Thursday, April 11, 2019

Burning churches and hiding taxes.

TWEET MEI know that most of you don't know this, but over the past few weeks black churches were being burned in Louisiana. It was an act of domestic terrorism that went almost unreported. (Imagine if white evangelical churches were being burned in Alabama, it would lead the national newscasts every night.)

Today we learned who the alleged arsonist is, and you will not be surprised to learn that he is a young white male who dabbled in heavy metal, Neo- Nazi websites,  and paganism. This also will not be a big deal to the American media, we have a tendency to gloss over these types of acts when they are committed by home- grown folks from the majority population.  Again, can you imagine the outcry on FOX News if a young Muslim male was arrested and charged with burning white evangelical churches in Alabama? Mr. trump would hold a news conference (with Mike Pence standing by his side) to declare that all Muslims would be rounded up and put in internment camps set up all over the country. But not all acts of domestic terrorism are created equal. Had the scenario I outlined to you actually taken place, the New York Post would splash the picture of the evil Muslim perpetrator all over their front page. We know this, because the Post, like FOX-- another entity owned by the Murdochs-- clearly has an agenda. Just check out their despicable characterization today of congresswoman Ilhan Omar. 

Finally, Mr. trump's sister, a federal Judge, is stepping down from the bench. She is not doing this because she wants to, she is leaving the bench because she did not want her dirty laundry to be revealed for all of us to see. Apparently she is allegedly involved with some shaky tax schemes with her brother the president.

Now that she is stepping down,  the Judicial conduct board will drop the investigation. She can now collect her big fat pension and run off into the sunset.

Here is what Vox had to say about her curious departure:

"The retirement of a federal appeals court judge is normally not a huge national news story, and while the fact that Maryanne Trump Barry is the sister of the president of the United States makes her decision a bit more noteworthy, on its face, you can still see why it’s been treated as relatively minor news.

But peer a little bit deeper and the reason Barry is stepping down makes it clear that the story is a very big deal indeed.

The key is that last fall, the New York Times published a bombshell investigation of Donald and Maryanne Trump’s father Fred Trump’s finances that appeared to reveal, among other things, that he illegally evaded taxes in transferring much of his wealth to his children — including both Donald and Maryanne.

All this happened a long time ago, and the statute of limitations would have expired on any possible crimes. But some shrewd people noted that there is no statute of limitations on judicial ethics investigations and filed a complaint against not Donald Trump but Maryanne. This would have launched an investigation of her that would, were she found guilty of wrongdoing, have implicated the president as well. 

Now, according to Russ Buettner and Susan Craig of the New York Times, Barry has retired, which renders the investigation moot. Their reporting indicates that this all actually happened in February. The complaint was filed in October, and then on February 1, a court official notified the people who filed the complaint that it was “receiving the full attention” of investigators. Ten days later, Barry filed her paperwork to resign.
And it certainly raises questions of whether she and her brother might have something to hide.

The Trump family’s shady schemes

A lot of what the Trump family did to pass on wealth tax-free to the next generations falls pretty clearly under the heading of “the real scandal is what’s legal.” But some of the Trump family shenanigans uncovered by the Times have a look of actual criminality to them.
The most striking of these, to my eye, began in 1992. The Trump kids, including Donald and Maryanne, were set up as the owners of a company called All County Building Supply & Maintenance. All County then sold boilers, refrigerators, cleaning supplies, and other equipment at unusually high prices to buildings owned by Fred Trump. On its face, this looks a lot like an illegal effort to evade gift and estate tax by masking it as a business transaction. What’s more, Fred Trump then compounded the offense because the buildings in question were rent-regulated and he cited the high prices paid as legal justification for rent increases.
This is one of several schemes the court ethics panel was in a position to look at, but now the investigation is off.

There’s a big political fight over Trump’s tax returns

This all makes for extremely relevant context as the Trump administration continues to defy legally valid requests from congressional Democrats to see his tax returns.

There has been, for years, considerable speculation around what Trump might be hiding in those returns. Guesses range from fairly wild conspiracy theories that link the tax questions to the Russia investigation and other dark plots to the apparent GOP consensus that Trump is just being touchy about something basically innocuous, like he’s maybe not as rich as he says or that, thanks to loopholes, he pays a very low effective rate.

But a possibility raised by the Times’s examination of Fred Trump’s returns is that examining his son’s returns would, likewise, reveal tax evasion.

Fred Trump evidently managed to slip these shenanigans past the investigators at the IRS, and in more recent years, the IRS enforcement budget has been cut to the bone. It makes a lot of sense for a wealthy and unscrupulous person to take a calculated risk and just break the rules. But if those returns were to be disclosed today, they would obviously attract a ton of attention from the media and various outside experts, and Maryanne Trump wouldn’t be able to avoid accountability by quietly retiring."

Of course we would all like to see her brother's tax returns as well. But it is going to be hard, because he is expanding his crime family to include government officials. 


  1. I saw the church burning stories on MSNBC and CNN but the hosts were Craig Melvin and Don Lemon respectively. I knew Don was going to be on it because he's from Louisiana.
    Hey Field, what are your thoughts on AG Barr saying the intelligence community spes on trump?

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    “It was an act of domestic terrorism that went almost unreported. (Imagine if white evangelical churches were being burned in Alabama, it would lead the national newscasts every night.)”

    To be fair, up to this point, law enforcement hadn’t publicly acknowledged these church burnings were a result of arson, much less terrorism. And if there was no pattern, just a bunch of accidental building fires, then this story wasn’t really nationally newsworthy.

    Keep in mind that just a few years ago, people were trying to connect the dots on a number of church fires in the South, but in the end, no evidence was found for most of them to indicate they were anything other than accidents. And the one or two that weren’t, turned out to have been committed by a black person who was (probably) insane, rather than by some white racist with a political motive.

    Responsible journalism precludes announcing that terrorism is occurring, when you’ve got nothing more than speculation to back it up.

    However, now that an arrest has been made, it is more reasonable to demand that the media give higher-profile coverage to this story, as it does seem to support the view that there is a broader trend of white supremacist ideology and violence on the rise in this country.

  3. Deputy Sheriff in Loseranna turned in his own son who has been charged with burning the churches. Sounds like arson. I posted the link on the last story.
    BTW the deputy and his kid are wasicu wastey in color.


  5. Wasicu Wasteys also commit crimes in Chicago.

    Nothing like selling diseased body parts for a profit to unsuspecting folks.
    Bad whitey. Bad anyfuckingmoosepussy.

  6. Black Metal is weird. There's speculation about whether this guy was influenced by the Norwegian "Black Metal" scene, which sort of grew out of Norway in the late eighties and early nineties, and whose very young founders were, uh, naively serious about the violent and satanic themes they sang about.

    Up to and including being prosecuted for arson, murder, assault and possession of explosives, and after the sensational coverage in the media, one high-profile suicide.
    If I remember correctly, the arson charges were for fires set in churches, as they were rabidly anti-Christian, so that may have been where this knucklehead got his ideas.
    I don't know how many of those Norwegian bands are still around, but I do know that some of them are, and at least one has tried to rehab its image and sell some records, but the original scene would have looked at that as heresy.

    I don't know what kind of information can be found in Fergus' tax returns, but I have the feeling that if it made him look good, we'd all have had them a long time ago.

    My other feeling is that he doesn't really know either, but is afraid of what someone who knows what they're doing could find out about his and his mobbed-up cronies' behavior from analyzing them.

    Too bad, Ferg. You should have thought about all of that before you took that ride down the escalator of doom, and certainly before you actually took the oath of office, because after that all bets are off, and you are facing down the most powerful people on the planet every day, and some of them are the ones whose jobs it is to hold the government together against assholes like you who want to tear it down and sell it off to your mobbed-up cronies.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. So Barr has repeatedly lied to congress about spying on Drumpf. I really wish Dems would slap these lying bastards with contempt of congress citations to at least look like they care they are being lied to.

    Barr claimed the FBI was spying on Drumpf. He said that under oath. Then he said he had no proof they were spying on Drumpf. He is a l pathological liar just like Drumpf.

  8. Anonymous9:59 PM

    “If I remember correctly, the arson charges were for fires set in churches, as they were rabidly anti-Christian, so that may have been where this knucklehead got his ideas.”

    Yes, the Norwegian black metal dudes were scary.

    One dude in particular, neo-Nazi Varg Vikernes, of the band Mayhem, decided it was a good idea to start burning down churches in Norway. He spent 15 years in prison for arson — plus murdering one of his bandmates because Nazis are, you know, not very nice guys.

    Maybe this fellow in Louisiana took his inspiration from Vikernes.


  9. From Sheila Kennedy today,

    In a recent column for The Atlantic, David Frum reacted to the Barr version of the Mueller Report by pointing out that the special counsel’s task was limited to investigation of legal liability.

    And as he noted, absence of clearly prosecutable criminal behavior is a pretty low bar.

    Frum was a speechwriter for George W. Bush; in my view he has substantially if not totally redeemed himself with a series of thoughtful columns intensely critical of the current occupant of the Oval Office. This column made several important points after a satisfyingly snarky initial paragraph:

    Good news, America. Russia helped install your president. But although he owes his job in large part to that help, the president did not conspire or collude with his helpers. He was the beneficiary of a foreign intelligence operation, but not an active participant in that operation. He received the stolen goods, but he did not conspire with the thieves in advance.

  10. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Fraud Negro, why not feature all of the hate crime hoaxes committed by Blacks in the last 5 years? You can start with Jewcy Smellzit. Of course, you won't do that it does not fit the Negro narrative of woe is us whitey be oppress us 24/7. You are a fraud, the ADL is a fraud, the SPLC is a fraud. The recent bullshit Jew/Negro hearings in the house on "White Nationalism" were a fraud as well. Negro dysfunction is FUBU, Fucked Up By U.

  11. Anonymous10:24 AM

    The church arson will turn out to be committed by blacks....just wait for it.....Smollette…….Smollette…..Smollette…..

  12. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Former NFL player Cierre Wood accused of murder in Las Vegas after 5-year-old dies:

  13. Anonymous10:49 AM

  14. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Chicago April 2019 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 22
    Shot & Wounded: 73
    Total Shot: 95
    Total Homicides: 22

  15. The Spotus activist wingnut side is bound and determined to hurry executions instead of properly adjudicating appeals. They enjoy making up laws like the 8th amendment doesn't guarantee an inmate a painless death.

    Spotus okayed Alabama execution after the death warrant expired.

  16. Anonymoid 10:24 AM;
    You didn't keep up with the news, did you? And you're not very good at this, are you? Loser... loser... loser...

  17. Some legal contributor in MSNBC (Toobin?) warned that if Mnuchin refuses to turn over Drumpf's tax returns he would risk jail time. Everything we know about the Foreclosure King suggests he wouldn't be willing to risk that. So stay tuned... for Act 3.

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:08 PM

    To All Trump Voters:

    The study found that 60 of some of the largest publicly held companies paid no taxes — compared with an average of about 30 each year from 2008 to 2015, before Trump and congressional Republicans passed the tax law that took effect in 2018. The measure heavily favors corporations and the wealthy.

    The analysis is based on 2018 financial filings of the country’s largest 560 publicly held companies.

    Today's Top Story Today on Huff Post Huff Post

  19. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:16 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "...he recent bullshit Jew/Negro hearings in the house on "White Nationalism" were a fraud as well. Negro dysfunction is FUBU, Fucked Up By U."

    10:19 AM
    No, the people perpetrating fraud are you and the orange child who pretends to be a president but can't handle the job.


    Drumpf was going to dump immigrants in sanctuary cities to score political points with his base and cause economic damage for Dem mayors.

    Orange scumbag.

  21. Anonymous5:00 PM

    “Drumpf was going to dump immigrants in sanctuary cities to score political points with his base and cause economic damage for Dem mayors.”

    I’m not really sure how this was supposed to work.

    Firstly, if a migrant were dropped in a particular city, it’s not like they would have to stay there, unless Trump was planning on having ICE nail the migrants’ feet to the floor.

    So these people would just have gotten on a bus and gone wherever they were originally planning on going before they crossed the border.

    Secondly, this move would hardly have gone over well with his racist supporters. The MAGA morons’ point of view isn’t that brown people can come into this country and it’s completely fine, as long as they go live in Massachusetts or California or whatever. Their view is: WE’RE FULL!! FOREIGNERS OUT!!

    They want deportations, ASAP, and Trump engaging in any actions short of that would cause them to blow a gasket.

    So I really don’t see how this would have helped him to win re-election, which is the only thing he cares about. This would have been dumb, even by Trump’s own standards.

  22. You hear anyone with a brain accusing the stable genius of being smart?

  23. Anonymous6:32 PM

    “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”
    ― Benjamin Franklin

    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
    ― Margaret Thatcher

  24. Tgyhe problem with capitalism is eventually wingnuts run out of everybody's money in their quest to give it all to the 1%.

    Anyone with a brain knows this except stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  25. Drumpfuck's overheated economy grew 2.2% in fourth quarter last year and 2.3% first quarter of this year. Drumpf has averaged 2.9% growth since Putin installed him in the kremlin annex.

  26. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Global warming is bullshit.

  27. We'll take our share of them if he wants to do it that way. Our already large and thriving Central American immigrant communities will probably make this a better destination than wherever else they were going anyway.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. Wesley R9:17 PM

    The Illinois Senate passed a bill stating that if Trump doesn't release 5 years of tax returns he will not be allowed on their ballot in 2020. The bill is expected to pass the house as well. If more states follow, there will be trouble for Mr. Bone Spurs.

  29. Anonymous9:29 PM

    “‘When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.’
    ― Benjamin Franklin”

    Nope. Franklin never said this. Yet another wingnut lie ping-ponging around the Internet.

    "’The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.’
    ― Margaret Thatcher”

    Thatcher DID say this. What a loyal little servant of the artistocrats she was. And a heartless cunt as well, who trashed Britain’s manufacturing sector and supported racists and thuggish dictators the world over.

    Roast in hell, Margaret!

  30. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Shorter Gambler2:  "Orange Man Bad!"

    "Drumpf was going to dump immigrants in sanctuary cities to score political points with his base and cause economic damage for Dem mayors."

    Because they are PUNISHMENT reserved for "deplorables", not Goodthinkers, right?  Right?

    "Orange scumbag."

    Lieburals Always Project.

    "The Illinois Senate passed a bill stating that if Trump doesn't release 5 years of tax returns he will not be allowed on their ballot in 2020."

    The Constitution prohibits bills of attainder.

  31. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Wendy William good for you! Glad you are shutting down that RAGGEDY ASS NIGGA. Let him have that thirsty…THOT… you walk out of the Court room the same way you walked in--with pride, class and dignity. Yo hood husband is a big JOKE…he downgraded.

  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Global warming is bullshit.

    8:50 PM

    Keep telling yourself that, but read the article I posted below. Oceans may rise as much as 10 feet in the next few years. Goodby Florida??

    Huge Hole Discovered beneath Fast-Melting Antarctic Glacier ...
    Jan 31, 2019 - A hole wider than the island of Manhattan is eating away at one of Antarctica's fastest melting glaciers. Scientists estimate the enormous ...

  33. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:02 PM

    Anonymous said....

    "The Constitution prohibits bills of attainder."

    9:34 PM

    I'm not sure that what you say is correct. It depends on the wording of the bill. If the bill states that all current and future presidential candidates are required to show tax returns to appear on the ballot, then this may not qualify as a bill of attainder.

  34. Anonymous11:12 PM

    “‘Drumpf was going to dump immigrants in sanctuary cities to score political points with his base and cause economic damage for Dem mayors’

    Because they are PUNISHMENT reserved for ‘deplorables’, not Goodthinkers, right? Right?“

    No, fool. These things are not facts; they are just things Trump wrongfully believed.

    He may have convinced himself that immigrants being transported to deep-blue big cities would harm their economies and win accolades from wingnutty voters. But neither would have actually happened, which is likely why he didn’t go through with this inane plan — someone slightly saner than Trump sat him down and explained how monumentally dumb an idea it was.

    “‘The Illinois Senate passed a bill stating that if Trump doesn't release 5 years of tax returns he will not be allowed on their ballot in 2020.’

    The Constitution prohibits bills of attainder.”

    No again, fool.

    It would only be a bill of attainder if the law was written to say “Trump, and only Trump, must release his tax returns.” But come on, do you seriously think that’s what they are proposing? The actual wording would be: “all candidates must release X years of tax returns to appear on the ballot.” Which is not a bill of attainder.

    This law may well be unconstitutional, but not because it’s a bill of attainder.

  35. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Our illustrious president apparently urged the head of Customs and Border Protection (now promoted to the acting secretary of Homeland Security, after Kirstjen Nielsen was fired for not being cruel and racist enough for Trump’s liking) to illegally block asylum seekers from entering the U.S. Trump promised to pardon him if he did so.

    He so badly wants to be a lawless third-world dictator. In enabling him, his party have become the Banana Republican Party.

  36. False flag nonsense.

    Meanwhile, your tribe is out there throwing five-year-old boys off third-story balconies because they're white and easy targets.

    Let's take a fucking tally black vs white.

    Y'all got Medgar Evers on us.

    We have a never-ending string, week after fucking week, on y'all. And it's never reported. So, oh, a church burned.

    Boy, I hope the fucking wood is okay.

  37. Anonymous3:36 AM

    “... because they're white and easy targets.”


    Of course, you don’t have any evidence of motive. You think it’s perfectly rational to assume all crimes by blacks against whites are hate crimes.

  38. Definition: Bill of Attainder. Definition: A legislative act that singles out an individual or group for punishment without a trial. The Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 provides that: "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law will be passed."

  39. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Oh good. Today’s paper says that stuck-on-stupid Trump has now revived his idea of bussing migrants to so-called sanctuary cities and dropping them off, like they’re some kind of terrible toxic waste he’s getting rid of, or a bag of kryptonite that he’s leaving at Superman’s doorstep, and this will really “own the libs.”

    Nope, this won’t blow up in his face at all, no siree. What could possibly go wrong with this brilliant plan?

  40. However, now that an arrest has been made, it is more reasonable to demand that the media give higher-profile coverage to this story, as it does seem to support the view that there is a broader trend of white supremacist ideology and violence on the rise in this country.

    Of it will, because it fits the narrative that they always promote. If it is indeed arson, it is a horrible and stupid crime. But most of these attempts to gin up fear have been hoaxes.

    Crimes that don't fit the narrative are buried. For example, just yesterday a black guy through a five year old white child off the the third level of the Mall of America, and Reuters puts the story out with the headline "Man arrested after boy falls from balcony at Minnesota's Mall of America".

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:53 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Global warming is bullshit."

    Sure it is; you know because Trump told you so. But read the facts below.

    A glacier the size of Florida is on track to change the Course of human history;

  42. Anonymous1:02 PM

    “Crimes that don't fit the narrative are buried. For example, just yesterday a black guy through a five year old white child off the the third level of the Mall of America, and Reuters puts the story out with the headline ‘Man arrested after boy falls from balcony at Minnesota's Mall of America’.”

    No, it hasn’t been “buried.” It has received the coverage it deserved, which is standard local coverage.

    You’re just mad because this event doesn’t fit your narrative, which is that there is some kind of “war on white people” that is being covered up. Unless some evidence is uncovered to justify this being treated as a hate crime or terrorism, it shouldn’t and won’t be.

    Somehow, you think it is unfair if the perpetrator’s race isn’t plastered all over the headlines. But responsible journalists don’t do this for black or white perpetrators unless the race of the person is somehow relevant. Nobody runs screaming headlines for everyday crimes by white people like “EVIL CAUCASIANS STRIKE AGAIN!!” Because that would be insane.

    Most of the media aren’t staffed up with Nazis and aren’t going to help spread your lies. Sorry.

  43. Stoopid fucking wingnuts in Texas want women to get the death penalty for having an abortion. Sure glad there ain't no right wing war on women, huh?

  44. I live near Birmingham, Alabama. I saw nothing of the Churches being burned on local media. I saw it on the National News from NBC, and also MSNBC. I would say it's a white American terroist.

  45. Anonymous2:53 PM

    "Most of the media aren’t staffed up with Nazis and aren’t going to help spread your lies."

    Most certainly, in fact most of the media is staffed by masculine women and effeminate men with purple hair, nose rings and reek of bad hygiene. They live their lives afraid of EVERYTHING (even their own shadow). Hence the need for "safe spaces". Their biggest boogeyman is themselves and they don't even know it. Kind of like most of the posters here. It's so sad.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Most certainly, in fact most of the media is staffed by masculine women and effeminate men with purple hair, nose rings and reek of bad hygiene. They live their lives afraid of EVERYTHING (even their own shadow). Hence the need for "safe spaces". Their biggest boogeyman is themselves and they don't even know it. Kind of like most of the posters here. It's so sad."

    LOL Can't imagine what media you are watching because I haven't seen anything like what you describe here. Are sure you live on Planet Earth?

  47. Camptisam3:38 PM

    Did this impact your wife's family directly?

  48. Anonymous4:27 PM

    “Most certainly, in fact most of the media is staffed by masculine women and effeminate men with purple hair, nose rings and reek of bad hygiene.”

    Lol, what? This sounds nothing like any newsroom in America, except for maybe those alt-weekly publications that tell you which bands are playing at local music venues this weekend and whether there are any deals on bongs at the neighborhood head shop.

    The folks who work at your average newspaper or CNN are pretty generic, square, middle-class folks. You’d struggle to tell the difference between them and the employees at an accounting or insurance firm.

    You sure have some weird fantasies about what the world is like outside the dank cave where you live. Maybe you should get out more.

  49. "LOL Can't imagine what media you are watching because I haven't seen anything like what you describe here. Are sure you live on Planet Earth?"

    Yeah,I do radio until my tv weatherman gig comes along😂 Yeah and most people who work in media want to move to a larger market so they will dress conservatively and follow the rules.

  50. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Today’s paper says that stuck-on-stupid Trump has now revived his idea of bussing migrants to so-called sanctuary cities and dropping them off, like they’re some kind of terrible toxic waste he’s getting rid of

    No, it's the hypocritical "sanctuary city" pols who are treating their "precious immigrants" as toxic waste when they come to where THEY live.  Literally every American (that means, not you) gets it.  If you don't, have Tucker Carlson explain it to you and maybe it will become clear.

    Can't imagine what media you are watching because I haven't seen anything like what you describe here.

    Gambler2 doesn't think Rachel Madcow looks grossly un-feminine, but we already knew she's crazy.

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:22 AM

    Anonymous said......

    "Can't imagine what media you are watching because I haven't seen anything like what you describe here.

    Gambler2 doesn't think Rachel Madcow looks grossly un-feminine, but we already knew she's crazy."

    Trying to determine what I think is an exercise in futility.

    And why should I care what Rachel Maddow looks like? It's what she says and her research into Trump's criminality that counts.

    BTW, are you an expert in diagnosing mental illness, or are you just a troll who likes to post bull shit?

  52. ====================
    Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a psychotic disorder. People who have it can’t tell what’s real from what is imagined.

    Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. They’re unshakable beliefs in something that isn’t true or based on reality.
    You've been spewing your delusions around here since you first posted.  Nobody with eyes to see could miss it, and no amount of evidence given to you has shaken them one iota.  You are a textbook case.
