Saturday, January 11, 2020

Caption Saturday.

Image result for image trump cabinet

I need a caption for this picture.


  1. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:46 PM

    Two peas in a pod.

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Gotta dig back 2 years for a pic?  Must be scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas.

  3. Fergus: Gotta watch that low-energy guy, he might not be wrecking the country fast enough. We don't have forever.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. "That Droopy-eyed Ben actually out-Trumped me rolling back HUD Obama rule."

  5. Holy smokes! I may have found the one man goofier than me!

  6. Your Conscience6:14 AM

    Trump: Ooh! The candyman! And I don't mean jellybeans!

  7. Bloviating Ignoramus9:58 AM

    Butt Trumpet: "NIGGER !!!"
    Benny The Brain: "WHERE !!!!"

  8. Anonymous11:45 AM

    "Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
    Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?
    We all know that people are the same whereever you go
    There is good and bad in ev'ryone
    We learn to live, when we learn to give
    Each other what we need to survive, together alive
    Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
    Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord why don't we?
    Ebony, ivory, living in perfect harmony
    Ebony, ivory, ooh
    We all know that people are the same whereever you go
    There is good and bad in ev'ryone
    We learn to live, when we learn to give
    Each other what we need to survive, together alive
    Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
    Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord…"


  9. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Dreadlocked black "man" tries twice to kidnap a 6-yr-old white girl in Venice Beach:

    In the Commiefornia of Democrats' dreams, this will not be a crime any more because "too many black men in prison" and "social justice".

  10. In the Commiefornia of Democrats' dreams, this will not be a crime any more because "too many black men in prison" and "social justice".

    Wah,fucking, Wah! RACYST!!

  11. Esper and Fergus "believe" there were plots to attack four US embassies, like they "believe" climate change is a hoax and tax cuts pay for themselves.

    -Doug in Oakland


    White on white crime. In Texassistan this won't be a crime cause all red blooded 'muricans gotta have muh guns 24/7 especially in church.

  13. "Dreadlocked black "man" tries twice to kidnap a 6-yr-old white girl in Venice Beach"

    So was he a Black Supremacist like the guy who shot up the church in Texas?🤔 Oh wait..........


    Well,if you earn $183,000 you should at least be expected to do your job. Then again this IS the trump administration. I wish I got paid to not do my job.😂

  15. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:12 PM

    Anonymous said........
    12:04 PM
    This man is obviously mentally ill. Otherwise he would not have like a crazy person.

  16. Anonymous6:58 PM

    "they "believe" climate change is a hoax and tax cuts pay for themselves."

    Climate change is a hoax.

    And tax cuts do pay in part for themselves, by stimulating earnings, thus increasing the tax base.

    Just ask Granny. She argued that minimum wage hike actually make businesses money because people have more money to spend.

  17. drumpf and stoopid fucking wingnuts are the real hoax. The evidence is everywhere to be seen.

  18. "She argued that minimum wage hike actually make businesses money because people have more money to spend."

    They do, because people making minimum wage spend the money they make as soon as they make it, whereas rich people, when their taxes are cut, sit on the money thereby removing it from circulation and slowing down the economy.

    -Doug in Oakland


  20. "Climate change is a hoax."

    Climatologists disagree.


  21. "And tax cuts do pay in part for themselves, by stimulating earnings, thus increasing the tax base."

    Tax cuts to the middle class and the poor but not tax cuts to the wealthy. The wealthy just park their money. Republican tax cuts overwhelmingly favor the wealthy.



  24. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Trump traitor trash hit a pose.

  25. Anonymous9:52 AM

    What is the solution to the nigger question???

  26. Anonymous9:53 AM

    'Rome is burning': Baltimore crime gets lawmakers' attention

  27. Anonymous9:56 AM

    12 negroes shot, 5 negroes dead, in single day of shootings in Baltimore: 'This violence is heartbreaking'

  28. Anonymous9:57 AM

    14 blacks shot in 24 hours in Baltimore, five in single West Baltimore incident, police say; five blacks dead overall

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:07 AM

    Anonymous said........

    Just ask Granny. She argued that minimum wage hike actually make businesses money because people have more money to spend.

    6:58 PM
    This is true in a consumer base economy, such as ours. Everyone who understands economics knows that this is how it works.

  30. The cover up continues:

    "The nation’s top spy court appointed an Obama-era Justice Department official who has denied and downplayed FBI surveillance abuse to assess the FBI’s response to a scathing new report cataloguing problems with how the agency secured authority to spy on a Donald Trump campaign affiliate.

    Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) presiding Judge James Boasberg appointed David Kris to review the FBI’s proposed changes to its surveillance application process even though he spent the past few years running interference for the FBI as substantive criticism of the agency mounted."

    Absolute Clown Country.


    Moar proof drumpf and stoopid fucking wingnuts hate the poors.


    Moar proof drumpf and stoopid fucking wingnuts hate the poors.

  33. Grammy for the most incessant whining goes to drumpfuck the spoiled brat dumbfuck.

  34. Anonymous11:30 AM

    No one is going to touch pre-existing conditions.

  35. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:40 AM

    From Crooks and Liars:

    Trump Demands Roberts Dismiss Impeachment Trial Because It 'Should Not Be Allowed To Proceed'

    Poor Donald. He doesn't understand the Constitution at all. Don, Justice Roberts cannot dismiss the impeachment charges against you.

  36. No Country for Gay Black Men11:49 AM

    BREAKING: Cory Booker suspending his campaign for President.

  37. Pathological liar drumpf says now it doesn't matter if Soleimaini posed an iminent threat. That makes at least four lies he has told by changing his story. He flat out summarily executed an Iranian general and lied and lied and lied and lied about it.

  38. Anonymous1:40 PM

    What's the solution to the redneck meth baby rape problem?????

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

  39. How is he not redlined yet

  40. Moaning Markle3:18 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Pathological liar drumpf says now it doesn't matter if Soleimaini posed an iminent threat"

    Stop beating a dead Iranian.

  41. Anonymous3:27 PM

    No Country for Gay Black Men said...
    BREAKING: Cory Booker suspending his campaign for President.
    11:49 AM

    Just what the country needed was another gay black progressive(socialist) in the White House.

  42. "Just what the country needed was another gay black progressive(socialist) in the White House."

    Be a whole lot better than a mentally unstable orange faced moron.

  43. RacistX4:35 PM

    Orange is the new Black.

  44. Corey Booker5:22 PM

    I be Spartacus.

    Please clap.

  45. Anonymous5:55 PM

    “Stop beating a dead Iranian.”

    Yeah, I’m sure that will be the extremely relaxed, zen attitude Republicans will have when Iranians blow up a building full of Americans in revenge for Trump killing Soleimani. Which they will probably still do.

    “Hey, no biggie. Don’t dwell on it. Let’s move on. Shit happens.” Yeah, I’m sure it’ll go exactly like that.

    Who am I kidding? We all know Republicans will go apeshit, while refusing to acknowledge in any way what might have motivated the Iranians. “Who can say why these weird Mooslums do what they do? It’s an absolute mystery.”

  46. Bill Clinton5:57 PM

    It's time to Move On.

  47. If you are Spartacus, you probably have the "clap."

  48. drumpf signed off on killing Soleimani 7 months ago. There was no iminent threat.


    Kinda like the military recruiting High Schools for clay pigeons for Viet Nam back in the day.


    McCTurtlefuckface's defense? "I have no ethics!"

  51. Moar campaign violations (cheating) by stoopid fucking wingnuts. Face it, it is the only way wingnuts can ever hope to win.


    If there is a fair trial trump is toast. One down three to go.

  53. Just can't make this stuff up. Serial FISA abusers Andrew McCabe and Andrew Weissmann will be taking part in an NYU School of Law event to discuss the reforming the FISA process in the wake of the IG report.

  54. Anonymous8:14 PM

    “If there is a fair trial trump is toast. One down three to go.”

    There won’t be a fair trial, with or without witnesses, because 53% of the jury is Republicans. And they don’t care about ethics, democracy, or the rule of law. The only thing that matters to them is winning.

  55. Anonymous9:03 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:28 PM

    Clown Country said...

    "Just can't make this stuff up. Serial FISA abusers Andrew McCabe and Andrew Weissmann will be taking part in an NYU School of Law event to discuss the reforming the FISA process in the wake of the IG report."
    That's great news. I hope there enough GOP Senators with integrity who will vote for witnesses. They can sabotage Moscow Mitch's pretend trial and actually try Donald Trump for his crimes.

  57. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:29 PM

    Anonymous said...

    TRUMP 2020!!

    9:03 PM

    TRUMP 2021 IN PRISON!!!

  58. Malcolm summed it up explaining the field and the house.

  59. anon @ 11:30 AM......

    drumpf lies several moar times.

  60. Anonymous11:50 AM

    1) I have 1 (one) true YES man. (He knows how to tow the line.)

    2) Ben Carson is just 'too well trained'. An educated fool and just a fool, together.

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