Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tweets of the insane.

Image result for Trump
In case you all have not been paying attention, your president is insane. 

If you have been reading Mr. trump's twitter rants of late, you can come to no other conclusion. I honestly believe that @jack and the folks over at twitter need to stage an intervention. Clearly the man is addicted to the social platform. He is on twitter more than he is on the golf course these days, and that's saying something.

It wouldn't be such a bad thing if what he said on twitter made sense, or if it was constructive, but rather than send out something meaningful to his sixty million followers, he uses the platform to fight petty battles, and boast about insignificant things such as the crowd sizes at his Klan  political rallies.

Lately he has been railing against Anthony Scaramucci , FOX NEWS, American Muslim elected officials. and the American press. He has been mad at all these people and institutions because of perceived slights and them doing things that put him in a bad light. For Donald trump, it's all about HIM. Nothing else matters, and he uses twitter to vent to the world if he is not feeling the love that he thinks he deserves.

Meanwhile, the country and the world is having some serious problems. We are now in an arms race with Russia, Hong Kong is in a state of chaos, and they are blowing up people in churches in Afghanistan. Here in America economists are starting to talk about the R word, white domestic terrorist are out of the woodwork, and trump's trade tariffs are starting to hit American families in their wallets.

All of this is happening while the president locks himself away in a room full of Big Macs and tweets all day.

@jack, get your people on that intervention ASAP. 


  1. There is no recession on the horizon except the one Drumpf and his irresponsible fiscal shortcomings is causing and the dumbass wants more taxcuts for the wealthy believing that will save his orange ass.

    Stoopid fucking moron has not figured out his taxcuts for the wealthy are the major problem in our economy.

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:37 PM

    Everyone who voted for Trump or didn't bother to vote for Hillary because it was too much bother to go to cast their ballots bears the responsibility for the mess we are in. I don't share the blame; I voted for her.

    We must vote Trump out in 2020. Our country cannot endure an additional four years of Trump.

  3. Dave Zirin = faggot kike7:58 PM

    Twitter is made for narcissists like Trump. It requires limited reading skills and short attention spans. Perfect for him and his ilk.

  4. Lance Cockstrong8:17 PM

    Butt Trumpet lovers feed off the retardation he spews on a daily basis. They love that a fellow micro dick is saying what’s cooped up in their tiny brains.

  5. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Fag Negro is a hack.

  6. Anonymous9:15 PM

    What comes next is a Democratic one-party state that will resemble Mexico: A violent, corrupt, squalid, and socialistic non-white society ruled by a tiny white and Jewish elite of ultra-rich sociopaths mouthing Left-wing slogans.

  7. Anonymous10:14 PM

    The Democrats are fundraising IN MEXICO.

    But we're supposed to be worried about Russia's influence on our elections.


  8. Facts of the Day11:29 PM

    1.White people and their food are bland af.

    2.More white women need to be getting abortions.

  9. Anonymous 9:15 pm wants a corrupt one-party tyranny, but knows that the party couldn't be the failing GOP, so he projects his squalid desires onto the other party.

  10. Anonymous11:43 PM

    “The Democrats are fundraising IN MEXICO.

    But we're supposed to be worried about Russia's influence on our elections.”

    Fundraising from AMERICANS who happen to live in Mexico. Did you understand that part, or did your lizard brain take over and cause you to go into a shouty, racist, apoplectic fit the moment you read the dreaded word “Mexico”?

  11. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Duh gambler sez...

    "We must vote Trump out in 2020."

    Who be dis "we" ?

  12. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Fred said...

    "Did you understand that part, or did your lizard brain take over and cause you to go into a shouty, racist, apoplectic fit the moment you read the dreaded word “Mexico”?

    No. Could you repeat it again?

  13. Fergus is collapsing in polling among cohorts he absolutely must win to be reelected and he's freaking the fuck out.

    Meanwhile the drastic action he is considering in order to stave off a recession long enough to be reelected on the strength of the economy is betraying a long standing GOP lie, in that what he is considering is straight up Keynesian economics, which according to GOP orthodoxy, don't work.

    So either the cheese has slid off of his cracker, or the goddamn Republicans have been lying about the economy for fifty years, or...

    In a way, we're lucky he's addicted to Twitter, as who would believe the president of the United States was so bigoted and stupid without the daily evidence he provides us with.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. "Who be dis "we" ?"

    Uh, sane people? The overwhelming majority?

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    What comes next is a Democratic one-party state that will resemble Mexico: A violent, corrupt, squalid, and socialistic non-white society ruled by a tiny white and Jewish elite of ultra-rich sociopaths mouthing Left-wing slogans.

    9:15 PM
    You need to get rid of your crystal ball, Honey. Get a new one. The one you have is broken.

  16. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:31 AM

    Anonymous said...

    The Democrats are fundraising IN MEXICO.


  17. I'm not on Facebook, but the second largest political advertising expenditure there behind only the Trump campaign itself and ahead of any Democratic candidate is a "media outlet" calling itself "Epoch Times" who were formerly a stateside mouthpiece for the Chinese religious sect Falun Gong, but have recently taken up cheerleading for Fergus and... insanity.
    Imagine Infowars on an IV drip of bathtub meth and periodic electrical shocks from a tractor battery and you're close.
    Stories about the Satanic bloodlines of the Illuminati share space with stories about why Q-anon isn't a conspiracy theory.
    So, yeah, maybe appealing to the batshit insane vote is the latest strategy, except all of their voters are batshit insane or they wouldn't vote for them, so maybe it makes sense?

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:37 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Duh gambler sez...

    "We must vote Trump out in 2020."

    Who be dis "we" ?

    12:03 AM
    "Dis we" are all Americans who are sane and have at least half a brain. Do you fit that description?

  19. Anonymous1:01 AM

    “‘The Democrats are fundraising IN MEXICO.’

    PROVE IT.”

    They are. But so what? Raising money IN MEXICO isn’t the same thing as raising money FROM MEXICANS. This is an another attempt by racist wingnuts to manufacture a scandal out of nothing.

    DNC Chief Plans to Raise Money From Americans in Mexico City

  20. Yeah, it's not like they got $30 million from Russia and illegally funneled it into their campaign through the NRA or anything.
    You fucks just have a hard time with the concept of "American citizen" and get confused about things like location and documentation because "brown bad, white good" doesn't really cover it in reality.

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. And watch out for your wallet, Paul the fuck Ryan has moved back to DC. I knew we weren't rid of that fraud yet.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Anonymous3:35 AM

    “And watch out for your wallet, Paul the fuck Ryan has moved back to DC. I knew we weren't rid of that fraud yet.”

    Probably laying the groundwork for his new job lobbying GOP congressweasels in the post-Trump era. Ryan senses that it won’t be long before the circus folds its tents and leaves town with the big orange clown.

  23. Yisheng = nigger cunt3:59 AM

    Trump supporters are the human equivalent of a dried piece of shit on the bottom of your shoe.

  24. This comes from existing in an alternate reality and being the most corrupt, incompetent administration ever in America.


    Stoopidest fucking morons the world has ever seen. Make Neville Chamberlain seem statesmanlike.

  25. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Florida illegal alien delivery man allegedly attacks elderly woman with mallet, sets her on fire
    The woman, who would have turned 76 next week, died after being treated at a local hospital for a brain bleed and severe burns, police said.


  26. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Black Philadelphia police commissioner abruptly resigns amid multiple scandals
    The Philadelphia mayor said Tuesday he believes the change in leadership will help reform long-standing issues of racial, ethnic and gender discrimination.


  27. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Yisheng = nigger cunt said...
    Trump supporters are the human equivalent of a dried piece of shit on the bottom of your shoe.
    3:59 AM

    You are confused again, those are niggers.

  28. Anonymous9:15 AM

    2.More white women need to be getting abortions.
    11:29 PM

    Because of negroe rape.

  29. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Facts of the Day said...
    1.White people and their food are bland af.

    Why do so many shines eat at McDonalds?????

  30. Trump is a terrible President and person, but he is still better looking than the vast majority of black men. Black men are gross.

  31. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Black Wheaton man charged with attempting to break into two homes


  32. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:26 AM

    dinthebeast said...

    Yeah, it's not like they got $30 million from Russia and illegally funneled it into their campaign through the NRA or anything.


  33. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Here’s a lovely story.

    Texas Baptist pastor who advocated executing women for abortion faces child sexual assault charges

    So, basically, this dude wants every fetus to be carried to term and to become a child ... so he can rape it.


  34. Love scratching my asshole11:24 AM

    This whole cult/Klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980’s puked out.

  35. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Love scratching my asshole said...
    This whole cult/Klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980’s puked out.
    11:24 AM


  36. Anon @ 11;19 fertility clinics are reporting growing numbers of abandoned fetuses and have no idea what to do with them. Be sure stoopid fucking alleged pro-life liars won't adopt them unless the fed picks up all the tabs...socialist style.

  37. Pathologcal lying orange slice of shit claims 2020 election rigged and when the country falls into coming recession he has already apportioned blame to media and libs.

    He is projecting 2009 Mitch McCturtlesghitface
    s hopes to destroy Obama and his legacy before it even gets off the ground. Wingnuts a;ways accuse innocent Dems of doing the very despicable acts wingnuts always do.

  38. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:55 PM

    Katelyn Davidson said...

    Trump is a terrible President and person, but he is still better looking than the vast majority of black men. Black men are gross.
    It's pretty obvious that you need glasses, Katelyn. I hope you don't try to drive a car before you take care of you failing eyesight.

  39. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Hello Field,

    I'm a long-time reader, first time commenting.

    The most important Civil Rights case in decades is happening now. Please do a blog post about it. Drumpf’'s DOJ has joined Comcast in their attempt to water-down the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The case involves a discrimination lawsuit filed against Comcast by Byron Allen: Comcast lost in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and now the Supreme Court has agreed to hear their appeal.

    This case is about larger concerns than Byron Allen and his money. The 1866 Act covers all people born in the United States (with exceptions for being enslaved for criminal convictions - that should be overturned):

    "shall have the same right, in every State and Territory in the United States, to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, and give evidence, to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property, and to full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person and property, as is enjoyed by white citizens..."

    In 1866 "Republicans then saw that it was necessary to ensure that states would protect the basic civil rights of all their citizens." Back then Republicans knew that citizens who were considered white would not do business equally with newly minted Black citizens: this was true in the North and the South.

    In 2019 Drumpf era Republicans argue that the First Amendment allows Comcast to discriminate against a Black-owned business in favor of white businesses: once again, this case is not about the business owner, rather, the right to do business on an equal footing is in jeopardy. The outcome of the case will also effect any reparations lawsuit. Neither the NAACP and Urban League nor the Congressional Black Caucus have filed amicus briefs: please consider them for House Negroes of the Week: they all recieve money from Comcast.


    Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 https://content.next.westlaw.com/Document/I0f9fc015ef0811e28578f7ccc38dcbee/View/FullText.html?contextData=(sc.Default)&transitionType=Default&firstPage=true&bhcp=1

    Allen’s Racial Discrimination Lawsuit Against Comcast in context. Note: I understand that you aren’t totally on board with ADOS. I urge you to listen to Antonio Moore on the consequences of watering down the 1866 Act. Moore’s interview with Byron Allen is included in the video: Byrom makes salient points about the larger importance of his case and he also takes Obama to task.





  40. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Hello again Field,

    Here's Byron Allen's interview with CNN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoFOSe-RalI

    I have one more request: please blog about this - the Amazon rainforest has been on fire for over two weeks and the story has been underreported. The fires might have been deliberatly set by ranchers or farmers in celebration of Bolasario ended laws that protected the Amazon.


  41. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/us-created-500000-fewer-jobs-since-2018-than-previously-reported-new-figures-show-2019-08-21

    Rosy previous guesses finally meet reality in Drumpfuck the dumbfuck land.

  42. Kill white men, fuck white women2:47 PM

    This Aryan dictatorship can’t end soon enough.

  43. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit3:32 PM

    tr*mp cares more about his idiotic tweets than about migrant children, gun violence and police brutality. He is incompetent at being a human much less a so-called leader.

  44. Dumbfuck has the quaint notion he can remove "birthright citizenship" from 14th amendment with a stroke of his pen.


    Everyday, in every way, this dumbfucker gets even fucking dumber.

  45. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2019/aug/20/peter-navarro/donald-trumps-tariffs-china-dont-hurt-americans-to/

    Pants on Fire!!!!!!!

  46. From Fake Noize, watch drumpfuck's pea sized brain explode.


    He will blame tax and spend Dems and Obama/HRC for his fiscal irresponsibility.

  47. So now Fergus thinks he's "the chosen one"... Can we just stamp his forehead and send him out to play?

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Trump is the only American politician who isn't willing to be bought off by Chinese money.

    He was chosen by the American people to start representing their interests over those of corporations and billionaires.

  49. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Trump is Americas savior!!

  50. Anonymous6:05 PM

    “So now Fergus thinks he's ‘the chosen one’... Can we just stamp his forehead and send him out to play?”

    He can’t be sent out to play, as he is a danger to himself and others. He needs to be strapped into a helmet and kept away from sharp objects and small toys he might put up his nose.

  51. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Taking on China BEFORE his re-election is one of the most politically brave things I’ve seen from a politician. Keeping things status quo would have been much safer. He deserves credit for it from everyone with integrity.

  52. Anonymous6:10 PM

    An Asian man sends death threats to an immigrant from Europe and somehow the anti-white liars and criminals at the FBI register it as "White Supremacist Domestic Terrorism".

    The Feds are the ringleaders in the Schlomo Brothers Circus (USA)


  53. I’m a 6’2 Chinese-American and find it odd that a black would be criticizing someone else for moronic and inappropriate tweets. Aren’t blacks the ones calling for dead cops and dead non-blacks on Twitter? Blacks let out all their venom through these platforms because of their simple-mindedness and lack of critical thinking.

    See more at:


  54. Anonymous said...
    Trump is the only American politician who isn't willing to be bought off by Chinese money. Pants on fire, dude.


    Drumpf would sell them stoopid fucking adult sons of his for a good foothold in China. He has to deal with XI on his terms and Drumpf will roll over and beg XI and Wang Chung to fuck his orange ass whenever they want.

    ps Drumpfuck the dumbfuck and America by extension are losing the trade wars with China and everyone else. Drumpf is such an incompetent negotiator he could n't giv3e away his grope toy's hand in marriage. Too stoopid.

  55. Drumpf shows his true misogynistic colors basically saying no woman can say anything bad about him (she didn't) while he is at liberty to talk down to her at will.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts suck at social graces, Drumpfuck most of all.

  56. Moar pro life proof that wingnuts are the scum of the earth.,..


  57. Anonymous8:46 PM

    "An Asian man sends death threats to an immigrant from Europe and somehow the anti-white liars and criminals at the FBI register it as 'White Supremacist Domestic Terrorism.'"

    It doesn't seem like the Feds are the crazy ones here. This dude was apparently a longstanding Hitler fan. Someone needs to break the bad news to him that he's not white (he will probably cry when he finds out) and that Hitler wouldn't be his friend if Hitler were still walking around.

    It's hard to believe that "Nazis of Color" are a thing. And yet ...

    P.S. It doesn't sound at all like most of the people he was targeting were white. He was threatening to wipe out all Latinos in Miami.

  58. kike from iowa9:32 PM

    Illegal immigrants drag thousands of sick kids across the desert in order to get gibs. A couple of them wind up dying of the ordeal despite receiving first class medical attention courtesy of the American taxpayer.

    Trumps fault!

  59. Anonymous9:44 PM

    For once, Trump wasn’t lying. He really is the chosen one!

    Vladimir Putin chose him.

  60. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    For once, Trump wasn’t lying. He really is the chosen one!

    Vladimir Putin chose him.
    9:44 PM

    Fake News, the American people chose him.

  61. The Truth10:13 PM

    This blog and comment sections are intellectually-bankrupt echo chambers.

  62. Fergus is getting his (our) lunch eaten by China because he's too stupid to understand the most basic of concepts about trade. Like who actually pays tariffs.

    Truckers, who voted overwhelmingly for him in 2016, are getting "killed" (their word) by his policies, along with farmers, and a couple of thousand steelworkers just got laid off.

    China isn't an easy issue. There are good reasons why other presidents haven't done the stupid, stupid things Fergus believes will coerce China into doing his vaguely defined bidding.

    They don't have any of the constraints on their behavior that modern democracies do, and have a massive population existing on <$10/day who aren't likely to make much trouble for them if the trade war goes badly.

    So what does Fergus have to intimidate them with? Our business?

    While Fergus has been busy being tariff man and pulling us out of the TPP because it was an Obama thing, China has been filling the vacuum of influence he created and developing markets in economies that are now developing in the same way they were 20 years ago.

    In other words, kicking Fergus' ass in his stupid, stupid trade war.

    It never occurs to him that other countries (or people) might have better options that we might want to know how to compete with so as to not become irrelevant and get left in the dust, like we did with solar energy. Narcissists are like that, and stupid old white ones especially so.

    -Doug in Oakland

  63. Anonymous12:22 AM

    "China has been filling the vacuum of influence he created and developing markets in economies that are now developing in the same way they were 20 years ago"

    No, they are reestablishing colonialism in Africa and enslaving the inhabitants.

    But Doug thinks it's cool, because Orange Man Bad.


  64. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Immigrants make America great by working low wage jobs to fulfill the Koch brothers wet dream and have a imported slave class to benefit the elites pocketbook by saving them money.

  65. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  66. "No, they are reestablishing colonialism in Africa and enslaving the inhabitants."

    No they are doing that AND developing markets in economies that are now developing in the same way they were 20 years ago.

    And having surrendered our influence in South East Asia, Fergus is just letting China own those markets.

    Because he is staggeringly ignorant about all of the most basic aspects of the job he temporarily inhabits, we will spend decades undoing the damage he has bumblefucked his way into causing.

    But hey, he tries to own the libs, so the Pig People think it's cool.

    -Doug in Oakland

  67. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. But Doug thinks it's cool, because Orange Man Bad.

    Anyfuckingmoose is capable of spitting out the truth on occasion. Something the orange asshole in the kremlin annex is allergic to.

  69. Illegal immigrants drag thousands of sick kids across the desert in order to get gibs. A couple of them wind up dying of the ordeal despite receiving first class medical attention courtesy of the American taxpayer.

    Total bullshit. Wingnuts want these kids to die as a deterrent to legal immigration for asylum purposes.

    If these dead and dying children were still in the fetus stage stoopid godless fucking wingnuts would honor them with parades and we;come signs.

  70. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Damn...This place smells like Bean Pie.

  71. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/458381-poll-most-americans-disapprove-of-trumps-job-performance-despite

    New AP poll has drumpfuck's disapproval rate up to 62%. Fake News said 56% last week.

  72. So citing the ongoing destruction of the state department and the difficulty in trying to explain the erratic behavior of Fergus and his government to the foreigners where they are stationed, our diplomats are resigning from their jobs.

    The gutting of the state department is perhaps the biggest gift Fergus has given to Putin, but it's a long list.

    -Doug in Oakland

  73. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Sarah Sanders got hired by Fox News.

    Shocking, I know. There's virtually no difference between tabloiod trash pile Fox and the Trump administration at this point. They are one and the same.

  74. Holocaust survivors son rips Drumpfuck the dumbfuck a new asshole, this one bigger than Drumpf's gaping mouth.


    I, for one, loved it. Fuck stoopid fucking wasicu Drumpfuckians.

  75. Drumpf, the close the borders to Central Americans guy, has signed a waiver to allow 300% more Guatemalan farm working immigrants into closed America.

  76. Fake Noize hires former pathological liar's pathological lying press suckretary Hucksterby to spin Drumpfuck's lies to Fake Noize viewers.


  77. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/08/turtle-your-days-are-numbered-mitch-mcconnell-brutally-mocked-for-begging-dems-not-to-change-senate-rules-if-they-win/

    As Molly Ivins once intoned, if Chutzpah were a word in stoopid fucking wingnut land, you would use it here.

  78. If trump is re-elected that will say a lot about our country and what people are willing to put up with. Funny thing is liberals are willing to accept the safe choice, which never wins and will ignore people like Warren and Sanders who represent change, real change. Let's go for it, as trump said what do we have to lose?

  79. Anonymous4:24 PM

    TRUMP Will be re-elected.

  80. George Stephanopoulos4:28 PM

    "Sarah Sanders got hired by Fox News."


    What's next, is she going to moderate a presidential debate?

  81. Yeah, Mitch whined on the senate floor when Harry Reid killed the filibuster for cabinet appointees too. Then turned around and buggered the senate rules as no-one else had ever buggered them.
    Also, a might presumptuous of Mitchie-poo to talk as if he will still be in the senate after 2020; he has the lowest in-state approval rating of any senator and a credible challenger in Amy McGrath, a former fighter pilot.

    -Doug in Oakland

  82. https://www.theroot.com/trump-calling-himself-the-chosen-one-wasnt-even-the-mos-1837475284

  83. "TRUMP Will be re-elected."

    And that will be the day the world understands America is a stupid and non-serious nation.

  84. 22 August 2019. Meters of wall built = 0

  85. https://www.theroot.com/american-gold-medalists-placed-on-12-months-probation-f-1837476924

  86. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:40 PM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP Will be re-elected.

    4:24 PM
    How do you figure Trump will be re-elected? He has alienated Latinos, Jews, educated white women, nearly all black men and women and even uneducated white women are leaning Democratic? Asians tend to vote Democratic even when a normal Republican runs. So do you really think Trump can win with only the majority of white men?

  87. They figure he will win the same way he "won" last time, by cheating his ass off.

    What they ignore is that there will be a different candidate this time, who will be very likely to heavily campaign in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

    And two thirds of the country want him gone.

    And we won the governorships in several key states last year, which will make it more difficult for them to cheat there.

    And he is a disaster as president now, not just a likely disaster like last time.

    Their propaganda wants them to believe that there are more of them than there really are (...Romney will win in a landslide...) and while that does excite them, it doesn't address the cold arithmetic of their shrinking political minority status.

    Plus, women are pissed, and like last year, aren't likely to just let him win so as to continue attacking them and their children.

    -Doug in Oakland

  88. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Everyone knows he is insane...(including his base of deplorables).

    However, as long as he preaches racial hatred and division and the survival of the "soon to be extinct"
    white race, then he will continue to score points.

    Heil Trump

  89. Anonymous9:25 PM

    White folks are so afraid of becoming extinct and being taken over that they will vote for satan himself he preached white power.

    They don't care about the fact that the earth is being destroyed,
    the rich are never going to pay taxes, the middle class has vanished,
    white women don't get equal pay,
    white men are trying to repeal abortion (I guess the me too movement made them feel like they were losing control).
    The affordable Health care act that favors working class people is in jeopardy (so if you get sick you go bankrupt if you don't have insurance.

    Tax write offs for homeowners are no longer possible (thanks to the POTUS)

    Mandates put in place to protect soil, air, and water from being polluted and killing people and causing cancer are being repealed.

    None of this matters as long as the person in office is making them think that they are losing power.

    ...The diversionary tactics are designed to keep the poor folks fighting a race war while the rich corporate greed mongers (who are the real enemies) continue to make you bear the burden of keeping the country running with your tax dollars while they pay nothing.

  90. Anonymous11:54 PM

    So do you really think Trump can win with only the majority of white men?
    7:40 PM

    You said that in 2016......

  91. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Everyone knows he is insane...(including his base of deplorables).

    However, as long as he preaches racial hatred and division and the survival of the "soon to be extinct"
    white race, then he will continue to score points.

    Heil Trump
    9:11 PM

    Delusional statements from the desperate left....

  92. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Trump will win a second term.
    Remember it took 2 terms in office for white folks to understand that the younger Bush didn't care about the working poor and the middle class.

    It will take 2 terms of him further destroying them before they understand.

    Maybe then they will vote for a woman to lead them.

    But then white men have shown that they'd rather vote for a black man in times of trouble and desperation(Obama) than by a white woman.

    America...the new third world country run by lying, cheating, scamming lifetime politicians.
    Saying whatever they need to say to get votes and continue to have their salaries and careers funded by American tax dollars.

  93. Anonymous1:10 PM

    There's so much wall going up, even private outfits are getting into the act:


    For all of you in metric-lefty land, half a mile is 804.672 meters.

  94. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:04 PM

    So do you really think Trump can win with only the majority of white men?
    7:40 PM

    "You said that in 2016......"

    11:54 PM
    No, it don't think so. Can you prove your claim?

  95. So when a billionaire dies, who inherits their senators?

    -Doug in Oakland

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