Thursday, March 26, 2020

"Dazed and Confused."

Image result for Trump

The following article is from Aaron Rupar writing for Vox.

"One moment during President Donald Trump’s Fox News appearance on Tuesday served as the starkest example yet of how much he does not understand the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic: He urged Americans to flock to churches on Easter Sunday, just 19 days away.
Trump told Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer he selected Easter as the day he wants businesses to reopen, saying he’d like to see “packed churches all over our country” — the exact type of large gatherings that the CDC, the WHO, and Trump’s top health advisers have all urged suspended to help stop the spread of the virus.

I would love to have it opened by Easter,” Trump said, speaking about when he sees the country returning to normal life.“That would be a great American resurrection,” Hemmer replied.

Since Sunday, Trump has repeatedly indicated he plans to recommend that the White House’s social-distancing guidelines be relaxed and Americans return to work, even though experts say the country hasn’t yet experienced the worst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump’s televised briefings, tweets, and appearances on Fox in recent days raise serious doubts about whether the president understands the threat of the coronavirus or how to best slow it down. As he spreads messages at odds with public health experts, he’s putting real lives at risk.

During Tuesday’s Fox News town hall — which took place a day after the US recorded its highest single-day death toll amid the coronavirus crisis so far — Trump rested his case for relaxing social distancing by comparing possible exposure to the coronavirus with unfortunate things that we just take to be facts of life, like the flu or car wrecks.

Here’s what Trump had to say in response to Hemmer’s question about why resuming something approximating normal American social and business life as soon as possible is a good idea (the video follows):
Look, we lose thousands — I brought some numbers here — we lose thousands and thousands of people a year to the flu. We don’t turn the country off. Now, when I heard the number — you know, we average 37,000 people a year — can you believe that? And actually this year we’re having a bad flu system. But we lose thousands of people a year to the flu. We never turn the country off. We lose much more than that to automobile accidents. We didn’t call up the automobile companies and say, ‘Stop making cars. We don’t want any cars anymore.’ We have to get back to work.
 Already facing a difficult reelection campaign before the outbreak of a deadly pandemic his government was unprepared to deal with, it’s understandable that Trump wants to stabilize an economy decimated by the social-distancing measures meant to stop the spread. But his comments ignore two big ways in which the coronavirus can’t be compared to the flu or car crashes: It’s far more contagious than either, and far more deadly.

One reason the coronavirus is so concerning is how contagious it is. Without social distancing, experts believe one infected person could infect up to 2.5 other individuals.
Because the coronavirus is so contagious, it could easily overwhelm America’s public health system, leaving hospitals too full to properly treat patients and equipment in short supply. That’s already on the cusp of happening in New York state, where Gov. Andrew Cuomo pleaded with the federal government earlier Tuesday to provide more medical gear, including much-needed ventilators to help patients with severe Covid-19 cases breathe.

Car crashes, of course, are not contagious, nor are there so many of them that they overrun hospitals or threaten the nation’s supply of medical masks and ventilators. That’s also the case with the flu. According to epidemiologists, an individual with the flu is at risk for spreading it to up to 1.3 people — about equal to coronavirus’s contagion level with strong social distancing.
Despite this, Trump insisted the flu is more dangerous and singled out Cuomo for criticism. The president blamed the governor for a problem he’s powerless to solve, saying, “He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators.” (Cuomo and other governors argue it’s suboptimal for states to bid up prices by competing against each other for supplies, and that those purchases are best made by the federal government.)

At another point, Trump attacked Cuomo for not doing more on his own to prevent travel from China as the virus spread there. Experts, of course, argue that at best, travel bans like the one Trump instituted at a national level buy time for governments to act — time Trump failed to use. At worst, they’re useless.

The whole point of the “15 days to stop the spread” campaign that Trump embraced just nine days ago is that strict social distancing is necessary to “flatten the curve” of cases and make sure hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. But Trump encouraging people to go back to work runs the risk of allowing the virus to spread out of control at a time when places like New York are already struggling to contain it.
Trump, however, clearly views the situation primarily as an economic crisis (and thus, for him, a political one) instead of one in which preventable deaths can be avoided." [Read more]

Ans that's it in a nutshell: The thing that bothers trump about this crisis is not how many lives will be lost, it's how much money Wall Street will lose, and thus, how his chances of getting reelected will be affected. 

With Mr. trump, it is always about HIM. If you don't believe me just watch his meandering vacuous, and propaganda filled Dear Leader press briefings from day to day. They have gotten so out of hand that major networks routinely cut away from them when trump starts with his lies and pointless bloviating. 

There is a  recently released video that was put out by Priorities USA. trump's campaign team has sent a Cease and Desist letter to television stations airing the video. Don't worry, the letter is not worth the paper it's written on. 

You can watch the video here. 


  1. Bloviating Ignoramus9:17 AM

    Hopefully the insane clown will start having rallies again and all the Trumptwats get the virus from each other and drop dead

  2. Coronavirus live updates: Record unemployment claims; Senate passes historic $2T stimulus; US deaths top 1,000

    drumpf body count about to soar like he wishes the stock market would. All because he doesn't trust the experts and then drags his corpulent fat orange ass when time is running out for effective measures to occur.


    Not anywhere close to being up to the job. History will be really unkind to this POS lewzer.

  4. Car crashes do not grow exponentially with a doubling time of less than three days. That's a 'tenning time' ( = time for order of magnitude increase ) of less than ten days.



    Apparently, drumpf completely ignored 69 page blueprint from CDC on how to handle a pandemic. What a phucking surprise!

  7. Munchkin says 3.3 million jobless claims is irrelevant. So is the whole rotten criminal drumpf enterprise.

  8. When I heard him calling for people to flock to the churches for Easter Sunday, all I could think of was his dog whistling to the Christian zealots among the Fox crowd. This time I'm hoping that backfires on him, but I'm not holding my breath.

  9. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Another “alt-right” terrorist bites the dust.

    At this point, it's extremely clear which group is the main terrorist threat to America. It’s not Islamic nutjobs; it’s the Trump fan demographic.

  10. Anonymous2:51 PM

    The President's job is to ensure adequate measures are be taken on all fronts to address this pandemic, and to provide some assurance to the country that this will not last forever. This he is doing.

    The media campaign to portray Trump's response as incompetent is failing. Trump's approval at 60%, while a majority believe the media is mishandling crisis.

    And when this is over, Americans will remember who the rats were.

    1. Anon@2:51 PM, it's actually at 53%, but hey, trump cultists have never been good with facts.

  11. Ace Freely2:53 PM

    Because Trump is beating them, the media is becoming increasingly shrill about the need to censor Trump from the airwaves. They hope that if the public only hears the leftwing corporate Chinese-colluding media, they'll have no other choice but to believe them.

    They're wrong. We hate them. Despise them.

    They are literally enemies.

  12. Anymoose @ 2:51 PM deliberately forgot to include important context with his 60% approval rating lie for drumpf, such as......
    President Trump's Job Approval Rating Up to › poll › president-trump-job-approval-rating
    2 days ago - Amid the COVID-19 situation, Donald Trump's job approval rating ... Approval rating up five percentage points from prior poll; 60% approve of ...

    Gallup: Trump Approval Up 5 Points to 49%, His Handling of › article › national › michael-w-chapman › gallup...
    1 day ago - In addition, 60% of Americans approve of his handling of the coronavirus. Trump's ... "Trump also had 49% job approval ratings -- the best of his ...

    60% inexplicably believe drumpf haS handled this pandemic well. But as PT Barnum said, there's a sucker born every minute.

  13. Adequate measures have yet to be taken by drumpf. States are doing this on their own because drumpf would prefer not to get involved in mundane stuff like being a leader and appointing experts he will listen to.

    'He is a failure by any metric you'd care to use.

  14. drumpf's flaming ignorance And incompetence will kill thousands of Americans beyond what would have died anyway.

    Every day in every way, drumpf just makes things worser and worser.


    Thank kismet we have Democrats protecting us from the evils of drumpf's criminal enterprises.


  17. Ace,if you still buy trump's messages that have to be corrected repeatedly then you may be part of the problem. The truth isn't a Chinese Communist conspiracy. You may want to post at breitbart or fox because they are kind of dimwitted and receptive to your message.

  18. Anonymous3:37 PM

    No, I just want straight reporting where they can put aside their campaign against Trump and stop lying until we get past this.

  19. It's time to wall of New York City from the rest of the country:


  20. United States Coronavirus: 79,082 Cases and 1,143 Deaths › coronavirus › country › us

    drumpf death count gathered in more than a hundred bodies again. He certainly is doing all in his power to get more people die.

    Remember all the times drumpf said it was all under control? Remember all the times he said no one from his campaign had any contact with Russian agents?

  21. Anonymous3:54 PM

    "He certainly is doing all in his power to get more people die."

    Yes, it's all true. Trump is going to murder all of us. Why didn't we listen to mike earlier?

  22. President cornered rat wants to open the country on Easter, although since he didn't close anything, I don't know what he thinks he's going to open.

    Governor homicidal moron of Mississippi signs an EO countermanding the efforts of city and county governments there to slow the spread of COVID-19.

    "The Federalist" suggests "COVID-19 parties" to deliberately infect children.

    If these brain-wizards were running a Taco Bell it would go out of business and/or be shut down by the health department.

    Couldn't they maybe just go fuck themselves and let grownups fix the mess they have already made?

    Perhaps we need to help them a little, and to that end funding for voting by mail was included in the third stimulus package we may get on Monday.

    Speaking of which, the Pig People are losing their shit over all of the "pork" in the stimulus bill, once again demonstrating that they don't understand the meaning of economic stimulus, or much of anything else, really.

    Florida is in really bad shape right now, as symptom tracking apps have shown them to be harboring huge numbers of fevers, even when controlled for seasonal colds and flu. Meanwhile, the wingnut governor there refuses to implement statewide social distancing rules and several pastors there have continued to hold services for their congregations all together at once.

    With their large population of retirees, this seems gratuitously hazardous to the health and well being of the state, but at least so far DeSantis hasn't prohibited local governments from taking their own measures to protect their citizens like Reeves has in Mississippi.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Yes, it's all true. Trump is going to murder all of us. Why didn't we listen to mike earlier?

    My best guess would be fake noize hasn't cleared you to hear the truth.

  24. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "Governor homicidal moron of Mississippi"

    Governor homicidal moron of Nevada, a Democrat, has banned the use of anti-malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients.

  25. Anonymous5:07 PM

    “Governor homicidal moron of Nevada, a Democrat, has banned the use of anti-malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients.”

    Good. These drugs aren’t approved for treating COVID-19 patients. Some trials are underway to test whether they might work, but until they have been proven effective against COVID-19, they shouldn’t be prescribed for that purpose.

    Currently, assholes are trying to buy up all the drugs, thus making them unavailable for the patients who need them for conditions for which they ARE approved, like lupus.

    Trump is not a doctor. Nobody should be taking medical advice from him. This is why media outlets are going to have to edit his fucking press conferences to contain the lies and misinformation.

  26. Fergus is SO MAD that there is an ad running that directly quotes his own words with audio so it's obvious that it's him that his campaign has sent "cease and desist" letters to TV stations running the ad threatening litigation if they continue running them.

    This has, of course, caused the Streisand effect to kick in and now the ad has been viewed online over 6.5 million times.

    Fergus isn't very bright.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  27. This would be a good lesson for wingnuts who think social distancing is bad policy, if wingnuts were capable of intelligent thoughts.

    Nearly three dozen people who attended a recent children's event at a church in Arkansas have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to church officials.

    Donald Shipp, a deacon at First Assembly of God church in Greers Ferry, about 75 miles north of Little Rock, told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that 34 people who attended the event in early March at the Cleburne County church had tested positive for the coronavirus, and that an unknown number of others were awaiting test results.

    Danyelle McNeill, a spokeswoman for the Arkansas Department of Health, said a number of coronavirus cases have been associated with a church in Cleburne County, which she did not identify.

  28. idiot from iowa5:52 PM

    Ha ha ha! All those rednecks/wingnuts/waiscus in NYC getting sick cause they listened blindly to their leader Drumpf!

    Ha ha ha!

  29. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The President's job is to ensure adequate measures are be taken on all fronts to address this pandemic, and to provide some assurance to the country that this will not last forever. This he is doing.

    The media campaign to portray Trump's response as incompetent is failing. Trump's approval at 60%, while a majority believe the media is mishandling crisis.

    And when this is over, Americans will remember who the rats were.

    2:51 PM
    If what you say is true, then why are governors coming on TV begging for ventilators and protective equipment for nurses and doctors?

    Yes, when this is over Americans will remember Trump as the biggest rat of all.

  30. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:08 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Governor homicidal moron of Mississippi"

    Governor homicidal moron of Nevada, a Democrat, has banned the use of anti-malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients.

    4:53 PM
    Well that's good news. Hopefully no more people will die by trying to medicate themselves with those drugs.

  31. Breaking News- the US leads the world in confirmed cases of corona virus.

    Lets hear it for dru8mpf.

  32. idiot from iowa said...
    Ha ha ha! All those rednecks/wingnuts/waiscus in NYC getting sick cause they listened blindly to their leader Drumpf!

    Ha ha ha!

    I never said that and I never intimated that. Shut your fucking, lying mouth!


    Medical supplies are stockpiled for times of emergency, like this. Why won't drumpf invoke the act? Because the CofC and big businesses lobbied him not to.

  34. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:44 PM


    But wing-nuts are trying to convince us that Trump has handled this crisis well!

  35. Anonymous6:46 PM

    "Hopefully no more people will die by trying to medicate themselves with those drugs"

    No one has.

    Two morons at a bunch of fish tank cleaner, and one died.

    There is no established cure for this virus. Hydroxychloroquine has shown tremendous promise in treating coronavirus, and has saved many lives.

    If you wind up in the hospital, make sure you tell them no hydroxychloroquine, so you can own Trump.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:46 PM

    From Raw Story

  37. Anonymous6:50 PM

    There have close to zero "hate crimes" perpetrated on Asian Americans, and those few that did happen were perpetrated by black people.

    There is no way to protect anyone from black people, because that would be racist.

  38. Anonymous6:51 PM

    "Breaking News- the US leads the world in confirmed cases of corona virus."

    Because we lead the world in testing now.

    Do you really believe China stopped the virus at about 80,000 cases?

  39. Susan7:20 PM

    I think we’re a few least...away from making firm assessments, but it bothers me that while other areas were taking measures, NYC was telling people to ignore it and get out and enjoy the city.

    Cuomo refused to invest in more ventilators for the pandemic, and instead invested in a boondoggle solar panel farm.

    And now Cuomo is on TV every day saying the feds aren’t doing enough.


    As of a week ago, the US seriously trailed the rest of the world in testing for Covid-19.

  41. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Czech media reports that COVID-19 rapid tests from China have an error rate of up to 80 percent.

  42. Anonymous7:25 PM

    New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell blames Trump for her not canceling Mardi Gras.

    Because being black means never having to take responsibility for anything.

  43. Susan, Susan, Susan, you be a funny witch. your report comes directly from conspiracy theorist Gateway Pundit which got it from former wingnut dingbat lt guv Betsy Macdizzybitch and has zero credibility.


  44. Gateway Pundit - Questionable - Right Bias - Conservative - Fake News - Not CredibleFactual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias
    A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

    Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
    Detailed Report
    Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News

  45. Anonymous7:39 PM

    mike believes nothing that doesn't fit the Narrative.

    mike does believe the President works for Vladimir Putin and is trying to kill as many Americans as possible.

  46. Anonymous7:41 PM

    It always credible when you quote a leftwing propaganda site that says all non-left wing sites are not credible.

  47. Anonymous7:42 PM

    "Well that's good news. Hopefully no more people will die by trying to medicate themselves with those drugs."

    Meanwhile, Bahrain and Belgium have been saving patients by treating them with hydroxychloroquine.  Governor Idiot can't tell the difference between fish medicine and human medicine and will get his constituents killed by forbidding them from receiving effective treatment.  I just hope that all the dead voted for him, because they deserve to get what they voted for.

  48. New Orleans would have canceled Mardi Gras if feds had taken coronavirus more seriously, Mayor says
    The mayor said on CNN Thursday that if they White House took the virus seriously, local leaders would have followed suit.

    Anonymous said...
    It always credible when you quote a leftwing propaganda site that says all non-left wing sites are not credible.

    It is never credible when you go through life with your head up Fake noize's ass. Prove Gateway Pundit is not an extreme right wing nutjob site.


    There was never a recommendation to Cuomo to buy more ventilators. By leaving out important context, you do us all a disservice by trying to make Cuomo0 into a villain, when the POS allegedly in charge twiddles his thumbs and then lies about everything and then whines because us decent Americans don't kiss his orange ass and give him accolades he doesn't deserve. Like you morons.

  50. Fredo8:06 PM

    Everything is Trump's fault.

  51. Kismet calling.....

  52. Fredo speaketh the truth once, it is all drumpf's fault.


  53. United States Coronavirus: 83,672 Cases and 1,209 Deaths › coronavirus › country › us

  54. There's a reason why they call the Gateway Pundit the dumbest fucker on the internet.

    Hey Fergus, did somebody read this to you?
    Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania each reported a jump in weekly unemployment applications that surpassed 2,300%.

    And that is just the applications that were able to be processed, and doesn't include gig workers, independent contractors, and lots of folks who have lost their second or third job that they needed to pay the bills.

    Buckle up, Ferg, here it comes, and like your stupid shitty buildings, it has your name on it.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Anonymous10:04 PM

    "Hydroxychloroquine has shown tremendous promise in treating coronavirus, and has saved many lives."

    Has it? There are zero controlled studies that prove this. A handful of doctors saying "We tried it and we think maybe it did some good" isn't science.

    It is a reason to carry out trials, but by itself, it is not proof.

  56. Anonymous10:10 PM

    It is a reason to treat people who are dying of a disease for which there is no established treatment.

    Don't be such a cunt for once.

  57. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "It is a reason to treat people who are dying of a disease for which there is no established treatment."

    No, it isn't. Even in the face of a pandemic of infectious disease that can kill people, it isn't okay to totally abandon rigorous scientific methods used to approve drugs.

    Otherwise, you end up wasting resources on drugs that don't work and may actually be dangerous and result in even more people dead.

  58. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Not to mention that even if these drugs hypothetically were proven to work, you couldn't just allow anyone to prescribe them. They would then be rationed as part of the disaster response and only available to the worst-off COVID patients in hospitals, as well as lupus patients and others who definitely do need these drugs.

    Right now, you've got "cowboy" general practitioners prescribing the drugs to themselves and people they know, who aren't even sick with COVID-19, on the basis that they MIGHT get sick and the drugs MIGHT work.

    This is the same disgusting hoarding behavior that has resulted in supermarket shelves emptied of toilet paper for no reason. All because Trump decided to irresponsibly shoot his mouth off in a press conference.

  59. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Okay, just die out of defending the principal of rigorous scientific methods. If get sick and am offered hydroxychloroquine, you can be damned sure I'll take it.

  60. I hope when all this is over, we can all go back to the work place. Well, at least the men.

  61. Anonymous10:48 PM

    "Okay, just die out of defending the principal of rigorous scientific methods. If get sick and am offered hydroxychloroquine, you can be damned sure I'll take it."

    Good for you. You are only marginally smarter than dead fish tank guy.

    In any event, it is the job of responsible leaders to make sure you aren't offered it, until it has been proven safe and effective.

  62. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Breaking News- the US leads the world in confirmed cases of corona virus."

    Because we lead the world in testing now.

    6:51 PM
    No we don't. If we did, you wouldn't see people on New York waiting in lines around the block to get tested. Where are you getting your false information?

  63. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:00 PM

    Anonymous said...

    There have close to zero "hate crimes" perpetrated on Asian Americans, and those few that did happen were perpetrated by black people.

    There is no way to protect anyone from black people, because that would be racist.

    6:50 PM

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:04 PM

    Snake Plissken said...

    It's time to wall of New York City from the rest of the country:

    3:39 PM
    That won't help you. Read Edgar Allen Poe's "Mask of the Red Death".

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:07 PM

    Fredo said...

    Everything is Trump's fault.

    8:06 PM
    Yeah, it kinda looks like it. He was warned back in December.

  66. Anonymous11:19 PM

    "No we don't. If we did, you wouldn't see people on New York waiting in lines around the block to get tested."

    US is now testing over 50,000 people per day, New York alone is testing 15,000 per day. This testing capacity is ramping up exponentially.

    And standing in line with a bunch of other sick people is a bad idea. New York needs to disperse their testing centers.

  67. Corn Pop12:10 AM

    Joe Biden will save us:

  68. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Great deals on luxury cruise ship vacations on the Yangtze River that include stops at all the best bat and pangolin wet markets.

  69. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Pizza is a right.

  70. "Read Edgar Allen Poe's 'Mask of the Red Death'".
    Prince Prospero would be preferable to Fergus as a leader right now.
    He at least knew how to throw a party.

    So the Army Corps of Engineers has been called up and are trying to throw together a few thousand hospital beds in each state before the projected mid-April peak demand starts to hit.
    Their Herculean efforts probably would have stood a better chance of succeeding if they had been called up a couple of months ago, but it's still good to see some competence injected into the handling of this situation.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  71. Impotent in Sugar Pine1:19 AM

    MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell referenced positive poll numbers for Trump:

    "We're also seeing some polls indicating the President’s approval ratings among Democrats and independents skyrocketing to their highest levels yet. Some 60% approval ratings for the way he’s handling this crisis as he continues to hold these briefings. The briefings are working for the President."

    In frustration, she added: "No matter what he says, people seem to be seeing him as a leader, at least more people do."

  72. Anonymous1:20 AM

    What the media instead are realizing is that they have lost control over the filtering that they are used to providing. They seek to spin the news rather than simply show it and report it. And they justify their bias as being part of a higher calling in the journalism profession as opposed to a glaring failure.

    The media that was able to push impeachment while the coronavirus spread throughout the world, that claimed concerns about it were racist, and that attempts to control its spread were xenophobic, now wants even more control over the message. Their plan to keep Americans in the dark about what the country’s top political and medical officials say unless it is filtered through a group of people who botched the 2016 campaign, the Russia collusion narrative, and the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing is a demonstration of something very dangerous.

    They don't want to report the news. They want to control it. That is damaging and destructive to their own already hurting reputations but, more importantly, to public health itself.

  73. The states that refused to expand Medicaid under the ACA have seen many of their rural hospitals shut down.

    Twenty rural hospitals in Texas have closed since 2010, the most of any state. Tennessee has seen the second-most closures, with 13 rural hospitals shutting down in the past decade. In third place is Oklahoma with eight closures.

    A whole bunch of MAGApeople in those states are gonna be wondering why they and grandma have to drive to the city to get to an ER, and why the ERs they do get to are so completely overrun as to be useless to them.

    Being MAGApeople, they will probably blame it on the cities they had to drive to instead of the damage their Republican state governments did to the places they live.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  74. Cruise Lines, who don't headquarter their businesses in the US, are not eligible for stimulus/disaster relief money.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  75. "Read Edgar Allen Poe's "Mask of the Red Death"."

    My 10th grade English teacher assigned that to me to read again. I hope I get a better grade now than I did back then.

  76. "Fergus isn't very bright."

    What was your first clue Doug. Ha!

  77. "No, I just want straight reporting where they can put aside their campaign against Trump and stop lying until we get past this."

    Who is THEY? And if you follow most press outlets it's trump who is doing the lying.


    WTF is wrong with people? This ignorant broad coughing on food, another asshole trying to blow up a hospital and now morons licking toilets for a damned challenge? I give up, we're doomed as a country. I can't trust a country that elects reality tv stars president and eats Tide pods. Field, any tips on Jamaican property?

  79. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Grabbler2 AKA Granny Mudshark said...

    Yeah, it kinda looks like it. He was warned back in December.
    Back in December and into February, you libruls were busy with your impeachment drama instead of paying attention to life-and-death matters like incipient pandemics.  SHAME ON YOU!

  80. Anonymous8:19 AM

    WTF is wrong with people? This ignorant broad coughing on food

    FTA: "The manager informed me that a woman, who the police know to be a chronic problem in the community, came in to the store...."

    Salient details:

    1.  "Chronic problem".
    2.  NOT barred from the store, though.
    3.  No picture or description.

    In other words, the perp is black.  Barring her from stores and such or even describing her would be "racist".

  81. drumpf body count to start the day....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  82. From livescience...

    Yesterday (March 19), President Donald Trump boasted about the "very encouraging results" of two drugs called chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for the novel coronavirus, claiming that the medications have "gone through the approval process" and that "we’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately."

    But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) swiftly issued a statement to clarify that, no, these drugs are not approved as treatments for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Both drugs are approved to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, but must still be assessed in clinical trials before being declared a safe and effective COVID-19 treatment. Doctors in the U.S. have wide latitude to prescribe drugs "off-label," meaning for conditions beyond their initial FDA approval.

    You'd have to be a super stoopid fucking moron to trust anything discredited dr drumpfuck the dumbfuck says.

  83. The store tossed 35k bucks worth of produce and meat because of a senseless prank perpetrated by a likely drumpf voter.

    For you stoopid fuckers that never heard of the constitution, it is the House of Representatives constitutional duty to investigate and file impeachment charges against a rogue bogus potus such as drumpf.

    It is, allegedly, the .leader of the US who is allegedly in charge of responses to natural disasters, such as pandemics, although drumpfuck dumpster fire is a natural disaster and hould have been removed from office had the wingnut cabal in the sinate done their constitutional duty.

  84. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Some... folks are too dumb to practice social distancing from buffalo.  Pity this one didn't qualify for a Darwin Award.

    Deion Broxton, a reporter with KTVM, the NBC affiliate in Butte, Montana, shared this clip of himself Wednesday in which he realizes a herd of bison were heading his way while doing a story at Yellowstone National Park.

    "There was a herd of bison walking right toward me at @YellowstoneNPS today!" he captioned the video.

    "Oh, my God. Oh, my God," Broxton says in the clip as he looks off-camera with a nervous eye roll before he quickly walks away.

    "Oh, no, I ain't messing with you," he says as he walks out of the frame. "Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. I'm not messing with you."

  85. ps furthermore, the only time the entire congress was involved in impeachment was when they needed to vote to move the charges against drumpf to the sinate. Dems managed to push through a number of bills that the sinate refused to even look at while impeachment hearings occurred.

  86. drumpf becomes a fiscal conservative at exactly the wrong time. I thought he enjoyed handing obscene amounts of money to korporate amerika.

    Maybe drumopf queered the deal because he was getting something in exchange for free money.

  87. drumpf is showing his leadership chops for the whole world to see. Who else could lead the world in Covid-19 cases, while also owning the highest unemployment applications ever and run up the highest debt and deficits ever?

    And this shit show is only beginning.

  88. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Woman found murdered on same Snowden property at Horseshoe Lake, Arkansas, where mother was killed nearly 24 years earlier by negro.

  89. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Chicago March to Date 2020:
    Shot & Killed: 21
    Shot & Wounded: 138
    Total Shot: 159
    Total Homicides: 23

  90. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Trump quote: "he’d like to see"

    Liberals exhibit rigid and obtuse thinking


    Kid got turned away because he had no insurance. Kid dead. See, now he no longer needs insurance and no handout to him, dadgummit!

    drumpf body count claims another.

  92. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:03 AM

    From today's Huff Post.

    President Donald Trump rejected calls from New York’s governor that the state needed tens of thousands of new ventilators to treat a mass of patients infected with the novel coronavirus, saying he didn’t believe those numbers were accurate.

  93. Anonymous11:26 AM

    We can't send every ventilator in the country to NYC.

  94. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:53 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "No we don't. If we did, you wouldn't see people on New York waiting in lines around the block to get tested."

    US is now testing over 50,000 people per day, New York alone is testing 15,000 per day. This testing capacity is ramping up exponentially.

    And standing in line with a bunch of other sick people is a bad idea. New York needs to disperse their testing centers.

    11:19 PM
    New York has dispersed their testing centers. Wow, you don't keep up on what's happening do you? Fifteen thousand a day in a city of millions isn't nearly enough. Do the math!

  95. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Grabbler2 AKA Granny Mudshark said...

    Yeah, it kinda looks like it. He was warned back in December.
    Back in December and into February, you libruls were busy with your impeachment drama instead of paying attention to life-and-death matters like incipient pandemics. SHAME ON YOU!

    7:21 AM

    From Granny Mudshark

    All this from a person with no name, who can't spell liberal correctly? Here's my take on it......

    Yup, you're right! I'm at the top of the food-chain when it comes to secret intel. in this country. I and all the other Democrats in the country ignored those secret warnings. Shane on us!

  96. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:10 PM

    Anonymous said...

    We can't send every ventilator in the country to NYC.

    11:26 AM
    No we can't, but the president could do his job and order appropriate companies to convert to making ventilators. This pandemic is far from over, so they will get used.

  97. Anonymous12:35 PM

    “New York has dispersed their testing centers. Wow, you don't keep up on what's happening do you? Fifteen thousand a day in a city of millions isn't nearly enough. Do the math!”

    We’re absolutely not a leader in COVID-19 testing. Just the opposite — we’re trailing most of the other industrialized nations in testing.

    Here’s where we were a week ago.

    The US had conducted a third as many tests as South Korea, despite our being a country 6.5 times the size of South Korea.

    Testing is one of the multiple areas in which Trump has failed miserably. He had almost two months to prepare a domestic epidemic response after China reported their escalating infections, but he did next to nothing. He just shut down flights from China and said he would keep the virus out, and when that didn’t work, we were caught with our pants down. Now we have to race to catch up.

    And still, the true impact of the disease doesn’t seem to gave gotten through Trump’s thick skull. His press conferences are delusional, hallucinogenic affairs.

    Back to normal by Easter, my ass.

  98. Anonymous2:44 PM

    A week ago US was behind.

    Now we are testing more than any other country.

  99. Anonymous2:46 PM

    What do you get when you cross an extremely contagious sars virus with a society that's now half a century into open borders, hyperdiversity, low trust and cultural rot and whose critical institutions have all been taken over by incompetent corporate puppets and oppression studies majors?

  100. Leon Low-T2:48 PM

    I don't think I've ever used the word "coronavirus" as much as I have in the past four months.

  101. Anonymous3:06 PM

    “A week ago US was behind.

    Now we are testing more than any other country.”

    Highly doubtful. The US cannot have made a 20-fold improvement in a week.

  102. Anonymous3:13 PM

    "New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell blames Trump for her not canceling Mardi Gras."

    They have no idea what to do if Whitey isn't around to tell them.

    And it's all "the legacy of slavery", doncha know.

  103. Mayor did not blame drumpf. She said had he acted like a leader and used his power to shut stuff down, others would have followed his lead, but drumpf spent his time lying about the severity of the disease and the pandemic and blaming Dems for it.

    Obama, at the very least would have been in constant contact with mayors of large metropolitan areas and kept them informed on what he was doing. That is/was leadership. drumpf is sheep shit.

  104. United States Coronavirus: 96,968 Cases and 1,477 Deaths ...

    Let's seer the proof the US is testing more than anyone. Put up.

  105. Anonymous3:35 PM

    “Let's seer the proof the US is testing more than anyone. Put up.”

    There isn’t any. It’s just more Trump-speak.

    “We are testing bigly!”


    drumpf and his ;ove/hate fest with New York.

  107. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Well, it is definitely looking like there will be a corona-baby boom after this is all over. Couples are stuck in the house together with not a lot to do, and now comes this news:

    Condom Shortage Looms Worldwide After COVID-19 Forces World's Largest Producer To Shutter


    The US is not testing enough to know where the virus is let alone where it is spreading.

  109. Anonymous4:05 PM

    US now testing more than any other country.

  110. Democrats hate science, want you dead4:06 PM

    Hydroxychloroquine is safe and has tested 100% positive in treating CoronaVirus when combined with Z-Pak


    Michigan Democrat Governor, Gretchen Whitmore, bans doctors from prescribing it for CoronaVirus patients.

  111. Before you follow Democrats hate science, want you dead said...

    Better read what real experts have to say about the chemical cocktail.

    Iranians found a 100% cure for Covid-19 and living at the same time. Hundreds drank methanol as a cure and boy did it work.


  113. updated drumpf body count.... not looking good for anyone but funeral homes.

    United States Coronavirus: 100,392 Cases and 1,543 Deaths › coronavirus › country › us


    Us has tested more people in 8 days than S Korea did in 8 weeks, barely, and Korea has less than 6 million people.


    Mildly interesting read.

  116. Breaking News..... drumpf is now seeking to force GM to produce ventilators after drumpf accused them of charging too much.

  117. Anonymous5:35 PM


    Favipiravir is one of the candidates for maybe, possibly being able to treat COVID-19.

    But, again, we won’t know until proper clinical trials have been done. Until then, it’s all just supposition.

  118. If you call yourself a "wartime president" you own it when you lose the damn war.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  119. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:39 PM

    Here's an interesting article from today's Hufpost, telling us about the great job Trump is doing lying to us.

  120. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:48 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What do you get when you cross an extremely contagious sars virus with a society that's now half a century into open borders, hyperdiversity, low trust and cultural rot and whose critical institutions have all been taken over by incompetent corporate puppets and oppression studies majors?

    2:46 PM
    Well that hasn't happened in my life-time and it's not happening now. So how in the hell should I know?

    But I do know what happens when we have an incompetent, uncaring president during a pandemic. Unfortunately, I can see it now as it is happening, and it ain't pretty.

  121. Anonymous6:00 PM


    Us has tested more people in 8 days than S Korea did in 8 weeks, barely, and Korea has less than 6 million people.”

    Mike, thus is the key passage from that article, referring to data from two days ago:

    “South Korea has tested 0.7% of its population, or about 1 test for every 149 residents over that eight-week period. The United States has tested about 0.1% of its population, or 1 test for about every 1,038 residents over the eight-day period.”

    So, Trump was lying again. No, the US is not the leader in COVID-19 testing. Far from it. We are still way behind the curve. We will have to test 7 times as many people as have currently been tested just in order to “catch up” with S. Korea. And even that won’t be adequate because our infection rate is now so much worse than theirs. We are talking about millions of tests needed now.

    It may be weeks before we can get to where we need to be, which is a giant missed opportunity to prevent deaths.

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:06 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell blames Trump for her not canceling Mardi Gras."

    They have no idea what to do if Whitey isn't around to tell them.

    And it's all "the legacy of slavery", doncha' know.

    3:13 PM
    White mayors have found themselves in similar situations around the country. So the mayor's problem has not been limited to those who happen to be black.

    It isn't unreasonable to expect our president to lead. Unfortunately Trump spends his time congratulating himself and bragging about how smart he is. Don't look to him for leadership in a pandemic or an other catastrophe.

  123. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "updated drumpf body count.... not looking good for anyone but funeral homes."

    Could you ever have imagined a person who such glee in human misery and death?

    Fuck you mike.

  124. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "So, Trump was lying again"

    No, you are lying again.

    US is now testing 100,000 people per day, much more than any other country has done.

  125. Anonymous6:25 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Breaking News..... drumpf is now seeking to force GM to produce ventilators after drumpf accused them of charging too much."

    GM, the only car company that never repaid the American people after they were bailed out in 2009, tries to profiteer on the cornoavirus pandemic, and mike defends them, because Trump.

    Fuck GM and Fuck mike.

  126. Joe Biden, 2018: "When a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth".

    Tara Reade, 2020: "His (Biden's) hands were on me and underneath my clothes, and he went down my skirt and then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers and he was kissing me at the same time and he was saying some things to me.”

    Reade claimed Biden first asked if she wanted “to go somewhere else.”

    “I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing,” Reade said. “He said: ‘Come on, man. I heard you liked me.’”

  127. Michael6:32 PM

    Trump has now invoked the Defense Production Act to require General Motors to produce ventilators. This seems entirely reasonable given the circumstances. Great job, Mr. President!

  128. From the Miami Herald:


    A federal judge delivered an ultimatum Thursday to attorneys representing Gov. Ron DeSantis and his administration in a lawsuit challenging a 2019 law that implemented a constitutional amendment restoring voting rights to felons who have completed their sentences.

    U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle warned the state’s attorneys to come up with a process to determine whether felons have paid “legal financial obligations” as required by the law and whether those felons have the ability to pay the court-ordered fees and fines. He said that work needs to be done before an April 27 trial in the case — or else.

    “If the state is not going to fix it, I will,” Hinkle snapped during a telephone hearing Thursday afternoon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  129. The fuckery is real6:40 PM

    BREAKING: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo acknowledged Friday the state did have a stockpile of unused ventilators, despite his complaints the federal government was not sending enough.

    “Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where they are supposed to be, because we don’t need them yet,” Cuomo said. “We need them for the apex, the apex isn’t here, so we’re gathering them in a stockpile.”

  130. From Crooks and Liars:

    Take a few minutes and just watch this moment with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and remind yourself what leadership looks like. Politically, I've never been a fan of Cuomo's, but in this moment he and his fellow governors have really risen to the occasion, unlike the Orange Terror.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  131. The ventilator story was reported by dead Breitbart, so I doubt there is any truth to it all.

  132. Trump has now invoked the Defense Production Act to require General Motors to produce ventilators. This seems entirely reasonable given the circumstances. Great job, Mr. President!

    Why wasn't this done a month ago? Oh, that's right, this pandemic was a hoax until about 2 weeks ago for drumpf.

    Ford and GM had a deal with the government to produce ventilators and drumpf shut it down thinking it would cost too much. Drumpf's idea of leading is to stick a finger in his mouth and then see which way the wind blows so he can waddle around trying to get in front of it.

    Doctors all over America are begging for emergency supplies while drumpf plays politics with human lives.

  133. We lost trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan, 2 unnecessary wars that Iraq's oil was gonna pay for. Were gonna be out billions on an unnecessary wall that drumpfuck promised New Mexico would pay for. We have lost billions in tax revenues with taxcuts for the koch bro and billions lore since drumpf promised 5-6% GDP growth with him in charge and we have barely touched 3 for an extended period of time.

    Go ahead and rag on GM, dumbfucks.

  134. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Here we go. It’s about time.

    CNN is running chyrons during Trump’s press conferences now, bullshit-correcting him in real time.

  135. So the alleged victim of Biden's told her story last year and no one cared about it so she added salacious details and fake news jumped on it. Got me convinced.

    You stoopid fuckers pull these stories out of your asses and they all fizzle and die and then you come back with moar and the same thing happens.


  136. Fuck you mike. You wouldn't like it. i'd just lie there like a dead elk and your lying about me again.

  137. Who says we are testing 100k per day? and I have a correction to make about S Korea, their population is 51 plus million not the 6 million I reported earlier.

  138. John Kennedy Claussen, Sr.,2020-03-27 at 14:12
    What about the Laffer curve, could that help us right now? Or, has it been flattened by the virus? There is great irony in how even our conservative Republican friends have come to embrace Keynesian economics right now; which only further proves that these conservative Republican friends of ours only really embrace supply-side economics for pure self interest and not for the interest of the whole, but when that dream world for them is in danger, then they run home to Mama and the Democratic Party and pay homage all a sudden to Keynes and Galbraith.

    This panic reaction by our conservative Republican friends proves the limits of capitalism and its vulnerabilities to a dependency upon planned obsolescence and the finding of new markets. But when a virus shows up that destroys a market’s ability to replenish and or expand, then socialism, brief or not, becomes the only solvency for a capitalistic market that had become dependent upon a growing predatory element up until the crisis, which ironically, only the virus itself could match.

    Marx indicted capitalism because wealth was generated based on the development of capital and less on the development of tangible products which could further strengthen and/or sustain an economy. This current collapse of the greater consumerism of our economy and the need for stuff speaks to a further weakness of capitalism; and that is when it produces products that are of little value except to the predatory marketer, who sells and profits from them.


    Did he or didn't he? Not even drumpfuck knows for sure what drumpfuck did or didn't do.

    What a stain!

  140. Wuz Tara Reade a Putin plant? From Vox.....

    Mainstream media initially did not cover Reade’s assault allegation
    Part of the reason Reade sought legal help, she told Vox, was that she faced harassment when she initially came forward last year. She also faced scrutiny into her background. In particular, critics pointed to that now-deleted 2018 Medium post in which Reade called Putin “a compassionate, caring, visionary leader” and said, “To President Putin, I say keep your eyes to the beautiful future and maybe, just maybe America will come to see Russia as I do, with eyes of love.”

    In the same post, she wrote that she left government work in her 20s in part because “I love Russia with all my heart” and “I could not stand to watch the deception and xenophobia that came from my own American government.”

    Reade told Vox that when she wrote the praise of Putin, she had “watched a bunch of Noam Chomsky” and was working on a novel set in Russia. She says she no longer feels the same way about Putin since learning more about domestic violence in Russia.

    Read wrote her love letter to Putin in Medium and that post has since been deleted.

  141. That was quick..... Fasme is as fleeting as drumpfuck's attention span.

    Trump's approval rating on handling the coronavirus dropped 6 percentage points in a three-day span in the poll.

    In the Mar. 26-27 survey, 50 percent of registered voters said they approved of the president's handling of COVID-19, compared to 56 percent saying the same in a Mar. 22-23 survey.

    The drop appears to be driven by a decrease in support from Republican and independent voters.

    The poll found a 10 percentage point drop among Republicans, from 86 percent support in the Mar. 22-23 survey, to 76 percent support in the most recent survey.

    Support among independents slipped 7 percentage points, from 55 percent to 48 percent.

  142. Anonymous9:05 PM

    "We lost trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan, 2 unnecessary wars that Iraq's oil was gonna pay for."

    Obama's fault.

  143. Tulsi Gabbard9:06 PM

    "Wuz Tara Reade a Putin plant?"

    LMAO at you loons.

  144. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Massie: bailouts should go to the people, not the big banks.

    Jews: The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) came out in support of Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie’s primary challenger.

  145. Anonymous10:42 PM

    The US officially has the most COVID-19 cases in the world!


    This is a truly impressive accomplishment for Trump.


  146. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Chinese Virus Mortality:

    United States: 1.5%

    World: 4.4%

    It’s as if we are really fucking good at what we do. Imagine how we’d do without the press making literally everything harder and worse on us.

  147. Grady4:02 AM

    I have been critical of President Trump over the years. But there is no denying that he is a natural leader.

  148. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Covid 19 is to Viruses what Fraud Negro is to Lawyers. Weak, overhyped, and needs to go back to it's country of origin. ALL Lefties, Negroes and Mudsharks GFYS!

  149. Anonymous8:07 AM

    To all of you that are making "light" of this virus and applauding your POTUS,,,

    "...and he will lead you to your destruction like cows beeng led to the slaughter house.!"

    "...and the rich will hoard their ventilators keeping life saving machines from the common man!"

    "and the rich will persevere while they keep the ignorant poor believing that our American Leadership being uninformed, unprepared and unwilling to help the everyday citizens is your IMAGINATION!"

    Even when you see the POTUS himself delivers the state of the pandemic from a hospital bed and a ventilator set up in the oval office he will still convince all of his deplorables that


  150. Anonymous8:23 AM





  151. Anonymous8:29 AM

    ...Why is it that when men run countries the only thing on their mind is
    "Weapons of World Destruction" and "Man's Inhumanity to Man."

    But when women lead things what's on their mind is
    "Man's Humanity To Man" and "Liberty and Justice for ALL!"

    ...and a woman shall lead them!

  152. Anonymous8:32 AM

    What does the Bible say about Plagues and Pandemics?

    The term "plague" is found roughly 100 times in the Bible, primarily in the Old Testament. The most commonly known biblical plagues occurred in Egypt during the time of Moses. Scripture reveals that God sent plagues as a consequence of disobedience and idolatry. Exodus 32:35 gives an example of this, saying "So the Lord plagued the people because of what they did with the calf which Aaron made." Learn more about the 10 Plagues of Egypt Bible Story when God freed his people from slavery. And learn reasons why Why God Sends Plagues.

    Plagues are also mentioned in Revelation of the New Testament when describing the end of days on Earth. Many are wondering today if the Coronavirus pandemic is a plague that is mentioned by the prophet John in Revelation. Food shortages, fear, viruses, and economic collapse all seem to be hints of foreshadowing of the End Times. To learn more, read: Is Coronavirus a Plague from End Times in Revelations?

  153. Last updated: March 28, 2020, 12:44 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    "We lost trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan, 2 unnecessary wars that Iraq's oil was gonna pay for."

    Obama's fault. Moar right wing loes.

  154. A true AMERICAN patriot and leader. RIP finally, Sir.

    Fuck racysts!

  155. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Revelation 15-16

    Seven Angels With Seven Plagues
    15 I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God’s wrath is completed. 2 And I saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name. They held harps given them by God 3 and sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb:

    “Great and marvelous are your deeds,
    Lord God Almighty.
    Just and true are your ways,
    King of the nations.[a]
    4 Who will not fear you, Lord,
    and bring glory to your name?
    For you alone are holy...

    5 After this I looked, and I saw in heaven the temple—that is, the tabernacle of the covenant law—and it was opened. 6 Out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues. They were dressed in clean, shining linen and wore golden sashes around their chests. 7 Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God, who lives for ever and ever. 8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.

    The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
    16 Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.”

    2 The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.

    3 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died.

    4 The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. 5 Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say:

    “You are just in these judgments, O Holy One,
    you who are and who were;
    6 for they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets,
    and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.”
    7 And I heard the altar respond:

    ... true and just are your judgments.”
    8 The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. 9 They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.

    10 The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony 11 and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.

    12 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. 13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.

    15 “Look, I come like a thief! ...
    16 Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.

    17 The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!”

    18 Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. 19 The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. 20 Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. 21 From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds,[c] fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.

  156. Anonymous10:56 AM



    I get young people's brains tell them that they are invincible...but what about the grown folks running these cities and states? Kudos to the mayors and governors that understand and are taking the right steps. But What the F*&! is wrong with everybody else brains?

    Those leaders should. have closed the Florida beaches down BEFORE the young folks arrived.
    The leaders that run New Orleans should have closed the bars down BEFORE Mardi Gras.

    What the hell good is locking the barn after the cow is gone.
    Where are the "collective" brains of some of our leadership?????????

  157. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:22 AM

    Grady said...

    I have been critical of President Trump over the years. But there is no denying that he is a natural leader.

    4:02 AM
    Leader of what, Grady? Hogs in a trough?

  158. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:26 AM

    PilotX said..."Read Edgar Allen Poe's "Mask of the Red Death"."

    My 10th grade English teacher assigned that to me to read again. I hope I get a better grade now than I did back then.

    4:05 AM
    LOL! You made me laugh with this one. I bet you would get a better grade now because you would find the story relevant to current events.

  159. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:30 AM

    Michael said...

    Trump has now invoked the Defense Production Act to require General Motors to produce ventilators. This seems entirely reasonable given the circumstances. Great job, Mr. President!

    6:32 PM
    But Trump won't invoke the Defense Production Act against any of the companies that have bribed him not to. He's getting a lot of money from them. That's why he hasn't applied the act to all companies/corporations.

  160. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:35 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Covid 19 is to Viruses what Fraud Negro is to Lawyers. Weak, overhyped, and needs to go back to it's country of origin. ALL Lefties, Negroes and Mudsharks GFYS!

    5:04 AM
    Hey, Anon., you go back to where your ancestors came from, and while you're at it, go fuck yourself.

    Granny Mudshark

  161. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:40 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Chinese Virus Mortality:

    United States: 1.5%

    World: 4.4%

    It’s as if we are really fucking good at what we do. Imagine how we’d do without the press making literally everything harder and worse on us.

    4:00 AM
    Imagine how we’d do if we had an intelligent, competent president like Obama as our leader instead of the clown in the White House.

  162. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:44 AM

    "He certainly is doing all in his power to get more people die."

    Yes, it's all true. Trump is going to murder all of us. Why didn't we listen to mike earlier?

    3:54 PM
    No, the question is: Why didn't Trump act on the intel. about the coming pandemic that he received back in December 2019?

  163. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:53 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Revelation 15-16

    Seven Angels With Seven Plagues......
    Oh please spare us the mad ramblings of someone's ancient opium dream. For more than five-hundred years people have been citing Revelation when catastrophes occur. Look up "the black death," circa 1346.

  164. Anonymous12:49 PM

    And the winner of Miss Wuhan 2020 is....Granny Mudbone !!! Here is your crown of Doritos and your chalice of Grape drank.... Now back to your Black Organ Ventilator.

  165. Gabriel12:50 PM

    "Look up "the black death," circa 1346."

    I looked up "black death" and all I got was murder statistics from Chicago.


    Rev Joeseph Lowery's benediction speech from the greatest living Potus inauguration.

  167. Last updated: March 28, 2020, 17:06 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  168. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Everyone kind of laughed about Barr pursuing criminal prosecution against groups hoarding medical supplies.

    Suddenly all these clusters of masks started showing up in strange places.

    Nobody is laughing anymore.

    Except, Barr and Trump.


    If drumpfuck hadn't wasted intel and proclaimed this pandemic a hoax, he could have shut down Mardi Gras.Rather he chose to declare his sooper intelligence made him know more than all the experts on pandemics. He should be removed from office and extraordinarily rendered and then sell the whale blubber as really crude oil.

  170. As per usual, anymoose got most of HIZ facts wrong about medical supplies.

    This applies to people trying to sell items for excess profits after those items have been designated as critical, which masks and ventilators have not yet been deemed.

  171. From above link....

    Attorney General William Barr detailed the executive order at a White House briefing Monday evening, saying it would prohibit people from accumulating critical supplies amid the coronavirus outbreak in an effort to profit off of them.

    Barr said the Department of Justice (DOJ) had seen potential evidence of hoarding and price gouging amid the pandemic.

    Trump is authorized under the Defense Production Act to prohibit hoarding of needed resources by designating them as scarce or threatened by people accumulating excessive amounts, Barr said.

    The executive order signed by Trump on Monday gives Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar the authority to designate certain supplies as critical, meaning those found to be hoarding or price gouging such equipment could face criminal action, Barr said.

    “Once specific materials are so designated, persons are prohibited from accumulating those items in excess of reasonable personal or business needs or for the purpose of selling them in excess of prevailing market prices,” Barr said.

    “It is a crime to engage in prohibited activity,” the attorney general continued.

  172. Be safe everyone! Stay clean, as sterile as possible and healthy. I'm praying this disease will time itself out or weaken in some kind of way, and then return back to the depths of hel from whence it came, eradicated forever from humanity. I'm also praying for an end to germ warfare, and the development of these types of things. Governments should ask themselves what can they rule over, have power over, if they indeed will expire also. Let this be a lesson...

  173. Any politician worth their salt would be capitalizing on this opportunity to step into the breach and claim their chunk of history right now, but the goddamn Republicans decided that we shouldn't have a politician doing a politician's job, so instead we've got Fergus.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  174. Anonymous3:07 PM

    "Imagine how we’d do if we had an intelligent, competent president like Obama as our leader instead of the clown in the White House."

    Too easy.

    "If I had a disease, it would look like COVID-19."

    "The physicians acted stupidly in treating this like a threat."

    "As horrific as this plague is, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse."


  176. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Why didn't Trump act on the intel. about the coming pandemic that he received back in December 2019?

    Why didn't you Dumbocraps drop the impeachment theatrics when YOU got the intel in December 2019?

  177. Because drumpf was guilty as chgarged and you stoopid fucking wingnuts claim to be the party of law and order. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, Bitch?

    Why didn't wasicu wastey wingnuts remove this stain from office for having committed impeachable offenses?

    Egotistical, impeached pile of dog shit wants his name on stimulus checks so all people will be grateful to drumpf for barely handling his job.


    drumpf claims the new bailout bill allows him to waive congressional oversight even though it does not say that. You knew this guy won't stick to any agreement because he claims to be smarter than anyone else.


  180. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Everyone kind of laughed about Barr pursuing criminal prosecution against groups hoarding medical supplies.
    I don't recall that Barr did that. When was this and how did you find out? All I remember is Barr pursuing an investigation into Hunter Biden.

  181. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:55 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why didn't Trump act on the intel. about the coming pandemic that he received back in December 2019?

    Why didn't you Dumbocraps drop the impeachment theatrics when YOU got the intel in December 2019?

    3:18 PM
    What the hell does impeachment have to do with Trump doing his damn jog? Totally different issue; can't Trump walk and chew gum at the same time? He didn't even have to testify. He had plenty of time to appoint a task force and assign them to prepare for a pandemic. Stop making excuses for Trump's failure to do his job. Tell him stop playing golf while Rome burns.

  182. Last updated: March 28, 2020, 21:16 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  183. "What the hell does impeachment have to do with Trump doing his damn job?"

    Nothing. Deflection, old school bad argument tactic perfected by the trump people. Kellyanne is a black belt in this discipline.

  184. Nearly 300 new bodies in drumpf body count today.


    drumpf was awol for six critical weeks.

  186. "RIP Rev. Lowery.😓"

    Amen to that.

    And about the timing of the impeachment, Nancy Pelosi announced the opening of the inquiry in September, so don't try to blame us for the worst presidential fuck up since the Iraq invasion.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  187. Got some heavy rain this day with copious amounts of wasicu wastey, marble-sized hail. Why does hail always have to be whitey in color?

  188. From Taegan Goddard:

    Flashback Quote of the Day

    March 28, 2020 at 4:37 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 150 Comments

    “What would you think if, when your governor asked the federal government for the disaster assistance that Congress has provided, the President responded, ‘I would like you to do us a favor.’ I’ll send the disaster relief once you brand my opponent a criminal.”

    — Stanford law professor Pamela Karlan, testifying before the House impeachment inquiry on December 4, 2019.

    Remarkably prescient of her, really.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


  190. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:26 PM

    Anonymous said...

    And the winner of Miss Wuhan 2020 is....Granny Mudbone !!! Here is your crown of Doritos and your chalice of Grape drank.... Now back to your Black Organ Ventilator.

    12:49 PM
    LOL! NoBalls, go fuck yourself. LOL. You think I care what you call me or how you insult me. I, at least, have the balls to use a screen name! ROTF LMAO

    Granny Mudshark

  191. Anonymous6:41 PM

    No matter what, Trump will always be Obama's legacy.

  192. Anonymous6:51 PM

    "Remarkably prescient of her, really."

    Prescient would imply that it actually, happened, which it didn't.

    Just more dramatic progressive pantie-bunching projection, actually.

    Man up, Dougie.

  193. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:43 PM

    Lilacpr said...

    Be safe everyone! Stay clean, as sterile as possible and healthy. I'm praying this disease will time itself out or weaken in some kind of way, and then return back to the depths of hel from whence it came, eradicated forever from humanity. I'm also praying for an end to germ warfare.......

    2:48 PM
    I appreciate your kind words and sentiment. I hope your prayers are answered. In case you haven't heard, the COV19 virus was not man made. It came from a bat that was improperly killed and mishandled. But there are many man made pathogens in existence, but COV19 isn't one of them. Stay safe and be careful.

  194. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gambler2 "Imagine how we’d do if we had an intelligent, competent president like Obama as our leader instead of the clown in the White House."

    Anonymous "Too easy."

    "If I had a disease, it would look like COVID-19."

    "The physicians acted stupidly in treating this like a threat."

    "As horrific as this plague is, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse."

    3:07 PM
    This is the incoherent attempt at deflection that I have ever read or heard!

  195. Last updated: March 29, 2020, 00:18 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    drumpf been a busy porky beaver, what?

  196. This comment has been removed by the author.
