So imagine how upset I was to hear that a killer walked into a Waffle House armed with an AR-15 style rifle, and that he proceeded to kill four people and wound four others before a brave and heroic customer sprung into action to stop the carnage. Sadly, the gunman got away, and as of me writing this post, he is still on the loose.
Let's contrast this to another Waffle House story which played itself out in Alabama. In this story an African America lady has her clothes ripped from her body while being violently arrested by a bunch of white police officers. Her crime? Getting into a dispute over a plastic eating utensil with the manager.
"Clemons asked for plastic utensils while placing an order at the Waffle House on Industry Parkway in Saraland early Sunday morning, and was told by a female employee that plasticware costs 50 cents, according to Clemons-Howard.
When Clemons and Adams told the employee that they had not been charged for utensils when they purchased food from the same Waffle House the night before, the employee canceled the order, Clemons-Howard said. At that point Clemons asked for the contact information of the Waffle House district manager who oversees the Saraland location.
"They didn't even ask her to leave, she was waiting for them to give her the district manager's card so she could file a complaint on one of the waitresses," Clemons-Howard said. "When they went to go get the card, that's when the police showed up. The officer should've come in and said we need you to leave."
What happened after that was a miscarriage of justice, according to Clemons-Howard.
"The footage shows the story completely," she said, declining to go into further detail. "My nerves are very, very bad right now."
Mobile NAACP President David Smith said in a Sunday statement that the organization is gathering facts about the incident.
"In light of the current situation in our country -- such as the arrest of two young black men at a Philadelphia Starbucks coffee shop -- we felt it was important for our members to get a first-hand account of the incident, which has now gone viral on social media locally and across the country," Smith said.
Waffle House spokesperson Pat Warner did not respond to a request for comment Sunday afternoon." [Source]
After killing four people at a Waffle House in Tennessee, Travis Reinking (unless he takes his own life) will be treated better, and with more respect, than Ms. Clemons-Howard was in that Waffle House restaurant in Alabama.
Sadly, such is life in America these days.
*Pics from and
I suppose you blacks should be lucky it wasn't one of those FRIED CHICKEN and waffle places, otherwise a black person probably would've been killed. Then again, you people are pretty good at doing it amongst yourselves in your own communities.
I also love Waffle Houses and go to them whenever I get the chance. It's very unfortunate that no place is safe anymore from psychotic white men with guns, whether it be a waffle place, a movie theater, a school, a mall, a church, or any number of places. We can all thank the tr**p administration and the poisonous mindset they spread for this.
Now why did Mr. Man need an Ar-15 again? They say it's for hunting so I guess he was hunting people. 😖
Field, your post makes no sense. It is based on a deliberate misreading of the facts and the use of false equivalencies. If you actually tried to be intellectually honest, you wouldn't have people mocking your posts every day.
I suppose we're lucky it wasn't it at a monster truck rally because then a bunch of fuckboys like Dave Zirin would have been shot by a fuckboi like Dave Zirin. Watch out when at a restaurant because a fuckboi with a gun may be off his fucking meds.
Once again we have a micro dick white boy compensating with an assault rifle and taking out his anger and bitterness on innocent people. Of course Butt Trumpet won't say anything about this.
He actually makes a good point that you're just a bit too dimwitted to understand.
The ONLY people mocking Field's posts are dumbasses like you who barely finished high school.
Ghetto hood rats with guns are the most dangerous "people" in the country. Black on black violence is much more of an epidemic than white on white or white on black.
Waffle House shooter Travis Reinking told officials in May of 2016 that Taylor Swift was harassing him by stalking him and hacking his phone. He claimed that she had hacked his Netflix account, told him to meet her at a Dairy Queen, and then allegedly ran from him at that location. He said he chased her to the rooftop of a building, but she was gone.
Reinking insisted that he was telling the truth. He claimed he had proof on his phone, but refused to show it to authorities. Due to this incident, Tazewell County Sheriff Robert Huston believed that “there is evidence there is some mental health issues involved.”
Another incident in June, 2017 involved Reinking diving into a pool wearing only his underwear and a pink woman’s house coat. He took the coat off in the water, and the lifeguard told him to get out of the pool.
He got out, reportedly started yelling at lifeguards trying to entice a fight and then flashed his genitals, yelling that he was a man.
Shortly before the pool incident, Reinking had allegedly went to J&J Crane Co, where he had a shouting match with an employee while wearing the same pink woman’s coat. The employee claimed Reinking was brandishing an AR-15 rifle, which he eventually loaded into the trunk of his blue Mitsubishi before leaving.
Reinking was arrested for trying to break into the White House last summer, and afterwards had his guns confiscated by police in Illinois and his firearms license revoked.
Two months later in August of 2017, an officer noted that he had contact with Reinking once again, who was claiming that people were tapping into his phone and computer. He also said that “he had been hearing unknown people outside his residence barking like dogs.”
Reinking went on to say that people were also spying on him, claiming a man with a black t-shirt and an ear mic was watching him check out at the Morton Wal-Mart. He stated that this all started happening after he started writing to Taylor Swift. He was also convinced people were trying to get him to break the law, stating that he was out of state and saw a van with a sign that said “don’t steal the van.” He said he knew the sign was specifically for him to try to bait him into stealing the van, and was sick of people “messing with him.”
Again, like with the Parkland shooter, this guy was completely insane. We don't need gun laws changed, we need to be able to involuntarily hospitalize dangerous crazy people.
"We don't need gun laws changed, we need to be able to involuntarily hospitalize dangerous crazy people."
But who gets to decide who is dangerously crazy? And do they get internet access in the "hospital"?
If not, all of the trolls here would be gone in one fell swoop, and that's just if they used the DSM-5.
If they used some legislated criterion, it would change every eight years and incarcerate whichever partisans who weren't in power, which Fergus and the Pig People would love until they lost their majorities.
Nope, Fascism sucks, no matter how you try to dress it up.
Perhaps we could try to get people with personality problems help when they are young and still susceptible to treatment, instead of throwing them in jail and pushing them beyond the reach of treatment?
Naw, that would cost money and raise the goddamn Koch brothers' taxes, so we have to let the society go down the shitter before we do anything THAT crazy.
Oh yeah:
-Doug in Oakland
Ghetto hood rats with guns are the most dangerous "people" in the country. Black on black violence is much more of an epidemic than white on white or white on black.
Yeah asshole, it's teh blacks who shoot up babies in kindergarten, movie theaters and the goddamn Waffle House.
30 or 40 jigs will get shot in Chicongo this week, but all we'll hear about is this white guy.
Fuck the media. And fuck all of you.
It is extremely difficult for me to imagine anything close to how you felt, Field.
I cannot possibly imagine what it would feel like to go to a local breakfast restaurant and suddenly have my coffee, comfort food and family interrupted by a psychotic murderer.
I might understand what you are feeling if something like that happened in my hometown or environs.
Your man is a balls-out hero. He's probably equally humble.
There is no such thing as a good white man. White women are at least good in bed, except for the fat ones.
Dave Zirin and KKK kin have drawn a line in the sand. Plastic cutlery must be paid for by people of black color otherwise it is open season on them.
Racist much, racist pig?
Chicago ain't happening, you sroopid fucking wasicus. Drumpf put a complete stop to the violence last summer when he sent the feds into Chi town. You didn't forget Drumpf's boast about stopping the violence, did you?
If the police take Travis Reinking to a McDonald's after his arrest, does he get to keep the prize in his Happy Meal?
If not, that would be really mean--and possibly a case of police brutality.
Trump has repeatedly pointed to the bloodshed in Chicago, weighing in during the campaign and since taking office. In January, Trump tweeted that he would “send in the feds,” which prompted some uncertainty in Chicago, where considerable federal resources were already on the ground and regularly collaborating with police.
“We always have been here,” David Coulson, a spokesman for the Chicago field division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said at the time. “We work very closely with the Chicago Police Department.”
[Trump says he may send ‘the feds’ to Chicago. Federal agents are already there.]
Trump’s past comments on the city have been critical of the local police and other local officials, including his January suggestion that the violence is “very easily fixable” and that local authorities were “not doing the job.”
Let's stereotype the police. Had that waffle house been a donut shop, the dhop would have been full of donut swigging cops.
Because the only way to fix the problem is to keep the dangerous thugs in jail, which means jailing the corrupt Chiraq officials like Tom Dart and Toni Preckwinkle and the judges who refuse to demand bail even when the cops catch them.
Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
The guy was naked. This is about mental illness, plain and simple,
The percentage of black and hispanic people in a state is a better predictor of violent crime rates than poverty, unemployment, or education.
The world has spent ~$900 billion (in today's dollars) in aid to Africa since 1960, according to the OECD.
After World War II, the U.S. gave $110 billion (today's dollars) which completely rebuilt Western Europe from the ruins.
We've given Africa 8 Marshall Plans. And for what?
Fucking coward, anymoose. Drumpf said it was easily fixable. Why ain't it fixed Could it be yer boy lied some more?
Baseball, apple pie, and another psychotic White male with violent tendencies on the rampage.
It's an American tradition.
Yawn, nothing to see here, folks!
30 or 40 jigs will get shot in Chicongo this week, but all we'll hear about is this white guy.
Let it be a scary Moooooolim and it's all we'd hear about from Fox and trump. Shut down the entire city of Boston when it's a Moooooslim but crazy eyed white guys get to do whatever the fuck they want including shoot up a restaurant.
The guy was naked. This is about mental illness, plain and simple,
No, it's about crazy eyed white guys with fucking guns. Other races have crazy people but they don't go into schools,churches, movie theaters, Waffle Houses, malls, ice cream shops, PTA meetings, bridge clubs....and shoot up kids and old folks. Something is up with these crazy eyed white boys and mass shootings. Oh yeah I forget, false flag right?
Psychotic White males with murderous tendencies must be coddled with public sympathy, government-paid mental health services, and a Happy Meal!
And in the case of Travis Reinking, an autographed picture from Taylor Swift would be nice.
They must not be treated as terrorists or threats to society.
That would hurt their feelings.
It's OKAY to be a murderous White snowflake.
Other races have crazy people but they don't go into schools,churches, movie theaters, Waffle Houses, malls, ice cream shops, PTA meetings, bridge clubs....and shoot up kids and old folks.
Actually they do. Blacks are over represented in mass shooters, and kill children and old people at higher rates.
All these mass shootings have only one thing in common and that is the fucking guns!!!! Guns that were designed, first and foremost, to maximize the slaughter of human beings. And if one ain't enough to satisfy your blood lust bring a couple dozen more. Go ahead, Russia/ NRA will just lobby for more and deadlier guns to slaughter more and more people with.
Posted this in another spot earlier today, mike from iowa said...
Stop me if you've heard this stoopid shit before- a woman with a 2 year old daughter and a concealed carry permit checks into a hotel. Placing the toddler on the bed, for some inexplicable reason the woman reaches into her purse to bring out the gun which fires and kills her daughter.
I am so fucking tired of hearing about guns that don't kill people killing people, especially innocent children. I am so fucking tired of hearing about responsible gun owners who do irresponsible things and get relatives and kids killed.
I am sure Russia/NRA will applaud the woman for defending her person from a nasty terrible 2 year old. Fuck you people right square in your brains-if you have one.
11:58 AM
The white race is a disease.
"I am sure Russia/NRA will applaud"
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
"The white race is a disease."
Which is why every other race of people desperately wants to live around white people.
Conservatism is a mental disorder.
Wow, too that long to hunt down a naked crazy kid? Had it been a brotha with parking tickets he would have been dead days ago.
Black people aren't intelligent enough to evade authorities for that long.
You know those whooteemoos are hiding his ass.
Yisheng's ass is too big to hide.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
From Charlie Pierce on twitter:
"Charles P. Pierce
Verified account @CharlesPPierce
Let me see if I have this straight.
1) Secret Service busts guy near WH.
2) SS takes guns away and gives them to guy's Dad.
3) Dad gives guns back to kid.
4) Kid shoots up Waffle House.
Gun culture is weird, man."
-Doug in Oakland
Maybe the NRA will help pay for the Dad's defense.
Maybe the Waffle House will help pay for Yisheng's lap band surgery.
I'm so depressed and lonely. I need a white woman.
AR-15 van that that was driven by a man described by witnesses as "wide-eyed", "angry", and "middle-eastern" intentionally ran over pedestrians on the sidewalk plowing through people "with a stroller flying through the air." Five confirmed dead.
I am sure Chevy/AAA will applaud the man for defending his culture from a nasty terrible one year old.
kike from iowa said...
AR-15 van that that was driven by a man described by witnesses as "wide-eyed", "angry", and "middle-eastern" intentionally ran over pedestrians on the sidewalk plowing through people "with a stroller flying through the air." Five confirmed dead.
I am sure Chevy/AAA will applaud the man for defending his culture from a nasty terrible one year old.
You stoopid fucking cunt. Vans were not made to slaughter people, you stoopid fucking cunt. That is not what they were designed for, you stoopid fucking cunt. I can only hope one lands on your stoopid fucking cunt head and you get worse than a stoopid fucking cunt headache.
Waffle house shooter was captured alive, it figures. White privilege rears its ugly head some more.
The guy is wasicu wastey, bat shit crazy and apparently the cops weren't in the least afraid for their lives.
From Charlie Pierce on twitter:
"Charles P. Pierce
Verified account @CharlesPPierce
Let me see if I have this straight.
1) Canadian Immigration flags guy as Muslim crazy.
2) CI does nothing because noticing is racist.
3) Ryder rents van to Muslim crazy.
4) Muslim crazy runs over 40 people on sidewalk.
Progressive culture is weird, man."
-Slug in Oakland
So they caught him. Turns out he was claiming to be a “sovereign citizen” so yeah, he's crazy.
Still, if the SS had kept his guns instead of giving them to his dad, this never would have happened.
-Doug in Oakland
kike from iowa said...
AR-15 van that that was driven by a man described by witnesses as "wide-eyed", "angry", and "middle-eastern" intentionally ran over pedestrians on the sidewalk plowing through people "with a stroller flying through the air." Five confirmed dead.
Death toll now up to nine.
Word is that the AR-15 van had a "fully automatic" transmission, which can reload a new gear in less than a second. In Canada you can purchase these killing machines without even getting a background check.
mike from iowa said...
Waffle house shooter was captured alive, it figures. White privilege rears its ugly head some more.
The guy is wasicu wastey, bat shit crazy and apparently the cops weren't in the least afraid for their lives.
4:23 PM
Well it remains to be seen if he's really crazy. He may just be 'acting' crazy to get a lighter sentence. As for the white officers, since he targeted, aimed and shot at black people, I guess they felt pretty safe that he's not gunning for whites.
Why haven't they started a GoFundMe for Mr. James Shaw Jr. He most certainly deserves some kind of reward and benefit.
He most certainly deserves some kind of reward and benefit because he's black.
The token, unarmed black guy who had been grazed with a bullet and burned his hand on the hot barrel of the gun taking it away from the right's hero of the moment, which is something fully armed stoopid fucking wingnuts can't seem to accomplish ever, deserves our thanks and support.
Now we have to wait for the fake news stories about Shaw's criminal past or alleged drug use. You know it is coming. It always comes because wasicu wasteys can't stand to see a POC succeed.
Is mike really that deranged or is it some kind of weird act?
Anonymous said...
He most certainly deserves some kind of reward and benefit because he's black.
7:07 PM
No, not because he's black, but because he's got more brains, cojones and nerves of steel than many!
"The world has spent ~$900 billion (in today's dollars) in aid to Africa since 1960, according to the OECD."
Foreign aid = white people giving money to non-white people:
I hear the traffic in Toronto is murder.
America doesn't have a gun problem.
America has a demented White boys with guns problem.
feelz, you left out a whole bunch of facts regarding the Alabama Awful House incident.
Drunk negresses threatening to kill everyone in the establishment for starters.
Please remember that most white people don't like the monkeyshines and don't want to be around it.
It's natural for negroes to be feral, just keep it to yourselves and your kind.
Besides, that awful restaurant chain was founded by two old white dudes. Why are you supporting the "White Patriarchy"?
Please remember that most white people don't like the monkeyshines and don't want to be around it.
Nah, you just do meth, sell your fucking babies for meth and shoot up churches and schools. That's ok but monkeyshines.
Y'all just can't go out to eat without starting all this shit huh? Why is so hard for y'all to just listen, do what your told, and settle it later in court like white people when we're arrested...but noooooo, ya gotta be assholes, huh?
Typical! THAT's why we don't want to be where you are and move to where you aren't and watch you destroy what were once great cities!
Wakanda would look like rhawanda after y'all went there in less then a year! Its what you do everywhere you go but somehow its always our fault! My town doesn't look anything like what y'all live and and destroy...pathetic race of nothings!
Black people (12.4% of US population) account for FULLY HALF of all murders, and blacks and Hispanics commit 97% (or is it 98%?) of all the shootings in NYC, but we have clowns who write crap like this:
> America doesn't have a gun problem.
> America has a demented White boys with guns problem.
I notice that not one of the self-identified POC in the commentariat have bothered to challenge this.
America doesn't have a gun problem. America has a stupid, deluded, feral savage problem. That includes some who hold law degrees.
Anonymous@10:16.....I realize its hard to tell among you but that was a female of your species, whatever the fuck species that is because you cannot behave like human beings you get treated like what you are, which is the same reason more of you kill more of you and the prisons are overflowing with you...the common denominator, assholes, is YOU!
You're worthless!
airports are always open, feel free to leave anytime! I'd actually enjoy seeing y'all chimp out in Nigeria or Somalia...they'd eat you for lunch!
Anonymous said...
3:51 PM
Yeah, that must be why blacks are killing each other every day like it was free! Makes sense to me though I don't have to live anywhere near whatever you things are!
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
"America has a stupid, deluded, feral savage problem. That includes some who hold law degrees."
Yes! America's stupid, deluded, feral savage problem can be especially found in the lily White House and its current occupants.
Part of being a stupid, deluded, feral savage is that you cannot understand that your enemies aren't like you. Humans can.
Please remember that most white people don't like the monkeyshines and don't want to be around it.
Draws wasicu wasteys like you, like flies on shit.
Join the NRA!!
Chicago 2018 April To Date:
Shot & Killed: 19
Shot & Wounded: 134
Total Shot: 153
Total Homicides: 26
And another said...
The guy was naked. This is about mental illness, plain and simple,
No, it's about crazy eyed white guys with fucking guns. Other races have crazy people but they don't go into schools,churches, movie theaters, Waffle Houses, malls, ice cream shops, PTA meetings, bridge clubs....and shoot up kids and old folks.
Nah, they just stay close to home and shoot their fucking neighbors! Like the 11 year old black girl in Chi-raq shot in the head while watching tv with her family, in her own living room!
BE proud!
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