Sunday, January 19, 2020

Caption Sunday.

Image result for lev parnas trump images

Give me a caption for this picture.


  1. A fly and a flea in a flue
    Facing prison, what will they do?
    Said the flea let us fly
    Said the fly let us flee
    Wait for a pardon was the best they could do.

  2. Conservatives only see one person. What guy in a pink shirt?

  3. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Giuliani and the coffee boy

  4. Your Conscience7:48 PM

    Simon Bar Sinister takes a break from his latest "World Domination Plot."

  5. My Solid Gold Cufflinks9:13 PM

    Who said crime doesn't pay

  6. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:22 PM

    One total idiot and his Russian friend.

  7. What's in the cup, Rudy?

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Is it Irn Bru from A.G. Barr in Scotland?

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I'll have the BLT.

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Trump won again lets celebrate!!

  11. Only stoopid fucking wingnut magat bastards would celebrate cheating.

  12. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Bit$hes flock together.

  13. drumpf was whining about terrorists getting more justice than himself.

    drumpf really should keep his mouth shut (good luck with that) and be careful what he wishes for. He isn't the most loved animal on the planet.


    How Americasn companies fascilitated the robbery of another African country of its wealth.

    But, but, only blacks do that.

  15. P. Murton5:34 PM

    Look at me! I'm the captain now!

  16. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Trayvon was a burglar…...

  17. "drumpf was whining about terrorists getting more justice than himself."

    How about we field-test that hypothesis.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Trayvon was a burglar…...
    You're an asshole.

  19. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Trayvon was a burglar…...
    Your mom is a whore, watch her here

  20. "At the gun-laden march in Richmond, VA, counter-protestors recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag, and the militia-types respond -- to the pledge of allegiance -- with the chant "We will not comply"]

    I see that Nathan Bedford Forrest's Incel Irregulars are celebrating the life of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. by decking themselves out in Space Force cos-play outfits to protest the fact that the United State is still a nation of laws." (h/t:driftglass)

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. That's cool. You wanna see the law change, just have hundreds of Blah folks out there with guns chanting. You remember what happened with Ronny Raygun.😆

  21. Anonymous10:54 PM

    "That's cool. You wanna see the law change, just have hundreds of Blah folks out there with guns chanting. You remember what happened with Ronny Raygun.😆"

    Honestly, these days, I couldn't anticipate which way the law would change. I feel like wingnuts would immediately start brainstorming some roundabout, backdoor, Jim Crow-style way of banning only black people's guns.

    Hell, maybe not even that roundabout. Trump proudly craps on the Constitution on a near-daily basis, while the congressional GOP just cosigns whatever he does. If he can get away with enacting a Muslim ban ...

  22. "Honestly, these days, I couldn't anticipate which way the law would change."

    Oh it'll change, trust me.

  23. "I feel like wingnuts would immediately start brainstorming some roundabout, backdoor, Jim Crow-style way of banning only black people's guns."

    I don't know about other places, but OPD has basically been doing that for years. The cops find a gun during a stop or a raid? If you're a white guy they'll probably give it back when they're done. If you're black? Well, there are forms to be filled out, administrative fees to be paid, waiting periods to let pass, and eventually they hope you'll just get sick of it all and give up.
    Or they'll declare it evidence in whatever matter they were engaged in when they found it, and the process of getting it back gets even more complicated.
    When we were the only white people on the block on MLK behind the MacArthur BART, we were raided by OPD, and while they didn't find anything, a couple of us had warrants and got taken to jail, one of whom was my friend Rob.
    They found Rob's M1 Garand in the front room, and took it out to one of the squad cars to run the numbers.
    When they were about to leave, they brought the M1 back in and told Jack that the numbers had checked out and tried to hand it to him.
    Jack, who is an ex-felon, said "Oh no you don't, you ran my information and know that as soon as I take that rifle you can cuff me and charge me with being a felon in possession of a firearm."
    The cop said that actually, no, they just wanted to be done there and go home, and where should he put the damn thing then?
    Jack said "How about where you found it?" They eventually leaned it in the corner, which is where Rob found it when he got out of jail.
    Our neighbor, a black kid in the local gang, told us later "Shit, every time they even hear one of us has one they take it, and we never hear about it again."

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Anonymous1:20 AM

    "Our neighbor, a black kid in the local gang, told us later "Shit, every time they even hear one of us has one they take it, and we never hear about it again."

    Because the numbers never check out.

    Black criminality is not a civil right. Yet.

  25. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Black criminality is not a civil right. Yet.
    But white criminality is. Now go shoot up another church Shooter.

  26. "I feel like wingnuts would immediately start brainstorming some roundabout, backdoor, Jim Crow-style way of banning only black people's guns."

    Red Flag laws will serve actual power and therefore will be used to take guns from "Nazis" (a.k.a. "White People").

  27. I am sure Joe Biden on some level is a decent guy but who cares? He represented a tax haven state for several decades and leveraged those connections to provide financial largesse to his family. Now those same interests are funding his campaign. Really not hard to understand.

  28. In California, they take guns and ammo away from domestic abusers, no matter their race.

    -Doug in Oakland


  30. "will be used to take guns from "Nazis" (a.k.a. "White People")."

    Well, not too many nazis of color. And yes, we should take guns from crazy people.


  32. Anonymous1:57 AM

    "Red Flag laws will serve actual power and therefore will be used to take guns from 'Nazis'"

    If only.

  33. Anonymous2:00 AM

    If it was justifiable to have Biden investigated it doesn't become impeachable because Trump also wants to get reelected. Even if he mainly wants to get reelected.

  34. "If only."

    It's like some folks want nazis to have guns.

  35. Anonymous2:27 AM

    "If it was justifiable to have Biden investigated ..."

    It wasn't.

  36. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Thank you white man:

  37. Anonymous8:40 AM

    The Martin Luther King You Didn’t Know: Plagiarism Test States “Guilty!”

  38. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Black criminality is not a civil right. Yet.
    But white criminality is. Now go shoot up another church Shooter.
    1:27 AM

    Emanuel Kidega Samson (black)

  39. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Climate change is a hoax!!

  40. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Ex-President Obama was going to stick us for $2.1 billion or so. Before Obama left office, he arranged with the State Department for a series of "official visits"
    to foreign countries spanning the next 20 years. Using funds from the Office of Presidential Visits and Vacations, Obama was planning to use what would have been $2.1 billion in free vacations for him and up to 24 members of his family plus staff and even a dog sitter until the year 2036. He would have, that is, until President Trump put a stop to it. Trump, who is always looking for ways to save money, was presented with a ledger that contained all of the Obama's travel plans and expenses. The ledger was found by one of the workers President Trump hired from outside the typical White House staff. President Trump immediately canceled the plans and recalled all Secret Service agents scheduled to protect the Obamas anywhere outside of the United States. The Obama's are also facing another new challenge at the hands of President Trump. They're going to have to repay the government $214 million for all of those vacations that weren't official state business.
    The bill, after some small allowances for days that were possibly work related, is for $214 million. Of the 692 days the Obama's spent on vacation, almost none included any work at all. They ate, slept, and golfed And, Michelle was given shopping allowances from the Office of Discretionary Gifting Funds, which is supposed to be used to buy presents for visiting dignitaries.
    Feel free to share this with everyone in your email list. Many Americans will appreciate to know this hidden facts.
    Yea, President Trump! We love what you do and for what you stand for!
    P.S. Michelle's mother, who took care of the granddaughters for all 8 years was GETTING PAID! And NOW she is getting a pension of $13,000 a month&n bsp;for the rest of her life. (chew on that; how much is your social security?)

  41. Anymoose @ 8:59 AM just told another pants on fire whopper. He even copied it word for word except the part that said FALSE!

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The Martin Luther King You Didn’t Know: Plagiarism Test States “Guilty!”

    Snopes says this is mostly bullshit. The plagiarism stuff in King's doctoral dissertation was investigated and dealt with in 1990. Nothing in the plagiarism attempt at scandal caused the earth to stop turning. And notice how I didn't claim Melanoma drumpfuck's plagiarism of Michelle Obama's speeches stopped the world, either.

    The "I Have A DReam" speech kerfluffle is way overblown.

  43. Anonymous9:55 AM

    What is SNOPES???

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:48 AM

    Anonymous said.......

    Yea, President Trump! We love what you do and for what you stand for!

    8:59 AM
    Maybe you do, but the majority of Americans detest everything he stands for: greed, selfishness, cruelty, dishonesty, arrogance, and brutality.

  45. "Climate change is a hoax" is a hoax.
    "There was massive voter fraud" is a massive fraud.

  46. How to be a good troll12:18 PM

    _ is a hoax. Soros! trump 2020!

  47. "Fake News" is news about the Fake: that is, the failing Donald Trump.

    And so on.

  48. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What is SNOPES???

    One of the many reputable fact checking services that prove liars like anymoose are liars on a daily basis.

  49. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Snopes is for dopes.

  50. Anonymous2:13 PM

    @ 7:23 "Trayvon was a burglar"

    You just want some fire: Sit down bit$h, be humble - Kendrick Larmar

    Let 'our' children Rest In Power; you and your kind are $hit heads. Now go bury yourself! Better yet, shoot yourself 1st. (One for the NRA)

  51. Anonymous3:24 PM

    So, while the farce that is the rigged-to-acquit, non-trial of Donald Trump goes on, is anybody else noticing the bad sportsmanship contest going on in the Democratic Party?

    For starters, you've got Warren and Sanders beefing over some total dumbass nonsense.

    And now, today, here comes Hillary Clinton unnecessarily sniping from the sidelines at Sanders in an interview.

    Now, we all know there was some seriously bad blood between the Hillary and Bernie camps in 2016. And, back then, I was disgusted with the faction of the Bernie supporters who acted like Susan Sarandon and decided to sulk and sit out the election, or pointlessly peed away their votes on Jill Stein, because they were mad at Hillary. They helped Trump get elected with their out of control bitterness. And now Hillary is acting just as bad, ranting about how Bernie gets nothing done and everyone hates him, etc, etc, and how she won't even commit to endorsing him should he end up being the nominee.

    You fucking what, woman? Seriously? You damn well better endorse whomever the nominee is, whether it's your nemesis Bernie or (God forbid) Bloomberg, the Republican in Sheep's Clothing. How can you behave this way, when the alternative for all the rest of us is living under Trump?

    I cannot with these people, pitching childish, petty temper tantrums and indulging their hurt fee-fees while Trump burns the republic to the ground around us. They all need to grow the hell up and get their priorities straight.


  53. Anonymous said...
    Snopes is for dopes.

    At least you can rhyme even though you are not acquainted with truth or reality.


    Politifact says anymoose pants on fire liar aboutn Obama's vacations.

  55. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Politifact is for hacks.


    Scotus is slow walking cases they favor for drumpf so they won't make any decisions that would hurt drumpf at the ballot box. If they toss out ACA all insured will lose their pre-existing conditions that drump and stoopid fucking wingnuts continually lie about.

    If this happened before Nov of this year, drumpf would lose in thirty landslides and every wingnut would be voted out.

  57. Bernie was headed for trouble when he hired Stein flacks for his comms team. We warned him at the time, but he and his fans tend to believe that if you don't agree with everything he says all of the time then you're not revolutionary enough to be trusted, so they ignored our concerns.

    -Doug in Oakland


    drumpf will learn someday, probably too late, to keep his fucking mouth shut. He is not invulnerable.

    Go ahead, drumpf, keep kicking the hornet's nest. You will get stung, but so will a passle of American servicemen and woman who deserve a better CIC.

  59. Anonymous said..."And now, today, here comes Hillary Clinton unnecessarily sniping from the sidelines at Sanders in an interview."

    It's completely necessary to call out misogyny. You must have a problem with strong women, like Bernie apparently does. It's 2020, and we don't need to be supporting someone who thinks a woman can't be president.

  60. Pathological, liar drumpf claims his economy is the best the world has ever seen, except, by comparison to Obama's and dumbass dubya's.

    dumbass dubya inherited a 128 billion dollar surplus and turned that into 10 trillion in debt. Obama had the worst inheritance by far and in a year had the economy on the rebound. His recovery is still going and drumpf claims credit for all the hard work Dems did to drag the economy and Neanderthal wingnuts into the future so drumpf could fuck things up with trade wars.

  61. Anonymous4:57 PM

    “Bernie was headed for trouble when he hired Stein flacks for his comms team.”

    Ugh, I didn’t even mention the Team Bernie Lying About Biden fiasco.

    It is too early for the Democratic primaries to have gotten this ugly and stupid. Multiple Dem campaigns, and Hillary Clinton, are all being assholes right now.

    Make it stop.

  62. If the 389 character url intimidates you for my above post, try this one

  63. Anonymous5:11 PM

    mike's pre-existing condition is being an insane moron.

  64. So drumpf's best liar, Chipotlewienie, lied to John Robert's face in todays hearings......

    As Nicolle Wallace’s MSNBC panel broke down the debate over the Senate rules for the trial, former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele gave Rep. Adam Schiff credit for his handling of the opener before admonishing Trump lawyers Pat Cippolone and Jay Sekulow. After that, McCaskill said “the most stunning thing” for her was that Cippolone falsely claimed, “Not even Mr. Schiff’s Republican colleagues were allowed into the SCIF” to attend classified impeachment meetings in the House of Representatives.

    “A lawyer does not stand in front of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and lie,” McCaskill said. “That is a flat lie, a demonstrable lie.”

    Wallace noted that Republican congressmen were shown in the transcripts asking questions in those briefings, which prompted McCaskill to continue: “They were all there. They all had a right to be there and dozens and dozens of them attended every single one of those closed hearings.”

  65. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Impeachment farce going down in flames...developing.

  66. Horrendo Revolver(from Madd Magazine in days gone by) calls drumpf a civil rights leader.


  67. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Trump loves black people.

  68. "...calls drumpf a civil rights leader."

    He is. He's leading them to hell in a handbasket.

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. Anonymous6:04 PM

    "Horrendo Revolver(from Madd Magazine in days gone by) calls drumpf a civil rights leader."

    Geraldo Rivera is the guy who advised black people who do not want to get Trayvonned (killed by a racist vigilante) that all they have to do to protect themselves is not wear hoodies.

    So draw your own conclusions about his wisdom on matters of race.

  70. Anonymous6:06 PM

    "Impeachment farce going down in flames...developing."

    Maybe they should have waited until they found evidence of an actual crime before they tried to impeach the President.

    What a shit show.

  71. Poor little Devin Nunes. He and his mom and his cow were left off of Fergus' new Super Duper House Wingnut Anti-Impeachment Team. He was probably also the last to be picked for kickball, and that probably explains some things about him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  72. "Geraldo Rivera is the guy who advised black people who do not want to get Trayvonned (killed by a racist vigilante) that all they have to do to protect themselves is not wear hoodies"

    That, and not jump a guy and smash his head into the pavement when he has a gun.

  73. From Steve Benen:

    "About half of Americans say the Senate should vote to convict President Donald Trump and remove him from office in the upcoming impeachment trial (51%), according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, while 45% say the Senate should vote against conviction and removal.

    Nearly seven in 10 (69%) say that upcoming trial should feature testimony from new witnesses who did not testify in the House impeachment inquiry."

    One problem with this is that the 51% are mostly represented by ten or twelve senators from populous states, and thus are outnumbered in the senate even though they are a clear majority.

    -Doug in Oakland

  74. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Gallup has it 51% acquit / 46% convict.

  75. "Maybe they should have waited until they found evidence of an actual crime before they tried to impeach the President."

    It didn't start being a crime when the GAO concluded it was a crime, it was a crime when he committed it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. Every low IQ nimrod is concerned with Trump. You're nothing but lemmings for the corporate media conglomerate.

  77. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "It didn't start being a crime when the GAO concluded it was a crime, it was a crime when he committed it."

    No criminal accusations in impeachment articles.

    GAO works for Nancy Pelosi, so that's what that's worth.

  78. People with the last name Schiff have been frauding this country for over a hundred years.

  79. Anonymous6:48 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What is SNOPES???

    One of the many reputable fact checking services that prove liars like anymoose are liars on a daily basis.
    12:38 PM

    LOL BULLSHIT, Snopes is a left wing self appointed "fact checker" that is a propaganda machine for alt left types. They cater to millennials and libtards who think its legit because its on the error net.

  80. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Hollywood is a bastion of socialist pedophiles....

  81. In the two years Obama had a Democratic congress he, a competent president, signed a raft of legislation that helped the country, such as the stimulus, Dodd Frank, and the ACA, and many many more.

    Fergus, an incompetent everything, had a Republican congress for two years, and signed one piece of major legislation, a tax cut that adds two trillion dollars to the deficit over a decade, and last year gave the largest wall street banks a $32 billion tax break.

    -Doug in Oakland

  82. The Republican party is full of bastards and pedophiles who ruin the lives of the children they force women to bear.

    There, I fixed it for you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  83. So Democrats rejected the witnesses that Republicans in the House wanted and are now shocked that the Republicans are not giving Democrats what they are asking for in the Senate?

    Can we have like some kind of mass impeachment of congress?

  84. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Nadler saying that debating whether we should have witnesses in the impeachment trial is to debate whether we should have a cover up

    I agree, make Biden testify otherwise you're voting to cover up his crimes.

  85. Proof of iden's crimes or stfu.

  86. So Democrats rejected the witnesses that Republicans in the House wanted

    Blatant, debunked lie. Wingnuts wanted three and all three testified against drumpf.

  87. Shit fer brains @ 6:48 PM

    Read it and whine, bitch!

  88. The farce of the im0peachment beolongs to wingnuts. They are not taking their constitutional duties seriously and will pay the price at the polls in November.

    Only people who believe drumpf is innocent are mouth breathing wingnuts too stoopid to think for themselves, which means all of them.

  89. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Every low IQ nimrod is concerned with Trump. You're nothing but lemmings for the corporate media conglomerate.
    Exactly. You see these red hat wearing morons at his klan rallies.

  90. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Trump loves black people.
    So does your mom. Check her out at

  91. Anonymous8:29 PM

    So Democrats rejected the witnesses that Republicans in the House wanted and are now shocked that the Republicans are not giving Democrats what they are asking for in the Senate?
    Um, you do know the witnesses the Republicans wanted have ZERO to do with the case and were just asked for to slow down proceedings. A witness has to be material to the case at hand but most Fox News watching morons don't know that.

  92. Joe Bribem8:39 PM

    Bernie Sanders publicly apologized today to fellow Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for a recent Guardian op-ed by a surrogate, who claimed the former Vice President and his campaign have a “corruption problem.”

    Biden has a long history of corruption. The Democrats have gone to incredible lengths to cover it up by impeaching the President for asking about it.

    The DNC rigged the 2016 primary against Bernie. Even then, Bernie refused to hammer the uber-corrupt Hillary Clinton over her email scandal and even campaigned for her in the general election. How did Hillary repay him? This is from her new Hulu series:

    "He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.

    Yep, what a sucker.

    Now, as the DNC is trying to shaft him again by rigging the 2020 primary for another corrupt establish Democrat, he apologizes for one of his surrogates telling the truth about Biden.

    Hillary must be right, Sanders is a fraud who doesn't really want to win.

  93. Republicans are kinda dumb8:48 PM

    The Democrats have gone to incredible lengths to cover it up by impeaching the President for asking about it.
    Dumbest post ever! Sure, Donnie is a saint and none of his aides have gone to jail for corruption. the donald is going to jail.

  94. Anonymous8:56 PM

    The fact remains, Trump is being impeached because he asked about Biden's corruption.

  95. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Looks like Mitch and the president are conducting a kangaroo court.

    Kangaroo court definition is - a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.

    No documents, no witnesses, no nothin'. Yup, it's a kangaroo court all right.

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:23 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Hollywood is a bastion of socialist pedophiles....

    6:51 PM
    Washington DC is a bastion of Republican pedophiles and their enablers. Trump and Jim Jordon come to mind.

  97. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:36 PM

    Joe Bribem said...

    "Biden has a long history of corruption."

    ?????????? You got a source for this claim or did you just make it up?

  98. "You got a source for this claim or did you just make it up?"

    Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson......

  99. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Granny needs a source for 2 + 2 = 4.

  100. What is chilling to consider is that if the Democrats controlled the Senate, they *could have* pulled off this non-constitutional trick process.... AND possibly without Judicial Branch intervention. A genuine Constitutional Crisis would have ensued.


  102. Odds aren't bad that the D's will control the Senate in 2021, after the R's disgrace themselves even more than they already have.

  103. The supremes say the Flint lawsuit can go forward.

    -Doug in Oakland

  104. "The supremes say the Flint lawsuit can go forward."


  105. Anonymous12:38 AM

  106. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Joe Biden wants to cut social security.

  107. Anonymous1:52 AM

    “A genuine Constitutional Crisis would have ensued.”

    No, adherence to the Constitution would have ensued.

    But after Trump’s thoroughly justified removal, a redneck racist meltdown crisis would have followed. And still may follow when he is voted out of office in the fall.

  108. Anonymous2:19 AM

    "Joe Biden wants to cut social security."

    trump wants to cut your balls.

  109. If farmers could fertilize all the bullshit coming from stoopid fucking wingnut trolls, they wouldn't need an ounce of petrol based fertilizer ever again.

  110. Drumpf's lawyers started out lying and really got into koyote kerfluffle mode after midnight when drumpfuck started tweeting at them.

  111. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Joe Biden’s problem isn’t that he was smeared by an unfounded conspiracy theory. It is that he has failed to recognize he engaged in the appearance of a conflict of interest in Ukraine that he was ethically obligated to avoid.

    Bernie's going to be the nominee.

  112. Educational testing was banned in the USSR in 1936 because it revealed that individual differences still existed in a socialist education system.

    "Repression of the problematic cases was considered to be a better solution than education"

    84 years later, in the US, elite colleges are moving toward eliminating tests like the SAT and GRE as requirements for admission because they reveal persistent and significant performance differences between races.

  113. Why is it only Dems are expected to avoid conflicts of interest?

  114. Anonymous2:45 PM

    "Why is it only Dems are expected to avoid conflicts of interest?"

    Like using the power of the office of Secretary of State to approve the sale of 20% of American uranium reserves to Russia while accepting $184 million in donations to your personal foundation from parties involved in the deal?

  115. But no tea bagger outrage. Why the hypocrisy?

  116. CherryPickerX2:59 PM

    Selective accounting.

  117. Ivan Beatinov3:00 PM

    Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii) on Wednesday filed a defamation lawsuit against twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for "carelessly and recklessly" accusing her of being a Russian asset.

  118. No shock that liars represent a liar.😑

  119. Devin Numbnuts hometown paper has this to say about Devin Numbnuts.....

    “Devin Nunes has betrayed the truth, betrayed the trust of voters and, quite possibly, betrayed our country,” the Sacramento Bee editorial board wrote Monday.

  120. Fucking liar says...Like using the power of the office of Secretary of State to approve the sale of 20% of American uranium reserves to Russia while accepting $184 million in donations to your personal foundation from parties involved in the deal?

    There is not a single true word in this bullshit that has not been debunked literally thousands of times.

    You are a pos fucking liar.

  121. POS like anymoose is too stoopid to be allowed to roam free and have access to social media.

  122. Clinton Crime Family3:09 PM

    "POS like anymoose is too stoopid to be allowed to roam free and have access to social media."

    The truth hurts, doesn't it?

    Burns like fire.


    Bout f'n time!

  124. Gabbard's temper lawsuit won't hunt.

    But apparently Clinton meant Republicans — not Russians — were doing the grooming.

    The New York Times ran this correction Wednesday night: “An earlier version of this article described incorrectly an element of Hillary Clinton’s recent comments about Representative Tulsi Gabbard. While Mrs. Clinton said that a Democratic presidential candidate was ‘the favorite of the Russians,’ and an aide later confirmed the reference was to Ms. Gabbard, Mrs. Clinton’s remark about the ‘grooming’ of a third-party candidate in the 2020 race was in response to a question about the Republicans’ strategy, not about Russian intervention.”

    From The Intelligencer.

  125. "But apparently Clinton meant Republicans — not Russians — were doing the grooming."

    Makes sense because she was going to lose the Dem primary to a more popular candidate.

  126. One would think the leader of the free world would spend his time more appropriately.

  127. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Gabbard is a Putin stooge. She tipped her hand when she opposed overthrowing Assad.


    John Brennan has Chipotlewienie pegged as a liar of drumpfuckian proportions.

  129. From Robert Reich.... Chief executives of the largest global corporations are raking in more money and at a larger multiple of their workers’ pay than at any time in history. The world’s leading financiers are pocketing even more. The 26 richest people on Earth now own as much as the 3.8 billion who form the poorer half of the planet’s population.

    Kwite the ratio, what?


    Docs released a couple minutes before deadline. Nice people in the gubmint. All should be perp walked out in handcuffs and leg irons.

  131. Anonymous4:22 PM

    “Gabbard is a Putin stooge. She tipped her hand when she opposed overthrowing Assad.”

    I doubt very much that she is literally in the employ of the Russians.

    But she is what, in the old days, would be called a “useful idiot.” She has some stunningly bad foreign policy views — like on Assad — that happen to align with Putin’s.

  132. Jesse5:09 PM

    The 3 biggest stories in America that the media won’t report:

    1. Obama’s politicized FBI.
    2. Bill Clinton’s Epstein ties.
    3. The health of Nancy Pelosi.

  133. Gabbard isn't a Russian asshat, she was born in American Samoa.
    She is, on the other hand, a homophobe whose foreign policy ideas have a Fergus-like Putinphilia.

    -Doug in Oakland

  134. Adam Schiff is the least credible person Democrats could have possibly picked to lead their impeachment case, which tells you they never intended to persuade any Republicans of Trump’s guilt, just create a political spectacle to placate party activists, donors, and media allies.

  135. Anonymous5:45 PM

    "Gabbard isn't a Russian asshat, she was born in American Samoa."

    There's is no good reason to oppose the use of American military force to remove a Russian-backed dictator whose presence in a vital region threatens America's interests. Gabbard is Trump in a skirt on foreign policy, and has obviously been compromised by Putin. Hillary showed true leadership by calling her out.

  136. You don't suppose that MBS hacked Bezos' phone as a favor to his good friend Fergus do you? That would be crazy.

    -Doug in Oakland

  137. Anonymous5:58 PM

    "Joe Biden’s problem isn’t that he was smeared by an unfounded conspiracy theory. It is that he has failed to recognize he engaged in the appearance of a conflict of interest in Ukraine that he was ethically obligated to avoid."

    Fact: Joe Bden admitted to forcing Shokin's firing in March 2016.

    It is irrefutable, and not a conspiracy theory, that Joe Biden bragged in this 2018 speech to a foreign policy group that he threatened in March 2016 to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Kiev if then-Ukraine’s president Petro Poroshenko didn't immediately fire Shokin.

    "I said, 'You're not getting the billion.' I'm going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,'" Biden told the 2018 audience in recounting what he told Poroshenko

    "Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,: Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event.

    Fact: Shokin's prosecutors were actively investigating Burisma when he was fired.

    While some news organizations cited by the Biden memo have reported the investigation was "dormant" in March 2016, official files released by the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office, in fact, show there was substantial investigative activity in the weeks just before Joe Biden forced Shokin's firing.

    The corruption investigations into Burisma and its founder began in 2014. Around the same time, Hunter Biden and his U.S. business partner Devon Archer were added to Burisma's board, and their Rosemont Seneca Bohais firm began receiving regular $166,666 monthly payments, which totaled nearly $2 million a year. Both banks records seized by the FBI in America and Burisma’s own ledgers in Ukraine confirm these payments.

    Fact: Burisma's lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.

    Burisma's main U.S. lawyer John Buretta acknowledged in this February 2017 interview with a Ukraine newspaper that the company remained under investigation in 2016, until he negotiated for one case to be dismissed and the other to be settled by payment of a large tax penalty.

    Documents released under an open records lawsuit show Burisma legal team was pressuring the State Department in February 2016 to end the corruption allegations against the gas firm and specifically invoked Hunter Biden’s name as part of the campaign.

    In addition, immediately after Joe Biden succeeded in getting Shokin ousted, Burisma's lawyers sought to meet with his successor as chief prosecutor to settle the case.

  138. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:00 PM

    MT said...

    "Adam Schiff is the least credible person Democrats could have possibly picked to lead their impeachment case, which tells you they never intended to persuade any Republicans of Trump’s guilt, just create a political spectacle to placate party activists, donors, and media allies."

    5:24 PM
    Got any evidence or sources to support your outrageous opinion? Or are you upset because he is doing an excellent job of nailing the fraud in the White House?

  139. "...persuade any Republicans of Trump’s guilt,"

    Republicans are not persuadable of Fergus' guilt. Fergus admitted his guilt on live TV on the lawn of the white house, if that doesn't persuade you, you aren't answering to reality.

    The Democrats are simply presenting their case as if it were a real trial in which the outcome wasn't already decided by the corrupt Republicans who are controlling the proceedings.

    Their hope is that if their case is strong enough, the votes to acquit will become political liabilities to the Republicans who cast them.

    In other words, McConnell has reduced the process of impeachment to an election strategy and the Democrats are not letting themselves be blindsided by the outrageousness of his tactics this time.

    Perhaps if they had come to that realization in 2016 Merrick Garland might have been a supreme court justice.

    -Doug in Oakland

  140. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:12 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The fact remains, Trump is being impeached because he asked about Biden's corruption.

    8:56 PM
    No, Trump is being impeached for obstruction of a congressional investigation of his illegal activities and for abusing his power and thereby endangering national security. Try to keep up.

  141. "Joe Bden admitted to forcing Shokin's firing in March 2016"

    Because Shokin was failing to prosecute corrupt officials in Ukraine, particularly officials backed by Russian money. Kind of like what you're falsely accusing Hunter Biden of doing.

    -Doug in Oakland

  142. From NBC news:

    "The District of Columbia filed suit against President Donald Trump's inaugural committee and the Trump Organization on Wednesday, charging they misused non-profit funds to enrich the president's family business."

    They knew they were being vastly overcharged by the Trump Hotel, but spent more than a million dollars there anyway, including for a private party for Fergus' eldest three hellspawn.

    -Doug in Oakland

  143. Forcing theouster of a corrupt prosecutor in a coerruptr naion that gets US aid is not a CRIMINAL Act.

    Bribing the president of corrupt nation to investigate a political rival of the US bogus potus is a criminal act and impeachable.

    Get over your bad selves, stoopid fucking ignorant wingnuts. Wingnuts in congress know drumpf is a crook and they don't care as long as they can stay in power. They have to blame someone else for their incompetencies.

  144. It is irrefutable, and not a conspiracy theory, that Joe Biden bragged in this 2018 speech to a foreign policy group that he threatened in March 2016 to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Kiev if then-Ukraine’s president Petro Poroshenko didn't immediately fire Shokin.

    But, dumbass, it isn't a crime. And Biden wasn't impeached.And wasn;t a problem for wingnuts when they had control of congress and did nothing about it.

  145. Fact: Burisma's lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.

    If this is, in fact, a fact, let's see the documents to prove it. You spew about documents that prove yer contentions, but they don't seem to ever exist in reality. Get them and show them.

  146. Now we haVe Doktor drumpfuck.

    President Donald Trump said he does not consider potential brain injuries to be as serious as physical combat wounds, downplaying the severity of US service members being treated for concussion symptoms from an Iranian attack as "headaches."

    CNN's Dana Bash asked Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) if he thinks Trump statement was concerning.

  147. drumpfuck admits to obstructing congress.

    Stoopid fucking wingnuts say.....crickets.

  148. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Snopes is total bullshit. It is a left wing socialist propaganda tool....

  149. Anonymous8:24 PM

    When the US Senate exonerates President Trump....what will the Socialist Democrats do next???

  150. Snopes is total bullshit. It is a left wing socialist propaganda tool....

    Liar. liar pants on fire.

  151. Fact Jack8:49 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    Anonymous said...

    The fact remains, Trump is being impeached because he asked about Biden's corruption.
    No, Trump is being impeached for obstruction of a congressional investigation of his illegal activities and for abusing his power and thereby endangering national security. Try to keep up.

    1. Asserting established privilege in an appropriate manner is not obstruction of justice (like, for example, Obama withholding documents on "Fast and Furious" scandal not subject to executive privilege restrictions or more blatantly Hillary permanently deleting 30,000 subpoenaed emails).

    2. Whatever anyone imputes his motives to have been, facilitating the investigation of corruption is a proper exercise of executive power. Biden should not receive immunity for his actions simply because he is running for President. Additionally, the idea that holding up aid for a few weeks endangered US national security is laughable. As are almost all of your opinions.

  152. Fact Jack8:54 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Fact: Burisma's lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.
    If this is, in fact, a fact, let's see the documents to prove it. You spew about documents that prove yer contentions, but they don't seem to ever exist in reality. Get them and show them.

    Read em' and weep:

  153. Fact Jack9:02 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Joe Bden admitted to forcing Shokin's firing in March 2016"
    Because Shokin was failing to prosecute corrupt officials in Ukraine, particularly officials backed by Russian money. Kind of like what you're falsely accusing Hunter Biden of doing.

    In December 2015, the prosecutor’s files show, Shokin’s office transferred the evidence it had gathered against Burisma to NABU for investigation.

    In early February 2016, Shokin’s office secured a court order allowing prosecutors to re-seize some of the Burisma founder’s property, including his home and luxury car, as part of the ongoing probe.

    Two weeks later, in mid-February 2016, Latvian law enforcement sent an alert to Ukrainian prosecutors flagging several payments from Burisma to American accounts as “suspicious.” The payments included some monies to Hunter Biden’s and Devon Archer’s firm. Latvian authorities recently confirmed it sent the alert.

    Shokin told ABC News that just before he was fired under pressure from Joe Biden he also was making plans to interview Hunter Biden.

  154. From Taegan Goddard:

    Budget Officials Laid Groundwork to Freeze Ukraine Aid

    January 22, 2020 at 8:03 am EST By Taegan Goddard 50 Comments

    “Officials at the White House’s Office of Management and Budget were laying the groundwork to freeze military aid to Ukraine the night before President Trump’s controversial phone call with the Ukrainian President, newly released, heavily redacted emails show,” CNN reports.

    “On the evening of July 24, the night before the call, OMB officials shared a ‘Ukraine Prep Memo’ with Michael Duffey — the office’s associate director of national security programs, a political appointee and the budget official who would play a direct role in carrying out Trump’s funding freeze.”

    Fergus doesn't think brain injuries are a big deal because he never uses his anyway and doesn't think he'd miss it if it was gone.

    -Doug in Oakland

  155. Anonymous10:22 PM

    “Officials at the White House’s Office of Management and Budget were laying the groundwork to freeze military aid to Ukraine the night before President Trump’s controversial phone call with the Ukrainian President, newly released, heavily redacted emails show,” CNN reports.

    “On the evening of July 24, the night before the call, OMB officials shared a ‘Ukraine Prep Memo’ with Michael Duffey — the office’s associate director of national security programs, a political appointee and the budget official who would play a direct role in carrying out Trump’s funding freeze.”

    So the fuck what?

    There's no debate over whether or not the aid was delayed over concerns of corruption.

    We also know there was no "quid pro quo" regarding assistance in investigating Biden's corruption, because Zelensky said there wasn't and Trump released the transcript of the call. The Ukrainians didn't even know the aid was delayed.

    What the fuck is wrong with your brain?

  156. "There's no debate over whether or not the aid was delayed over concerns of corruption."

    Well, you're right about that part, just not in the way you're implying.

    -Doug in Oakland

  157. Anonymous2:41 AM
