Monday, August 17, 2020


TWEET MENow this from Oliver Contreras writing for Mother Jones:

It's all about the birtherism stupid.

"President Trump is back on his birtherism bullshit.

At his Thursday afternoon press conference, a reporter asked if he thought Sen. Kamala Harris met the legal requirements to run for vice president. “I heard today that she doesn’t meet the requirements,” Trump responded, adding that he’d look into it.

Before we get into this, let’s be clear: Harris was born in Oakland, California.

But an opinion article in Newsweek written by the law professor John Eastman spurred the social media frenzy leading to this moment. In the article, Eastman uses discredited theories to suggest that Harris would be ineligible for the vice presidency because her parents were not naturalized citizens at the time of her birth.

Trump could have simply shot this down. Keep in mind that in 2008, when a woman at a campaign event called Barack Obama an “Arab”—a notion Trump helped spread— John McCain snatched the microphone from the woman’s hand and said, “No ma’am. He’s a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about.”

But, Trump being Trump, the president opted to fan the conspiratorial flames.

“The lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, very talented lawyer,” he began, never confirming the theory explicitly but not discounting it, either.

Eastman is not, in fact, the man Trump describes. As my colleague Pema Levy wrote in 2018, he is a member of a group of extreme theorists about citizenship:

The [14th amendment] states, ‘All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.” The condition “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is widely understood as a narrow carve-out for the children of foreign diplomats, enemy combatants on US soil, and American Indian tribes. But according to Eastman, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” actually means that in addition to being born in the United States, a child must have at least one parent who owes allegiance to the US government by being a permanent legal resident­…

Scholars on both sides of the aisle have pushed back against this idea. Garrett Epps, a liberal constitutional scholar, wrote in The Atlantic in July, “Erler’s work is, at best, scholarly malpractice. Anton’s reliance on this work is the constitutional equivalent of flat-earthism.” The congressional record, Epps argues, clearly shows that the members of Congress who wrote the 14th Amendment intended for it to include anyone born in the United States, with only narrow exceptions including the children of diplomats.

In Eastman’s hands, a faux nitpicking of legal theory provides a decoy for racism.

The man who jumpstarted his political career by claiming President Obama was not born in the United States couldn’t resist. “You’re saying that she doesn’t qualify because she wasn’t born in this country?” Trump said.

“She was born in this country,” the reporter clarified, “but the claims say that her parents did not receive their permanent residence at that time.”

“I don’t know about it,” Trump said. “I just heard about it. I’ll take a look.”

It’s not that hard to simply not engage in conspiracy theories—for anyone other than Trump."

Sadly, trump's racism and his racist conspiracy theories have rubbed off on many of his supporters. 

"Trump national delegate “Damn” Dean Peterson defended a racist post that referred to Senator Kamala Harris as “Aunt Jemima” by arguing that believing others would see the post as racist is “racist within itself.”

Peterson spoke at a Luray Town Council meeting this week in defense of Republican Mayor Barry Presgraves, who faces calls for his resignation after he posted a racist meme that read “Joe Biden has just announced Aunt Jemima as his VP pick” a few weeks ago.

A MAGA-hatted Peterson introduced himself as “Damn Dean Peterson,” and began by boasting “I am also an elected national delegate to elect President Donald Trump to a second term of office. Of which I have done and gotten my name known within the 6th congressional district by outing unethical behavior and conduct by those in power and making sure they are held accountable when it comes time to vote. Of which I took care of another one on Saturday.”

“This is what I do because our Bible is at the ballot box against socialism, which is vile evil, which goes along with identity politics, which is nothing but racist thinking from within itself,” he continued, then added “When you subdivide and categorize citizens by the color of their skin it is racist. And to assume that everyone who would see that post would think it’s racist is racist within itself.” [Source] 

You read that correctly. To call out racism in trump's America means that you are in fact the racist. 


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    The former FLOTUS does not even believe her own B.S. about Uncle Joe...she misses the spot light and doesn't want KH to be the HBEOTCHIC

    1. In the spirit of our forever first lady's powerful message, going high with truth to dispel a dead-wrong post.

      Mrs. Obama recorded her speech a week prior to the VP annoucement of Sen. Kamala Harris. Must say I agree with all those who've hailed the former first lady's speech as epic.

  2. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Chlamydia is trending on twitter right now.

  3. Eastman also got his ass kicked by Kamala in the 2010 election, so there's that. And remember that 2010 was a Republican wave election.

    The conspiracy obsession makes me take the adderall accusations more seriously. Adderall is amphetamine, and there's something about amphetamine use and conspiracy theories that is near universal.

    I know a microbiologist who got his degree from Yale and was working at a large biotech company in the late eighties, and has since gone on to work in a university research lab in the south where he has had a couple of fairly high-profile papers published.

    He used amphetamines and still, despite his scientific background, was terribly interested in conspiracy theories. I straight up asked him if it was the speed, and he said "Probably."

    So maybe Fergus just can't help himself. JFK was supposedly given amphetamines by Dr. Max Jacobson, who later lost his medical license over it, and JFK didn't seem too interested in conspiracy theories, although his murder has become the biggest one ever.

    It was said at the time, though, that JFK's leadership did improve after Dr. Jacobson's treatments were discontinued.

    So perhaps at the very least someone could stage an intervention and take Fergus' adderall away from him at least until he's left the presidency.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Trump has a strange disorder. He is incapable of seeing things that he doesn't like; they just become invisible to him.

    Such as Kamala Harris' citizenship. And the 170,000 Americans he has allowed to die.

  5. You could tell by the Biden campaign sign behind her that didn't yet say "Biden/Harris" if you were actually looking.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  6. THIS.....right here, per Mr. Field's post: But, Trump being Trump, the president opted to fan the conspiratorial flames.

    “The lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, very talented lawyer,” he began, never confirming the theory explicitly but not discounting it, either.


    Since due diligence requires actively reading and researching fact-based evidence, of course, the president embraced the worldview of a law professor espousing extremist overreach of the 14th Amendment.

    This is along the same lines as the president extolling the virtues of a quack doctor touting hydroxychloroquine despite fatal health outcomes.

    Millions of American workers, small businesses and their families are suffering in every measure of life quality. Plus tens of thousands are dead, all because these alt-right policy positions and conspiratorial theories support a dangerous narrative.

  7. Sharing a poignant speech from DNC Monday evening convention. Young leaders such as Kristin Urquiza, who compassionately and authentically, speak truth to power, fill me with hope for the future.

  8. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Trump has a strange disorder. He is incapable of seeing things that he doesn't like; they just become invisible to him.

    11:33 PM

    A lot of people have that strange disorder, just about different things


  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    CNN Poll Shows TRUMP SURGING 10 POINTS as Kamala Harris Becomes a DISASTER for Biden!!!

  11. Anonymous11:09 AM

    The DNC opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner, who do they think they're fooling?

  12. Anonymous11:12 AM

    When is Keese Love scheduled to speak?

  13. Jeanine11:21 AM

    So Field are you saying Harris isn't eligible to be on the ticket? Who will they pick to replace her?

  14. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Kamala is a Marxist.

  15. King Kang11:49 AM

    BLM is a Jewish led terrorist organization that uses African Americans as a cudgel for subjugation of white people for their own ethnic desires of universalism.

    I say terror because they approve of violence and looting, vandalism etc, towards anyone who doesn’t pay tribute to a agenda of racial wealth confiscation. They work hand in hand with state and local governments to levy violence towards their enemies without retaliation.

    They can't just seize everything as of now, so instead the aggressors are granted implied immunity from breaking the law while anyone else is sued, attacked, charged with crimes, or economically pressured to fall in line. That’s just the facts and the reality of the situation.

  16. Michelle Obama in 2020: Joe Biden is a profoundly decent man, guided by faith.

    Michelle Obama in 2013: Harvey Weinstein is a wonderful human being, a good friend.

  17. Anonymous12:26 PM

    The Billy Porter / Stephen Stills jam was the high point of the convention so far:

  18. If it's racist to call someone racist, then it's racist to call someone racist for calling someone racist. It refutes itself!

  19. The RNC will wave America's red-white-and-blue flag, but not Russia's white-blue-and-red. Who do they think they're fooling?

  20. Ivan Beatinov12:55 PM

    Not you, the clever genius who sees through all of Putin's machinations!

  21. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I'm not racist, I'm anti-Anti-Racist.

  22. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Trump sold 20% of US mailbox reserves to Russia in return for $170 million in donations to his crooked foundation.

  23. Neb Flanders1:53 PM

    Michelle Obama lied, AP fact-checker points out:
    MICHELLE OBAMA, on Americans: “They watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages."

    THE FACTS: The reference to cages is misleading and a matter that Democrats have persistently distorted.

    Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border. They are chain-link enclosures inside border facilities where migrants were temporarily housed, separated by sex and age.

    At the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border, photos that circulated online of children in the enclosures generated great anger. But those photos — by The Associated Press — were taken in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.

  24. drumpfism equals deathism...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Moar milestones passed by the way his very day. drumpf body count is rocketting drumpf's nasme up the serial killer list of all time biggies. He had to be good for something, afterall.

  25. Must be payday for Russian/Wingnut trolls that has them all out koyote kerfluffeling today. Part of drumpf's plans to dominate the net during Dem convention.


    Manafucked the fort was handing drumpf campaign info directly to Russian agents. Putin was directly involved in campaign meddling and drumpf knew it. drumpf knew all about the wiki leaks shit. When WAPO was going to release Hollywood Access tape, drumpf had stone contact wiki leaks to release emails and 30 minutes after the posting of the video, Clinton's emails were released on line.

    drumpf, Stone and Mangyfort are beyond prison time. Execution for treason is appropo.

  27. Drumpf wrote Hillary's emails!

  28. So oleandrin? They do know that it's one of the top five plant-based poisons used in murders and suicides, right?
    I guess it's better than geezing Lysol, but isn't that kind of a low bar in a worldwide pandemic that we're the global fuck-ups of?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  29. Honest government ad:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  30. Anonymous6:10 PM

    400 years of power...and control and they will stop at nothing to maintain it.
    And the mere thought of a "Black" woman running the country... Their second greatest FEAR! .OMG!

    You ain't seen nothin the craziness will really begin.
    Voter disinfranchisement knows No Limits. Fasten your seat belts cause America is getting ready to be turned inside out.

  31. Anonymous6:15 PM

    "And the mere thought of a "Black" woman running the country... "

    Harris is the anchor baby for two foreign parents, one a half black-half white Jamaican, the other a dot Indian. She grew up in Canada.

    Tell us again how she has anything in common with African American women.

  32. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Selfish No Maskers Say:
    "You're messing with my civil liberties. The hell with common courtesy and decency towards others that I may infect. To hell with the doctors and nurses and the rest of the front line workers."

    Unselfish Rational Thinker That Understand The Importance of Wearing Masks Respond:
    "Well it's attitudes and behaviors such as yours that make it necessary to make laws to protect others from your selfish and dangerous behavior.

    You can go without your mask when you die from the virus and are placed in your coffin."

  33. So the "Postmaster General"/RNC finance chair has "suspended" all further fuckery to the USPS until after the election, even though more drop boxes were seen being stolen after he supposedly stopped that practice also.
    Hopefully, the lawsuits being filed over it will reversse the damage they've already done, but postal workers themselves say that as long as the overtime is reinstated, the election should be fine, given the capacity the generally have.
    Still, I don't trust anything this administration says farther than I could spit a rat.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  34. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Re: History, biology, chemistry and anthropology, and geography lesson:

    The ethnogenesis of the Afro-Jamaican people stemmed from the Atlantic slave trade of the 16th century, when enslaved Africans were transported as slaves to Jamaica and other parts of the Americas. The first Africans to arrive in Jamaica came in 1513 from the Iberian Peninsula.

    If your skin is brown and yo hair is iz Black and of African descent. This is nothing new under the sun.

  35. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Kamala Harris is BLACK and ASIAN.
    Yes, India is considered an Asian country.

    So as Tiger Woods also refers to himself..... she is "BLASIAN"


  36. Anonymous6:50 PM

    "So the "Postmaster General"/RNC finance chair has "suspended" all further fuckery to the USPS until after the election"

    Don't be too confident of that. He has staffed the entire USPS with low-IQ, shiftless do-nothings who steal valuables and throw away mail instead of delivering it. Trump's fuckery knows no bounds.

  37. Donald Trump attacked Libya for no reason and later left our Ambassador to die, then he lied and said it was all because of a You Tube video! That's not who we are!

  38. Anonymous7:07 PM


    Didn't pappy say he was descended from an Irish guy who was the largest slaveowner in Jamaica?

  39. drumpf body count likely to surpass 175k yet today as drumpf keeps killing and keeps the bodes chilling.

  40. Drumpf paid China to make virus that kills Democrats!

  41. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The real divide is not between races but between those who hate white people and those who do not.

    Put all the non-self-hating whites on one side with all the non-whites who don't hate them, and all the self-hating shitlibs together with all the anti-white POCs on the other and see who makes a better society.

  42. Anonymous7:57 PM

    No surprise...
    self hatred always causes the average black to claim their "white slave master" ancestry first when listing their many ethnicities. Their black part is usually left for last on the list and in some cases not mentioned at all.
    They could be as black as the ace of spades and still tell you that they're Irish.

    For years (because West Indian slaves) were allowed to read they felt that they were some how elevated.
    Forgetting the fact that they were still "slaves" at the end of the day.

    This is what brainwashing does.

    But when all of the West Indians came to America...they found out what being a N__ __ __ ___ R is all about.

    Not too many of them are still running around screaming "God Save The Queen" and "I'm Not Black."

  43. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Caribbean blacks are lighter-skinned and smarter than American blacks.

  44. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    CNN Poll Shows TRUMP SURGING 10 POINTS as Kamala Harris Becomes a DISASTER for Biden!!!

    11:01 AM

    No need to get excited over one poll that favors Trump. The ABC poll that came out the same day shows Biden leading by 10 points. And a CBS Poll on the day before also found a ten point lead for Biden. Furthermore, an NBC poll on Aug 12, found Biden leading by nine points. RCP's average is Biden + 7.7 in the month of August so far.

    Please see Real Clear Politics

  45. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Kamala is a Marxist.

    11:32 AM
    Prove it Anon.

  46. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:05 PM

    King Kang said...

    BLM is a Jewish led terrorist organization that uses African Americans as a cudgel for subjugation of white people for their own ethnic desires of universalism.

    They can't just seize everything as of now, so instead the aggressors are granted implied immunity from breaking the law while anyone else is sued, attacked, charged with crimes, or economically pressured to fall in line. That’s just the facts and the reality of the situation.

    11:49 AM
    Prove your silly accusations, Kang.


  48. European whites are lighter-skinned and smarter than American whites.

  49. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:10 PM

    Manafucked the fort was handing drumpf campaign info directly to Russian agents. Putin was directly involved in campaign meddling and drumpf knew it. drumpf knew all about the wiki leaks shit. When WAPO was going to release Hollywood Access tape, drumpf had stone contact wiki leaks to release emails and 30 minutes after the posting of the video, Clinton's emails were released on line.

    drumpf, Stone and Mangyfort are beyond prison time. Execution for treason is appropo.
    True. Mike, and the Senate committee that reached these conclusions was dominated by Republicans who are the majority on all senate committees.

  50. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "And the mere thought of a "Black" woman running the country... "

    Harris is the anchor baby for two foreign parents, one a half black-half white Jamaican, the other a dot Indian. She grew up in Canada.

    Tell us again how she has anything in common with African American women.

    6:15 PM
    Probably a lot more than you do, unless you are a black woman.

    Harris spent PART of her childhood living in Montreal, after her mother moved to the city for her work. She attended college at Howard University, then earned her J.D. at UC Hastings College of the Law.

  51. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Trump will always be Obama's legacy.

  52. Whitey Whitman9:57 PM

    PilotX said...
    European whites are lighter-skinned and smarter than American whites.

    PilotX thinks skin color correlates with intelligence.

    I would guess he's pretty light-skinned himself.

  53. Whitey Whiteman is irony-deficient. FYI, he was responding to Anonymous 7:59 pm.
    But maybe Whitey Whiteman knows this, and _was_ Anon 7:59. I wouldn't put such trickery past our pet trolls.

  54. "Trump will always be Obama's legacy"? This neatly denies Trump any personal agency or responsibility, which is just what the orange sociopath wants. It's amazing what a low opinion Trumpists have of Trump - and therefore themselves.

  55. Dem convention is some kind of a nightmare. As usual the foreign policy portion was the most ominous. Pledges to be "tougher" than Trump, with calls for interventionism and occupation dressed up as a commitment to "alliances" and vague idealized multi-lateralism. Then again Joe voted for the Iraq War, so what do you expect.

    Even Sanders said he would consider military action against the DPRK earlier this year for conducting missile tests. That would likely trigger WW3.

    Meanwhile, Gabbard was savaged by the Democratic Establishment for rejecting endless war and interventionism.

    The Dems are nuts

  56. John Rivers12:37 AM

    New York has the highest death toll and the 2nd highest number of deaths per capita from Covid19 and 3 times the national average death rate

    and yet Cuomo is being praised by the Jewish Media for how he handled it, if you watch CNN and MSNBC, if you read the NYT, Cuomo and New York are presented as the model for the rest of the nation

    only New Jersey has done a shittier job than New York - 48 other states managed to kill fewer of their citizens per capita than the Butcher Cuomo did, most of them 3-4 times fewer

  57. MINNEAPOLIS - In a new filing in the case against a now-fired Minneapolis police officer involved in the killing of George Floyd, the officer’s attorney alleged that Floyd overdosed on fentanyl while resisting arrest and in doing so contributed to his own death, arguing the charges against the officer should be dropped.

    Thomas Lane is charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter in connection with Floyd’s Memorial Day death. In July, his attorney, Earl Gray, filed a motion to dismiss the charges against Lane, arguing there is not enough evidence to establish probable cause that the former rookie officer committed a crime.

    In Monday’s filing, Gray doubled down on the idea that Floyd swallowed drugs while the officers were attempting to take him into custody, pointing to the disappearance of a white spot on Floyd’s tongue in the body camera video. He argues it looks like “2 milligrams of fentanyl, a lethal dose.”

  58. only New Jersey has done a shittier job than New York -

    drumpf has killed at least 175,110 body count victims in approximately 5 months. He choked his gopher when he should have been a pretend leader and, therefore, he wins the mass killer derby hands down and up and down and up...

  59. Moar on Senate bi-partisan Russia findings....

    Kilimnik part of “a cadre of individuals ostensibly operating outside of the Russian government but who nonetheless implement Kremlin-directed influence operations”. It adds that key oligarchs including Oleg Deripaska fund these operations, together with the Kremlin.

    The investigation found that Kilimnik tweets under the pseudonym Petro Baranenko (@PBaranenko). The account regularly propagates Moscow’s line on international issues, such as the conflict in Ukraine and the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.

    The fact that a Republican-controlled Senate panel established a direct connection between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence makes it harder for Trump and his supporters to allege that the investigation into possible collusion was a “witch-hunt” or “hoax” as the president has repeatedly claimed, in the remaining three months before the election

  60. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:07 AM

    From Crooks and Liars at

    Cowardly Confederates Scatter As BLM Wins The Day At Stone Mountain
    A bunch of gun-toting wingnuts are shouted down at Stone Mountain. And they left their Confederate flags behind -- leading to the comment, "six flags burning over Georgia" LOL
    By Common Dreams

  61. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Trivia question:
    Name one country in the world ,other thab of the USA, that elevated (or elected) an American descendant or ADOS ( for the uninformed Africans Descendants Of Slaves as we are NOT “people of color”) to one of the highest offices in the country?

  62. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Moar on Senate bi-partisan Russia findings....

    Kilimnik part of “a cadre of individuals ostensibly operating outside of the Russian government but who nonetheless implement Kremlin-directed influence operations”. It adds that key oligarchs including Oleg Deripaska fund these operations, together with the Kremlin.

    The investigation found that Kilimnik tweets under the pseudonym Petro Baranenko (@PBaranenko). The account regularly propagates Moscow’s line on international issues, such as the conflict in Ukraine and the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.

    The fact that a Republican-controlled Senate panel established a direct connection between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence makes it harder for Trump and his supporters to allege that the investigation into possible collusion was a “witch-hunt” or “hoax” as the president has repeatedly claimed, in the remaining three months before the election

    9:09 AM


  63. Anonymous11:13 AM

    CHICAGO August 1st-18th
    Shot & Killed: 33
    Shot & Wounded: 219
    Total Shot: 252
    Total Homicides: 34

  64. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:55 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Trivia question:
    Name one country in the world ,other thab of the USA, that elevated (or elected) an American descendant or ADOS ( for the uninformed Africans Descendants Of Slaves as we are NOT “people of color”) to one of the highest offices in the country?

    10:21 AM
    Does anyone else understand this gibberish? ADOS are not people of color? And what makes the anonymous writer of this post think he/she is the authority on the subject?

  65. Anonymous12:01 PM

    @ Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...

    Its a black thing you wouldn't understand (being married to a black does NOT count)

  66. Anonymous at 1959 thinks skin color correlates with intelligence.

  67. "Its a black thing you wouldn't understand (being married to a black does NOT count)"

    Yes it does.

  68. drumpf kills moar bodies for his body count...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    All by hisself drumpf makes negroes in Chicago look like chump change when it comes to murdering. Every fucking minute of the day drumpf kills.

  69. Dumbold Duck2:22 PM

    It’s not that hard to simply not engage in conspiracy theories—for anyone other than Trump."

    Forget Sen. Kamala Harris. Looks like Precedent Dumbold Trump needs to start paying attention to all those folks wearing life jackets who are still hanging around him. He's being abandoned by all but a few of his republican abettors. Are they conspiring to let him do the heavy lifting all by himself? Some tough elections coming up and several of his most notorious supporters are silent. Why is that? Are they starting to distance themselves from him because it increases their chances to win? The republicans are looking pretty bad.

    He promised to drain the swamp. Instead we see him riding in a golf cart. Why hasn't it been done? Are the rest of the rats going to just sit back and let him continue to embarrass himself?

    He talked about draining the swamp while the real work was in the cities and on the farms.

    He didn't even build his stupid wall. But he is turning this country into the ghetto.

    If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and has a's probably a lame duck.

  70. Anonymous3:22 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Anonymous at 1959 thinks skin color correlates with intelligence."

    How much white ancestry do you have?

  71. President Cancel Culture is calling for a boycott of Goodyear for discouraging their employees from wearing MAGA apparel at work.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  72. So now that Laura Loomer has won her Republican primary, will she get her Twitter account back?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  73. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:25 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Its a black thing you wouldn't understand (being married to a black does NOT count)

    12:01 PM
    What the fuck? I never said being married to a black man qualified me for any thing. And you still didn't explain the issue to me. So why did you bother to post something snotty? Or is that how you get your kicks?

  74. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:28 PM

    Hey, Dumbold Duck, GREAT POST!

  75. "How much white ancestry do you have?"

    Dunno, how much Black ancestry do you have? Pick a screen name and we can do some DNA testing. Sounds like fun.

  76. Dumbold Duck5:02 PM

    @4:28 PM Gambler2 ASKA White Woman

    Thanks. I appreciate you.


  77. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman5:51 PM

    From the front page of Taegan Goddard's Political Wire today:

    "Charlie Dent Endorses Biden

    August 19, 2020 at 4:51 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 105 Comments

    "Former Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) crossed party lines and endorsed Joe Biden for president."

    "Said Dent in a piece written for CNN: “Biden is fundamentally a decent and honorable man who respects the American tradition, supports the rule of law, embraces America’s friends and allies, and will restore some semblance of normalcy to the functioning of government. That’s all I want — and not too much to ask of a President. Biden will perform these duties respectfully and with dignity.”

  78. drumpf body count surpassed one new milestone today, making drumpf an even moar mass killing killer than he was at noon, today....

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    All the tomorrows we wake up to will not make this hoax of drumpfuck the mass murdering dumbfuck disappear. Unfortunately, neither will he disappear.

  79. "But maybe Whitey Whiteman knows this, and _was_ Anon 7:59."

    Wait, you couldn't tell by the style of writing?🙄

  80. Former California raisin nutjob Rohrabacher received sensitive documents straight from Russian agents while in Russia in 2016. The documents allegedly dovetailed with Putin's attempts to get drumpf elected.

    Death for treason.

  81. Somebody wanna tell me why a jewish man is in charge of BLM?

  82. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Trivia question:
    Name one country in the world ,other than the USA, that elevated (or elected) an American descendant or ADOS ( for the uninformed African Descendant Of Slaves as we are NOT “people of color”) to one of the highest offices in the country?


    What about Jamaica . how about India, Israel, Africa, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Great Britain, Ireland, Brazil, or Costa Rica??

    Politics is a blood sport be careful who you ‘piss off’ be prepared -- political power players are everywhere – you are next on the list.

  83. Somebody wanna tell me why a jewish man is in charge of BLM?

    What business is it of yers? Can't Jews be black? Can't blacks be Jews?

    Can someone tell me why a pathological lying, criminal enterprise with shit fer brains loser is sitting in the kremlin annex?


    This film would be great comedy if it weren't so close to everyday life in America for Black people.


  86. "What business is it of yers? Can't Jews be black? Can't blacks be Jews?"

    Yup. I know a few. A Jamaican buddy of mine is Jewish.

  87. Affirmative Action is systemic racism.

  88. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:37 PM

    PilotX said....

    "But maybe Whitey Whiteman knows this, and _was_ Anon 7:59."

    Wait, you couldn't tell by the style of writing?🙄

    6:19 PM
    LOL! Most of our trolls write in the same style with a couple of exceptions. One is the long winded one who cuts and pastes "Scientific" articles on how superior whites are and one who calls me Granny while trying to tell me how dumb I am. ROTF!

  89. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:57 PM

    Anonymous Eric said...

    Affirmative Action is systemic racism.

    9:36 PM
    Poor little Eric. He can't get a job because Blacks took all of the jobs. Meanwhile, here are some facts for you:

    Unemployment percentage second Quarter of 2019
    Whites 3.5
    Blacks 6.1
    Asians 2.2
    Latinos 3.9

    Unemployment Percentage second quarter of 2020
    Whites 12.0
    Blacks 16.1
    Asians 14.3
    Latinos 16.7

    Please, cry me a river.

  90. I am black, and I am employed, thank you.

    Your numbers indicate how successful President Trump's policies were up until the unprecedented global pandemic, and why he should be re-elected if want the good times to return.

  91. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Come on 44 did Uncle Joe treat Anita Hill with that respect you talked about.If 42 got re-elected after ( cough cough), Trump surely can get reelected.

  92. Keep Fighting10:41 PM

    We are Democrats:

  93. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Biden is in trouble. A candidate who’s running away with the election doesn’t need a former president to belittle himself to boost his candidacy.

  94. You can tell from Obama’s speech that he had way smarter people than him staffing him in the White House.

  95. The depth of the democrat's delusions, the lack of self-awareness, and the ability to completely twist the fact that they are the source of division and chaos into a sense of fearful victimhood is really something to behold.

  96. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Black Lives Matter Supporters Run Over and Brutally Beat Raccoon to Death, Claim Only White People Worry About Animals (VIDEO)

  97. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Wow, Harris really is a dud.

    Amy Klobuchar was so obviously superior, but she lost the job because of racial quotas.

  98. Anonymous11:31 PM

    "Black Lives Matter Supporters Run Over and Brutally Beat Raccoon to Death"

    There's something really wrong with black people.

  99. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Obama is the most corrupt president, ever.

    2012: Obama gang uses IRS, FBI, DOJ to help Obama steal reelection.

    2016: Obama gang uses FBI, DOJ, State, CIA, etc. to try to steal election/undermine Donald Trump

    2020: Obama gang pushes Coup attempt against Trump to help protect Biden and try to steal election.

  100. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Joe Biden's academic credentials are unparalleled:

  101. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Democrats are so transparently the party of sterilized, soulless globalism. This is the Bank of America Convention. Cheap, hollow platitudes and canned montages that look like an insurance commercial.

    The GQ wardrobe, the Hollywood production, the crying children and people in wheelchairs-- it's an unfunny parody of the transparent farce that is American politics.

  102. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Free Blacks Rising:


  104. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Remember. No matter what happens this election season, Trump will always be be known as Obama's legacy.

  105. Man, the fear and desperation in here tonight is up to eleven.

    Maybe because the Democrats hit every note they needed to hit, while Fergus still doesn't know who will even speak?

    Because until, what? last week, he was still laboring under the delusion that he could give a MAGA rally speech to a packed house?

    Because what can he even say?

    "Elect me and I'll lamely try to fix some of the shit that I fucked up?" When even that would be just another lie, on top of the 20K+ lies he's already told us.

    He could no more try to fix the disaster he's caused than he could stop it from happening in the first place, because he doesn't know how, plain and simple.

    Like the rest of the goddamn Republicans, he's a post-policy motherfucker who doesn't give two shits about governing, can't govern, and has no interest in learning how.

    His basic pitch boils down to "Put me back in so I can keep playing this twisted power game for four more years while the statute of limitations runs out on the crimes I have been caught doing because I became president and made a higher level of law enforcement interested in my behavior."

    And had he lucked out and not faced a real crisis in office, he might have been able to skate on the Obama economy and racism and steal the electoral college again outright, but that never happens to presidents.

    There's always something in four years in America that requires leadership to deal with, and he fucked his up so badly that America is the only advanced country still without any effective response to it.

    170K dead and 1K more every day. Millions out of work. Hundreds of thousands of businesses gone forever. More than 5M cases, with 50K more each day. Are you tired of all the winning yet? Because I sure am.

    And that's what he and his idiot hordes really like, isn't it? That the sane people are sick of them.

    Well, there are more sane people than Pig People, and he obviously knows it, or he wouldn't be investing so much effort in cheating.

    A candidate who knows they have a platform that's genuinely popular doesn't dismantle the fucking postal service to stop people from voting on non-hackable paper ballots.

    Cheating is all he has really ever done, and it's all that he has left, along with his racism. Now we have to stop him from cheating where we can, and develop strategies to counter the cheating we can't stop this time.

    Then we have to do something about the cheating for the next time, and the time after that.

    Fuck that despicable creep and everyone so weak and lame that they were taken in by his obvious con.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  106. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Well, "Granny" you left out the "mudshark" part...besides that you are nearly correct. Congratulations and have a nice night.

  107. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Doug, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will win this November. Take heart. All is not lost. Give it a try. Whatever happens please don't cry.

  108. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Democrats have a huge problem. They didn't address all the cities in flames, anarchy in the streets, looting rioting, police departments being shut down. Instead they claimed it was Donald Trump's tweets that were 'a threat to our democracy' People think it's the former.

  109. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Obama was in a full blown panic tonight. He knows Biden is toast.

  110. Remember. No matter what happens this election season, Trump will always be be known as "Impeached drumpf, forever and ever"

    Fixed it for you.

  111. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Feel safe and secure with the monkeys roaming the streets???

  112. Anonymous10:28 AM


  113. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Aggravated Battery/Handgun| 6300 Block of South Ellis Avenue| 08/14/2020| RD #JD332659

  114. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:43 AM

    Eric said...

    I am black, and I am employed, thank you.

    Your numbers indicate how successful President Trump's policies were up until the unprecedented global pandemic, and why he should be re-elected if want the good times to return.

    10:18 PM
    It was Obama who took us back from the brink and rebuilt our economy after the Republicans nearly killed it a second time.

    Congratulations on being employed during the current pandemic that Trump gave us by calling it a hoax and refusing to take a leadership role in controlling it. Many people are not so lucky. Many people are hungry, sick, and/or dying because of Trump's failures. Re-elect him? I think not.

  115. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Its not the police shooting and killing black people, its other black people.

  116. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:46 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Biden is in trouble.
    You wish!

  117. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Chicago shooting: 2 shot inside parked car in Logan Square; boy, 6, inside vehicle not injured
    ABC 7 Chicago Digital Team 4 hrs ago

  118. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman10:57 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Democrats have a huge problem. They didn't address all the cities in flames, anarchy in the streets, looting rioting, police departments being shut down. Instead they claimed it was Donald Trump's tweets that were 'a threat to our democracy' People think it's the former.

    1:07 AM
    If what you say is true, then this situation is Trump's fault. He has done nothing to deal with it except send storm troopers to several major cities against the wishes of their local governments. Trump has done nothing to address the legitimate issues that people are demonstrating about. Trump is a "do nothing" president. He plays golf and tweets - no leadership, no attempt at reconciliation of the different factions of our country. He is a colossal failure.

  119. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman11:07 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Obama was in a full blown panic tonight. He knows Biden is toast.

    1:33 AM
    That wasn't panic, Anon. That was anger. Anger over the way Donald Trump has fucked up our country. Unlike you, Trump, and all of his other followers, Obama and the Democrats care about other people and wish to preserve our democracy. We do not want a dictator, a king, an emperor, or any other type of totalitarian government. Trump is going down in flames come November.

  120. Anonymous11:09 AM

    You can almost feel the desperation in granny's posts.

  121. Anonymous11:14 AM

    granny says...

    "Obama and the Democrats care about other people and wish to preserve our democracy."

    That's what I keep telling people when they see someone get kicked in the face at one of those democrat riot rallies. Sadly, they are having none of it.

  122. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Veronica Baker would have liked to vote. She'll never get the chance. Some folks just did not care about her. It does make one wonder why her story does not get national media coverage. It's almost as if the main stream media has an agenda. Will democrats burn, loot and murder over her? I'm going out on a limb here and say NO.


    Didn't see that coming?😳

  124. And Hillary is still free.😂

  125. Anonymous12:30 PM

    "Didn't see that coming"

    SDNY so you can assume it is a politically motivated prosecution that will likely fail.

    "And Hillary is still free"

    Proof that the justice system is corrupt.

  126. How funny to see an anonymous troll call someone else desperate. By concealing themselves, they reveal themselves.


    Now wait a minute, why was Bannon bilking idiots out of their money for the border wall when we all know Mehico is going to pay for it.

  128. "How funny to see an anonymous troll call someone else desperate."

    The projection is off the charts.

  129. "Proof that the justice system is corrupt."

    Man, been telling you that for decades.

  130. That's a whole lot of trump associates going to the pokie. How many is that? How many Obama associates went to jail? And remember, this is his FIRST term.



  133. Anonymous1:46 PM


    Didn't see that coming?😳"

    Yeah, it's shocking how the obviously fraudulent scheme turned out, in the end, to be a fraudulent scheme.

    The entire Republican Party has been reduced to a horde of credulous chumps being endlessly fleeced by shameless grifters, who stoke their anger and then empty their wallets.

  134. What be the chances that Bannon's arrest is just payback from drumpf for Bannon's tell all book he and drumpf broke up their bromance over?

  135. Bannon in jail for the fence grift? My, how the slimy have fallen.
    Fergus sure threw him under the bus in a hurry. There must be a sad little party going on under there.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  136. From Susie Madrak's blog:

    Joyce Alene
    Judge: Manhattan DA can get Trump’s tax records from Mazars. There may be an appeal, which means a little delay, but it’s all over except the shouting. Trump’s taxes will be in the hands of prosecutors either shortly before or after the election.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  137. Anonymous3:56 PM

    China coordinating with Anfifa/BLM on riots:

  138. "China coordinating with Anfifa/BLM on riots:"

    And Russia coordinating with trump on elections.


  139. Robert Mueller4:14 PM

    "And Russia coordinating with trump on elections."

    That's one thing we know isn't true.

  140. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:29 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Will democrats burn, loot and murder over her? I'm going out on a limb here and say NO.

    11:40 AM
    Anon, how do you know it was Democrats that were burning and looting. Many of those arrested were members of far right groups, such as Proud Boys and Boogaloo.

    In March, a Missouri man with ties to neo-Nazis was shot and killed when FBI agents tried to arrest him. Timothy Wilson, 36, was planning to bomb a hospital in the Kansas City area on the day that a stay-at-home order was scheduled to take effect, authorities said. Wilson told an undercover FBI agent that his goal was “to kick-start a revolution” and referred to his plans as “operation boogaloo,” according to an agent’s affidavit.

    In May, three alleged boogaloo members were arrested on terrorism-related charges in what federal prosecutors say was a conspiracy to spark violence during protests in Las Vegas over reopening businesses and George Floyd's death. Authorities allege the three white men filled gas cans and made Molotov cocktails in glass bottles and were headed to a Black Lives Matter protest, according to a copy of the criminal complaint.

    Violent instigators have hijacked peaceful protests and demonstrations across the country, including Nevada, exploiting the real and legitimate outrage over Mr. Floyd’s death for their own radical agendas," said Nicholas A. Trutanich, U.S. attorney for the district of Nevada.

    More:Men tied to 'boogaloo' movement conspired to spark protest violence in Las Vegas, feds say.

  141. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    You can almost feel the desperation in granny's posts.

    11:09 AM
    ROTF LMAO Thanks for the good laugh.

  142. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:35 PM

    Anonymous said...

    granny says...

    "Obama and the Democrats care about other people and wish to preserve our democracy."

    That's what I keep telling people when they see someone get kicked in the face at one of those democrat riot rallies. Sadly, they are having none of it.

    11:14 AM
    Those weren't Democrats, Anon. To avoid redundancy, see my post at 4:29 Pm.

  143. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman4:40 PM

    Anonymous said...

    China coordinating with Anfifa/BLM on riots:

    3:56 PM
    Fake News!

  144. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "Violent instigators have hijacked peaceful protests and demonstrations across the country"

    LOL. Granny wants us to believe she actually believes this.

    She's a riot.

  145. "LOL. Granny wants us to believe she actually believes this."

    There is evidence to suggest this. The FBI, Chicago PD and Richmond PD have all come to this conclusion.


  147. She's a riot. She happens to be right, douche bag.

  148. The only thing drumpfuck the dumbfuck is good at is making bodies to count through sheer incompetence.

    177, 223 today so far. That means drumpf personally killed these people because he is too fucking goddamn dumb to listen to doctors and scientists. For that alone he should be removed fro office, with force if necessary, tried by a jury of his peers and racked and pilloried and drawn, plucked and quartered before he is executed for treason. Impeached drumpf forever. The worst potus, not even Stephen King could conjure up a worse creature to claim too be the leader of the free world.

  149. Anonymous7:08 PM

    granny says...

    "Many of those arrested were members of far right groups, such as Proud Boys and Boogaloo."

    Many? Exactly how many? Quoting a fantasy piece by USA Today as fact is no way to go through life.

  150. Anonymous7:17 PM

    "The driver kicked unconscious during a mob attack in Portland says he has previously marched in support of Black Lives Matter — and believes he was only targeted because he is white."

    Granny, the victims name is Adam Haner. Is he one of the proud boys or a boogaloo boy? Asking for a friend.

  151. "Many? Exactly how many?"



    Wonder if trump is going to release his taxes this time around or does he have something to hide?

  153. Anonymous7:59 PM

    “Granny, the victims name is Adam Haner. Is he one of the proud boys or a boogaloo boy? Asking for a friend.”

    Hmmm, seems unlikely, since Adam Haner tweeted a bunch of junk implying George Floyd got what he deserved.

    So my money is on Adam Haner having gotten his ass kicked because he did something racist.

    Portland beatdown victim posted anti-George Floyd meme hours before assault

  154. Anonymous8:03 PM

    *seems likely

  155. Anonymous8:22 PM

    "So my money is on Adam Haner having gotten his ass kicked because he did something racist."

    Right. Posting a fact about George Floyd's drug use is justification for getting beaten unconscious.

    We get it, commmie.

  156. drumpf is still pulling in dead bodies...

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Moar milestones reached. Moar to get to tomorrow.

  157. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Two people gunned down in Brooklyn today; bystanders refused to call police because victims were white:

    Both died.

  158. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman8:42 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Violent instigators have hijacked peaceful protests and demonstrations across the country"

    LOL. Granny wants us to believe she actually believes this.

    She's a riot.

    4:47 PM
    Yes, I do believe it, Anon. Do you think I would believe a crazy person like you over reputable news reports? Not gonna happen, Sweetheart. Have a nice day.

    In March, a Missouri man with ties to neo-Nazis was shot and killed when FBI agents tried to arrest him. Timothy Wilson, 36, was planning to bomb a hospital in the Kansas City area on the day that a stay-at-home order was scheduled to take effect, authorities said. Wilson told an undercover FBI agent that his goal was “to kick-start a revolution” and referred to his plans as “operation boogaloo,” according to an agent’s affidavit.

    In May, three alleged boogaloo members were arrested on terrorism-related charges in what federal prosecutors say was a conspiracy to spark violence during protests in Las Vegas over reopening businesses and George Floyd's death. Authorities allege the three white men filled gas cans and made Molotov cocktails in glass bottles and were headed to a Black Lives Matter protest, according to a copy of the criminal complaint.

    Violent instigators have hijacked peaceful protests and demonstrations across the country, including Nevada, exploiting the real and legitimate outrage over Mr. Floyd’s death for their own radical agendas," said Nicholas A. Trutanich, U.S. attorney for the district of Nevada.

    More:Men tied to 'boogaloo' movement conspired to spark protest violence in Las Vegas, feds say.

    Alleged Followers of Boogaloo Movement Face Charges Linked to Protests
    Four men allegedly tied to right-wing extremists to appear in court this week after violence perpetrated during demonstrations after George Floyd killing

    Far-right extremists keep showing up at BLM protests. Are they behind the violence?
    JUNE 16, 2020 12:50 PM , UPDATED JUNE 16, 2020 11:15 PM

    Read more here:

  159. Gambler2 ASKA White Woman9:08 PM

    Anonymous said...

    granny says...

    "Many of those arrested were members of far right groups, such as Proud Boys and Boogaloo."

    Many? Exactly how many? Quoting a fantasy piece by USA Today as fact is no way to go through life.

    7:08 PM
    Yeah, sure, I'm the one living in a fantasy word. LOL! Do some research.
    Read all the articles. Then come back and tell me that they are all wrong and you are right, and I will laugh at your claim as I am laughing now.

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