Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Monkey business.

Man these trumpiticians are not playing around. They don't even use dog whistles anymore. They just straight up blow their whistles and let their Klan flag fly. 

"Fresh off his victory in the Florida Republican gubernatorial primary, Rep. Ron DeSantis said Wednesday that voters would "monkey this up" if they elected his African-American opponent, Andrew Gillum, to be governor, immediately drawing accusations of racism.

The remark provides a controversial beginning to what will be a closely watched general election for the Florida governorship, which pits DeSantis, who has closely aligned himself with President Donald Trump, against Gillum, a progressive backed by Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Calling him "an articulate spokesman" for the far left, DeSantis said during an interview on Fox News when asked about his opponent Gillum, "The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."
Gillum would become the state's first black governor if he were to win in November.
    "It's very clear that Mr. DeSantis is taking a page directly from the campaign manual of Donald Trump," Gillum told Fox News' Shepard Smith hours later." [Source]

    DeSantis, of course, is trump's kind of guy. And this is right out of trump's playbook: Play the racist card much to the outrage of decent Americans, and fire up your base to come out because they secretly (or not so secretly) support and embrace the racism you are espousing.  It's a neat trick if you know how to pull it off. Desantis and trump are hoping that it will work in Florida, where they have just enough of those kinds of people to pull it off.  

    Finally tonight, remember when trump was throwing paper towels in San Juan like Steph Curry at the free throw line? That was when he went down right after Hurricane Maria to take a victory lap and tell the rest of us how great FEMA was doing. ("Brownie, you are doing a heck of  a job.")

    Not so fast. As it turns out this is a greater tragedy and disaster than Katrina in terms of human loss of life. trump declared that only 64 people had died during that dreadful storm. Well, as it turns out, we are now learning that 2, 975 Americans lost their lives as a result of that tragedy.

    Sadly, like everything else with the charlatan- in- chief, it was all smokes and mirrors. Folks, believe nothing that this man tells you. Instead of fact checking, we should be truth checking him. This is because the truth rarely comes from his lips. 

    “I think we did a fantastic job in Puerto Rico,” Trump told reporters Wednesday at the White House in response to a question about the new death tally. “Puerto Rico had a lot of difficulties before it got hit, and we’re straightening out those difficulties even now.”[Source]  

    Almost 3,000 people lost their lives and he declares that they did a "fantastic" job. 

    OK then.

    Mr. Mueller, please hurry. 

    Pic from


    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      The one thing the white man can never give a black man is self-respect.

      Until the black man becomes an independent thinker ,recognizing one's true self, the white man will never take him seriously. A black man must hold his own, be true to thyself, stop hiding the truth behind a façade grin, and self-correct his own material, moral, and spiritual defect and evils.

      -Malcom X

    2. Anonymous10:40 PM

      Most of the deaths in Puerto Rico do seem to have been from the aftermath of the storm -- specifically, the inability to meet the basic needs of people living in the wreckage -- rather than from winds or flooding during the storm itself.

      So it's not surprising that the initial death toll was small and then has gotten massively revised upwards.

      The question is how many of those lives could have been saved. With the power down over virtually the entire island, and people stranded by impassable roads, aid did not reach people fast enough. What part of that was due to the logistics of delivering stuff to an island, and what part of that was due to Trump not giving a crap about an island full of people who can't and won't vote for him anyway?

      Trump will rely on the uncertainty about that question. He will also rely on the fact that most Americans do no give much thought about Puerto Rico or are even aware it is part of our country, since it's not a US state and predominantly speaks Spanish.

      He will probably get away with it. Particularly since he is causing chaos and outrage at such a furious pace that there is not time to hold him accountable for one atrocity before he has focused everyone's attention to his next one.

    3. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Somehow, I knew you would be responding to that "monkey this up" comment.

      Ordinarily, in such a situation, I might give a politician the benefit of the doubt and allow for the possibility of his having merely chosen his words poorly. But when it's coming out of the mouth of an avowed Trump fan ... well, let me just say I'm a lot more suspicious.

    4. Anonymous10:58 PM

      Maybe DeSantis has taken "how to be a politician" lessons from Dr. Loveless, the villain from the movie Wild, Wild West.

    5. Kind of reminiscent of George Allen and his Macaca moment. With any amount of luck it will bring a similar outcome.
      So about two Katrinas or almost a 9-11.
      Seems like if we gave a shit we could have done better, but that would have required taking it seriously, and Fergus is incapable of doing so.

      -Doug in Oakland

    6. Anonymous12:57 AM

      “Kind of reminiscent of George Allen and his Macaca moment.”

      That was certainly an interesting news story: A politician completely torpedoing his career by taunting someone with a racial slur that he invented right there on the spot.

      What do you think Allen is more disappointed about? That he’s not a senator anymore, or that his new word didn’t catch on and people aren’t going around calling each other “macaca”?

    7. Coolest Monkey in the Jungle1:19 AM

      "Rep. Ron DeSantis said Wednesday that voters would "monkey this up" if they elected his African-American opponent, Andrew Gillum"

      Actually, he said “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

      But you knew that. Just like you know the expression "monkey this up" means to fuck it up, and has no racial connotation.

      But of course you just had to pretend, along with the rest of the Left media, that he decided to use an infantile racist slur to kick off his campaign, because everyone knows black people look like monkeys. And Trump.

      As if this shit worked anymore. Blowback is a bitch.

    8. Field Negro Theater1:26 AM

      Normal person: Don't monkey this up!

      Progressive: You mean like a black person?

      Normal person: What? No, I--

      Progressive: Cuz blacks are like monkeys, right?

      Normal person: Jesus, no. I was just--

      Progressive: With their dark skin and big nostrils

      Normal person: No

      Progressive: *dances on table holding a banana*

    9. Anonymous2:12 AM

      Part of me really does expect DeSantis to come out with campaign posters featuring a picture of Gillum and the slogan, "Florida, don't monkey this up."

      Nothing about American politics in 2018 surprises me anymore. We have gone completely off the rails.

    10. So that cop in Texas got sentenced to 15 years, though his attorneys have already begun the process of appealing.
      Probably when they're done he'll get a year of "special confinement" to protect him while he's incarcerated, if they don't just outright let him go.
      15 years would be fair, but he's a white cop in Texas and I'll believe it when I see it.

      -Doug in Oakland

    11. Not sure if this is funny or tragic- having wasicu avowed racist scum lecture Blacks about racist scum not being racist scum while they are being racist scum.

      DeRacist knew he was being racist scum, just as well as he knew his core audience would love him for it. That is the nature of the racist wasicu scum beast.

      Stoopid fucking wasicu wingnut racist scum.


      It is tick season, folks. Be prepared with tick spray.

    13. Moar monkey business, desperately drowning Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is begging Cheap Scotus justice Roberts to order FISA court to save Drumpfuck from prosecution.

      Do you suppose anyone bothered to explain the definition of witch hunt to Drumpfuck the dumbfuck? I am gonna guess no.


      Typical wingnut racist pig.

    15. "Monkey it up" is a dog-whistle, and dog-whistles are for dogs.

    16. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Speaking of monkeys:

    17. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Even more monkey business. All to aid the criminal negroe:

    18. That's a good boy10:32 AM

      Paradoctor said...
      "Monkey it up" is a dog-whistle, and dog-whistles are for dogs.

      And you can tell who the dogs are by who is barking.

    19. Dogs do a considerable amount of whining, kinda like their wasicu wastey wingnut inferiors. They also pay strict attention when lead dog Drumpfuck tosses them red meat lies full of MAGATS.

    20. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Too Much Monkey Business:

    21. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:40 PM

      Mike from Iowa said:

      "They also pay strict attention when lead dog Drumpfuck tosses them red meat lies full of MAGATS."

      Mike, I agree with your sentiments, but as a dog lover I cringe when folks compare white supremacists to dogs. Dogs are much nicer and more loving than than trump and the radicals posting here. So the comparison insults dogs.

    22. My humblest apologies, Gambler2 ASKA White Woman. I do not share your dog sentiments but I do apologize for insulting them. I rilly hate cats, too still yet. I try to ignore them.

    23. Anonymous2:29 PM

      More old white Neanderthal idiocy from a member of the party of Russia. The half-wit Ron Desantis I believe will be taking a big L on November6 say around 9:30pm should be the time Andrew Gillum will be declared the winner. The racist clown Desantis appears to be out of his league in this race at this time in American history.

    24. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Unhinged Trumpkin arrested by FBI after threatening violence against employees of the Boston Globe for being "enemies of the people" and "fake news."

      "In one profanity laced call made Aug. 13, Chain allegedly said, 'We are going to shoot you … in the head, you Boston Globe … . Shoot every … one of you,' according to court documents.

      On the day the editorials ran in newspapers across the country, Chain called the Globe newsroom and threatened to shoot Globe employees in the head 'later today, at 4 o’clock,' prosecutors said.

      Court documents indicated Chain was recorded on Aug. 16 saying: 'You’re the enemy of the people, and we’re going to kill every ... one of you. Hey, why don’t you call the F? Why don’t you call Mueller? Maybe he can help you out, buddy.'”

    25. Anonymous4:41 PM

      80 IQ Commies never fail. Blaxit in 2020

    26. Anonymous4:47 PM

      If Gillum wins, how long before he is indicted for ripping off the public? Can you say Ray Nagin? Can you Kwame Kilpatrick, Can you say Jesse Jackson JR. Etc. Etc, The list is longer than the line for section 8 housing.

    27. White collar crimes aren't prosecuted. For Example see every fucking Drumpfuck ever born and their in-laws and everyone in drumpfuck's swamp fever dreams cabinet, etc.

    28. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Jonathan Wesley Harris....Nuff Said.

    29. Welp, I guess we don't have to wonder what he meant any more:

      -Doug in Oakland

    30. “15 years would be fair, but he's a white cop in Texas and I'll believe it when I see it.”

      Fair to whom? His White skin and the race of the kid he killed is the reason he ONLY got 15 years.

    31. 15 years is roughly twice the average sentence for a murder conviction, at least in places where there aren't three strikes laws or other such horse shit, so in that sense it would be fair.
      There is no way to make it "fair" after you kill an unarmed kid in cold blood, but prison sentences are how we've agreed to deal with such behavior, and 15 would be a longish prison sentence for a first-time conviction.
      I just hope that they don't just let him go back to being a cop again, but they probably will in one form or another.

      -Doug in Oakland

    32. Bloviating Ignoramus10:07 PM

      Whistles? More like blowing their Butt Trumpets

    33. Anonymous10:08 PM

      LMAO, Doug bitchslapping Yisheng!

    34. Bloviating Ignoramus10:20 PM

      Gillum will confront Desantis and Desantis will embarrass himself and expose himself for the miserable prick that he is ... just as Bernie would have done with Butt Trumpet

    35. Aaaand here it is:

    36. Anonymous12:40 AM

      Blacks are such delicate little snowflakes. Someone mentions the word 'monkey' somewhere, and blacks just KNOW it has to be about them somehow.

      Really makes ya think ....

    37. I didn't bitchslap anyone, I just explained my reason for saying what I said.
      And yeah, my link above was to the same story, different publication.

      -Doug in Oakland

    38. Anonymous1:35 AM

      Black fragility...

    39. Anonymous5:10 AM

      The chimps in Chimpcongo LOVE education so much, they tear the power wiring off of schools to sell it as scrap:

      Show me where THIS happens in "redneckistan".  Show me.

    40. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Shutup wh*te fuckboi. You smoke meth allday with you're momma while you suck you're sisters dick in the traler park. Your just jelous becase we all have Big Blcak Dick's haha ha.

      -Neil Degrasse Tyson Jr.

    41. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Doug, you crossed the line. Get down on your knees and genuflect at the altar of the grievance industry. Your opinions are the reason we must burn everything to the ground.

    42. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Good news, we have a fresh outbreak of Ebola in Africa. Better news, Western aid agencies trying treat the infected people and control its spreading are being attacked by Africans.

    43. Desantis is playing the game by the book and we've got to ignore his little tricks. His plans are garbage and he knows his opponent is superior so he has to follow the trump playbook, say something outrageous and then pretend he meant something else and blame those who call him out of nefarious actions. Just like trump and the rest of the Fox crowd he is petty and not too intelligent. Kick up enough dust and keep it centered on nonsense and people will be distracted enough to not be able to see your ideas and policies are ripping off average Anericans and making the rich even richer. trump wants to get rid of capital gains taxes. Watch the bouncing ball.


    44. Michael Dean Miller8:54 AM


      WARNING ! Selective Moral Outrage Ahead !



    45. Anonymous Anonymous said...

      Blacks are such delicate little snowflakes. Someone mentions the word 'monkey' somewhere, and blacks just KNOW it has to be about them somehow.

      Really makes ya think ...

      Poor little Anymoose hasn't got a clew
      Stoopid fucking wingnut's been sniffing glew
      Opens trap, inserts both feet, still can't chew
      Anymoose is racist wasicu threw and threw

      Nothing offensive to stoopid fucking wingnuts here, is there?

    46. The one thing the white man can never give a black man is self-respect.

      Wasicu wasteys took Blacks self respect away from them and refuse to give it back. Drumpf and his legions of racist fans are the some of the worst racists ever.


      This guy is as clewless as the rest of you stoopid fucking wasicu wingnut Drumpfuck lovers.

    48. Drumpf and wingnuts are horrified at the prospect of Dems winning congress and investigating stoopid fucking wingnut crooks. As well they should be. They are in charge of congress now and refuse to do their jobs and deserve every bit of misery Dems can dish out. Especially Drumpfuck and SFW leadershits.

    49. Anonymous9:24 AM

    50. Anonymous9:25 AM

    51. So Drumpfuck hands the koch bros 1.5 trillion bucks in taxcuts, saddles American taxpayers with a couple trillion bucks in debt and deficits and then has the nerve ti tell hard working federal employees the country can't afford to give them a raise.

      Fucking wingnuts can always find taxcuts for the wealthy, but nothing for the rest of America. Why is that?

    52. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Obama's accomplishments

      • Appointed NO Black American to the US Supreme Court
      • Betrayed the one who put him on the map, Oprah
      • As a state senator, Obama blocked a bill that stopped late term "Live Birth Abortions" while late term babies died in the state's hospitals
      • Signed legislation so as to assist illegal immigrant children (the DREAM ACT)
      • Refuse , as president, to intervene on behalf of the most vulnerable citizens, who were being slaughtered in Chicago
      • Backstabbed , never repaying the one who taught him the art of public speaking, Jesse, Jackson
      • Threw Jeremiah Wright, Obama's 'father' figure/mentor, under the buss -- JW is still wearing those buss parts
      • Legalized homosexual marriage
      • Obama the consummate wolf in sheep clothing
      • Obama used the entire black community to launch his is personal agenda and never acknowledge his debt to the black community.

    53. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

      Galatians 6:7 (KJV)

    54. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

      Hebrews 11:1 King (KJV)

    55. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Mike from Iowa is a supreme dick-taker. He's had so much AIDS-infected black sperm pumped into him that it's changed his DNA. He now feels compelled to post 24/7 to defend the honor of a bunch of talking baboons. Sad.

    56. According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll released Friday, 60% of those surveyed disapprove of Trump’s performance in office—the highest of his presidency. Just 36% approve, which is on par with his all-time low.

      60% disapproval for the Russian Asset in the Kremlin Annex, fuckers!!!!



      Starts out with a complete fabrication and gets worse from there. But, then, stoopid fucking wingnuts ignore what was written and equate debt with deficits. Obams brought the deficit down, just like he promised and the 6 trillion in new debt is the result of a congress run by stoopid fucking wingnuts who controlled the purse strings. Wah fucking wah.

    58. Refudiating stoopid fucking Obama haters is the easiest job in the world. I should get paid to do this- it is too much fun for one person to have. And don't forget Drumpfuck's disapproval rating is 60% and rising steadily because he is a worthless fucking pathological lying butt fucked Russian asset. And you fucks own this mess he has forced on all Americans.

    59. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:47 PM

      Anonymous Anonymous said...

      " Mike from Iowa is a supreme dick-taker. He's had so much AIDS-infected black sperm pumped into him that it's changed his DNA. He now feels compelled to post 24/7 to defend the honor of a bunch of talking baboons. Sad."

      Leave Mike alone. His posts are entertaining and much of what he speaks is truth. Not at all "sad."


      We're all gonna die. Thanks stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    61. Thanks Gambler2 but that stuff doesn't bother me in the least. Let them keep making stoopid fucking wingnut fools of themselves.

    62. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Detract all day, but can't deny the fact this is how Black law abiding Christians get down...the favor of GOD.

    63. Drumpfuck claims he showed McCain no disrespect after McCain passed away. So detached from reality to go with no soul and zero social graces.

    64. Anymoose @ 1:13 yer lord and saviour is calling you home. You left the lid up and forgot to flush. You will now be smited with yer own jawbone for speaking about yer lord and saviour in public.

    65. "He now feels compelled to post 24/7 to defend the honor of a bunch of talking baboons. Sad."

      Whoa. To whom are you referring when you use the term talking baboons?
      This oughta be interesting.

    66. I mean Stevie Wonder could see this coming.

    67. Charlie Pierce thinks Fergus' treatment of McCain's death may be accelerating his downfall, at least numbers wise:

      -Doug in Oakland


      So Republicans, like our anon troll, are going old school racist. Now we just need shouting about race mixers and mongrel children and we can complete the return to the 60'a. MAGA.

    69. He now feels compelled to post 24/7 to defend the honor of a bunch of talking baboons. Sad.

      Blatant fucking lie. You seldom ever see a post from me after 9 P.M. Central time until around 6 A.M. Central time.

      Every stoopid fucking wingnut lies about me. I feel like a real cheap date.


      He seemed nice. Isn't arson and attempted murder a crime?


      Bogus potus 2 year old with baby shit yellow animal pelt on his head is throwing another tantrum because his nasty remarks about Canada were aired. Even a dumbfucker as dumbfucking as dumbfucker Drumpfuck should know by now that there are no off record comments.


      And I am still waiting for someone, anyone to prove any part of the dossier is not accurate.


      Drumpfuck and his big fat mouth. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! World's greatest negotiator? Hah!!!!


      Funneling foreign to Drumpf's campaign. Another criminal act to charge HR.... nah, Drumpf with.

    75. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Those in the Africa-American community should be wary of Gillum being a rabid progressive. This means he will move with other progressives to take away your religious freedoms.

      Progressives are Godless.

    76. Anonymous5:56 PM

      "Those in the Africa-American community should be wary of Gillum being a rabid progressive. This means he will move with other progressives to take away your religious freedoms."

      Only if you think like an idiot wingnut and wrongly believe that the right to deny women birth control, or the right to inflict misery on people for being gay, or the right to keep Muslims out of the country constitute "religous freedom."

      But none of those things are actually religious freedom. Those are properly called "bigotry."

      So ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


      one illegal vote gets her 10 months in federal prison while real crooks slime all over the Kremlin Annex in DC.

    78. McCain lies in state. Drumpfuck lies all the time.

    79. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Don't come to Chicago:

    80. "Those in the Africa-American community should be wary of Gillum being a rabid progressive. This means he will move with other progressives to take away your religious freedoms."

      I'm an atheist so I don't need much religious freedom. As far as I can tell Gillum isn't trying to stop people from going to church or pray freely. Desantis is trying to stop them from voting though.😂


    81. "Progressives are Godless."

      Duh. 😄

      1. Pat Roberts7:42 PM

        Conservatives are racist bible thumpers.

    82. Hey Field, just flew with a fellow Yawdie from Kingston. Real good guy and excellent pilot.

      1. Pilot, glad hear it. Those Jamaicans who flew with Air Jamaica back in the day were really good. A lot of them fly with Air Canada now.


      Another crooked fucking wingnut pol from wealthy wingnut political family with ties to Drumpfuck.

    84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:21 PM

      Mike from Iowa said: "Another crooked fucking wingnut pol from wealthy wingnut political family with ties to Drumpfuck."

      Yes, Mike. Trump surrounds himself with corrupt people. People with integrity and morals abandon him shortly after they discover how rotten he is.

    85. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:49 PM

      Anonymous Anonymous said...

      "If Gillum wins, how long before he is indicted for ripping off the public? Can you say Ray Nagin? Can you Kwame Kilpatrick, Can you say Jesse Jackson JR. Etc. Etc, The list is longer than the line for section 8 housing."

      I guess you have never heard of Patrick Deval Mass., Douglas Wilder Virginia. Two black governors who didn't do any ripping off. Those two are the only black governors elected the 1800s. But that's another issue, isn't it? And we have two former black mayors who did pretty well: David Dinkins NY City and Cory Booker Newark, NJ. Cory Booker is currently one of New Jersey's two senators. And last but not lease, there's Barack Obama, president for eight years who saved us from a depression worse than the"great depression."

      You are blinded by your bigotry.

    86. Anonymous9:40 PM

      “I'm an atheist so I don't need much religious freedom. As far as I can tell Gillum isn't trying to stop people from going to church or pray freely. Desantis is trying to stop them from voting though.��”

      Au contraire, Pilot. You need religious freedom to stop Republicans from forcing you to be a Christian. (And not just any Christian, but their kind of Christian. The mushy, lefty, non-fundamentalist kind doesn’t cut the mustard with them.)


      More shenanigans. Most corrupt administration ever and we're just in year 2.

    88. "Au contraire, Pilot. You need religious freedom to stop Republicans from forcing you to be a Christian."

      One of the many benefits, other than being able to buy beer on Sunday and sex toys, to living in a blue state.

    89. trump illegally received foreign money.

    90. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Obama illegally received foreign money.

    91. Anymoose @ 7:14, I read yer article and there is nothing but alleges and innuendoes presented as facts. It is a smear campaign with no verifiable cases of wrong doing on Obama's part.

      1. Check the name of the site😂😂😂These guys can't even get the basics right.

    92. ps Anymoose, see PilotX post to see what proof of criminal activities looks like.

    93. Anonymous Anonymous said...

      Those in the Africa-American community should be wary of Gillum being a rabid progressive. This means he will move with other progressives to take away your religious freedoms.

      Progressives are Godless.

      Wait until I get control of America and everyone of your phony religious beliefs will get you tossed in jail, because I will force you to live the life your lord and saviour laid out for you. The first time you lie, cheat, steal, lust after Ivanka Drumpfuck or claim Drumpfuck is gawd your life is forfeited.

      You'll soon be begging me to rid you of religious beliefs you all of a sudden don't sincerely believe in. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    94. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:25 PM

      Anonymous said:

      "Progressives are Godless."

      That's an illogical point of view considering that conservatives do not follow God's Word. Most do everything in their power to limit or abolish the social safety net. Most conservatives are selfish and have no compassion for the poor. Never in their lives have they ever looked at a poor person and said to themselves, "There but for the grace of God go I".

      On the other hand, progressives attempt to live by Jesus' teachings. Some of these are "feed the poor, heal the sick, if your brother needs a coat, give him your coat and also give him you cloak.

      Thus true Christians do not fear a progressive government, but the phony ones do.
