Saturday, April 06, 2019

Caption Saturday.

Image result for elijah cummings jim jordan images

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from 


  1. To the corner and put on the dunce hat.

  2. Don't make me squirt you with the spray bottle again...

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Noticing his colleague napping, Elijah Cummings seizes the moment to demonstrate the proper technique for giving a wet willy.

  4. Idiocracy2:55 AM

    Y'all cant put no more marines on Guam, cuzin' the extra weight gonna capsize the whole damn island!

  5. Idiocracy2:58 AM

    Can't y'all send that Mars rover over where the asto-nauts landed sozin' we can a picure of the flag?

  6. Idiocracy2:59 AM

    Dems Tea Party motherfuckers done spit at me!

  7. Idiocracy3:01 AM

    Remperations now!

  8. Anonymous9:06 AM

    A "man" killed his estranged wife and 10-yr-old daughter with a machete.  The wife had just returned from celebrating her 49th birthday.

    He hails from Jamaica, but the report calls him "a South Florida man".  This is one of many ways that the press lies and deceives.

  9. Hey honkey, I'm the man on this committee. Fuck yer white privilege, bitchy boy.

    ( I suspect Mr Cummings was raised better and actually has manners and civility which racist magats ain't got)

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    At least 6 negroes shot, including 2 black kids, in drive-by at family gathering in Englewood:

  11. Anonymous10:00 AM


  12. Anonymous10:01 AM


  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Whoops! "African American police chiefs" are no-shows for Kim Foxx rally:

  14. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Black Toddler dies after fall(thrown) from 3rd-floor window in Lawndale:

  15. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Can't even have a fun caption contest without ignorant asshole giving crime stats. Troll spray stat!!!!!!!

  16. Paradoctor10:42 AM

    As you wish...
    So riddle me this:
    Why are racist trolls anonymous?
    Because their courage matches their wit.

  17. Anonymous11:24 AM

    "Why are racist trolls anonymous?"

    Maybe because giving the names of the people who own the media or quoting FBI crime statistics or the Koran verbatim can get you fired.

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:55 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Why are racist trolls anonymous?"

    "Maybe because giving the names of the people who own the media or quoting FBI crime statistics or the Koran verbatim can get you fired."

    11:24 AM

    Nah, that ain't it. It's pure cowardice. They are to chicken to even pick screen names. I call them "No Balls." They think they can insult me by calling me stupid and liar, but they are too cowardly to identify themselves in any way.

  19. Profiles in Courage12:07 PM

    Granny NPC hides behind an anonymous screen name, but only repeats opinions that align with the leftist narrative advanced by the dominant global governmental and corporatist power structure.

  20. "Granny NPC hides behind an anonymous screen name, but only repeats opinions that align with the leftist narrative advanced by the dominant global governmental and corporatist power structure."

    Nah, she keeps a consistent screen name and because of her diverse interactions has an understanding and acceptance beyond her own ethnicity. Kindness and empathy aren't some kind of leftist narrative.

  21. "Maybe because giving the names of the people who own the media or quoting FBI crime statistics or the Koran verbatim can get you fired."

    Who gives their real name? You think my parents named me Pilot?😂😂😂😂😂

  22. PilotX said...

    Who gives their real name? You think my parents named me Pilot?😂😂😂😂😂

    12:41 PM

    What????? You mean PilotX ISN'T your name?????

    *Jes kiddin*...

  23. Chairman Cummings: ONE!!! Just ONE! forgot one what...

  24. mike is my real name and I is from iowa. I speak truth as truth is spoken among men.

  25. Anonymous2:06 PM

    mike packs shit as it is packed among pigs.

  26. "What????? You mean PilotX ISN'T your name?????"

    Can't give my government name. 😂 You know I got warrants.

  27. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:45 PM

    Profiles in Courage said...

    "Granny NPC hides behind an anonymous screen name, but only repeats opinions that align with the leftist narrative advanced by the dominant global governmental and corporatist power structure."

    12:07 PM

    Not so, Profiles in Courage.(Thanks for including a name) I am 82 and have been following politics and world affairs since I was four years old. I remember Pearl Harbor very well. My opinions are my own based on what I have read, seen and experienced. Open your eyes and look at which party is aligned with corporations and the extremely wealthy. It sure isn't the Democratic Party.
    Do you know what caused the Great Depression? It was the unfettered capitalism that the greedy practiced, just like our current president and his gang of thieves.

  28. PilotX said...

    Can't give my government name. 😂 You know I got warrants.

    3:31 PM

    Ooops! Forgot 'bout that! xD xD xD

  29. Profiles in Courage5:22 PM

    "which party is aligned with corporations and the extremely wealthy"

    Get with the times, Granny. The Dems are the party of Wall Street, Big Pharms, Big Healthcare, and Silicon Valley.

    We don't have "unfettered" capitalism. We have have crony capitalism.

    Why do you think every major corporation is on board with the Globohomo agenda? Why are conservatives the ones being deplatformed from social media and financial services? Why does such a high percentage of donations to Democrats come from leftist billionaires? Why are all your opinions exactly the same as those pushed by billionaire-owned major media?

  30. Anonymous9:19 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  31. "Why are conservatives the ones being deplatformed from social media and financial services?"

    Because conservatives like to post racist and other material that is against a certain social media platform? Play by the rules or get spanked.

  32. "My opinions are my own based on what I have read, seen and experienced."

    Wait Gambler you mean you have your own opinions and George Soros doesn't directly feed them to you? Really? How is that possible?😂


  33. You know, I've been waiting for my instructions and compensation from George Soros for decades now, but I haven't heard jack from him.
    Guess I'll just have to keep on living my life the best way I see fit without any overlord telling me what to think...

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:12 PM

    Profiles in Courage said...

    "Get with the times, Granny. The Dems are the party of Wall Street, Big Pharms, Big Healthcare, and Silicon Valley."
    I have a couple of questions for you to ask yourself:
    1. Which party pushes to raise the minimum wage?
    2. Which party pushes for regulations on banks and other financial institutions?
    3. Which party is fighting voter suppression?
    4. Which party is pushing for Clean energy?
    Hint: It ain't the Republicans

    Then ask yourself these questions:
    1. Which party cuts food assistance for poor children?
    2. Which party passes tax cuts for the wealthy while screwing the middle class?
    3. Which party fought lowering interest rate on student loans?
    4. Which party cut Pell Grants?
    5. Which party continues to try to destroy Obama Care?
    Hint: It ain't the Democrats.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:07 PM

    PilotX said:

    "Wait Gambler you mean you have your own opinions and George Soros doesn't directly feed them to you? Really? How is that possible?😂"

    LOL Thanks for a good laugh. I like your style. BTW, my grandson is now co-pilot on commercial passenger flights and is temporarily based out of Chicago.

  36. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Mine is "Elijah Cummings looks like a turd."

  37. Trump's Tax returns7:16 PM

    No Melania...I'm next!
