Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Mad man in charge.

I am not sure Americans realize how truly f****d we are with this clown in the White House.

Every day we see American ideals and principles being chipped away, and no one seems to give a damn.

It has become so bad with this guy that every new scandal just elicits a yawn from us, and they never seem to last more than one news cycle.

I have been saying for some time now that the president of the United States is more than likely clinically insane, or that he is suffering from some kind of medical condition that is causing his mental faculties to deteriorate.

After reading an article in Raw Story about a Yale professor who is so concerned about the president's mental state, that she actually wrote a book about it.

"On February 28, we published a post, "The Elephant in the Room: It’s time we talked openly about Donald Trump’s mental health," which went viral with close to a million reads. People on both sides of the political spectrum—as well as some mental health professionals—weighed in with hundreds of comments.

One comment was from Hal Brown, MSW, a colleague of John Gartner, Ph.D., whom we mentioned in the post. John is the founder of Duty to Warn, an organization intent on warning our country that we are in dire trouble due to our president’s mental instability. More than 60,000 mental health professionals have signed John’s petition, which states:
“We, the undersigned mental health professionals, believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’”
John requested an interview with Phil for a podcast and then asked him to participate in a short documentary film that was recently released. So far, nearly 2 million people have viewed the documentary.

In mid-March, we received an email from Bandy X. Lee of Yale University. To give you a little of her amazing background, she is an M.D.; M.Div. (Master of Divinity); assistant clinical professor, Yale Law and Psychiatry Division; co-founder and director of the Violence and Health Study Group for the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies; as well as co-leader of Academic Collaborators for the World Health Organization’s Violence Prevention Alliance. We were honored, and a little scared, when she asked us to contribute to a new book she was putting together, with the working title, Duty to Warn. The book was time-sensitive in that she, other contributors, and interested publishers felt an urgency to get the book into the hands of the public and governmental powers-that-be as soon possible. We had less than a month to send our essay to her.

All other projects were sidelined as we devoted the next two weeks to researching and writing. Fortunately, we had "The Elephant" as an outline and our time perspective expertise in observing Trump’s extreme present hedonistic behavior to help us determine our findings. As we dug deeper into the fallout of Trump as president, we became increasingly alarmed by how one person can affect an entire nation. We used this newfound knowledge for our book chapter, as well as two subsequent PsychogyToday.com post: "The Trump Effect, Part I," about the increase in bullying in schools and a small adult population across the U.S. since the 2016 presidential campaign; and "Part II," about the increase in sexual harassment incidents." [Source]

We know now that Mr. trump lies about where his father was born, has a problem pronouncing basic words, seems to forget what he says from one moment to another, and shows signs of paranoia and delusion when he speaks about certain things. Throw in his need for attention, and his petty fixation with his image and it's clear that we have a mad man on our hands.

*Pic from epictimes.com


  1. That's cool, the Dems will investigate this moron to death until he has his Colonel Jessup moment.

  2. Drumpf is a fucking nutjob, alright.


    And never forget it is stoopid fucking wingnuts that are keeping this POS in office because they are afraid to lose the senate and then won't be aBle to pack the courts or filibuster nominees anymore.

  3. But meantime he has Miller for an advisor.

  4. Mother Jones says Chinese woman charged with breaching security at Drumpf Dump South was charged with lying to federal authorities. So when does Drumpf get charged with lying to federal authorities?

  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/chicago.suntimes.com/news/redlining-public-housing-museum-exhibit-martin-luther-king/amp/

  6. https://www.the-immoral-minority.com/trump-erroneously-claims-that-president-obama-was-the-one-who-jailed-children-and-that-he-was-the-one-who-stopped-it/

    Even though he fired Kristjen because she tried to explain family seperation is illegal. A normal President wouldn't have these problems.

  7. trump had no problem laundering money for Iranians.


  8. Trump Derangement Syndrome9:15 PM

    Is it really the President, Mr. Field Negrto, or is it maybe you?

  9. Anonymous9:17 PM

    320 MILLION People in the USA and 3 people a year die from White Nationalists.

    Might be a record for LOWEST deaths from a radical extremist political movement in history.

  10. Coyote ugly9:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Even though he fired Kristjen because she tried to explain family seperation is illegal."

    Obama did it. No one had a problem with it then.

    The reason kids are separated from adults in detention is that some of the adults will rape the children.

    The law incentivizes dragging a kid across the border with you, because they have to let you in. Shouldn't we change that particular part of the asylum law?

  11. "Obama did it. No one had a problem with it then."

    And then the current administration tried to get officials to break the law because a curcuit court stopped the family separation. Kristjen was the latest victim. That is problematic.

  12. "The law incentivizes dragging a kid across the border with you, because they have to let you in. Shouldn't we change that particular part of the asylum law?"

    Leaving your children behind in a violent situation should not be encouraged. Not a good idea.

  13. "320 MILLION People in the USA and 3 people a year die from White Nationalists."

    There have been more deaths from right wing radical donestic terrorists than Islamic extremists. Should we just stop worrying about terrorism at all?

    1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/national/in-the-united-states-right-wing-violence-is-on-the-rise/2018/11/25/61f7f24a-deb4-11e8-85df-7a6b4d25cfbb_story.html

  14. I think that he's a malignant narcissist, so to that extent he's mentally ill, but mostly he's just a huckster wannabe mobster con man who doesn't belong anywhere within 500 yards of important decision making.

    It's not like he displays characteristics way out of line with a huckster wannabe mobster con man, many of them are narcissists anyway, it's just that we don't make huckster wannabe mobster con men president of the United States, because they will do pretty much exactly what he's doing if you do, and what he is doing is bad.

    And the 25th amendment won't help as long as there are 34 goddamn poltroon Republicans in the senate, so we have to get real about how he can actually be reined in, stopped, and removed, which means showing up to vote him out next year.

    Also, not ever forgetting that the goddamn Republicans did this to us, because they will do it again, and each time it gets worse.

    Don't even kid yourself that Fergus is the worst they can do. They can and will do worse. They always do. It's one of the only consistent things about the GOP.

    Nixon was the worst. (Maybe Ford wasn't as bad, but they didn't elect him. The ones they elect get worse and worse. Remember that Fergus got more Republican primary votes that anyone in history and they still LOVE him.) Reagan was the worst. Poppy Bush was an extra term of Reagan being the worst.

    Then there was Dubya. He was so awful that it was almost funny, except for the Iraq war, and the one massive tax cut each for the foolhardy wars he started, and the torture, and the ratfucking of the 2004 election, and the attempt to privatize Social Security, and the worst economic crash since the great depression leading to the economy shedding 700,000 jobs a month by the time Obama was sworn in to clean up the godawful mess he had made.

    Oh, and remember "ownership society"? The bullshit con W foisted on us to cover for the housing bubble that destroyed trillions of dollars in ordinary citizens' wealth when it burst? The hucksterism isn't unique to Fergus, it's just gotten incrementally worse, like everything else Republican.

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. Anonymous10:26 PM

    "There have been more deaths from right wing radical donestic terrorists than Islamic extremists. Should we just stop worrying about terrorism at all?"

    Ridiculously false assertion.

    And Muslims make of less than 2% of the population. Shouldn't we expect Islamic terrorism to be a tiny fraction of such crimes?

    1. Not false at all.


  16. Anonymous10:29 PM

    White liberals - supporting open borders to own Trump:


    You are all deranged.

  17. https://www.google.com/amp/nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2019/03/domestic-terror-still-greater-threat-than-islamic-extremism.html

  18. Anonymous10:33 PM

    "White liberals - supporting open borders to own Trump:"

    They’re the ones who have broken away and become extremists. But they have power. So the normal people are now framed as extreme.

    For wanting to have a home.

    Their behavior is treasonous. This isn’t tax rates policy, this is the end of the country. Cause they’re virtue-signalling scumbags.

    The country has to be crashed with no survivors for no other reason than lefties (white especially) are the worst people on earth. Powerful, selfish, and holding an incredibly shitty and insane worldview.

    So America has to die. Because of that. Thanks guys. Thanks a lot

  19. Anonymous10:34 PM

    @ PilotX:

    Fake statistics from Fake News, generated from taking non-political crimes and falsely labeling them as terrorism.

  20. Fake News Update10:40 PM

    "Fake statistics from Fake News, generated from taking non-political crimes and falsely labeling them as terrorism."


  21. Worldwide Incident Tracking System:


    Nazis in last place.

  22. White people ain't the problem:


  23. Interesting


  24. And Muslims make of less than 2% of the population. Shouldn't we expect Islamic terrorism to be a tiny fraction of such crimes?"

    You might expect that, but that's not the case:


  25. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/03/magazine/FBI-charlottesville-white-nationalism-far-right.html

  26. "Obama did it. No one had a problem with it then."

    Not really:


    Obama did not, in fact, separate children from their families, Fergus did that and still wants to do that.

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Candace Owens ripped Ted Lieu a new one today:


    You go girl!

  28. "This isn’t tax rates policy, this is the end of the country."

    I don't know what kind of weak-ass country your propaganda has convinced you we live in, but this is not the end of the country.

    -Doug in Oakland

  29. Anonymous11:11 PM

    What Ted Lieu attempted with Candace Owens is a classic example of a Struggle Session. During the Cultural Revolution, counter-revolutionaries were brought out to schools or sports areas while officials read off their alleged crimes and the crowd chanted. No response was allowed.

    What l learned today is that the American values of liberty are not compatible with people such as Ted Lieu. He has nothing in common with the people that founded America. In fact, he hates them and us.

  30. White Nationalist11:13 PM

    What I learned today is that if you care about border security and immigration control, if you insist on national sovereignty, if you care about preserving what's left of our country's ethno-cultural and constitutional character, you're a "White Nationalist."

  31. Clown Congress11:16 PM

    The Democrats entire congressional agenda is attacking Trump and his supporters.

  32. trump king clown11:52 PM

    The Democrats entire congressional agenda is attacking Trump and his supporters.
    And it will be successful in 2020.

  33. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Candace Owens ripped Ted Lieu a new one today:
    Candace Owens is an insane idiot, perfect for conservatives.

  34. Anonymous11:56 PM


  35. Anonymous11:58 PM


  36. Rita M.12:12 AM

    Y'all just can't handle a strong, intelligent black woman like Candace Owens.


  37. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Hate Fact™ said...
    "White people ain't the problem"

    Check this out:


  38. Anonymous12:34 AM

    We live in a majority white nation, where Jews make up about 2% of the population, yet our government wants to make it illegal to support white nationalism and make it illegal to oppose Jewish nationalism.

    We have a foreign occupied government and voting will not change this.

  39. Anonymous12:45 AM

    You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.

    -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  40. Candace Owens' fan1:31 AM

    Y'all just can't handle a strong, intelligent black woman like Candace Owens.
    Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! That dumb broad! Have you listened to her? Conservatives love the uneducated.

  41. Um, ok1:33 AM

    We live in a majority white nation, where Jews make up about 2% of the population, yet our government wants to make it illegal to support white nationalism and make it illegal to oppose Jewish nationalism.
    Is that you Congress woman Omar?

  42. Anonymous1:36 AM


  43. There must have been a way to give the black man the respect he deserved without burning down the country. America was evolving into a real nation with a unified vision. We would have been an unstoppable force creating an unimaginably bright future.

    A house divided was easy pickings. Now we all gotta deal with the consequences.

  44. Anonymous2:26 AM

    “Is that you Congress woman Omar?”

    Nah, it’s Congressman Steve King (R-Nazi Germany).

  45. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Does he believe there are 57 states?

  46. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Honk Honk

  47. Drumpfuck the king dumbfuck said Obama instituted the policy of taking children away from their parents at the border and he ended it.

    from CBS- Under the discontinued "zero tolerance" policy of increased prosecution for those who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, the Trump administration forcibly separated more than 2,600 migrant children from their families near the southern border and designated them as unaccompanied minors.

    After massive public outcry, including from many Republicans, Mr. Trump was forced to sign an executive order in June 2018 to rescind the policy crafted and implemented by his administration.

    When will you stoopid fucking devotees of the pathological liar throw up your hands in disgust with this piece of human filth and admit you were wrong all along about him?

  48. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:22 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians."

    So you are trying to tell us that Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were not Russians? Please pick up a Russian history book. Your entire post is just nonsense.

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:25 AM

    Mike from Iowa said ......

    "When will you stoopid fucking devotees of the pathological liar throw up your hands in disgust with this piece of human filth and admit you were wrong all along about him?"

    I don't think that's ever going to happen, Mike. The mind set of Trump's hard core followers does not respond to facts or reason.

  50. Funny you should ask, Mike, as to when right-wing extremists will veer toward facts and reality. In fact, citing inaccuracies of Obama administration policies, debunked time and again, is merely sport.

    When will this stop? Answer per current Michael Harriott piece below.

    Report: White People Still Tripping

  51. Anonymous10:31 AM

    How many people per week do Negroes kill in America? There is your "we are fucked" answer. As usual Fraud Negro lies...

  52. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Candace Owens is an insane idiot, perfect for conservatives.

    Black people lose their blackness when they go off the progressive reservation.

    Remember, you must conform to progressivism at all times... but we must judge ALL people as individuals!

  53. Latinx Migrant Caravan Comedian12:03 PM

    Senor Donald Trump está muy loco!

    A su burrito le faltan unos frijoles!

  54. What inspires trolls, and what are they trying to accomplish?

    Well, you see, after Dale Carnegie typed up "How To Make Friends And Influence People", he threw out the carbon negative; this inverse image went to the landfill, where it was contaminated by toxic waste and zapped by radium watch-dials. It mutated into an evil inverse of the original; this was dug up by a neo-nazi incel, who published it on the Dark Web, where it has inspired and guided trolls ever since.

    And the name of that inverse text?

    "How To Make Enemies And Not Influence People".

  55. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Black people lose their blackness when they go off the progressive reservation.
    Black people get uninvited to the family reunion when the throw in with white nationalists just like Candace Owens. There are many Black conservatives, they just don't join the klan. Kinda like all Jews other than Stephen Miller not joining the nazis.

  56. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Your entire post is just nonsense.
    That pretty much goes without saying.

  57. Trump is only one of our big problems. The other is the compromised and scared Senate. Trump has been a clown, yes, but also an extremely experienced bully who both gives the Senate what it wants--tax gifts to the its wealthy donors--but threats that anyone who criticizes him will be publicly humiliated and primaried. Since most Republican senators are in it for the grift anyway, they stay silent. And they aren't about to invoke the 25th amendment, support impeachment, or try any other remedies to stop this predatory lunatic.

  58. Come to think of it, the 25th amendment requires action of the cabinet, so scratch that. We're left with impeachment, another non-starter for the Republican-controlled Senate.

  59. Black Americans would lose their identity if they became stoopid fucking wingnuts because they would be arrested and shipped to Africa in less than three seconds.

  60. Does he believe there are 57 states?

    Sure there are- 57 states of denial wingnuts are immersed in.

  61. Here is your new home, stoopid fucking wingnuts. Enjoy the ride and on the off chance any of you or any future offspring survive the trip there, don't bother to send a postcard. There is no mail service where you are headed, you dumb fuckers.


  62. Let us pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster the black hole isn't too particular to swallow stoopid fucking mow rawns like the ones headed its way.

  63. PilotX: I’m glad I helped.
    Addendum: the mutating text was also infected with swine flu.

  64. Now Barr is going all in "deep state" madness. We may have a slow moving coup on our hands. Nancy Pelosi may be the only one who can save us.😬

  65. Anonymous3:42 PM

    To quote a line from that hit film Moana, Donald Trump is "straight up KOOKY DUKES!"

  66. Candace said that there was no such thing as a Southern Strategy. I rest my case. 🤔

  67. "Candace said that there was no such thing as a Southern Strategy. I rest my case. 🤔"

    She also said there is no racism because she isn't a slave. I guess when you are a racist white party you have to take any negro you can find, even if they're crazy and stupid.

  68. Hey stoopid fucking wasicu wingnuts, if Drumpf has nothing to hide, why not hand over the tax returns he has been clearly lying about for ages and then sit under oath for a senate inquisition similar to what HRC faced from dumbfuck wingnuts on her emails and Benghazi- over and over and over and over again?

    Drumpfuck whining about less than 2 year investigaTion when Whitewater went on for five fucking witch hunting years.

  69. Drumpfuck signed EO making it harder to stop pipeline construction the constitutional way- through protests and slowing down the required permitting system.


    Wingnut dumbass guv of South Dakota wants to fine protesters and use that money to pay for environmental damage caused by pipelines. Oil companies that push dilbit already don't have to pay the 9 cents per gallon to environmental cleanup fund because they convinced stoopid fucking wingnut congress that tar sands is not crude oil when it comes to taxation. For all other purposes it is considered extremely crudem oil.

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:19 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Does he believe there are 57 states?

    7:13 AM
    Neither he nor anyone else ever believed there were 57 states. This was just a "slip of the tongue." He meant to say contests. He was speaking of the number of Democratic primaries and caucuses in the party's presidential nominating process.

    I don't think Obama ever disgraced himself by calling Tim Cook Tim Apple. When a president can't remember a simple name like Cook for even a few minutes, there's a problem - a big problem.

  71. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/10/health/principal-bone-marrow-donation-stranger-trnd/index.html

    Come on racist wasicu wasteys, tell me what is wrong with this picture.

  72. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:27 PM

    Anonymous said...

    White liberals - supporting open borders to own Trump:

    10:29 PM
    Duh! Just because white liberals support giving asylum to refugees, it does not mean the we support "open borders." Seems to me you are jumping to a false conclusion here. If this is a sample of you kind of logic, be careful not to take any wooden nickles. In other words, you are a person that is easily fooled.

  73. Attorney General William Barr suggested the FBI and intelligence agencies were “spying” on the Trump campaign — but there’s a major flaw in that conspiracy theory.

    Barr made the explosive allegation — which matched President Donald Trump’s claims — under questioning by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), but he later admitted he had “no specific evidence” of wrongdoing by the Justice Department he now oversees, reported the Washington Post.

    Barr is just like Drumpfuck and is doing the job he was hired for- lying.

    Dems did it alright, we just can't prove it because it didn't happen, but they did alright.

  74. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/438345-trumps-sister-retires-as-judge-ending-probe-into-alleged-misconduct

    The whole Drumpfuck family is crooked as a dog's hind leg.

  75. So low energy Drumpfuck just keeps his lips flapping, cheats at golf, lies all the time, cheats on every wife he ever had, and sucks at being a human being with feelings for anyone except his victimized orange ass. What's not to like?

  76. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:48 PM

    Latinx Migrant Caravan Comedian said...

    "Senor Donald Trump está muy loco!"
    Yes, Donald Trump is very crazy in addition to being an evil gangster who is suffering from dementia.

  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:53 PM

    Mike from Iowa said....

    "Come on racist wasicu wasteys, tell me what is wrong with this picture." https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/10/health/principal-bone-marrow-donation-stranger-trnd/index.html

    Oh my God, the hero of this story is a black man! Racists heads are exploding as they read about it.

  78. Julian Assange arrested under deportation order.Now let us count the ways wingnuts in DC work to prevent him being deported to the tender mercies of Dems in congressional investigation committees.

  79. Is this another Monday? Authorities arrest the son of wasicu deputy for burning churches in Looserana and the suspect (turned in by his wasicu deputy dad) is whiter than anyfuckingmoosepussy and racist friends.


    Can't wait for Fake Noize to blame blacks for fires in spite of the arrest.

  80. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Well, well, well. Julian Assange has been expelled from the Ecuadorean embassy and arrested.

    He worked so hard to keep out Hillary Clinton, whom he apparently hates, and elect Trump. And now, ironically, Trump is going to jail him.

    I can’t really say I feel bad for him. What a gigantic asshole.

  81. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Worn out granny says...

    "Neither he nor anyone else ever believed there were 57 states. This was just a "slip of the tongue." He meant to say contests. He was speaking of the number of Democratic primaries and caucuses in the party's presidential nominating process."

    Funny. There's another story that goes "He meant to say he has visited 57 Islamic states."

    But, whatever...he is a horrible person and a complete fraud.

    "slip of the tongue." LOL

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:54 AM

    "But, whatever...he is a horrible person and a complete fraud.

    "slip of the tongue." LOL"

    9:04 AM

    A horrible person? You must be speaking of Donald Trump.

  83. Anonymous10:37 AM


  84. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Video: Guard draws gun to ward off black attackers at Mag Mile McDonald's:


  85. Anonymous10:45 AM

    “Funny. There's another story that goes ‘He meant to say he has visited 57 Islamic states.’

    Nice bigoted conspiracy theory you’ve got there. For the billionth time, Obama is not Muslim.

    But also, I kinda doubt there even are 57 majority-Muslim countries in the world. Sounds unrealistically high.

    Then again, if even 1% of a country’s population is made up of Muslims, you claim they’ve somehow “taken over,” so going by your wacky standards ...

  86. Moar winning Drumpfuck's dumbfucks- WSJ
    U.S. Budget Deficit Grew 15% in First Half of Fiscal 2019
    Government spending increased 5% from October through March as revenues rose 1% over same period

    Kiddie diddlers church (Catholics) blame the 60s sexual revolution for the decades of priest abuses that began long before the 60s were ever a glimmer in anyone's eye.

  87. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:43 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    10:37 AM

    How come your mom lets you play with her computer? Anyway shouldn't you be in school? Surely your second grade class is meeting right now.

  88. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Missing black men found dead in Georgia storage unit; 4 negroe suspects named:


  89. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/11/fox-business-incorrect-trump-poll-1270245

    Fake Business host Lou Dobbs claimed new poll had Drumpf's approval rating at 55% which was in reality his disapproval rating. Of course Drumpf was all over this like stink on shit and tweeted about.

    Fake Noize's correction comes too late and doesn't matter because Drumpf's magat armies believe whatever lies he tells them. The next time they hear the truth will be the first time.

  90. bot... bot... bot...

  91. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-surprising-push-to-rebrand-trumps-very-fine-people-remarks?ref=home

    Wingnuts and racist white supremacists are pretending Drumpf did not say there were fine people on both sides in Charlottesville. Even with video and audio transcripts showing Drumpf said that, they pretend he didn't say it.

    The loony right is completely batshit bonkers.

  92. https://www.salon.com/2019/04/10/has-trumps-department-of-justice-found-an-exemption-to-the-emoluments-clause-that-benefits-him_partner/

    Never could have guessed the Drumpf DOJ would read the emoluments clause narrowly so it would protect Drumpf's crooked ass. Since 2017 the DOJ has changed how the clause is read to protect Drumpf the crookedest Russian prez ever in the kremlin annex.

  93. https://www.salon.com/2019/04/10/so-much-for-stimulus-after-trump-tax-cuts-irs-refunds-down-by-6-billion/

    So much for the stimulus of taxcuts on working families.

  94. Anonymous2:47 PM

    “Kiddie diddlers church (Catholics) blame the 60s sexual revolution for the decades of priest abuses that began long before the 60s were ever a glimmer in anyone's eye.”

    Not really the Catholic Church as a whole. The previous pope (who, unusually, stepped down, rather than continuing in office until his death) said this.

    This isn’t the official view of the Church, and I imagine the present pope probably isn’t very happy that his predecessor has made this inane comment that will only intensify criticism over the Catholic sex abuse scandal.

  95. Anonymous3:36 PM

    "Nice bigoted conspiracy theory you’ve got there. For the billionth time, Obama is not Muslim."

    I never said he was, but he is a member of that black liberation church. Funny that he never liberated himself. He still has time...Liberia is waiting.

  96. Anonymous4:17 PM

    How many people did Negroes shoot or kill this week? How many White folks did Negroes kill this week? How many total crimes in America did Negroes commit this week? The Negro Mantra...FUBU, Fucked Up By US. YOU are YOUR own worst enemy.

  97. Will this racist shit ever end? https://www.rawstory.com/2019/04/watch-black-army-sergeant-arrested-defending-racist-road-rage-attacker/

    Black army vet gets yelled at, has her car struck gets attacked by a crazy racist bitch and the army woman gets arrested.

  98. Racist wasicu wastey pig body slaMS middle school Black kid just like in rassling. Caught on video, of course. I suppose the pig will plead he feared for his life from the tiny terror.


    You can't make this shit up unless you are dead Breitbart or zombie James POS O'Keefe.

    Fucking cop is crazy.

  99. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Segregation is the answer Child of the Corn Mike.
