Friday, August 31, 2018

These are grapes!

Image result for grapes image
Dear America, those are grapes you see in the image above. 

Serious question for trump supporters: If Mr. trump told you that those were apples in that image, would you believe him? 

I think you would. Or, he certainly thinks you would.

That can be the only reason he told you that Lester Holt "fudged" that 2017 interview with him. (Yeah he said that.) 

Now I saw that interview, and I gotta tell you, I am as sure that Holt and NBC didn't "fudge" that interviews, as I am that those are grapes in that picture. 

"Trump seems to be referring to a May 2017 interview, aired just two days after the president fired FBI director James Comey. In the interview, Trump called Comey "a showboat," and appeared to reject an official White House explanation for the firing, telling Holt "the Russia thing" was on his mind when he decided to fire Comey. "I just said to myself, I said, 'you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.'"

The interview was sensational enough at the time to be mocked by NBC's Saturday Night Live, in which Holt, played by Michael Che, thinks he has finally caught the president, only to discover that nothing Trump says matters. "Wait, did I get him? Is this all over? No, I didn't? Nothing matters? Absolutely nothing matters anymore."

The real interview aired on Nightly News, and NBC News published an extended version online. Trump offered no explanation of how NBC might have "fudged" the interview, in which the most explosive words came from the president's own mouth. From the time the interview aired until today, no one has accused Holt of altering the interview--and he was never "caught" or "hurt badly" as a result."

Finally, speaking of trump's attack on the media, some typical trump supporter was just arrested in California for making death threats against a major newspaper. 

 "A 68-year-old Encino man was arrested and charged Thursday with threatening to shoot employees at the Boston Globe after the newspaper’s editorial board pushed back against President Trump’s frequent attacks on the press.

About two dozen federal agents in tactical gear and an armored vehicle arrived at the stucco single-story home of Robert D. Chain just before 6 a.m. Neighbors said they heard small explosions, like the bursting of flash-bang grenades, before Chain was led from his house dressed only in a pair of shorts.
Chain was charged with one count of making threatening communications and appeared in federal court in Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon, according to the U.S. attorney’s office in Massachusetts. He was released on $50,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in federal court in Boston on Sept. 24.

Chain began making phone calls threatening to travel to the Globe’s offices and shoot employees shortly after the paper announced Aug. 10 that it was launching a coordinated campaign with other newspapers to publish editorials calling on Trump to end his rhetoric about the news media, prosecutors said.

Chain made 14 threatening calls, both from his home phone and his wife’s cellphone, to the newspaper between Aug. 10 and Aug. 22, according to prosecutors. He called the Globe “the enemy of the people” — repeating one of Trump’s most-used phrases for attacking the media — and threatened to kill newspaper employees, prosecutors said.

In one profanity-laced call made Aug. 13, Chain said, “We are going to shoot you … in the head, you Boston Globe…. Shoot every … one of you,” according to court documents.

On the day the editorials ran in newspapers across the country, Chain called the Globe newsroom and threatened to shoot Globe employees in the head “later today, at 4 o’clock,” prosecutors said.
Court documents indicated Chain was recorded on Aug. 16 saying: “You’re the enemy of the people, and we’re going to kill every ... one of you. Hey, why don’t you call the F? Why don’t you call Mueller? Maybe he can help you out, buddy.” [Source] 

Wait until you get a look at this guy. If you are not afraid for America after seeing him, I don't know what will scare you.  


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    As the old line goes: Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?

    That could be the official motto of the Trump administration.

  2. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Best Trump line from his recent rally:

    "It’s a lot easier to act presidential than to do what I do.”

    Trump finally made a comment that was, for once, at least in reasonable proximity to the truth. He admitted that he has no idea how to be president, and is instead devoting his time and the power of his office to the amusement of the racist meathead demographic of Americans.

  3. And then they'll blame the violence on the left. You know, tbe real violent racists.

  4. Anonymous11:08 PM

    “And then they'll blame the violence on the left. You know, tbe real violent racists.”

    “But whadabout the Antifa? Huh? Huh?

    But whadabout Chicago? Huh? Huh?”

    Like a broken record. Never mind those rampaging rednecks. Look — a squirrel!

  5. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Today the thirty low viewership television pastor (who will NEVER see that level of lime light again) got five more minutes of fame--a cast member of the Pastors of LA (network cancelled because it was a joke).

    Do you really believe GOD was pleased with your ‘high and lifted up’ showmanship performance—House Negro behavior at its finest?
    Stop trying to keep up with the Jones. A real man of God has absolutely NOTHING to prove. God will deal with you in HIS appointed time.

    Did you try to win souls or did use the Queen of Souls funeral for popularity contest (surprised this showcase didn’t offend the bereaved family). Did you succeed garnering (financial) support for your ministry?

    God hates a haughty look and pastors who stir up conflict in the community

  6. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Actually, he, Charles Ellis , III, was a cast member of Preacher of Detroit, but it was a joke too. I didn't realize a Bishop got down young pop stars (then again he tried down playing it afterward) hypocrite...are Bapist Bishops ,for the most part, reserved?

  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:13 AM

    "Trump finally made a comment that was, for once, at least in reasonable proximity to the truth. He admitted that he has no idea how to be president, and is instead devoting his time and the power of his office to the amusement of the racist meathead demographic of Americans."

    I think Trump is devoting his time to making lots of money while trying to start another civil war. He seems to want his followers to hate every American who is not a Trump supporter, and encourages his followers to be violent.

  8. That creep looks just like a dope dealer I know, except sleazier.

    Fergus is playing a game, seeing how far he can pull his con.
    The "I could shoot someone on fifth avenue and not lose any votes" comment wasn't a political brag, it was the internal voice of an out of control malignant narcissist who has been so isolated from any consequences to his behavior for so long that he needs to invent more and more transgressive fantasies to mentally get himself off and maintain the shaky platform holding up his mental state.

    And you dimwitted fucks made him president.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Was there some bad behavior amongst the speakers at Aretha's funeral. If true, that is regrettable.

    I haven't watched any TV today. I didn't even listen to NPR in my car. But I did manage to see Bill Clinton's charming remarks at the Greater Grace Temple in Detroit for about 13 minutes. It looked like it must have been an incredible gathering. The camera kept panning to Hillary, which no doubt will irk her when she sees the video, but behind her was evidence of a small orchestra with violins and horns.

    I know that civil rights leaders from now and yesteryear must have been there. So many are still alive today. It looked to me like the church was packed to the rafters with well-wishers and mourners. I can only imagine the music! Maybe I will get to hear some of it.

    I like a funeral where at the least one person cries their eyes out. I'm sure there was plenty of that. But when Clinton was speaking the mood was gay.

  10. I think the thing to do would be to set up a TV out on the patio. Bring out your best speakers. The video is ten hours! Guessing the service lasted longer than seven hours.

    If I had been the organist...

    Suffice it to say that I would have been cool with that, but probably more able to get through it all as a younger man.

    I think I just dropped the needle somewhere around eight hours. There is a victorious version of Amazing Grace. A young woman is singing her heart out in love. A mass choir, all the musicians, every one of them playing their very best.

    I thought it might have been near to the end of the service. Stay tuned for another hour and a half.

    Still, the music hardly compares...

  11. Forgive me, I didn't even recognize the final pastor who spoke for the better part of an hour, even quoting C.L. Franklin's idea about just exactly what was a soul?

    Hour nine, minute eleven...

    Gladys Knight sings, "You'll Never Walk Alone..."

    Just to kick off a Gospel Medley.

    God Bless brothers and sisters.

  12. I'm sorry. I feel like I'm live-blogging the Super Bowl.

    Nine hours twenty minutes... You guessed it.

    Little Stevie Wonder playing his harmonica. A Hohner Chromatic 64!

    Take the time kids. Watch and listen to some of this. I think he's doing a send-up of "You'll Never Walk Alone," I'm not sure.

  13. Anonymous6:30 AM

    In Limpopo, South Africa, a bunch of black students walked out of a test recently because the questions were 'too hard.'

    Lemme guess ... was it 2+2? Cause that's a tough one!


  14. Anonymous6:47 AM


  15. Anonymous7:21 AM

  16. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Jury finds black getaway driver guilty in 38-year-old Hammond cop killing:

  17. Them grapes remind me of stereotypical stoopid fucking wingnuts. You step on a grape or a wingnut and they both begin to whine. Where they differ is a squished grape has a chance to become a delectable liquid. Wingnuts, otoh, are just whiny messes someone else has to clean up after. History has provided reams of empirical evidence of Dems cleaning up after the elephants destroyed their environment.

    Unfortunately, this time around the damage may be irreversible and stoopid fucking nut jobs may succeed in getting all they wanted of destruction.

  18. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Improper grammar crackpot AL Sharpton and the Right Reverend Bishop E Chickenwing from Detroit brought shame and embarrassment not only to self, but those who follow yesterday’s house Negro’s buffoonery. Articulate Black pastors supporting the current President represent themselves with class and dignity who do now cow down to the uniformed black masses.

  19. Anonymous9:27 AM

    It's hilarious to see Feeled claiming that Trump misrepresents things, when he is one of the minor-league champions at the game of "point deer make horse".

    The major-league champions, of course, are the press, academic left and "diversity and anti-discrimination" bureaucrats.

    The exam walkout at the University of Limpopo got lots of press.  I guess Africans just can't hack academia, even in a BS subject like "educational philosophy."

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:40 AM

    Why is it that all of you Trump Trolls who sow hate here on Field's blog post as anonymous? What are you afraid of? Too scared to even pick a screen name?

    There are much better places where your disgusting ideas ideas will be welcome. Why don't you all go post on stormfront where you will be welcome? You are just wasting your time here.

  21. Anonymous12:09 PM

    “Articulate Black pastors supporting the current President represent themselves with class and dignity who do now cow down to the uniformed black masses.”

    They represent themselves, but not with much class or dignity. Maybe you could say they represent themselves with greed, since Trump is probably paying them?

    One thing they surely don’t represent: The views of any other black people.

  22. The absolute dumbest POC from Africa could run circles around the stable genius in the Kremlin Annex. Drumpfuck is too fucking tangled up in white privilege to have a clue about how fucking stoopid he actually is. And his defenders are even dumber fuckers. Must be all that pastey white hide deflecting intelligent thoughts away from the unwashed masses of Drumpfuck bots.

  23. Of course there are the trailer trash whites constantly breeding their sisters and mothers while high on opioids. Nothing says IQ like inbreeding.

  24. And another fuckboi12:30 PM

    In Limpopo, South Africa, a bunch of black students walked out of a test recently because the questions were 'too hard.'
    Is there seriously a troll who scours the internets to find any negative stories domestic and internationally about negroes? Wow, that is some level of fuckboism. Meanwhile right down fockboi's street a white person is selling a baby for meth.

  25. I'd put the average single cell organism against Drumpfuck's so called stable genius anyday and win everytime.

  26. "I'd put the average single cell organism against Drumpfuck's so called stable genius anyday and win everytime."

    I'd put an inanimate object up against him.

  27. America Was Always Great2:08 PM

    "We gather to honor the passing of American greatness, the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who live lives of comfort and privilege," she said. -Megan McCain



  28. PilotX, yer giving Drumpf some nasty ideas. Inanimate objects could include inflatable Putie and Ivanka sex dolls. Ivanka doll with a yooge black strapon.

  29. Caution Wide Load in the WH3:26 PM

    Wide load’s wide ass is golfing AGAIN! Maybe if his fat ass walked the course he could loose some weight!


  30. FJ: I just watched the Clark sisters' transcendent singing at Aretha's service. Let's go to church indeed.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. MAGA


    Family tells stoopid fucking wingnuts to go to hell for being stoopid fucking jerk wingnuts.

  33. Anonymous11:40 PM

    "Why is it that all of you Trump Trolls who sow hate here on Field's blog post as anonymous? What are you afraid of?"

    Afraid?  No.  Disgusted with you idiots slamming screen names while ignoring facts posted under them.  Post as "Anonymous", you have to deal with the facts... which irritate you to no end, to the point that you demand screen names so you can attack them instead.  Know what, stupid old woman?  Fuck you and your whole family.  BOTH sides.

  34. Whiny Anymoose has it ass backward, the names are real but the facts he claims they use are made up because his family, both sides are generations inbred so far back time wasn't even invented.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:41 AM

    Anonymous said "Post as "Anonymous", you have to deal with the facts... which irritate you to no end, to the point that you demand ......"

    Your argument doesn't hold water because you who spew hate never deal with facts.

    As for your insults, please don't think I give a crap what you think of me and my family.

    Have a nice day and try to put some love in your heart instead of hate. Hating others is bad for you both physically and emotionally.

  36. "Post as "Anonymous", you have to deal with the facts... which irritate you to no end, to the point that you demand screen names so you can attack them instead."

    Not really, if you've been here for a while you know it's so much easier to move the goalposts as an anon. It would seem that if one is concerned about facts they would post with a screenname as to not get confused with other anons. If one wants to debate facts one has to use a screen name so as to distinguish oneself. Funny how you actually end your post with insults while worrying about being insulted. It's not your fault though because those are the rules of this site. I personally would delete sooooo many posts.

  37. "Know what, stupid old woman? Fuck you and your whole family. BOTH sides."

    Exhibit A. Methinks thou protest too much. You must see the abuse the named posters, that you contributed, get by anons. Hypocrisy is thy name😂


    Drumpfuck, the pathological lying POS Putin installed in the Kremlin Annex in DC lies about his followers on Twisted Twitterland and nowthere is proof.

  39. Fox & Friends Attacks Meghan McCain And Obama Over Eulogies: We Won't Be 'Shamed' Into Criticizing Trump

    : We can't be "Shamed" into criticizing Drumpfuck the pathological lying POS dumbfuck.

    I ficks tit for Fake News.

  40. Neanderthals Had Sense Of Style, Say Russian Scientists who also admitted Drumpfuck sucks Puties little Vlad with foolish passion while dreaming of his favorite grope toy, Ivanka Sue.



    Grand Jury, one that can indict a ham sandwich I hope, gets to take a look at the illegal, immoral and un nice activities of human filth from Kansas-Drumpf's butt buddy in throwing legal voters of voting rolls- Kris Kobach. Hope it hurts like hell for the guy. He has caused many many legal voters to lose their voice in a Democracy because he is a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey so called lawyer that can't navigate a ple in front of a judge because he is so fucking stoopid. Makes him dangerous to let him run free. Shackles and chains is my recommendation. Shackled to the nearest hanging tree until judgment day.

  43. Anonymous2:11 PM

    > Is there seriously a troll who scours the internets to find any negative stories domestic and internationally about negroes?

    There seriously ARE fuckheads who treat any negative story about Africans, whether in Africa or in some diaspora, as "racist" and attack anyone who dares to Notice it.

    Seriously, fuck these idiots.  If they can't take the heat, let them go back to Africa where they don't have to pay attention to the critiques of non-Africans.  They'll be living in (and maybe literally drinking) shit, but they won't have to listen!

    Choose, and choose wisely... HAHAHAHAHAHAHahahaha who am I kidding?

  44. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Turns out that black BS even gets the liars' own mothers killed when they call BS:

    His own mom didn't believe his BS about the KKK beating him up, so he beat her to death.  Where's this supposedly happening among "hillbillies"?

  45. Anonymous4:17 PM

    "Have a nice day and try to put some love in your heart instead of hate."

    How can I have a nice day when YOU AND YOUR "FAMILY" WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE?  You can't even do NOTHING and not get fucked over by black people making up bogus accounts of "racist slurs" and pissing on picaninnies:

    "GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Prosecutors on Friday said charges have been dropped against a man accused of urinating on a 5-year-old black girl in western Michigan because children made up the story."

    If you weren't intruding into my life I would never even think about you.

  46. Anonymous,

    You're a good boy. You believe everything that you are told. You eat whatever is put in front of you. You made your mother very proud of you.

    Sleep tight and get ready for tomorrow's exciting new talking points. I think murders in Chicago and Detroit are trending today. And Aretha's memorial service was just an Trump-bashing party. Meghan McCain has zero respect for the office of the president.

    Good, little boy. You have learned your lessons well.

  47. "GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Prosecutors on Friday said charges have been dropped against a man accused of urinating on a 5-year-old black girl in western Michigan because children made up the story."

    If memory serves a certain Susan Smith from South Carolina strapped her young kids in car seats and drove the car into a lake, drowning the kids. She claimed a Black man had car jacked her or stole the car with the kids in it. Even fooled her hubby for a while.

    Fortunately her lies got no innocent blacks killed, but stoopid fucking wingnuts would just claim there are no innocent blacks. They are all killers and thugs or worse.


    Blacks are 7 times more likely than their pastey white hided brethren to be wrongly convicted of murder. For drug crimes the rate is 12 times more likely to be convicted.

    Everybody knows wasicu wasteys are innocent little kiddie diddlers and not hardened....whoops, I guess kiddie diddlers do get hard. Never mind.


    Cops thought about putting this dizzy bitch in an institution for her and the public's safety. What a laff. Barbeque Becky.


    All them there employments Drumpf hizownself provided for Blacks ain't buying him much gratitude. 3% YIKES!


    This is some respect for the Queen of Soul. Good show, Chaps.


    Listen up stoopid fucking Drumpfuckers- Trump won the White House by selling himself to voters like Elliott and vowing to deliver “more jobs and better wages” by bringing jobs back to the U.S. Trump’s pro-worker message helped him score upset victories in Democratic strongholds that have been hard-hit by outsourcing and the disappearance of good union jobs.

    But 18 months into his term, Trump has betrayed his promises to the working-class voters like Elliott who helped him to the Oval Office.

    Despite boasting that he would punish corporate offshorers, a new research report from Good Jobs Nation - Broken Promises #2 - shows that President Trump is actually using the executive power of the presidency to incentivize corporations to ship good jobs overseas in record numbers.

    Our study reveals that the Trump administration has awarded more than $50 billion in new federal contracts to companies that continue to shutter U.S. factories as they seek cheaper labor abroad.

    As a result, top federal contractors - Carrier’s parent company United Technologies, General Motors, Honeywell and Siemens - are now offshoring jobs at the fastest rate since the Great Recession. In fact, annual offshoring by taxpayer-funded corporations under Trump is on track to be three times greater than under the Obama and Bush administrations.

  53. Anonymous5:56 PM

    "Fortunately her lies got no innocent blacks killed"

    Didn't even get any arrested, but you're still dragging this story up as outrage porn years after her conviction.  Meanwhile the poor schmuck arrested in Michigan is still fucked over and the liars won't receive any meaningful punishment.

    "Blacks are 7 times more likely than their pastey white hided brethren to be wrongly convicted of murder."

    That's because they're 7 times more like to actually commit murder.

    "All them there employments Drumpf hizownself provided for Blacks ain't buying him much gratitude."

    Hard-core types already knew what ungrateful scum blacks are, but the drip-drip-drip of red pills are waking up normies at an exponential pace.  You said "punch a Nazi" and defined anyone not 100% on board with your agenda as a Nazi.  Well, you're creating "Nazis" by the bus-load.  Soon America will be your coalition of the blacks, browns and crazies vs. 95% of white people.  There won't be any center remaining at all.  Spanish civil war II, anyone?

    Remember, it was the Fascists who won that one.  You're scoring an own goal; nice work!


    Blacks are still blamed for crimes they did not commit. How do blacks actually commit more crimes when they are wrongly convicted so often? Because whitey be racist scum.

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:38 PM

    Anonymous Said,

    "Blacks are 7 times more likely than their pastey white hided brethren to be wrongly convicted of murder."

    That's because they're 7 times more like to actually commit murder."

    What you have stated here makes no sense. Don't you see that if Blacks are convicted seven times more than whites, and many of those convicted were later found innocent, then the number seven times is incorrect since many who were convicted really didn't do the crime.


    Isn't lugubrious a great word? A friend of mine had a show on KALX back in the day, and his on-air name was Lou Gubrious.

    -Doug in Oakland

  57. First polls have Gillum ahead by five.

    -Doug in Oakland

  58. .@BarackObama: "So much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse, can seem small and mean and petty. Trafficking in bombast and insult and phony controversies and manufactured outrage. It's a politics that pretends to be brave and tough but in fact is born of fear.”

    Poltroonery, thy name is Republican.

    -Doug in Oakland


  59. Natasha Bertrand
    ‏Verified account @NatashaBertrand
    Sep 1

    Natasha Bertrand Retweeted Kenneth P. Vogel

    Hard to believe that Trump didn’t know this when he began attacking Ohr.

    Kenneth P. Vogel
    ‏Verified account @kenvogel

    NEW: BRUCE OHR worked w/ @FBI on a secret program to flip Russian oligarchs, including OLEG DERIPASKA.
    Ohr once wrote that Deripaska was "almost ready to talk to US re: $ MANAFORT stole.” He also urged an intermediary to get Deripaska "to give up Manafort"

    Sounds like Fergus was into some witness tampering and obstruction of justice on this one also.

    -Doug in Oakland

  60. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Polling indicates that Beto O’Rourke has pulled even with Ted “most punchable face” Cruz in Texas.

    Cruz losing would be the cherry on top of Republicans getting crushed in the midterms.

  61. Jack Ketch11:33 PM

    You can't be found "innocent" in a court of law. You can be found "not guilty".

  62. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "What you have stated here makes no sense."

    What you have shown is that you can't understand simple statements of logic.

    "Don't you see that if Blacks are convicted seven times more than whites, and many of those convicted were later found innocent, then the number seven times is incorrect since many who were convicted really didn't do the crime."

    Don't you see that wrongful convictions are a small fraction of the total, and convicting the WRONG black because of some goof-up still means the crime was committed by a black?  What if said black was convicted because they have enough of a criminal record to make it believeable that they killed the victim, even if they didn't... this time?

    Mr. White Suburbanite isn't going to be convicted of a murder in the 'hood because he (a) doesn't see aggravated battery as recreation and (b) stays well clear of sketchy areas.

    Are you seriously trying to argue that the shootings in clubs and on the street in the 'hood are committed by white-robed, masked rednecks who come in from Kentucky to indulge in a little poaching?  You have to be crazy to believe anything like that, but you obviously do.

  63. Mr. White Suburbanite isn't going to be convicted of a murder in the 'hood because he (a) doesn't see aggravated battery as recreation and (b) stays well clear of sketchy areas.

    Spoken like a typical stoopid fucking Drumpfuck supporting racist.

    Wasicus treat public parks, swimming pools, malls, etc as whites only areas and throwdown on POC whenever one enters designated areas.

    Blacks get wrongly convicted so often because of racism and the belief of wasicus that all Blacks look exactly alike.

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:59 AM

    Anonymous said:

    "Are you seriously trying to argue that the shootings in clubs and on the street in the 'hood are committed by white-robed, masked rednecks who come in from Kentucky to indulge in a little poaching? You have to be crazy to believe anything like that, but you obviously do."

    Please don't try to put words in my mouth. I'm not sure where you got your wild ideas of what I believe. First, never did I imply that " white-robed, masked rednecks" from anywhere did anything to any black community or any other community.
    I know that in most violent crimes the victim and the perpetrator are of the same "race," that is Black on Black, white on white etc. I was simply pointing out the logic flaw in your conclusions.

    There are several web sites with info on how white nationalists use statistics to lie about how terrible black men are. One of them

    Second, Please explain to me how you came to the conclusion that I obviously believed such nonsense. Thanks.

    Have a nice holiday.

  65. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Blacks get arrested and convicted for crimes because they commit the majority of them.

  66. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "Wasicus treat public parks, swimming pools, malls, etc as whites only areas and throwdown on POC whenever one enters designated areas."

    Ah, the old "it's racist to expect minorities to follow rules made for everyone" gambit.

    That's one more thing that actual Americans are sick of unto death.  If you don't drop it, you might find out that they're not about to let it be their death.

    "Blacks get wrongly convicted so often because of racism"

    And not because blacks lie about who did what to whom, like those kids in Grand Rapids who fabricated a racial hate crime against an innocent white man to avoid trouble?  Sorry, you have a bad case and zero sympathy coming.  We've heard it all before.

  67. "I'm not sure where you got your wild ideas of what I believe."

    Fox, Breitbart, and hate radio, mostly, but also the president of the United States.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. And another fuckboi11:17 PM

    And not because blacks lie about who did what to whom, like those kids in Grand Rapids who fabricated a racial hate crime against an innocent white man to avoid trouble?
    Guess no sympathy for whites who blame negroes for their crimes. Susan whatever her name is who killed her kids. Now take your ignorant racist ass back to stormfront or whatever sewer your methheaded smelly ass crept out of. Fuck you, don't need anything from your sister fucking ass fuckboi.

  69. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt
