The killing of Qasem Soleimani has had an interesting effect on the American psyche. trump cultists who wanted us to disengage from all foreign conflicts and get the hell out of the Middle East, have all of a sudden become Neocon war hawks. Why? Because there leader, the Orange Mobster, told them that it was cool to want war again.
Let's forget, for a minute, that none of them knew who this man was a couple of weeks ago. It's only because their leader told them that this was a bad man in order to justify the administration's foolhardy move of assassinating a foreign general while he was in another country (Iraq), that they have now decided that Soleimani had to go.
The trump administration has declared that Soleimani was up to no good, and that he had to be killed because he was an imminent threat to America and Americans. That by killing him, we were able to save many many lived. Of course, as is to be expected with this bunch, we are still waiting for something (anything) from this administration, to show us that they are telling the truth. Given their sad history with the truth, though, I suspect that they will not have any concrete evidence that this assassination was done for all the right reasons.
The irony of all this, is that the trump administration, by killing this Iranian general, has unified all Iranians. Their hatred for America, and all things American, has just intensified. This is happening at a time when the leaders in Iran were vulnerable and their grip on that country was loosening because of all the economic sanctions. Now, having the people of Iran rise up against the leaders of that country, seems like a far away pipe dream.
Iran has vowed revenge, and they said that they will retaliate against America for the killing of their general. I don't doubt that they will. I just hope that innocent people and our brave service men and women will not have to die because of the actions of a narcissist whose only concern is his ego.
Memo to my fellow Americans: You might want to put a hold on all exotic foreign vacations for awhile.
Image courtesy of Atta Kenare / AFP - Getty Images
"The trump administration has declared that Soleimani was up to no good, and that he had to be killed because he was an imminent threat to America and Americans. That by killing him, we were able to save many many lived."
To be fair, all of that probably is true. Soleimani was a thug, one of the main leaders of the hardliner faction in Iranian politics, the guys who try to block reforms and make Iran such a rotten country. He was a sponsor of terrorist groups throughout the Middle East.
It doesn't follow that killing him will be a net positive, however, if that touches off an all-out Mideast war.
"This is happening at a time when the leaders in Iran were vulnerable and their grip on that country was loosening because of all the economic sanctions. Now, having the people of Iran rise up against the leaders of that country, seems like a far away pipe dream."
I'd say this is wrong. The sanctions aren't having the effect of loosening the grip of the hardliners; at this point, they are weakening the strength of the moderates and reformers.
Obama had made a deal with moderate Iranian leaders: Take your nuclear program off the path that could lead to a weaponry, and we'll drop economic sanctions on your country. Or at least a lot of them. But Trump ripped up that deal and spat in all their faces. His point of view is that there will be no deals and no compromises; fuck that, we're going to crush you, Iran.
That stance destroys the Iranian moderates' position. There's no point in making sacrifices to please the West because the Great Satan (aka the US) will always renege on any overtures Iran makes. So the only solution is to put the bastards back in charge. The hardliners, like Trump, have been working as hard as they can to collapse the nuke deal. Like Trump, they don't believe in internationalism; they're nationalists who believe that might makes right and violence is always the answer.
So Trump got rid of one of the main leaders of the hardliners, but he strengthened their faction's position domestically by turning Soleimani into a martyr and finally killing off any hope of reviving the nuke deal.
drumpf chose 52 targets to whack if Iran retaliates, one for each f the 52 hostages Iran took in embassy takeover while Jimmy Carter was potus. Like drumpf ever gave a shit about hostages before.
Chances are , if the USA hadn't installed the Shah back on his thrown in coup Iranians would not have become such fierce enemies of ours.
Look behind nearly every dust up in the Middle East and you will find American Imperialism hiding in the papyrus.
Suleimani was a general in the Iranian special forces, what do you think his job was?
The fact that he was such a big deal in Iranian society will mostly drive Iran into the arms of the Russians and Chinese, who don't give a rat's ass about our sanctions.
Fergus doesn't understand that juvenile intimidation doesn't work as diplomacy, and his neutering of the state department is perhaps the greatest return on investment Putin got out of the whole 2016 deal.
The citizens of Iran are not all welded to the hard-liners' religion or ideology, but stunts like this one cause many of them to capitulate to the perceived security of the more militaristic and right wing in their leaders.
I was taught Italian cooking by an Iranian-American chef named Mohsen when I worked at the Buttercup in the eighties. He was an entomologist who was a chef for his day job, like I was a musician who was a line cook for mine. I learned quite a bit about Iran (as it was in the eighties) from working with him for five years.
He said at the time, of the Ayatollah: "Shit, his dad is still alive."
-Doug in Oakland
Now trump trusts his intelligence agencies? Wonder if he'll believe what they told him about Russia.
Filed under "even a stopped clock is right twice daily":
Quote of the Day
January 7, 2020 at 11:23 am EST By Taegan Goddard 89 Comments
“The administration tore up the Iran agreement, placed a significant, severe embargo on Iran, and then killed one of their major generals — nobody in their right mind would actually think that that would lead to negotiations. So when Secretary of State Pompeo’s out there saying, ‘Well, maximum pressure, our goal is to get them back to the negotiating table,’ no naive child would believe that, you would have to be brain-dead to believe that.”
— Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), on CNN.
-Doug in Oakland
Yeah, answer this you loser of your "team":
5:30 PM
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
I'm just about at the end to believe you idiots are just anchor chains for the Bell Curve. You are totally, intentionally lying, obfuscating, in your hatred for Trump. What I can't why? What has Trump done to you personally, to make you feel this way?
Yeah, I know, collusion, treason, racist,liar....etc. None proven. NOW...he takes out this bastard from Iraq. This guy, who flies around to National airports all over the Middle East like he owns them? Something Bush & Obama should have done. He had the shot, and he took it. If Trump had "briefed" Congress, I doubt it would ever have happened.
You Dems best be thinking about 2024.
6:59 PM
Why don't you suck Adam Shiff.
"So when Secretary of State Pompeo’s out there saying, ‘Well, maximum pressure, our goal is to get them back to the negotiating table,’ no naive child would believe that, you would have to be brain-dead to believe that.”
Trump clearly doesn't want to negotiate. He has trashed the idea of negotiating as a "wimpy Obama thing" and is pursuing the "regime change" option for forcing Iran's government to do what we want. But that route ultimately involves invading Iran, whether Trump realizes it or not.
Yeah, I know, collusion, treason, racist,liar....etc. None proven.
According to whom or what? They have been proven, but like the petulant orange shithead in the kremlin annex, you throw a fit and refuse to accept the truth. You are truly a pathetic deplorable tool.
Military advisers made up a list of options for drumpf to consider for his attack on Iran, with assassination being listed as the most extreme and therefore least palatable option. So guess which most extreme option drumpf went with?
BTW, Iranians attacked at least 2 US airbases with missiles in Iraq. No hissy fit from the brat in orange, yet.
"What has Trump done to you personally, to make you feel this way?"
Me personally? Rolling back environmental regulations that have increased particulates to the point that his own EPA says it will kill +/- 1,500 people annually.
Then there are the babies in cages, roe v. wade, the ACA, the Paris accord, the Iran deal, NATO, the gutting of the state department, the destruction of the science wing of the department of agriculture, the denial of climate change, the assault on the oversight checks and balances of the legislature, the packing of the courts with unqualified right wing morons, the destruction of the country's standing in the world, the alienation of our best allies, the sexual assaults, the drug addiction, the lust for his daughter, the illiteracy, the lack of empathy and human decency, the illegal hush money to his mistresses, the infidelity, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and his tiny, tiny, stupid, stupid hands.
That's just off the top of my head.
I could keep going, but you get the idea.
-Doug in Oakland
US airbase attacked in Iraq....
General Bone Spurs is one step closer to World War 3.
Rapture Ready Christians wackjobs are creaming their pants in anticipation.
"Blogger mike from iowa said...
Yeah, I know, collusion, treason, racist,liar....etc. None proven.
According to whom or what? They have been proven, but like the petulant orange shithead in the kremlin annex, you throw a fit and refuse to accept the truth. You are truly a pathetic deplorable tool.
Military advisers made up a list of options for drumpf to consider for his attack on Iran, with assassination being listed as the most extreme and therefore least palatable option. So guess which most extreme option drumpf went with?
BTW, Iranians attacked at least 2 US airbases with missiles in Iraq. No hissy fit from the brat in oran"
Yeah mikey corn/pig girl. Look at the Articles of impeachment....if you can. No real crime has been charged. Not Treason, collusion, racism, ANYTHING decrying high crimes. I used to think McConnell was a pussy. But he has stood up.
I am so damned scared of the Iranians, I would almost vote for Warren myself.
BTW...have you ever seen that blog site that shows you how "big" money is? You should. Try 150 Billion dollars. Try a Trillion. Kinda gives you a perspective.
He is starting a war without Congressional consultation or consent. That's another impeachable offense. He doubled down, as usual. Pelosi was wise to hold back the impeachment; he'll add more articles soon.
OOOh, oh, it's going to be such a tough war. The Iranians have NO chance, except for terrorist responses, which they have been using for 40 years. It's soooo terrible..
Orange man bad! Again, go figgur...
Doug says...
"Me personally? Rolling back environmental regulations that have increased particulates to the point that his own EPA says it will kill +/- 1,500 people annually."
I'm not sure how this is personal for you. Unless you've been breathing fecal matter. The fecal matter in San Francisco is a public health crisis but Trump has nothing to do with that. The poop in the street is purely liberal policy.
You should enjoy your liberal poop policy. Doug, maybe you could literally embrace it and make it your own? Maybe you could keep the street poop in a jar, so you don't forget just what you are. Keeping the poop in a jar...
I'm still waiting to find out casualties and damage. You can't trust US news outlets so I'll keep checking foreign news outlets. Surprisingly the European press is more factual than any American outlet.
I think parapuppy must be all of 14 years old. No, this is not WW3. What any country does when they make ready for war is mobilize. Nothing mobilizing in Iran except fake protest (forcing people into the street is not a protest and it's not organic). A big move by Iran would be to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. Have not heard Iran making any moves regarding that choke point.
So, the US kills a terrorist. In response the Iranians fire some "not so well" guided missiles into Iraq. No real information about damage so far.
Now you may not believe this but if the US military wanted to they could fire their "well guided" missiles directly at the launch site of the Iranian missiles. Success rate would be 100% (or close to it).
Sorry, no WW3 yet. Oh FYI, the Russians and Chinese are already buds with Iran. Have been for some time now.
Step out your liberal news "media" bubble. Check multiple sources and maybe read a book about the subject matter. Parapuppy, if you put a little effort into it you might not come across a hysterical, unhinged cat lady.
Commandeered Queenie, here is a constitutional lesson for yer sorry ignorant ass....
Although details remain to be confirmed, the publicly known facts about President Trump’s interactions with Ukraine support a case for impeachment based on abuse of presidential power. Impeachment has always been, first and foremost, a constitutional defense against executive misuse of power. Impeachable abuses have never required proof of crime. Mr. Trump’s behavior is a classic example of abuse of presidential power for personal or political gain, and is therefore properly impeachable.
Count One- abuse of power.
The alt left will stop at nothing to destroy democracy and freedom of the USA.
Typical FN Pravda piece...….
Howz this for profiles in courage.... embattled Senator Susan Collins now says she backs McCTurtlefuckface's farce of impeachment trial because Sen Schumer is raising money for her opponent. Brilliant, say what?
Abuse of presidential power, like establishing an extra-legal immigration system which issues papers and work permits to people who have no business even being in the USA?
Oh, and how about ramming a wholesale upset of the health-care system through on a party-line vote, and then daring to whine about "divisive politics"?
"Oh, but it's DIFFERENT when WE do it!"
SJWs Always Project.
Why do batshit liberals embarrass themselves blaming the fires in Australia on climate change when it is the work of arsonists???
Myth: Mueller found “no collusion.” (From Time Magazine to Commandeered Queenie's eyeballs, assuming he can read)
Response: Mueller spent almost 200 pages describing “numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign.” He found that “a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.” He also found that “a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations” against the Clinton campaign and then released stolen documents.
This Might Be the Most Important Exchange in the Mueller Testimony
While Mueller was unable to establish a conspiracy between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians involved in this activity, he made it clear that “[a] statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts.” In fact, Mueller also wrote that the “investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.”
To find conspiracy, a prosecutor must establish beyond a reasonable doubt the elements of the crime: an agreement between at least two people, to commit a criminal offense and an overt act in furtherance of that agreement. One of the underlying criminal offenses that Mueller reviewed for conspiracy was campaign-finance violations. Mueller found that Trump campaign members Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner met with Russian nationals in Trump Tower in New York June 2016 for the purpose of receiving disparaging information about Clinton as part of “Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,” according to an email message arranging the meeting. This meeting did not amount to a criminal offense, in part, because Mueller was unable to establish “willfulness,” that is, that the participants knew that their conduct was illegal. Mueller was also unable to conclude that the information was a “thing of value” that exceeded $25,000, the requirement for campaign finance to be a felony, as opposed to a civil violation of law. But the fact that the conduct did not technically amount to conspiracy does not mean that it was acceptable. Trump campaign members welcomed foreign influence into our election and then compromised themselves with the Russian government by covering it up.
Mueller found other contacts with Russia, such as the sharing of polling data about Midwestern states where Trump later won upset victories, conversations with the Russian ambassador to influence Russia’s response to sanctions imposed by the U.S. government in response to election interference, and communications with Wikileaks after it had received emails stolen by Russia. While none of these acts amounted to the crime of conspiracy, all could be described as “collusion.”
Why do batshit liberals embarrass themselves blaming the fires in Australia on climate change when it is the work of arsonists???
This is the argle bargle one gets because they don't bother to read why the fires are so hot and widespread and devastating. Why has Australia's temps been abnormally hot, even b efore the fires?
Ukrainian passenger jet crashes near Tehran killing 176. Moar of drumpf's doings?
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
"I'm just about at the end to believe you idiots are just anchor chains for the Bell Curve"
You can always tell when homo sapiens neanderthalensis begins to realize how tenuous is their grasp of reality when they take pseudo-science - Bell Curve - that was debunked when it was published over two decades ago, and start to trot it out again as soon as their psyches see the writing on the wall.
What was true at the time of that waste of trees publishing was a Sunday, above the fold, front page Washington Post article. It detailed how, by 2020, the homo sapiens neanderthalensis population would begin to decline steeply and, if not careful, cease to be by 2050.
The article was particularly illuminating because sapiens neanderthalensis usual excuse for their decline, "race" mixing, was a secondary element of the decline. The article expounded on environmental factors, dietary factors and ---- an inability to collectively adapt to an ever-changing global, socio-cultural environment (or, collectively, stuck on stupid).
When I read this back then, a major insight dawned on me: the press, the medium for the powers that be, have done a wonderful job of pulling the wool over the eyes of the sapiens neanderthalensis populace. Why? Well, you see, when you read about the heinous 20th century experiments performed on the autochthonous people of this land, what they NEVER tell you is this: ALL of those experiments were first tried on YOU; they were then summarily released into YOUR general populace. Eugenics? New England sapiens neanderthalensis. Mind control (the MK series)? Sapiens neanderthalensis. So-called illicit drugs? Sapiens Neanderthalensis. Psychoactive drugs? Sapiens Neanderthalensis. Moving large numbers of the populace from rural areas to cities, thus cutting people off from the land? Sapiens neanderthalensis. Get shunted off to war through the draft, thereby culling the populace? Sapiens Neanderthalensis. And yeah, you can take this back to the advent of religion to see how they reigned your dumbasses waaay back in then - just as they do now.
Right now. Who's all up in arms about about people sapiens neanderthalensis like to call, "sand niggers," but at the same time claim they are worthless eaters? Why, sapiens neanderthalensis, of course? Who's puffing their chests out, claiming they're ready to sign up for battle? Sapiens neanderthalensis, of course.
But hey, keep blaming us while you keep killing yourselves: keep going keto; keep intaking three or four fructose-filled smoothies a day and eating GMO veggies and fruits and claiming you're --- vegan; keep sucking your bodies dry with coffee; keep snorting adderall and molly while you boogie maniacally all night to some EDM, and; keep cheating on your already death spiral diets with good ol' slice of corn syrup-filled pecan pie and a Coke/Pepsi/Dr. Pepper/Fanta.
Keep not realizing the primary target is ------------ YOU.
God, you people are dumb as bricks.
You can always tell who is talking about The Bell Curve without having read a word of it.
Everything Murray and Herrnstein wrote in it (and several chapters are the raw data tables they mined for their conclusions) has held up perfectly, most especially the observations on the reality and cognitive and behavioral impact of race. Right now we are uncovering the genes behind intelligence, and they are proving what we already knew.
The book reflects the truth, and the truth is that the "racists" were always right... and you can't stand that.
Trump decided to spend today blaming Obama for the fact we are on the brink of war with Iran.
For those following along at home, our hostile relations with Iran have nothing to do with Trump adopting a hostile posture towards Iran. It’s obviously all because Obama wasn’t hostile enough toward Iran.
Makes perfect sense.
Don’t blame Trump for ordering Soleimani killed, guys. “Obama made me do it.”
That “thanks, Obama” meme really doesn’t count as a joke anymore. Republicans literally blame him for everything, from traffic jams to jock itch.
"The book reflects the truth"
😂😂😂 Sure, you would know. Nothing personal but I tend not to take advice or information from anonymous posters on blogs.😆
Racists, especially those of the wingnut variety, don't subscribe to science and facts, they only know from their upbringing that bad guys wear black. They extrapolates that to mean skin, not inherently white, means the POC is inherently bad and that is as deep as their logic runs.
What pisses wasicus off the most is when they find there are literally millions of POC that are 100 times smarter than all the wasicu trailer trash combined.
Then along comes drumpfuck to reassure stoopid fucking wingnuts that their inferiority is superior to POC because white skin.
This is how wingnuts play nice, accusing Obama of being in league with Iran.
"I'm not sure how this is personal for you."
That's because you're a moron. It's personal because I breathe the air those particulates that are killing people are in.
-Doug in Oakland
"means the POC is inherently bad and that is as deep as their logic runs."
That's basically the history of America where people are judged by the color of their skin. It's illuminating when you travel to other countries where melanin isn't that big of a deal. How much further would we be as a country if we left our racist baggage in the past or if we didn't have it to begin with.
Because of course.
Adderall is trending on Twitter.
-Doug in Oakland
Disability witch hunt echoes the food stamp lies we used to her about people buying steaks and lobsters and energy drinks with food stamps, taking the change and buying lotto tickets and cigarettes all the while talking on Obama phones and driving off in new SUVs. Just wasicu liars because they all reported the same story virtually verbatim.
California reprehensible Dumbcan hunter to resign next week. He threw his wife under the b us in campaign funds misuse fiasco.
Iranian attacks on US airbase designed to avoid human casualties, a lesson surely lost on drumpfuck the blood luster after.
No US media has confirmed this, yet.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says She’s ‘Cancer Free’
January 8, 2020 at 5:03 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 62 Comments
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told CNN that she no longer has cancer, following a flurry of recent health scares.
Said Ginsburg: “I’m cancer-free. That’s good.”
-Doug in Oakland
The Dunc resigned yesterday.
-Doug in Oakland
So yeah, the ballistic missile strikes Iran did on two Iraqi bases were precision and deliberately away from US and Iraqi soldiers, giving Iran the homeland propaganda content they needed to calm the millions of Iranians enraged by Suleimani's assassination, while providing Fergus an "offramp" from the corner he's painted himself (and us) into with regards to escalation of conflict.
So that's right, Fergus has made the Ayatollah into the voice of reason.
-Doug in Oakland
McConnell is freaked out that Kansas Republican primary voters will pull an Alabama and nominate Kobach in the senate race there and endanger his majority.
Fuck you, Mitch.
-Doug in Oakland
"The Dunc resigned yesterday."
A moment of silence for this sad occasion.😓
Yes. It is ABSOLUTELY TRUE that 1000 years of darkness will ensue if the state with the most brutal experience with Africans is stupid enough to elect one to represent it in the US Senate.
And anyone who votes for the African should be ipso facto removed to Zimbabwe, to enjoy the fruits of what they demand... and spare their erstwhile countrymen from the same fate.
Wow, even fellow Republicans are ripping trump. Are the scales falling from their eyes dare I say?
"And anyone who votes for the African should be ipso facto removed to Zimbabwe, to enjoy the fruits of what they demand... and spare their erstwhile countrymen from the same fate."
😂😂😂 Sooooooo much stupid in one post.😂😂😂
"So yeah, the ballistic missile strikes Iran did on two Iraqi bases were precision and deliberately away from US and Iraqi soldiers, giving Iran the homeland propaganda content they needed to calm the millions of Iranians enraged by Suleimani's assassination, while providing Fergus an "offramp" from the corner he's painted himself (and us) into with regards to escalation of conflict.
So that's right, Fergus has made the Ayatollah into the voice of reason."
Not exactly. The Iranian government have pulled a Trump. That is to say, they are governing by lying.
To satisfy the fury of the Iranian people at having a major public figure assassinated by the Great Satan, they launched missiles at the empty parts of two US bases -- but then lied to the Iranian public and said that they actually killed 80-100 American service people. The official position of the government is that the Americans won't admit that there were a bunch of casualties, that we've quickly covered it up in order to save face for Trump.
We live in an age of bullshit. Nobody seems to want to live in reality anymore.
More and more evidence about trump's shady dealings. McConnell has got to take this seriously and he might just be removed.
There's always pot roast. I like small taters, hearty carrots and celery plus sweet onions with some cornbread or biscuits (southern or otherwise). You going to fight me on this?
More and more shady dealings about Rachel Maddow. Like she can't tell the difference between fact and fiction. She's being sued about it currently. I hope she gets help. She is so important for the communist.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes. It is ABSOLUTELY TRUE that 1000 years of darkness will ensue if the state with the most brutal experience with Africans is stupid enough to elect one to represent it in the US Senate.
Easily debunked. With all the Klan tiki torches and cross burnings, church bombings, etc. night will appear as day.
Zoology teacher must be a drumpfuckian drumpfucker.
Two "men" thought they could scam the Mississippi lottery by gluing the winning numbers onto a losing ticket. They're in jail now charged with forgery.
The amazing thing is just how stupid blacks can be, and think they're smart.
The amazing thing is just how stupid racist white trolls can be, and think they're smart.
More and more shady dealings about Rachel Maddow. Like she can't tell the difference between fact and fiction.
What part of what I posted was incorrect? Just a dumb generalization by another dummy who thinks he's smart.
Wasdhington Examiner, no liberal bastion of goodness, says OAN's lawsuit against Maddow is doomed by fact and law. (of course, there is always the chance the case can be manipulated to land in front of a drumpf hand-picked, therefore unqualified ideologue with a lifetime seat on the court)
One America News has some good people, but the network is caught between two agendas: Kremlin propaganda and sycophancy for President Trump. On Monday, OAN doubled down on that first agenda by filing a $10 million lawsuit against MSNBC and network host Rachel Maddow.
The lawsuit is highly unlikely to succeed.
Still, OAN is energized. As my reporting colleague Mike Brest notes, OAN claims that Maddow defamed it with a July report in which she claimed OAN "really, literally, is paid Russian propaganda. Their on-air U.S. politics reporter is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government." OAN's legal team says those words are defamatory in that OAN is "as American as apple pie. They are not paid by Russia and have nothing to do with the Russian government. This is a false and malicious libel, and [MSNBC is] going to answer for it in a court of law."
OAN is wrong for reasons of both fact and law.
For a start, OAN and Sputnik, a western-focused Kremlin propaganda outlet, do (or recently did) share the same employee, Kristian Rouz. That alone protects MSNBC from the "actual malice" legal standard that OAN must prove in court. Namely, that MSNBC knew their claims were false, or entertained serious doubts to the claims. But that's not all.
After all, as I've explained, OAN's coverage does not simply align with Russian propaganda through Rouz. The network's reporting from Syria, for example, has at times reflected near-textbook Russian government disinformation (what the Russians regard as their special art form of "dezinformatsiya," or disinformation). More tragic, OAN's Syria coverage has supported Russian efforts to conceal deliberate chemical weapons attacks on civilian population centers. These reporting connection points, even if not coordinated, are sufficient to provide MSNBC with an almost indestructible defense to OAN's claims.
In short, OAN has a very weak case.
'nuther high up hypocritical wingnut throws wifey under the bus after he gets drunk and crashes state owned SUV in a ditch near his home. Just recently he cut an ad saying there was no need to drive while drunk. His BAL was twice the legal limit.
He finally stepped down as NY assembly minority leader. He is drumpf's kind of wingnut- a brazen liar with no respect for women.
I think we have a few meth babies here. We call them Republican voters.
drumpfuck declared victory in Iran and then begged NATO to save his ass in the Middle East, after all the criticisms he showered our NATO allies with and the lies he told them to their faces, he wants their help. Remember he claimed if NATO got into war they could not depend on him supporting them.
drumpf 30 to life. Throw him in jail and re-impeach after the next election if Dems gain control of Senate and ram an impeachment and removal from office down stooopid fucking wingnut's throats.
Notorious RBG says she is cancer free and I hope drumpf chokes to death on his own bile after hearing this.
Klan sign ups at highest numbers in 20m years thanks to waycist drumpfuck and waycist wingnuts.
Mexican seeking asylum cut his own throat after drumpf;s goons denied him entry into this once great nation that accept
It is looking possible that Iran shot down a commercial airliner by mistake, perhaps thinking it was an American attacker.
US government sources have suggested that, in a state of paranoia after Trump whacked Soleimani, the Iranian military may have panicked and shot down a Ukrainian jet, killing its 176 passengers and crew. This would certainly explain why they are refusing to allow Boeing to analyze the black box (it was a Boeing 737 aircraft).
Jussie Smollett's real troubles may be just beginning, and Kim Foxx is implicated too.
"There are new developments to report in the Jussie Smollett saga.
"After falling out of the headlines for several weeks, a wave of new developments has emerged as a special prosecutor’s investigation of the case and its aftermath enters its third month.
"Foxx hires private attorneys
"Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx has hired high-priced private attorneys to represent herself and her office as former U.S. Attorney Dan Webb leads a court-ordered investigation of Smollett’s purported hate crime case and the way Foxx’s office handled the matter."
Sean Davis, aka LayedBack Jack, shot dead on surveillance video while conducting a toy drive... for children affected by violence.
A dead black man, and BLM is nowhere to be seen. But what are blacks actually complaining about? Captions on pictures from field trips:
"Miller Place, New York — A Long Island, New York school district will be hit with a multi-million dollar lawsuit over an allegedly racially insensitive slideshow featuring photos from a class trip to the Bronx Zoo, an attorney says. The slideshow featured a photo of four black students in the zoo, and one of a gorilla, and the label "Monkey see, monkey do."
"The students and their families are crying foul over the images a science teacher used in the slideshow, CBS New York reports."
A race of petulant, entitled children. America needs a divorce from blacks.
So Huckajebus' daughter says she can't think of anything dumber than giving congress the power to make war, but I think she's lying again.
She thinks hella stupid shit pretty much all the time, so by sheer dint of repetition she ought to be able to come up with a near endless stream of dumber thoughts than Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution.
-Doug in Oakland
Russia coukld haVE just as easily shot down jet and convinced drumpf they didn't do it.
Afterall, drumpf has to side with Putie or they release the pee videos of drumpf in Moscow.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts again acuse Dems of mourning dead Iranian General.They lie, they know they lie and they know everyone else knows they're lying and still they lie.
Doug, PilotX and other good people, drumpf once to know how your 409Ks are doing with a strong stock market.
drumpd din't spell wants, once, that was Stefanik broad from New York who photoshopped a terrible image of Pelosi. Nevert the less drumpf and Stefanik are dumber than rocks.
Thanks for the update methbaby @5:10. Now go and OD like the rest of your type.
Just like the meth babies here who spend all day posting racist bullshit. Seeing that they have no shit at a job or a woman what else do they have to do.
Oh well. Another Hillary Clinton conspiracy theory bites the dust. Bill Barr’s Justice Department were forced to wind down their wacky, politically motivated Uranium One / Clinton Foundation investigation, after they were unable to find any wrongdoing whatsoever.
Shocking, I know. Why, next they’ll be telling us Hillary DIDN’T run a pedo ring out of a pizza parlor!
New company in Caymans has the same name, same telephone number and shares the same employees, but claim they are not affiliated.
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Some right wing nut job posted here there were 200 arsonists that started Australia's fires and had nothing to do with global warming or climate change.
Liars, all.
Donald Trump Jr. and Sean Hannity were among the most prominent tweeters this week of the allegation that close to 200 people in Australia have been charged with arson for deliberately lighting brushfires. Other people on the right, as well as bots trying to amplify climate skepticism, jumped on board with the hashtag #ArsonEmergency.
Sean Hannity
Officials Charge Nearly 200 with Arson, Looting as Wildfires Rage …
There were only a handful of man made fires set.
Moar from VOX story.......
n many instances, the people promoting the arson narrative are doing so to refute climate change as a driver of the fires, with some conspiracy theorists going as far as to blame environmentalists for deliberately starting fires.
To be clear: Climate change is definitely a factor in the growing severity of Australia’s fire risks. And there is no arson emergency in Australia; the number of arrests for arson being cited is wrong. In fact, the Fox article in Hannity’s tweet debunks his headline:
“The fires, fueled by drought and the country’s hottest and driest year on record, have been raging since September, months earlier than is typical for Australia’s annual wildfire season. So far, the blazes have killed 25 people, destroyed 2,000 homes and scorched an area twice the size of the state of Maryland,” reports Fox News.
“The NSW Police Force announced Monday that since Nov. 8, authorities have taken legal action against 183 people for fire-related offenses, including 24 individuals who have been charged for allegedly deliberately lighting bushfires — a crime punishable by up to 21 years in prison,” adds Fox
Doug or another poster mentioned this closed HRC investigation yesterday. Here is a link to that investigation. Hopefully stoopid fucking wingnuts will get it through their thick skulls that HRC is a sweet and harmless little older lady and get a life.
Socialist Democrats support a terrorist because they themselves are terrorists because they are the enemy of freedom and democracy....
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