Monday, June 01, 2020

Out of pocket.

Hi field hands, I'm currently unavailable. If this is an emergency please contact your local field Negro education office.

But seriously, I will be back soon. Stay safe during these crazy times, especially if you are a black man.


  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Hope you’re staying well away from the sites of the riots. It’s only a matter of time until the police/national guard bring the hammer down. You don’t want to be standing anywhere near the rioters when that happens.


  3. George Floyd died not just because of the knee lodged at his neck by a Minneapolis Police officer, but also because of the other officers who helped hold him down, a private autopsy found.

    Dr. Allecia M. Wilson of the University of Michigan and Dr. Michael Baden, a former New York City medical examiner, were hired by Mr. Floyd’s family to help determine his cause of death.

    “Not only was the knee on George’s neck a cause of his death, but so was the weight of the other two police officers on his back, who not only prevented blood flow into his brain but also air flow into his lungs,” said Antonio Romanucci, a lawyer for the family.

    Benjamin Crump, the family’s lead lawyer, said emergency medical records showed Mr. Floyd was dead at the scene.

    “For George Floyd, the ambulance was his hearse,” Mr. Crump said.

    The knee to his back compressed his lungs and prevented them from being able to take air in and out, he said.

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Look at all these Zionist operatives and Feds trying to goad White people into action. Look at all the pathetic attempts at shame. What exactly are we supposed to defend? Walmart or CNN headquarters? Are we supposed to defend Feds from the hordes that they let tear us apart at Charlottesville? Are we supposed to defend corporations that shit on White people? If we go out there, we will be doxxed by Antifa and charged with multiple felonies by Feds. Nationalists came out before, and they got sacrificed by the system. Good men are now doing hard time for defending themselves against violent Antifa mobs. They goaded us before and our boys went to prison while arsonists, rapists, looters, and violent lunatics didn't face a day in court. In fact, the system refused to even prosecute them. The system is anti-White, fuck the system.

    These mobs aren't touching the White communities, they don't dare go there. They tried that already and got shot at by locals, so they retreated. They're going to burn down banks, police stations, and corporate stores. Why the fuck should we give a shit and defend them? These institutions are our oppressors and we don't give a shit if they are burned down by the golem the system created. These scumfucks expect us to come out in force like we always do. This time we didn't take the bait and look how out of control it is. What are they going to do? The feds and Zionists are on their own this time. Without us, they are nothing. They need us and we don't need them. We got wise, learned the game. We're never getting GLADIO'd again. We need to fight for White interests only and there are no White interests here, just Zionist interests. Let them do their own fighting.

    The system is fucked. Let the golem burn it.


    1. Mr. Floyd was murdered.☝🏾️


  7. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:10 PM

    Anonymous said.....
    ..."The feds and Zionists are on their own this time. Without us, they are nothing. They need us and we don't need them. We got wise, learned the game. We're never getting GLADIO'd again. We need to fight for White interests only and there are no White interests here, just Zionist interests. Let them do their own fighting.

    The system is fucked. Let the golem burn it."

    4:34 PM
    I don't get the point of your bringing this bull shit here to this blog. If you're trying to convince someone of your point of view, you are spittin' in the wind.

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Mr. Floyd was murdered."

    And no one ever disputed it.

    No one defended the cop's actions.

    The city had immediately commenced an investigation, because that's what you do before you arrest a police officer.

    But they burned down America anyway.

  9. 9 unarmed blacks were killed by police last year, compared to 19 whites. more cops were killed by blacks than blacks killed by cops. george floyds death was wrong but he also once held a loaded gun to a womans stomach as he robbed her in her home with five other brothers.

    this is the shit u dumb animals are burning america down over lmao

  10. El Field is leaviiinggggg! Whyyyy! Whyyyy? We're ON OUR OWN NOWWW! And he told us to go to the Field emergency room? Where is that at??? Oh momma, Im askeered!

  11. I mean the Field education room? Wheres that at? Anybody know? :(

  12. But they burned down America anyway.

    You be a fool if you think it was just the murder of this one innocent black guy that triggered this response. I suppose it is because your attention span is shorter than drumpf's wasicu micro dick and you conveniently forget all the other unarmed, innocent blacks the cops murdered and got away with it.


  13. "But they burned down America anyway."

    Nope, "they" protested a small segment of folks looted and set fires. If we're gonna equate all protesters with looters we can equate all cops with the bad ones.

  14. "You be a fool if you think it was just the murder of this one innocent black guy that triggered this response"

    C'mon Mike, these nazis are gonna find fault with anything a non-nazi does.

  15. Chicago Roy5:51 PM

    The Joe Biden 2020 riots are backfiring bigly.


  17. The entire trump administration is failing badly.

  18. Jesse5:55 PM

    "These mobs aren't touching the White communities, they don't dare go there. They tried that already and got shot at by locals, so they retreated."

    These rioters are used to a life of bullying unarmed people. Their trip into the burbs is gonna be a short one.

  19. Anonymous5:57 PM

    "No one defended the cop's actions.

    The city had immediately commenced an investigation, because that's what you do before you arrest a police officer.

    But they burned down America anyway."

    You're wrong about that. The cop's police union appears to believe George Floyd had it coming. Here's the leader of the local union, suggesting all the officers involved should keep their jobs:

    "'What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd. The media will not air this. I’ve worked with the four defense attorneys that are representing each of our four terminated individuals under criminal investigation, in addition with our labor attorneys to fight for their jobs. They were terminated without due process,' wrote Kroll, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Star Tribune."

    Of course, all the rioting will not help rectify police brutality.

    The rioters will ultimately get curb-stomped by the police/military.

    All the riots will help convince white people of the dangerousness of black people, and persuade them that the cops need MORE powers and MORE impunity to maintain order.

    Trump may very well get re-elected off voter disgust about the riots.

    And after all that, the cop who crushed George Floyd's throat will still probably walk away with a light sentence, or none at all.

    A disaster all around.

  20. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman6:34 PM

    Jesse said...

    "These mobs aren't touching the White communities, they don't dare go there. They tried that already and got shot at by locals, so they retreated."

    These rioters are used to a life of bullying unarmed people. Their trip into the burbs is gonna be a short one.

    5:55 PM
    Oh sure! Tell that to Seattle, Santa Monica, West LA, and New York City. I guess you haven't watched much TV News lately. And they aren't "mobs": they are well organized groups with a political agenda - to discredit the legitimate protesters.

  21. "What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd"

    We're really going down this tone deaf road again?

  22. "All the riots will help convince white people of the dangerousness of black people"

    Nope, racists are gonna racist regardless but folks with open minds and a respect for all understand the protests. Waiting for white racists to give a shit about people of color is a fools errand.


    trump's administration is so bad he has to use the military to keep things from getting out of hand. That coward was in the WH bunker cowering so now he has to play tough guy and walk through a park.

  24. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman7:11 PM

    Of course, all the rioting will not help rectify police brutality.

    The rioters will ultimately get curb-stomped by the police/military.

    All the riots will help convince white people of the dangerousness of black people, and persuade them that the cops need MORE powers and MORE impunity to maintain order.

    Trump may very well get re-elected off voter disgust about the riots.

    And after all that, the cop who crushed George Floyd's throat will still probably walk away with a light sentence, or none at all.

    A disaster all around.

    5:57 PM
    Not this time. I think most Americans have had more than they can take of Trump and his lawlessness. Of course, I could by wrong.

  25. "The rioters will ultimately get curb-stomped by the police/military."

    Wrong approach, they should try to do what the police did in Flint and march with them. That went a long way to helping calm things down.


  27. The pig that killed Floyd had a longer rap sheet and his wasicu ass was protected with secrecy and a lack of public records. Floyd's past is an open book for all to manipulate and blow out of proportion even though it is totally irrelevant to his death.

    The pigs record, on the other hand, has everything to do with his propensity for committing acts of violence and shooting people. His white privilege will no doubt save his piggy pastey white hide again.

  28. drumpf body count......


    but this doesn't matter becAuse blacks are vicious animals and are burning everything in sight, except for what the alt right and boogaloo is burning.

  29. Anonymous7:57 PM

    “Wrong approach, they should try to do what the police did in Flint and march with them. That went a long way to helping calm things down.”

    I don’t think that will help much. Most of the protesters didn’t show up and then change their minds and decide to riot.

    The rioters came to riot.

    And since that is the case, you know that the police are just going to shut everyone down, rioters, protesters, press, whomever.

  30. A plague. Mass unemployment. Fire in the streets. What next, locusts?

  31. Anonymous8:39 PM

    The cop's police union appears to believe George Floyd had it coming.

    When I said everyone I meant the 99% of the country, including all politicians from parties, who were united in condemning this police man's actions.

    Of course you are simpleton who thinks the police union supporting one of their members negates the fact that there was no national dispute over what happened and no need to convince America to do the right thing by burning down all our cities.

  32. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Nope, racists are gonna racist regardless but folks with open minds and a respect for all understand the protests.

    Folks with functioning minds are going to realize there is no accommodating black people and that leftist scum need to expunged. Being real is not being racist.

  33. drumpf and his buddies stand around scratching each other's balls lamenting that minorities show no appreciation for all wasicus have done TO them, since the beginning.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Not this time. I think most Americans have had more than they can take of Trump and his lawlessness

    What the absolute fuck does Trump have to do with the actions a Democrat police force in a 100% Democrat city located in a Democrat-run state?

    Now we have riots exacerbated by Democrat-funded terrorists and accommodated by Democrat city mayors, but....Trump!

    Piss off.

  36. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:53 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Not this time. I think most Americans have had more than they can take of Trump and his lawlessness

    What the absolute fuck does Trump have to do with the actions a Democrat police force in a 100% Democrat city located in a Democrat-run state?

    Now we have riots exacerbated by Democrat-funded terrorists and accommodated by Democrat city mayors, but....Trump!

    Piss off.

    8:46 PM
    Fuck you, idiot.


    Bunch of pigs body slam black protester because he hurt their little pig feelings.

  38. Democrat-funded terrorists

    Prove it, bitch.

  39. Couldn't that creep just sort of go fuck himself for eight more months?

    Trump Breaks Up Peaceful Protest for Photo Op

    June 1, 2020 at 7:37 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 183 Comments

    Police and members of the U.S. military were deployed to clear out a peaceful protest outside the White House so President Trump could walk to a church and hold up a Bible for photographers, CNN reports.

    The Washington Post reports authorities used rubber bullets, flash bangs and tear gas to clear out the protesters.

    Axios: “Every single aide who traveled with him — including chief of staff Mark Meadows, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Attorney General Bill Barr, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, among several others — was white.”

    George Conway: “Has there ever been a lower moment in the history of the American presidency?“

    -Doug i Sugar Pine

  40. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:09 PM

    Kentucky man killed by law enforcement during George Floyd protest had provided police officers with free meals

  41. Wesley R9:11 PM

    Well Field, Bunker Don does nothing but hide and troll on twitter.
    Where I live, right wing groups have come in and burned businesses. The street gangs got together, and last night they shot one of those guys after they caught him trying to light a black business on fire.

  42. bitch from iowa said...
    Democrat-funded terrorists

    Prove it, bitch.

    "Hillary paid me to commit voter fraud and create violence"

    Burning black churches & blaming opponents to gain votes is not birddogging. That is terrorism. I can no longer support Hillary Clinton"

    Hillary paid to instigate violence at Trump rallies:

    "It's a very easy thing for Republicans to say they're bussing people in," Foval says in the video. "Well you know what? We've been bussing people in to deal with you fuckin' assholes for fifty years and we're not going to stop now. We're just going to find a different way to do it."!

  43. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Bob Creamer met with Obama 47 times.

  44. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Worn out granny says...

    "Not this time. I think most Americans have had more than they can take of Trump and his lawlessness. Of course, I could by wrong."

    You are wrong as usual. You don't speak for "most" Americans. You speak for yourself.

    Take off your liberal glasses and look at what most of America sees today. Those Americans see 60 plus years of liberal policy coming to fruition and they don't like it.

    "Lawlessness" indeed.

  45. Doug is a bitch9:34 PM

    "The Washington Post reports authorities used rubber bullets, flash bangs and tear gas to clear out the protesters."

    Strolling like a boss.

  46. Anonymous9:36 PM

    "When I said everyone I meant the 99% of the country, including all politicians from parties, who were united in condemning this police man's actions.

    Of course you are simpleton who thinks the police union supporting one of their members negates the fact that there was no national dispute over what happened and no need to convince America to do the right thing by burning down all our cities."

    Is it though? 99%? I doubt it.

    If the riots hadn't taken over and eclipsed the story of George Floyd's death, I imagine in a matter of days, the discourse would have polarized into the usual divisions, and a large chunk of the public would have come around to the same positions the cop's defense attorneys will take: Floyd's belligerent behavior necessitated the use of force, Floyd's ill health and intoxication were complicating factors in his death, the knee to the neck didn't really kill him.

    Happens with almost every officer-involved killing.

    And if any of those people were to end up on the jury, the cop would walk.

  47. Steve9:45 PM

    Black ethno-narcissism is boundless. They can only think in terms of themselves. All of their problems are due to external forces, and no one else has any problems worth considering.

    Blacks take zero responsibility for their action, and white liberals enable this by sanctifying blacks.

    What America needs to do is treat blacks as human beings with free will who, when they make good choices enjoy the benefits and when they make bad choices experience the consequences.

    Instead, The Establishment views blacks as our Sacred Cows, above criticism, but beneath agency.

  48. Watch out for these bitches:

    Sahil Kapur
    NEWS: A Twitter account claiming to belong to a national “antifa” organization and pushing violent rhetoric related to ongoing protests has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, according to a Twitter spokesperson.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  49. Democrats are terrorists that Veritas video with Foval is total bullshit and not worth the energy it takes to type this. Not even close.

  50. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Yeah, O'Keefe dubbed those words in their mouths.

  51. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Foval's admissions in court mean nothing.

  52. From the "no fair remembering stuff" file:

    Alex Cole
    Fun Fact: On this day in 1927, Trump's father Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


    Yeah, O'Keefe dubbed those words in their mouths. Most likely. That is his M.O. But you are too stoopid to understand how he edits tapes.

    The Acorn pomp tape was a total fraud.

  54. Yeah Mike, but ACORN was registering poor people to vote, and we can't have that, now can we?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  55. Fergus is singing an entirely different tune about governors and protesters now than he was this time last month.
    Is he a flip flopper?
    I know he's some kind of flopper because there are multiple national crises all happening at once and he has zero effective policy for dealing with any of them and is too busy hiding in his damn bunker, tweeting, and staging photo ops with military force to care about any of them.
    Never has there been so much failure in the presidency at once as there is right now.
    So I guess that makes him number one in a sick and twisted way, although he kinda seems more like number two.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  56. Anonymous11:06 PM

    ACORN was a democrat voter fraud operation.

  57. Hang the commies11:09 PM

    Trump’s strategic patience has given him free reign. Now he will not just be crushing street protests, he will be treating Antifa as the vast left-wing conspiracy that it is. And it will in all likelyhood implicate Democratic politicians, apparatchiks, academia, and the media.

  58. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:30 PM

    Anonymous Democrats are Terrorists said...


    9:17 PM
    Aren't they the group that employs James O'Keefe to make fake videos? And isn't he the guy who got caught and arrested for trying to bug a U.S. Senator's phone?

  59. Dindu Nuffin11:33 PM

    Remember when black people thought they couldn’t get coronavirus so they ignored the precautions while laughing at white people dying, but then they started dying in disproportionate numbers so they blamed racial inequality in the healthcare system?

    Good times.

  60. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Granny Halfwit said....
    "Aren't they the group that employs James O'Keefe to make fake videos? And isn't he the guy who got caught and arrested for trying to bug a U.S. Senator's phone?"

    When Granny can't dispute the evidence she attacks the source.

    "Just because there's a video of a democrat operative saying the DNC paid him to incite violence at Trump rallies doesn't mean anything because the democrat media told me he edits his videos"

    LOL you are such a nothing.

  61. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:38 PM

    Anonymous Buzzing Fly said....

    ...:You are wrong as usual. You don't speak for "most" Americans. You speak for yourself.

    Take off your liberal glasses and look at what most of America sees today."

    9:33 PM
    But I do speak for most Americans. Read the polls. More than 50 percent of American voters disapprove of Trump.

    What America sees today is that in some places black and possibly white men can be murdered by the police that are paid to protect them.

  62. We've been trying for about 55 years to shut down accurate depictions of urban reality to avoid hurting the fragile feelings of blacks, but have urban realities changed much despite all this effort to socially construct a fantasy of blacks as equally law-abiding?

  63. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 PM

    Doug in Sugar Pine 11:00 PM

    Hey Doug, Trump has already replaced James Buchanan as the worst president in U.S. history. Yup, Donald is rated dead last while he's still in office. I think that's first. The historians who rate presidents wait until after their term(s) end.

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:54 PM

    Anonymous said...

    ACORN was a democrat voter fraud operation.

    11:06 PM
    Debunked long ago - old news. Got anything new?

  65. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:03 AM

    Hang the commies said...

    Trump’s strategic patience has given him free reign. Now he will not just be crushing street protests, he will be treating Antifa as the vast left-wing conspiracy that it is. And it will in all likelyhood implicate Democratic politicians, apparatchiks, academia, and the media.

    11:09 PM
    Oh sure, and then they will all be arrested and frog marched to jail, just like Obama and his aids were. Oh, that's right, we're still waiting for that event. And we're still waiting for that report from Hawaii regarding Obama's "fake" birth certificate that Trump claimed was coming soon. In case you forgot, Trump said that in 2011.

  66. The damn fool has lost what was left of his mind.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  67. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:23 AM

    Anonymous said....

    When Granny can't dispute the evidence she attacks the source.

    "Just because there's a video of a democrat operative saying the DNC paid him to incite violence at Trump rallies doesn't mean anything because the democrat media told me he edits his videos"

    LOL you are such a nothing.

    11:38 PM
    LOL! I'm falling off my chair laughing at your post. I think all intelligent people would agree, if the source is not reliable, then the conclusion can't be any better. This is especially true when the source is a known liar who makes fake videos. BTW, thanks for the new nick name. It's less insulting than your last one.

    Granny Halfwit

  68. Anonymous12:30 AM

    "This is especially true when the source is a known liar who makes fake videos."

    Except O'Keefe has never been shown to be lying and his videos have never been shown to be fake.

    How do you 'selectively edit' a video to make a man say he was paid to incite violence at Trump rallies?

  69. Chadley Dudebro12:31 AM

    Civil War 2

    Brought to you by a fentanyl addict who tried to pass a counterfeit $20 and died of a coronary while being arrested.

  70. a nation without a dominant ethnic group is not a nation
    that's just not how human beings work
    identity matters

    the idea of hundreds of millions of raceless individuals uniting in their shared worship of the Constitution is a joke - it's not gonna happen

  71. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Police-reform was always within the purview of Democrat governors AND Democrat mayors, who specifically have hiring and firing power over police chiefs in the case of most all of these cities, if not all of them.

  72. Anonymous12:42 AM

    apparently every black is on the verge of greatness right before they get arrested with drugs in their pockets

  73. Anonymous1:33 AM

  74. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Dr. Allecia M. Wilson of the University of Michigan and Dr. Michael Baden, a former New York City medical examiner, were hired by Mr. Floyd’s family to help determine his cause of death

    Paid whores.......

  75. So how many of you Republicans are cool with Fergus deploying active duty military against US citizens on US soil?
    That's what he said he was gonna do tonight.
    Do you figure that your door won't be one of the doors that gets kicked in?
    Or maybe that he's just out there in the rose garden bullshitting and nothing will come of it?
    Or that you don't give a fuck as long as he owned the libs?
    I won't bore you with historical parallels, but you know damn well what they are.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  76. Anonymous1:48 AM


    Religious leaders condemn trump for using Bible as a prop. What a complete clown.

  78. No wonder the Field is out of pocket. My, my!

    Wackos that lament the failure of Unite the Right. Crazies that blame society's ills on democratic mayors and Jews. Idiots that lionize the two-bit fraud James O'Keefe. Blue Lives Matter guys defending police brutality, telling us that George Floyd had a violent history and had it coming. Some complete nutjob with the handle Dindu Nuffin claiming that black people ignored Corona virus guidelines and only have themselves to blame for outbreaks when everybody knows it's the fake libertarian shitheads who are trying to politicize the disease like democratic governors are all a bunch of wusses. Trump wanted the churches open for Easter. That was in early April. Some wanker who calls himself New York claims that the republic can never survive without a white majority. The biggest dumbshit to ever grace this blog, Chadley Dudebro who claims that George Floyd was a Fentanyl addict who died of a coronary during a routine arrest. You sick fuck! Chauvin waited until he heard his prisoner take his dying, fucking breath and then counted to one hundred before he released his weight upon his chest. The other three cops either stood by in silent witness to this murder or helped Chauvin pin Floyd to the ground.

    We have just about every stripe of American incel wannabe white supremacist right here in one page of text. When you guys grow up are you going to join Richard Spencer, Steve Bannon and David Duke?

  79. BTW the actions of these four policemen remind me of the one time I had to kill a rat that was caught in a glue trap.

  80. "We have just about every stripe of American incel wannabe white supremacist right here in one page of text. When you guys grow up are you going to join Richard Spencer, Steve Bannon and David Duke?"

    When your life is crap you have to try to find someone to look down on. I would pity them but we all know if they used the same energy they have to troll blogs to better themselves their situation would improve. They won't listen to me anyway because I'm just a Dindoo, NAPA, jogger or some other manner of inferior species. Ha! Oh well, irony is lost on these fools anyway.


    As America burned the "leader" turned out the lights and hid in the basement. How telling is that image? The man is in over his head but in typical fashion he pretends he knows what he's doing as things get worse. The world can see how inferior he is to his predecessor but the usual crowd would rather destroy everything than admit they actually aren't inherently superior. These clowns remind me of the Black Knight in the Holy Grail. LOL

  82. This just in. Floyd had a 2007 conviction for armed robbery and home invasion. So, I guess that makes it alright? He served his time. Five year sentence.

  83. Maybe none of this would have happened had we paid attention in 2016.


    WAPO catches O'[keefe in a reverse sting and exposes his operation again.

    If the video comes from Project veritas it is deceptively edited. Not worth watching unless you believe in right wing fairy tales.

  85. Anonymous9:25 AM

    George Floyd Was on Fentanyl, Medical Examiner Says

  86. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Medical examiner says George Floyd had 'fentanyl intoxication' and 'recent methamphetamine use' when he died

  87. Anonymous9:39 AM

    If you can continue to talk you can breathe.....

  88. Anonymous9:42 AM

    "So how many of you Republicans are cool with Fergus deploying active duty military against US citizens on US soil?"

    1. A lot of them aren't citizens.

    2. This is an organized insurrection.

    3. Lincoln set the precedent.

  89. Anonymous9:44 AM

    PilotX said...
    "As America burned the "leader" turned out the lights and hid in the basement"

    No, he walked over to a historic church burned by Godless communists.

  90. Not all heroes wear capes9:50 AM

    George Floyd didn't deserve to die for passing a counterfeit bill.

    But he was high on fentanyl and violently resisted arrest. If he had not fought getting into the police car, he'd be alive.

    Chauvin didn't have to stay on his neck for nine minutes. That's why he's charged with murder.

    Floyd is the kind of guy who broke into a pregnant woman's house with five other guys demanding money and drugs. When she didn't have any, he put a gun to her belly.

    This is the hero blacks burn down America for.

  91. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Antifa types tend to be exceptionally ugly. They seem to have a look about them that suggests their beef with society has less to do with ideology and more to do with how they came out kind of funny-looking.

  92. Anonymous10:32 AM

    America is like a disease reservoir where lunatic racial theories interact and then spill out onto other nations. So Maoris adopt the language of US blacks to conceptualize their wholly different relationship with NZ whites. UK blacks start to fantasize that they were segregated.

    If Americans can have a made up history, everyone wants the same made up history.

  93. Anonymous10:36 AM

    nobody has robbed my business:

  94. Anonymous10:39 AM

    One dead career negro criminal is worth billons in property damage and innocent loss of life???

  95. Kung Flu Fighting10:44 AM

    Firearms are the new toilet paper.

  96. One dead career negro criminal is worth billons in property damage and innocent loss of life???

    What could have been prevented had racist cops not decided to bag themselves another negro. By bag, I mean it both ways.

  97. Hang the commies10:49 AM

    When you've lost the SPLC…

    “I have not seen any clear evidence that white supremacists or militiamen are masking up and going out to burn and loot,” said Howard Graves, a research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center who tracks white supremacist and other anti-government extremist groups.”

  98. violently resisted arrest. Pigs claimed his violent resistance was dropping to the ground, period. He was easily extracted and handcuffed and led around with no problems.

  99. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
    - John Adams

  100. TalcumX10:54 AM

    Black Looters Matter

  101. Med Examiner said he had traces of two drugs in his system then claimed he was fentanyl intoxicated. By a trace? I'm sticking with the family's autopsy. It makes more sense.

  102. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:13 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "This is especially true when the source is a known liar who makes fake videos."

    Except O'Keefe has never been shown to be lying and his videos have never been shown to be fake.

    How do you 'selectively edit' a video to make a man say he was paid to incite violence at Trump rallies?

    12:30 AM
    Republicans Disgrace America By Using Fake Videos To Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood

    James O’Keefe, Now Even Creepier

  103. President Antifa11:14 AM

    As the first black President, Obama had a historic opportunity to heal the racial divide in America.

    Instead he cynically chose to inflame racial tensions for short term political gain. He turned out to be a small, petty man who left the dirt of Chicago politics all over Washington DC.

    Our cities are on fire today from the sparks he left all over the country.

    He could have been on Mount Rushmore, but now will be remembered for the damage he did and for the crimes of his administration.

  104. "No, he walked over to a historic church burned by Godless communists."

    He had to do that because he looked like such a punk the night before.


  106. Granny Clueless said...
    "Republicans Disgrace America By Using Fake Videos To Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood"

    From your own link:

    "these analysts found no evidence that CMP inserted dialogue not spoken by Planned Parenthood staff"

    Therefore, the statements are not "fake".

    "At this point, it is impossible to characterize the extent to which CMP’s undisclosed edits and cuts distort the meaning of the encounters the videos purport to document."

    So let's just pretend they are "fake".

    O'Keefe released the full transcripts and raw footage. There is no distortion of meaning by the edits.

    Regarding his videos involving Scott Foval, his admission of being paid by the DNC and the Hillary campaign to incite violence at Trump rallies could not be clearer.

    Before he went to jail, he publicly admitted to engaging voter fraud for Hillary and that Hillary paid to have black churches burned so that she could blame Trump.

    It doesn't take a huge leap in logic to think the Democrats are involved in funding the riots going on today. Because apparently, it's what they do.

    But you absolutely refuse to believe anything which implicates your side in any wrongdoing, no matter how clear the evidence. This is because you a disingenuous partisan cipher.

  107. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:32 AM

    flying Junior said.....

    We have just about every stripe of American incel wannabe white supremacist right here in one page of text. When you guys grow up are you going to join Richard Spencer, Steve Bannon and David Duke?

    3:14 AM
    We can bet they probably will join that group if they haven't already done so. Why else would they come to a Black blog and post their hate? Perhaps they are already on the payroll?

  108. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:36 AM

    Anonymous said...

    If you can continue to talk you can breathe.....

    9:39 AM
    Not so according to the experts. Google it.


  110. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:52 AM

    Anonymous said...

    PilotX said...
    "As America burned the "leader" turned out the lights and hid in the basement"

    No, he walked over to a historic church burned by Godless communists.

    9:44 AM
    But before he walked to the church, he had his troops interrupt a peaceful protest using violence. Trump broke the law by disobeying the First Amendment; ("the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances").

    When you talk about godless communists, you are following Hitler's playbook. As I recall, Hitler had his troopers burn the Reichstag in 1933 and blamed it on the Communists. This is an old trick and it's being used again today by the extreme right-win faction in America with wanna be dictator, Trump. Most of the trouble makers in the current demonstrations are well organized right wingers.

  111. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:56 AM

    President Antifa said...

    As the first black President, Obama had a historic opportunity to heal the racial divide in America.

    Instead he cynically chose to inflame racial tensions for short term political gain.
    Pleas tell us what Obama did to "inflame racial tensions."

  112. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:11 PM

    Democrats are Terrorists said...

    Granny Clueless said...
    "Republicans Disgrace America By Using Fake Videos To Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood"

    From your own link:

    "these analysts found no evidence that CMP inserted dialogue not spoken by Planned Parenthood staff"

    Therefore, the statements are not "fake".

    "At this point, it is impossible to characterize the extent to which CMP’s undisclosed edits and cuts distort the meaning of the encounters the videos purport to document."
    So here's another source for you. Did you know that O'Keefe went to jail for trying to bug a U.S. Senator's phone?

    Say what you like but there is no reason to trust anything O'Keefe says or does. He is a man without principles much like president trump.

  113. Time for Fire Hoses12:13 PM

    "But before he walked to the church, he had his troops interrupt a peaceful protest using violence."

    Like a boss.

    Rule of Law, baby.

  114. Granny Coper said...
    "Say what you like but there is no reason to trust anything O'Keefe says or does. He is a man without principles much like president trump."

    Political party that pays to incite violence: "Meh"

    Someone who reveals such crimes: "Man without principles"

    You of all people have no standing to lecture anyone about principles.

  115. "As the first black President, Obama had a historic opportunity to heal the racial divide in America."

    Well, during his administration the entire country wasn't on fire like it is now. And what EXACTLY should he have done to heal the racial divide? He was met with constant racism inflamed by the very man who is fanning the flames of racism right now.

  116. "Like a boss."

    Like a bitch. He hid in the basement.

  117. Principle Tenet12:23 PM

    "Did you know that O'Keefe went to jail for trying to bug a U.S. Senator's phone?"

    I hope Obama goes to jail for actually bugging the opposition U.S. Presidential candidate's phone.

  118. Virtually every official in Minnesota with influence over the Minneapolis police and the decision to keep Derek Chauvin on the force despite his alarming record is a Democrat: the governor, the attorney general, the Minneapolis congresswoman and the mayor. The city council consists of 12 Democrats and a Green Party member. The Democrat Party is the “system” that protected the bad cop and led to George Floyd’s death.

    Just as the Democrats protected the bad cops, so they encouraged the rioters by fueling the myth of America’s systemic racism, by not providing a sufficient police presence, when the mayhem started, to nip it in the bud, and by attacking Trump for “glorifying violence,” when he warned the rioters that if the local authorities failed to protect law-abiding citizens he would meet force with force.

    Democrat leaders like Sanders, Warren and Harris feed the myth that economic inequality is a systemic oppression of blacks when the majority of African Americans are in the middle class, and the source of gross poverty is the bad behavior of individuals. It has been statistically shown that not having children out of wedlock and getting a high school education will lift an individual out of poverty. The Democrat Party controls virtually all the failed public schools in the nation where year in and year out 40% of the students drop out before they graduate and 40% of those who do graduate are functionally illiterate.

    Democrat welfare policies and political dependence on teacher unions are 100% responsible for these deficiencies. The Democrats’ defense of their indefensible behavior is to blame Trump and Republicans for the resulting inequities and to call all their critics racists. Democrats are wedded to a collectivist ideology called Identity Politics, which erases the individual and individual accountability in order to indict and hold races responsible, as it happens the white race. This is the poisoned well of Democrat politics and it is why self-anointed champions of “black folk” have felt so free to dishonor the memory of George Floyd by burning American cities in order to advance their civil war against the United States.

  119. The stupid, it burns.12:41 PM

    I mean the Field education room? Wheres that at? Anybody know? :(

    You can't make this shit up.

  120. teh stupid12:47 PM

    White folk created and perpetuate racism but want the Black President to fix it for them. You can't make this shit up.

  121. The George Floyd riots are Trump's Willie Horton.

  122. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman12:55 PM

    Time for Fire Hoses said...

    "But before he walked to the church, he had his troops interrupt a peaceful protest using violence."

    Like a boss.

    Rule of Law, baby.

    12:13 PM
    No, violation of the First Amendment, Hon.

  123. Anonymous12:56 PM

    What about Jussie Smollett, is he safe? Does anybody know of his whereabouts? How can there be no info on the King of all blacks?

  124. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman1:00 PM

    Democrats are Terrorists said...

    Political party that pays to incite violence:

    12:19 PM
    Prove it. You can't. Just more bull shit to throw at the wall and see what sticks.

  125. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Pleas tell us what Obama did to "inflame racial tensions."

    He said "The officer acted stupidly" when Gates was chimping out.

    He said "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon".

    Those are just the two most obvious.

  126. "What about Jussie Smollett, is he safe?"

    He's probably not hiding in his basement.

  127. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Granny delusion posted...

    "Most of the trouble makers in the current demonstrations are well organized right wingers."


    So Trump is calling in troops to stop the "well organized right wingers".

    You put absolutely no thought into what you post. I'm sure a village somewhere is missing their idiot. You should not deprive your village of its idiot.

    Have a nice day.

  128. Those are just the two most obvious.

    Shit fer brains, do you understand what inflammatory means?

    Calling nations "shitholes" is inflammatory. Saying brown people are murderers and rapists is inflammatory.

  129. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Granny NPC believes absolutely everything the corporate press tells her.

    She is a mouthpiece for the establishment.

  130. Deplorable1:16 PM

    "Calling nations "shitholes" is inflammatory."

    How about calling Americans "bitter clingers"? How about telling Hispanics they need to "punish their enemies"?

  131. "Did you know that O'Keefe went to jail for trying to bug a U.S. Senator's phone?"

    No he didn't. He got three years probation and a fine.

  132. "No he didn't. He got three years probation and a fine."

    Gambler busted for lying again.

    Good catch, mike.


    funded by DeVos group including stoopid bitch that pretends to be Suckretary of Mis Education. This is a well established fact, unlike all the fake news attempts to pin blame on George Soros and Dems.

  134. O'Keefe and three others were arrested earlier this year when they entered the office of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) disguised as telephone workers, in an alleged attempt to tamper with the senator's phones and determine whether she was ignoring constituents' calls. They were initially arrested on felony charges, but the charges were reduced today to entering a federal building under false pretenses -- a misdemeanor.

    O'Keefe pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years of probation, a fine of $1,500 and 100 hours of community service, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports.

  135. Obama was trying to encapsulate why poor whitey was bitter about promises from government that didn't materialize. He wasn't gaslighting them the way drumpf does.

    Just sit back and remember when you had a decent, caring, articulate Democrat black guy in the White House and thank your lucky stars because you will never see ant of those traits in pathological lying drumpf, the criminal enterprise.

  136. I did not see Gambler's post about O'keefe. I saw Priciple Tenet's post @ 12.23 pm.

    But the truth speaks for itself. Obama did not order any wiretapping done to anyone.

  137. Anonymous1:42 PM

    President Halfrican spent his time in office waging a war on white America. He only cared about punishing whites.

    Anyone old enough to remember the election of David Dinkins as New York's first black mayor wasn't surprised that the election of Obama didn't radically change African American behavior. That was always a naive white fantasy.

  138. Everyone assumes that George Floyd was murdered. After all, we saw the knee on his neck. But what happens if the medical examiner claims that the evidence shows that fentanyl killed him? Is it possible for the police officer to get a fair trial at this point?

  139. drumpf body count keeps on trucking....


  140. Anonymous1:52 PM

    George Floyd had fentanyl in his system when he was killed, and died from a heart attack ... according to the medical examiner.

    Uh oh.

  141. Negroes1:54 PM

    George Floyd had fentanyl in his system when he was killed, and died from a heart attack

    Sorry about the riots. Our bad.

  142. King Baeksu1:56 PM

    Multicultural neoliberalism is a neverending shitshow.

  143. Because they don't2:39 PM

    NBA announcer Grant Napear placed on leave for Tweeting "All Lives Matter".

    Just like Hitler!

  144. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The total number of unarmed Black people killed by cops in 2019 was NINE. For that matter, only ~30 unarmed white and Hispanic guys and 41 unarmed people overall were killed that year. This happened in America, which has 330,000,000 people. "BLM" is fact-free nonsense.

  145. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Capitol Hill Dems are panicking because the ANTIFA monster, which they created, has been unleashed on Minority communities and liberal cities. They’re desperately trying to change the story from the horrors they unleashed on their constituents.

  146. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman3:26 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Pleas tell us what Obama did to "inflame racial tensions."

    He said "The officer acted stupidly" when Gates was chimping out.

    He said "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon".

    Those are just the two most obvious.

    1:00 PM
    How did these remarks "inflame racial tensions?"

    The cops did act stupidly arresting a man for being in his own home.
    As for the second remark, Obama spoke truth. If he had a son he would look like Trayvon.

    How can you classify these remarks as inflaming yet ignore the terrible things Trump says? Here's an example:
    1. On Tuesday morning, the President of the United States described the impeachment investigation against him as a "lynching." This is not by accident.

    Throughout his life -- and especially in his latest turn as a politician -- Trump has shown a willingness to weaponize race for his own gain.

    2. President Donald Trump doubled down on his attacks against four minority U.S. congresswomen on Monday and dismissed concerns that his comments were racist, prompting outrage from Democrats, who moved to condemn him in the House of Representatives.

    3. WASHINGTON – "
    President Trump's race-baiting attack on African-American athletes is nothing new. During the civil rights movement, blacks in the South who dared to stand up for justice were often punished by being fired from their jobs. Trump is demanding that National Football League team owners act like the white segregationists of old.
    It was gratifying to see the overwhelming rejection of Trump's hideous rabble-rousing by NFL players, owners and fans. But let's be clear: There is no reason, at this point, to give Trump the benefit of any doubt. We should assume Trump's words and actions reflect what he truly believes.

    His opening salvo, delivered Friday at a campaign rally in Alabama, could not have been clearer, or cruder: "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! He's fired. He's fired!'"

  147. The notion that President Obama inflamed racial tensions is an extremely false narrative, comically so in the light of our current KKK friendly demon in the WH.

    Obama laid it all on the line with a historical perspective from the birth of our nation to the world that his parents and grandparents lived in before his birth. It was a highly personal speech that many of us still remember from March of 2008.

    But you don't care about the truth.

  148. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Is it possible for the police officer to get a fair trial at this point?

    1:48 PM

    No, he has already been tried and convicted by the liberal commies. He will be sacrificed to move their evil agenda forward to destroy and control America.

  149. Anonymous3:55 PM

    He's probably not hiding in his basement.

    1:01 PM

    he is in some alley way on the "down-lo"

  150. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Pleas tell us what Obama did to "inflame racial tensions."

    "I'm going to fundamentally transform (destroy) this country"

  151. "Firearms are the new toilet paper."

    Please post video when you wipe your ass with a Glock.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  152. Anonymous3:59 PM

    The Kenyan Usurper is behind all of this.....


  153. "I'm going to fundamentally transform (destroy) this country"

    Um, you inserted the word destroy. That's not proof of anything. Then again Stephen Bannon said basically the same thing.

  154. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:02 PM

    MSNBC is reporting that Twitter says violent, right-wing groups are posting on Twitter urging violence and pretending to represent Antifa.

  155. "The Kenyan Usurper is behind all of this....."


  156. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The Kenyan Usurper is behind all of this.....

    3:59 PM
    And who would that be? There is no evidence that Kenya interfered with anything in America.

  157. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:06 PM

    Pleas tell us what Obama did to "inflame racial tensions."

    "I'm going to fundamentally transform (destroy) this country"

    3:57 PM
    LOL! is that all you got? Pathetic.

  158. Anonymous4:07 PM

    WATCH: Louisville police release video they say shows David McAtee shooting at officers

  159. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    MSNBC is reporting that Twitter says violent, right-wing groups are posting on Twitter urging violence and pretending to represent Antifa.

    4:02 PM

    FAKE NEWS from left wing commie propaganda tool. Not a legit news agency.

  160. Being Black means never having to say you're sorry4:13 PM

    "President Donald Trump doubled down on his attacks against four minority U.S. congresswomen"

    Because criticizing leftist racist lunatics is RACIST if they are not white.

  161. "LOL! is that all you got? Pathetic."

    You were expecting more?

  162. Anonymous4:15 PM

    "It was a highly personal speech that many of us still remember from March of 2008."

    I saw that speech and thought hey, this guy's not so bad. I'll take him over any other Democrat.

    But it turned out to be a bunch of lies, just like his whole administration was.

  163. I guess thousands dead from a killer virus, an economy in the tank, riots, record unemployment is what America looks like when it's great again.

  164. Eric "My People" Holder4:18 PM

    "President Trump's race-baiting attack on African-American athletes is nothing new."

    The kneeling and the whole BLM movement was based on the lie that black men face systemic oppression from law enforcement, which is shown to be false by an examination of the statistics.

  165. Lugenpresse4:20 PM

    "MSNBC is reporting that Twitter says violent, right-wing groups are posting on Twitter urging violence and pretending to represent Antifa"

    MSNBC is the media wing of Antifa.

    They also told us Trump colluded with the Russians. Remember that?

  166. ManGringo4:23 PM

    Barack Obama to Hispanics:

    "Punish your enemies!"

  167. "The kneeling and the whole BLM movement was based on the lie that black men face systemic oppression from law enforcement, which is shown to be false by an examination of the statistics."


  168. "Barack Obama to Hispanics:

    "Punish your enemies!"

    Fake news.

  169. What Obama actrually said is not in the least inflammatory.

    "If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies, and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us' -- if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election -- then I think it's going to be harder. And that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd."

    Nothing to see here. Another nothing burger.

  170. "They also told us Trump colluded with the Russians"

    The Republican led Intelligence Committe told us trump colluded with the Russians. Oh that's right, they're the deep state.😂😂

  171. "Nothing to see here. Another nothing burger."

    Well we do see typical right wing attempts to vilify people with deceptive quotes. No wonder they love James O'Keefe.

  172. Anonymous4:38 PM

    PilotX said...
    "The kneeling and the whole BLM movement was based on the lie that black men face systemic oppression from law enforcement, which is shown to be false by an examination of the statistics."


    Math, it's a white thing.

  173. They also told us Trump colluded with the Russians. Remember that?

    Mueller said drumpf and campaign colluded with Russians, but it did not rise to the level of a conspiracy, so there was collusion on several fronts, whether you want to believe reality or not.

    He also said there were at least 10 examples of obstruction by drumpf. It was laid out in black and white when the redacted transcripts were, the ones Barr lied about, were released.

  174. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:40 PM

    ManGringo said...

    Barack Obama to Hispanics:

    "Punish your enemies!"

    4:23 PM
    You got a source for that quote?

  175. mike from iowa said...

    "If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies"

    Thanks for calling out PilotX's ignorance, mike. Another good catch.

    Perhaps if he read something other than The Root he'd be more politically aware.

  176. ManGringo4:42 PM

    Granny five minutes behind said...
    "You got a source for that quote?"

    Ask mike.

  177. Ivan Beatinov4:43 PM

    "Mueller said drumpf and campaign colluded with Russians, but it did not rise to the level of a conspiracy"

    It must have just been the nice kind of collusion.

  178. President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

    President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

    President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

    President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

  179. I watched the alleged smoking gun video and saw not a single person fire a single shot at anyone. Better luck next time.

  180. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
    MSNBC is reporting that Twitter says violent, right-wing groups are posting on Twitter urging violence and pretending to represent Antifa.

    4:02 PM

    FAKE NEWS from left wing commie propaganda tool. Not a legit news agency.

    4:09 PM
    Wow! It took you all of seven minutes to respond!
    How did I know you were going to say that? Just clairvoyant, I guess. So
    you think Twitter is lying?

  181. Anonymous4:54 PM

    How demented must one be to try to blame the negro/Antifa riots on white supremacists?

  182. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:54 PM

    Lugenpresse said...

    "MSNBC is reporting that Twitter says violent, right-wing groups are posting on Twitter urging violence and pretending to represent Antifa"

    MSNBC is the media wing of Antifa.

    They also told us Trump colluded with the Russians. Remember that?

    4:20 PM
    Trump did conspire with the Russians. Read the report. Barr lied about what's in it.

  183. Wasicu wastey arrested in Minneapolis for handing out explosives and asking rioters to throw them at police.

    Ugly little fucker, like white scumacysts usually are.

  184. Anonymous4:58 PM

    "Ugly little fucker"


  185. "Math, it's a white thing."

    Trolling false information, it's a white thing.

  186. "How demented must one be to try to blame the negro/Antifa riots on white supremacists?"

    Because we all know white supremacists are all peaceful law-abiding citizens that have no interest in a civil war. Ok.

  187. Anonymous5:03 PM

    PilotX can fly an airplane, but he can't understand statistics.

    He should be driving a bus.

  188. The more you know5:08 PM

    Black men are only 6% of the US population, yet account for 42% of all cop killings.

    No wonder cops are wary around black men.

  189. "PilotX can fly an airplane, but he can't understand statistics."

    Sure kid, sure.

  190. "Black men are only 6% of the US population, yet account for 42% of all cop killings."

    Fake news.

  191. Oh sure, we can trust the statistics from the same guy that deceptively cropped a quote by Barack to make it seem menacing. Yeah, I'll trust those numbers. LOL

  192. Anonymous5:18 PM

    People who can't understand basic statistics, like PilotX, should not be allowed to vote.

  193. 'People who can't understand basic statistics, like PilotX, should not be allowed to vote."

    People who post deceptively edited posts to mislead should be barred from earth.

  194. Anonymous5:27 PM

    PilotX didn't even know Obama told Latinos to "punish our enemies".

    Imagine that. The President considered white people his enemies, and PilotX has his head so far up his ass he never even knew it!

    Stunning ignorance.

  195. "Raleigh, Charleston, Richmond, and the state of Mississippi are collectively cutting ties with the Confederacy. As part of the uprising response to the murder of George Floyd, throughout the country Confederate statues, relics, and memorabilia are being rightfully removed from structures that legitimize their presence."

    George Floyd would be proud.

  196. In fact, it was only about an hour after Trump’s most recent claim that there was “NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION” that Mueller slowly read into the record an opening statement that made obvious how wrong Trump was.

    “The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities,” Mueller said. But: “We did not address ‘collusion,’ which is not a legal term. Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.

    PilotX didn't even know Obama told Latinos to "punish our enemies".

    Blatant fucking lie, liar!

  197. "Imagine that. The President considered white people his enemies, and PilotX has his head so far up his ass he never even knew it!"

    Why not post the whole quote? Why edit it to make it seem menacing when clearly it wasn't?
    No wonder you have to post as anonymous.

  198. "We're gonna punish our enemies, and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us"

    How is that directed towards white people? I see that directed to political enemies and political friends. Is that how you read that also? Why do you assume he meant white people? Reading a bit into a simple quote aren't we kid?

  199. BTW the pig that shot Macatee was a wasicu sow.
