People sold all their belongings, quit their jobs, and waited with their families for that great day. Sadly, it never happened. It turns out that poor William Miller got the book of Daniel out of the bible all wrong.
A lot of democrats and progressives are feeling like those Millerites felt back then. The Mueller Report was, to them, a modern day version of the Daniel 8 prophecy.
Bob Mueller decided that he did not find enough evidence to proclaim that the trump crime family colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 elections. Folks are upset, and they believe that the fix was in all along. How could he not? I mean what was that Trump Tower meeting with Russians all about? Why would everyone around trump lie about their contacts with the Russians? How do you explain trump's behavior towards Putin? A real punch in the gut. (Now a lot of you folks know how people of color feel about the justice system in this country.)
The truth is, it was always going to be hard for Mueller to prove collusion. The brilliance of trump's ploy was that he beat the word collusion into the national conversation, and as a result finding him guilty of anything less than collusion would vindicate him.
Now, as is to be expected, he and his minions are doing victory laps because the Mueller Report did not find that there was collusion between trump and the Russians. Poor Mr. Mueller was always going to have a hard time proving collusion, because when you are an expert at cheating and playing outside the lines like the president, you are not going to be dumb enough to get caught.
Of course, contrary to what you are hearing from from folks on the right and some cable talking heads, It was not a total vindication. Bob Mueller stated in no uncertain terms that he cannot say for sure that the sitting president of the United Sates did not obstruct justice. The very thing what we impeached Bill Clinton for, and what we started to impeach Tricky Dicky for before he walked away in shame.
What we are seeing now is the trump handpicked AG write a four page summary to congress of Mr. Mueller's report , and then declare that there was no obstruction. This of course is not what Mr. Mueller said. And we still have not seen the full report. Legal experts question William Barr's rationale for exonerating trump,but we don't need legal experts, our common sense tells us all exactly what is happening here. There was a reason that Mr. trump wanted this guy to be his AG.
So yes, the folks who are disappointed have every right to be. More importantly, though, given what William Barr did, they have a right to be angry as well.
All those campaign and family members meeting with all those Russian agents were proof of collusion.
Mueller never questioned the pathological liar under oath. Drumpf haS LIED SO MAny times about everything there ought to be a thousand crimes there somewhere.
Every wingnut member of the Benghazi investigations colluded to keep HRC from gettinbg elected and most have admitted they knew there were no crimes committed, they called the investigations to hurt HRC's chances to get elected.
Fuckface McCTurtle blames Obama for not intervening in Russia's intervention in election even though it was Fuckface hisownself that watered down any attempts to act.
ps the decision on whether Drumpf committed obstruction belongs to congress, not the haND PICKED LIAR IN THE ag OFFICE.
I'm little puzzled. Didn't we all hear and see Trump admit om T.V. that he committed obstruction of justice?
As Mike said, "All those campaign and family members meeting with all those Russian agents were proof of collusion." Otherwise why did they lie about it? Why all the lying from Trump, his family and all his close associates? If not collusion, what were they trying to hide and why?
When will the Trump crime family be forced to face criminal charges for bank fraud, insurance fraud and money laundering?
Soon, I hope.
Lunch is served.
PilotX, where are you. British Airways jet took off from London for Germany and ended up in Scotland. Drumpf or his kids were navigating.
Yeah, trust Drumpfuck to drown his crow in catsup. Did Drumpfuck order fries with his crow?
Barr says Mueller gave the Scottish Verdict: "Not Proven".
Which means, you didn't do it, and don't you dare do it again.
There's a new hotline for those upset about the Mueller report.
We haven't seen the report, only what the guy Fergus hired to make it go away said about it after having it for 48 hours.
What did they think he would say about it?
I'm maybe a little disappointed, but not really surprised.
Now that we have that part out of the way, it's time to get serious about removing him the only way he was ever going to be removed when there are 34 or more Republican senators: the 2020 election.
And like AOC said, he's not even the bad part of the problem; he's just a wannabe mobster who saw a grift that nobody else would lower themselves to taking and went for it. The Republican party is the problem, the elected officials and the voters who put them there.
The house will do its oversight, and perhaps get Mueller to testify, and Barr also, and the prosecutors who have the campaign finance violation cases, and the bank and insurance fraud cases will ready them for when he leaves office, and perhaps he won't get away with it like Nixon, Agnew, Reagan, the Iran/Contra felons, and the Bush administration torturers did. Then, perhaps, we might be able to save the rule of law in this country to the extent that we ever had it at all.
Or perhaps he will skate and we will continue the downward slide until none of it matters even to those privileged enough to have enjoyed it ever at all.
That part is still for the moment up to us, but the odds don't look especially encouraging.
Still we fight on anyway, because what else are we gonna do?
-Doug in Oakland
-Doug in Oakland
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman at 8:17 PM said:
"I'm little puzzled. Didn't we all hear and see Trump admit om T.V. that he committed obstruction of justice?"
Hence the reason it's equally puzzling with the hundreds of tweets, rally appearances, etc., that nothing we've witnessed rose to the justice department's legal framework of obstruction.
Neal K. Katyal, a law professor at Georgetown, drafted the special counsel regulations under which Robert Mueller was appointed. His piece in the NY Times somewhat lays out similar questions Rachel Maddow raised in her segment Monday evening, March 25, 2019.
The only intelligent response to Barr's "summary" is, "Let's see the report." Barr's fudge has worked to the extent that the press has been all over it, treating it as if it's of real significance.
Meanwhile, let's pivot to "using the office of President for personal enrichment," to name one other offense. Now there's an impeachable gold mine.
Good and interesting read, PilotX, as usual. Moar Black history in the making.
What became of the counter-intel probe into whether Drumpfuck the Russian agent was actually a Russian agent? Of course he was. Why did Putin scheme so much to get him appointed bogus czar of the kremlin annex?
Bob Mueller decided that he did not find enough evidence to proclaim that the trump crime family colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 elections
I'm sorry, isn't this a good thing? Aren't you relieved to know that there was no collusion between the winner of the 2016 presidential election and Russia? Why would any decent person be "disappointed"?
Ha ha, sparklefarters don't know what to do again.
Also very interesting is the fact that Veselnitskaya had her US visa pulled in 2015, but had her immigration parole status extended by the Obama DOJ under "extraordinary circumstances" in January of 2016.
She was to appear in court in America.
So what was the Trump tower meeting all about?
If your links had any credibility then the Drumpf crime family had no reason to continually lie about participating. End of story.
So what was the Trump tower meeting all about?
First it was about adoption. Then about getting dirt on an opponent. Then about getting dirt on HRC which Drumpf claimed was legal and happened all the time.
First people denied Drumpf knew about it.
Then he knew about written memo but did not dictate it.
Then he dictated memo.
The lies and changing stories go on.
Whatever happened to all those New York FBI agents passing classified info to Screwdy Rudy about HRC illegally? They also passed info to former SOH Tom Delay and he and Rudy both bragged about receiving smoking gun infor from right wing FBI agents from New York.
Mike from Minsk:
mike from iowa said...
So what was the Trump tower meeting all about?
If your links had any credibility then the Drumpf crime family had no reason to continually lie about participating
Links are from Wikipedia (footnoted) and CBS News (easily verifiable from other mainstream news sources).
What the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign did - collude with Russians to influence the 2016 election and then accuse the Trump campaign of it - is the greatest political crime in American history.
From TPM- October 31st: Loretta Lynch and Comey discuss letter to Congress and issue of anti-Clinton bias in New York Field Office, a pattern of bias she says “has put us where we are today.” According to Lynch, Comey said it had become clear to him “that there is a cadre of senior people in New York who have a deep and visceral hatred of Secretary Clinton. And he said it is, it is deep. It’s, and he said, he said it was surprising to him or stunning to him … and it was hard to manage because these were agents that were very, very senior, or had even had timed out and were staying on, and therefore did not really feel under pressure from headquarters or anything to that effect.” (IG Report, p. 387)
The FBI bias was anti-Clinton, not Drumpfuck the dumbfuck Russian stoolie.
This one, I guarantee, is gonna hurt stoopid racist wingnuts. Chicago prosecutors DROPPED ALL CHARGES against Smollett and wiped his record clean.
Gnash them teeth beaver phuckers!
"The FBI bias was anti-Clinton, not Drumpfuck the dumbfuck Russian stoolie."
James Comey, Director of the FBI
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, the second-highest position in that division. He also led the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.
"PilotX, where are you. British Airways jet took off from London for Germany and ended up in Scotland. Drumpf or his kids were navigating."
I guess they were trying to use celestrial navigation without knowing how? I hadn't seen that.
William Barr took a position in the Trump cabinet.
That tells you everything you need to know about William Barr.
So easy for the ingredients of this freak show to get normalized. No part repeat, no part of this is normal.
Looks like Mueller cleared Jusse Smollette too.😳
Great news about Jussie Smollett!
Now the Chicago Police Department can get back to hunting for the MAGA hat bigots who attacked him and tracking down the racist who sent him a threatening letter.
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, the prosecutor in the Jussie Smollett case, received $408,000 from George Soros.
Jussie Smollett, prosecutor Kim Foxx, and Judge Steven Watkins, who sealed the records in the case, are all representatives of White Privilege.
Chicago police union wants federal investigation into Kim Foxx’s handling of Jussie Smollett case
Former Michelle Obama aide, Smollett relative reached out to Kim Foxx
Just days after Jussie Smollett told Chicago police he had fought off a pair of attackers who targeted him in an apparent hate crime, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx tried to persuade Police Supt. Eddie Johnson to turn the investigation over to the FBI.
Foxx’s call to Johnson came after an influential supporter of the “Empire” actor reached out to Foxx personally: Tina Tchen, a Chicago attorney and former chief of staff for former First Lady Michelle Obama, according to emails and text messages provided by Foxx to the Chicago Sun-Times in response to a public records request
Something interesting happened in the Smollett case, and I don’t believe it was Smollett actually being innocent.
Most likely some kind of legal hanky panky on the part of either police or prosecutors caused the charges to get dropped. It’s a safe bet we’ll be hearing about it, because there’s now too much public interest for the story not to get leaked.
mike from iowa said...
This one, I guarantee, is gonna hurt stoopid racist wingnuts. Chicago prosecutors DROPPED ALL CHARGES against Smollett and wiped his record clean.
Gnash them teeth beaver phuckers!
12:20 PM
Just more good old fashioned NIGGERFICATION. Dude concocts bullshit story to promote racism and evil progressive agenda, blows up in their face, detectives did not want to play ball with this one.
Release the report!
"Gnash them teeth beaver phuckers!"
Hey Yisheng, what have you been up to since you flunked out of school?
Chicago Mayor and Police Chief Furious Kim Foxx Dropped Charges Against Jussie Smollett!!!
This summer: Bath-house Barry and Mooch do perpwalks after arrest for obstruction of justice in the Juicy Smellitt case.
Just a giant, shmacking, hoodathunkit coincidence that Foxx is close with Kamala Harris, received donations from Soros, and that Michelle Obama superstar aide Tina Tchen intervened specifically for this case. There is no rule of law. This is beneath contempt.
If I ever hear another Democrat say Michelle Obama “goes high,” I’ll puke. This is what real obstruction of justice looks like, folks.
The Obamas were always dirty as Mexican tap water and if we had a media in this country, everyone would know it.
For 35 years stoopid fucking bawl baby wingnuts have sworn HRC is a crook, they just cannot ever find a crime to charge her with. Now they want to look some more. Need to wait until Drumpf crime family serve their life sentences for crimes too n umerous to mention before you start another HRC witch hunt. At the very leaswt Mueller nailed a bunch of crooked stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts with ties to the Drumpf crime cabasl. I hope Dems put all the crime family under oath so they can be charged with perjury and shuffled off to Buffalo jail.
The Jewcy news is nothing new, standards have always been lowered for the Pyramid Builders. The trifecta worked in his favor..Black,Jewish, Gay. Really nothing for folks to crow about, 80 IQ must be coddled in all aspects of life here in America. If turning America into Haiti is the goal you folks need to reevaluate and set your sights much higher. Just another glaring example of Black priv. and Black dysfunction.
Anonymous said...
"The Jewcy news is"
4:57 PM
What the hell? This post sounds just like word salad from Trump?
Trump is a smelly turd.
mike from iowa said...
For 35 years stoopid fucking bawl baby wingnuts have sworn HRC is a crook, they just cannot ever find a crime to charge her with. Now they want to look some more. Need to wait until Drumpf crime family serve their life sentences for crimes too n umerous to mention before you start another HRC witch hunt. At the very leaswt Mueller nailed a bunch of crooked stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts with ties to the Drumpf crime cabasl. I hope Dems put all the crime family under oath so they can be charged with perjury and shuffled off to Buffalo jail.
4:51 PM
Because there was no investigation. She was covered from top to bottom. The Clintons are Elites that get privilege, the Govt like to go after low hanging fruit. Even Republican in the past wouldn't touch them. Trump is different and they know it, that's why there is so much BS going on. Trump isn't a politician.
The Obamas were always dirty as Mexican tap water and if we had a media in this country, everyone would know it.
Trust stoopid racist wasicu wingnut pigs with confusing skin color with dirt and criminal acts. Never heard of black collar crime. Have heard of piggish white collar criminals and they are all in the stoopid fucking wingnut hog confinements. Magats to the end.
mike from iowa said...
Fuck you clinton haters and your horse. No other political family has been investigated constantly for over three decades with no evidence of actionable crimes, just suspicions and innuendoes.
Drumpfuck meanwhile, has a history of crimes and judgements against him in courts, but HRC had emasils.
5:46 PM
Todays out of control negroe violence video:
Why nobody wants shines around:
"Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, the prosecutor in the Jussie Smollett case, received $408,000 from George Soros."
Um, ok. And here I thought Dems hated teh Jews.
This is not at all helpfull if you are a victim of ammosexual murderers.
Typical stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut -
fishing with a shotgun. What could go wrong?
PilotX's kind of town said...
"Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, the prosecutor in the Jussie Smollett case, received $408,000 from George Soros."
1:35 PM
When did the supposedly happen? If you wish to be taken seriously, you need to source this claim with a mainstream publication. Bet you can't do it.
Not a single Senator voted for the Green New Deal bill today.
The world is doomed.
(from Salon) -- h/t: Driftglass
Back in 1992, the last time Bill Barr was U.S. attorney general, iconic New York Times writer William Safire referred to him as “Coverup-General Barr” because of his role in burying evidence of then-President George H.W. Bush’s involvement in “Iraqgate” and “Iron-Contra.”
General Barr has struck again — this time, in similar fashion, burying Mueller’s report and cherry-picking fragments of sentences from it to justify Trump’s behavior. In his letter, he notes that Robert Mueller “leaves it to the attorney general to decide whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime.”
As attorney general, Barr — without showing us even a single complete sentence from the Mueller report — decided there are no crimes here.Just keep moving along.
Barr’s history of doing just this sort of thing to help Republican presidents in legal crises explains why Trump brought him back in to head the Justice Department...
-Doug in Oakland
Granny Mud Pole, the only salad you need to concern yourself with, is the one you're about to toss in the Hood tonight. Now go get your Grambling University Cheerleader outfit on and burn some coal.
Barr’s history of doing just this sort of thing to help Republican presidents in legal crises explains why Trump brought him back in to head the Justice Department...
-Conspiratard in Oakland
There is no hope for you people.
Trump surely wants some Mumbai escorts. I shall forward this spam to him.
3 black suspects arrested after pizza delivery driver found shot dead in Chesapeake:
Homicide victim was found in closet with throat cut by black muslim husband, according to police:
What say thee now libtards??:
What happed to your savior libtards???
“What happed to your savior libtards???”
Hardly anyone viewed Michael Avenatti as some kind of savior.
They did view the Stormy Daniels revelations as hilarious entertainment, as well as proof positive that Trump’s Christian evangelical supporters are hypocritical phonies who essentially believe in nothing.
"Hardly anyone viewed Michael Avenatti as some kind of savior."
Anonymous said...
"What happed to your savior libtards???"
10:38 AM
Virtually no one ever thought that Avenatti was our "savior." You belief in this idea is is typical thinking of people who mindlessly follow Donald Trump. Yes, dear Donald, who talks like a second grader, "Some really bad things are happening." "Or "some of them are good people."
You are a bunch of dimwits, and Trump pretends to be your savior as he lines his pockets and steals you blind.
Not our belief, your progressive leaders belief. Watch the video of the top progressive sycophants spewing their pabulum.
"Virtually no one ever thought that Avenatti was our "savior."
Avenatti was a swamp creature that swam in the same swamp as our president. They traveled in the same circles.
The left had an orgasm over Avenatti. Everyone in libtard land wrapped their lips around his pole and swallowed. CNN, MSNBC, The View, ABC, CBS, NBC and all other left wing media outlets hailed Avenatti as a hero, presidential candidate for 2020, the tip of the spear.
I'm old enough to remember when Hillary Clinton and Terry McAuliffe acted as bagmen for the DNC, selling influence to the ChiComs in exchange for millions in illegal donations for the 1996 election.
"I'm old enough to remember when Hillary Clinton and Terry McAuliffe acted as bagmen for the DNC, selling influence to the ChiComs in exchange for millions in illegal donations for the 1996 election."
I'm old enough to remember when some things that came out of Republicans' mouths were, occasionally, not lies.
It was a really, really long time ago, though.
What happened to Avenatti? he proved Drumpf was a pathological lying, cheater with zero morals and a willingness to commit election fraud to shut a woman up before the election. Drumpf tried to shut her mouth with his micro dick and failed just as he has failed at every other project in his failure of a criminal career.
Mike from Minsk says:
Trump 2020!!! You already know its true libtards!!
Anyfuckingmoosepussy and all you wasdicu racist bitches on here-
Fuck your little pea picking racist magat hearts. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Drumpfucks mow rawn pick for the Fed has an outstanding tax debt to go along with no clews how the economy works.
Another typical Drumpf swamp critter pick. The worst of the very worst. Moore is dumber than anyfuckingmoosepussy by a long shot and afmp was beyond hopelessly stoopid.
From the Washington Post:
James Alex Fields Jr., 25, of Ohio, was convicted on 29 of 30 counts as part of a deal with prosecutors, who agreed they would not seek the death penalty in a case that has come to symbolize the violent resurgence of white supremacy across the country.
-Doug in Oakland
“Another typical Drumpf swamp critter pick. The worst of the very worst. Moore is dumber than anyfuckingmoosepussy by a long shot and afmp was beyond hopelessly stoopid.”
Par for the course. Trump’s nominees for federal departments are almost always unqualified, incompetent, and terrible. (See: Sec of Education Betsy DeVos, who has recently decided to cut $18 million in support for the Special Olympics.) At least we can thank our lucky stars that he didn’t nominate a total boob for Fed chairman.
In other news, Trump is now promoting the idea that Obamacare is unconstitutional and should be eliminated completely, despite SCOTUS having already ruled otherwise on multiple occasions. So, broke-ass rednecks, this is your regular reminder that Trump wants to snatch your health insurance. He does not care about you. At all.
And Trump is also moaning and groaning that the federal government was too generous with disaster aid to Puerto Rico. He never lets a day pass without seizing the opportunity to be a colossal asshole.
Report Michelle Obama’s former chief-of-staff intervened in Jussie Smollett case raises eyebrows:
Drumpf 20 death penalties before 2020. You know it is true stoopid fucking wasicu magats.
Moar Russian laundered money at work in the NRA. The NRA also wants to limit WAVA so perps of domestic abuse don't lose their rights to own weapons of mass massacres.
WAVA- weomen against violence act which wingnuts haVE tried to gut and refuse to include numerous natives and first people tribe members. Wingnuts have worked for years to allow white men to rape IndiANS and not face tribal courts. In most cases the charges are simply dropped in wasicu courts.
Just the facts, ma'am said...
"What the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign did - collude with Russians to influence the 2016 election and then accuse the Trump campaign of it - is the greatest political crime in American history.
Surely you are joking! HA HA HA HA HA
Anonymous said...
"Granny Mud Pole, the only salad you need to concern yourself with, is the one you're about to toss in the Hood tonight. Now go get your Grambling University Cheerleader outfit on and burn some coal."
Sorry Honey, but I've never been south of the Mason Dixon Line, so you reference to Grambling is kinda out of left field.
As I have said many times before, there isn't a crime heinous enough for wingnuts to indict one of their own, and now you add there is no insinuation of an offense a Democrat can be charged with where wingnuts won't go all out to destroy the Dem. Drumpf crime family stinks so bad other stink won't tolerate them.
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