With a heart.
"Not only did Donald Trump not tweet out messages of condolences for families who lost loved ones five years ago on Thursday at the Sandy Hook gun massacre in Connecticut, and not only did White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on that day insist there’s simply nothing that can be done to battle American epidemic of gun violence, but Trump himself managed to insult the Sandy Hook families in another appalling way.
In a craven display of collective indifference, Trump hosted Wayne LaPierre, the controversial head of the NRA, at the White House on Thursday night, as families and friends of the elementary school gun massacre were remembering the victims of the horrific killing spree.
The shooting rampage claimed 26 lives, including 20 young children. In the wake of the attack, LaPierre’s NRA spread lies about the emergency response to the attack, lashed out at critics, and urged that every school in America have armed guards in order to fend off possible gunmen wielding AK-47s.
And soon after that, LaPierre led the fight to obstruct President Barack Obama’s bipartisan effort to pass a wildly popular background check bill.
LaPierre represents everything that’s wrong and immoral with radical, far-right voices of the gun-obsessed GOP culture. And that’s who Trump invited to the White House on the fifth anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre.
Gun safety advocate Shannon Watts, who founded the group Moms Demand Action, noted on Twitter the contrast between how Trump and Obama deal with families of Sandy Hook, as well as the memories of the slain:
Trump’s do-nothing strategy regarding gun violence was on display on Thursday at the White House, when Sanders was asked by a reporter at the daily briefing to explain “what President Trump has done to try to protect the American people against a similar type” of Sandy Hook massacre. Sanders at first started touting Trump’s tighter border security measures.
After she was reminded that the Sandy Hook shooter didn’t enter the U.S. from another country, nor did the shooters who killed nearly 100 people during the massacres in Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, Texas, this year, Sanders conceded that the White House hasn’t done a thing to try to stop the bloodshed, because the White House, echoing NRA spin, doesn’t think there is anything to be done to stop the bloodshed.
The White House now views gun massacres the same way it views the weather: It’s out of their hands. And it views the Sandy Hook victims as inconvenient reminders of the past." [Source]
Mr. Mueller, please end this nightmare.
*Pic from heavy.com
...Sanders conceded that the White House hasn’t done a thing to try to stop the bloodshed, because the White House, echoing NRA spin, doesn’t think there is anything to be done to stop the bloodshed.
Wow! Just wow! But I'm not surprised...
It won't stop, in a way it's the bitter truth what they said. America has always been a bloodthirsty nation, those mass shootings are a symptom of the disease. Nothing can be done to stop the bloodshed because America thrives on bloodshed. Have you seen the bombed out structures in Iraq, the crib of civilization? and other countries as well. But, then again, that's why its the 'leader' of the world, the owner of the world,one of the greatest if not the greatest empire ever. It takes blood thirstyness for that.
There are only 3 important things to our POTUS they are:
his daughter,
his businesses,
What do you expect from a pedophile rapist like drumpf
I wouldn't have believed it possible even for a monster like Trump. Sickening.
I don't think Fergus can do anything about gun violence, so perhaps she was accidentally telling the truth that time.
Gun violence is a difficult and complicated issue, fraught with circumstances that make most obvious solutions ineffective.
There are 88 guns already out there for every 100 citizens, and they don't magically disappear if they are legislated to be illegal.
And prohibitions don't work. They didn't work for alcohol, they aren't working for drugs, and they won't work for guns.
And as for what actually does work, that's knowable under the right circumstances, and since there has been a long term decrease in gun violence over the past couple of decades, effective policy based on something other than "thou shalt not" could probably be crafted if the right people studied what was behind those decreases.
Right now the CDC is prohibited from spending any money on such studies, and the congresscritters who are testicle cozies for the NRA and the $1,35 billion a year industry they lobby for will see to it that no other agency can get any funding for any similar research.
Without the ability to find out what to do, doing anything that works is 1) unlikely to happen at all, and 2) unlikely to help that much even if it were to happen.
The few common sense areas that might incrementally decrease the rate of gun violence, or at least mass shootings, are so politically toxic that they won't even fix the background check system already in place, despite an overwhelming majority of citizens from every political persuasion being in favor of them doing so.
So perhaps SOMEONE could at least take the first faltering steps toward helping reduce the slaughter, but it is manifestly clear that Fergus is not that someone.
-Doug in Oakland
So long net neutrality. It was nice knowing you.
Desert and Doug are right, there is nothing we can do about violence except try to minimize the damage. Outlaw assault rifles and high capacity magazines. Limit the amount of damage a deranged killer can do. Look at what Australia did.
That's the whole point. Of course it would have been better to enact and enforce sensible gun control during the Clinton presidency or even earlier, but we have to pick up the pieces and go forward from where we are today.
We can't just continue to allow the wholesale and unlimited production and sales of today's sophisticated weaponry and the limitless supply of ammo to simply continue. We have to try to slow it down. I think the simplest way is to limit sales of ammo. But obviously less new guns is better than more and more guns sold every year. It might also do to consider controlling straw gun sales that end up fueling violence in Mexico, Central America and South America.
But what do wingnuts get pissed off about? The failure of Fast and Furious.
Anon@11:22, in that order?
There are only 3 things in this world the POTUS cares about:
1)His daughter
2)Pleasing Putin
3)Removing black, browns and beige from the color spectrum
'Nuf said.
What would work? All the measures up for discussion would have worked had they been implemented a generation ago before the NRA metamorphosized from gun safety to gun worship. What can we do now? Not much, the damage has been done, best we can do is enact said measures in a feeble attempt to keep guns away from the next generation of psychopaths, or accept that the "2A" in now not a right but a responsibility.
The LaPierre visit reminds me of Ronald Reagan launching his "states' rights" presidential bid from Philadelphia, Mississippi, where the three civil rights workers— Michael Schwerner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman—were murdered. Both times, a deliberate Fuck You to all that's humane.
Typical Butt Trumpet put-on ... throwing paper towels to hurricane victims ... cabinet heads who are out to destroy the agencies they are heads of ... fake news ... Amorosa ... anything to fuck with those who elected him when he never wanted or intended to be president (thanks again for nothing Hillary)
Funny, certain posters here adhere to these rules almost religiously. Interesting stuff.
Certain put-on presidents and their former chief strategists as well ...
In the wake of the attack, LaPierre’s NRA spread lies about the emergency response to the attack
So by your own analysis, Adam Lanza was able to kill 26 in a little over 3 minutes. In other words, you must AGREE that armed security on-site is the only way to respond fast enough to such attacks. We don't hear about school shootings in states where the law allows teachers to go armed.
LaPierre led the fight to obstruct President Barack Obama’s bipartisan effort to pass a wildly popular background check bill.
Adam's mother Nancy Lanza passed her background check. It did the 20 children and 6 teachers no good whatsoever. Such checks are worthless except to infringe the rights of the innocent.
LaPierre represents everything that’s wrong and immoral with radical, far-right voices of the gun-obsessed GOP culture. And that’s who Trump invited to the White House on the fifth anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre.
Black people whining about armed white people refusing to be victimized represent everything that's wrong and immoral with cultural Marxism and leftist dogma. There are lots of places in Africa with nothing you'd recognize as "racism". Massive tribal and clan nepotism, corruption, sky-high random violence, third-world conditions, sure. Racism? Everyone's black.
Trump’s do-nothing strategy regarding gun violence
The left's do-nothing strategy regarding gun violence is on display when they cry out against stop-and-frisk laws which actually prevent shootings even among ghetto thugs. Even better would be a ban on ownership or possession of guns by blacks, period. But... recognizing that people with low impulse control and a high propensity for violence look uncomfortably dark compared to Americans is something they would rather die than do. And some of them do die, like Dr. Kevin Rogers of Indianapolis who helped run a free clinic in Haiti between no doubt helping to save local thugs shot by other thugs. Just not enough of them.
We can't just continue to allow the wholesale and unlimited production and sales of today's sophisticated weaponry and the limitless supply of ammo to simply continue. We have to try to slow it down. I think the simplest way is to limit sales of ammo. But obviously less new guns is better than more and more guns sold every year.
While the number of guns in the USA has been going up, murder has been going down. Guns cannot be the problem. They might even be the solution... which you want to stop.
It might also do to consider controlling straw gun sales that end up fueling violence in Mexico, Central America and South America.
Walking guns to Mexico was Obama/Holder government policy.
But what do wingnuts get pissed off about? The failure of Fast and Furious.
Heaven FORBID we get pissed off when our own law enforcement gets killed due to black officials doing something stupid and at least technically illegal. That would be like getting pissed off when black people commit crimes. Wait, that's what it was... at the highest level of government.
But to you, black people can literally do no wrong.
Another interesting read.
150 IQ bwaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha!
Anon@4:41, you just Gish galloped so much bullshit that there's no point in addressing it all other than to point out that it's pretty much all lies, down to it, and, and the.
But about:
"While the number of guns in the USA has been going up, murder has been going down. Guns cannot be the problem. They might even be the solution... which you want to stop."
It would be useful to understand just what is driving the decrease in gun violence so as to be able to use that information to set policy that might further reduce it, but the motherfucking NRA and their bought-and-paid for poltroons in congress have prevented the CDC from spending any money studying it.
If they thought that those studies would produce the favorable results you suggest, they would be funding them.
They don't, so they're not.
Fuck you, and the lies you masturbate to in order to live with yourself.
-Doug in Oakland
If the CDC was honest, it would say "based on the firmest epidemiological evidence, the ultimate cause of rampant gun violence is black people."
If the CDC was honest, it would say "based on the firmest epidemiological evidence, the ultimate cause of rampant gun violence is black people."
Doesn't matter, facts is facts and the cdc needs to be able to conduct research and the nra and the gop need to allows facts to come to light.
Or they'll probably just promote the fact that most gun deaths are accidental and to save more lives they should be able to disseminate information via doctors currently hamstrung by existing gop lawmakers.
If the CDC wasn't overseen by the Fergus administration they would still be able to use the phrases "evidence based" and "science based" in their budget documents, along with five other words they are now forbidden to use because they apparently make Fergus all constipated and cranky...
You can't understand the world well enough to set policy about how to run it if you ignore and deny the parts of it you don't like.
-Doug in Oakland
I saw a report on that. Amazing that not so long ago science wasn't politicized. Nixon helped ease acid rain effects by creating the EPA, Bush the first had a kick ass EPA chief and the Reagan administration signed on to a global initiative to reduce cfc's. This ain't your daddy's gop.
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