Friday, November 15, 2019

Bombshell after bombshell.

So this happened today:

"When Marie Yovanovitch, the former ambassador to Ukraine, testified on Capitol Hill Friday morning during the second day of impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump, it didn’t take the president long to send a tweet attacking her.

“Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad,” Trump wrote. “She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. it is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.”

Yovanovitch was ousted from her ambassadorship back in April after she apparently got in the way of Trump’s efforts to persuade the government of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.

Her testimony on Friday was clear, calm, and mostly unflattering to the Trump administration. “As Foreign Service professionals are being denigrated and undermined,” she told members of Congress, “the institution is also being degraded. This will soon cause real harm, if it hasn’t already.” [Source]

You read that correctly. The president of the United States was live- tweeting his impeachment hearing, and he tried to intimidate a witness via tweet while she was testifying. 

Needless to say that Mr. trump's behavior was despicable and bordering on criminal.

Job well done by Adam Schiff for calling out Mr. trump for the entire country to see. 

But let's see what happens. I suspect that the cult of trump will not be moved, and they will continue to go down this very dark road with Mr. trump no matter where it leads. 

This also happened:

"For decades, Roger J. Stone Jr. played politics as a kind of performance art, starring himself as a professional lord of mischief, as a friend once called him. He tossed bombs and spun tales from the political periphery with no real reckoning, burnishing a reputation as a dirty trickster.

On Friday morning, a reckoning arrived, the consequence of his efforts to sabotage a congressional investigation that threatened his longtime friend President Trump.

Mr. Stone, 67, was convicted in federal court of seven felonies for obstructing the congressional inquiry, lying to investigators under oath and trying to block the testimony of a witness whose account would have exposed his lies. Jurors deliberated for a little over seven hours before convicting him on all counts. Together, the charges carry a maximum prison term of 50 years.

In a last-minute bid for salvation, prosecutors said, Mr. Stone appealed to Mr. Trump for a pardon on Thursday, using a right-wing conspiracy theorist who runs the website Infowars as his proxy. Mr. Trump attacked the guilty verdict against Mr. Stone in a tweet on Friday but made no mention of a pardon." [Source]

I hope that the folks in the cult of trump see a pattern here. It never ends well for people who enable and act as sycophants for this crime chief. The people around him continue to fall like flies while he continues to walk free. 

Roger J. Stone joined that club today. The only sad thing about today's proceedings was that he was allowed to walk free and was not immediately taken into custody to await sentencing.  

Fortunately for Mr. Stone, whiteness still has its privileges. 


  1. So NOBODY can keep trump from tweeting? Is anyone else ready for an adult to take over? Yes? No? Maybe?

  2. Anonymous9:53 PM

    IOW, Roger Stone did not stand behind God-Emperor Trump, and does not enjoy his protection.

    Let that be a lesson to all of you.  Not that you are able to learn.

  3. So it's kinda interesting that on the day Fergus live tweeted intimidation about a testifying witness, Roger Stone was convicted of (along with six other felonies) witness intimidation, for which he might do twenty years.
    I wonder what his cell mates will think of the tattoo of Nixon on his back while they bugger him?

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous11:22 PM

    The biggest bombshells have been the fact that all three star witnesses said they had no indication of Trump committing a crime.

  5. Anonymous11:26 PM

    "Fortunately for Mr. Stone, whiteness still has its privileges."

    Like having a FBI swat team storm his house at 5:00 A.M. (after first getting CNN there to cover it live) to arrest him for obstruction of justice charges.

  6. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Brain-damaged Doug said...
    "Fergus live tweeted intimidation about a testifying witness"

    It’s not like Trump would drone assassinate an American citizen. He’s no Obama.

  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:54 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Brain-damaged Doug said...
    "Fergus live tweeted intimidation about a testifying witness"

    It’s not like Trump would drone assassinate an American citizen. He’s no Obama.

    11:29 PM
    Defect, defect, defect - that's all you Trump sycophants
    know how to do. Make sure you never ever try to defend him on the issues because you can't.

  8. Or invade Iraq, for that matter.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Claire McCaskill:
    "Shut up about the hearsay if you're blocking all of the witnesses."

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. "Like having a FBI swat team storm his house at 5:00 A.M. (after first getting CNN there to cover it live) to arrest him for obstruction of justice charges."

    Well, they could have just shot him in cold blood and just made up some story to justify it. Ooooooops.


    Interesting.🤔 Drunken fights and drive-by shootings that involve judges. Damn, I'm safer in Chicago with the top gang thugs.😆

  12. Beyond ridiculous. Republicans are interested in only raw power not democracy or the law. This asshat has never even tried a case and now he's a 40 year old federal judge. Shameless.

  13. Anonymous7:09 AM

    You mean, like the Dems put a clown with zero political history into the US Senate in 2004, and then nominated him for president despite zero executive experience?

    America sees the shenanigans even if you can't.

  14. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Doug "buggers" a lot.

  15. Stone makes it at least a Million members of drumpf's campaign to get convicted of criminal acts. He also colluded with wikileaks, so there is another proven case of collusion to go along with about a hundred others. Cue up the koyote kerfluffle in 3..2..1..

  16. The biggest bombshells have been the fact that all three star witnesses said they had no indication of Trump committing a crime.

    If that were true, Gomer, why the heavy assaults on the witnesses credibility?Why the attempt to intimidate Yovanovich?

    Why claim the potus has the absolute right to defend himself by lying about and trying to intimidate a witness?

    In order to believe anything drumpf says you'd have to totally ignore the truth.

  17. Right wing sites have re oackaged the debunked story about Russia giving the Clinto Foundation 145 million dollars. It wasn't true before and it isn't true now, but it sure ramps up a totally ignorant bunch of goofy fuckers that are too stoopid to be allowed to vote.

  18. Obama was just the remedy for America's daliance with stoopid fucking wingnuts like a couple of shrubs, Nixon, Fraud and Ronnie Raygun Raisin.

    Thanks to Obama's sacrifices and the blatant ugly racism he and his family endured from wingnuts, America slowly shook off the disasterous dumbass dub ya recession and started the economy on the upswing for the next 10 years, which drumpfuck wants sole credit for.

    Obama earned back much of America's credibility around the globe only to have another weorthless POS wingnut throw it all away again.

    PHUCK wingnuts and the pigs you rode in on.

  19. Here's another bombshell drumpf doesn't want you to know...

    70% of international bankruptcies are American companys.

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:37 AM

    Anonymous said...

    You mean, like the Dems put a clown with zero political history into the US Senate in 2004, and then nominated him for president despite zero executive experience?

    America sees the shenanigans even if you can't.

    7:09 AM
    Just more silly defection, and not even a truthful one. Obama served in the Illinois state legislature and in the United States Senate. Trump served in construction and in bankrupting casinos. Tell me, how do you bankrupt a casino?

  21. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "why the heavy assaults on the witnesses credibility?"

    None of the witnesses have had their credibility assaulted.

    Also interesting that none were involved with the call in question, nor had any even ever met Trump. They all admitted they had zero knowledge of any crimes committed by the President, and really had no real reason to be there.

    All were there apparently to assert that they were the ones who got to set foreign policy, not the elected President of the United States.

    "Why claim the potus has the absolute right to defend himself by lying about and trying to intimidate a witness?

    The President does have the right to defend himself against allegations levied in yet another sham investigation. Nothing he said about Yovanovitch was lie. She has been an ineffective diplomat wherever she has served. She is a holdover from the previous administration who was unwilling to follow the policy directives of the current administration, and is the kind of person who has contributed to the misguided and amoral actions of the US government that have caused so much trouble across the world for the past 30 years.

  22. "You mean, like the Dems put a clown with zero political history into the US Senate in 2004, and then nominated him for president despite zero executive experience?"You mean, like the Dems put a clown with zero political history into the US Senate in 2004, and then nominated him for president despite zero executive experience?"

    He was a state senator, a US Senator and then elected by the majority of Americans after getting his party's nomination. The Dems didn't "put" him anywhere. His Republican rival would have been a good opponent but his skeletons came dancing out of the closet. Also let's not pretend the GOP didn't make an unforced error by choosing an insane goofball as the VP candidate. As Gambler pointed out all you do is deflect because this is indefensible! Nominate a 40 year old with ZERO courtroom experience as a federal judge? In the second highest court in the land? No amount of false equivalences and deflection can excuse this. That is shameless. The GOP is a danger to the planet.

  23. "None of the witnesses have had their credibility assaulted."

    That's a stretch. You read his tweets right? The fact that the leader of the free world mean tweets like a 16 girl should be a scandal by itself. This is acceptable to anyone? Good god this is embarrassing.
    Yeah yeah I know......Obama blah blah blah.

  24. Anonymous11:54 AM

    The US State Department is at war with the White House. The State Department’s allies in the Democratic majority congress want to help overthrow the President because he’s interfering in the department’s foreign policy. The lifers at State are the same ones who executed a coup in 2014 against Ukraine’s government and threw out the elected president Victor Yanukovych because he tilted to join a Russian-backed regional customs union rather than NATO. They are old hands at coups. Now they’re at it at home, right here in the USA.

    The Swamp diplomats at State also have something to hide: Their exertions to connive with Ukraine government officials they controlled to interfere in the 2016 US presidential election in favor of their former boss, Mrs. Clinton.

    The president dispatched Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine because he rightly didn’t trust the State Department to get to the bottom of the Obama administrations collusion with Ukraine to influence the 2016 election.

    The current impeachment spectacle is an attempt to pitch a smokescreen over that embarrassing mess, which includes the CIA’s and FBI’s efforts to blame Russia for their own illegal interventions in the 2016 election — the heart of the three-year impeachment narrative. The Joe-and-Hunter Biden affair is just part of the shit they've been up to.

    Ukraine is a semi-failed state of our own making, used by the State Department as a launching pad for intrigues against the President of the United States. If only they can get rid of Mr. Trump, they could back to business as usual again.

  25. drumpf, pence screwdy rudy ran a smear campaign against a US Ambassador in good standing for thirty years of public service. Not a crime?

    drumpf blamed her for Somali civil war which was a blatant fucking lie. Not a crime?

    Taylor and Gates were both appointed by wingnuts. drumopf accused them of being never trumpers because Fake Noize told him to. Another lie. Another crime.

    Witness intimidation by the alleged leader of the free world who lied about it and his alleged right to defend himself by lying. Another crime.

    Drumpf flat out lied about his first phone call with Ukraine when he claimed they had discussed corruption. That was no where to be found in call transcript.

    drumpf asking for Ukraine to investigate Bidens in exchange for military aid is a crime.

    You wingnuts only have to ignore facts to believe drumpf. It only makes you moar stoopider fucking wingnuts.

  26. Uh oh, and another bombshell. Mark Sandy ignoring WH orders to not testify. OMB going rogue.

    Reminds me of the part in "Mississippi Burning" when the rattlesnakes started committing suicide.😆

  27. Anonymous12:07 PM

    “The lifers at State are the same ones who executed a coup in 2014 against Ukraine’s government and threw out the elected president Victor Yanukovych because he tilted to join a Russian-backed regional customs union rather than NATO.”

    Oh good, now, just to mix things up, some conspiracy theories straight from the Kremlin. Does Vladimir pay well for trolling? I mean, it’s not an admirable job, being a professional troll for a hostile foreign government, but I guess if you’re a dysfunctional reject with no quantifiable skills, you take what you can get.

  28. Colonel Vindman had his credibility and his patriotism assaulted.

  29. Politifact calls drumpf disparaging tweet about Yovanovich PANTS ON FIRE lies.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:44 PM

    The current impeachment spectacle is an attempt to pitch a smokescreen over that embarrassing mess, which includes the CIA’s and FBI’s efforts to blame Russia for their own illegal interventions in the 2016 election — the heart of the three-year impeachment narrative. The Joe-and-Hunter Biden affair is just part of the shit they've been up to.

    Ukraine is a semi-failed state of our own making, used by the State Department as a launching pad for intrigues against the President of the United States. If only they can get rid of Mr. Trump, they could back to business as usual again.

    11:54 AM
    Your alternate "reality" is pretty boring to read, since we've read or heard it many times before. It's pathetic - you have no (zero) evidence for your claims. Why don't you make up something new?

  31. Here be another bombshell. Watch a white pig squash a black quadruple amputee kid and lay on him waiting for the pin signal.

    Then they jump another black kid for filming them and smash his head in to a wall for the halibut. Both teens were arrested and though this event happened a few months ago, Phoenix law enforcement didn't kn ow the video existed until a news outfit asked them about it.

    Race relations in drumpf stoopid fucking wingnut racist land.

    Cops were probably pissed they couldn't handcuff and beat quadruple amputee.

  32. Anonymous1:25 PM

    moron from iowa said...
    "drumpf blamed her for Somali civil war which was a blatant fucking lie."

    He did not blame her for the civil war. That's a blatant fucking lie.

  33. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "Oh good, now, just to mix things up, some conspiracy theories straight from the Kremlin"

    LOL, this from a little boy who thinks Putin controls America.

    Documented US involvement in the 2014 Ukrainian coup in not a theory:

  34. Victoria Nuland1:36 PM

    "Fuck the EU"

  35. Who's hosting the impeachment party? I'll bring the adult beverages.😄

  36. The gutting of the state department is one of the largest and most important gifts Fergus has given Putin.
    And, by the way, the whole "Ukraine did it to help Hillary" lie came straight from Putin himself, as documented in the impeachment hearing yesterday.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. So they had to admit that zero miles of "wall" have been constructed, so to paraphrase Pink Floyd:

    All in all you're just another prick with no wall.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Anonymous4:51 PM

    "And, by the way, the whole "Ukraine did it to help Hillary" lie came straight from Putin himself"

    You people are beyond parody.

  39. Ivan Beatinov4:54 PM

    "And, by the way, the whole "Ukraine did it to help Hillary" lie came straight from Putin himself"

    BTW, the only bit of election interference that has been documented to have come from Putin is the disinformation that was the basis of the fake dossier.


    2. Bi-partisan senate intelligence report that details Russian election interference.☝🏾️

  40. Steele dossier isn't fake and none of it came from Pootie. You can lie and make shit up all you want, but Dems will get to the truth whether you accept it or not.

  41. "BTW, the only bit of election interference that has been documented to have come from Putin is the disinformation that was the basis of the fake dossier."

    Not according to US intelligence agencies.

  42. "but Dems will get to the truth whether you accept it or not."

    Truth is subjective, remember trump and his team operate with alternative facts.

  43. drumpf and his team flat lie and make shit up.

  44. Anonymous9:29 PM

    drumpf and his team flat lie and make shit up.

    Coming from people who lie and make shit up all the time, this is comedy gold.


  45. Two of the biggest coal fired power plants closed this month.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. But trump is gonna save the coal industry.🙄

  46. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Yay climate hoax costing people jobs!

  47. John Bel Edwards won.

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. Coming from people who lie and make shit up all the time, this is comedy gold.

    All you have to do to prove me wrong is prove your lie above. Good luck with that, unless you make shit up. Hold the popcorn, anymoose has butter brain freeze.

  49. Anonymous10:14 AM


  50. Anonymous10:16 AM

    The biggest bombshell will be when Trump wins in 2020 and proves yet again, that all political pundits are wrong about Trump.

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:30 AM

    Anonymous said...

    The biggest bombshell will be when Trump wins in 2020 and proves yet again, that all political pundits are wrong about Trump.

    10:16 AM

    I love your empty predictions! LOL!

  52. Wouldn't it be funny, when all is said and done, if Dems come right out and admit they had nothing to impeach drumpf, they just wanted to drive down his poll numbers, like wingnuts admitted after 5 useless Benghazi witch hunts?

    Of course there have been too many wingnut crooks indicted and convicted to say there is no there there and drumpf keeps tightening the noose around his own orange neck because he is too stoopid to listen to smart people, like lawyers (not that Drumopf has any smart lawyers).

  53. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:58 AM

    Democrats win Louisiana Governor's race in election setback for Trump

  54. Just watched Steve "duck you sucker" Scalise tell Chris Wallace aid to Ukraine was conditioned on them starting to go after corruption. Then Wallace says there was no mention of fighting corruption in either phone call between pathological lying drumpf and Ukraine's prez, Scalise squealed both participants said there were no conditions on sending aid.

    Every wingnut is a fucking liar. drumpf and his criminal enterprise brats being the worst.

  55. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:47 AM

    Mike from Iowa said....

    Just watched Steve "duck you sucker" Scalise tell Chris Wallace aid to Ukraine was conditioned on them starting to go after corruption.
    Mike, how can you bear to watch FOX? I had to gave them up when Obama was running in 2008.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 AM

    From Alternet this morning.

    Trump mocked after his Louisiana governor candidate goes down in flames: ‘The plague is more well-liked’

  57. Gambler, Chris Wallace has finally decided telling the truth will make him apopear more like his venerated Dad, the late Mike Wallace.

    Chris apparently had his Shepherd Smith come to reality moment.

    Besides, I only imbibed minute amounts of Fake Noize at any one time.

  58. Anonymous12:09 PM

    “Chris apparently had his Shepherd Smith come to reality moment.”

    If so, then, as with Smith, he will soon have his “go work somewhere else” moment. Fox News is not in the reality business.


  60. "Yay climate hoax costing people jobs!"

    New cleaner and less dangerous sources of energy are creating new jobs. That's something to cheer about.


  61. "The biggest bombshell will be when Trump wins in 2020 and proves yet again, that all political pundits are wrong about Trump."

    Very well could happen but if the Dems can grab the senate and keep the house it won't matter. trump would go crazy and quit.

  62. Anonymous1:43 PM


  63. Anonymous2:32 PM

    “New cleaner and less dangerous sources of energy are creating new jobs. That's something to cheer about.”

    The number of jobs created in cleaner forms of energy will dwarf any coal jobs destroyed.

    Not to mention, global warming policy isn’t the only driver of coal job destruction anyway. Technological development has destroyed lots of those jobs — better equipment means mining can be done with fewer people. And the cost of other sources of energy has also come down, so coal isn’t really economical as a product anymore. There are a decreasing number of people who want to even buy coal, even without “big government” telling them not to.

    Trump said he could do something to save coal miners’ jobs, but he never could have. He lied, as usual.

  64. Russia has complete control of airbases drumpf abandoned in syria. Plus all the equipment left with special affection to Vlad from cocksucker Donnie.

  65. Venice city hall flooded shortly after Venice council voted to deny global warning. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  66. Here's another massive bombshell. The cease fire between Turkey and Kurds drumpf claimed he was responsible for doesn't exist.

    Just as many of us suspected it was a ruse to get American protection out of the way so Kurds can be wiped out. But turkey is ur great ally mumbled drumpf with his mouth full of pootie's pee pee tail.

  67. Anonymous5:01 PM


    Donnie says fuck them Kurds. Go ahead and have some weapons, Turkey.

  68. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    1:43 PM

    With what???

  69. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I love your empty predictions! LOL!
    10:30 AM

    That's what you said the first time and Trump got elected!!


  70. Anonymous5:58 PM

    This cold weather sure punches a hole in climate change non-sense....

  71. "That's what you said the first time and Trump got elected!!"

    Romney in a landslide! We all make incorrect predictions.


  72. "This cold weather sure punches a hole in climate change non-sense...."

    Not so much eh?


  74. With what???

    Bribing a foreign country to dig up dirt on closest political rival.
    Lying about crimes they were told Biden's committed, without a scintilla of evidence.
    Witness intimidation in real time.
    Defaming career civil servants with exemplary service, including Army colonel.
    Lying to the American people about Russia's attempts to rig election.
    Lying over and over again about his campaign members colluding with Russia to effect election.
    Lies about emolument clause violations.
    Being baby soft on Russia and Turkey.
    Pardoning war criminals.
    Kowtowing to Li'l Kim again by cancelling military exercises with S Korea.
    Destroying every trade relation with every country and lying about it.
    Manipulating the bond market with lies about done trade deals.
    And lastly for being an orange POS who has never told the truth in his life.

  75. Don't forget obstruction of justice and perjury as soon as he gets questioned under oath.

    Then there was the possibility of holding out pardons if witnesses didn't cooperate. Moar bribery.

  76. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Mike, you forgot these:

    Violating the constitutional separation of powers and the intent of the National Emergencies Act so he could find money to try to build his dumb wall. The president can't spend money Congress hasn't allocated, ever. It was not legal for Trump to just declare a "national border emergency" to build an anti-immigrant wall without congressional approval, any more than, say, President Bernie Sanders could just declare a "national education emergency" and give every American young person free college without educational approval. This is impeachable all by itself.

    Violating the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution through numerous racist/bigoted actions, starting with his famous Muslim Ban. This also falls into the Bye-Bye Trump category.

    Abusing federal regulatory power to punish his political enemies, such as: Pushing the postmaster general to double rates on Amazon (owned by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Trump-critical Washington Post), and the Defense Department holding up a $10 billion contract with Amazon, almost certainly at his behest. Ordering his officials to block the AT&T–Time Warner merger as punishment for CNN’s coverage of him. (H/T Jon Chait)

    Inciting his followers to commit violence against his enemies, most notably at his rallies, but on many other occasions as well.

    Oh, and if you really want to go for the gusto, having horrifically bad personal character:
    his incessant lying, commission of proven fraud through his businesses and charities, being a sexual predator.

  77. Anonymous7:13 PM

    * free college without congressional approval

  78. drumpf again trying o influence testimony and intimidate another career foreign service officer.

    Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump on Sunday lashed out at a State Department employee who is set to testify publicly this week before lawmakers, the latest in a series of social media attacks made by the President against those cooperating in the House impeachment inquiry.

    Jennifer Williams, an aide to Vice President Mike Pence and a career foreign service officer, is scheduled to appear before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. In his Sunday tweet, Trump resurfaced an unfounded accusation he has raised against other officials who have testified in the probe, characterizing Williams as a Never Trumper and associating her with other "Never Trumpers."

    Thanks, Anon, i couldn't remember every one of drumpf's criminal activities. It is good to have others who help remember.

  79. I guess the proper criminal charge would be witness tampering. Hang the son of a bitch.


    Bravo drumpfuck.

  81. Anonymous7:57 PM

    It was not legal for Trump to just declare a "national border emergency" to build an anti-immigrant wall without congressional approval

    Of course it was.  Per Article 4 section IV, one of the CONSTITUTIONAL DUTIES of the President is to protect the States against invasion.  Trump could have called the troops home from Syria and had them SHOOT anyone trying to cross illegally; his powers certainly extend to having the Army Corps of Engineers or contractors put up passive means of blocking them.

    But you clowns quit having respect for anything so trivial as the Constitution ages ago.  You only hate America and Americans, and anything that hurts them is good by you.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:36 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I love your empty predictions! LOL!
    10:30 AM

    That's what you said the first time and Trump got elected!!


    5:56 PM
    Nope, I didn't say that. Either you are lying, or you are the one who is delusional.

  83. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:57 PM

    PilotX said..........

    Not so much eh?

    6:06 PM
    These climate deniers do not believe in facts. If they look out the window and it's snowing, they think it's snowing everywhere on the earth. Perhaps they also think the earth is flat.
    Average temperature charts for the entire planet over the last hundred years are readily available on Google. But climate deniers will not look at them because God forbid, they might see some facts!

  84. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:11 PM

    Anonymous said.....

    Of course it was. Per Article 4 section IV, one of the CONSTITUTIONAL DUTIES of the President is to protect the States against invasion.

    7:57 PM
    Invasion? There was no invasion and you know it. Instead there was an influx of people seeking asylum because of intolerable conditions in their home countries. Trump's power grab is unconstitutional and everybody but you knows it.

  85. Coal plants are closing because they are more expensive to operate than natural gas plants. No left wing conspiracy, just free market economics.
    We'll all be paying the price for not acting sooner when it was still possible to prevent the worst of the damage, but the old rich white guys who stopped any serious action will all be dead when the worst of it rolls around.
    It's gonna be horrific, but at least those fucks will be dead.

    -Doug in Oakland



    Numbnuts and Stefanik staged a mini drama to try to run the impeachment hearing off the rails and they got called on it. Wingnuts are too stoopid to do anything useful.

  88. But just watch Gambler, when warming becomes more dire the Republicans will say they were doing everything they could to stop it and it was liburls who stopped em. Just wait.

  89. Favorite grope toy claims mortification as she laughs at Barren teasing her brat at inauguration.

    I alwways laugh when I'm mortified, as well. Especially on camera.

  90. Anonymous10:13 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  91. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:11 AM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    10:13 AM
    Anyone but Trump 2020!!

  92. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:13 AM

    My dog, Spot 2020!!

    He'd make a better president than Trump!

  93. drumpf 2020? I'd say he weighs at least that much. probably a tonne moar.


    Meanwhile, in San Diego wasicu shoots wife and four kids under eleven and himself. One kid may survive.

    In fresno 4 Asian men were killed by unknown shooters at an outside football watching party. 10 others wounded.

  95. Another wingnut lie exposed by darn old research from liberal arts schools.

  96. drumpfuck the dumbfuck, lock his orange ass up and throw away the keys.

  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:38 PM

    Mike in Iowa said.....

    Meanwhile, in San Diego wasicu shoots wife and four kids under eleven and himself. One kid may survive.

    In fresno 4 Asian men were killed by unknown shooters at an outside football watching party. 10 others wounded.

    11:24 AM
    Gee, Mike, are you trying to say that it's not only black men who commit violent crimes? How shocking! One would never know that after reading the crap white-supremacist trolls post here!

  98. I plead guilty as charged, Gambler. I did it and I am prowd I did it.

  99. Of course one thing drumpf will never be accused of is having black crooks around him.

  100. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:08 PM

    Mike, I'm proud you did it too.

  101. Get a load of this....

    State of South Dakota's new advertising slogan and they pay big bucks for this shit. Can't fix stoopid.

  102. Anonymous6:11 PM

    In fresno 4 Asian men were killed by unknown shooters at an outside football watching party.

    Confirmed to be Hmong.  They were violent savages in Laos and the "magic dirt" of the USA didn't change them one bit.

  103. The Hmong were valuable assets/allies for troops in Viet Nam. They were allowed to come to America to protect them from reprisals by commies.

  104. drumpfuck and SOS Pompuss A-hole cite Raygun decision that Israeli settlements in occupied territory are not illegal, although International law clearly states they are.

    Another slap at Palestinians and Middle East peace.

  105. Moar troublr for drumpfuck....

    Another crime to be investigated. Tired of all the winning, yet?

  106. If Fergus wanted Hillary in prison he should have hired her to work in his administration.

    -Doug in Oakland

  107. That is phucking phunny, Doug, and likely true.


    We find out why Solomon was allowed to put out his conspiracy bullshit on the HILL.

  109. Mike Fucka hucksterbee says it is tragic chick fil a is focusing on education, homelessness, and hunger, instead of anti-LGBTQ issues.

    Sounds like a typical right wing phony kristian to me.

  110. Moar funnies. Michelle malkin was fired by a conservative group for being, wait for it.... too racist. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  111. Wingnuts hid this scandal from Dem senators...

  112. 2 years after Vegas slaughter, the 59th victim, a woman from California has died. Good things guns don't kill.

    1. "Good things guns don't kill."

      It's the bullets.

  113. He only hires the best people.😖

  114. Laurie Anderson said it's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole.

    -Doug in Oakland

  115. Wingnuts best witness turned on them and Numbnuts and Jordan started hollering for a tit to suck on. Stoopid bastards can't do anything competently.

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:03 PM

    Mike from Iowa said......

    "Wingnuts best witness turned on them and Numbnuts and Jordan started hollering for a tit to suck on. Stoopid bastards can't do anything competently."
    Yes, I noticed that too. Also they don't realize that Jordon;s rude, overbearing attitude does not impress many people favorably. They don't seem to understand that this part of the impeachment process is in-part a public relations war, and they seem to be losing.

    5:41 PM
