Monday, August 27, 2018

The corrupt and the complicit.

TWEET ME"It’s easy to lose track of all the corruption embedded within the Trump presidency. Every week brings a handful of new scandals, any one of which would be  the biggest controversy of any other administration. Many of these happenings represent legitimate grounds for impeachment, if not the criminality of the president. For anyone struggling to keep up, Republicans have you covered. 

According to Axios, a spreadsheet outlining some of the investigations Democrats could launch should they take control of the House in November has been making its way through Capitol Hill. It reads like a laundry list of President Trump’s improprieties as president, which have gone largely unchecked by Republican lawmakers.

Reportedly compiled in the office of a senior House Republican, the spreadsheet contains over 100 investigation requests that have been made by Democratic members of the House. Because Republicans control Congress, these requests have not been honored, but that could change after the midterms. Here is a small sample of scandals that could be under the microscope:
  • President Trump’s tax returns
  • Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
  • Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
  • The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
  • James Comey’s firing
  • Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
  • Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
  • White House staff’s personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
  • Election security and hacking attempts
  • White House security clearances
Axios notes that lawyers close to the White House have explained that the Trump administration is “nowhere near prepared for the investigatory onslaught that awaits them” and that a wave of inquiries from a Democrat-controlled House would be “among the greatest threats to his presidency.”

This isn’t to say the White House isn’t already in disarray as it tries to combat the mounting legal issues facing the president, who last week was implicated as an un-indicted coconspirator in campaign finance crimes. Later in the week, both Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization chief financial officer who is intimately familiar with the business dealings of his former employer, and David Pecker, the National Enquirer owner who is reportedly sitting on a trove of damaging stories about the president, were both granted immunity by prosecutors. On Saturday, a Washington Post report detailed the extent of Trump’s growing fear that he could soon face legal repercussions. According to White House aides spoken to by the paper, Trump “has been distracted in meetings, polling staff about developments in legal cases.”

Just as the spreadsheet doubles as a catalog of Trump’s corruption, it also highlights the complicity of Republican lawmakers who have blocked Democratic attempts to investigate the president. Their failure to act on any of these fronts underscores the notion that their loyalty to Trump has superseded their loyalty to country. It’s the job of Congress to check the power of the president. House Republicans have chosen to abdicate this responsibility, as carrying it out would reflect poorly on Trump. The impact of the president’s corruption on the United States is a secondary concern.

Pending the Democrats taking control of Congress, the only real check on the president’s power is Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. As Trump’s legal troubles have mounted, so, too, have his attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who last March recused himself from overseeing the probe. If Trump were to fire Sessions, it would allow him to install someone at the top of the Justice Department who could effectively end the Russia inquiry. As the president continues to panic, he could see axing his attorney general as his only escape. In their desperation to insulate the president from suffering consequences for his actions, Republican lawmakers are beginning to warm to the idea. Last week, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the president is “entitled to an attorney general he has faith in,” while Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said he could make time to hold a hearing to confirm a new attorney general.

One of the only Republican lawmakers who took any action against the president’s agenda was John McCain, who died on Saturday. McCain had been one of the longest-tenured, most well-respected members of Congress. He was a war hero and a Republican icon. In the hours following his death, the president blocked the White House from issuing a statement acknowledging McCain’s service to America. The next day, he went golfing and continued tweeting about the Mueller investigation. On Monday morning, the American flags at the White House flew at full staff, another sign of disrespect for a member of Congress who has yet to be buried. Nary a one of McCain’s former Republican colleagues in the Senate has criticized the president’s response." {Source}

Think about this for a minute: trump had kinder things to say about convicted felon, Paul Manafort than he did for the now deceased Senator, John McCain. 


  1. J. Burton10:47 PM

    One weird thing about the McCain tributes is that those of us who voted for him in '08 are, on average, less enthusiastic about his legacy than those who didn't (>90% of journalists and celebrities praising his memory).

    Turns out that all it takes for the media to promote you from "mentally unwell, probably racist old man" to "selfless American statesman unparalleled in this or ANY century" is vigorous opposition to President Trump.

  2. Ed Real10:53 PM

    "On Monday morning, the American flags at the White House flew at full staff, another sign of disrespect for a member of Congress who has yet to be buried."

    Jesus Christ. Does anyone pay attention to the actual procedures? Do you ever check anything before you post it?

    It's the United States Flag Code. Members of Congress: 2 days.

  3. Fake News Update10:55 PM

    I'm getting the impression that certain pundits and journalists are exaggerating their grief over McCain's death just so they can have something else to attack Trump with, but it's very subtle so you might have missed it.

  4. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:11 PM

    Field said,

    "House Republicans have chosen to abdicate this responsibility, as carrying it out would reflect poorly on Trump. The impact of the president’s corruption on the United States is a secondary concern."

    Dear Field,
    Secondary concern? It's difficult to think the Republicans have any concern over the impact of Trump's corruption on the United States.

  5. My guess is that the MSM’s lamentations for Bush upon his death won’t be as over-the-top as for McCain, though, because Bush was a Republican winner, while McCain was the best kind of Republican: a loser.

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:17 PM

    Jay Burton said:

    "Turns out that all it takes for the media to promote you from "mentally unwell, probably racist old man" to "selfless American statesman unparalleled in this or ANY century" is vigorous opposition to President Trump."

    Turns out that all it takes for the media to promote you from "mentally unwell, probably racist old man" to selfless American statesman unparalleled in this or ANY century" is to die. It happens like clockwork. LOL!

  7. Anonymous11:46 PM

    President Obama runs from race like a black man runs from a cop.

    --Michela Eric Dyson, AA professor at Georgetown U

    Obama wrongly fired Shirley Sherrod , a black Georgia state director of rural development for the US, whose husband was a Freedom Rider along with John Lewis.

    The New York Times lambasted Obama accusing him of lacking advisors who are slave descendants. After Sherrod politely declined Obama’s offer, Dowd, of the NYT wrote “He should give her a new job: Director of Black Outreach. The White House needs one.”

  8. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Harry C. Alford, CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce insisted "We didn’t care about his position or views on anything. We just wanted a black president no matter what. We should have been more careful…his first Executive Order reinstated the Project Labor Agreements in government contracts. PLAs gives labor unions exclusive options in construction jobs. In other words, all businesses must use union labor or pay labor wages; which discriminates against black, Hispanic, and women owned businesses."

  9. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Hypocritical snakes are what Malcom X called liberals; particularly Northern whites liberals "I am a creation of the Northern white man and of his hypocritical attitute..." 'Conservatives you can say one thing-he is honest. He bares his teeth to the black man; he tells the black man, to his face…the advantage to this, the Southern black man never has been under any illusion…You can say for many conservative white people that, individually, they have been paternalistically helpful to many Southerner blacks.'

    -The Autobiography of Malcom X

  10. "...a wave of inquiries from a Democrat-controlled House would be “among the greatest threats to his presidency.”"

    No, that would just be congress doing it's damn job, the threat to his presidency is all of the wanna-be mobster bullshit he pulled and didn't believe he'd ever be caught for.
    Any bright seventh grader could have told him that all of that stuff goes live again as soon as you take the oath of office.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. This WH is exactly the shit show we thought it would be.

  12. Lance Cockstrong9:59 AM

    Corruption and micro dick white boys have always made good bedfellows.

  13. CNN used Lanny Davis as an anonymous source while stating in the same story that he declined to comment. They lied.

  14. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Democraps and faux Progressives are now praising the Neocon militarist John McCain!

    I guess it shows that progressive "antiwar" posturing was a cynical deception all along.

    This is evocative of how the Democraps and progressives masqueraded as "antiwar" when George W. Bush was in power.

    But they quietly dropped this antiwar pose once Barack "Predator Drone" Obama took power.

    Field Negro really needs to change his moniker, as he is a House Negro in "field negro" clothing.

    In fact, he is merely a Democratic Party House Negro in all but name.

  15. Anonymous11:24 AM

    “One weird thing about the McCain tributes is that those of us who voted for him in '08 are, on average, less enthusiastic about his legacy than those who didn't (>90% of journalists and celebrities praising his memory).”

    Not really true. Lots of Republican voters actually liked McCain. They are no longer represented meaningfully by the party now that it has gone all Sieg Heil. Unfortunately, most of them were too submissive (and too infected by slander against Hillary Clinton) to do anything about their dissatisfaction, and so they just dutifully held their nose and pulled the lever for Trump.

    Also, despite cartoonish right-wing caricatures of the mainstream media as entirely liberal, plenty of on-air commentators and newspaper columnists are centrist or moderate conservatives. They’ve always loved McCain to pieces and probably did vote for him for president.

  16. Anonymous11:40 AM

    “Obama wrongly fired Shirley Sherrod , a black Georgia state director of rural development for the US, whose husband was a Freedom Rider along with John Lewis.”

    Yup, Obama was wrong to fire Ms. Sherrod.

    But that happened after right-wing professional libeler Andrew Breitbart lied about her, using selectively edited recordings to make it look like she was racist against white people. You kinda left that part out.

    Obama was inadequately prepared for the degree of reprehensible Republican behavior that exists at the national level.

  17. Shirley Sherrod (born 1948) is a former Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the United States Department of Agriculture. On July 19, 2010, she became a subject of controversy when parts of a speech she gave – that had been edited to cast her as racist – were publicized by Breitbart News, and she was forced to resign. However, upon review of the complete unedited video in context, the NAACP, White House officials, and Tom Vilsack, the United States Secretary of Agriculture, apologized for the firing and Sherrod was offered a new position.

    Sherrod later sued Andrew Breitbart and co-defendant Larry O'Connor for defamation, false light, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. In October 2015, the suit was settled out of court on confidential terms.

  18. New York Dem Congressman Jerold Nadler says Congress function is not to protect the lying POS in the Kremlin Annex and he is 10000% correct

  19. A Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington, D.C., area hacked Hillary Clinton’s private server throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails, two sources briefed on the matter told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

    The Chinese firm obtained Clinton’s emails in real time as she sent and received communications and documents through her personal server, according to the sources, who said the hacking was conducted as part of an intelligence operation.

    The Chinese wrote code that was embedded in the server, which was kept in Clinton’s residence in upstate New York. The code generated an instant “courtesy copy” for nearly all of her emails and forwarded them to the Chinese company, according to the sources.

  20. "Harry C. Alford, CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce"

    This guy is a supply side Republican so anything he says about Barack is going to be tainted. Also his anti-union screed is predictable as he and his ilk are virulently anti-union. I wouldn't use him as a source to attack Barack.



      I know you just saw the organization name Black Chamber of Commerce but upon closer inspection this is just another lobbying arm for right wing policies.

  21. Well Field, when you elect a more immature, thin skinned and petty version of Nixon what did you expect?😝

    As the meme says, elect a clown expect a circus.

  22. Is the Flag Code enforceable?
    The Supreme Court has ruled that politically motivated violations of the Flag Code are protected by the First Amendment. The Flag Code has no provision for enforcement. No fines, no penalties. There is nothing law enforcement can do when the Flag Code is broken.

    On the other hand, Drumpfuck should be summarily executed every day that ends in Y.

  23. The original sin of modern conservatism is that it never came to terms with the reality of the Left’s race delusions. Last century, Progressives came to the conclusion that the obvious racial disparities in the world were solely due to racism, specifically the racism of whites toward the world’s non-whites. Everything that defines the American Left now is based on this assumption. This a lie, not a sin. The sin was that the American Right, or at least those who came to define the Right, never honestly challenged this claim.

    Instead, Buckley-style conservatives accepted this two part assumption about the world and tried to fit their ideas within it. This was mostly expedience. By going along with the Left’s egalitarianism, they could have a place at the table. With the Civil Rights Movement, the Left claimed the moral high ground on the matter of race. Confronting them on the reality of race would have required courage the conservatives did not posses, so they chose to make an accommodation with the Left. Cowardice became a feature of the Right.

    This mistake has haunted Buckleyites for fifty years, because there is no way to fit conservative ideas about society and culture with what amounts to race delusion. The fact that race is real, ethnicity is real and human diversity is immutable, means differences between the races are eternal. Worse yet, by casting the issue in moral terms, opposition to the Progressive race program was by definition immoral. After all, if racial differences can only be due to white racism, any white resistance to reform must be racism.

    There was always another problem with Progressive race delusion. Eventually, the Left would run out of ways to address the immutable racial differences. That means they would run out of possible explanations, leaving them with just one conclusion. That is, racism is what defines white people, so the only way to achieve social equality is to get rid of white people entirely. This is why the media is full of over-the-top anti-white rhetoric. The Left is now entirely defined by a visceral hatred of white people.

  24. Daily fucking liar depends on Screwy Louie Gohmert for proof of a Chines hack is worse then believing any thing Drumpfuck the pathological liar.

    It is made up and refuted by actual testimony from the Senate.

    Moar idiocy from stoopid wasicu wingnuts.

  25. CNN is fake news12:57 PM

    crazy how there's been a complete media blackout of the jacksonville shooting after everyone found out the shooter was jewish.

  26. The only interesting idea out of Buckley was his kicking the bucket.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts go out of their way to cause moar racism and then deny they did it. Then they go catatonic and claim to be the race victims themselves.

  27. Russia NRA blamed the victims for wearing headphones- kinda like what you should do when around loud gunfire.

    The shooter also had mental problems, but still had guns. Thanks drumpfuck and Russia/NRA.


    Let's hear how a 9 year old has no idea about sexuality and is a victim of Libs because right wing nut jobs would never condone condemning kids.


    Thankx Drumpfuck.


    Oh my.


    This oughta help.



  34. Anonymous1:54 PM

    “crazy how there's been a complete media blackout of the jacksonville shooting after everyone found out the shooter was jewish.”

    Media blackout? Hardly. This story has gotten plenty of coverage.

    True, maybe in a country other than the US, this would get even bigger coverage, but we have mass shootings on a regular basis now. The dude in Jacksonville “only” managed to kill two other people besides himself, and that doesn’t put you in the big leagues anymore. He’ll be forgotten in a month after the next maniac wipes out half an elementary school.

  35. Anonymous2:22 PM

    If the dude in Jacksonville would have one picture on his Facebook page with a Confederate flag in the background, this would be on the front page of the New York Times for a month.

  36. Let kids be kids2:24 PM

    "Let's hear how a 9 year old has no idea about sexuality"

    Let's hear why it's wrong to sexualize 9 year olds to push an agenda.

  37. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:27 PM

    "Any bright seventh grader could have told him that all of that stuff goes live again as soon as you take the oath of office."

    I have often wondered, why when he was so dirty did Trump run for president. Didn't he know that his past dishonesty would catch up with him once he got elected? The White House is like a goldfish bowl.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:32 PM

    Anonymous Traitor said...

    "A Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington, D.C., area hacked Hillary Clinton’s private server throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails, two sources briefed on the matter told The Daily Caller News Foundation."

    The Daily Caller???? LOL! Do you have any reliable sources?

  39. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Our wannabe dictator has had some more Very Stable Genius brainstorms. Not content with attacking real journalistic outlets for having the audacity to publish unflattering facts about him, he is now calling Google “fake news” as well.

    The gist of it is that the White House are claiming Google’s algorithms are unfair and biased, because when you ask a question, the search engine doesn’t always run out and find a bunch of bullshit right-wing conspiracy theories to answer it.

    This is truly the Orwellian “lies are truth” administration.

    Kudlow: Trump administration "taking a look" at regulating Google

  40. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "I have often wondered, why when he was so dirty did Trump run for president. Didn't he know that his past dishonesty would catch up with him once he got elected? The White House is like a goldfish bowl."

    Because we elected him knowing who he was. None if it matters because Trump is the one person standing in the way of the Uniparty destroying our country for their own profit.

  41. We have always been at war with Eastasia2:40 PM

    "This is truly the Orwellian “lies are truth” administration."

    What is truly Orwellian is mega corporations manipulating search results, censoring news, and deplatforming wrongthinkers.

  42. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:41 PM

    "The fact that race is real, ethnicity is real and human diversity is immutable, means differences between the races are eternal."

    Hog Wash! The entire article tries to legitimize racism. There are many differences in individual black people just as there are in individual whites and other groups that you call "races."

  43. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:46 PM

    "Because we elected him knowing who he was. None if it matters because Trump is the one person standing in the way of the Uniparty destroying our country for their own profit."

    I'm stunned. So you elected a MAN that is destroying our country for his own profit.

  44. Anonymous3:07 PM

    “What is truly Orwellian is mega corporations manipulating search results, censoring news, and deplatforming wrongthinkers.”

    Social media companies aren’t required to host lies on their platforms.

    Search engines aren’t required to help you find lies when you want information about a subject. In fact, it is their job NOT to do that.

    Lies are lies. Lies are not “wrongthink.”


  46. Nellie3:35 PM

    If the dude in Jacksonville would have one picture on his Facebook page with a Confederate flag in the background, this would be on the front page of the New York Times for a month.
    Had he been an immigrant and killed a white girl it would be on Fox News and on the lips of President Downgrade for years.

  47. All of these assholes have access to the same internet the rest of us do, and the lies they are addicted to can be debunked with a few mouse clicks. That they still believe the lies is a choice they make multiple times daily.
    Sure, since they are addicted to the lies, they can't be expected to just say no on their own, which is what makes the propagandists who benefit from supplying the lies for their addictions all the more evil.

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. Fight the Power4:13 PM

    they can't be expected to just say no on their own, which is what makes the propagandists who benefit from supplying the lies for their addictions all the more evil.

    Says the guy who fights for the interests of billionaires and trillion-dollar corporations because that's what the Media tells him to do. And when they tell him resistance to the agenda is lies, he barks.

  49. We have always been at war with Eastasia4:17 PM

    Search engines aren’t required to help you find lies when you want information about a subject. In fact, it is their job NOT to do that.

    No, their "job" is to conduct ideologically neutral searches of information on the internet, not to decide for you what it is you should be allowed to see.

    It would be different if there were choices, but a handful of companies now control a defacto near monopoly on the dissemination of information. If you don't think that's a problem, you're a communist.

  50. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "I'm stunned. So you elected a MAN that is destroying our country for his own profit."

    We elected the only man who didn't need to use his position for personal profit.

  51. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "The entire article tries to legitimize racism."

    Recognizing that there are real difference between different groups of people is not "racism".

  52. Anonymous4:23 PM

    "We elected the only man who didn't need to use his position for personal profit."

    And yet, he is using his position for personal profit!

    Shocking, isn't it, that a corrupt, unethical, greedy real estate developer would continue being corrupt, unethical, and greedy after being given more power?

  53. Recognizing that there are real difference between different groups of people is not "racism".

    4:22 PM

    No shit fer brains, it is the way you point out the differences in as many disparaging ways as your pea brain conjures up insults and criticisms of Blacks. You conveniently forget, in the overall scheme of things, you aren't "all that!"

  54. Tibbett's family members have said her death was about violence against women, not a chance for Fake Noize to use her death for anti-immigrant propaganda.(without mentioning that disgusting lying POS network)

    And since iowa is controlled by wingnuts, what are the chances a wingnut gets in trouble for hiring illegals? Can hardly wait for the excuses to roll in.

  55. Anonymous Steve said...

    My guess is that the MSM’s lamentations for Bush upon his death won’t be as over-the-top as for McCain, though, because Bush was a Republican winner, while McCain was the best kind of Republican: a loser.

    Hitler Weasel Bush has a yooge closet full of skeletons that need to be aired out. He was behind any number of right wing, American trained, strong arm dictactors in Central and South America as head of the CIA. He also developed a plan whereas a certain percentage of WEAITHY Americans could and would survive a first strike nukular assault on America. There was a massive underground complex under DC where congress and family members and others would be protected fro nuke strikes, until it was exposed.

    Then there was the airbase at Diego Garcia which was supposed to be a safe haven for the wealthy of the world in case of nuke war. HW was seriously involved (allegedly) in selling arms for illicit funds for Contra rebels. He helped sell Saddam his nuke capabilities. He set up an American asset (allegedly) as a radio station in Panama to get him killed so he would have a reason to attack Noriega. The military bungled the invasion and got a number of American servicemen killed during the opening moments.

    There are too many crimes to mention. He needs to be impeached before 0or after he leaves this earth.

  56. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "And yet, he is using his position for personal profit!"


  57. Anonymous5:45 PM

    "it is the way you point out the differences in as many disparaging ways as your pea brain conjures up insults and criticisms of Blacks."

    I do not.

    Races are different, but everyone is human. Different races have different distributions of talents and predilections that are legacy of where they are from. No one race is superior to any other. But they are different. Much evil is perpetrated denying that they are.


  58. Anonymous said...

    "And yet, he is using his position for personal profit!"


    Take yer pick of Drumpf profiting from being potus, Anymoose.

  59. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck was whining about how many birds are killed by wind turbines while his EPA was dropping fines for wind turbine companies that accidently kill birds.

    Since wind turbines, at least around here are anchored to concrete around 20 feet deep, I am not sure how an accidental bird killing occurs. One could argue the birds commit suicide and then insurance doesn't have pay out to surviving bird family members.

  60. This will be Obama's fault. This guy is a live wire.

    All a big hoax and airline pilots are all in on it.

  61. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Different races have different distributions of talents and predilections that are legacy of where they are from.
    Really? So people carry innate characteristics from their ancestral lands? Does this diminish after several generations? How did you come to learn these facts? From studying at university or pseudo-scientific websites?

  62. Drumpf- the guy with the world's best memory told Japan's Prime Minister he remembered Pearl Harbor- which occurred 5 years before Drumpf was shit out on a fence post. That is some powerful memory.


    Whitey shot a 15 year old Black boy.


    Isn't this illegal? It is a conspiracy.

  65. Anonymous6:46 PM

    “Drumpf- the guy with the world's best memory told Japan's Prime Minister he remembered Pearl Harbor- which occurred 5 years before Drumpf was shit out on a fence post. That is some powerful memory.”

    Hey, at least the Pearl Harbor attack actually happened, even if Trump wasn’t around at the time.

    Unlike the totally imaginary Arabs in New Jersey that Trump remembers cheering the 9/11 attack.

    Or the totally imaginary “Bowling Green Massacre” that Kellyanne Conwoman warned us not to forget.

  66. Anonymous7:12 PM

    On a more serious note, this is Trump being a dick again. Meeting with Japan about trade and bringing up WWII for no reason is a classic dick move, but Trump is idiotically convinced that insulting everyone is how you win negotiations.

    So I guess now we can add Japan to the list of enemy countries that Trump believes are screwing us. That list is getting mighty long. We are in danger of soon having no friends at all, other than dictatorships that Trump admires because their thuggish rulers are “strong.”

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:39 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    "I'm stunned. So you elected a MAN that is destroying our country for his own profit."

    " We elected the only man who didn't need to use his position for personal profit."

    4:20 PM

    Please get real. Trump has already personally profited by millions of dollars by raising membership rates on some of his golf properties and hotels.


    So now trump is trying to scare the Christians. If the Dems take control of the house they will "violently" undo all he has doen for Christians. Good god, this man is just plain incompetent.

  69. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:44 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Recognizing that there are real difference between different groups of people is not "racism".

    No, but saying these differences are immutable is an expression of racism.

  70. Wow, a white cop in Texas got convicted of murdering an unarmed black kid who was in a car slowly driving away from a party.
    That almost never happens.
    So let's see if he gets off on appeal.
    The case was so fucked up that even the other cops aren't supporting the murderer very much, so maybe not?

    -Doug in Oakland

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:02 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Races are different, but everyone is human. Different races have different distributions of talents and predilections that are legacy of where they are from. No one race is superior to any other. But they are different. Much evil is perpetrated denying that they are."

    There are real differences among human beings. The different races all share the same talents and predilections. There is great verity among individuals in groups that you and like thinking folks call races. Lumping all members of a given group and attributing the same characteristics to them all is not only illogical; it's contradicted by scientific experiments.

  72. Looks like Gillum is in the running to be the Dem nominee in Florida for gov!👍🏾👏🏾

  73. Anonymous8:24 PM

    “Please get real. Trump has already personally profited by millions of dollars by raising membership rates on some of his golf properties and hotels.”

    Trump has also gotten sweetheart loans for his business and regulatory approval for various projects in countries that want to curry favor with the US president.

    Foreign emissaries that visit the US, as well as domestic special interest groups coming to Washington to lobby the government make a point of staying at Trump’s hotels.

    And Trump himself is bilking the government. Nearly every damn weekend, he goes to Mar-a-Lago or one of his other stupid golf clubs, bringing his secret service entourage with him. When he does, the resort — i.e., Trump — charges the secret service — i.e., the taxpayer — for food and accommodations.


  74. "All a big hoax and airline pilots are all in on it."


  75. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Trump has not used his office for personal profit.

  76. Anonymous9:13 PM

    "So people carry innate characteristics from their ancestral lands?"

    Why are black people black?

    Why do Tibetans have enhanced abilities to survive at altitude?

    Why do people from places with cold winters show greater preference for future planning than tropical peoples? (This is present in toddlers).

  77. Anonymous9:15 PM

    "No, but saying these differences are immutable is an expression of racism."

    Your genes are immutable.

  78. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "Trump — charges the secret service — i.e., the taxpayer — for food and accommodations."

    So, he ran for President so he could drum up some weekend business at one of his hotels?

    That's a long way to go for a few thousand bucks.

    Maybe he should think bigger. Like selling 20% of US uranium reserves to the Russians for $150 million in donations to your private foundation. Or having Melania give speeches to Russians for $500K a pop.

  79. Joe Sobran9:33 PM

    Without religion, the state faces no rival moral authority.

    Without property, freedom has no material basis, and everyone becomes dependent on the state for support.

    And without the family, the individual belongs almost wholly to the state, with no stable competing loyalty.

  80. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Why do people from places with cold winters show greater preference for future planning than tropical peoples?
    And once again, have you studied this at a university or just website? Serious question.

  81. Andrew Gillum is the winner in the Florida Dem primary! Now we have to pull for he and Stacy Abrams! Good job guys.

  82. Anonymous9:41 PM

    "Andrew Gillum is the winner in the Florida Dem primary!"

    This is a nightmare for Florida Democrats right now.

    DeSantis can't believe his luck.


  84. "DeSantis can't believe his luck."

    Romney in a landslide.

  85. "So, he ran for President so he could drum up some weekend business at one of his hotels?"

    Nope, that's just one scam and that's worth more than a few thousand bucks. Tax cuts worth billions for he and his friends, trump university might be worth something now, and on second thought as broke as he is he may have done it for a few thousand bucks. Now seriously the real money will come from his buddy Putin and the Russian oligarchs. Why do you think he's purging the Justice Department? Think big.

  86. FAMU Baby!!! 🐍🐍🐍

  87. So the Fergus grift continues: He has personally intervened in the plans to move FBI HQ from DC to the suburbs, opting for an expensive total renovation of the J. Edgar Hoover building instead.
    Said building is on Pennsylvania Ave. and can be seen from many rooms in his illegal hotel and an upgrade to it might (in his pea brain) increase the property value to him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  88. Not the yahoo link PX!😝😝

  89. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  90. Anonymous10:05 PM

    “And once again, have you studied this at a university or just website? Serious question.”

    Hahahahaha, you know they haven’t.

    No university is teaching classes on how “them negroes so dumb, they cain’t plan for the future.” This is junk from Stormfront or some racist reddit forum.

    This is from the same font of infinite wisdom that produces crackpot theories about a huge epidemic of black-on-white hate crimes, all going unreported because of a massive “Jew media” conspiracy to keep them a secret.

    Also the same rocket surgeons that cooked up Pizzagate.

    The alt-right are tragic, dysfunctional freakshows trying to convince everyone they’re serious intellectuals. But nobody is fooled by this. Normal people alternate between laughing at them and being disgusted by them.

  91. The beginning of the end of stand your ground in Florida!!

    And take that fat ass murderer Zimmerman with you!👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿

  92. Anonymous10:10 PM

    “Nope, that's just one scam and that's worth more than a few thousand bucks. Tax cuts worth billions for he and his friends”

    No kidding. How much do you figure he made just from the fat tax cut he gave himself, before you even get into the actual corruption?

    But hey, he’s the defender of the common man, always looking out for the little guy.


  93. Bruce Ohr10:33 PM

    A Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington, D.C., area hacked Hillary Clinton’s private server throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails.

    Is it too early to say the Trump campaign was the only entity NOT involved in foreign manipulation of the election?

  94. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Everyone with a functioning brain knew her private server was vulnerable to hacks. That's why conservatives objected to her use of it. But as always with Hillary, protecting herself from scrutiny and hiding what she is doing is more important than protecting the country.

  95. Anonymous10:57 PM

    The FBI using the Fusion GPS dossier to get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign will go down as the biggest American political scandal of our lifetimes.

  96. Sure, President Trump has been great for the economy, but can we, as a nation, tolerate his inconsistent flag-lowering?

  97. Yisheng = nigger, lilac = cunt11:28 PM

    Trump supporters will believe anything he tells them. They really are that stupid.

  98. The Ghost of Hilary’s Emails11:29 PM

    Anonymous fenk said...
    Sure, President Trump has been great for the economy, but can we, as a nation, tolerate his inconsistent flag-lowering?

    Why don’t you stick your stupid head back up trump’s fat ass, NO ONE gives a shit about your dumb, sychophant opinions.

  99. Kill white men, fuck white women11:34 PM

    Kill white men.
    Fuck white women.

  100. Blacks are the epitome of whiny little bitches.

  101. Dave Zirin = faggot kike12:12 AM

    The white race is pathetic. Absolutely worthless.

  102. Anonymous12:18 AM

    "Hog Wash! The entire article tries to legitimize racism."

    The best definition of "racist" I've ever seen is "someone who's winning an argument with a leftist."

    "Racist" is your go-to label to delegitimize, deplatform and dehumanize your opposition.  We're not having it any more.

    Daring to say "race is a biological reality" gets you labelled "racist", but it's 100% true that Europeans are as genetically different from black Africans as American grey wolves are from coyotes.  Gene tests can not only tell if someone is descended from black Africans, but which specific areas/tribes.  If the truth is "racist", only racists can speak the truth.

    DNA is physical reality.  Your dogma is an insane fabrication.  Keep trying to impose your dogma on us and neither your gender nor your age will protect you much longer.

    "'you elected a MAN that is destroying our country for his own profit."

    No, you idiot woman.  We elected a man who is stopping the plundering of our heritage for the profit of a tiny group of oligarchs, using "minorities" as their pawns.  If you insist upon being their tool, we will not hesitate to let you share their fate.

    "saying these differences are immutable is an expression of racism."

    Saying these differences can be eliminated by belief is insanity.

    "The different races all share the same talents and predilections."

    No they don't, you idiot woman.  There is no race including people who believe that blowing into a cow's anus makes it give more milk that is not African.  No other race pushes belief that fucking infants cures AIDS.  Not coincidentally, no other race has so many infant injuries, deaths and HIV infections from rape.

    Would that you had been one of them, so you wouldn't be a pox upon us today.

  103. Anonymous12:20 AM

    "No university is teaching classes on how “them negroes so dumb, they cain’t plan for the future.”"

    It's true.  That universities aren't teaching it proves that they are corrupted and need to be burned to the ground along with their faculty and administration.

    "This is junk from Stormfront or some racist reddit forum."

    This is repeatable science from things like the marshmallow experiment and have been frequently denied but never, ever disproven.

  104. Aardvark12:30 AM

    I'm Chinese-American and think blacks should look in the mirror before automatically blaming everyone else for their problems, as well as the problems of the nation.

    See more at:

  105. "We're not having it any more."

    Just who is this "we" you speak of? And who could possibly give one hair on a rat's furry ass what they're "not having"?

    I'll tell you instead what they *are* having: obsolescence. Political, cultural, and social. And soon demographic.

    And it's not some stupid fucking "white genocide" cooked up by whatever bogeymen your propagandists spotlighted on today's two minutes hate, it's that society has outgrown your backwards-ass bullshit and just want to get on with their lives.

    Which you would want also if you had lives.

    Life is short, do you really want to face the end of yours knowing that all you added to the world while you were here was hate, ignorance and fear? I guess some folks get off on shit like that, but in reality they are few in number and rarely worth changing anything in your day to accommodate.

    Have fun with yourselves, I guess.

    -Doug in Oakland

  106. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:00 AM

    To Anonymous who addresses me as "you idiot woman"

    If you are interested in becoming a better person, please read the article The Eve Gene by Stephen Oppenheimer

    Each of us inherits our mtDNA from our own mother, who inherited her mtDNA intact from her mother, and so on back through the generations – hence mtDNA’s popular name, ‘the Eve gene’. Ultimately, every person alive today has inherited their mitochondrial DNA from one single great-great-great-. . .-grandmother, nearly 200,000 years ago.

    I did notice that in your post, you expressed you opinions strongly but did not include a single reliable source to support them. Therefore it is my duty to help educate you. Please read the article and others about this topic. I feel sorry for you because you are so full of hate and anger.

  107. J. Burton,

    You are mistaken. All that this proves is that you Trumpies are willing to turn your backs on the things you once loved at the direction of your new dictator.

    Case in point. What socio-political force could get millions of republican males to renounce their love of professional football and the NFL?

    That's right! Only the monster. He could make you guys turn on your own mothers.

    Total explanation of exactly how Hitler deceived an entire nation of good, honest, hard-working people. It's happening right here, right now.

    Thanks for playing.

  108. Doug, the "we" wingnuts speak of is their tapeworms. They all have three or four and it gives them courage like being in a pack of koyotes. Kowards run in packs just like koyotes.

  109. Anonymous Aardvark said...Tong, Tong, Tong, Tong, Tong, Tong, Tong,

  110. The best definition of "racist" I've ever seen is "someone who's winning an argument with a leftist."

    You stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys never win. You quit and start whining about being the victims off mean Libs. Wah fucking wah, bitch!!! Grow up or go home.

  111. Secret Service moved out of Drumpf tower in NYC because Drumpf tried to jack up the rent. They are still in NYC in case Drumpfuck ever gets back home.

    Drumpf makes personal profit every time he stays at a golf course or resort he owns because the SS has to be there with him and then Drumpf can charge the government whatever he wants for rooming his SS detail and that money goes directly into the bogus potus pocket.

  112. Drumpf regime in a nutshell-

    The rotten morals never fall far from the rotten morals tree.Bwahahahahahahahahaha!


    Ex cop gets community service after blinding a woman who annoyed him. No awards or medals for meritorious service in the face of a minority woman?

  114. "I did notice that in your post, you expressed you opinions strongly but did not include a single reliable source to support them."

    Well, that is supposed to be basic internet decorum.

  115. Anonymous10:43 AM

    So, according to Malcom X, for the most part , it would be safe to say most Southern blacks are the authentic “yard’ Negros who understands not only the political landscape from a historical context, but who they are (and where they stand) oppose to Northern blacks. All else... just backgrond noise.

  116. No justice, no peace11:32 AM

    Racial groups are different in their distribution of talents and predilections.

    Within every racial group there exists the full range of human talents and predilections.

    Therefore every individual is unique in their talents and predilections.

    If we organized our society around that fact, the problem of 'racism' is gone.

    However we organize our society around the belief that racial groups are identical in their distribution of talents and predilections. We scrupulously measure group outcomes based on this assumption, and ascribe all deviations from parity as evidence of white racism.

    Is white racism the reason blacks dominate the ranks of our highest paid athletes?

    Is white racism the reason East Asian students dominate the ranks of American STEM graduate programs?

    Is white racism the reason Indian immigrants are among the highest earners in the US?

    No. White racism is used to explain only those variations from parity that favor whites.

    When the Civil Rights movement became triumphant 50 years ago, the goal ostensibly was a "color blind" society, where each of us was to be judged individually on the content of our character. Now, according to Leftist dogma, believing such is evidence of white privilege.

    The concept has transformed from the idea of lifting up American blacks to the level of respect and access to opportunity that they deserved, to a way to justify favoritism of all non-white groups over whites.

    America never enslaved Guatemalans and discriminated against them in education or employment. Yet before his feet are dry from illegally crossing the Rio Grande, he is eligible for a whole range of minority benefits as compensation for the oppression he has striven so hard to live under. And insisting he go through the process of immigrating legally is racist.

    This is not justice. This is a sustained attack on white America for the benefit of the elites who have organized it, all based on a lie.

  117. When the Civil Rights movement became triumphant 50 years ago, the goal ostensibly was a "color blind" society, where each of us was to be judged individually on the content of our character. Now, according to Leftist dogma, believing such is evidence of white privilege.

    What a load of garbage. White privilege is what it is. You wasicu wasteys like to pretend it doesn't exist.

  118. Here's yer colorblind wasicu racist-


    Moar criminal Russian Annex conduct.

  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:49 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Trump has not used his office for personal profit."

    9:08 PM

    Here's proof that you are mistaken:

    1. How Is Donald Trump Profiting From the Presidency? Let Us Count the ...
    Mar 5, 2018 - Donald Trump is raking in big bucks from emoluments foreign and domestic.

    2. President Trump's money-making power is as ... -
    Jun 29, 2018 - But he stepped away only from their management, not their profits. As president, Trump has promoted those businesses with his presence ...

    3. All the President's Profiting • OpenSecrets
    No modern president has jumped so directly from the world of business to the presidency as Donald Trump. And in so doing, Trump has refused to do as his ...

    4. How Trump Is Making Money in the White House, and Why Nobody ... › Money & Career
    May 3, 2018 - President Trump is breaking one of our oldest rules: You can't profit from the presidency. How he's doing it, and why he's getting away with it.

    5. How Donald Trump is monetising his presidency - Not one to avoid a ...
    Jul 20, 2017 - On becoming president, Mr Trump put his businesses in a trust. ... Eric has since said he will update his father with profit reports, even though ...

    When you Google "Trump profiting from presidency, you will find these articles and a begillion more. I know you don't want to admit you made a mistake by voting for Trump, but it's time to man up.

  121. Anonymous12:57 PM

    White House counsel Don McGahn cooperated with the Mueller investigation. Trump is firing him.

    This administration is really starting to look like “The Apprentice: White House Edition.” Trump seems to be firing people at a faster rate than he did on his old TV show.

    The new TV show needs to be cancelled for low ratings.

  122. Kenny Rogers, a.k.a. "The Gambler"1:28 PM

    "When you Google "Trump profiting from presidency, you will find these articles and a begillion more"

    They are all nonsense.

    Everyone is profiting from the Trump presidency.

    He owns American businesses and American businesses are doing well.

    Trump is not using the powers of his office to enrich himself. He was a billionaire before he started in politics, and is not in this to get rich. You can't say that about his predecessors though.

    Bill Clinton never worked in the private sector. Hillary worked at a law firm in the 1980's, but has been strictly on the meager 'public servant' payroll for over 25 years. Yet they are worth over a quarter of a billion dollars. And they have the weight of a multi-billion dollar private foundation to throw around.

    Barack Obama never worked in the private sector. Michelle worked as a lawyer for a few years, but has spent the vast majority of her adult life as a student or a homemaker. Yet they are worth tens of millions of dollars. Netflix just tossed them $50 million more.

  123. He owns American businesses and American businesses are doing well.

    Bullshit. Drumpf's businesses are virtually all overseas- sweatshops and he has yet to repatriate a single one.

    Drumpf was supposed to have extricated himself from his businesses while in office and has not. Everytime he spends a night at one of his own properties he rakes in big bucks for room and board for SS entourage.

    He has illegally advertised his and his family business through the Russian Annex. He has his own gift shop in the Russian Annex next to the WH gift shop. He advertises his brands every time he shows up on tv.

    His worthless offspring weren't supposed to be making business trips abroad while their worthless excuse for a dad rakes in the dough as bogus potus. But they do.

    His favorite grope toy made several business deals sitting in top secret meetings with foreign leaders she wasn't cleared to attend. The list goes on forever. Get a grip on reality before it is toolate, stoopid fucking wingnut.

  124. Grow the fuck up2:10 PM

    "The list goes on forever"

    Doesn't matter how long it is if it is all bullshit.

  125. Trump retained his financial stake in the business, despite having offered during the campaign to put all his assets in a "blind trust" should he win the presidency.[54][55] His attorney at the time, Sheri Dillon, stated that Trump's assets would be overseen by an ethics officer, and that the Trump Organization will not pursue any new foreign business deals.[56]

    Drumpf name is anathema to ethics. including foreign deals.

    Anonymous Grow the fuck up said...grow the fuck up and admit you are bullshit.

  126. You're a mindless hack3:06 PM

    "Drumpf name is anathema to ethics."

    Tell me that after he sells uranium to Putin for $150 million in personal donations, or after he uses the FBI to spy on the opposition presidential campaign.

    Until then, fuck you.

  127. Anonymous3:42 PM

    "Tell me that after he sells uranium to Putin for $150 million in personal donations, or after he uses the FBI to spy on the opposition presidential campaign."

    None of that actually happened.

    Until it does, fuck you.

  128. President Super Duper Downgrade3:48 PM

    Tell me that after he sells uranium to Putin for $150 million in personal donations, or after he uses the FBI to spy on the opposition presidential campaign.
    He probably gave it away since he owes Russia a shit ton of money and Putin is his master.

  129. when you google trump whiny little bitch comes up3:51 PM

    or after he uses the FBI to spy on the opposition presidential campaign.
    He's too busy using them to investigate Google because they're saying mean things about him.

  130. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Welp, racist Joe Arpaio isn't going to be a U.S. senator, thank goodness.

    He lost the primary for the Republican candidate to replace retiring Arizona Senator Jeff Flake.

  131. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:48 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said:

    "When you Google "Trump profiting from presidency, you will find these articles and a begillion more"

    A Trump Troll Replied: "They are all nonsense."

    This is what you trolls do when confronted with facts: You deny them, call them nonsense,and usually add insults. Sometimes you try to deflect by bringing up something negative about Obama or Hillary. I understand why you do this. You have no "facts" to counter the truth.

  132. "He could make you guys turn on your own mothers."

    That's not actually very difficult since decades of consumption of right wing propaganda has rendered most of them infinitely reprogrammable meatsticks who are so deft at assimilating the latest lie that it can literally contradict the lie from five minutes earlier completely and they won't so much as twitch as they are swallowing it.
    "Was that mom I just fucked? Well, I've been called a motherfucker since I was five, so I don't really know."

    -Doug in Oakland

  133. Tell me that after he sells uranium to Putin for $150 million in personal donations, or after he uses the FBI to spy on the opposition presidential campaign.

    Stoopid, stoopid fucking wingnut. I pity stoopid fuckers like you. For what I hope is the very last time I have to lecture you irredeemable stoopid fucking maggots, donations made to Clinton foundation had nothing to do with the later sale of uranium to Putin. Are you with me so far? The guy that donated 145 mil sold his stake in U ranium 1 and donated the money at least a full year before HRC became SOS. That guy was a CANADIAN, not Putin. The paltry amount of Uranium Russia bought and can't get export licenses for, was part of a larger sale of uranium in some fucking Stan next to Russia, which is what Putin wanted to get his hands on. Still with me?

    There are 9, count them, 9 US gubmint agencies that had to agree to the sale if US uranium that Putin will never get his hands on unless Drumpf gives it to him, State Dept was one of those 9 and HRC let her deputy handle that end. So you have been worrying yerself silly and getting ulcers because Fake Noize has lied to you every god damn of yer miserable stoopid fucking life. Now go play in traffic.


    DeBoss wants to protect the rapists and the schools, not the alleged victims. How stoopid fucking wingnutish.


    Delusional imbecile thinks he is doing a good job with Li'l Kim who has played dumbfuck Drumpduck like a violin.

  136. So Fergus told the assembled god-botherers that he's so proud of getting rid of the Johnson amendment and that now they are free to campaign from the pulpit.
    Only he didn't get rid of it, it still stands as the law of the land.
    So now the question is are any of them stupid enough to believe him and start violating it to stave off a mid term shellacking?

    To quote the dearly departed Frank Zappa:
    "Tax the churches. Tax the businesses owned by the churches."

    Or will they ignore his bullshit because they actually know he lies all of the damn time?

    -Doug in Oakland

  137. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "State Dept was one of those 9"

    I don't know what those other 8 got for their approvals, but Hillary got $150 million for the State Department's.

    There is no corruption in Trump's time in office that could ever compare to that.

  138. Back in those late Cold War days, the death toll of innocent civilians from the Bolshevik Revolution and the first two decades of the Soviet Regime was generally reckoned at running well into the tens of millions when we include the casualties of the Russian Civil War, the government-induced famines, the Gulag, and the executions. I’ve heard that these numbers have been substantially revised downwards to perhaps as little as twenty million or so, but no matter. Although determined Soviet apologists may dispute such very large figures, they have always been part of the standard narrative history taught within the West.

    Meanwhile, all historians know perfectly well that the Bolshevik leaders were overwhelmingly Jewish, with three of the five revolutionaries Lenin named as his plausible successors coming from that background. Although only around 4% of Russia’s population was Jewish, a few years ago Vladimir Putin stated that Jews constituted perhaps 80-85% of the early Soviet government, an estimate fully consistent with the contemporaneous claims of Winston Churchill, Times of London correspondent Robert Wilton, and the officers of American Military Intelligence. Recent books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Slezkine, and others have all painted a very similar picture. And prior to World War II, Jews remained enormously over-represented in the Communist leadership, especially dominating the Gulag administration and the top ranks of the dreaded NKVD.

    Both of these simple facts have been widely accepted in America throughout my entire lifetime. But combine them together with the relatively tiny size of worldwide Jewry, around 16 million prior to World War II, and the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe.

    Today’s American Neocons are just as heavily Jewish as were the Bolsheviks of a hundred years ago, and they have greatly benefited from the political immunity provided by this totally bizarre inversion of historical reality. Partly as a consequence of their media-fabricated victimhood status, they have managed to seize control over much of our political system, especially our foreign policy, and have spent the last few years doing their utmost to foment an absolutely insane war with nuclear-armed Russia. If they do manage to achieve that unfortunate goal, they will surely outdo the very impressive human body-count racked up by their ethnic ancestors, perhaps even by an order-of-magnitude or more.

  139. don't know what those other 8 got for their approvals, but Hillary got $150 million for the State Department's.

    Prove it, Troll. You can't do it, but give some fake noize talking points so I can laugh in yer face.


    Nothing in the dossier has been proven false, yet.

  141. moron from iowa6:50 PM

    Nothing in the Weekly World News story about Bat Boy and his flying saucer have been proven false, yet.


    Forbes is hardly a bastion of Lib lovers, Anymoose and even they say you are a stoopid fucking wingnut for being brainwashed by fake noize.


    Moar skullduggery from Drumpfuck the corrupt crook in the Russian Annex.

  144. Anonymous7:12 PM

    "Nothing in the dossier has been proven false, yet."

    The point is that a ton of stuff in the dossier has already been proven true.

    When the tape materializes showing Russian hookers taking a whizz on Trump's head, I am going to bust a gut laughing.

  145. Anonymous7:23 PM

  146. moron from iowa said...

    Nothing in the Weekly World News story about Bat Boy and his flying saucer have been proven false, yet.

    Shit fer brains, why don't you at least make an effort to engage in meaningful discussions? I mean, besides the fact yer a stoopid fucking moron and your dog hates you is no excuse not to try.

  147. Anonymous7:43 PM

    No bail for black man charged with attempted murder in West Town sex attack:

  148. Had the perp been wasicu then it wold have been passed off as a prank, no harm intended-amirite?

  149. Awww the wasist rethug nominee in Florida is pee-pee calling the pee-pee man’s minions.

  150. Anonymous9:25 PM

    "Awww the wasist rethug nominee in Florida is pee-pee calling the pee-pee man’s minions."

    Is the person making this comment over 5 years old?

    Wow, this site was blank and redirected to which crashed because there was sooooo much content.

  152. Robert Mueller9:39 PM

  153. "There is no corruption in Trump's time in office that could ever compare to that."

    What about the 120 mil that Ross swindled his business partners out of? At least that's real, unlike the tired, long debunked lies you drag out about Hillary.

    And the goddamn tax cut is a trillion and a half. Trillion with a T.
    For a goddamn political stunt to justify ending Social Security and Medicare, while redistributing all of that money to the already wealthy.

    Wannabe mobsters don't make good presidents.

    -Doug in Oakland


  154. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Awww the wasist rethug nominee in Florida is pee-pee calling the pee-pee man’s minions."

    Is the person making this comment over 5 years old?

    You understood it right? 😉

    And Isn’t that the average intellectual level of the pee-pee man’s minions? Thank you and good night!

  155. Anonymous8:48 AM

    The best part of coming here is watching the left completely lose its collective shit.


    Moar Manafort.Drumpf shenanigans and now include Bob V (for Viagra) Dole.

  157. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Always talking about Hillary and Obama but then blame Trump.....
