Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Impeachment day in America.

Image result for impeachment images
Today was impeachment day in America. And for the first time Americans could watch the proceedings live on television.

Two career diplomats pretty much told America that the American president was involved in a scheme to bribe a foreign country to meddle in America's elections, and then he participated in a conspiracy to cover it all up.

Sadly, this won't move the needle very much when it comes to sentiments among the partisans. Republicans will continue to say that trump did nothing wrong (in spite of all the evidence to the contrary) and democrats will continue to marvel at just how deep the cult of trump goes.

But as important as the impeachment news was today, there is other news coming out of Washington which was just as appalling.

For instance, those white nationalist and racist e-mails that were sent by White House adviser, Stephen Miller.

  "WASHINGTON – Stephen Miller, a senior White House policy adviser, pushed white nationalist material to staffers at Breitbart, a right-wing website, through 2015 and leading up to the 2016 election, according to a report published by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The report released by the SPLC is the first installment in a series. More than 900 emails between Miller and Breitbart were examined by SPLC’s Hatewatch. “More than 80 percent” of the emails “relate to or appear on threads relating to the subjects of race or immigration,” the report says.
Miller is one of Trump’s main influences on immigration policies, including restrictions on travel from Muslim majority countries and family separation policies at the southern border. "

There is more to the story. And the more you read it the more you realize that our country is being run by some scary people. The president's right hand policy adviser pushing e-mails with links to white supremacist websites should remind us all why we all fear this administration in the first place. 
Then these was this doozy of a story.

"She claimed to be a Harvard graduate, but she was not. She also greatly expanded the depth of her nonprofit’s scope. When Congress began to question her resume as part of an even larger government job with a one billion-plus dollar budget, that was when things began to unravel.

She lied about being part of a U.N. panel, saying she had spoken at “both Democratic and Republican national conventions and implied she had testified before Congress.”

Her current job in the Trump administration called for her to help manage conflict prevention in politically unstable countries. Her salary is six figures, and she managed a six million dollar budget. She would be required to have a top-secret security clearance for that position, but whether she had one was not clear.

On her State official biography. she claimed to be a graduate of Harvard Business School. She only attended a seven-week course in 2016. She also said she graduated from an Army War College program. Instead, she attended a four-day seminar on national security. She did have an undergraduate degree from an unaccredited Christian School with volunteer teachers, the University of the Nations."' [Source]

The woman even had a phony Time Magazine cover for crying out loud. If it sounds familiar it's because the man she was working for did the same thing. 

The she article is referring to is a senior White House aide to the president, and her name is Mina Chang. And what she did fits a pattern of behavior in this trump administration: Lies, half-truths, evasion, and deceit.

The trump administration came into power promising to drain the swamp. From the looks of it they jumped in the swamp rather than doing anything to drain it.

*Image from the


  1. Derp State10:12 PM

    Today exposed what a farce this whole impeachment inquiry was.

    No crime was committed.

    No ethics were violated, as the President has a duty to investigate corruption.

    No quid pro quo could have been offered, because the Ukrainians didn't even know aid had been temporarily delayed.

    Trump has actually provided much more substantive military aid to Ukraine than Obama ever did.

    Bill Taylor said he began to "fear" this summer that the policy of providing "military assistance" to Ukraine was shifting, and was "troubled" by Trump allegedly saying that he didn't want to provide the aid. Who's charged with making the policy in this scenario, Taylor or Trump?

    The obvious ideological dimension of this affair is that career national security officials -- who spent decades inculcated with a Cold War mentality -- were deeply committed to countering "Russian aggression," and were highly troubled when that was temporarily interrupted.

    The President is being impeached over policy disagreements.

    You, and the DC establishment need to accept the fact that elections have consequences.

    Case closed. See you in November of 2020.

  2. No we will see you tomorrow impeachment baby
    Never seen a more innocent man than Trump how come you all are running scared lol
    Defend him if you must but if you can not discern the despicable nature of trump well then you are as deplorable as the president thanks for outing yourself

  3. Anonymous11:01 PM

    "The woman even had a phony Time Magazine cover for crying out loud. If it sounds familiar it's because the man she was working for did the same thing."

    Trump was probably really impressed at how "enterprising" she is. Hey, maybe she could teach a class on get-rich-quick schemes at Trump U. Or run a phony charitable foundation. Important things like that.

    And we already knew Stephen Miller was a racist (as are former Trump flunkies Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, Jeff Sessions, etc). These emails just help detail exactly how racist he is. Answer: EXTREMELY racist.

    But this is who you'd expect to be working for Trump. They're grifters and hatemongers, just like their boss.

  4. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:14 PM

    Derp State said...

    "Today exposed what a farce this whole impeachment inquiry was."
    Derp, it's difficult for to imagine why you posted this drivel here on this blog. Don't you know that most of the folks here are aware of right-wing-talking points, conservative spin, and constant lies? But I guess if you want to waste your time here, please proceed.

  5. Trump could never drain the swamp. He's Swamp Thing.

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Facebook deleted 3.2 billion fake accounts over a six-month period this year. That's billion with a "b."

    I guess that means the Russians and the wingnuts have been busy little beavers. :-D

  7. Two bit wannabe mobsters and common grifters are all Fergus has to choose from in staffing his crime scene of an administration.
    That is one reason why it was a bad idea to install anyone as corrupt and unserious as Fergus in the presidency.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Wow, not surprising because he only hires the "best" people.😂 On another note we all know the senate will never convict which is why the 2020 elections are so important. The Dems need to focus like a laser on the senate so that even if orange foolius wins he can't really do too much more damage. I guarantee if the senate goes Dems and they keep the House trump will go crazy and quit and it will be fun to watch.


    Jim Jordan embarrasses himself, as we knew would happen, and it's hilarious! The GOP is dominated by halfwits and worse. 😂

  10. Anonymous12:15 AM

    "The Dems need to focus like a laser on the senate so that even if orange foolius wins he can't really do too much more damage. I guarantee if the senate goes Dems and they keep the House trump will go crazy and quit and it will be fun to watch."

    The Dems also need to win some goddamn state legislative elections. If they don't, Republicans will be in charge of the next redistricting (coming in 2021), and they'll rig all the state and congressional districts in their favor for yet another decade.

    At some point, we need to reform the entire redistricting process so an algorithm draws the boundaries. Enough of this undemocratic gerrymandering garbage.

  11. Anonymous8:42 AM

    those white nationalist and racist e-mils [sic]

    If you weren't using those scare-words, we'd know he was a liebural like you.

  12. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Black, face-tatted drug dealer uses his own toddler son as a human shield.  Kid took 4 bullets.  Sperm donor (can't say he's much of a father) dumped the kid at the hospital and left.

    But instead of dealing with things like this, you're all screeching about Orange Man Bad.  Tell us again how Black Lives Matter?  Because they obviously don't matter to you.

  13. Deep state must be drumopf. He started out lying and then kicked it into high gear all the way through. he depended on lies from wingnuts about Obama's military aid to Ukraine. But, that is all you get from drumpf dummies.

  14. Anonymous10:13 AM

    White, mother kills her own kid by having such high levels of meth in her system the kid OD's on her breast milk.

    But instead of dealing with things like this you're all on negro blogs screeching about others while ignoring your own issues. Tell us again how all lives matter? Because obviously they don't to you.

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:16 AM

    Anonymous said...

    White, mother kills her own kid by having such high levels of meth in her system the kid OD's on her breast milk.

    But instead of dealing with things like this you're all on negro blogs screeching about others while ignoring your own issues. Tell us again how all lives matter? Because obviously they don't to you.

    10:13 AM
    I agree. Seems they only want to criticize others and never look at their own sins.

  16. Anonymous11:24 AM

    FN: "And for the first time Americans could watch the proceedings live on television."

    All Kabuki theater by the progressives....

  17. Anonymous11:26 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  18. drumpf lost another court appeal on taxes. Court says drumpf must turn them over to Congress. drumpf is now about 0fer. This will likely all change when he gets 5 hand picked right wing activist kooks in the SPOTUS to save his orange ass. After all, why did he pick ideologues?


  19. The Dems also need to win some goddamn state legislative elections. If they don't, Republicans will be in charge of the next redistricting (coming in 2021), and they'll rig all the state and congressional districts in their favor for yet another decade.

    The problem already is how badly drawn state's districts are so they favor the minority wingnuts.

    SCOTUS recently weighed in and said states can settle their borders their own way, even though precedent had courts previously prevented dedicated harm to minority voters and Roberts himself tossed that ruling under the bus claiming there was no more discrimination simply because more blacks and minorities were voting.

  20. "All Kabuki theater by the progressives...."

    Almost fitting for our first reality tv President.

  21. Jordan made the usual ass out of himself, first by denying he had no knowledge of OSU team doctor buggering male wrestlers and then walked into it by suggesting they bring the one guy responsible for this mess to testify.

    Jordan got his wish when a Dem asked drumopf to commit perjury over and over again. I wonder how many times drumpf can perjure himself and wingnuts could still ignore the crime? I don't think there is a specific limit. No other criminal acts by drumpf have elicited much concern from stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    Get used to drumpf barely making one term un less the second term is life without parole.


    Second source claims to have overheard drumpfuck the dumbfuck and Sonlund.

    Last nail for the coffin on its way.

  23. Lieburals have no reading comprehension1:08 PM

    White, mother kills her own kid by having such high levels of meth in her system the kid OD's on her breast milk.

    Real article:

    From the article:  "By the time authorities arrived, the child had regained consciousness and was being treated."

    In other words, very much NOT dead.

    But instead of dealing with things like this you're all on negro blogs screeching about others while ignoring your own issues. Tell us again how all lives matter? Because obviously they don't to you.

    From the article:  "Alyssa Murch, 20, is set to appear in court in February. She is charged with aggravated furnishing of drugs and endangering the welfare of a child."

    And the kid is no doubt in foster care too.  So we've protected the kid, and punishing the mom for being stupid.  Oh, and we're not calling anyone "racist" for actually taking those steps, the way YOU would if the mom was black.

    Part of "white privilege" is being condemned for doing things blacks can do with impunity.

  24. Who care whether she took meth or the child died or didn't, stoopid fucking wingnuts want to know did she collude with Ukraine to elect HRC.

  25. Hey wingnuts, why is drumopf attacking witnesses? He didn't watch the hearings so he has no first hand knowledge of what they said. He is depending on hearsay and made up shit from his usual lying sources.

  26. Fake Noize big scoop on the hearings was the three water bottles George Kent drank from. That is it.

  27. Now you know why drumpf loves him some Boris Johnson.... Boris Johnson called gay men 'tank-topped bumboys' and black people 'piccaninnies' with 'watermelon smiles'
    Adam Bienkov Nov 10, 2019, 3:48 AM

  28. Anonymous2:12 PM

    “SCOTUS recently weighed in and said states can settle their borders their own way, even worse though precedent had courts previously prevented dedicated harm to minority voters and Roberts himself tossed that ruling under the bus claiming there was no more discrimination simply because more blacks and minorities were voting.”

    If you’re referring to the Shelby v Holder decision, that’s not exactly what happened.

    In that case, SCOTUS (ridiculously) decided that the South wasn’t racist anymore and it was mean to them to suggest otherwise, and therefore the court effectively struck down Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This was the provision that required the extra-racist parts of the US (the South, mostly) to have any redistricting plans pre-approved by the federal government before they were allowed to take effect, to ensure they were not pulling a fast one by gerrymandering in a specifically racist way to weaken the POC vote.

    Even without Section 5, however, it is still illegal to racially gerrymander. It’s just that now the whole process of fighting racial gerrymandering is a much bigger headache because every time Republicans try it, Democrats have to file a separate lawsuit to stop it going into effect, since the automatic federal pre-approval requirement that Southerners so hated has gone away.

  29. Anonymous2:23 PM

    “Part of ‘white privilege’ is being condemned for doing things blacks can do with impunity.”

    Only in your hallucinatory racist fantasy world can black people neglect or abuse their kids “with impunity.” Back in the real world, black parents who do this have their kids taken away and/or go to jail.

  30. Anonymous2:34 PM

    White privilege = Black dysfunction

  31. Mollie2:45 PM

    The media's full-throated participation in the Russia collusion hoax and anti-Kavanaugh efforts utterly destroyed their waning credibility. They seem shocked, today, to discover that many people aren't buying what they're selling in their latest effort. Really fascinating to observe.

  32. Seasoned Diplomat3:14 PM

    Jim Jordan and the other Republicans on the Intel Committee did a brilliant job yesterday. They clearly highlighted the gaping holes in the Democrats' argument and established the unreal levels of hearsay involved.

    No two ways about it: Yesterday was a MAJOR setback for the unfounded impeachment fantasy.

  33. Mollie, you ignorant what? Kavernmouth was guilty of everything Blasey Ford said about him. The last FBI report that wasn't allowed as evidence backed her up on his drunken, boorish behavior, bvut they decided his past should not be held against him since wingnuts withheld 100k pages of evidence and gave kavernmouth a pass anyway.

    Keep right on believing there was no collusion, although there is all kinds of evidence for that and obstruction. go right on foolishly believing perjuring drunk kavernmouth got a raw deal. He sure did. He should not have a lifetime cushy job where he and his bosom buds can fuck American citizens over according to their phony religious beliefs and for the fact he promised he would make detractors pay for outing his worthless hide.

  34. "Kavernmouth was guilty of everything Blasey Ford said about him."

    Is mike delusional or retarded?

    YOU make the call!

  35. IBM, why are you stoopid fucking wingnuts afraid to look atb the FBI report that wasn't released? Because it backs up what Blasey Ford said. Kavernnmouth was a falling down stinking obnoxious drunk.

    Why did wingnuts withhold critical evidence? Why didn't they interview witnesses who came forward with stories about Kavernmouth, people who went to school with him? Because, like Miss Lindsey Graham their minds were made up to seat this unqualified scumbag because of his ideology.

  36. Anonymous5:10 PM

    In your fantasy:

    Only in your hallucinatory racist fantasy world can black people neglect or abuse their kids “with impunity.”

    In real life, in Detroit:

    "Inside a white deep freezer located in the living room of the home, was the frozen body of a teenage girl wrapped in a large plastic bag. When police arrived, they made yet another discovery: the body of a boy right underneath her."

    "The medical examiner ruled their deaths homicides and determined that they had been in the freezer for at least a couple of years."

    Nobody "snitched" when Stephen Berry disappeared in August 2012.  Nobody bothered to look when Stoni Blair stopped going to school, stopped being around the 'hood.  Because "the police are the problem", and "being suspicious of blacks is racist."

    Mitchelle Blair would be a free woman today if she had been smart enough to just dispose of the bodies, instead of leaving them in that chest freezer.  Because "asking too many questions about black people's activities is racist."  Blacks don't care about black lives.  Nobody else should either.

  37. Anonymous5:49 PM

    “Nobody ‘snitched’ when Stephen Berry disappeared in August 2012. Nobody bothered to look when Stoni Blair stopped going to school, stopped being around the 'hood. Because ‘the police are the problem’”

    Yup. In some areas, the police ARE the problem. They are racist. And where that is true, why would you be surprised that black people don’t talk to them?

    Also, in many bad neighborhoods, gangs are powerful enough that they can threaten witnesses into silence.

    You view this through a warped racist lens that says black people never report crime, and it’s because they think crime is great! Hooray for crime!

    Total bullshit.

  38. So that stoopid bastard drumpf stands next to killer Erdogan from Turkey and spouts how good our relations withn then Kurds are and how good Erdogan's relations with Kurds are. What a complete retarded stoopid fucking piece of dung heap garbage drumpf is.

  39. I made the call!7:40 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "IBM, why are you stoopid fucking wingnuts afraid to look atb the FBI report that wasn't released?"

    Definitely retarded.

  40. From Taegan Goddard:

    Ohio Moves Bill to Allow Students to Be Wrong on Science

    November 14, 2019 at 4:08 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 411 Comments

    WKRC: “The Ohio House on Wednesday passed the ‘Student Religious Liberties Act.’ Under the law, students can’t be penalized if their work is scientifically wrong as long as the reasoning is because of their religious beliefs.”

    “Every Republican in the House supported the bill. It now moves to the Republican-controlled Senate.”

    And that is how Republicans are working to destroy America.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. Too dumb to keep her lies straight7:46 PM

    Alexandria Donkey-Chompers: The Goal of This Fake Impeachment Is to Unite the Competing Factions of the Democrat Party to Avoid a "Potentially Disastrous Outcome" In Next Year's Elections

    "At the end of the day, we have to be able to come together as a caucus and if it is this Ukrainian allegation that is what brings the caucus together, um, then I think we have to run with however we unify the House," Ocasio-Cortez said.

    "We also need to move quite quickly because we’re talking about the potential compromise of the 2020 elections," Ocasio-Cortez continued. "And so this is not just about something that has occurred; this is about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occurring next year."

  42. Anonymous7:51 PM

    "Ohio Moves Bill to Allow Students to Be Wrong on Science"

    Every school in America teaches students students to be wrong on science, telling them to deny evolution and believe their are no racial differences in intelligence.

  43. Bevin concedes. Three cheers for objective reality!

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. "Every school in America teaches students students to be wrong on science."

    But what about the students? Why just the students students?

    -Doug in Oakland

  45. Anonymous8:46 PM

    In some areas, the police ARE the problem. They are racist.

    In Detoilet, the police ARE black.  If they are "racist", it is because they have seen just how low blacks can sink, and it disgusts them.

    When "your people" even disgust black cops, something is wrong with you.  Most people know what it is... but you call it "racism".

    Except when the disgusted are black; then you call them "Uncle Toms".

    That does not make them wrong.  But you are ALWAYS wrong.

  46. This is what happens when you allow Republicans to be in charge.😖

    1. "House Bill 164 passed by a vote of 61-3. Every Republican in the House supported the bill. It now moves to the Republican-controlled Senate."

  47. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:08 PM

    Seasoned Diplomat said...

    Jim Jordan and the other Republicans on the Intel Committee did a brilliant job yesterday. They clearly highlighted the gaping holes in the Democrats' argument and established the unreal levels of hearsay involved.

    No two ways about it: Yesterday was a MAJOR setback for the unfounded impeachment fantasy.

    3:14 PM
    I hope you are happy in your fantasy world. About 80 percent of the electorate which includes all Democrat, most Independents and some Republicans without their heads up Trump's ass do not see it your way.

  48. Anonymous9:12 PM

    when you allow Republicans to be in charge.

    You get something resembling sanity.

    When you allow Lieburals to be in charge, you get The Terrors.

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:22 PM

    Anonymous said...

    When "your people" even disgust black cops, something is wrong with you. Most people know what it is... but you call it "racism".

    8:46 PM
    I think you are over generalizing. There are lots of white cops who are disgusted by white kids and plenty of white kids who don't like white cops. But you racist folks are always looking at others, never seeing your own bias.

  50. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    when you allow Republicans to be in charge.

    You get something resembling sanity.

    When you allow Lieburals to be in charge, you get The Terrors.

    9:12 PM
    What the hell? Republicans should never be in charge. They don't know how to govern. They screw up everything they touch. We had eight years of George Bush who screwed up the economy so bad we had a depression, And he started two needless wars, attacked the wrong country after 9/11, and generally played the idiot. Now we have Trump who is much worse.

    By the way: liberal is spelled l-i-b-e-r-a-l. Too bad you didn't learn how to spell in school, if you went to school.

  51. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:38 PM

    From the front page of Huffpost tonight:

    W.H. Budget Official Will Testify In Impeachment Probe If Subpoenaed: Lawyer

  52. "House Bill 164 passed by a vote of 61-3. Every Republican in the House supported the bill. It now moves to the Republican-controlled Senate."

    Is this the sanity to which you refer? Science answers that don't have to be correct because Jeezus? Republicans are a danger to themselves and the world.

  53. Now it makes sense Gambler.🤔



  55. Bloviating Ignoramus10:55 PM

    Space Cowboy wants to be an honorary Nazi. Here is a news flash for you Steve Miller. You are a Jew. You are a useful idiot. You can lick their balls dry they still hate your guts.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:57 PM

    Great website, PilotX. Thanks!

  57. Hey Doug, just left the Booker T. Jones show. Great! His son is a killer guitar player.👍🏾

  58. Ted is one hell of a guitar player, as well he should be considering his family and background, but in the little I've heard from him I really like his attitude.
    He kinda makes me wish I still had my Tele...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Those Memphis boys love their telies.

  59. I can't say if it was the same woman. But just before the unexpected closure of the Disqus Channels, once or twice I engaged a somewhat charming conservative woman who claimed to be of Mexican-American heritage. Her Disqus screen name was simply Mina.

    We clashed once or twice but had some interesting points of agreement. In particular she "liked" my suggestion of drinking an entire pitcher of Tijuana 1947 Margaritas made with Cuervo and Grand Marnier to blot out or fire up the 2020 general election whichever direction it headed. I quoted the recipe and suggested, "hope like hell your side wins."

    Maybe it was her. I would like to think so. Immoral republicans that would lie to get ahead in life are not inherently bad people.

  60. Too dumb to keep her lies straight said..

    That would be drumpf's favorite grope toy, known as pathological lying daughter 1, Ivanka. Like father like pathological lying daughter.

  61. Anonymous10:03 AM


  62. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Three violent negroes ejected after nasty brawl tarnishes end of Steelers-Browns:

  63. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Republicans are a danger to themselves and the world.
    9:42 PM

    Democrats/Progressives: Communist/Nazi

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:11 AM

    Anonymous said...


    10:03 AM

    What is the point of this post? Anyone??????

  65. Anonymous10:11 AM

    The impeachment hearings (witch hunt) are not going well for the Democrats, things are really blowing up in their faces.

  66. Anonymous10:12 AM

    What is the point of this post? Anyone??????
    10:11 AM


  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:45 AM

    Anonymous said...

    What is the point of this post? Anyone??????
    10:11 AM

    " VERITAS"

    10:12 AM
    Truth about what?

  68. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:48 AM

    Anonymous said...

    The impeachment hearings (witch hunt) are not going well for the Democrats, things are really blowing up in their faces.

    10:11 AM
    Only if you watch FOX News and nothing else. The sane 70 percent of the country does not agree with your analysis.

  69. drumpf fucking dumbfuckers are desperate to spin the hearings in drumpf's favor, all the while knowing he is guilty of sins far worse than bribery and lying. He has dirty meat hooks in him from all manner of despicable, deplorable wealthy trash from all over eastern Europe, including Pootie and Kazakistan and Ukraine.

    The evidence will prove drumpf's guilt beyond a shadow of doubt and wingnut sinators will completely ignore it because HRC had emails.

    And for McCabe, DOJ apparently have no actionable charges against him and the judge has no patience with the Fed. Either charge him or set him free.
    The judge is pretty sure the frd lied to him to keep FOIA requests unfilled.

  70. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:51 AM

    Transcript Shows WH Made Up Details of Trump’s Zelensky Call

    The transcript released on Friday doesn’t even mention the word “corruption.”
    From the front page of The Daily Beast today.

    Trump is a liar, liar, pants on fire.

  71. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:54 AM

    Russia Takes Over Vacated U.S. Air Base in Northern Syria

    Footage aired on Russian TV reportedly shows U.S. equipment th
    at had been left behind after President Trump's order to withdraw.
    Thanks, Trump, for betraying us once again.

  72. "After the election I'll have more flexibility"11:07 AM

    Barack Obama gave Ukrainians blankets to stay warm before they were killed at Donetsk.

    Donald Trump gave them lethal military aid.

    But Trump's the one controlled by Russia.

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:08 PM

    "After the election I'll have more flexibility" said...

    Barack Obama gave Ukrainians blankets to stay warm before they were killed at Donetsk.

    Donald Trump gave them lethal military aid.

    But Trump's the one controlled by Russia.

    11:07 AM
    Deflect, deflect, deflect. How come you right-wingers refuse to respond to proof of Trump's crimes? It's always" But Obama did...., or Hillary had emails.....,or the Clin†on nauseam.

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:14 PM

    "After the election I'll have more flexibility" said...

    "Barack Obama gave Ukrainians blankets to stay warm before they were killed at Donetsk."
    Congress almost doubled the amount of aid provided to Ukraine during President Barack Obama’s eight years in the White House, supplying $2.1 billion.

    The amount began to spike in 2010 -- the same year that Ukraine held a presidential election. But the biggest jump came between 2015 and 2016. In 2015, the U.S. gave about $314 million to Ukraine; in 2016, that skyrocketed to $523 million, 63 percent of which went toward the military.

    So you are lying about Obama giving only blankets. So I assume that any thing you say from now on is another lie.

  75. President "red line"12:31 PM

    Obama wouldn't give the Ukrainians effective weapons like Javelin anti-tank missiles because Putin told him not to.

  76. And ANOTHER trump associate found guilty of tampering and lying. Jeez, trump has the reverse Midas touch.😆

  77. Barack Obama gave Ukrainians blankets to stay warm before they were killed at Donetsk.

    Blatant stoopid fucking wingnut talking point and a proven lie.

    drumpfuck the dumbfuck is the world leader that claimed Russia didn't invade Crimea because drumpfuck the dumbfuck is the world's stoopidest stable genius ever.

    I suppose now drumpf will claim he never met or knew Roger Stone. If wingnuts actually care about the rule of law, the constitution and our country, drumpf would have been removed from office years ago for incompetence and pathological lying.

  78. Anonymous1:49 PM

    “I suppose now drumpf will claim he never met or knew Roger Stone.”

    Roger Stone was just a coffee boy!


  79. This is beautiful (courtesy of Brett Baier @ Fake Noize)

    Fox News anchor Bret Baier on Friday said that President Donald Trump had dramatically shifted the second impeachment hearing by tweeting out attacks on former Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch as she was testifying in the House Intelligence Committee.

    The host of Special Report with Bret Baier said Yovanovitch was a sympathetic witness but only could offer tangential evidence about Trump’s alleged extortion scheme with Ukraine.

    “However, his whole hearing turned on a dime when the president tweeted about her real time,” Baier said, “and during the questioning Adam Schiff stopped the Democratic questioning to read the tweet to her.”

    “That enabled Schiff to then characterize that tweet as intimidating the witness or tampering with the witness, which is a crime. Adding essentially an article of impeachment real time,” Baier explained.

  80. "Roger Stone was just a coffee boy"

    Cofeve boy? 😆

  81. I take pictures with lots of people.

  82. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:59 PM

    PilotX said......
    And ANOTHER trump associate found guilty of tampering and lying. Jeez, trump has the reverse Midas touch.😆

    1:13 PM
    Everything Trump touches either dies or goes to jail.

  83. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:03 PM

    Mike from Iowa said.....

    “However, his whole hearing turned on a dime when the president tweeted about her real time,” Baier said, “and during the questioning Adam Schiff stopped the Democratic questioning to read the tweet to her.”

    “That enabled Schiff to then characterize that tweet as intimidating the witness or tampering with the witness, which is a crime. Adding essentially an article of impeachment real time,” Baier explained.
    Yeah, Mike. Don't you think someone should tell Trump to stop digging and put down the shovel?

    2:08 PM

  84. Yeah, Gambler. His lawyers have begged him to keep his mouth shut, but he is smarter than they are. I noticed a number of lawyers quit on him because he won't stop indicting himself.


    Another hastily passed, unqualified, anti-gaY racist given a lifetime appointment which tips the 2nd circuit court of appeals to wingnut's favor. This is the court that will vote to deny subpoenas to drumpf's people under investigation and refuse to testify.

    Again it is transparent why wingnuts rushed unqualified jurist into these lifetime spots. The want to legislate from the bench in case Dems get the WH and senate back.

  86. "What is the point of this post? Anyone??????"

    I don't know, but I get the feeling the poster never actually met one, let alone three.

    -Doug in Oakland

  87. Who was it who had the Republican party platform changed before the convention to be more favorable to Russia and less so to Ukraine? Was that Obama?
    Didn't think so.

    -Doug in Oakland

  88. Dougtard4:08 PM

    We demand World War III with Russia now!

  89. Anonymous4:09 PM

    "Roger Stone was just a coffee boy!"

    Isn't that what Clinton said about Obama?

  90. When Fergus said "But I care about crime." that was at least true in the sense that all criminals care about crime, it's their job.

    -Doug in Oakland


    drumpf is using his office to gat Chinese trademarks so he and his family can make a ton of money off Chinese. Grifters to the end.

  92. Anonymous5:54 PM

    After Roger Stone, Rudy’s head may be next on the chopping block. The feds are investigating Giuliani for campaign finance violations.

  93. Rudy is also being investigated for his connections to Ukrainian gas companies by the DOJ.

    Not sure why this ass clown has never been disbarred.

  94. Look at Fake Noize and you'd think drumpf was winning the hearings in congress and Dems are the ass clowns. Unbelievable how grown humans can literally deny truth and reality that is right in front of them.

  95. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Look at Fake Noize and you'd think drumpf was winning the hearings in congress and Dems are the ass clowns.

    One screen, two movies.

    Dave Chapelle figured it out, finally.  White people were laughing at what he said.  He finally understood that they were laughing AT black dysfunction.  They were Wrongthinkers having Wrongfun.

    Wrongfun is where it's at, motherfuckers.  It IS the counterculture now.

  96. From Taegan Goddard:

    Pelosi Says Trump Is an ‘Imposter’

    November 15, 2019 at 7:50 pm EST By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi told CBS News that President Trump’s ongoing attacks on witnesses in the impeachment probe — including his tweets about former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Friday — are “very significant” as the impeachment probe progresses.

    Said Pelosi: “Because he knows — well, he made a mistake and he knows her strength. And he was trying to undermine it.”

    She added: “I think part of it is his own insecurity as an imposter. I think he knows full well that he’s in that office way over his head. And so he has to diminish everyone else.”

    -Doug in Oakland

  97. Communists never change8:09 PM

    Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.

    Laventiy Beria

  98. Mollie8:12 PM

    Guys, we get that you feel Orange Man Bad deep in your bones, but this is almost too silly for words. Like, listen to yourselves.

  99. Seth Rich8:22 PM

    Remember when Hillary Clinton intimidated Juanita Broaddrick after she said Bill raped her?

    Good times.

  100. Russian bot8:27 PM

    Marie Yovanovitch didn't care when the Bidens made millions from Ukraine. She only cared when Trump started asking about it. Why is that?

  101. Clown Country8:30 PM

    It's crazy that the accusations against Russia - that they interfered in our election and colluded with Trump - have been almost completely debunked.

    All of the failed prosecutions and journalistic's just embarrassing.

  102. "Guys, we get that you feel Orange Man Bad deep in your bones, but this is almost too silly for words. Like, listen to yourselves."

    Well let's see, I kind of don't care about trump but the reality is there is an impeachment inquiry going on and yet another of his associates is going to jail. It's kind of like not liking Nixon, your personal feelings don't matter but if he's a criminal he's going down. I say this as an Illinoisian who has seen two governors go to jail. Hell I liked both but in the end my feelings didn't matter one way or the other Molly. It never does.

  103. "It's crazy that the accusations against Russia - that they interfered in our election and colluded with Trump - have been almost completely debunked."

    Not at all. All US intelligence agencies say Russia interfered in the 2016 election. trump trusts Putin instead of all of his intel community. Collusion? Maybe maybe not but definitely interesting.



  106. Anonymous11:27 PM

    American politics is a latina former bartender/socialist calling a jewish man a "white supremacist" while a conservative stay at home dad/meme maker defends the jewish man by calling her attack on white identity "anti-semitic".

    Its basically the dumbest shit.

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:07 AM

    Communists never change said...

    Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.

    Laventiy Beria

    8:09 PM
    Why are you posting this communist crap here? As Tervor would say, "We ain't got time for that."

  108. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:14 AM

    Clown Country said...

    It's crazy that the accusations against Russia - that they interfered in our election and colluded with Trump - have been almost completely debunked.
    I don't know what you been smokin' but it must be pretty good stuff to give you this hallucination.

  109. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:29 AM

    Seth Rich said...

    Remember when Hillary Clinton intimidated Juanita Broaddrick after she said Bill raped her?

    Good times.

    8:22 PM
    Deflect, deflect, deflect,, - so you think two wrongs make a right?
    You think Trump, who is the president, should get a pass because Hillary, who held no elective office, intimidated Broaddrick?

  110. Here is HRC's big intimidation in Broaddrick's own words....

    Soon after, Broaddrick says, she ran into Hillary Clinton at a political rally Broaddrick had promised friends she would attend. Hillary shook her hand and thanked her for everything she had done for Bill. To Broaddrick, the gesture felt like a threat to stay silent. As attorney general and later governor, Bill Clinton was “the main person that regulated my business and my income,” Broaddrick said. “After she said what she did to me, I just thought, I will keep quiet.”

    Poor stoopid fucking snowflake!

  111. For all you stoopid fuckers that love edited tapes from dead Breitbart, James O' Keefe and Daleiden and associate, enjoy this...

    A federal jury found Friday that an anti-abortion activist illegally secretly recorded workers at Planned Parenthood clinics and is liable for violating federal and state laws. The jury ordered him, the Center for Medical Progress and other parties to pay nearly $2.3 million in damages.

    The jury awarded $1 million in damages, but offenses under the federal Racketeer and Corrupt Organizations Act are considered acts of organized crime and penalties awarded for them are automatically tripled.

    After a six-week civil trial, the San Francisco jury found David Daleiden trespassed on private property and committed other crimes in recording the 2015 videos. He and the Center for Medical Progress and various employees were ordered to pay varying amounts.

    Daleiden and a co-defendant, Sandra Merritt, are set to go on trial starting Dec. 6 on 14 counts each of invasion of privacy. They have pleaded not guilty and argue they are undercover journalists shielded from prosecution.

    Planned Parenthood sued the activists as part of what the group called “a multi-year illegal effort to manufacture a malicious campaign.

  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:59 AM

    Russian bot said...

    Marie Yovanovitch didn't care when the Bidens made millions from Ukraine. She only cared when Trump started asking about it. Why is that?

    8:27 PM
    This is the dumbest, most convoluted post I have seen in a long time.
    It wasn't Yovanovitch's job to care when "the Bidens" or anyone made "millions from Ukraine". Seems her part of job was to encourage business in Ukraine and watch out for corruption. Apparently she was doing her job too well, so Trump got rid of her to hide his dirty dealings.

  113. You mean when Manafort was paid millions from Russian oligarchs installed in Ukraine by Putin, failed to pay income taxes on it and was sent to prison for it?

    These fucks don't think real good, so when they accuse anyone of anything, it's helpful to look for their inspiration in their own behavior.

    -Doug in Oakland

  114. Anonymous10:17 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  115. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:03 AM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    10:17 AM

    I don't think so. From today's Political Wire:

    “The latest black eye came on Saturday, when Trump’s favored candidate in Louisiana, multimillionaire businessman Eddie Rispone, went down to defeat.

    The president went all-in, visiting the state three times, most recently on Thursday. Earlier this month, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin lost reelection after a similar presidential effort on his behalf. Of the candidates Trump backed, only Tate Reeves in Mississippi won.”

  116. The three top Democrats are polling better than Fergus in Georgia, also.

    -Doug in Oakland

  117. Anonymous4:37 PM

    The Dems are scared.  They wouldn't be putting Deval Patrick up to siphon off Biden's black support if they didn't know he was going down for influence peddling and bribery.

    2020 is going to be a Trump blowout on the scale of Nixon's 1972 49-state win.

  118. "They wouldn't be putting Deval Patrick up to siphon off Biden's black support if they didn't know he was going down for influence peddling and bribery."

    The finest example of deflection yet.
