Sunday, April 07, 2019

No, our country isn't full, but the president is full of it.

We can now add the embattled DHS Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, to the long list of folks who just could not take trump world anymore and decided to leave, or were fired. This is all because the orange one did not believe that they were loyal enough to him. 

This leaves only two women remaining in the trump cabinet, and a whole bunch of folks playing the role of acting butt kisser. 

Apparently trump wanted someone who is tougher for the job, and Nelsen didn't fit the bill. Good luck with that. My guess is that nothing will change in this country when it comes to immigration. trump tried to play tough guy and threaten to shutdown the border, but that plan was so foolhardy that members of his own party were laughing of the lunacy of it behind his back.

Still, trump know that he has to do something, because part of the reason that he got elected is because he pushed this type of racist xenophobic rhetoric against immigrants to get elected. In fact, it's how he kicked off his presidential campaign. Now he says that the country is"full", and that we just cannot take anymore immigrants, legal or illegal. I wonder if when he met his Eastern European mistress (who is now his wife) he felt that way. I guess our country wasn't quite full back then. We still had room for a few Eastern European models.

But this is where we are in America. We have a president who normalizes bigotry and xenophobia and 30% of the electorate who is buying what he is selling.

Writer Catherine Pigg summed it all up perfectly right after trump got elected after giving her own personal story.

 "The U.S. is made up of immigrants; nearly everyone in the U.S. has a relative or ancestor who immigrated to this country. Even President Trump’s grandfather was a German immigrant named Friedrich Trump who came to the U.S. on the SS Eider in 1885. Trump’s mother was also an immigrant from Scotland, who boarded the SS Transylvania in 1929.

Yet despite his close ancestry, President Trump pushes to limit the amount of immigrants who enter the U.S. To do so is simply un-American and hazardous to families of immigrants and those who seek refuge in this country. Xenophobia has always been an underlying issue within the U.S., but now it is becoming normalized because of President Trump’s declamation.

His xenophobic rhetoric is used by several of his supporters who verbally or even physically assault anyone who does not fit their narrow mold of what they believe an American should look or sound like. A rise in hate crimes against Muslims, Jews, Latinx individuals and even the Asian community has taken place since President Trump’s election.

My own family even faces a few of the negative repercussions of his rhetoric. My mom moved to the U.S. from Mongolia after marrying my dad, who is a natural born citizen of the U.S. She became a U.S. citizen along with my sister after moving here while I was born in this country.

I will state we all have the privilege of being legal citizens, something not every family with immigrants is fortunate enough to say. And even though I am biracial, I do benefit from white privilege because I am not as targeted as my mom or my sister when it comes to xenophobia.
Despite my mom being a legal citizen, some people continue to question the validity of her citizenship and this only increased since this past election. My mom and sister are not strangers to bigotry and xenophobia. It has been a part of their struggle since living in the U.S. However, recently there has been a noticeable rise in how many outspoken xenophobic strangers they meet.

My mom often struggled to obtain a job, despite having a Master’s degree in agriculture. One of the biggest critiques of why she was not hired is because of her accent. Despite being able to speak multiple languages, her accent was seen as a hinderance  for multiple jobs. Many can easily disregard or overlook this, stating it is just a company preference, but it is hard to understand why an accent would be the defining factor for a job especially since she can speak English fluently.

President Trump often states his belief businesses should not be hindered and should be allowed to choose who they can or cannot hire for any reason. Although we do have some laws protecting against job discrimination, an understandable fear of many minorities is President Trump’s administration could derail some of those protections. Without these laws, minorities, my family included, face the worry of losing jobs simply because of racism or xenophobia.

Another issue popping up on social media throughout the country since his election is people getting harassed in public for speaking in a language other than English. Videos stream filled with angry xenophobes yelling at the victims to go back to their country or telling them to speak only in English because they are in America, even though the U.S. does not actually have an official  national language.

This issue definitely hits home, as my mom often speaks to friends and family in Mongolian. There have been a few times where someone felt the need to criticize her for speaking a foreign language in public or for simply speaking English with an accent.

This particular issue always played a part in my family’s life and our dynamic. In elementary school, my sister’s teacher told my mom she needed to stop speaking Mongolian at home so my sister and I could learn English and fit in better. This negatively impacted my sister and I growing up because neither of us can speak fluent Mongolian. Consequently we lost a piece of our culture as well as our identity.

Many have even assumed my mom married my dad purely for monetary gain or citizenship. Some went as far as calling her a gold digger or even a mail-order bride, simply because of problematic stereotypes stemming from xenophobia and bigotry. My mom actually made more money than my dad when they met in Mongolia and held a higher working position than him.

The topic of xenophobia within the U.S. can be very complex and multifaceted because not every minority faces the same prejudices and hardships, although many can be similar. Shining light on this issue is definitely a step in the right direction, but also calling it out within our communities, our legislation and ourselves is one of the best courses of action to take.

The next four years will be hazardous to many families with immigrants, especially for those who are not fortunate enough to have citizenship or are being targeted for their religious beliefs. Americans must be willing to welcome immigrants and make the path to citizenship easier because the U.S. is stronger together, not divided." [Source]

Well, those four years are almost up, and Ms. Pigg's predictions are sadly turning out to be true. 



  1. Not only is our country not "full", but by the goddamn Republicans' own projected budget numbers, not "leftist open borders" numbers, goddamn Republican numbers, we need more immigration to meet their stated estimates of growth as specified in their goddamn tax bill.

    Everyone except the marks in their voting base know they are lying, and the failure of the projected growth is intentional, to be used as a pretext for destroying the new deal and the great society, but we were talking about whether the country was "full" or not, and the goddamn law they passed says that it can't be.

    Lies, on top of lies, surrounded by lies, told by bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Slave wages for bigots10:01 PM

    "racist xenophobic rhetoric against immigrants"

    Maybe we could talk honestly about whether it is a good idea to import 100 million or 200 million poor people with no cultural connection to America, and how that might irrevocably change the kind of country we leave our children?

    Nah, that's Racist!

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    White privilege:

  4. If socialism doesn’t work then explain to me how Bernie Sanders has become a millionaire being a socialist?

    *mic drop*

  5. "Maybe we could talk honestly about whether it is a good idea to import 100 million or 200 million poor people"

    Where did this number come from? Are entire continents immigrating to the US? In some ways that actually would help some of the smaller dying rural towns because they would see population growth and businesses would flourish because now they would have customers. This could be a net positive.

  6. It always has been so far. And each newly arriving group has been specifically shit on by the same backward-looking blowhards, who don't even bother to tone down the invective while they figure out how to turn a profit on their presence here.
    Every damn time.
    But man, the elections you can win that way, so as Bill Clinton once told Jon Stewart, they'll keep doing it as long as it keeps working.
    So our job is to make it work less so as to make it a losing political tactic sooner than the inexorable march of demographics so we can live in a more equitable country in the mean time.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Far left: We want to slowly eradicate the white race via mass migration in order to implement Marxism across the west

    Far right: We have a right to exist

    PilotX: I literally cannot tell you two apart

  8. Anonymous1:35 AM

    “If socialism doesn’t work then explain to me how Bernie Sanders has become a millionaire being a socialist?”

    Bernie Sanders isn’t a real socialist.

    Advocating for a $15 minimum wage and universal healthcare isn’t socialism; it’s standard-issue center-left liberalism. He just calls himself a socialist because he thinks it distinguishes him from some of the 90s-era Clintonite Democrats, who are halfway to being Republicans.

    Let me know when he runs for office on a platform of workers seizing the means of production. Then he can legitimately call himself a socialist.

  9. We don't want to eradicate anybody. That's the eliminationist dogma of the far right, the very bullshit being foisted on credulous morons like you in order to harvest your money and votes, and by the looks of it, very successfully.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Anonymous1:41 AM

    America is “full” — of racist assholes. Most of whom voted for Trump. I wish there were somewhere we could deport them.

  11. Drumpf's favorite grope toy Ivanka and his illegal alien wife Melanoma's jobs are safe as they double as the Kremlin annex' dog.

  12. Far left: We understand this country was founded by immigrants and immigration is a net positive.

    Far right: We're racists and want to punish brown people because we believe everything belongs to us.

    PilotX: Can plainly see the difference between racist assholes and normal people.

  13. "We don't want to eradicate anybody. That's the eliminationist dogma of the far right"

    Literally thousands of media pieces over the last 20 years celebrating the demise of white America and the coming brown majority. Politicians signalling how demographic change is necessary for the sake of the Economy. Movies and television constantly hammering home the message of "white people bad/minorities good". Diversity is our strength, and diversity means the absence of white people.

    Bombarded by messages from the culture that they have no place in America's future, economically devastated by an elite whose insatiable appetite for ever cheaper foreign labor drives their wages down, whites are killing themselves with drugs or a bullet to the head.

    No nation in history has ever been displaced so rapidly absent war, famine, or plague. Not only are these colonists coming in unopposed, but the people they are displacing are being forced to pay for it.

    The waves of people streaming here by and large aren't coming because they crave the freedoms and individualism that made this a great country, they are coming here for the security and immediate financial rewards we bestow upon them. A person who comes here illegally, whose people have no historical claim against the American people, receives affirmative action preferences on day one over the native population for himself and his progeny forever.

    When they take to the streets to advocate for more immigration from their co-ethnics, that's not racist, but wanting not be displaced is portrayed as the worst kind of bigotry. The New Americans aren't out there waving American flags to show their solidarity with traditional America, they are waving the flags of their own countries to show their intent to conquer.

    The Left facilitates this because the new electorate will give them the one-party dominance they need. The Right facilitates this because their donors tell them to.

    The values that made America the best place to live on earth won't survive this kind of immigration. The first and second amendment guarantees are already under assault and will be among the first to go. For those of you that don't have children, I could see not giving a fuck. But for those of us with a stake in the future, white, black or brown, our children's inheritance is being looted to enrich and empower a hostile elite, and they will have to navigate a poorer and less free country riven by the all the world's ethnic hostilities crammed into one increasingly crowded piece of land. Thanks, assholes.

    1. That's some pretty paranoid stuff there. There's plenty of room for lots of people. Many smaller towns and post industrial towns are shrinking and dying. We can revive these towns by allowing new immigrants who would love to leave a hostile and dangerous nation and live in a safe home and raise their children. No one is hostile to America, as far as flying a foreign flag hell we have Americans flying Irish and gasp even confederate flags. Sorry bro but I think these immigrants would be a great addition because they would be grateful to the nation that threw them a lifeline when they were trying to escape a dangerous situation. I know many second generation Americans who serve in the military which is something not one troll here has done. I'll take these people over the racist, lazy, ungrateful confederate flag flying assholes who try to scare me about crowded hostile members of MS-13. I mean you can continue to post screeds about your feelings on the topic and accuse those whom disagree with you as brainwashed by some mysterious "elite" but immigrants may just save us.

  14. I just drove from Phoenix to Chicago and there's plenty of room here. There's room in the inn.😉

  15. Anonymous10:55 AM

    If America isn't full, why are Americans running out of places where they can get away from e.g. Somalis?

    "We don't want to eradicate anybody."

    You're just following the same demonize, disemploy and disarm playbook of every tyrant who HAS tried to eradicate people.  Destruction is the step right after disarming.

    "I just drove from Phoenix to Chicago and there's plenty of room here."

    Fine if you can live in a desert and don't have to eat.  California and Texas are already running out of water.  Nebraska will be sand dunes again once the Ogalalla goes dry in a few years.  Say bye-bye to the Cornhuskers, because there won't be corn.  No corn, no beef, chicken, pork or eggs.

    I can understand alien invaders like Field the Jamaican feeling a threat from any move to cut off immigration.  Jamaicans add nothing to the USA, and it's a certainty that he wouldn't have been allowed into this country between 1920 and 1965; he'd have been immeasurably worse off for being forced to stay in Jamaica.  OTOH putative Americans like Mike and Doug are harder to understand.  Maybe it's just that they're miserable, and they hate hate HATE anyone who likes America as it was and want to restore it to that state.  They want all Americans to be just as miserable as they are.

  16. "Maybe it's just that they're miserable, and they hate hate HATE anyone who likes America as it was and want to restore it to that state."

    1. What time period are you referring that we should return?
    2. Have you talked to an immigrant? Every one I have talked to loved the idea of America and being an American.

  17. Hmmmmm, maybe we should take the money we want to build new nukes and invest in desalination plants to get clean water and maybe build pipelines for water instead of dirty shale oil? Just a suggestion.

  18. Left: Race is an illusion and racism is lawless.
    Right: Kill them before they define us out of existence!!!
    Center: Be less scary, both of you.

    1. So the center is ok with racism?😂


  20. Fight the Power11:22 AM

    The modern left spends 90% of its resources and time aiding unpopular neo-liberal governments in beating down populist insurrections. That's what "anti-fascism" is.

    Ten years from now the current crop of 20-something anarchists/commies will be suit-and-tie neocons and technocrats, slowly watching the inexorable decline their quality of life.

  21. Conservatives have been playing this scary "other" game. I remember when it was used against us blah people. Remember the Jesse Helms campaign commercial in which the blah hand was shown as the person coming for your job? Remember the hate speech about scary negroes marrying your daughters and destroying the white race by mixing? Maybe that's what MAGA means?😬


  22. "The modern left spends 90% of its resources and time aiding unpopular neo-liberal governments in beating down populist insurrections."

    Please provide an example of this.

  23. I will say posting right wing talking points about the topic Field posted is a refreshing change from the "nigger nigger nigger" and Chicago crime stats trolls. I'm sure they'll be along shortly but until then let's enjoy the intellectual anti-left posts while we can.😉

  24. PilotX: The center is okay with anything that challenges nothing.

  25. "The center is okay with anything that challenges nothing."

    That sounds like a Bob Dylan lyric😆

  26. Nebraska and other states that depend on irrigaTion systems for crops will lose their ground to saline-salt that is in the water and eventually turns the soil pure white and alkaline.

  27. Aw shucks, PilotX, that was mine.
    So I'm a poet though I don't know it. But my feet show it; they're Longfellows.

  28. Self Awareness12:00 PM

    PilotX @ 11:25:
    "Conservatives have been playing this scary "other" game"

    PilotX, 22 minutes earlier:
    "I'll take these people over the racist, lazy, ungrateful confederate flag flying assholes"

  29. Anonymous12:01 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  30. Pilot X said...
    "I mean you can continue to post screeds about your feelings on the topic and accuse those whom disagree with you as brainwashed by some mysterious "elite" but immigrants may just save us."

    Save us from what? A successful, free, prosperous country?

    And are you asserting the media does not represent the interests of the elite who own it?

    They know that we are correct about demographic change, white displacement/cultural genocide, etc and they fear white nativism. They want to censor the Right on this because they know that certain rhetoric taps into tribal nature. All of this is unconsciously acknowledged.

    So they promulgate a narrative that makes you think that this fear is a Schizophrenic Paranoia akin to the character in Dr Strangelove obsessing over the purity of bodily fluids. It's called gaslighting.

  31. A bit OT but I had to chuckle about the teamwork.

  32. "Save us from what? A successful, free, prosperous country?"

    Ok, but doesn't that explain why people from dangerous countries would want to cone here? Isn't that why your ancestors came here? So can't pull up the ladder now.


  33. PilotX, 22 minutes earlier:
    "I'll take these people over the racist, lazy, ungrateful confederate flag flying assholes"

    What's your point? My hatred of racist assholes negates the point that racist assholes try to "other" anyone who doesn't look like themselves?

  34. "Ok, but doesn't that explain why people from dangerous countries would want to cone here?"

    A country isn't just a piece of land. The people who live there determine the nature of the society.

    Some people create successful, free, prosperous countries. Some people create dysfunctional, poor, and dangerous countries.

    Change the people, change the country.

  35. Self Awareness12:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    "What's your point? My hatred of racist assholes negates the point that racist assholes try to "other" anyone who doesn't look like themselves?"

    Because calling people uneasy about the destruction of their culture "racist assholes" is not dehumanizing them as the "other", right PilotX?

  36. I will say some of these dying coal mine, rust belt deindustrialized towns and cities need just a bit of rejuvenization. New immigrants who want a new life may be just the pill. Old abandoned homes would get new owners who only want to start over would breathe new life into these communities. That's how immigrants can save us. Maybe as a whole the nation is ok but certain places could use the help. The local diner wouldn't have to shut down because now they have new customers and the ma and pop stores could thrive again and give the evil Walmart a run for their money. I see immigration as a positive. This is not a zero sum game as conservatives have long viewed it.

  37. Anonymous12:41 PM

    If you come to America from a poor and anarchic country, America will seem amazing; if you remember America when it had tens of millions fewer immigrants from poor and anarchic countries, you may have a slightly different view.

  38. To all those worried about a Great Replacement:

    You're worried about skin tint? That's trivial. Dig this: before a measly 200 years have passed, every man, woman, and infant child now alive will be dead; and so will all of their children. There will be people alive then, but all of them will be other people's kids.

    What's more, their culture, language, economics and technology will fundamentally differ from ours. Some of the old ways will persist, but practiced by different groups; and the boundaries between groups will be different, in fundamental ways.

    So... complete and thorough demographic and cultural replacement, by 2219! Forget trivialities like skin tint; this goes down to the bone. (And remember; no-one has white skin; everyone has white bones.)

    And here's the cream of the jest; what I have just described is neither more nor less than the human condition. Complete demographic replacement within two centuries is how this biosphere _runs_. Life has always been this way. Those who have a problem with that have a problem with the nature of existence.

  39. "if you remember America when it had tens of millions fewer immigrants from poor and anarchic countries, you may have a slightly different view."

    Ok, so America was greater when exactly? I mean didn't you just say America was this great free and successful country? Pick a lane.😂

  40. And for Mr. Self Awareness my comment about the confederate flag was in response to the comment about immigrants not flying the American flag. Looks like someone other than me doesn't have good awareness.

  41. "Those who have a problem with that have a problem with the nature of existence."

    It seems that is the conservative mantra, they have a mentality of lack. There's never enough jobs, food, water, white women ha, ect. "We" have to prevent "them" from stealing everything and replacing us. If you have this mentality and it has been driven into your head since birth trump's immigration policy is the natural order of things. Add into the mix that people of color have never been seen as human to many and presto.

  42. "We" have to prevent "them" from stealing everything and replacing us."

    Ask the Native Americans how that works:

  43. As an "other" it's easy to see the game plan. 😜

  44. Why is it wingnuts totally ignore the damage done in Central America starting with Nixon and accelerating under Uncle Ronnie Raygun/Dumbass senior regimes?

    Wingnuts have destabilized many different areas all in the name of spreading bullshit democracy and settling for anarchy. Hopefull, it will fail with the apricot POS in the kremlin annex.

  45. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Dumping MILLIONS of low-wage workers on the country with the 1965 Immigration Act just as Black Americans were on the verge of bursting into the middle class.

  46. Doug and PilotX, this is for music afficianados-

    Guy sold the world's largest collection of Gretsch guitars to Gretsch museum- all 385 of them bad boys.

  47. Another day another food recall. Thanks stoopid fucking wingnuts. Some stuffed meat sandwiches are stuffed with plastic.

    Largfe pork producers will soon have more control over meat inspections which means fuck the consumers. The wingnut way- profits over people's health any day/every day.

  48. "Save us from what? A successful, free, prosperous country?"

    From the dying of the small towns and rural areas where y'all live.

    Coal mining is not coming back.

    It never supported the kind of numbers we now have of poor, white people who live outside of the cities, and the numbers of those employed in mining and logging both collapsed long before the current awareness of the environmental damage they do made them less profitable than their alternatives.

    We have a thriving immigrant population here (several, actually), and they were instrumental in our economy bouncing back from the urban industrial bust that went down in the US decades ago.

    Now the rents here are so high that far fewer working class folks can afford them, so you can't say that the influx of immigrants damaged our economy or degraded our culture, in fact, the businesses they started are some of the only things holding long standing neighborhoods together in the face of the wave of tech money tearing them apart and uprooting everyone.

    And all of this persecution bullshit is just that. It doesn't matter how many immigrants are here, all of the white people are still here also. They just have to learn to live around a few more immigrants, like their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and etc, did.

    But that is apparently not good enough for the current crop of right wing snowflakes. They want all of the legendary privilege they have been convinced their ancestors had, but none of the responsibility to make that prosperity happen that made their ancestors' communities thrive, all the while denying that even their xenophobic ancestors' views on immigrants turned around once they were contributing members of the communities where they lived.

    In other words, the propaganda is working.

    I just have one favor to ask: Ask yourselves who actually benefits from the sort of anti-immigrant bullshit you so ceaselessly peddle, and honestly answer the question.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Now the rents here are so high that far fewer working class folks can afford them, but that's cool, cause the 'conomy. What's good for the oligarchs is good for America.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. Anonymous5:02 PM

    "Ask yourselves who actually benefits from the sort of anti-immigrant bullshit you so ceaselessly peddle, and honestly answer the question."

    American workers whose wages have stagnated over the last 50 years.

    Now ask yourself who actually benefits from the sort of pro-immigrant bullshit you so ceaselessly peddle, and honestly answer the question.

  51. "just as Black Americans were on the verge of bursting into the middle class."

    Sorry to burst your bubble but there has always been a Black middle class. I know this isn't taught because for some reason I've been told LBJ trapped us all on welfare and we're dependent on the government. But um thanks for caring?

  52. "Guy sold the world's largest collection of Gretsch guitars to Gretsch museum- all 385 of them bad boys."

    I have one and I love it. I'm gonna play it tonite. A black Electromatic.😃

  53. Anonymous5:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    I just drove from Phoenix to Chicago and there's plenty of room here.

    Gotta pave over all farm land, wilderness so a bunch of brown squatters can call me and my kids racist before we all die the fuck off like an algae bloom from outstripping our resources.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:19 PM

    Slave wages for bigots said...

    "Literally thousands of media pieces over the last 20 years celebrating the demise of white America and the coming brown majority.
    I've never seen or heard this. And I don't understand your personal logic when you say that the increasing diversity means the demise of white America. This makes no sense to me. I don't see your reasoning when you say, "diversity means the absence of white people." Are you suggesting that POC are going to murder all of us?

    The rest of your post seems to me to be a frightened paranoid rant, something that might come from the mouth of Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones.

  55. "This makes no sense to me. I don't see your reasoning when you say, "diversity means the absence of white people." Are you suggesting that POC are going to murder all of us?"

    Exactly, celebrating diversity doesn't mean diminishing white people. We can all play in the sandbox. That was Dr. King's dream.

  56. "Gotta pave over all farm land, wilderness so a bunch of brown squatters can call me and my kids racist before we all die the fuck off like an algae bloom from outstripping our resources."

    That' s one way of looking at it or as I prefer to see it there are plenty of abandoned homes in rust belt states and cities and we can offer our new friends and those already here low interest loans to fix up these properties and bring them up to code. I doubt someone fleeing violence would look upon the people who helped them and improved their situation as racists. Now if you hate these people trying to better themselves you may get that hate back. If you see someone drowning and you turn your back and walk away without helping you can't expect the drowning person to love you.

    1. From where did your ancestors originate? They probably came here for the same reason these new migrants are coming, for a better life. I say welcome.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:29 PM

    Slave wages for bigots said..

    "The values that made America the best place to live on earth won't survive this kind of immigration. The first and second amendment guarantees are already under assault and will be among the first to go."
    It is Donald Trump and his gang that are assaulting the First Amendment with their attacks on the press and on demonstrators who protest their policies. At his rallies, Trump encourages his followers to physically attack protestors who don't agree with his policies. Trump is the real threat to our values and our country not immigrants.

  58. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "I doubt someone fleeing violence would look upon the people who helped them and improved their situation as racists"

    They already do, because the Left tells them to, and because no good deed goes unpunished.

    If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
    -Mark Twain

  59. Anonymous8:12 PM

    White privilege is fabricated nonsense from the alt left.

  60. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "From where did your ancestors originate? They probably came here for the same reason these new migrants are coming, for a better life."

    They didn't come for free healthcare, welfare, food stamps and affirmative action.

    Take away all government benefits for non-citizens and I say let them in.

  61. Jussie8:16 PM

    White privilege is a conspiracy theory.

  62. White privilege is a racist fact of life.

  63. They didn't come for free healthcare, welfare, food stamps and affirmative action.

    Take away all government benefits for non-citizens and I say let them in.

    Exactly which benefits do migrants get? Let's see yer documentation, not talking points from Fake Noize. Why? Because yer as full of shhit as Drumpfuck, that's why.

  64. PilotX, can you play it like Randy Bachman?

  65. "PilotX, can you play it like Randy Bachman?"

    If you mean Randy Bachman the bus driver who lives on Halsted then yes.😂

  66. "They didn't come for free healthcare, welfare, food stamps and affirmative action."

    The question wasn't why they came which obviously is for a better life the question was where?

  67. "The values that made America the best place to live on earth won't survive this kind of immigration. The first and second amendment guarantees are already under assault and will be among the first to go."

    Nah, those amendments will be fine but like everything in life there need to be restrictions and an understanding of what those laws mean. The classic example is not yelling fire in a crowded theater. The SC has also ruled that local municipalities can place certain restrictions on guns. As with anything common sense must be legislated because we have seen America won't do it on its own.

  68. Moore winning for Drumpfistafuckers-

    He seemed nice, before he was conceived.


  70. Anonymous9:05 PM

    "Many smaller towns and post industrial towns are shrinking and dying."

    But you don't ask why they are shrinking and dying.  It's because they were built for the workers and businesses which serviced myriad family farms.  The family farms have been replaced by huge corporate farms.  The workers who once planted and harvested crops have been replaced by machines.  The workers who once sold seed grain by the sack have been replaced by augers and chutes which dispense it by the ton into trucks which take it to massive sowers towed behind huge tractors.

    The towns barely exist because their purpose is gone.

    "We can revive these towns by allowing new immigrants who would love to leave a hostile and dangerous nation and live in a safe home and raise their children."

    And support themselves by doing WHAT, when all the jobs went off to factories in the cities?

    Put them on welfare, so the US taxpayer gets to support them instead?

    And WHY are their own nations "hostile and dangerous"?  Hostility and danger isn't a feature of landscape outside of places like Antarctica; it comes from PEOPLE.  People like themselves.

    You think we should IMPORT hostility and danger and pay for it ourselves so they can live in "a safe home".  The safety of Americans is irrelevant to you.  If you ever were a part of America, you are committing treason against it.

    "I think these immigrants would be a great addition because they would be grateful to the nation that threw them a lifeline when they were trying to escape a dangerous situation."

    Like blacks are grateful to the USA for making sure their ancestors didn't get killed and eaten, and survived to give rise to yourselves?  Yeah, right.  Cracka don' fall fo' dat no mo'.

    "doesn't that explain why people from dangerous countries would want to cone here?"

    When my ancestors came here, this WAS a dangerous country.  They made it safe.

    "So can't pull up the ladder now."

    My twice-great grandfather didn't pacify and Christianize dangerous savages just so we could import more.  We need to throw them all out, you included.

    "I will say some of these dying coal mine, rust belt deindustrialized towns and cities need just a bit of rejuvenization. New immigrants who want a new life may be just the pill."

    And what are they going to do that the Americans who moved away wouldn't do?  Dig coal that's been replaced by natural gas?  Work in the shuttered textile and furniture factories?

    It's so funny that an affirmative-action hire has no clue about actual economics just because the rules have been suspended... for him.

  71. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Now the rents here are so high that far fewer working class folks can afford them, so you can't say that the influx of immigrants damaged our economy or degraded our culture

    Why are rents so high?

    Too many people chasing too little housing.

    Why are wages too low to pay for housing?

    Too many people bidding down wages for too few jobs.

    Who does this benefit?

    The economic elite who extract un-earned wealth from rents, not working.

    But you can't explain basic economics to a libturd.  They live in a fantasy world.

    Ask yourselves who actually benefits from the sort of anti-immigrant bullshit you so ceaselessly peddle

    If it gets acted on, Americans do.  We are in the middle of an automation revolution.  Literally half of all jobs are going to be automated out of existence in the next 20 years.  WE DO NOT NEED ONE SINGLE IMMIGRANT FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT BENEFITS ACTUAL AMERICANS.

    Benefits to people who hate Americans and want them dead is another matter.

    there are plenty of abandoned homes in rust belt states and cities

    Why would anyone abandon a home in Baltimore, or St. Louis, or Chicago, or Detroit?  Because the blacks make it suicidal to try to live there any more.

    If black people are too stupid to realize that the purpose of immigrants is to replace them as the welfare-supported vote farm behind the one-party state, they deserve everything the KKK wanted for them.

  72. Anonymous9:28 PM

    "It is Donald Trump and his gang that are assaulting the First Amendment with their attacks on the press and on demonstrators who protest their policies."

    The First Amendment is not a license to lie, Granny.  Nor is it a grant of immunity from criticism.

    "At his rallies, Trump encourages his followers to physically attack protestors who don't agree with his policies."

    So you think that "protestors" should have a heckler's veto at Trump's own paid-for rallies, while actual First Amendment protestors demanding protection for historical monuments at e.g. Charlottesville should have NO protection against violent physical attacks by Antifa?

    You don't believe in rights.  You believe in privilege for yourself, and oppression for everyone who dissents.  You are the embodiment of the end of the republic which was once the United States.

  73. Hey Field!! A usual I've been lurkin' and not commentin' for a minute. But today, when I went to your link from my blog, even though it brought me here, it says "Not Secure" now before the blog name up top. What's up? Your the second site I follow where it's happened

  74. "Why are rents so high?"

    Because we have a tech boom across the bay that has caused the rents to triple in the last decade. So it is actually rising wages driving up the housing costs, just not distributed evenly.

    There aren't many working class folks who can pay the almost two grand median rent for a two bedroom, but there is no shortage of qualified applicants even in what used to be seen as questionable neighborhoods.

    And literally no, that is zero, low-wage immigrants are participating in the gentrification of these neighborhoods.
    What we have is income inequality, or as you might know it, capitalism.

    I don't have anything against the tech people who want to live here and make enough to afford it, they did what was required to make all of that money, and as far as I can tell, there are a lot of worse ways to go about doing that.

    But what I'm saying is that any job an immigrant family may have here is not a stolen ticket into the artificially jacked up housing market here. All of us poor folks are in the same boat, no matter how long we've been here or how we spell our names.

    Then there are the immigrants who start businesses and employ people who might otherwise have had to leave the area. There are a lot of those holding neighborhoods together for a while longer, even in the face of the inevitable displacement of families who have been there for generations.

    So if you want to talk about the working class getting screwed, let's. And perhaps we can start with a discussion of living wages for the jobs that do exist, while we work on coming up with better jobs.
    Those are both planks in the Democratic platform, last I checked, and both violently opposed by the goddamn Republicans.

    -Doug in Oakland

  75. "But you don't ask why they are shrinking and dying."

    Didn't have to ask. Young people don't want to live in the middle of nowhere and no one is replacing the aging population. Now conversely someone from a war torn nation would love to live in a quiet small American town. Win win.

  76. "And support themselves by doing WHAT, when all the jobs went off to factories in the cities?"

    Working at the restaurants and stores required to clothe and feed the increasing population, you know capitalism.

  77. Still didn't answer my question anon 2105, from where did your ancestors immigrate?Even an affirmative action hire can figure the answer to that question. BTW, aviation was full of white male affirmative action hires so why not join the club?😂😂👍🏾

  78. "If black people are too stupid to realize that the purpose of immigrants is to replace them as the welfare-supported vote farm behind the one-party state"

    Replace us huh? And where are we going to be sent? You trumpies are kinda paranoid bunch. Nah, conservative dogma about being replaced and pitting groups against one another didn't work when they tried it against us and it won't work as they try to demonize immigrants. Nice try though.

  79. "they deserve everything the KKK wanted for them."

    Too bad the kkk was a bunch of toothless morons who ended up in a bankrupt organization. Those geniuses😂😂


  81. Anonymous10:56 PM

    PilotX said...
    "They didn't come for free healthcare, welfare, food stamps and affirmative action."

    The question wasn't why they came which obviously is for a better life the question was where?

    Most of my ancestors weren't immigrants, as there was no country yet to immigrate to. They were colonists and settlers, some of whom who came here from Britain almost 390 years ago.

    Others came later, legally, and never received a dime in assistance from anyone. The last came to America from Germany over 170 years ago.

    My family has fought in every war this country has had. They built this country as much as anyone has. America is my birthright and an inheritance I am responsible for passing on to my children.

    As a descendant of slaves, I would think you might chafe at watching the wretched refuse of the world's teeming shores cut their way into line for the opportunities and resources due your own people. And with open borders, that line will just keep getting longer and longer.

  82. "My family has fought in every war this country has had. They built this country as much as anyone has. America is my birthright and an inheritance I am responsible for passing on to my children."

    Amen to that. I agree 100%.

  83. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:04 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "Like blacks are grateful to the USA for making sure their ancestors didn't get killed and eaten, and survived to give rise to yourselves?....."
    9:05 PM
    OMG, are you suggesting that African-Americans should be grateful that their ancestors were sold into slavery, and thus escaped to America? I think it's just a major waste of time to discuss any thing with you. Have a nice night!

  84. Anonymous11:06 PM

    >Gotta pave over all farm land, wilderness so a bunch of brown squatters can call me and my kids racist before we all die the fuck off like an algae bloom from outstripping our resources.<

    The ideal world these people envision is a paved urban hellscape of postmodern high-rises inhabited by masses of mystery meat hooked up to government-issued VR headsets diligently shopping the latest Amazon prime day

  85. "As a descendant of slaves, I would think you might chafe at watching the wretched refuse of the world's teeming shores cut their way into line for the opportunities and resources due your own people. And with open borders, that line will just keep getting longer and longer."

    The plaque on the Statue of Liberty welcomes everyone looking to better their situation and I welcome them. I know many immigrants, just flew with one from Algeria, and they bring a wealth of ideas and energy. Welcome home friends.

  86. Anonymous11:09 PM

    "OMG, are you suggesting that African-Americans should be grateful that their ancestors were sold into slavery, and thus escaped to America?"

    They should.

    American blacks are the richest, safest, best fed, best cared for, most educated black population on the planet.

  87. "OMG, are you suggesting that African-Americans should be grateful that their ancestors were sold into slavery, and thus escaped to America?"

    Ha! C'mon Gambler, the same type of people that are opposed to immigrants and are using scare tactics to excuse their bigotry are the same people who did the same to blah people. Please don't tell me you're surprised at that language.

  88. "American blacks are the richest, safest, best fed, best cared for, most educated black population on the planet."

    Because a world traveler like yourself oughta know. I've seen many well educated, well fed😂, and successful blah people all over. Gasp, even on the Mother continent.

  89. Anonymous11:15 PM

    "the same type of people that are opposed to immigrants and are using scare tactics to excuse their bigotry are the same people who did the same to blah people"

    Actually, the better analog to yesterday's slave owners are today's pro-immigration elite, who are practicing the time-honored tradition of importing cheap foreign labor.

    Today's helots get better working conditions out in the fields, but the fundamental concept is the same.

  90. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "I've seen many well educated, well fed, and successful blah people all over. Gasp, even on the Mother continent."

    Not 40 million of them in one country. There is is no other black population on earth that comes close.

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:19 PM

    Anonymous said....
    "The First Amendment is not a license to lie, Granny. Nor is it a grant of immunity from criticism."
    TELL THIS TO TRUMP. MORE THAN 8000 LIES IN TWO YEARS. Who else is lying besides Trump and you?

    "At his rallies, Trump encourages his followers to physically attack protestors who don't agree with his policies."

    "So you think that "protestors" should have a heckler's veto at Trump's own paid-for rallies,"
    Red Herring alert!!

    Telling you supporters too physically attack your opposition is not the American way. But it's the dictator's way. It's not necessary encourage violence upon those who disagree with you.


    Paranoia running rampant😝

  93. "Actually, the better analog to yesterday's slave owners are today's pro-immigration elite, who are practicing the time-honored tradition of importing cheap foreign labor."

    Maybe the people who actually own corporations that employ such workers but I don't think that's a good analogy for people of good will who wants to see their fellow human beings safe.

  94. I wonder what nation holds the most educated, well fed, well taken care of whites. My guess is not the US.😂


    More trump hate. Why does he hate America's pastime?

  96. Anonymous11:30 PM

    "I wonder what nation holds the most educated, well fed, well taken care of whites. My guess is not the US"

    Because US whites have to feed and take care of 40 million blacks.

  97. Anonymous11:35 PM

    "Because US whites have to feed and take care of 40 million blacks."

    Nah, it's because so many are uneducated and on welfare.

  98. The Great Dictator11:38 PM

    "Telling you supporters too physically attack your opposition is not the American way. But it's the dictator's way. "

    Barack Obama, 6/13/2008: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

    Barack Obama, 10/25/2010: ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’


    This is how low he have descended.


  101. Welp, we kinda knew the discussion was going to descend into just more anti-blah racism but the immigration discussion was fun while it lasted. Que sera.


  103. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:56 PM

    The Great Dictator said...

    "Telling you supporters too physically attack your opposition is not the American way. But it's the dictator's way. "

    Barack Obama, 6/13/2008: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”

    Barack Obama, 10/25/2010: ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’

    11:38 PM
    Apparently you lack the ability to distinguish major differences in action and/or speech. In the first quote, Obama was speaking metaphorically regarding political campaigns. In the second quote, Obama was speaking of the U.S. foreign policy that punishes some countries and rewards others as a matter of U.S. policy. For those who do not stand with us on issues, punishment usually includes economic sanctions.

  104. Just business, nothing personal12:00 AM

    Low birth rates are in part, due to Americans funding our replacements. It’s not easy to support 3-4 children when you’re supporting Pedro and Consuela’s entire extended family because Pedro is driving the white man’s wages down and Conseula is on welfare funded by the white man’s taxes.

    And if you are a college STEM graduate, don’t forget the $60,000 student loan bill that you need to pay before you buy house and have kids. But you can’t get a job in your field because the company imported IT workers from India who will work for half the going wages.

    But hey, the economy is so good, working people can't afford the rent in Doug's neighborhood, so it must be all for the better.

  105. "Apparently you lack the ability to distinguish major differences in action and/or speech."

    Conservatives by and large lack the ability to comprehend false equivalencies. Or that's the closest thing they could find to trump's behavior which just shows how superior Barack was to the current occupant of the WH.

  106. "But you can’t get a job in your field because the company imported IT workers from India who will work for half the going wages."

    Good point but part of the problem is the anti-intellectual trend our country has been headed for decades now. We just don't have the engineers, doctors or mathmaticians so we have to import them from China and India. Most get good pay and not below market wages. American IT grads can find good employment but they have to go to where the jobs are.

  107. President Criminal12:07 AM

    " just shows how superior Barack was to the current occupant of the WH"

    Trump hasn't used the IRS to harass political opponents.

    Trump hasn't started any illegal wars.

    And Trump hasn't used the FBI to spy on the opposition party candidate to try to swing a presidential election.

  108. "Low birth rates are in part, due to Americans funding our replacements."

    Two things. One, could you please link us to a study that confirms this hypothesis. Two, what is the obsession with replacement?I mean did the movie "Us" affect you that much?😂


  109. "Trump hasn't used the IRS to harass political opponents.

    Trump hasn't started any illegal wars.

    And Trump hasn't used the FBI to spy on the opposition party candidate to try to swing a presidential election."

    Neither did Barack. How many members of the Obama administration were indicted over 8 years? Zero. Nuf said.


  110. PilotX said...

    "Ha! C'mon Gambler, the same type of people that are opposed to immigrants and are using scare tactics to excuse their bigotry are the same people who did the same to blah people. Please don't tell me you're surprised at that language."

    Let's say I was surprised that anyone would be dumb enough to say it. It's quite astounding really. As I recall, some congressman stated the same thing a few years back. And I had the same response then.
    I can't even imagine how terrible it would be to be owned by someone else. There is nothing that I can compare to it.

  111. Anonymous12:37 AM

    My family has fought in every war this country has had.
    How much you wanna bet this coward didn't serve while immigrants are and protecting his punk ass.

  112. Anonymous12:49 AM

    "I can't even imagine how terrible it would be to be owned by someone else. There is nothing that I can compare to it."

    You can't imagine it because you have grown up in the best place for black people on the planet.

    Your ancestors suffered, but their descendants have it better than the descendants of those who weren't enslaved and shipped to America.

    The fact is that you personally are much better off today because of slavery.

  113. Anonymous2:48 AM

    I like sunflower seeds and Warm Spring days. Don't know why but I just do.

  114. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Honk Honk!

    Don't get upset.

  115. Lt. Commander Johnson5:17 AM

    I see PilotX and "mike from Iowa are still controlling this blog.

    You suck, field.

  116. Daily devotional- magat- make america groan/grimace again, trump.

  117. Dear edjikated anyfuckingmoosepussy- Your ancestors suffered, but their descendants have it better than the descendants of those who weren't enslaved and shipped to America.

    What conservative arts school did you get your BS and PHD from? BS being bullshit and PHD being piled higher and deeper.

    Commandeered Queenie girl- phuck you!

  118. Noticer9:49 AM

    Ilhan Omar pointed out American Jews donate a lot of money to politicians. This was widely denounced as anti-Semitic. But it turned out to be true. Of the 50 top 2018 donors, 56% of GOP and 76% of Democratic party contributions were Jewish:

    In 2016, the top 10 individual donors on the Dem side were all Jewish. All 10. And on the GOP side it was 5 out of the top 10.

    The mainstream media owes Congresswoman Omar an apology.

  119. Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy bitch10:09 AM

    I see PilotX and "mike from Iowa are still controlling this blog.
    I see Lt. Commander is a pussy is still a no serving punk bitch. Fake ass.

  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:12 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Your ancestors suffered, but their descendants have it better than the descendants of those who weren't enslaved and shipped to America."

    "The fact is that you personally are much better off today because of slavery."
    What the hell? My ancestors suffered? My ancestors were never enslaved or shipped to America. They came by choice from England and Germany, and they owned no slaves.

    My grand father fought for the Union during the War of the Rebellion. Many people profited from slavery, but no one is or was "better off"because of slavery. Ask the million or so Americans that died during that war if they were better off dead.

  121. Anonymous10:22 AM

    "What the hell? My ancestors suffered?"

    Obviously not talking to you, you old white cracker.

    Go watch Dr. Phil or something.

  122. Anonymous10:30 AM

    "Many people profited from slavery, but no one is or was "better off"because of slavery"

    No, the descendants of slaves who today live in America are better off than the descendants of the Africans who sold them into slavery and stayed in Africa.

    This is objectively true.

    White people are much worse off today because slavery was allowed for the first 75 years of the country. That was some Goddamned expensive cotton.

  123. If enslavement is good for your descendants, then why don't you volunteer? Imagine, if you please, that saucer aliens land; they offer to take away any willing humans, who will be exploited, violated, and oppressed for centuries; but their descendants will be objectively better off than the humans who stay on Earth. Would anyone board the saucer? Would you?

  124. Note: "Objectively" better off... according to the saucerians.

  125. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:37 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "What the hell? My ancestors suffered?"

    Obviously not talking to you, you old white cracker.

    Go watch Dr. Phil or something.

    Hey Ass****, If he/she wasn't talking to me, why did he/she quote verbatim from my post? How dumb are you?

  126. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:40 PM

    Paradoctor said....

    If enslavement is good for your descendants, then why don't you volunteer? Imagine, if you please, that saucer aliens land; they offer to take away any willing humans, who will be exploited, violated, and oppressed for centuries; but their descendants will be objectively better off than the humans who stay on Earth. Would anyone board the saucer? Would you?

    12:33 PM

    Thank you Paradoctor. Great come back!

  127. Note, on or about Wednesday NASA will unveil first pics of wingnuts Mother ship- the nearest black hole. Ironic that stoopid fucking wasicus were destined to be devoured by a "black" hole and we will never see them again.Aw shucky darn!

  128. Anonymous3:03 PM

    28 black hurt, 5 blacks killed, in weekend shootings across Chicago:

  129. Anonymous4:11 PM

    "If enslavement is good for your descendants..."

    Only if you are enslaved by white people.

    The Arabs took many more African slaves then ever came to America, but they castrated them, which is why they have no descendants today.

  130. Anonymous4:26 PM

    The opioid epidemic has killed over 700,000 Americans since since '99, An average of 129 people kill themselves daily in this country, and our middle class is rapidly declining.

    And Democrat congress chooses to hold hearings today about shutting down "white nationalists".

    It's also somewhat ironic to note most of impetus is coming from Jewish members of congress. I guess it's fitting that a group so unapologetic about their own Nationalism would be running the House Judiciary Committee to decry it among Whites.

    According to recent Pew poll, whites are by far the least likely to see their race as central to their identity:


  131. "According to recent Pew poll, whites are by far the least likely to see their race as central to their identity:"

    Makes sense because most are allowed to carry on day to day with little or no interference because of the color of their skin. Just like straight people don't have to think about their straightness or non handicapped people don't have to worry about their non handicappedness.

  132. Americans were dying due to preventable diseases and lack of healthcare. Elderly were freezing and/or starving. White collar criminals were skipping on charges iof fraud and theft, Russia was interfering openly with our election and stoopid fucking wingnuts were holding repetitive hearings on HRC's emails and Benghazi.

  133. Anonymous8:58 PM

    "Why are rents so high?"

    Because we have a tech boom across the bay that has caused the rents to triple in the last decade. So it is actually rising wages driving up the housing costs, just not distributed evenly.

    There aren't many working class folks who can pay the almost two grand median rent for a two bedroom, but there is no shortage of qualified applicants even in what used to be seen as questionable neighborhoods.

    Four Indians on H-1B visas can pay $500/mo each a lot more easily than one American trying to raise a family can pay $2000/mo.  How about we force foreign labor to compete from their OWN countries, instead of bidding up the price of housing for Americans?

    Who knows, maybe companies could, you know, move some of the American jobs out of Silly Con Valley and out to the rest of America where Americans can afford to live?  I hear lots of people enjoy living in Las Vegas, Tucson and even Grand Junction and Pittsburgh and Minneapolis.  If Minneapolis needs people, it would do a lot better to send the Somalis home and replace them with tech geeks.

  134. Anonymous9:12 PM

    "OMG, are you suggesting that African-Americans should be grateful that their ancestors were sold into slavery, and thus escaped to America?"

    Tell us, O Granny Mudshark, should they not be glad that their ancestors were not sold to Arabs, and into extinction to be replaced by the next slave caravan rather than their own children?

    Should they not be glad that their g-g-g-great grandfathers did not have their testicles and penises cut off as one of the first steps of their trip into slavery... if they survived it?  (Additional material)  Would you even have had your last husband if Americans had been as callous as Arabs?

    "The plaque on the Statue of Liberty welcomes everyone looking to better their situation"

    Tell us, O PilotX, when did the two houses of Congress pass Emma Lazarus's poem as a law?  Or was it that 3/4 of the states ratified it... when was that instead?

    When did the legislature of MY state get a vote on that poem?

    "If enslavement is good for your descendants, then why don't you volunteer?"

    Tell us, O Paradoctor, where there are any slavers who would treat White slaves better than White Americans treated their African slaves?  Whites were enslaved by Arabs, and did rather poorly under them.  Come to think of it, Arabs enslaved just about every other group they came across, and apparently still do; when a Saudi man was convicted of slavery in Colorado, it surprised nobody.

    Why do you condemn Americans whose ancestors fought and died to end slavery, while you give muslim Arabs who still practice slavery a pass?

  135. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Young people don't want to live in the middle of nowhere and no one is replacing the aging population.

    Young White people can't get subsidized to live in the middle of nowhere where there are no jobs, so they are forced to leave their aging relatives behind.  Unemployable rapefugees CAN get welfare so can afford to live there.  FTFY.

  136. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Replace us huh? And where are we going to be sent?

    Planned Parenthood.  Black women in NYC have more abortions than live births.  From the POV of both the parasitic elites and civilization, replacing Africans with Mexicans is a net positive.

  137. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Planned Parenthood. Black women in NYC have more abortions than live births. From the POV of both the parasitic elites and civilization, replacing Africans with Mexicans is a net positive.
    Yup, negro birthrate is sooooooo low. Thanks for the concern dumbass but nobody believes your fake concern and fake information.

  138. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Young White people can't get subsidized to live in the middle of nowhere where there are no jobs, so they are forced to leave their aging relatives behind.
    Nope, they are just tired of living around a bunch of old bigots and want to live in a fast paced diverse happening city is all. But you can cry a river about how bad white folk have it if you want. Boo fucking hoo. Your type can't get enough of fucking livestock so we know you're not going anywhere soon. As long as Betsy the cow is around you'll have a date Saturday night.

  139. "Young White people can't get subsidized to live in the middle of nowhere where there are no jobs, so they are forced to leave their aging relatives behind."

    I say offer low interest loans and create programs to rehab abandoned houses. Use them to house homeless vets, other homeless and families. We can revitalize rural and urban areas if we make a commitment to do such. That also means buying locally and shunning big box mega stores. Don't break the bank but buy your similarly priced items locally.

  140. Check out this story about foreigners saved rural towns.

    1. Another plan to save dying rural towns. This one is in Japan which also has an aging population and dying towns.

  141. What Pilot@6:34 PM said is so on point.

  142. Anonymous10:23 AM

    "Check out this story about foreigners saved rural towns."

    Replacement of Americans by illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes but do suck down welfare benefits for their anchor babies.  "a new working class arrived to staff it—immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador.... even if, for some, the threat of deportation loomed."

    Socialized costs for privatized benefits for yacht owners.  Crony capitalism at its worst.

  143. "Replacement of Americans by illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes but do suck down welfare benefits for their anchor babies."

    Nonsense, immigrants pay taxes and aren't elgible for welfare. Somebody has to save rural America. This is nothing particular to America, it's happening in Japan and Spain. Not enough young people want to live in rural parts of the country.

  144. Anonymous8:28 PM

    "immigrants pay taxes"

    The ones who work for cash under the table don't.  The ones who fraudulently claim EITC get paid FROM taxes.

    "immigrants ... aren't elgible for welfare."

    Their anchor babies are (but shouldn't be).

    "Somebody has to save rural America."

    You don't save any part of America by turning it into Guatemala, which is what you do by repopulating it with Guatemalans.  Not that I would expect an African to understand this.  You don't belong here either.

  145. Anonymoid 9:12 PM:

    You might be losing the argument if...

    ... 'at least they didn't castrate them' is your main plus point.
    ... 'chattel slavery is the best slavery' is another plus point.
    ... 'I can't find any white overlords to submit to' is another.

    I repeat my question, which you conspicuously and cravenly evaded. If enslavement is so good for its victims, then why don't you volunteer for it? Why doesn't anyone?

  146. Anonymous8:35 PM

    "You might be losing the argument if..."

    You're definitely clueless if...

    "... 'at least they didn't castrate them' is your main plus point."

    ... 'they weren't killed and eaten like other blacks would have done to them, not emasculated as the Arabs would have done to them, and having a chance to live at the price of paying their economic way was literally the best choice anyone could afford to offer them' counts for nothing with you.

    "... 'chattel slavery is the best slavery' is another plus point."

    ... 'chattel slavery for life was imported as part of another African's cultural baggage, and has been gone almost as long as it was practiced' counts for nothing with you either.

    "... 'I can't find any white overlords to submit to' is another."

    ... 'None of your options represent an improvement over my current situation' is somehow irrelevant.

    "If enslavement is so good for its victims"

    What's better:  living in the United States and having the highest group standard of living of Africans anywhere because your distant ancestors got a reprieve from becoming dinner at the price of living in chains instead, or living under threat of the Ebola epidemic while dodging terrorists in the Congo?  I don't see ANY movement of blacks from America to the Congo.  This is what's called "revealed preference".

    And answer me:  When did the legislature of MY state get a vote on that Emma Lazarus poem?

  147. Anonymoid 8:35 AM: You make a strong case for volunteering for subjugation. Why don’t you follow your own advice? Why doesn’t anyone? Could it be that your reasoning is flawed?

    BTW, chattel slavery was American law until it was abolished by civil warfare.

    I am touched by your failure to find enslavement opportunities better than your current situation.

    As for the poem; interesting; _someone_ officially authorized that plaque. Probably it was approved by a committee. If so then it’s on public record. Why not look it up?

  148. Anonymous8:58 PM

    "You make a strong case for volunteering for subjugation."

    Are you that stupid?  (Rhetorical question; of course you are.)  Were I an African in Africa, I would have a strong incentive to subjugate myself to US owners if it was my alternative to being eaten or traded to Arabs.  That was true in 1619, it was true in 1960, and it remains true today.

    I am not an African, nor am I in Africa.  I am already in the USA.  There is not one other society on earth that would benefit me to escape to, let alone subjugate myself for the chance.

    "Why don’t you follow your own advice?"

    Why can't you read?  The only way you can benefit from subjugation is if you wind up in a society far better than your own.  Consider those who were subjugated by cannibals.  Or perhaps we SHOULD subjugate you to cannibals, until such time as you acquire a clue.  I expect you'd be dead first because you are highly resistant to education that conflicts with your dogma.

    "Why doesn’t anyone? Could it be that your reasoning is flawed?"

    Huge masses of Africans, south Asians, central and south Americans, and others are doing everything they can to get into the United States, Canada and Europe despite threats of "racism".  Is their reasoning flawed, or is yours?

    "BTW, chattel slavery was American law until it was abolished by civil warfare."

    Nonsense.  The Emancipation Proclamation had exactly zero effect because it only applied to territory NOT under Union control; slave states which remained in the Union were exempt.  Slavery was not abolished until the 13th Amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865.  The Confederacy had already surrendered April 7 of that year.

    Note that 11 out of 35 US states, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, were forbidden to vote on the 13th Amendment or forced to vote "yes" at gunpoint.  Had they been allowed to vote "no", the 13th would never have passed and slavery would have remained the law until some future time.

    Do I need to remind you that Lincoln was elected with a minority of the popular vote?

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