming shooting galleries, no more slums, no more "knockout game", open-air drug markets or rap "music".  Muds are why we can't have nice things anymore.

    James thinks there's an army of New Yorkers throwing New Hampshire elections.

    NH had 6540 same-day registrations on November 8.  In the 10 months since, some 5300 have neither obtained a NH driver's license nor registered a vehicle in NH.

    Hitlery's margin in NH was just 2736 votes, and Maggie Hassan won by only 1017 votes.  Both "wins" are clearly due to voting fraud and should be thrown out.

    1. Captain America2:35 PM

      Well you know what (((James))) I love the US too and it would be perfect if racist assholes like you would leave. I ain't going anywhere so I guess you better get used to my muddy ass. I swear I have never been to your trailer park and never will. Bye bitch!

  73. Anonymous2:42 PM

    "Were the 5,313 votes fraudulent? There's no evidence to support that. Kobach didn't offer support for that claim in his opinion piece, either. (His spokeswoman did not respond to our request for comment.)"

    From the Washington Post. For a supposed orbital engineer with an IQ of 150 you are easily fooled. No evidence of voter fraud but hey keep trying.
