Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Lessons not learned.

Image result for nixon images

This doesn't feel like America in the years from 1972 to 1974, it just doesn't. Don't get me wrong, what trump and his gang has done to the Constitution and political norms in this country is even worse than what Nixon did, but these are different times.

There was no FOX News, right-wingnut conspiracy blogs, newspapers, and podcasts protecting Tricky Dick like they have been protecting trump. These are hyper partisan times we live in, and the  cult of thirty eight percent protecting trump will not relent. There is nothing that this charlatan can do that will change their minds. They are all in, come hell or high water.

We keep waiting to see if leaders in the republican party will grow a pair, or suddenly get a conscience, but that too seems to be wishful thinking. Listening to cowards like Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham twist themselves into pretzels to defend the indefensible has been like a running joke. It all came to this when trump was caught trying to shake down the leader of a foreign country to help him dig up dirt on his main political opponent.

Honestly, Nancy Pelosi should have started this impeachment inquiry months ago.Mr. trump has done more than enough to have an investigation opened into his actions. If only Americans weren't so busy "pursuing happiness" instead of focusing on what really matters: A real- estate huckster and con man  stealing a national election with the help of the Russian government. He got away with it, because Robert Mueller, bless his heart, thought that just doing things by the book would have an impact on trump and his criminal cabal. It didn't.

But a funny thing happened on the way to Americans forgetting about what trump did with the Russians, the con man couldn't himself, and just days after the Mueller Report, he was at it again. This time he was shaking down a country that desperately needed military equipment to fight off the Russians who were invading their country. "I need you to do me a favor, though." Before I give you this three hundred million (that the American congress already approved you getting) I am going to need you to get some dirt on Joe Biden so that I can use it against him in the upcoming election in America. Unbelievable! 

Mr. trump wants to meet the whistle blower who has exposed his corruption, and he thinks that he[she] should be executed. And, if he is removed from office, he believes that there should be a civil war in America. 

Let that sink in for a minute. A civil war. People die in civil wars, and countries are destroyed.

This of course means nothing to Mr. trump. His personal survival is all that matters. America be damned.

This is hard to say, but compared to trump, Nixon was a statesman.



  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    "Mr. trump wants to meet the whistle blower who has exposed his corruption, and he thinks that he[she] should be executed."

    Whistleblower: Please, let's meet, guy who wants to execute me.

  2. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:18 PM

    Great article, Field. I was an adult during Watergate and followed it closely. This is much worse.

  3. Listening to historians up until around 1974 Republicans were protecting Nixon with almost the exact same talking points about overturning elections and such. This guy started his campaign like Nixon and it may very well end the same way cause you know most congressional Republicans want that doofus out of office and want the sense of near normalcy a Pence would bring but they can't say it outloud.

  4. Let's not forget the Republican got foreign help to win an election before. Republicans seem to like to cheat.


  5. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "This guy started his campaign like Nixon and it may very well end the same way cause you know most congressional Republicans want that doofus out of office and want the sense of near normalcy a Pence would bring but they can't say it outloud."

    I don't know that they'll go for it this time around. They're all terrified that the MAGA brigade will crucify them in the primaries. There was nothing like Trump's grotesque cult of personality back in the Nixon era. That's not to say that Republicans love Trump any more than they loved Nixon, on a personal level, but they sure do love the hate he spews at the people (minorities and lefties, mostly) whom they consider their enemies.

    1. True. I'm heartened by the number of Repubs who will at least listen to the charges but then again most of them are retiring. Only need a few to impeach.

    2. Anonymous1:08 AM

      “True. I'm heartened by the number of Repubs who will at least listen to the charges but then again most of them are retiring. Only need a few to impeach.”

      It would take at least 20 GOP senators joining the Democrats in order to remove Trump. I don’t know that I’d call 20 “a few.”

      Jeff Flake claims one could hit that number easily, though, if senators could vote by secret ballot (and avoid getting “primaried” by angry Trumpkins). There are enough of them who hate Trump. But of course, they cannot vote secretly, and they value keeping their jobs more than defending the country from a maniac in the White House.

      We’ll see, but I’m not optimistic.

    3. I meant in the House to make up for the eventual Dems who will back out but can't blame them if they're in trump districts.

  6. One thing about Nixon: he won in '72 in a historic landslide, the likes of which are unlikely to be seen again, given the entrenchment of the parties in recent history. And still the public turned against him when the evidence came to light.

    Fergus has said that when public opinion in favor of removing him gets to 50%, he'll start to worry.

    As of yesterday, he had 3% to go.

    He either really believes the lies told by the right wing media, or is playing to those who do in order to retain their support.

    It doesn't much matter which one it is, except morally speaking, as his policy behavior is identical in either case.

    One thing to make note of about all of the foreign shenanigans he and his felons are up to right now, they all have a common goal should they be successful: the lifting of the sanctions on Russia.

    The first round of sanctions are in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and beneath all of the impeachable bumbling is his attempt at getting Ukraine to make a "deal" with Putin to end the hostilities, clearing the way for their lifting. As of today, that deal looks likely to happen.

    The second round of sanctions were in response to Russia meddling in our 2016 election, and thus all of the crazy conspiracy theory bullshit about CrowdStrike and how it was supposedly Ukraine and the Democrats who meddled in the election, not Russia, which would mean there was no real basis for the sanctions to begin with.

    That is, of course, insane. The Democrats stole their own emails and gave them to Wikileaks to release during the 2016 election?

    But again, the difference between him really being that dumb or merely pretending to be that dumb *while being the president of the United States* is mostly one of moral judgement, not cold practicality.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous12:09 AM


  8. Anonymous12:11 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!!

  9. We will just hang the votes of the Republican senators who vote to acquit Fergus around their necks and beat them with them in the election.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Uh oh, Giuliani lawyers up.
    MAGA, making attornies get attornies.😂


  11. Anonymous4:00 AM


  12. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Desperation brings out the crazy in the Dimocraps.

    No US cyber-security agency has been allowed to examine the allegedly-hacked server.  The entire "muh Russia" thing started with CrowdStrike, a Ukrainian outfit run by a man with a heavy anti-Russian bias.  It's certainly no coincidence that the Obama administration (esp. the Biden crime family) had strong connections to Ukraine long before 2015.  The alleged "aid" to Ukraine went to a bunch of companies headquartered in Cyprus and then disappeared; Hunter Biden's well-paid position at Burisma Holdings was part of the payoff for this.

    Trump's inquiry into CrowdStrike put the Deep State on notice that their sedition is about to be made public.  That is why the discredited "muh Russia" narrative is being hyped again; there isn't enough time to gin up a new one for all you NPCs.  Thankfully, you're all too stupid to see how you're being duped—but the rest of the country gets more red-pilled by the day.

    Basically, Biden is toast.  Fauxcahontas is another Rachel Dolezal, and will be blown up by her own history.  We'll see if there is even a DNC to run a campaign for whoever emerges from the primary cesspool.

    2020 is going to be SO much fun!

  13. Dems controlled congress under Nixon and yet it was some wingnuts pushing to oust Nixon. It was truly a bi-partisan effort that should have impeached Nixon even though he resigned with a pardon deal in hand.

    Since those days wingnuts have set out a course to defend their potus regardless of criminal activities involved. They feel Nixon got a raw deal and some admitted impeaching WJC was payback for Nixon.

    To get closure, America needs to dig up Nixon, Raygun, Ford and Hitler Weasel Bush and impeach the last 6 wingnut potii and special emphasis on impeaching Drumpf once for every lie he has told and twice for everyone he has repeated ad nauseum.

  14. No US cyber-security agency has been allowed to examine the allegedly-hacked server. The entire "muh Russia" thing started with CrowdStrike, a Ukrainian outfit run by a man with a heavy anti-Russian bias.

    Complete and utter debunked BULLSHIT!!!!!

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:00 AM

    Anonymous said......

    Trump's inquiry into CrowdStrike put the Deep State on notice that their sedition is about to be made public. That is why the discredited "muh Russia" narrative is being hyped again; there isn't enough time to gin up a new one for all you NPCs. Thankfully, you're all too stupid to see how you're being duped—but the rest of the country gets more red-pilled by the day.

    Basically, Biden is toast. Fauxcahontas is another Rachel Dolezal, and will be blown up by her own history. We'll see if there is even a DNC to run a campaign for whoever emerges from the primary cesspool.

    2020 is going to be SO much fun!

    Hang on to your delusions. You're going to need them when all the illegal crap that Trump has done comes out. LOL!

    "Deep State", a conspiracy concept dreamed up some clever folks, such as Atwater, Breitbart, Rove, Stone,etc.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  17. "Deep State", a conspiracy concept dreamed up some clever folks, such as Atwater, Breitbart, Rove, Stone,etc."

    Yeah, I'm still waiting on the congressional Dems being frog marched out of the capitol. You remember those thousands of indictments that were going to be released any day now.😂 No wonder a New York con man conned these rubes so easily.

    1. Check this out Gambler.


  18. Anonymous12:52 PM

    The Deep State has been there for ages.  Eisenhower called it "the military-industrial complex", but that's a misnomer as it is mostly run by spy agencies and financial interests.

  19. Forgot about all the reasons the right used for trying to impeach Barack.😂


  20. "but that's a misnomer as it is mostly run by spy agencies and financial interests."

    And here I thought it was baby eating satanic Democrats who were going to be arrested by US Marines. Can we trust anyone to correctly identify the deep state?

  21. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Much of the Deep State rhetoric comes from a long-standing looney conspiracy theory from the Birkenstock-wearing, patchouli-scented anti-war left (the idea that defense contractors secretly run the government and order us into wars to boost their profit margins) that has been shamelessly repurposed to defend Trump’s scumbaggery. There is is no lie that he will not embrace if it serves his purposes — even a left-wing lie.

    So ... everyone is out to get poor, unfortunate Trump because of some kind of secret agenda, as opposed to the reality: that he is a terrible person who came to office through crimes and ethical violations, and who has continually abused his power while in office.

    Makes sense to the Kool-Aid drinkers, I guess.

  22. At least 2 separate entities booked massive amounts of hotel rooms from Drumpf and then used very few of them. Dems are looking into this as a straight bribe to gain favor from Drumpf. Emoluments clause be damned.

    Here comes the faithful claiming drumpf isn't making any money from his hotels and besides HRC had emails and look, a squirrel.

  23. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:51 PM

    PilotX said......

    "Check this out Gambler.


    12:05 PM
    I went to the web site above and read nearly all of the article about QAnon. I wanted to cry reading about the fools who buy this stuff and follow this guy. But I laughed instead 'cause crying just makes my nose red. It reminded me of the 1950's when the John Birch Society circulated the lie that Eisenhower had sold us out to the Russians because he was a secret communist.

    I guess a lot of people must have too much time on their hands,get bored, and need something to make their lives more exciting. It's really sad because they could be doing something constructive instead of sucking up this slop.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:07 PM

    PilotX said...

    "but that's a misnomer as it is mostly run by spy agencies and financial interests."

    And here I thought it was baby eating satanic Democrats who were going to be arrested by US Marines. Can we trust anyone to correctly identify the deep state?

    1:11 PM
    If one studies the history of western civilization, one finds that for a very long time there have been different factions and organization that struggle for control. But they have done it and still do it quite openly, hence the "deep state" is a modern myth. (Look at the two factions who opposed each, thus provoking the American Civil War: agriculture versus industry).

    These various factions represent a variety of interests, such as religion, farming, banking, weapons manufacturing, education, health care, etc., etc. There is nothing secretive or new about it. It's been going on for thousands of years.

  25. Whatever. The damn fool admitted his guilt and will be impeached for it.

    Guilt is guilt, dears. Why you are guilty is irrelevant. "I robbed the bank to raise money with which to fight crime" will still get you convicted of bank robbery.

    But you are frantic and desperate, I know, and you're gonna keep on making up shit to try and make it seem like you will prevail because what else are you gonna do?

    And answering that last question honestly is way above your pay-grade.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. From Steve Benen:

    "U.S. manufacturing fell deeper into a contraction last month, erasing hope of a quick turnaround for the industry and handing a blow to President Trump's promises that he would revive blue-collar jobs and companies.

    September marked the worst month for U.S. manufacturing in more than a decade -- since June 2009 -- according to the closely watched Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index. Companies blamed Trump's escalating trade war for many of their woes, putting pressure on the White House to show progress soon. Manufacturing remains a prominent industry in many swing states.... Manufacturing fell into a technical recession in the first half of the year, and the latest ISM data indicates the situation appears to be getting worse."

    Sick of all of the winning yet?

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. "It reminded me of the 1950's when the John Birch Society"

    Exactly, just regurgitated nonsense. Just recycle paranoia from the past for the new generation who don't know history.

  28. It's not so much that the blithering moron wants a moat with alligators, because of course he does, but that since he's the goddamn president, the government, meaning you and I, spend real American money on cost analysis and feasibility studies when he says it out loud.

    -Doug in Oakland

  29. Drumpfuck blamed the Fed for manufacturing problems. He did not blame his own tariffs for the demise.

  30. PilotX, I think of you as a brother and I wouldn't due anything in the world to hurt your feelings, except for maybe this one little thing here....:)


    I can see why she is still a House Negro, Mr Field.

  31. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "It's not so much that the blithering moron wants a moat with alligators, because of course he does, but that since he's the goddamn president, the government, meaning you and I, spend real American money on cost analysis and feasibility studies when he says it out loud."

    I doubt that there were any feasibility studies done in response to Trump's recent sociopathic toddler brain farts about electrified border walls and crocodile-filled moats, etc.

    Even given the abysmally low quality of his appointees, I have to imagine they immediately came back at him with the polite version of: "No, you epic dumbass, we can't do that, because it's illegal" Maybe they jingled some keys in his face to distract him, and then he forgot all about it, since it was time for some juice and his nap.

  32. Melanoma must not be putting out and Ivanka is keeping her distance from Daddy.


    The Wasilla witch is currently on and in the market for a boy toy like Drumpf.

  33. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/10/calls-for-trump-supporting-billionaire-steve-schwarzman-to-apologize-for-saying-maybe-bernie-sanders-shouldnt-exist/

    Veiled threat, anymoose?

  34. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Woman threatens to kill her mother by unplugging her oxygen, cuts herself breaking a window, uses the blood to slip out of her handcuffs, uses the handcuffs as brass knuckles tearing up a police car... general crazy shit.

    Of course, she's black.


    Blacks still overwhelmingly more criminal than whites.


  35. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Chicago Final September 2019 Totals (vs 2018)
    Shot & Killed: 48 (+9%)
    Shot & Wounded: 214 (+3%)
    Total Shot: 262 (+4%)
    Total Homicides: 51 (+4%)

  36. https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/maga-activist-karyn-turk-pleads-guilty-to-social-security-fraud-after-stealing-from-her-mother/

    Of course she's white.

  37. Snowflake ex cop gets a measly 10 years for murder of a black man. Figures.

  38. From Taegan Goddard:

    House Investigating Trump Hotel Bribery Scheme

    October 2, 2019 at 7:07 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 39 Comments

    Politico: “House investigators are looking into an allegation that groups — including at least one foreign government — tried to ingratiate themselves to President Donald Trump by booking rooms at his hotels but never staying in them.”

    Said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA): “Now we’re looking at near raw bribery. That was the risk from day one — foreign governments and others trying to seek favor because we know Trump pays attention to this…. It’s an obvious attempt to curry favor with him.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Donald Trump represents White America's true "core values" without the mask of tolerance, equality, fairness, honesty, or just plain human decency that they usually hide behind.

    In this sense is Donald Trump a politically praiseworthy figure: He has inadvertently exposed (white) America's true national character in all its sociopathic malignancy.

  40. Anonymous10:23 PM

    "Snowflake ex cop gets a measly 10 years for murder of a black man. Figures."

    10 years actually does sound about right, considering that, in most other states, killing someone in an act of "imperfect self-defense" (i.e., based on an wrongful belief that one was in danger) would usually result in voluntary manslaughter charges, not murder. But Texas doesn't have a voluntary manslaughter statute, because it is an all-around effed-up state, so the jury's only valid option was to convict for murder.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Donald Trump represents White America's true "core values" without the mask of tolerance, equality, fairness, honesty, or just plain human decency that they usually hide behind.

    In this sense is Donald Trump a politically praiseworthy figure: He has inadvertently exposed (white) America's true national character in all its sociopathic malignancy.

    8:55 PM
    It isn't fair to paint all people in a certain group with the same broad brush. One can say some or even most, but to say all is to make an error. Perhaps 40 to 60 percent of white people or even more support Trump's racist attitude, but not all of us do.

  42. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Trump weaponizes the EPA. He is now citing San Francisco for environmental violations for ... having homeless people.

    Trump is officially our first troll president. I can't find any other instances of a president enacting public policy motivated solely by the goal of "being a dickhead."

  43. So of course Pence is in it up to his eyeballs, leaving McConnell and his crew of poltroons the only thing between us and president Pelosi...

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. http://rudepundit.blogspot.com/2019/10/trumps-madness-today-by-numbers.html

    -Doug in Oakland

  45. Nov 30, 2018 - Rosa Maria Ortega was sentenced to eight years in prison for voting

    10 years doesn't seem like quite enough for murder in a state where simple possession of pot got you a life sentence.

  46. Anonymous8:59 AM

    “Nov 30, 2018 - Rosa Maria Ortega was sentenced to eight years in prison for voting

    10 years doesn't seem like quite enough for murder in a state where simple possession of pot got you a life sentence.”

    One injustice cannot justify another. It is absurd to point to crazy miscarriages of justice as if they should then be some kind of baseline for sentencing in other crimes.

    The obvious solution is that Texas should have a better voting process that doesn’t result in jail sentences for people who unintentionally voted while ineligible, and that they should legalize pot.

  47. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Manhunt continues for black ‘armed and dangerous’ suspect after Frostproof murder:


  48. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Trump weaponizes the EPA. He is now citing San Francisco for environmental violations for ... having homeless people.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  About TIME!  Shit all over the streets IS a health hazard.

  49. "About TIME! Shit all over the streets IS a health hazard."

    Eliminating pollution standards is a health hazard.

  50. Anonymous11:23 AM

    "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! About TIME! Shit all over the streets IS a health hazard."

    And there we go. We have a troll president who makes policy, not based on reason and evidence, but to please wingnut morons who want to "own the libs."

    To be honest, this should be on the list of grounds for impeachment: that Trump is an unserious piece of shit who thinks the powers of the most powerful office in world government should be used for the amusement of himself and the deplorables.

  51. Nixon's stink from rotting corpse smells like a spring day compared to the stench emanating from the kremlin annex.

  52. Notice how fucking dumb stoopid fucking wingnuts are. They actually believe living in San Francisco is what causes homelessness. And the orange criminal in the kremlin annex is the stoopidest dumbfucker of all time.

  53. Anonymous11:48 AM

    The Democrats have practically handed Trump a 2020 victory......

  54. Anonymous11:52 AM

    So, remember those horse-mounted police officers in Galveston, TX, who led a black guy down the street on the end of a rope?

    With the release of the bodycam recordings, it turns out that one of the officers was not really on board with the idea. He was asking questions to the effect of "shouldn't we get a squad car to bring this dude in? this is gonna look really bad."

    The officer who suggested NOT getting the squad car figured it would be good enough to march him down a less busy street where fewer people would see him.


  55. Anonymous11:59 AM

    "Notice how fucking dumb stoopid fucking wingnuts are. They actually believe living in San Francisco is what causes homelessness. And the orange criminal in the kremlin annex is the stoopidest dumbfucker of all time."

    The cruelty of American capitalism is what causes homelessness, not liberalism.

    What is unique about SF is just that the government are less mean to the homeless than in many other cities, where vagrancy laws are used to punish homeless people for their poverty and drive them into areas where others won't have to deal with them. Out of sight, out of mind.

    If you live somewhere like, say, Dallas, those homeless people haven't disappeared. They've just been ghettoized, driven into more remote areas, increasing their misery for the convenience of the non-homeless majority.

  56. https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/racist-who-dragged-black-man-behind-truck-will-be-executed-this-week


  57. "What is unique about SF is just that the government are less mean to the homeless"

    Pretty much. It's almost as if it's a crime to be poor in America and then we dump even more misery into them while giving the rich any and everything they want. Pretty backwards country, reverse Robin Hood type society.

  58. The Democrats are handing trump a 20 year sentence.😂

  59. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Shooting causes bullets to fly through a doctor's office in Georgia:


    Woman hit in crossfire between two cars full of thugs in Georgia dies:


    18-yr-old Georgia girl gets hit by stray bullet fired by thugs, killed in her own bed:


    Probably not one white person involved, but watch "mike from iowa" go into contortions to blame "wasicu wasteys" for all of this.

    And STILL you wonder why Red America holds you in deep contempt.

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:42 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    And STILL you wonder why Red America holds you in deep contempt.

    1:14 PM
    A white man in Las Vegas killed at least 50 people and wounded another fifty plus. Am I supposed to hold all white men in "deep contempt"? Your hatred is illogical, dude.

  61. Drumpf can't govern wearing a strait jacket, he c an't govern because he is batshit crazy. At least with a strait jacket he can't tweet out moar incriminating evidence against himself.

    Drumpfuck the dumbfuck 20 to life w/o possible parole and no contact with businesses.

  62. "Am I supposed to hold all white men in "deep contempt"? Your hatred is illogical, dude."

    It's logical. It helps him feel better about himself when he can look down on others. Low self esteem.

  63. https://the-immoral-minority.com/state-department-inspector-general-shares-packet-of-misinformation-used-to-smear-former-us-ambassador-to-ukraine-and-joe-bidens-son-with-congress/

    Here we go with propaganda about George Soros from Hill writer John Biassed Solomon and others used against Biden and son.

    This lays out just how amateurish stoopid fucking wingnut investigators are and how much non sense wingnuts swallow as gospel.

  64. https://www.vox.com/2019/10/3/20896869/trump-biden-ukraine-2016-letter-portman-johnson

    Wingnuts wanted Ukranian crackdown on corruption, too, and said as much in a letter.

  65. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/10/3/20893643/whiteness-federal-judiciary-diversity-obama-trump

    far white, far right and biased.

  66. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:22 PM

    PilotX said........

    It's logical. It helps him feel better about himself when he can look down on others. Low self esteem.

    2:10 PM
    I guess you must be right, PilotX, because there is no other reason for such attitudes.

  67. Decades ago there used to be a fairly stable community of homeless people who migrated back and forth between Berkeley and San Francisco.

    They were the forerunners of the "gutter punks" who would basically rather just panhandle and get high than jump through the hoops between them and employment and housing.

    It was kind of a seasonal thing, and almost all of them had the necessary skills to navigate life without a home address, and knew to take care of the ones who didn't because the trouble they caused made life on the streets harder for everyone.

    Then the median rents quadrupled in five years and even those with ordinary jobs that used to make them the "working poor" could no longer afford rent, even when banded together with a small group of friends.

    That's when the "tent cities" began to spring up. Gutter punks don't tend to live in tents. This is newer than them, and borne of entirely different circumstances, more economic than lifestyle choice driven.

    The reports of the wholesale degradation of San Francisco and the East Bay because of the tent cities are false. It's not much different than it ever was, unless you are a poor person and can't find housing for yourself and your family.

    Housing has always been hard to come by here. It took us seven months to find our first house when we moved here 35 years ago in '84.

    I've been homeless three or four times, but never resorted to living on the street. I might not be so lucky if I were to find myself in those circumstances now.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:43 PM

    Holy Somkes! Trump has to be the dumbest MFer on the planet. He just called for China to investigate Joe Biden! Someone needs to take the shovel away from him and order him to stop digging. Put him in a strait jacket and keep him away from people and from Twitter. Cut the phone lines too.

  69. Maybe he really believes that getting impeached will help him politically? Or that he's above the law?

    Pelosi: You asked for foreign help in your reelection campaign so we're impeaching you.

    Fergus: China and Ukraine, will you help me get reelected?

    -Doug in Oakland

  70. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Trump now admits that he did ask Ukraine to smear Biden. And he’s now publicly asking China to work on smearing Biden, too.

    Basically, Trump’s new pitch is: Hey, China, help me slander my political opponent so I can get elected, and I’ll drop the tariffs I’ve slapped on your goods.

    Treasonous, despotic, and a tacit admission that he knows his xenophobic trade policies have failed: a trifecta of awfulness!

  71. Anonymous5:07 PM

    With Trump, there really is no limit to his depravity. Whenever you think he’s hit bottom, he proves that there is still another, lower level of sleaze.

  72. Anonymous5:12 PM

    “Housing has always been hard to come by here. It took us seven months to find our first house when we moved here 35 years ago in '84.”

    That’s obviously also a factor in homelessness there. Real estate in San Francisco is some of the most expensive in the country.

  73. "Holy Somkes! Trump has to be the dumbest MFer on the planet."

    I don't know, it's typical mafioso bravado "whadda gonna do about it?"
    Let's see what Leslie Grahm has to say😝

  74. Even stoopider fucking wingnuts are trying to smear one E. Warren with made up shit about a former Marine escort/lover reading from a prepared script. Can't wait for Drumpf's deplorably despicable desperadoes to swear it is gospel.


    \Miss Lindsey, PilotX, if I may be so bold. Miss Lindsey needs a strap-on fainting couch for his many sojourns into the vapors.

  75. Anonymous8:52 PM

    “Even stoopider fucking wingnuts are trying to smear one E. Warren with made up shit about a former Marine escort/lover reading from a prepared script.”

    Are they talking about the same Liz Warren? Harvard law professor Liz Warren? The lady that like five minutes ago pundits were “concerned” might not be sufficiently “relatable” to voters because she’s allegedly too nerdy and boring? I feel like if she were actually having an affair with some young stud, that might make her more exciting, lol.

  76. Just a sign that they're starting to be afraid of her, which they should be.
    There will be many such windows into their "thinking" as they are sitting on $300 million and are frantically paranoid.

    -Doug in Oakland

  77. Anonymous9:24 PM

    A white man in Las Vegas killed at least 50 people and wounded another fifty plus.

    That was MORE THAN TWO YEARS AGO NOW (and involved some very strange, Deep State kind of stuff... like, the public still doesn't know exactly who the shooter was).  But in just THIS year so far we have:

    400 total homicides in Chicago:  http://heyjackass.com/
    156 homicides in St. Louis:  https://www.slmpd.org/images/Homicide_Stats_for_Website.pdf
    232 homicides in Baltimore:  https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2019/09/04/dozens-more-killed-in-baltimore-compared-to-this-time-last-year/
    162 homicides in Kansas City:  https://www.kshb.com/news/homicide-tracker
    87 in New Orleans YTD, if I'm reading this right:  https://public.tableau.com/profile/nola?_escaped_fragment_=/vizhome/MAX_0/TableofContents#!/vizhome/MAX_0/TableofContents

    I can't even find current figures for Detroit, they're buried under individual news stories.

    That's 1037 total in only FIVE cities JUST THIS YEAR... and you're obsessing about less than 1/20 that many two years ago.  You have a VERY selective focus.  You ignore all crimes except those committed by white men.

    Am I supposed to hold all white men in "deep contempt"?

    Obviously you do.  You go way out of your way to aim hate at all white men for the crime of one, while totally ignoring mountains of crimes by blacks.  Ironically, the victims in those cities are mostly black, and those black lives don't matter to you.  You could not care less about the heaps of bodies in ghettoes.  You only care about your precious virtue, which you preen by passing over black criminals and pronouncing them holy.

    Your hatred is illogical, dude.

    Your hatred is seething and blatant.  You hate white men.  You're not alone.  All the "wasicu wasteys" in Iowa have a minuscule homicide rate, but "mike from iowa" aims his hate exclusively at them and ignores criminal blacks.  PilotX is jealous of everything white men have built and wishes they would go away so he wouldn't be standing in the shadow of men like Sullenberger.  White men's towering achievements make him feel tiny... which he is, but he hates knowing it.  If white men were gone, he would lose everything he loves but he would still feel better.

    there is no other reason for such attitudes.

    14 words.

  78. Anonymous9:31 PM

    That Jackoff Wohl dude is working hard trying to be an even less convincing, dollar-store knockoff version of James O’Keefe. Which is about the absolute saddest life’s ambition I’ve ever heard of.

  79. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Trump now admits that he did ask Ukraine to smear Biden. And he’s now publicly asking China to work on smearing Biden, too.

    Basically, Trump’s new pitch is: Hey, China, help me slander my political opponent so I can get elected, and I’ll drop the tariffs I’ve slapped on your goods.

    Treasonous, despotic, and a tacit admission that he knows his xenophobic trade policies have failed: a trifecta of awfulness!
    5:02 PM


  80. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Resident Moron said...

    "\Miss Lindsey, PilotX, if I may be so bold."

    Pilot X is Miss Lindsey? Really? I thought he was Auburn Calloway.

  81. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Crazy liberal in New York says...

    To save the planet we must eat the babies.

    That's liberal thought clearly stated.

  82. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Trump’s teetering tower of dirty laundry is getting taller. A second whistleblower is coming forward to say that Trump tried to abuse his authority as president to interfere with an IRS audit of his tax returns.

    Well, that whole swamp-draining thing is going absolutely swimmingly, isn’t it?

  83. I forecast that political systems are converging on a perfect shit-storm.

    Field: you say "TRUMP 10 to 20"? Too lenient. Trump 20 to life.

  84. Field: On second thought, he's a sick old man, 10 to 20 will do.

  85. Vegas shooter was a Drumpfuck supporter, through and through, not deep state, which is an imaginary boogey man conjured up in wingnut fever dreams.

    He also wounded nearly 500, not 50.

  86. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Crazy liberal in New York says...

    To save the planet we must eat the babies.

    That's liberal thought clearly stated.

    11:22 PM

    Pro life Drumpf supporting group claimed responsibility for the made up lie about Libs. WAPO has the story behind a paywall.

  87. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/10/ex-trump-strategist-admits-deep-state-conspiracy-is-bogus-that-theory-is-for-nut-cases/

    Like I said, wingnut fever dream.

  88. Wasdicu wingnut ammosexual stands ground and kills son in law who jumped from behind a bush and scared his FIL. Nice shooting Willie Horton.


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