Monday, January 13, 2020

The racism is the point.

Image result for trump racism images

The following essay was written by Robert Newby for The Morning Sun.

"The Donald Trump presidency is a perfect example of the costs of racism when comes to America’s current and future health as a nation. Donald Trump is president because a majority of white voters wanted him to be president. They wanted him to be president knowing that he demeans people of color. The jury is still out as to how many whites voted for him in spite of his racism, or how many voted for him because he was a racist? Either way, make no mistake white voters in white spaces voted for Trump in large numbers even though there was considerable evidence that he was a racist.

Following his grand entrance down the escalator to announce his candidacy for the presidency of the United States, Donald J. Trump exposed his racism by asserting disparaging stereotypes of a whole population. Central to the announcement of his candidacy was his vulgar labeling of “Mexicans” as “rapists and criminals.” That lack of civility was proof positive that the decorum and decency that would be normally expected of an American president was absent.

Beyond the racist name calling, the nation’s most prominent “birther” was none other than Donald J. Trump. “Birtherism” became a right-wing conspiracy theory to delegitimize Barack Obama’s right to be president. To disqualify Barack Obama, the theory is that he was really born in Nigeria, the home of his birth father. Even though Hawaii’s daily newspapers contemporaneously posted his August 4, 1961 birth in Honolulu, the conspiracy theory is that he was really born in his father’s homeland and that there was no birth certificate to prove his Hawaii birth.

The only reason Obama’s birth was questioned was because he is black. In spelling out the qualifications, the appropriate section of Article II of the Constitution reads: “No Person except a natural born Citizen of the United States …shall be eligible to the Office of the President….” So, to eliminate or make Barack Obama’s candidacy illegitimate, the conspiracy theorists among America’s right wing, spread the word that Barack Obama had no birth certificate to “prove” he was born in America.

The opposition to the Obama presidency gave rise to the anti-Obama Tea Party political movement. Simply, for much of White America, the thought of having an African American president was too much to take. The formation began following a rant by Rick Santelli on the Chicago Board of Trade in which he cast blame on President Obama for bailing out the nation’s economy, thereby avoiding a total economic collapse. Instead of getting credit for having saved the economy, the racist right-wing blamed Obama, America’s first Black President, for having increased America’s debt. (These same Tea Party Republicans and Donald Trump just cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations by $1.5 trillion, an alarming increasing of our debt!)

So, here we are with Trumpism in power and Tea Party rule. The white majority either has either ignored or endorsed the racism in this rule. By endorsing racism in America, this president after the Charlottesville white supremacist rallies, in which Heather Hire was killed, had the audacity to say “there were good people on both sides,” meaning that there were “some good people” who were white

Not only has this president proven himself to be racist, or the white nationalism he claims to embrace, he has proven himself to be unfit. He has shown strength in attacking our Western democracy friends but weakness in protecting us from our authoritarian enemies. He is owned by every two-bit dictator and a couple who represent real threats our nation and our friends. As Speaker Nancy Pelosi put it for Trump: “All roads lead to Putin.”

And then there is the corruption. With the Russians, according to the Mueller Report that the interference by the Russians to aid in the 2016 election of the Donald Trump and accepted by him. Now, Trump’s campaign corruption continues with him chasing conspiracy theories in the Ukraine. Even with this obvious violation of campaign finance law, he continues to have his considerable support from Republicans his supporters.

Today our nation and our politics are in crisis. White supremacy and racism got us here. While a majority of whites voted for Trump, 90% of African Americans voted against him. Also, other people of color voted against Trump to the tune of about 70%. People of color in America knew that because of Trump’s racism, his leadership and character were flawed.

In an earlier column, I pointed out that African Americans (and other people of color) are like “The Miner’s Canary” as warned by Lani Guinier in her book by that title some years ago. She used the analogy that coal miners used canaries to test gas levels. Guinier argues that the hostile treatment of blacks in America provides the warning of what is happening to all of America." {Source}

We can overlook the incompetence, the lies, and the lunacy of what is the trump presidency, but let us not overlook the racism and the hatred that his leadership has rekindled in America.

*Image from The Root.


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Every time a democrat gets called out on something, it's time to start calling someone racist.

  2. "The only reason Obama’s birth was questioned was because he is black"

    No, it was questioned because his father was not a US citizen and, unlike other Presidential candidates, for some reason he refused to release it.

  3. Anonymous8:30 PM

    All pretty accurate, except for a couple errors:

    Obama’s father was from Kenya, not Nigeria.

    And it was Heather Heyer, not Heather Hire, who was killed by that Nazi bastard in Charlottesville.

  4. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Heather Heyer died of a heart attack. She was never struck by the car.

    The 19 year-old driving the car freaked out after someone waved an AR-15 at him.

    He is spending the rest of his life in jail.

  5. Anonymous8:52 PM

    "had the audacity to say “there were good people on both sides,” meaning that there were “some good people” who were white"

    That's some audacity, everyone knows there are no good white people.

  6. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Bomb in Van of NJ Shooting Attack Black Muslim Suspects Could’ve Killed People 5 Football Fields Away:

  7. Anonymous9:11 PM

    “That's some audacity, everyone knows there are no good white people.”

    Field accidentally clipped off the last word in the sentence when he copy-and pasted the article. It originally read: “‘some good people’ who were white supremacists.” Which is what Trump was implying.

    Of course, I immediately knew this error would make you trolls go berserk, though, since you’re obsessed with the loony idea that white people are being persecuted and are actually “the real victims of racism” and talk yourselves into seeing evidence of it everywhere.

  8. The fucking "Tea Party", while it was full of racist bigots and imbeciles, was simply a rebranding effort by Republicans fleeing the flaming wreckage of the Bush administration like German soldiers fleeing Berlin, stopping only long enough to burn their uniforms.

    Then? Millions upon millions of newly minted "independents" who had never even heard of this Bush fellow that you are going on about at such tedious length that nobody needed to know that they had voted for twice.

    Glenn Beck and Dick Armey spending Koch money to try and salvage the decades and billions already invested in the Republican party at the time, terrified that it would all get flushed down the shitter of Republican perfidy with the Iraq war, New Oeleans, and trillions of dollars in ordinary US citizens' wealth.

    Now they are starting the great rebranding machine again, with life-long Republican operatives as newly-minted "never-Trumpers" who never liked the tweeting and selling lie after lie about the Republican party, which they are claiming to have just recently discovered was full of Republicans (who are mostly racist bigots and imbeciles) and trying to blame it all on Fergus. And are waiting just long enough for us to win before they start knifing us in the back while we try to clean up the mess they've made of everything.

    We can't let them get away with it again. They have to own it this time, or they'll just keep on with their program, getting worse ans worse each time.

    Burn the fucking lifeboats.

    -Doug in Oakland


    Cause of death.... Blunt force trauma to torso. Straight from the official autopsy, you fucking liar, anymoose @ 8L50 PM.

  10. And in other news water found to be wet.😆

  11. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:16 PM

    PilotX, you have a lovely sense of humor!

  12. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:38 PM

    Anonymous Frank Marshal Davis said...

    "The only reason Obama’s birth was questioned was because he is black"

    No, it was questioned because his father was not a US citizen and, unlike other Presidential candidates, for some reason he refused to release it.

    8:22 PM
    Refused to release what? Are you talking about his birth certificate? Obama released it twice - once in short form and once in long form.

    And by-the-way, what ever happened to the report from the two men Trump sent to Hawaii to investigate Obama's birth. Did they get washed overboard or something?


    Reporter asks a young Trump supporter what Trump has done well. The lad had no answer at all.

    Here's my answer: just before Trump got elected, he normalized the word "pussy". That's the best thing he's ever done, and it's all been downhill from there since.

  14. "Obama released it twice - once in short form and once in long form."

    He released manipulated pdfs of his long form birth certificate.

    He did so only after 4 years of legal battles to prevent its release.

    I believe Obama was born in the US, but there was something he was trying to hide by holding on to it for so long.

    John McCain had to produce his birth certificate due to questions about his status, as he was born on a military base in Panama.

    Congress tried eight times over the time frame from 2003-2008 to eliminate or change the constitutional requirement that a president is a "natural born Citizen." Congress eventually gave up on eliminating the requirement, but then changed the focus of the argument to Sen. John McCain (who btw, is not black), in a resolution that addresses his eligibility. Obama's eligibility never was similarly evaluated.

    Ted Cruz's (not black) campaign for President was disputed, as Cruz was born in Canada and lived there for four years.

    Barry Goldwater's (who btw was not black) eligibility to run for President in 1964 was questioned, as he was born in Arizona, which was a territory at the time of his birth in 1909, becoming a state only in 1912.

    George Romney (also not black) considered running for President in 1968, and had his eligibility questioned, as he was born to Mormon parents in Mexico.

  15. Anonymous12:59 AM

    "Burn the fucking lifeboats."

    Doug seems well-adjusted.

  16. Here come the Russians again. This time their attack was on Burisma's servers, and reported to have been successful back in November when the whole Ukraine scandal was escalating into Fergus' impeachment.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Gut the commies1:29 AM

    Good, maybe they can get the dirt on Joe Bribem.

  18. Lt. Commander Johnson1:52 AM

    Hey, field...notice how your "jock supporters" are disappearing? I don't see much Impeachment talk. Oh, the usual suspects will come along to give you a BJ. You people realize you ARE toast in the 2020 election. At first, I thought it was just for the presidency. But now, I'm wondering for the House. What's really sorry, is that you people will vote again for Pelosi, Shitff, Ommar, AOC, Talib, Green, Waters, Lee...etc. It is sheer stupidity. Trump's "racism" has brought the US the largest economy this country has ever seen in it's history, along with the lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics.

    I saw on TV the other nite, where that admitted Commie Bernie, has hired himself some Congo girl, trying to suck-up to the black electorate. All she could basically say, was "gimme some free shit".

    Let's housing, food, medical care, absolution from debt, free tuition, Get Out Of Jail Free Cards, never ends. BTW. Speaking of free tuition, I still say integration was the beginning of the destruction of the PS system. Lowering the standards so that young Jamaal and Keisha wouldn't fail.That's why we're at where we are today.

    Now, you want to include the college system as well. What happened to your Historically Black Colleges? Who gives them money?

    Now, if I misspelled something, I'm sorry. It was probably a typo. Maybe I needed an 8 on my ACT score to get into Jackson State. (though I got a 25)

    In short. You are a total waste. ALL of you.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. The whole birther thing had legs because the typical Trump supporter (aka white Republican) hadn't figured out yet that Hawai'i is a state.

    The Republicans have been racist AF since the Nixon administration. They refuse to admit demographics are against them. They've always been elitist snobs -- they mocked Harry Truman for having once worked in retail sales, Jimmy Carter for being a farmer, and Clinton because he had the nerve to come from being close to trailer trash. Their reaction to Obama was that same snobbery, the notion that anyone occupying the White House had to come from the best people and not the lower classes, but with racism layered on it. The sane reaction to seeing Barack Obama elected would have been to cheer -- his election was the realization of the American dream, the fantasy that anyone could emerge from a deprived background and become President. We may be stuck with the Human Yam now but you know there are a lot of young people out there who figure that if Obama could succeed, they can too.

    I have moments when I feel vaguely sorry for the racist morons, kind of the same feeling I might have had if I'd seen that asteroid about to wipe out dinosaurs, but most of the time I just hope the asteroid hits them soon. They're on the road to extinction but they're too dumb to see it. I just hope they don't totally trash the country in their dying throes.


  21. Frank Marshal Davis said...
    "The only reason Obama’s birth was questioned was because he is black"

    No, it was questioned because his father was not a US citizen and, unlike other Presidential candidates, for some reason he refused to release it.

    You are an American citizen if you meet one of three qualifications: 1) you are born on U.S. soil, regardless of their parents’ citizenship; 2) you are born outside the U.S. to at least one American parent, and; 3) you go through the naturalization process and are granted U.S. citizenship.


    So, all the other talk, all the bs about birth certificates that "unlike other Presidential candidates" every candidate shows - a lie - and the myriad other birth "tests" Obama was held to are just that, bullshit, and not-even-thinly veiled racist tropes.

  22. and, unlike other Presidential candidates, for some reason he refused to release it.

    All Prezzies from Nixon to Obama released their tax returns, under audit or not. Is drumopf telling us his dad wasn't an American by birth?

  23. I don't see much Impeachment talk. Poor Queenie, drumpf has been impeached. Get over your bad self. He might just as well wear a scarlet I on his forehead. He will forever be known as the imopeached POS who sold out America to Putin.


    Russians hacked Burisma. Likely looking for dirt on Biden to help drumpf steal another elections. Now listen to the drumpf zombies deny any Russian involvement in any American election, but
    if they did, it would have been to help HRC win.


    Read it and weep, racist loozers.

  26. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Progressive Socialist are racist against whites and conservatives.

  27. Wingnut sinators are now claiming they had no intentions of dismissing charges against drumpf the criminal enterprise. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!

  28. Nan said...
    The sane reaction to seeing Barack Obama elected would have been to cheer -- his election was the realization of the American dream, the fantasy that anyone could emerge from a deprived background and become President.

    Obama's background was atypical, but not "deprived". He was raised by the white side of the family after his already married father went home to Kenya. His mother moved to Indonesia and married a man who adopted Barack. They were well enough enough to have servants. She later divorced him and moved back to Hawaii, where his grandparents paid to send him to the best private high school in the state. Despite spending his time getting high with the Choom Gang and doing poorly, he got into a private college on the mainland (Occidental). Once again, despite less than stellar performance, he moved on to the Ivy League, first Columbia and then Harvard, all along apparently counting on the kindness of strangers for support.

  29. Anonymous11:44 AM

    "Likely looking for dirt on Biden to help drumpf steal another elections."

    If there is "dirt" there, wouldn't it be a good thing for the American people to know about before they decide who to vote for?

    You supported the Trump campaign being spied on by the FBI and CIA. You supported the Mueller investigation raiding the office of his private lawyer and confiscating all of his records, including recordings of telephone conversations. All in the quest for "dirt".

    And since all of the spying and investigations of Trump have found nothing, we can all be fairly certain Trump is clean. Let's do the same for Joe Biden.

  30. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Amerika, just another country of HATE! Not much 'freedom' going on here! Suckas'!

  31. Anonymous11:58 AM

    “If there is ‘dirt’ there, wouldn't it be a good thing for the American people to know about before they decide who to vote for?”

    There is no “dirt” on Biden, but that hasn’t stopped Trump from trying to manufacture some.

    That’s what he and his party do now. They slander and they cheat. They can’t make themselves look good, because they are not good people, so their only option is to lie and make their opponents look bad.

  32. Anonymous12:04 PM

    "They can’t make themselves look good, because they are not good people, so their only option is to lie and make their opponents look bad."

    Self-awareness is not your strong point.

  33. Anonymous12:05 PM

  34. Anonymous12:07 PM

    January Chicago 2020 To Date:
    Shot & Killed: 10
    Shot & Wounded: 53
    Total Shot: 63
    Total Homicides: 16

  35. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Climate change is bullshit.....

  36. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "Russians hacked Burisma."

    Bullshit plant story ahead of impeachment hearings.

  37. I'm sure voters would have loved a look at drumpf's taxes before the Russians got him installed in the kremlin annex.

  38. What exactly do soopid fucking wingnuts get out of repeating debunked lies all the time? They must like being derided for it and made fun of. Debunked lies never get truer no matter how many times you repeat them. it just makes you look as stoopid as we already know you are.

  39. Seth Rich1:55 PM

    "Bullshit plant story ahead of impeachment hearings."

    The firm behind these latest accusations is called Area 1 Security.

    Area 1 Security’s co-founder is Blake Darche.

    Blake Darche also happens to be a founding member of Crowdstrike Securities.

    Crowdstrike just happens to be the contractor the DNC hired to examine their server after the release of DNC emails in 2016. The DNC refused to let the FBI examine the server, and told the government that Crowdstrike determined the emails were obtained by Russian hackers. No forensic evidence offered, just take our word for it.

    But when William Binney, a former intelligence official with the National Security Agency, and former CIA analyst Larry Johnson examined 500 DNC email files stored on Wikileaks, they determined the email files had been downloaded to a thumb drive, not "hacked" over the internet. Forensic examination of the metadata contained in the posted documents showed that the highest transfer rate was 49.1 megabytes per second, which is much faster than possible from a remote online connection. The 49.1 megabytes speed coincides with the download rate for a thumb drive.

    Crowdstrike claimed it first detected Russians breaching the DNC system May 6, 2012, but did nothing about it, claiming their inactivity was a deliberate plan to avoid alerting the Russians that they had been "discovered." It's known from examining the Wikileaks data that the last message copied from the DNC network is dated May 25. CrowdStrike waited until June 10, 2016, to take concrete steps to clean up the DNC network.

    It makes no sense to wait 45 days after allegedly uncovering a massive Russian attack on the DNC server to take concrete steps to safeguard the integrity of the information held on that server. A more plausible explanation is that Crowdstrike discovered that emails had been downloaded from the server and copied onto a storage device, but the culprit had not yet been identified.

    If this had been a genuine internet hack, it would be very easy for the NSA to identify when the information was taken and the route it moved after being hacked from the server. But they couldn't, because there was no hack.

    This is why Robert Mueller decided not to pursue the indictment he filed accusing 12 Russian military personnel and "Guccifer 2.0" of the DNC hack.

    Now the same people are telling us that the same Russian hackers were trying to get into Burisma(!) in order to once again help Donald Trump. And they tell us this right as the Democrats are about to send their articles of impeachment against Donald Trump for the crime of asking about Joe and Hunter Biden's relationship with Burisma.

    You should be insulted by propaganda this bad.

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:02 PM

    Gut the commies said...

    Good, maybe they can get the dirt on Joe Bribem.

    1:29 AM
    There's no dirt on Joe, just made up lies.

  41. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:01 PM

    Seth Rich said...

    "Bullshit plant story ahead of impeachment hearings."

    Gambler says...Your post is Bullshit propaganda from Russian hackers.

  42. Russian Hackers3:53 PM

    Your post is proof that you are exactly the kind of person for which this moronic propaganda is prepared.

  43. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Democrats are panicking, post-Soleimani strike, with thriving economy, with impeachment gambit failing, and significant primary troubles. Now they want to swing back to their Russia hysteria, of all things.

  44. That was a really good article but I think we can extend it to the entire Republican Party.

  45. Get it through yer hesd, impeachment is a done deal. drumpf has been impeached and will carry that stigma all throughout history. He will also be known as the least truthful and trustworthy bogus potus ever. And the worst of the worst ever.

    ps the economy is not that great unless you are filthy rich. drumpf's super dooper econoy has barely out performed, if at all, Obama's and drumpf lags in job creation, as well.


  46. This is why Robert Mueller decided not to pursue the indictment he filed accusing 12 Russian military personnel and "Guccifer 2.0" of the DNC hack.

    OK, Gomer. Just who was going to arrest Russian military and extradite them to the US?

    Do you ever stop to think about the bullshit you spew?

  47. Russia!Racist!Russia!Racist!Russia!Racist!Russia!Racist!4:57 PM

    Almost 30 days after the vote and still no impeachment.

    The Dems know this is a sham.

    Impeachment will be meaningless after this.

  48. drumpf caves in to China and removes them from the currency manipulators list even before he signs Phase 1 of a one phase trade deal.

    And drumpf and stoopid fucking wingnuts are adding trillions of dollars of debt and deficits to prop up super economy. No way he will ever eliminate debt and deficits in 8n years and there won't be any libs he can blame for his debacle.

  49. Anonymous5:00 PM

    "Now the same people are telling us that the same Russian hackers were trying to get into Burisma(!) in order to once again help Donald Trump. And they tell us this right as the Democrats are about to send their articles of impeachment against Donald Trump for the crime of asking about Joe and Hunter Biden's relationship with Burisma.

    Just like with the DNC emails, the Russia hacking Burisma story is another Democrat operation designed to "pre-emptively" discredit any damaging Ukraine news that reflects badly on the Bidens.

  50. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Democrats are panicking, post-Soleimani strike, with thriving economy, with impeachment gambit failing, and significant primary troubles. Now they want to swing back to their Russia hysteria, of all things.
    Take a deep breath and calm down. We Democrats are not panicking. We got this! But if the Republicans cheat enough to re elect Donald Trump, we'll deal with.

  51. Winning!5:05 PM

    President Trump Has Won the Trade War:

  52. Poor dumb Obama...... Law school was another story for Obama. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School (the second highest honor available) in 1991. He also was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, a very prestigious honor.

    And he doesn't lie to everyone about graduating number 1 from Wharton and claiming tio be a very smart person who is actually the dumbest son of a bitch ever allowed into the former White house, now kremlin annex.

  53. Townhall is the last refuge for right wing has been bomb throwers and bullshit artists. No credibility.

  54. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:11 PM

    Anonymous Russia!Racist!Russia!Racist!Russia!Racist!Russia!Racist! said...

    Almost 30 days after the vote and still no impeachment.

    The Dems know this is a sham.

    Impeachment will be meaningless after this.
    Trump has already been impeaches. The remainder of the process is to determine if he is to be removed from office. Please try harder to keep up. Thanks.

  55. Almost 30 days after the vote and still no impeachment.

    Impeachment happened 38 days ago.Do try to keep up.

  56. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:16 PM

    Hey Russia......

    Trump has already been impeached! Just correcting the typo above. LOL!

  57. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Remember when Stephen Colbert told an audience James Comey had been fired, they applauded, and he had to explain why Comey was now a hero of the Left and his downfall was bad?

    You're all a bunch of barking seals.


    drumpf appointed judge running interference for drumpf's tax case. Who knew he would do this?

  59. McCTurtlefuckface apparently has no idea why drumpf was impeached because he is open to getting Hunter Biden to testify at impeachment trial and neither Biden is in any way connected to drum0pf's impeachable offenses.

    So wingnuts still aren't taking their constitutional duties seriously.

  60. Joe Bribem6:38 PM

    "neither Biden is in any way connected to drum0pf's impeachable offenses."

    You are a moron.

  61. Anonymous6:48 PM

    There's something depressing about the Iowa caucuses. Every four years nice civic-minded Anglo-Germanic Midwesterners come out to choose among a bunch of people who are all determined to give their country to capital and/or foreigners.

  62. Bernie "Woman Hater" Sanders6:54 PM

    Democratic party is imploding. Just watch the debate tonight if you don't believe me.

    Once impeachment fails, they are going to crash and burn.

  63. Impeachment can't fail, stoopid fucker. It is a done deal. Yer hero has been impeached and will be known as the impeached Russin impostor, drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

    "neither Biden is in any way connected to drum0pf's impeachable offenses."

    You are a moron.

    How did fake noize tell you to tie Biden into drumpf's criminal enterprise? We know who the moron is. It is you.

  64. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Impeachment farce will cost the dems the House.


    Here s some of what drumpf's stoopid fucking trade war has cost America and Americans and it ain't over yet.

  66. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Bald white man tries to kidnap a little girl.

  67. Lt. Commander Johnson8:51 PM

    "Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Get it through yer hesd, impeachment is a done deal. drumpf has been impeached and will carry that stigma all throughout history. He will also be known as the least truthful and trustworthy bogus potus ever. And the worst of the worst ever.

    ps the economy is not that great unless you are filthy rich. drumpf's super dooper econoy has barely out performed, if at all, Obama's and drumpf lags in job creation, as well."

    Corn boy/girl/hog, you can really be stupid. Sure, the House filed Articles of Impeachment against Trump, in a totally unfair, totally partisan way. That doesn't mean he is convicted in any sort of your fetid imagination. Not like your boy Bill Clinton. Did he lose his job, even then?

    The Dems held the cards then. Not anymore.Tell me this...when you are impeached, isn't it just like an Attorney General CHARGING you with a crime? That charge has to be PROVEN in a court of law. In this case, the Senate. If he is declared innocent, or acquitted...It's all a long piece of stinky cheese.

    Try this, from Wiki:

    "To convict an accused, "the concurrence of two thirds of the [Senators] present" for at least one article is required. If there is no single charge commanding a "guilty" vote from two-thirds of the senators present, the defendant is acquitted and no punishment is imposed."

    I can't wait to see how the Genius Nancy appoints the House Managers. That should tell us a LOT. Herself? AOC, Shiff, Waters, Omar, Talib, Green, Nadler? I don't think so.

    I'm just waiting for the results of the 2020 elections, to come back and laugh at you.

  68. Fergus' guilt is beyond doubt, and he confessed to it on live television.
    When the Republican poltroons in the senate ignore that and acquit him, we will hang those votes around their necks and beat them with them in November.
    Turns out corruption isn't as popular as Fergus and his felons were led to believe it was by their own propaganda.
    That's why they advise against getting high on your own supply.
    Remember Karl Rove the night Romney lost?

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. "If he is declared innocent, or acquitted...It's all a long piece of stinky cheese."

    Not really. Impeachment is a political act and there are three scenarios: 1. the GOP rams an acquittal and it is an obvious sham trial or 2. witness are allowed but blocked by the WH and a sham trial or 3. witnesses are allowed and the American people see how corrupt and inept the trump administration really is. Anyway it goes this is a political winner for the Dems and a loser for the GOP.

  70. Anonymous10:11 PM

    "Not really. Impeachment is a political act and there are three scenarios: 1. the GOP rams an acquittal and it is an obvious sham trial or 2. witness are allowed but blocked by the WH and a sham trial or 3. witnesses are allowed and the American people see how corrupt and inept the trump administration really is. Anyway it goes this is a political winner for the Dems and a loser for the GOP."

    I'm betting it will be number 1.

    The "trial" will last five minutes. Mitch McConnell will announce that Trump is the BESTEST PRESIDENT EVER!, they'll vote to acquit, and then meeting adjourned. Then they'll all proceed to the Asian massage parlor and get a blowie.

    Republicans are shameless. They just don't give a shit at all. I mean, look how they outright unconstitutionally stole a Supreme Court nomination from Obama. Barely even offered up a reason for why it was acceptable for them not to call a vote. They were just like "mumble mumble, nope, we'll wait to see who the NEXT president nominates."

  71. Two steps ahead10:12 PM

    4. Witnesses are allowed and the American people see how Joe Biden abused his office by withholding aid to Ukraine in order to stop a prosecutor from investigating a corrupt firm that employed his son, thus exposing the entire impeachment process as an attempt to charge Trump with doing what Biden actually did.

    5. This leads directly to exposing the Russia collusion hoax as being an attempt to charge Trump with doing what Hillary actually did, and involved a massive abuse of power by the Obama administration in abetting the whole project.

  72. "Turns out corruption isn't as popular as Fergus and his felons were led to believe it was by their own propaganda."

    To his followers he can do no wrong, he was right about shooting somebody on 5th Ave. but the middle of the road voters it's no bueno. Thing is this is going to be must watch tv so everybody on both sides will see this spectacle. Romney was the first to crack, who's next?

  73. mike from iowa said...

    Here s some of what drumpf's stoopid fucking trade war has cost America and Americans and it ain't over yet.

    It is unbelievable that these people don't understand that when the U.S. places tariffs on goods it is THEY who pay for the sudden price hikes on said goods.

  74. "Witnesses are allowed and the American people see how Joe Biden abused his office by withholding aid to Ukraine in order to stop a prosecutor from investigating a corrupt firm that employed his son"

    Ridiculous. Despite what brain warriors like Gym Jordan and the like think you have to call relevant witnesses not anyone they want. trump is on trial not Joe Biden.

  75. "It is unbelievable that these people don't understand"

    Could have just ended the comment there. Ha!

  76. Anonymous10:20 PM

    The implication of the charges is that Trump tried to get dirt on Biden. If Biden actually did abuse his office to cover his son's graft, then it was entirely appropriate to ask for assistance.

  77. Anonymous10:22 PM

    At least the Democrats had the good sense to limit the debate to white candidates.

  78. "for some reason he refused to release it."

    No other candidate was required to do so. How do you feel about trump's tax returns?

  79. "f Biden actually did abuse his office to cover his son's graft, then it was entirely appropriate to ask for assistance."

    1. There is no evidence Biden abused his office. 2. If you're going to investigate a US Citizen you start with the US Justice Dept. Barr would have been more than happy to oblige. In fact all trump wanted was a public declaration that an investigation had begun. There is no way trump didn't abuse his power which was why he was impeached.

  80. "At least the Democrats had the good sense to limit the debate to white candidates."

    They didn't.

  81. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "It is unbelievable that these people don't understand that when the U.S. places tariffs on goods it is THEY who pay for the sudden price hikes on said goods."

    The list of people who don't understand this includes Trump.

    The Chinese are going to pay the tariffs, just like the Mexicans are going to pay for his wall.

  82. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "No other candidate was required to do so."

    Wrong. McCain was.

    "How do you feel about trump's tax returns?"

    Unlike a birth certificate, tax returns don't provide information pertaining to the Constitutional requirements of becoming President.

    Trump has submitted returns each year and has been audited more than once by the IRS. He obviously pays his taxes and has not been charged with any tax crimes.

  83. "Wrong. McCain was."

    Really? Hadn't heard that. Mot that I doubt the accuracy.

  84. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "It is unbelievable that these people don't understand that when the U.S. places tariffs on goods it is THEY who pay for the sudden price hikes on said goods."

    Look at you now, since Trump has tried to level an unbalanced trade field, you are now a Free Trade advocate.

    I suppose China doesn't know any better either, since they impose a 25% tariff on American cars.

  85. "Trump has submitted returns each year and has been audited more than once by the IRS."

    No one doubts the fact he files returns. Every single Presidental candidate in recent history has released their tax returns and trump also promised to do so. He is obviously hiding something. So you're not curious at all what he's hiding?

  86. Anonymous11:00 PM

    "Really? Hadn't heard that. Mot that I doubt the accuracy."

  87. Funny thing is trump pushed the birther conspiracy but he refuses to release basic info that all others have. Crazy times.

  88. ""

    Apples and oranges. There was no disputing where and when McCain was born but the debate was whether he was eligible because he was born in Panama. Nice try but a random blog on a "conservative" website doesn't constitute proof. And contrary to the idea the post attempted to make the birther conspiracy was actually racist because they contended Barack wasn't born in Hawaii, he was. So in essence McCain wasn't "required" to release his birth certificate but did so on his own.

    1. Also that site seems a bit racist referring to McCain as the "white" candidate.

  89. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "He is obviously hiding something. So you're not curious at all what he's hiding?"

    I don't really care. I know who the guy is. He is not the ideal president, but he is the only one who doesn't explicitly hate me. And yes, the fact he won't release them implies there is something to hide.

    I do know the media would assign 2,000 reporters to dig through them and then misrepresent their findings in order to influence the election. And that might result in someone openly promising to fuck up my country being president.

  90. "And yes, the fact he won't release them implies there is something to hide."

    And yet you don't care. That speaks volumes.

  91. "but he is the only one who doesn't explicitly hate me."

    Read, you must be white. Great way of choosing a President. Looks like Field's post is accurate.

  92. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "Apples and oranges."

    Apples and apples. Both situations involved questions as to eligibility that could be answered by a birth certificate.

    Nothing about race in the concept of "natural born citizen". Black fragility is pathetic.

    And if you don't like a fact because of who told you, Google it your fucking self. There's about 62 million other places that will tell you the same thing.

  93. "And that might result in someone openly promising to fuck up my country being president."

    As opposed to the unqualified guy who is actually fucking up the country.

  94. "Apples and apples. Both situations involved questions as to eligibility that could be answered by a birth certificate."

    Nope. McCain was born in Panama Barack was born in Hawaii. Apples and oranges.

    1. Barack was fully eligible McCain maybe maybe not.

  95. Anonymous11:14 PM

    "Great way of choosing a President."

    All the dem candidates are white.

    At least you admit the basis of the democratic party is being anti-white.

  96. "All the dem candidates are white."

    They aren't.

  97. Anonymous11:16 PM

    "Nope. McCain was born in Panama Barack was born in Hawaii."

    I hope for your sake you are just playing dumb.

  98. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "They aren't."

    Oh, that's right, Warren is a Cherokee.


    More evidence of trump wrongdoing.

  100. So where were McCain and Barack born?

  101. "Oh, that's right, Warren is a Cherokee."

    Partially. Yang and Patrick aren't white.

  102. This young man should be your Field Negro of the week.

  103. And by the way Field, Stephanie who was your Field Negro of the week a while back when she became the first Black female captain at Delta is now the chief pilot in Detroit!👍🏾😃

  104. Anonymous11:30 PM


    1/1,024th, at best. You probably have more Norwegian in you than that.

    "Yang and Patrick aren't white."

    They also weren't on the debate stage tonight.


  106. Anonymous11:36 PM

    "So where were McCain and Barack born?"

    McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, a US territory. Both of his parents were US citizens. His father was an Admiral in the US Navy.

    Obama was born in Hawaii, a US state. Only his mother was a US citizen. His father was a citizen of the UK colony of Kenya.

  107. "They also weren't on the debate stage tonight."

    You are correct but I don't recall that being a requirement to be a candidate.

  108. "McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, a US territory. Both of his parents were US citizens. His father was an Admiral in the US Navy.

    Obama was born in Hawaii, a US state. Only his mother was a US citizen. His father was a citizen of the UK colony of Kenya."

    So I was correct and there was no need to question my mental abilities.👍🏾

  109. Anonymous11:40 PM

    If you are not on the debate stage, you're not in the game.

    The 2020 democratic nominee for president will be white.

  110. Anonymous11:42 PM

    "So I was correct and there was no need to question my mental abilities"

    Both situations raised questions about their eligibility to run for president that could be settled by their birth certificates.

    So no, your mental abilities are still questionable.

  111. "The "trial" will last five minutes."

    Maybe. Word right now is that McConnell doesn't have the votes, and that Schumer has the votes to require witnesses.

    Which may or may not be true, as it has to rely on four goddamn Republicans, who obviously can't be trusted to tell shit from Shinola, much less resist the urge to play Lucy with the football yet again.

    It makes sense that Fergus and his felons want to block all documents and witnesses because every document or witness we do get tells how comically corrupt the whole operation has been.

    A Connecticut Republican surveilling the ambassador in Ukraine to possibly whack her? Really? These are the brain-wizards who are going to get Fergus reelected?

    Well, the Pig People do like them, and they do make it hard for the non-porcine to vote, so you can't just write them off even as ridiculous as they are.

    -Doug in Oakland

  112. "Both situations raised questions about their eligibility to run for president that could be settled by their birth certificates."

    Um, Barack was born in the US thus a citizen so no question about eligibility. Sorry, but nice try.

    1. Anyhoo, water under the bridge. He was twice elected so now we need to focus on removing the orange menace from office.

  113. "If you are not on the debate stage, you're not in the game.

    The 2020 democratic nominee for president will be white."

    Maybe maybe not. The Dems already elected a person of color. It's the GOP's turn.

  114. "It makes sense that Fergus and his felons want to block all documents and witnesses because every document or witness we do get tells how comically corrupt the whole operation has been."

    The guy acts guilty. He refuses to divulge his taxes, he blocks all witnesses and refuses to release any docs. Hmmmmmm, if he was innocent like he claims shouldn't he want witnesses? I know I know silly question.

  115. One of my favorite bloggers was complaining that the news (if you can call it that) that Hillary Clinton's investigation turned up nothing won't make it to the Pig People because the Vanity Fair article about it

    won't fit on a hat, but I disagree.
    "But her emails... were just fine you morons."
    would fit just fine.

    We have to get better at compressing our message anyhow.

    -Doug in Oakland

  116. "We have to get better at compressing our message anyhow."

    I don't know, do we really want to be like the three word morons on the other side? The sad fact is whomever can rally the dumb kids usually wins. In a student council election does the smart kid who understands how things work and can make actual change for the better win? Nope, the dumb jock who promises longer recess wins. Drill baby drill!!!!!!!!!! Build that Wall!!!!! Lock her up!!!!!!!😖 Just get ready for President Phil from Duck Dynasty.

  117. Pro tip: skip all anonymous posts. Save yourself the time and the aggravation. Alas, a few honest folk do post anonymously, but most are liars and trolls.

    If the poster ain't named, then the poster's ashamed.

  118. "Just get ready for President Phil from Duck Dynasty."

    ...Who would be way ahead in the Republican party from the jump as a master of "duckspeak", a key method of control in Orwell's 1984.

    -Doug in Oakland

  119. Hope n' Change1:46 AM

    " don't know, do we really want to be like the three word morons on the other side? The sad fact is whomever can rally the dumb kids usually wins. In a student council election does the smart kid who understands how things work and can make actual change for the better win? Nope, the dumb jock who promises longer recess wins."

    Stunning lack of self awareness there, chief.

  120. "Stunning lack of self awareness there, chief."

    Back at cha kid.

    1. Build that wall man. And Mexico will pay for it too huh?🙄

  121. Anonymous2:17 AM

    African-Americans are being convicted of murder at a rate 17 times higher than Chinese-Americans, that means that they are being discriminated against 17 times more often than Chinese-Americans. This is unacceptable in a civilized society.

    1. Anonymous2:29 AM

      This poster is 17 times dumber than the average moron.

  122. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Doug said...

    "We have to get better at compressing our message anyhow."

    An index card with the phrase "Stuck on Stupid" stapled to your forehead would be effective.

  123. Lt. Commander Johnson8:34 AM

    "Blogger PilotX said...
    "If he is declared innocent, or acquitted...It's all a long piece of stinky cheese."

    Not really. Impeachment is a political act and there are three scenarios: 1. the GOP rams an acquittal and it is an obvious sham trial or 2. witness are allowed but blocked by the WH and a sham trial or 3. witnesses are allowed and the American people see how corrupt and inept the trump administration really is. Anyway it goes this is a political winner for the Dems and a loser for the GOP.

    9:42 PM"

    Well PilotX, I can at least appreciate your attempt to at least explain this impeachment morass in plain common-sense English, as I tried to do in my previous comment. Let me try again, maybe lowering the IQ Bar for the readers.

    Now, Impeachment! sounds like a big, scary word. But, what does it really mean in the "real" world? Except that it involves the POTUS, or other high-ranking government official, it pretty much follows the same process as most other trials us commoners should be well-used with.

    Let's just imagine a murder trial...remember, I know all trials are "different". Just hypothesizing here...

    In the first phase, a Grand Jury issues a murder indictment against the defendant. Unless I am mistaken, witnesses for the Prosecution are allowed, but none for the defendant. The defendant can have legal council present, but cannot participate. If the Grand Jury decides to they can issue an indictment. The indictment, however, does NOT make the defendant guilty of murder. Innocent until proven guilty.

    Now, let's let's just look at the current attempt to impeach Trump. Let's just call the House, the Prosecutor/Grand Jury...only THIS Prosecutor/Grand Jury issues what are known as Article(s) of Impeachment, instead of an indictment. The defendant is still innocent. doesn't this sound like what the House did to Trump, but with a totally stacked Grand Jury? Then, the Prosecutor/Grand Jury ceremoniously marches the indictment/Article of Impeachment over to the court house, in a cherry or cedar Box...(never have figured that one out). The defendant is still innocent.

    So, in phase two, we go to the Senate for the trial. Witnesses are usually called by both sides, but not always. Thu Judge is not usually the Chief Justice of SCOTUS, either. I suppose he makes the final determination of the outcome of the trial.

    Now, here come our friendly, partisan Prosecutors/Grand Jury. They do their predictable shtick, and the the Senate/Jury vote.I would suppose THIS vote decides the Guilt or Innocence of the defendant. I'm pretty sure the Senate voted to nail Bill Clinton, and he was, without a doubt, IMPEACHED. Case closed, and he kept his job.

    Personally, I just wish the Senate would dismiss the crap. I'm tired of hearing about it. Unfortunately, knowing Trump, I think he's too pissed-off for that. The Dems still want to hear Bolton testify. Bolton may be a lot of things, but he damn sure isn't a Democrat., So, dig your own grave.

    If I made some mistakes here, remember...I'm not a high-classed lawyer like field. Never claimed to be.

  124. Commandeered Queenie, your diatribe is full of nonsense. The impeachment happens with the house vote of guilty. The Senate tries and either acquits or removes the orange POS with 67 votes.

    Clinton was acquitted by 55-45 and 50-50 votes on two articles of impeachment. Yet he was still impeached.

  125. When the president is being tried for impeachable offenses, the constitution requires the Chief Justice to preside.

  126. I don't really care. I know who the guy is. He is not the ideal president, but he is the only one who doesn't explicitly hate me.

    Oh, boy. Drumpf absolutely loathes people like you. You aren't even the dirt beneath his ponderous clown shoes. drumpf loves only himself and dirty money.


    Latest way to fight head lice in schools?

  128. Lt. Commander Johnson10:35 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    "Commandeered Queenie, your diatribe is full of nonsense. The impeachment happens with the house vote of guilty. The Senate tries and either acquits or removes the orange POS with 67 votes."

    9:01 AM

    I'm sorry Queenie/pig girl. Corn boy. Whoever yerself are today.

    I should have lowered the IQ bar by a few notches. I was just pointing out the discrepancies between an Impeachment Trial, and the trials we regular folks see, and endure every day. Also, the similarities. That's what my comment was all about. "Impeachment" has become such a big scary word, people don't even know what it means. I think the comparison was fair.

  129. "Clinton was acquitted by 55-45 and 50-50 votes on two articles of impeachment."

    I dindu nuffin.

  130. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Claiming that white privilege is the reason for the success of the white community is like claiming that black privilege is the reason for their over-representation in sports.

  131. White privilege is a large part of the success of many whites. Think of it this way, I am the first generation born in America that didn't live under legal discrimination. Had I been born in the previous generation I wouldn't be an airline pilot no matter how talented and knowledgeable because of discrimination. It has always been a pretty good job that pays well so I can send my kids to the best schools and live in a good neighborhood. How much different would this nation be if there hadn't been 300 years of legal discrimination? 🤔

  132. "Personally, I just wish the Senate would dismiss the crap."

    That would be a risky maneuver because there are legitimate articles involved despite what trump supporters believe. The man committed impeachable acts and they need to be adjudicated fairly. McConnell has two choices: 1. act in a fair and impartial manner and he and all other senators will swear to do or 2. act in a biased manner that in the long run will not serve the country well. The ball is in his court.

  133. Anonymous12:48 PM

    "The Republicans have been racist AF since the Nixon administration."

    The same Nixon who pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, pushed EEO measures as president, added funding for HBCUs and ended school segregation in the South in 1970?  The Nixon whose efforts got a letter of thanks from MLK himself?

    THAT Nixon?

    You people have no gratitude whatsoever.

    "They refuse to admit demographics are against them."

    So "democracy" is just a racial head count?  Nice of you to admit it.  Now it's time for Republicans to stop being losers and throw out all the crimmigrants and unemployable descendants of cotton pickers that their treasonous leadership has been taxing them to import and breed, respectively.

    "Their reaction to Obama was that same snobbery, the notion that anyone occupying the White House had to come from the best people and not the lower classes, but with racism layered on it."

    You forgot that Obama's own book said he was born in Kenya.

    "The sane reaction to seeing Barack Obama elected would have been to cheer -- his election was the realization of the American dream, the fantasy that anyone could emerge from a deprived background and become President."

    This is really funny coming from people who think Putin runs the WH.  If ANYONE can realize that dream, what would be wrong with Putin pulling the strings?  Nope, it's all "who/whom" with you.

    You hate white Americans, who are the only real Americans.

  134. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Law school was another story for Obama. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School (the second highest honor available) in 1991. He also was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, a very prestigious honor.

    Yet Obama didn't publish anything in the HLR.  It's like... he was given the post because of his blackness but wasn't expected to actually do anything except be a figurehead.

    Pretty much the same as 2008-2016.

    You're all a bunch of barking seals.

    You mis-spelled "moonbats".


    One of your trolls! 😂

  136. Yeah THAT Nixon. The racist anti-semite. The ine who created the southern strategy that still divides the country. Yeah THAT Nixon. Sorry I'm not grateful enough for your tastes.😆

  137. "It's like... he was given the post because of his blackness but wasn't expected to actually do anything except be a figurehead."

    Or like he was one of the top students? Oh that's right, you can't be Black and outstanding huh?

  138. "This is really funny coming from people who think Putin runs the WH."

    He does. And the funny thing is I don't recall him being on the ballot.🤔

  139. "You hate white Americans, who are the only real Americans."

    You obviously hate logic. Funny that a Russian bot tries to tell us who real Anericans are.😂😂😂


    House managers chosen and all are heavy hitters!

    1. I'm especially partial to Val Demings. 😃

  141. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "How much different would this nation be if there hadn't been 300 years of legal discrimination?"

    First off, "discrimination" is the default condition of human societies. Secondly, only white countries have ever worked against this condition.

    America has only been in existence for 230 years, and we had actual slavery for the first 75 years of the country, so "discrimination" was around for about 100 years (1865-1965). If there had been no slavery, there would be no black people here.

    And discrimination wasn't legal, it simply wasn't illegal. After 1865, the American concept of natural rights was replaced with civil rights. Prior to this, there had never in human history been the concept of minority rights being central to a country's identity. Reconstruction placed political control of southern states in the hands of freed slaves, with disastrous results, both in practical governance and in the backlash it engendered in the white population. This is when the Klan was created and the system of local governance that stripped blacks of much of the political power and legal protections granted to them after the Civil War.

    Would blacks be better off today if there had never been systematic discrimination? Of course. Being as we cannot change what happened in the past, America post-WWII has completely dismantled systems of discrimination against blacks and spent trillions attempting to pull black America out of the hole they were put in.

    For all this, the rhetoric of the inherent evil of white racism has only increased. It is ubiquitous and all-encompassing to the point it has become the defining identity of the nation. Black grievance has been weaponized in the campaign to tear it down. These grievances have been extended to other groups, groups that were never enslaved and never faced real discrimination.

    Mass immigration has been weaponized through negative assimilation. Despite America being a racist hell-hole of oppression, millions of non-whites do whatever they can to get here and are immediately indoctrinated into the anti-white team. From day one, despite having no historical claim against the nation, they are granted protected class status (non-white privilege) that provides legal favoritism in employment and education.

    Since there is no longer any legal discrimination except that against whites, we have to come up with ever more arcane concepts like white privilege. Of course whites have advantages in a white society created primarily by whites to white norms of behavior and abilities. Chinese have Chinese privilege in China. Bantu have Bantu privilege across much of Africa.

    I do feel for blacks living in white majority countries. It is harder to navigate life and harder to conform to norms designed for the temperament and values of a different people. But no country has ever gone farther in trying to enforce equality. The fact is, in 2020, America is not a racist society in the way it is portrayed. There are norms of white behavior that are anathema to black people. There are norms of black behavior that are unacceptable to white people. If we can't forge a common culture, and everything about the grievance system works against this, the only solution is separation.


  143. "There are norms of white behavior that are anathema to black people."

    Sure are. I don't base my life on the expectations of others. Then again if I take myself as an example there are whites who would be much better off with my cultural norms.

  144. Yet Obama didn't publish anything in the HLR. It's like... he was given the post because of his blackness but wasn't expected to actually do anything except be a figurehead.

    OK racist, show me he rule that says every editor to HLR is obligated to write anything.

    Obama did write at least one unsigned review. Still he was under no obligation to write anything. Wah, fucking, wah!

  145. I was just pointing out the discrepancies between an Impeachment Trial, and the trials we regular folks see, and endure every day.

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It helps if you bother to check simple, basic facts such as the House votes to impeach, the Sinate votes to acquit or remove the potus.


    Giuliani sought private meeting with Ukrainian President. This will not end well.

  147. Another thang, Queenie, if drumpfuck tried to influence , cajole and/or threaten jury members in a regular trial, he would be held in contempt and have his ass thrown in jail to keep his mouth shut.

    But in this case, stoopid fucking wingnuts have abbrogated their constitutional duties as a check on the Executive branch, they refuse to even attempt to rein in drumpf for his many criminal acts. They are pathetic.

    In a normal functioning denocracy the potus would not be allowed to bribe witnesses and defendants with a promise of a pardon if they keep their mouth shut. That is another impeachable offense he should be charged with.

  148. "I was just pointing out the discrepancies between an Impeachment Trial, and the trials we regular folks see, and endure every day."

    Pretty sure most folk here are pretty familiar with how impeachment works. I know Gambler, Doug and Mike are pretty young but I recall the Clinton impeachment. Thanks though.

  149. "But in this case, stoopid fucking wingnuts have abbrogated their constitutional duties as a check on the Executive branch"

    Yup. If this was a civil trial the entire jury would be removed if the foreman openly admitted to working with the defense. Just brazen criminal behavior.


    Not a single wingnut voted to send articles of impeachment to the senate. So much for their lies they want this over with, or that it will be a fair trial.

    Big election coming in November. Hope all wingnuts get crucified for fasiling to do their jobs in a time of emergency.... an out of control stoopid fucking unelected bogus Russian plant in the kremlin annex to enrich himself and destroy America.

  151. Anonymous2:15 PM

    "Giuliani sought private meeting with Ukrainian President."

    Absolutely nothing wrong or untypical about this.

  152. "Absolutely nothing wrong or untypical about this."

    Nothing untypical about a President's private attorney requesting a meeting with a world leader? Really? When has this happened before?


    Thanks wingnuts.

    Not untypical for drumpf, but what the meeting was about is likely a criminal act knowing this kremlin annex.

  154. "an out of control stoopid fucking unelected bogus Russian plant in the kremlin annex to enrich himself and destroy America."

    No, he's a savior. You see the posters here who hate Blah people and freaked out when a Blah man in a tan suit was twice elected. Hell, they think Nixon was a great President. 😆

  155. Lev Parnas will be on Rachel Maddow's show tonite! Set your DVRs.😳

  156. You can't make this shit up. The leader of the lock her up chant is going to jail.😂😂😂😂 I wonder if Hillary will visit him and out something on his books.😆

  157. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman2:51 PM

    PilotX said......

    "Pretty sure most folk here are pretty familiar with how impeachment works. I know Gambler, Doug and Mike are pretty young but I recall the Clinton impeachment. Thanks though."

    2:03 PM
    Thanks for calling me young. At 83 I'm probably one of the oldest people who post here. I remember Pearl Harbor.

  158. Get out of that bubble2:57 PM

    "Nothing untypical about a President's private attorney requesting a meeting with a world leader? Really? When has this happened before?"

    1795, for one:

    Using a private party such as Rudy Giuliani to carry out diplomatic missions is neither a crime nor an abuse of power. While the State Department’s mandarins have always lamented intrusions on their bureaucratic turf, numerous U.S. presidents have tapped people to conduct foreign-policy initiatives whose job—whether in the government or private sectors—did not include foreign-policy experience or responsibility. George Washington sent Chief Justice John Jay to negotiate the “Jay Treaty” with Britain. Woodrow Wilson used American journalist Lincoln Steffens and Swedish Communist Karl Kilbom as special envoys to negotiate diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. A close Wilson friend, Edward House, held no office but effectively served as chief U.S. negotiator at the Paris Peace Conference after World War I.

    Nor is it illegal or abusive to give a diplomatic assignment to a government official whose formal institutional responsibilities do not include foreign affairs, such as the energy secretary. JFK relied on Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy to negotiate with Moscow during the Cuban missile crisis.

  159. In the news of the weird, Lil Boosie whoops George Zimmermann's ass in a Walmart.😆

  160. 1795, for one:

    1795 huh? Stretching for that one. And in the other example Kennedy was trying to stop the world from being blown up and needed discretion. trump was using back channels to discredit an opponent. Apples and oranges. Abuse of power plain and simply. If McConnell honors his oath then we'll see witnesses and all this can be put to bed.

  161. "Nor is it illegal or abusive to give a diplomatic assignment to a government official whose formal institutional responsibilities do not include foreign affairs, such as the energy secretary."

    That depends on the why. In this case it actually does look like an abuse of power. He was using a private lawyer and the Energy Secretary to dig up dirt on a political opponent and that is abusive. Good luck with any defense otherwise.

  162. Think, son.4:02 PM

    "trump was using back channels to discredit an opponent."

    So, investigation of abuse of power is off the table if someone is running for President?

    Does that apply to Trump?

  163. Zipperfuckerman will be looking to gun moar unarmed blacks now. Couldn't have happened to a nicer murderer imho. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  164. Three good things happened the year I was born. Playboy was first published. Korean police action ended and corvettes were first built and marketed.

  165. Anonymous4:09 PM

    "Zipperfuckerman will be looking to gun moar unarmed blacks now"

    As will everyone.

    Keep applauding assault.

  166. Lt. Moron:

    noun. an assembly of persons summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice. a body of persons specially designated or selected to act in an advisory, administrative, or legislative capacity: the governor's council on housing.

    1.advice, especially that given formally.
    2.the lawyer or lawyers conducting a case.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Hey Doug, this may be a little too advanced. As I recall he's still working on your and you're.😆

  167. "Keep applauding assault."

    No one applauds assault, no wait trump did at one of his rallies.


  168. Happy birthday to my frat brother and legendary badass. Let's all sing Stevie Wonder's song for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  169. Anonymous5:16 PM

    “In the news of the weird, Lil Boosie whoops George Zimmermann's ass in a Walmart.”

    Fake news. Lil Boosie denies this ever happened.

    Although, just wait around long enough and Zimmerman will undoubtedly at some point provoke someone into kicking his ass for real. That dude is dysfunctional as hell, and makes problems for himself wherever he goes.

  170. "remember...I'm not a high-classed lawyer like field"

    Noooooooo, ya don't say. I'm shocked!!!!!😳


  172. Blair6:31 PM

    "I do feel for blacks living in white majority countries. It is harder to navigate life and harder to conform to norms designed for the temperament and values of a different people. But no country has ever gone farther in trying to enforce equality. The fact is, in 2020, America is not a racist society in the way it is portrayed. There are norms of white behavior that are anathema to black people. There are norms of black behavior that are unacceptable to white people. If we can't forge a common culture, and everything about the grievance system works against this, the only solution is separation."

    Arguably the right to include or exclude is the single most fundamental right that any political community can exercise.

    That America’s elite has been at war with this principle for decades says something about whether we actually live in a free country.

  173. SpeaKIng of assault, Virgin Islands charged Epstein with trafficking girls as young as 11 clear into 2018.

  174. Anonymous7:02 PM

    "Arguably the right to include or exclude is the single most fundamental right that any political community can exercise."

    Can we exclude you? I'm thinking the country would see a vast improvement.

  175. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Is there a more under-reported story in America than the fact that the Speaker of the House of Representatives can’t complete a coherent sentence?

  176. Bernie Bro7:06 PM

    "Man-splaining" is a term for the art of discussing technical topics, such as metaphysics, law, agriculture, and operation of motor vehicles, with women.

    Errors of comprehension by women may be fruitfully pointed out and corrected by beginning with term, "Well, actually..."

    Women do have much wisdom to offer men, on topics such as child-rearing, daytime television, and cooking of "comfort foods."


    Sounds like Parnas has knowledge of drumpf thugs secretly electronically surveiling Ambassador in Kiev, the same one they run a dirty tricks operation on to get her removed.

  178. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Parnas, the guy who went on Rachel Maddow.

  179. Another impeachable offense by drumpf.... Days before Europeans warned Iran of nuclear deal violations, Trump secretly threatened to impose 25% tariff on European autos if they didn’t from WAPO.

  180. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Black Gunmen rob 5 Chicago city workers setting up work zone on Northwest Side

  181. Trump is being impeached for looking into the illegal collusion of the Obama administration with the government of Ukraine (and others) to influence the 2016 election.

    Let that sink in.

  182. Lt. Commander Johnson8:59 PM

    Relax, Dougie. I know the difference between counsel and council. Nasty habit I got into years gone long past. My brain knows the difference, but sometimes it doesn't translate to my fingers when typing. Ya know, on occasion, I even misspell words ON PURPOSE. I'll bet no one else here ever does that! That's the major reason I don't call out folks on typos.

    In this case, however, it was just human error. I'll try to do better.

    I can see you got lost in the point I was trying to make in my comment as well. Too busy proof-reading, I suppose.

  183. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:04 PM

    Anonymous Blair said...

    "I do feel for blacks living in white majority countries. It is harder to navigate life and harder to conform to norms designed for the temperament and values of a different people. But no country has ever gone farther in trying to enforce equality. The fact is, in 2020, America is not a racist society in the way it is portrayed. There are norms of white behavior that are anathema to black people. There are norms of black behavior that are unacceptable to white people. If we can't forge a common culture, and everything about the grievance system works against this, the only solution is separation."

    Arguably the right to include or exclude is the single most fundamental right that any political community can exercise.

    That America’s elite has been at war with this principle for decades says something about whether we actually live in a free country.

    6:31 PM
    There are a few universals. For most is that people like to be treated with respect.

  184. So far Lev Parnas will be trump's G. Gordon Liddy.🤔

  185. BusDriverX9:41 PM

    Hunter Biden will be obama's Monica Lewinsky

  186. "Hunter Biden will be obama's Monica Lewinsky"

    Heh heh heh.

  187. "There are norms of black behavior that are unacceptable to white people."

    We have behavioral norms? Must have missed the meeting.😆

  188. Anonymous9:57 PM

    "Parnas, the guy who went on Rachel Maddow."

    Did Maddow ask Parnas about his claim of a secret Nunes trip to Vienna? Nunes is suing CNN for their handling of this false claim. Hope she took advantage of this opportunity to get to bottom of why he claimed this and why anyone should believe his new claims in light of the false claim.

  189. "Did Maddow ask Parnas about his claim of a secret Nunes trip to Vienna?"

    She was too busy trying to find out how involved the President was in abuse of power charges. We can get to the Nunes stuff later.

  190. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Parnas interview is another massive face-plant on par with Roswell Rachel’s big tax returns “reveal.” All BS designed to distract you from the Democrats’ collusion scandal with Ukraine.

  191. Anonymous10:20 PM

    "Blogger PilotX said...
    "remember...I'm not a high-classed lawyer like field"

    Noooooooo, ya don't say. I'm shocked!!!!!😳

    5:34 PM"

    Well actually, Pilot, I DID "say". See above. Perhaps they might make a dick sucking emoji for you out there.

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Hey Doug, this may be a little too advanced. As I recall he's still working on your and you're.😆

    5:10 PM"

    X, you have harped on this mistake/typo I made forever. You folks never address the comments I make on this blog. I have probably used the word your and you're hundreds of times on this blog, correctly. You rarely ever address the salient points, you just snipe around the edges, looking for grammatical or typographical mistakes. Kind of like a Gorilla army. (No, that wasn't a mistake) Maybe rats in a land-fill would be more appropriate.

    I also see above, where you insulted Gambler2 ASKA White Woman. Did you apologize to her? Or, do you know something we don't know on this corrupt blog?.

  192. Anonymous10:21 PM

    "Did Maddow ask Parnas about his claim of a secret Nunes trip to Vienna? Nunes is suing CNN for their handling of this false claim. Hope she took advantage of this opportunity to get to bottom of why he claimed this and why anyone should believe his new claims in light of the false claim."

    Devin Nunes is a crazy crank who has sued Twitter because an imaginary cow made fun of him. If he swears something didn't happen, that only lends credence to the likelihood that it did.

    Devin Nunes is what is known as a "vexatious litigant" (aka a professional time-waster and monumental crybaby).
